Bryant Kite Scholarship Award Application


Bryant Kite Scholarship Award Application
Bryant Kite Scholarship Award Application
Deadline April 17, 2015
About Bryant
B r y a n t K i t e w a s a n in c r e d i b l e y o u n g m an w h o w a s a l o y a l f ri e n d , a
d e d i c a t e d b r o t h e r , an d a l o v i n g so n . B r ya n t h a d a h u g e h e a rt a n d h e a l w a y s
t o o k t h e t im e t o m ak e e v e r y p e r s o n i n h i s l i f e f e e l s p e c i a l . H e f i l l e d h i s l i f e
w i t h t h e p e o p l e h e l o v e d , a n d h e t r e a t e d e v e r y o n e w i th e q u a l r e s p e c t .
B r y a n t K i t e w a s a l e a d e r a n d a s t a n d u p p e r so n , e v e n w h e n o t h e rs a r o u nd
h i m w e r e n o t . H e wa s a y o u n g m a n o f in t e g r i t y a n d ch a r a cte r , a n d k e e p i n g
h i s wo r d w a s a l i f e s t y l e f o r h im . E v e n in t h e d a r k e s t o f t ime s , h e w a s t h e
l i g h t w e w e r e d r a w n t o f o r h e lp a n d s up p o r t .
Mission Statement
The miss ion of t he Bryant K it e M emo rial Fou ndat ion is t o g iv e
st rengt h and cou ra ge t o t hose af f ect ed by a l os s of a l ov ed o ne; t o
k eep his spirit st ro ng and ev er pres en t ; t o edu cat e t eena gers o n saf et y
aw arenes s; a nd t o prov ide s chol arshi p su pport t o st u dent s w ho best
exempl if y t he ou t s t anding qu al it ies e xhibit e d by Br yant du ring his
t ime on Eart h.
T he Bry ant Kit e M emorial Fou ndat io n w as cre at ed by h is cl ose f rien ds
and f amil y. Th e in spirat ion f or t his e ndeav or ev ol v ed d u ring
nu merou s discu ssi ons by so ma ny t h at l ov ed Bryant . Di scu ssio ns and
ref l ect ion on t he i nt ent of t his memorial f ou ndat ion set t l ed o n a
simpl e yet su bst an t ial goal : t o honor t he memory of a f a l l en f riend by
edu cat ing a nd l if t ing ot her indiv i du a l s t o t he height s of his o r h er
personal best . The promise of t his me morial f ou ndat ion is o ne o f
encou ragement , e d u cat ion and f in anc ial su pport . The sc hol a rship
recipi ent sh ou l d b e def ine d a s an ind iv idu al st riv ing f or harmo ny,
aca demi c d ist inct i on and at hl et ic ex c el l ence.
This scholarship is available for graduating seniors ONLY. The
application, instructions and the following checklist serve as a guide for
submitting a complete application. READ CAREFULLY
1) Application- Applicants must be graduating seniors who plan to attend
an Accredited College or University. A guidance counselor must fill out
the GPA and sign the bottom of the application.
2) Sports- Applicant must be a full time member of his or her High School
Athletic team. See Honors and Extracurricular Activity Check List. Use
the form provided to fill out information on honors and awards received.
Feel free to attach additional pages if needed.
3) Essay- In one page or less, the student applicant must state why he or
she deserves the award and specifically address qualities of excellence
you feel you exhibit that make you worthy of recognition as a BKMF
scholarship recipient. In an additional page or two (maximum), please
respond to the seatbelt question below AND choose ONE of the topics
from the list provided. This is your chance to present your best self to the
Scholarship Committee.
Question: Do you wear a seatbelt and why?
Topics: (Choose only ONE)
1. My goals for the future and how I plan to achieve them.
2. A personal challenge which I had to overcome and how I overcame it.
3. Someone who has had a significant impact on my life and why/how.
4) Letters of recommendation- Please submit two letters of
recommendation from a guidance counselor or teacher, and one from
your Head Coach, along with your application. Letters of
recommendation should be addressed to the Board of Directors, using
the address listed below. All recommendations are closed by way of
sealed envelop, and confirmed by the author’s signature on the back
sealed flap.
Note: GPA scores are to be filled in by your guidance counselor only.
Once all forms have been completed and collected, staple all sheets
together in the following order (do not forget to include two letters of
recommendation with your packet):
1. Completed Application
2. Signatures of student, parent, coach, counselor and GPA verified by
3. Essay
4. Letters of Recommendations
Please return your completed packet, postmarked by Friday April 17,
No exceptions and Send to:
Bryant Kite Scholarship Foundation
1927 Churchill Gate Cove
Cordova, TN 38016
Please type or print legibly all information on all pages
Name: _____________________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Phone: ________________
Street City/State Zip ________________________________________
High School:
Mother /Father /Guardian
Business Phone
Parents’ Occupations
Number of children dependent on parents’ financial support: _________
Age’s _____, ____, _____, ____, ____
Number of family members currently attending college: ___________
Describe any existing conditions that are causing unusual financial
Ex: illness, dental work, support of family by only one parent, etc.
GPA: ________________ (minimum 3.0 required)
Class Rank: __________________ (must be in Top 30%)
Intended majors
What are your career plans after college?
Student’s Employment Record:
Business, Type of Work, Approx. # Hours per Wk., Dates of employment:
Please list all requested information including the # of years involved.
Please be specific.
(You may add additional pages if needed.)
Scholastic Awards (Ex. Trustee, Honor Roll, History Award)
Please notate the year award was received
Athletic Awards (Ex. Baseball, Football, Track Team, Volleyball Captain)
Please notate the year award was received
Other Extra-Curricular Activities, Awards, or Honors
(Ex. National Honor Society, Beta Club)
Hobbies, Talents, or Interests not listed above:
(Ex. Tutor, Piano lessons, youth groups)
List other sources of financial assistance and the amount you will receive
for the coming academic year:
I certify that all information on this application is correct:
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
Head Coach Signature
Counselor’s Signature