Macedonian Herald Voice of the United Macedonians
Macedonian Herald Voice of the United Macedonians
UNITED MACEDONIANS JULI JULY 2007 Juli 2007 Established 1959 Proudly Canadian Makedonski Glasnik Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada Macedonian Herald Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada GODINA 48, BROJ 2 VOLUME 48, NUMBER 2 ISSN 1488-6006 Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 1 LUI TEMELKOVSKI INTRODUCED A PRIVATE MEMBER’S BILL FOR THE RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C-443 First Session, Thirty-ninth Parliament, 55-56 Elizabeth II, 2006-2007 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA BILL C-443 An Act to recognize the Republic of Macedonia FIRST READING, MAY 16, 2007 MR. TEMELKOVSKI SUMMARY This enactment provides for formal recognition by the Government of Canada of the Republic of Macedonia. Also available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address: 1st Session, 39th Parliament, 55-56 Elizabeth II, 2006-2007 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA Established 1959 Proudly Canadian BILL C-443 An Act to recognize the Republic of Macedonia WHEREAS Macedonia declared its inde-pendence from Yugoslavia in September 1991; Preamble WHEREAS the Government of Canada extended formal recognition to the independent nation as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on July 3, 1996; WHEREAS a number of countries with which Canada has close political and economic ties, including Russia, the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America, have recognized this nation under its constitutional name, the Republic of Macedonia; AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada now wishes to accept this nation’s constitutional name, the Republic of Macedonia, and to continue, under that name, its recognition of the nation; NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Commons, enacts as follows: United Macedonians Organization of Canada is the publisher of “Macedonian Herald” as a voice of the Macedonians in North America. Editor-in-Chief: Dragi Stojkovski Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada e izdava~ot na “Makedonski Glasnik” kako glasilo na Makedoncite od Severna Amerika. Glaven i odgovoren urednik: Dragi Stojkovski Editors: Borche Kulevski and Slobodan Petreski Urednici: Bor~e Kulevski i Slobodan Petreski Macedonian Herald advertising price list : Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page Back Page (full page) - $ 20.00 $ 65.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 SHORT TITLE Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the Republic of Macedonia Recognition Act. ACCEPTANCE 2. The Government of Canada accepts the constitutional name of the nation previously recognized as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and continues, under the name “the Republic of Macedonia”, the recognition of this nation. Acceptance Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons Available from: Publishing and Depository Services Public Works and Government Services Canada 2 685 McCOWAN ROAD P.O. BOX 66517 TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA M1J 3N8 TEL: (416) 490-0181 FAX: (416) 490-0398 Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007 Komentar Prv nastan: Ilinden P o ~ i t u v a n i sonarodnici. Eve n# povtorno pred u{te edno odbele`uvawe i prosla-vuvawe na Vtori Avgust, Denot nad denovite vo makedonskata nacionalna psiha. Ovoj den dobi va`nost vo makedonskiot nacionalen bit u{te vo drevni vremiwa, koga kralot Filip Vtori Makedonski i negoviot mlad sin Aleksandar Treti Makedonski, ja predvodea makedonskata vojska vo pobedonosen pohod protiv obedinetite elinski vojski. Ova se slu~i na 2-ri avgust, 338 godina pred na{ava era, na heronejskoto pole. So ovaa pobeda, neprijatelite na jugot od Makedonija ne se osmeluvaa da dignat glas protiv Makedonija s# do po~etokot na devetnaesettiot vek, koga, blagodarenie na golemite sili na vremeto, ja osnovaa gr~kata dr`ava. So prifa}aweto na Hristijanstvoto, Vtori avgust, ili Ilinden, kako {to potoa se nare~e, za Makedoncite dobi i versko zna~ewe. I ne slu~ajno, ovoj Den so nacionalno i versko zna~ewe, be{e odbran za osloboditelno vostanie na 2-ri avgust 1903 godina, protiv petvekovnoto Otomansko ropstvo. Iako vostanieto zavr{i neuspe{no i Makedonija u{te 10 godini ostana pod istoto ropstvo, pred potoa da bide podelena pod ~etiri dr`avi, sepak, hrabrosta koja makedonskiot narod ja poka`a protiv Osmanliite ja pottikna novata makedonska generacija intelektualci da ja iskoristat slednata mo`nost vo borbata za sloboda. Slednata mo`nost za sloboda koja se ispravi pred makedonskiot narod se slu~i za vreme Vtorata svetska vojna, koga toga{nata mlada makedonska generacija, ja odbra pravilnata strana i go vovede makedonskiot narod vo ~etirigodi{no nacionalno-socijalna borba za sloboda. Pobedonosnoto vostanie ja dobi svojata zavr{nica i potvrda na 2- ri avgust, 1944 godina, na Prvoto zasedanie na ASNOM (Antifa{isti~koto sobranie na narodnoto osloboduvawe na Makedonija) vo makedonskiot manastir “Sv. Prohor P~iwski”, kade se donesoa dalekuse‘ni re{enija za sozdavawe na vtorata makedonska republika. Vtor nastan: 49-ti Ilindenski piknik Vrv na Ilindenskite proslavi vo Toronto od 1959 godina e Ilindenskiot piknik vo organizacija na “Obedineti Makedonci”. Postarite na{i sogra|ani se se}avaat na propagandnata vojna koja bugarskite i gr~kite neprijatelski ma{inerii ja sproveduvaa protiv sekoj izliv na makedonsko nacionalno ~uvstvo. Vo toa vreme, tokmu Ilindenskiot piknik be{e trn vo oko na neprijatelskata propaganda i zatoa istovremeno organiziraa piknici za da se podeli makedonskiot narod. Me|utoa, nacionalniot duh, re{itelnost i dalekuvidost na vode~kite makedonski dejci uspeaja, ne samo da go oddr`at Ilindenskiot piknik, no i gi obeshrabrija neprijatelite koi bea primorani so vreme da se otka`at od svoite neprijatelski piknici. Podocna, istata neuspe{na sudbina ja do`ivea i jugoslovenskata zalo`ba da se skr{i grbot na makedon{tinata vo Kanada, preku obidot da se organizira paralelen Ilindenski piknik. Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada, kako predvodnik na makedonskiot narod vo Kanada i po{iroko, gi prebrodi site naleti na neprijatelite. Sega e do nas, site Makedonci, da ja iska`eme svojata nacionalna svest i spremnost za opstojuvawe. Zaedni~ki i vo zavidni brojki treba da se najdeme site obedineti na Ilindenskiot park vo Skugog, kade so dru`ewe, pesna i oro }e go proslavime Vtori Avgust - Ilinden. Dogodina “Obedineti Makedonci” }e go organiziraat jubilejniot 50ti Ilindenski piknik, a slednata 2009 godina Organizacijata ja slavi svojata 50-ta godi{nina od svoeto osnovawe. Pred takvi jubilei i dr`avi se raspa|ale, dodeka “Obedineti Makedonci” i ponatamu ja poka`uva svojata `ilavost; bidej}i s# dodeka Organizacijata e vo sluh so nacionalnite interesi na makedonskiot narod, nema kraj za nejziniot opstoj. Zatoa, povelete dragi Makedonci, so svoite semejstva na Ilinden! Tret nastan: Borba za makedonskoto ime vo Kanada Nie Makedoncite vo Kanada ne sme ve}e “siraci”. Imame nie pratenik vo Sojuznoto sobranie na Kanada koj mo`e da gi pretstavuva i unapreduva makedonskite interesi. A tie interesi se mnogu ednostavni: da si bideme svoi na svoeto, bez raznorazni nepovikani “kumovi”. Lui Temelkovski toa mnogu dobro go znae i zatoa go pretstavi vo Sobranieto vo Otava predlog-zakonot za “Priznavawe na ustanoto ime na Republika Makedonija”. Prvoto ~itawe na predlog-zakonot be{e na 16 maj 2007 godina (celiot predlog-zakon mo`ete da go pro~itate na vtora strana od ovoj vesnik). Sega “topkata e frlena na na{a strana” i nie treba na site strani i na site mo`ni na~ini da lobirame za predlogzakonot da go vidi “svetloto na denot”. Na Ilindenskiot piknik site posetiteli }e mo`at da se potpi{at na Peticijata vo poddr{ka na predlog-zakonot; istovremeno sekoj }e mo`e da gi popolni svoite podatoci do imeto na svojot sojuzen pratenik, za da znaeme koj {to i kade mo`e da lobira. ^etvrt nastan: Besceneto pretstavuvawe na Makedonskoto od Kanada Mladata skoka~ka vo voda od Toronto, napravi makedonska sportska istorija blagodarej}i na nastapot na Svetskiot kup vo Melburn. Iako nastapi bez svoj trener, Loren Karatanevski dostojno ja pretstavi Republika Makedonija i nas, Makedoncite vo Kanada. Nejziniot nastap vo Melburn, zaedno so slikata na Bi Bi Si (slikata e prika`ana vo tekstot na strana 19 od ovoj vesnik), e neprocenliva propaganda za makedon{tinata {irum svetot. Sli~en podvid napravi i na{iot sogra|anin od Montreal, d-r Gligor Delev, koj so makedonskoto zname se iska~i na Mont Everest (~itajte za ova na strana 17). Zarem seu{te ima nekoj vo Republika Makedonija koj ne veruva vo potrebata makedonskite iselenici da se vklu~at vo sekojdnevniot `ivot na dr`avata, s# do pravoto za glasawe na izbori. Dragi Stojkovski Na 1-vi april 2007 godina, Organizacijata Obedineti Makedoci vo Kanada gi oddr`a svoite redovni izbori na koi be{e izbrana slednata Uprava Izvr{en Odbor: Pretsedatel: Dragi Stojkovski; Prv potpretsedatel: Mendo Bakalovski; Vtor potpretsedatel: Peco Petli~kovski; Sekretar: Bor~e Kulevski; Blagajnik: Kire Karapalevski; ^lenovi na upravata: Ami{ Selmanovski ; Heri Petrev; Vlado Steriovski; Stase Yunyurov; Majkl Volkan; Eparhiski delegat: Don~o Risteski; Pretstavnik vo Kanadskiot multikulturen sovet: Qup~o Sekulovski; Sovet na Organizacijata (site porane{ni pretsedateli) Kontrolna komisija: Risto Durlov; @ivko Mangovski; Vlade Dimitrievski; Micko Dimovski; Kris Dimov; Sud na ~esta: Teli Mariov~e; Nikola Stojanovski; Ximi Sanders; Toni Markovski; Petre Vasilevski; Canadian Macedonian Place 850 O’Connor Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4B 3L6 - apartments for senior citizens 60 + - one bedroom, full kitchen, bathroom with bars especially designed for seniors, balcony or patio walk out - daily lunch provided - weekly linen provided - subsidy available upon request and availability - outdoor parking available - stanovi za lica 60 i + - edna spalna, kompletna kujna, toaleti posebno prilagodeni za starci, balkoni ili terasi so izlez nadvor - so dnevno obezbeden ru~ek nedelna promena na postelninata - parking vo dvorot na domot For more information please call Zlatka Cokov or Christine Ziskos Zboruvame makedonski Juli 2007 Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 3 THE FIRST MACEDONIAN ILINDEN - AUGUST 2nd, 338 B.C. THE MACEDONIAN VICTORY AT CHAERONEA Here we present the glorious Macedonian victory at Chaeronea, as described by Nicholas G.L. Hammond in “The Miracle that was Macedonia” (1991, p. 84) after which Philip became the hegemon over the Hellens ...The news that a Macedonian army was at Elatea caused consternation at Athens. Demosthenes was the man of the moment. He led a group of envoys to Thebes, where the Boeotians had not yet come to a decision. Athens asked for alliance against Macedonia, offering to pay two-thirds of the cost of the war and to give Boeotia overall command by land. A majority of the Boeotian Assembly voted in favour of alliance. It was a courageous decision, taken in the name of liberty; but it was one which broke the oaths of alliance with Macedonia and exposed the Boeotians to the possibility of suffering as Olynthus had suffered. Each side fortified its position. During the winter Philip offered conditions of peace to Boeotia and Athens; and through his influence the Phocian state was reconstituted by the Council of the Amphictyonic League as an example of reconciliation. Philip’s offers were rejected, Athens’ existing allies committed themselves to the war, and Demosthenes was awarded a golden crown at the Festival of Drama at Athens in March 338. A peaceful solution seemed impossible, and if there was further delay Persia, already at war with Macedonia, might give Athens more than financial aid. The Greeks made the mistake of dividing their superior forces into two detachments, some two days’ march apart. The smaller, consisting of 10,000 mercenaries, was deceived by a (false) message of a rising in Thrace and by a daytime withdrawal of the Macedonians. It relaxed its guard. Philip came back during the night, destroyed perhaps half of the mercenaries and captured Amphissa. He then offered terms of peace to Boeotia and Athens. They were rejected. On 2 August 338 the decisive battle was fought at Chaeronea. The Greeks held a strong defensive position in the plain between the fortified acropolis of the town and the riverbank of the Cephissus. Some 5000 light-armed infantry held the slopes below the acropolis, and the hoplite infantry, some 30,000 in number, was drawn up in a continuous phalanx of spearmen, eight men deep and some 3 kilometres long. The 10,000 Athenians held the left part of the line, the 12,000 Boeotians the right part, and the allies and 5000 mercenaries the centre. The Greek cavalry was in reserve. Philip commanded a smaller but much more experienced army of 2000 superb cavalry - part Macedonian and part Thessalian - 24,000 Macedonian pikemen, and some 6000 light-armed infantry. The initiative lay with Philip. His problem was to create a gap in the continuous line of hoplites, so that his cavalry, commanded by his son Alexander, could ride through the gap and take the line in flanks and rear. He achieved this by a daring parade-ground maneuver. He advanced leading his finest pikemen on the right wing of the phalanx line, which was in oblique order in relation to the Greek line, while the left wing was retarded, Alexander riding beside it with ten cavalry squadrons. Philip’s men marched in close order. When they approached the extreme left of the Greek line, still facing the tnemy they retreated to their right rear, ‘step by step, Philip keeping the phalanx contracted and the men protected inside their weapons’. The rest of the Macedonian line was still not engaging the enemy. The Athenians pursued impetuously to their left front, thereby causing the rest of the Greek line to move to its left in order to keep formation. But the righthand Boeotians did not dare to leave the protective riverbank and stood still, so that a gap opened up and widened in the phalanx line. Into the gap rode the Cavalry of Alexander and fanned out to attack the enemy in flanks and rear. At the same time, Philip ordered his men and the rest of the pikemen-phalanx to charge their opponents. The Greek line broke in disorder and a general flight ensued, except on the extreme right, where the Theban Sacred Band fell fighting to the last man... Phase I: Macedonians advance; Greeks stationary Phase II: Philip retreats, his centre and leftdvancing; Athenians, Centre and Boeotians advance to left front, but the Sacred Band stands firm Phase III: Alexander charges, the sentre engage, and Philip drives the Athenian wing up the Haemon valley The Battle of Chaeronea. Source: Nicholas G.L. Hammond, The Miracle that was Macedonia BORZA ON THE DISTINCTIVNESS OF MACEDONIANS The American Philological Association refers to E. Borza as the “Macedonian specialist”. In the introductory chapter of “Makedonika” by Carol G. Thomas, Eugene Borza is also called “the Macedonian specialist”, and his colleague Peter Green describes Eugene’s work on Macedonia as “seminal”. Ernst Badian from Harvard University writes: “It is chiefly Gene’s merit that recognizably historical interpretation of the history of classical Macedonia has not only become possible, but it is now accepted by all ancient historians who have no vested interest in the mythology superseded by Gene’s work.” Here are some excerpts from Borza’s writings regarding the Ancient Macedonians and the Ancient Greeks. On the matter of distinction between Greeks and Macedonians: 1) “Neither Greeks nor Macedonians considered the Macedonians to be Greeks.” On the composition of Alexander’s army: 2) “Thus we look in vain for the evidence that Alexander was heavily dependent upon Greeks either in quantity or quality.” 3) “The pattern is clear: the trend toward the end of the king’s life was to install Macedonians in key positions at the expense of Asians, and to retain very few Greeks.” 4) “The conclusion is inescapable: there was a largely ethnic Macedonian imperial administration from beginning to end. Alexander used Greeks in court for cultural reasons, Greek troops (often under Macedonian commanders) for limited tasks and with some discomfort, and Greek commanders and officials for limited duties... In other words, the role of Greeks in Alexander’s service was not much different from what their role had been in the services of Xerxes and the third Darius.” On the policy of hellenization with Alexander conquest of Asia and the Greek assertion 4 that he spread Hellenism: 5) “If one wishes to believe that Alexander had a policy of hellenization - as opposed to the incidental and informal spread of Greek culture - the evidence must come from sources other than those presented here. One wonders - archeology aside where this evidence would be.” On the issue of whether Alexander and Philip “united” the Greek city-states or conquered them: 6) “In European Greece Alexander continued and reinforced Philip II’s policy of rule over the city-states, a rule resulting from conquest.” On the ethnic tension between Macedonians and Greeks: 7) “The tension at court between Greeks and Macedonians, tension that the ancient authors clearly recognized as ethnic division.” On Alexander’s dismissal of his Greek allies: 8) “A few days later at Ecbatana, Alexander dismissed his Greek allies, and charade with Greece was over.” On the so called Dorian invasion: 9) The theory of the Dorian invasion (based on Hdt. 9.26, followed by Thuc. I.12) is largely an invention of nineteenth- century historiography, and is otherwise unsupported by either archaeological or linguistic evidence.” 10) “The Dorians are invisible archeologically.” 11) “There is no archeological record of the Dorian movements, and the mythic arguments are largely conjectural, based on folk traditions about the Dorian home originally having been in northwest Greece. 12) “The explanation for the connection between the Dorians and the Macedonians may be more ingenious than convincing, resting uncomfortably on myth and conjecture.” On the Macedonian own tradition and origin: 13) “As the Macedonians settled the region following the expulsion of existing peoples, they probably introduced their own customs and language(s); there is no evidence that they adopted any existing language...” On the Macedonian language: 14) “The main evidence for Macedonian existing as separate language comes from a handful of late sources describing events in the train of Alexander the Great, where the Macedonian tongue is mentioned specifically.” 15) “The evidence suggests that Macedonian was distinct from ordinary Attic Greek used as a language of the court and of diplomacy.” 16) “The handful of surviving genuine Macedonian words not loan words from Greek - do not show the changes expected from Greek dialect.” On the Macedonian material culture being different from the Greek: 17) “The most visible expression of material culture thus far recovered are the fourth - and third-century tombs. The architectural form, decoration, and burial goods of these tombs, which now number between sixty and seventy, are unlike what is found in the Greek south, or even in the neighbouring independent Greek cities of the north Aegean littoral (exception Amphipolis). Macedonian burial habits suggest different view of the afterlife from the Greeks’, even while many of the same gods were worshipped.” 18) “Many of the public expressions of worship may have been different.” 19) “There is an absence of major public religious monuments from Macedonian sites before the end of the fourth Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada century (another difference from the Greeks).” 20). “Must be cautious both in attributing Greek forms of worship to the Macedonians and in using these forms of worship as a means of confirming Hellenic identity.” 21) “In brief, one must conclude that the similarities between some Macedonian and Greek customs and objects are not of themselves proof that Macedonians were a Greek tribe, even though it is undeniable that on certain levels Greek cultural influences eventually became pervasive.” 22) “Greeks and Macedonians remained steadfastly antipathetic toward one another (with dislike of a different quality than the mutual long-term hostility shared by some Greek city-states) until well into the Hellenic period, when both the culmination of Hellenic acculturation in the north and the rise of Rome made it clear that what these peoples shared took precedence over their historical enmities.” 23) “They made their mark not as a tribe of Greek or other Balkan peoples, but as ‘Macedonians’. This was understood by foreign protagonists from the time of Darius and Xerxes to the age of Roman generals.” 24) “It is time to put the matter of the Macedonians’ ethnic identity to rest.” July 2007 Shirak Meat Product Ltd. Original Importer of Macedonian Products Avo Garabedian - Owner Great Place for Macedonian and Balkan Groceries Macedonian Style Coffee – Cheese Novi proizvodi od Makedonija: Xem od smokvi, Dafinka, Pelisterka, Gazoza, Strumka, sokovi i drugi. Imame i makedonski burek! - We Import Macedonian Products Regularly - New Products Come in Monthly - We Have the Best Prices in Town Tel: (416) 266-7519 1375 Danforth Rd., Mews Plaza, Unit 8, Scarborough, Ontario, M1J 1G7 Juli 2007 Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 5 VTORIOT MAKEDONSKI ILINDEN - AVGUST 2-ri, 1903 KRU[EVSKIOT MANIFEST Po sozdavaweto na Kru{evskata Republika vo 1903 godina, makedonskite osloboditeli se obratija do selanite od okolnite sela so poznatiot Manifest, preku koj gi povikaa da im se priklu~at za zaedni~ki da gradat posvetla idnina BRA]A ZEMJACI I MILI KOM[II Nie,va{ite ve~ni kom{ii, prijateli i poznanici od ubavoto Kru{evo i od negovite kitni sela, bez razlika na vera, narodnost, pol i ubeduvawe,ne mo`ej}i ve}e da ja trpime tiranijata na `ednite za krv i gladnite za ~ove~ko meso murtati, {to gledaat i nas i vas da ne doteraat do no`, i nas i vas da ne doteraat do pita~ki stap i na{ata mila i bogata zemja Makedonija da zaprilega na pusta pustiwa. Deneska dignavme glava i re{ivme so pu{ka da se branime od tie na{i i va{i du{mani i da dobieme sloboda. Vie mo{ne arno znaete oti nie ne sme lo{i i razbirate oti od maka si ja kladovme glavata v torba, za da za`iveeme ~ove~ki ili pak da umreme juna~ki! Bidej}i od dedoprededo si `iveeme kako bra}a na ovaa zemja, nie ve imame kako svoi i sakame dokraj da ostaneme svoi. Nie ne dignavme pu{ka protiv vas, toa bi bilo sram za nas: nie ne dignavme pu{ka protiv mirniot, trudoqubiviot i ~esniot turski narod, {to se prehranuva,kako nas so krvava pot-toj e na{ brat i so nego sme `iveele i pak sakame da `iveeme: nie ne izlegovme da kolime i da grabime, da palime i da kradime-dosta ni se zulumite na bezbrojnite derbei po na{ata sirota okrvavena Makedonija; nie ne izlegovme da porisja-nuvame i da gi obes~estime va{ite majki i sestri, `eni i }erki: treba da znaete oti va{iot imot,va{iot `ivot,va{ata vera i va{ata ~est ni se tolku skapi,kolku {to ni se skapi na{ite. Anxak za da si go zapazime imotot, `ivotot,verata i ~esta, nie sme zele pu{ka. Nie ne sme murtati na svojata zemja, {to ne rodila, nie ne sme aramii i jankesexii, a revolucioneri pod kletva da umreme za pravoto i za slobodata; nie se buntuvame protiv tiranijata i protiv ropstvoto; nie se borime i }e se borime protiv murtatite,protiv aramiite, protiv zulum}a-rite i jankesexiite,protiv nasilnicite na na{ata ~est i na na{ata vera i protiv tie {to ja smukaat na{ata pot i go eksploatiraat na{iot trud. Od nas i od na{ite sela da ne se pla{ite-nikomu zijan ne }e storime. Nie ne samo ve imame kako svoi bra}a, tuku i ve `alime kako svoi bra}a, bidej}i razbirame oti i vie ste robje kako i nas, robje na carot i na carskite begovi, efendii i pa{i, robje na bogatite i na silnite, robje na nasil-nicite i zulum}arite {to ja zapalija car{tinata od ~etirite strani i {to ne nateraa nas da digneme glava za pravo za sloboda i za ~ove~ki `ivot. Za pravo, za sloboda, i za ~ove~kiot `ivot ve kanime i vas da dojdete zaedno da vodime borba! Elate bra}a musli-mani, pri nas, da trgneme protiv va{ite i na{ite du{mani! Elate pod bajrakot na Aftonomna Makedonija! Makedonija e zaedni~ka na{a majka i vika za pomo{. Elate da gi skr{ime sinxirite na ropstvoto, da se kurtulime od maki i stradanija i da gi presu{ime rekite od krv i solzi! Elate pri nas, bra}a, da si gi sleeme du{ite i srcata i da se spasime,ta nie i na{ata ~elad i pre~elad da `iveat mirno, da si rabotat spokojno i da napreduvaat! ...Mili na{i kom{ii! Kako Turci, Arnauti i muslimani, Razbirame,vie se si mislite oti carstvoto e va{e i oti vie ne ste robje,{tom na carskiot bajrak nema krst a ima yvezda i mese~ina. Oti ne e taka i oti gre{ite,vie brgu }e se setite i }e go razberete. Ama ako vi e namuz da dojdete pri nas i da se objavite protiv carskata tiranija,nie,va{ite po tatkovina i po stradawa bra}a,nema da se doka~ime i ne }e ve mrazime.Nie sami }e se borime i za nas i za vas, ako e potrebno, do eden }e umreme pod bajrakot za na{ata i va{ata sloboda i za na{eto i va{eto pravo. -Sloboda ili smrt e napi{ano na na{ite ~ela i na na{iot krvav bajrak! Nie ve}e go dignavme toj bajrak i nema vra}awe. Ako i vie n# imate kako va{i bra}a i ni go sakate dobroto, ako esapite pak da `iveete so nas,kako {to ste `iveele do sega i ako ste verni i dostojni sinovi na majka Makedonija, mo`ete da ni pomo`ete samo so edno ne{to - a toa e golema pomo{: da ne se zaorta~ite so du{manite, da ne dojdete so pu{ka protiv nas i da ne pravite zulumi po risjanski sela! Neka Gospod Bog ja blagoslovi Svetata borba za pravoto i slobodata! Neka se `ivi borcite za slobodata i site ~esni i dobri makedonski sinovi! Ura! Za Aftonomna Makedonija! The Manifesto of the Krushevo Republic Fellow countrymen and dear neighbours ! We, your perennial neighbours, friends and acquaintances from beautiful Krushevo and its pretty villages, regardless of faith, nationality, sex or conviction, not being able to endure any more the tyranny of bloodthirsty murtats who hunger for human flesh, who would like to lead both you and us to slaughter, to reduce both you and us to poverty, and to turn our dear and wealthy land of Macedonia into a wasteland, 6 we have today raised our heads and decided to defend ourselves with rifles in our hands from our and your enemies, and obtain freedom. You know very well that we are not evil and you understand that it is trouble that made us risk our lives, so that we might begin living like human beings or die like heroes! And because since the times of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers we have lived together like brothers of this land, we consider you as our own, and would like it to remain the same forever. We have not raised our rifles against you - it would be shameful for us to do so; we have not raised against the peaceful diligent and honest Turkish people who, like ourselves, earn their living through sweat full of blood - they are our brothers with whom we have always lived and would like to live again; we have not risen to slaughter and plunder, to set fire and steal - we have had enough of countless derebeyis pillaging and plundering our poor and bloodstained Macedonia; we have not risen to convert to Christianity and disgrace your mothers and sisters, wives and daughters; you should know that your property, your lives, your faith and your honour are as dear to us as our own. Alas, we have taken up arms only to protect our property, our lives, our faith and our honour. We are not murtats of our own land that has given birth to us, we are not robbers and plunderers, but revolutionaries Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada sworn to die for justice and freedom; we rebel against tyranny and against slavery; we are fighting and will fight against murtats, against robbers, against oppressors and plunderers, against besmirchers of our honour and our faith and against those who benefit from our sweat and exploit our labour. Do not be afraid of us and of our villages - we shall not harm anyone. Not only do we consider you as our brothers, but we also feel sorry July 2007 for you as our brothers, since we understand that you are slaves like ourselves, slaves of the Sultan and of his beys, effendis and pashas, slaves of the rich and powerful, slaves of tyrants and oppressors, who have set fire to the empire from all four sides and have made us rise up for justice, for freedom and for human life. We invite you, too, to join us in our struggle for justice, freedom and human life! Come, Moslem brothers, let us together go against your and our enemies! Come under the banner of “Autonomous Macedonia”! Macedonia is the mother of us all and she calls on us for help. Let us break the chains of slavery, free ourselves from suffering and pain, and dry the rivers of blood and tears! Join us, brothers, let us fuse our souls and hearts and save ourselves, so that we and our children and our children’s children might live in peace, work calmly and make progress!... Dear neighbours! We understand that you as Turks, Arnauts and Moslems might think that the empire is yours and that you are not slaves since there is no cross on the imperial flag but a star and a crescent. You will soon see and understand that this is not so and that you are wrong. Nevertheless, if you honour does not allow you to join us and declare yourselves against the Sultan’s tyranny, we, your brothers in suffering and of the same homeland, shall do you no harm and shall not hate you. We will fight alone both for you and us, and if necessary, we will fight to the last man under the banner for our and your freedom, for our and your justice. “Freedom or Death” is written on our foreheads and on our bloodstained banner. We have already raised that banner and there is no way back. If you consider us as your brothers, too, if you wish us well, if you intend to live with us again as you have lived up to now, and if you are faithful and worthy sons of our mother Macedonia, you could help us in one way at least - and it would be a great help indeed - do not make partners of the enemy, do not raise guns against us and do not oppress the Christian villages! May God bless our holy struggle for justice and freedom! Long live the fighters for freedom and all honest and good Macedonian sons! Hurrah! For “Autonomous Macedonia!” Nikola Karev, President of the first Macedonian Republic in 1903 Juli 2007 Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 7 TRETIOT MAKEDONSKI ILINDEN - AVGUST 2-ri, 1944 KODOT NA ILINDEN Praznuvaweto na golemiot hristijanski praznik vo ~est Sveti Ilija e voedno i najgolem praznik na makedonskata narod, koja dlaboko vo sebe go ima vtisnato Kodot na Ilinden - vtoriot den od osmiot mesec vo godinata. Slu~ajnost ili ne, toj den vo tri navrati niz svojata istorija, poka`uval deka e dostoen na imeto koe go nosi, deka `elbata da se bide svoj na svoeto e posilna od s# i deka slobodata nema cena. Dvata posledni Ilindena vo HH vek, 1903 i 1944 godina, pravat edno istorisko zaokru‘uvawe vo procesot na sozdavaweto na makedonskata nacija, koj po ni{to ne se razlikuva od na~inot, principite i vremeto na sozdavaweto na balkanskite i na pogolemiot del od evropskite nacii-dr`avi. Periodot me|u celosnoto zaokru`uvawe na nezavisna i smostojna makedonska dr`ava e periodot na postojana bitka vo sebedoka`uvawe i poka`uvawe na ostanatite, osobeno na sosedite, deka nema da im bide taka ednostavno da ne stavat pod nivna “za{tita”, nitu deka sme “nivni”, “isti so niv” po rod, jazik, tadicija, istorija i kultura. Tuku trebalo da se Narodot koj gi sozdal Ilindenskite svetilnici poka`al deka slobodata, nezavisnosta i nacionalnoto dostoinstvo imale svoj priroden tek, deka ni{to ne e podareno, odzemeno na {teta na drugite, nitu od niv bara nekakva pomo{ ili protektorat. Prepolnetata du{a so radost i pogledot pred premre‘enite o~i na Panko Bra{narov na otvoraweto na ASNOM na Ilinden 44-tata, vo koj toj gi gleda kako se razdvi`uvaat site reki vo Makedonija “od P~iwa i Vardar, do Mesta i Bistrica”… “ za da go izmijat desetvekovniot ropski sram od propasta na Samoilovata dr`ava” e radost i `elba nerealizirana i do den-denes vo du{ata na sekoj Makedonec. Me|utoa, ne i se naraduvavme mnogu na “novata, svetla i slobodna makedonska dr`ava”, kako {to saka{e Panko, nastanite koi sledea godinite posle odr`uvaweto na ASNOM, progonite, zatvoraweto, ubivaweto na makedonskite patrioti prodol`i i vo periodot na t.n. socijalizam, bea `rtvuvani idealite na Ilindencite, vo imeto na noviot ideal na federacijata i na bratstoto-edinstvoto. Ne odgovorivme soodvetno na predizvicite koi gi donese novoto vreme, vo koe uspeavme za prv pat po Samoulovoto carstvo da imame svoja dr`ava. Dozvolivme ucenite i barawata za potrebite na sosedite da gi smetame za svoja doma{na zada~a, se otka`avme od gri`ata za 8 na{ite malcinstva vo sosednite dr`avi, si go smenivne prekrasniot smbol na starata makedonska dinastija 16krakoto sonce, koe mnogu kratko go ukrasuva{e na{eto zname… Noviot tret milenium za nas zapo~na so vojnata so albanskite bandi, nitu toga{ na{iot odgovor ne be{e soodveten. Dozvolivme da se stavime vo uloga na gubitnici, namesto edna{ i zasekoga{ da go zamol~ime albanskiot separatizam, go potpi{avme so navednati glavi sramniot Ohridski ramkoven dogovor. Posle nego Makedonija ve}e ne mo`e da se vbroi vo posto~kite voobi~aeni modeli na nacija-dr`ava, tuku, na primer, na kanadskiot, avstraliskiot - kako multietni~ka, m u l t i k u l t u r n a , polilingvalna tvorba, kako nepostoe~ki urnek koj e neprinemuvan za Evropa. U{te mnogu predi-zvici se ispre~eni na toj pat kon kone~noto zastanuvawe na zdravi noze za koe }e ni treba doblest i hrabrost da im se opulime pravo v o~i samite me|u nas, pravilno da gi procenime gre{kite od minatoto, kako pouk de ne gi povtorime. Vo sprotivno, mo`ene da go zagubile i ona malo preostanato par~e zemja od Makedonija, da bideme izbri{ani od svetskata geografska karta. Ne be{e samo Bra{narov kogo “revolucijata go izede”, taa progolta mnogu svoi ~eda, vo imeto na nekakvi zaedni~ki “jugoslovenski” ideali. Vo imeto na “dobrososedskite” odnosi so Republika Grcija be{e premol~uvan eden od najgolemite genocidi voop{to slu~eni vo svetskata istorija, pogromot i progonot na iljadnici Makedonci od sopstvena teritorija. Do den denes se vodat pregovorite “za razlikite okolu imeto na Makedonija”, ime koe, kako neviden primer vo svetskata politika i praktika, bevme i se u{te sme ismevani so stupidnata kratenka, FIROM. Ne pomal e i zlo~inot izvr{en so katastrofalnata privatizacija na dr`avniot kapital po osamosojuvawto, edna od najlo{ite na~ini na privatizirawe vo site biv{i socijalisti~ki zemji. Kako rezulat na toa iljadnici mladi, stru~ni kadri zasekoga{ ja napu{tija dr`avata, opusto{uvaj}i u{te edna{ sli~no na efektot na golema prirodna katastrofa. Se toa dovede kaj golem del od Makedoncite da se javi, ili povtorno proraboti, crvot na somne`ot deka “ne ne biva za pravewe ili imawe na dr`ava”, “deka “nema da ja bide nitu ovaa”, deka “Makedon~eto” “bilo i }e bide pod drugi”, oti “ne go biva”. Edna{ zasekoga{ treba da bideme na~isto so ovie nekolku konstrukcii, koi mu se sprotivni na duhot na Ilinden. Deminutivot “Makedo~e” , kako simbol na nekoe malo, sitno, slabuwavo detence, koe ima potreba od ne~ija poddr{ka, ne mo`e da bide opis za Makedonecot, u{te pomalku e vistina deka “nema da ne bide”. Narod koj dal takov pridones vo svetskata civilizaciska ba{tina, koj ja opismenil Evropa i bil predvodnik vo nejzinata hristijanska kultura i umetnost, ne e prikladen da se narekuva malo, nesposobno “Makedon~e”. Za site razumni i realisti~ni, objektivni li~nosti, organizacii ili dr`avi vo svetot koi gi razbiraat rabotite, i koi sakaat da gi priznaat tie Metodija Andonov - ^ento, na 2 avgust 1944 god. izbran za pretsedatel na Prezidiumot na ASNOM, i povtorno izbran na Vtoroto zasedanie na ASNOM, 29 i 30 dek. 1944 god. vistini ve}e nemaat dilemi. Nivnot odnos kon nas e protkaen so prijatelstvo, po~ituvame, dobronamernost i razbirawe. Onie koi s# u{te se vo dilema da go Prodol`uva na slednata strana ^LENOVI NA PREZIDIUMOT NA ASNOM 2 avgust 1944 godina Postojan raboten prezidium na ASNOM Pretsedatel – Metodija Andonov-^ento, trgovec od Prilep; Prv potpretsedatel – Pando Bra{narov, u~itel od Veles; Vtor potpretsedatel – Emanuel ^u~kov, direktor na gimnazija od Ki~evo. Sekretari: In`. Qubomir Arsov, bankarski ~inovnik od [tip; Dr. Vladimir Pole`inovski, pravnik od Ki~evo. ^lenovi: 1. Venko Markovski, poet od Skopje; 2. Cvetko Uzunovski, rabotnik od Prespa; 3. Bogoj Fotev, zemjodelec od s. Bistrica, Bitolsko; 4. Mihail Apostolski, general-major, komandant na NOV i PO na Makedonija, od [tip; 5. Strahil Gigov, na~alnik na personalnoto oddelenie na Glavniot {tab na Makedonija, od Veles; 6. Petre Piruze, advokat od Ohrid; 7. Kiril Petru{ev, tipografski rabotnik od Skopje; 8. Jovan \orgov, sve{tenik od s. Drenovo, Kavadarsko; 9. Enaminonda pop Andonov, professor od Strumica; 10. Genadie Iliev Le{kov, zemjodelec od s. Drenovo, Brodsko; 11. Kemal Agoli, student po filozofija, od Debar; 12. In`. Lazar Sokolovski, economist od Kumanovo; 13. Vera Aceva, doma}inka od Prilep; 14. Kamber Hasan, zemjodelec od s. Dolno Disan, Kavadarsko; 15. Aco Petrovski, kroja~ od Skopje; 16. Mladen \orgiev ^elope~ki, zemjodelec od s. ^elopek, Kumanovsko; 17. Liljana ^alovska, studentka od Bitola. Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007 Prodol`uva od prethodnata strana KODOT NA ILINDEN priznaat toa ili ne ili se odnesuvaat ignorantski kon fatite i vistinata, nas ne treba da ne interesiraat, }e ostanat na taa pozicija, zo{to nivniot interes e posilen od vistinata za Makedonija, a nivnite nameri sekoga{ naso~eni da ne snema, kolku i da izgledaat qubezni i so dobri nameri. No koj }e ni pomne ako samite na sebe ne si Juli 2007 veruvame, ne veruvame vo sopstvenite dr`avnotvorni sposobnosti, vo svojata idnina. I ne samo kako deklarativna izjava i udirawe vo gradi za makedon{tinata. Nema da pomogne. Kolku pobrzo }e sfatime deka samo obedineti vo edna ideja za koja postojano }e se zalagame i }e go izvlekuvame najdobroto od toa, }e ne odvede kon uspehot. Nema da ima rehabilitacija za nas vo istorijata, taa bezmilosno }e ne osudi ako ne gi za~uvame temelnite vrednosti na na{ite Vtori Avgusti, ako dozvolime da se izbri{e Kodot na Ilinden od na{eto se}avawe. I ako sekoj ne se ~ustvuva odgovoren pred Istorijata da go dade svojot pridones. Skromniot na{ poedine~en udel, dokolku bide zdru`en vo edna nasoka, vo edno si`e, e ostar i efikasen kako kopjeto na makedonskata falanga. Zorata e ve}e izgreana, novoto sonce e rodeno, ostanuva u{te, da go parafrazirame Kosta Racin, “silno da zasveti denot” na slobodata. Taka neka bide. I }e bide! Slobodan Petreski VISIT US AT WWW.UNITEDMACEDONIANS.ORG Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 9 DONESETE GI DECATA NA ILINDENSKIOT PIKNIK Ne zaboravete da gi ponesete na Ilindenskiot piknik i Va{ite deca i vnuci, bidej}i za niv }e ima obezbedeno celodnevna razonoda. Vo krugot na detskoto igrali{te, pokraj lizgalkite i ni{alkite, }e ima naduena kula vo koja najmladite }e mo`at da skokaat, kako {to e prika`ano na slikite. Potoa, }e imaat mo`nost da se natprevaruvaat vo crte`i, a za najdobrite potoa }e ima i soodvetni nagradi. Ako se poka`e dovolen interes, }e bidat organizirani i razni trki za pove}e godi{ni vozrasti. Donesete gi pomladite pokolenija na Ilindenskiot piknik za da se vdahnovenat so makedonski nacionalen duh, da se sprijatelat so drugi Makedon~iwa i da se gordeat na svoite makedonski koreni. pogoduvawe meta so f u d b a l s k a , rakometna i ko{arkarska topka. Site deca }e imaat mo`nost da crtaat i bojosuvaat svoi Postarite imaat nacionalna dol`nost na vakov na~in da go unapreduvaat i n e g u v a a t makedonstvoto… The inflatable Castle is great fun for kids to jump on. BRING THE KIDS AT THE ILINDEN PICNIC Don’t forget to bring your kids or grandkids at the Ilinden picnic, because for them we have entertainment for the whole day. Besides the slides and off springs to the Ilinden picnic so they can be inspired with Macedonian national spirit, to meet other young Macedonians and to be proud of their ]e se vidime na piknikot swings at the playground, there will be inflatable bouncing castle, as can be seen on the pictures. At the same time, the kids will be able to compete and play in target hitting with soccer, handball and basketball. All the kids will have a chance to draw and paint their own pictures, for which the winners can win prizes. If there is adequate interest, there will organized races for different age groups. Bring your younger 10 Macedonian roots. The older generations have a national duty through this activities to promote and foster Macedonianism… See you all at the picnic. Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007 ORGANIZACIJATA #OBEDINETI MAKEDONCI# GI KANI SITE MAKEDONCI ZAEDNI^KI DA GO PROSLAVIME ILINDEN 2007 SABOTA, 4 AVGUST 10:00 ~asot: Zaupokoena sveta liturgija vo MPC #Sv. Kliment Ohridski# vo ~est na padnatite borci za slobodata na Makedonija i Kanada. 12:00 ~asot: Polagawe venci pred spomenikot na padnatite borci za slobodata na Makedonija i Kanada. THE UNITED MACEDONIANS ORGANIZATION INVITES ALL MACEDONIANS TO A JOINT CELEBRATION OF ILINDEN 2007 SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 10:00 a.m.: Memorial Service at MOC “St. Clement of Ohrid”, in honour of the fallen fighters for the freedom of Macedonia and Canada. 12:00 a.m.: Placing wreath at the Monument of the fallen fighters for the freedom of Macedonia and Canada. NEDELA, 5 AVGUST SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 Tradicionalen Ilindenski piknik, na Ilindenskiot Park (avtopat 12 i Skugog linija 12) Traditional Ilinden picnic, at Ilinden Park (Highway 12 and Scugog Line 12) 10:00 ~asot: Redovna nedelna sveta bogoslu‘ba pred Makedonskiot pravoslaven manastir #Sv. Ilija#; 13:00 ~asot: Po~etok na sve~enata Ilindenska programa: - Svirewe na himnite na Kanada i Makedonija; - Pomen za padnatite borci za slobodata na Makedonija i Kanada; - Pozdravi od gostite; - Govor vo ~est na Ilindenskoto vostanie; - Pozdraven govor na pretsedatelot na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci; - Izbor na ubavica #Obedineti Makedonci za Severna Amerika#; Za vreme celiot den posetitelite }e bidat zabavuvani so prekrasni makedonski pesni i ora vo izvedba na orkestarot #Rumba#. 10:00 a.m.: Regular Sunday Service in front of the Macedonian Orthodox Monastery “St. Ilija”. 1:00 p.m.: Official Program: - Playing of the national anthems of Canada and Macedonia; - Memorial Service in honour of the fallen fighters for the freedom of Macedonia and Canada; - Greetings from the guests; - Speech in honour of Ilinden; - Speech by the President of the United Macedonians; - Selection of “Miss United Macedonians”; Throughout the day the participants will be entertained with wonderful Macedonian songs and dances performed by Orchestra “Rumba”. All are welcome! Site ste dobredojdeni! MANASTIROT “SVETI ILIJA” VE O^EKUVA NA ZAEDNI^KA BOGOSLU@BA ILINDEN 2 0 0 7 Juli 2007 Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 11 VO ORGANIZACIJA NA “OBEDINETI MAKEDONCI” ODBELE@AN GOCEVIOT RODENDEN GOCEVA - KOMITSKA VE^ER, 2007 GODINA Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada, kako najgolema po~nuvaj}i od prviot makedonski car Karan, preku svetski poznatite G-|a Katlin Uin, Minister za obrazovanie na Ontario makedonska nacionalna i kulturna organizacija vo iseleni{tvoto, redovno organizira proslavi preku koi gi odbele`uva zna~ajnite nastani i li~nosti od makedon-skata pobliska i podale~na istorija. Edna od redovnite godi{ni proslavi e “Gocevata – carevi Filip i Alek-sandar Makedonski, car Samoil, komitite i vojvodite od otoman-skiot period, kako i borcite od Vtorata svetska vojna, pa s# do poslednite braniteli koi vo borbite od 2001 godina gi dadoa svoite `ivoti vo odbranata na Republika Makedonija. Minister za obrazovanie na provincijata Ontario. Na samiot po~etok od banketot, so ednominutno mol~ewe, prisutnite mu oddadoa po~it na Boris Mangov, koj na funkcijata pretsedatel na “Obedineti Makedonci” po~ina na 20ti noemvri, 2006 godina. Po ve~erata po~esnite gosti gi pozdravija prisutnite, dodeka od imeto na Organizacijata, pozdraven zbor dade Mendo Bakalovski, potpretsedatel na “Obedineti Makedonci”. Isto taka bea pro~itani i pozdravnite telegrami od Antonio Milo{oski, Minister za nadvore{ni raboti na Republika Makedonija i Sa{o Nasev, ambasador na Republika Makedonija vo Kanada. Ve~erta be{e zbogatena so dokumentarniot film na Bor~e Kulevski pod naslov “Tri sliki”, izraboten za isklu~ivo prika`u-vawe na ovoj banket, a koj gostite gi zapozna so `ivotot i deloto na Aleksandar Lui Temelkovski, pratenik od makedonsko poteklo vo sojuznoto Sobranieto na Kanada Makedonski, car Samoil i Goce Del~ev. Posle sve~eniot del od banketot, orkestarot “Rumba” gi zabavuva{e gostite do docna vo no}ta. Pri krajot od banketot, Stiv Plijakes pretsedatel na Kanadskomakedonskiot olimpiski klub, i Dragi Stojkovski pretsedatel na “Obedineti Makedon-ci” go predadoa novodo-bieniot paso{ na roditelite na Loren Karatanevski, mlada Makedonka od Toronto, a koja }e nastapuva me|unarodno vo skokovi vo voda za makedonskata reprezentacija. Dragi Stojkovski Branko Trajkovski, konzul na RM vo Toronto komitska ve~er” koja se oddr`uva sekoja godina po povod rodeniot den na Goce Del~ev, apostolot na makedon-skata nacionalnoosloboditelna borba od krajot na Otomanskoto ropstvo. Istovremeno, so ovoj nastan simboli~no gi odbele`uvame rode-nite denovi i `ivotni dela na site znajni i neznajni Makedonci koi gi polo`ija svoite `ivoti za Makedonija i makedonskiot narod, Ovogodi{niot banket se oddr`a vo sabota na 3ti fevruari 2007 godina, vo Klimentovata sala pri MPC “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” vo Toronto. Me|u po~esnite gosti na Gocevata ve~er bea Branko Trajkovski, Konzul na Republika Makedonija vo Kanada, Qup~o Temelkovski, prv i zasega seu{te edinstven pratenik od makedonsko poteklo vo sojuznoto Sobranieto na Kanada, i g-|a Katlin Uin, Mendo i Trajanka Bakalovski, i Lui Temelkovski Ubavicata Meri Kaminovski, go vodi oroto Mendo Bakalovski, potpretsedatel na OOMK gi pozdravuva prisutnite 12 Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007 Obedineta Makedonija Macedonian Radio Program Saturdays 9 – 10 am on CHKT AM 1430 Micko i Dragica Dimovski Tel/Fax: 905-265-2197 16 Condotti Dr., Woobridge, ON L4H 2C8 Juli 2007 Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 13 The following article is a reprint from “Embassy” ( MACEDONIA DISPUTE GOES TO THE HOUSE A Liberal MP puts forth a motion to recognize the Republic of Macedonia which stirs ire within the Liberal caucus and the Greek community. By Lee Berthiaume May 23rd, 2007 A private member’s bill calling on the Canadian government to officially recognize the Republic of Macedonia was tabled in the House of Commons last week. Lui Temelkovski, a Toronto-area parliamentarian who was born in what is now known as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), introduced the bill in the House of Commons last Wednesday. The naming dispute carries significant historical baggage that dates back centuries, but re-emerged as a current issue following the break up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s when several independent states emerged. One of those wanted to call itself the Republic of Macedonia. But Greece has vehemently opposed the idea, saying it implies ownership of a Greek province of the same name. In introducing his bill, Mr. Temelkovski noted that numerous countries, including the United States, China and Russia, have recognized the state as the Republic of Macedonia. Speaking to Embassy last Thursday, Mr. Temelkovski said his bill was prompted by lobbying on the part of the Macedonian community, which includes about 1,000 members in his riding. He did not know what the chances of his bill being adopted were, but acknowledged objections within the Liberal caucus by some members of Greek descent. ”We haven’t had any discussions about it and I don’t think we need any discussions,” Mr. Temelkovski said when asked whether the Liberal party had discussed the bill. “It’s just an administrative point.” However, he blamed the Greek lobby for Canada’s continued decision not to call the country by its constitutional name. ”I think it’s clear that the fact Canada has not recognized Macedonia under its constitutional name is all due to the Greek lobby,” he said. “It’s not up to Greece to tell Macedonia what it can call itself. It’s a matter of self-identity. ”They’ve got to forget it. I can’t go naming you Peter. My name is Lui and you can call me whatever you like, but my name is Lui.” Mr. Temelkovski, who moved to Canada with his family in 1968, said Greece believes recognizing the country as the Republic of Macedonia is an attempt by the Slavic country to rob it of territory, but he said that isn’t the case. The Macedonian Embassy in Ottawa referred questions to Mr. Temelkovski’s office. Deepak Obhrai, parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay, said the bill has just been introduced and it is too early to determine what position the government will take. ’Precedent Has Been Set’ Liberal MP John Cannis, who was born in Greece, questioned his colleague’s 14 decision to table the bill at a time when FYROM and Greece are negotiating over a possible compromise and enjoying good economic and political relations. ”What are we doing fanning the flames of a fire that isn’t there?” he said. “I don’t believe these two countries are involved in this. What are we years,” Mr. Karygiannis said. “The European Union still has to make a ruling, the United Nations still has to make a ruling. I think it’s between the two neighbouring countries that have to sort out the issue before we are able to do it here and voice it here.” Ioannis Petsilas, press counsellor at the Greek The following is a reply by the United Macedonians Organization of Canada regarding the previos article in Embassy, which the newspaper published under the Letters’ section Canada and the United Nations Have Backtracked Before May 30th, 2007 I was dismayed by the interpretations of the two GreekCanadian MPs and the Greek Embassy’s press counsellor regarding the Greek objections of the name Republic of Macedonia (Re: “Macedonia Dispute Goes to the House,” a number of occasions, such as the Chinese head tax. The UN constantly makes new precedents on many issues. Nearly 120 UN members, including the United States, Russia and China, have recognized the country as the Republic of Macedonia. Both Mr. Cannis and Jim Lui Temelkovski greets Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarknias, a Macedonian Orthodox priest from Greece, who is also a great defender of Macedonian religious and human rights in Greece and worldwide and for that has been jailed numerous times by the Greek authorities doing it discussing it here?” Mr. Cannis said it was Mr. Temelkovski’s right as a parliamentarian to table the motion, and that he appreciated the community he was representing. He said he had not discussed the bill with Mr. Temelkovski, but he intended to find out what “compelling reasons” prompted him to table it at this point in time. However, Mr. Cannis said the international community and Canada have already set a precedent by referring to the country as FYROM, and for Canada to backtrack now would send the wrong signal. ”I think we base our views on precedent, and precedent has already been set,” he said. “Are we then going to say to the UN that we don’t care what decisions you’ve made, we’re going to set new precedents. ”To me, let them sort it out.” Fellow Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis, who was also born in Greece, also said he understood why Mr. Temelkovski had to bring the motion forward and that it was his right to do so as a parliamentarian. But he also felt it was not Canada’s place to intervene. It’s an issue that has been worked upon for the last 16 Embassy, said his government is opposed to the bill. ”We are against it because we do not believe a country that forms part of a region should assume the name that represents the whole of the region,” he said last week. ”The greatest part of the geographic area of Macedonia is in Greece and has been since time immemorial. We also have cultural objections.” Karygiannis seem to feel that the problem is “between the two neighbouring countries” and that they “have to sort out the issue before we are able to do it here and voice it here.” In fact, keeping in mind the inalienable right of every country and people to choose its name, this is all a non-issue since The Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonians themselves have no problem with their national and historic name. Perhaps the Greek officials can ask themselves why However, he then they are using insisted the the name proposed bill “Macedonia” for is not an issue their northern at the moment, province, since that especially too is a part of the given the fact whole region called that the UN Macedonia. still refers to Following their the country as Hon. Stephane Dione, Leader of the Opposition, was logic, they should FYROM. a guest at Lui’s fundraiser, April 22/07 in Markham tell the country of Britain not to use ”Canada that name since send the wrong signal,” Canada follows international law and France has a province by the will show its democratic values respects what the UN does,” he same name, and the Americans by “backtracking” on this said. should not call their country by precedent, by which a country has been bullied into accepting that name since it is a part of a continent. a temporary name in order to join the UN and the international DRAGI STOJKOVSKI community. President, Canada has shown its United Macedonians moral stand by backtracking on Organization of Canada May 23). Contrary to John Cannis’s claim that “the international community and Canada have already set a precedent by referring to the country as FYROM, and for Canada to backtrack now would Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lui Temelkovski criticized for motion to recognize “Republic of Macedonia” For several weeks now, Liberal MP Lui Temelkovski has faced mounting criticism for having introduced a private member’s bill in the House of Commons to recognize Macedonia’s constitutional name. The first to challenge Lui were two of his own colleagues within the Liberal Party, both Greekborn MPs representing Scarborough-area ridings. Now, disapproval has reached Lui’s own riding of Oak RidgesMarkham. In a recent article entitled “Whose interests is Temelkovski serving,” Lui’s potential Conservative rival in Oak RidgesMarkham accused the Liberal MP of “serving the interest of a relatively small group of his constituents,” also warning that Lui’s latest bill “will likely upset the Greek-Canadian community.” Visit 2007/ 05/29/whose-interests-istemelkovski-serving/ to read more. Unlike some of his political counterparts, Lui understands the humiliation MacedonianCanadians have long suffered because of the inappropriate “FYROM” label. And, unlike his counterparts, he has demonstrated time and again that he is ready to take on these issues on behalf of the Macedonian-Canadian community. This is why, with the possibility of federal elections always looming, it is so important for Canadian-Macedonians to contribute financially to Lui’s election campaign. Without sufficient funding, it is very difficult for Lui and his team to reach out to constituents and build the kind of support that wins an election. More importantly, without proud Macedonian-Canadians like Lui in Ottawa, the Macedonian community risks losing the strong representation it has enjoyed so far. To donate to Lui’s campaign, send personal cheques to: The Oak RidgesMarkham Federal Liberal Association Box 211, 5694 Hwy. 7 East Markham, ON L3P 1B4. Cash contributions over $20 are illegal, as are business donations. Donate to help ensure that Lui remains a strong voice in Parliament for Canada’s Macedonian community! Steven Vasilevski, Hon. B.A., M.A. Liberal MP Lui Temelkovski tables motion to recognize the “Republic of Macedonia” Liberal MP Lui Temelkovski (Oak Ridges-Markham) recently introduced a private member’s bill urging Canada to officially recognize the constitutional name of the “Republic of Macedonia.” Given the tremendous opposition this bill has already received from Greek constituents and MPs alike, Lui needs our support for it to succeed. First, write or speak to your respective MPs and encourage them to support Lui’s latest motion. Inform them that more than 100 countries have already recognized Macedonia’s constitutional name, including the United States, Russia, and China. Advise them that Macedonia is well on its way to NATO and the EU, and that it has no ambitions on Greece’s northern province of “Macedonia.” Remind them that it is a fundamental right of any sovereign, democratic, peaceloving state to choose its own name, and that there are other countries (e.g. the United Kingdom) which do not feel threatened by other jurisdictions with similar names (e.g. “British Columbia” or “New England”). Letters and other forms of communication will strengthen Lui’s position when he approaches fellow MPs to vote in favour of his proposal. Lui especially deserves the financial support to enable him to continue serving the interests of Macedonian-Canadians, which has also included such things as: setting up a meeting between former Prime Minister Paul Martin and the Canadian Macedonian Human Rights Movement; challenging the opinions of a group of Greek nationalists opposed to his proMacedonian activities; and helping Macedonian-Canadians in their individual dealings with the federal government. Financial contributions are particularly important in Lui’s case because his riding is so large, and because it is illegal for Lui to contribute to his own re-election more than the maximum contribution allowed to each Canadian ($1,100). For Macedonians who wish to help Lui, donors will receive a high percentage of their contributions back in tax refunds: 75% for donations of up to $400; 50% for donations between $401 and $750; and 33.3% for donations of $751 to $1,100. Cash contributions over $20 are illegal, as are business donations, so personal cheques should be made out to: The Oak RidgesMarkham Federal Liberal Association Box 211, 5694 Hwy. 7 East Markham, ON L3P 1B4. By supporting Lui, we help ensure a strong voice in Parliament for Canada’s Macedonian community! Steven Vasilevski, Hon. B.A., M.A. ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD DRAGI STOJKOVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD MENDO BAKALOVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD PECO PETLI^KOVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD BOR^E KULEVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD KIRE KARAPALEVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD AMI[ SELMANOVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD VLADO STERIOVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO Lui Temelkovski among Macedonian Orthodox priests ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD STASE YUNYUROV SO SEMEJSTVOTO Juli 2007 ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD HERI PETREV SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD MAJKL VOLKAN SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD DON^O RISTESKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO ^ESTIT ILINDEN 2007 OD QUP^O SEKULOVSKI SO SEMEJSTVOTO Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 15 Zdru`enijata na decata begalci od egejskiot del na Makedonija - Orientaciona programa za ^ETVRTA SVETSKA SREDBA NA DECATA BEGALCI OD EGEJSKIOT DEL NA MAKEDONIJA – 2008 Za odbele`uvawe na 60 godini od egzodusot na decata begalci od egejskiot del na Makedonija. Organizaciona Programa Vo 2008 godina se navr{uvaat 60 godini od egzodusot na decata begalci od egejskiot del na Makedonija. Ovoj zna~aen datum dostoinstveno }e se odbele`i vo Republika Makedonija i vo isto~no – evropskite zemji vo koi decata bea prifateni. I 1. Ima predlozi sredbata da zapo~ne vo selo ^e{kata Republika na 11, 12 i 13 juli 2008 godina; 2. Vo Republika Makedonija da se odr`i na 18, 19 i 20 juli; 3. Na 27 juli 2008 godina da se u~estvuva na pograni~nata sredba vo selo Trnovo – Bitolsko; 4. Vo po~etokot na avgust da se prisustvuva na sve~enostite organizirani po povod 2 avgust; 5. Vo tekot na avgust da se napravat poseti na rodnite mesta vo Egejska Makedonija; II 1. Vo Skopje }e se organizira sve~en sobir vo Skopskiot saem ili vo novata sportska sala; 2. Vo MANU }e se organizira simpozium na tema: “60 godini od egzodusot”; 3. MPC }e odr`i panihida vo hramot”Sv. Kliment Ohridski”; 4. DLUM }e organizira likovna izlo`ba vo edna najpogodna lokacija; 5. Istoriski muzej }e organizira izlo`ba na fotografii i postavka 1945 – 1949; 6. Otkrivawe na spomen – park na zaginatite i umrenite vo mesnosta Katlanovo; 7. Piknik vo Saraj, ezeroto Treska ili Katlanovo; 8. Odbele`uvawe na egzodusot treba da se realizira vo site mesta vo RM vo koi bea prifateni Makedonci od egejskiot del na Makedonija; III Aktivnosti na instituciite vo Skopje i republikata Vo svoite programi za 2008 godina bi trebalo site institucii da planiraat odredena aktivnost: 1. Institut za nacionalna istorija, Institut za makedonski jazik, Institut za folklor; 2. Dru{tvo na pisatelite na Makedonija; 3. Direkcija za kultura na Skopje so Estradata; 4. MRTV da podgotvi dokumentaren film za dosega{nite aktivnosti; 5. VARDAR – FILM da go dovr{i filmot Inkontinuo snimen 1988; 6. Kinotekata na Makedonija da podgotvi dokumentaren film; 7. Fakultetot za muzi~ka umetnost da programira svoja aktivnost; 8. Site javni glasila (TV, radija i vesnici) da se vklu~at vo odbele`uvaweto; 9. Izdava~kite ku}i da se zalo`at za izdavawe na “Hronologija 60 godini od egzodusot”; 10. ]e se obezbedi izrabotka i izdavawe na suveniri (maici, zna~ki, kapi, torbi~ki, plaketi, CD-ea so odbrani pesni i ora); IV 16 na 60 godi{ninata od egzodusot }e pomognat: 1. Vladata na RM; 2. MNR – Direktorium za iseleni{tvo; 3. Ministerstvo za kultura; 4. Ministerstvo za obrazovanie i nauka; 5. Agencija za iseleni{tvo na RM; 6. Agencija za informacii; 7. Gradona~alnikot i Sovetot na Skopje i na op{tinite vo Skopje; Zabele{ka: Navedenite predlozi se razmisluvawa koi treba da poslu`at za izgotvuvawe na programata. U~esnicite, odnosno ~lenovite na Organizacioniot odbor bi trebalo da raspravaat i da gi iznesat svoite razmisluvawa, za da mo`e programata blagovremeno da se i distribuira kaj zdru`enijata na decata begalci i drugite zainteresirani. Vo odbele`uvaweto \or|i Donevski Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007 Intervju so D-r Gligor Delev, Makedonec od Montreal koj neodamna se iska~i na Mont Everest MONT EVEREST BE[E MOJA ME^TA I OPSESIJA Makedonija e mojata vistinska tatkovina. Bi sakal da go osvojam vrvot Manaslu, no so makedonska ekspedicija Vo d-r Gligor Delev, koj pove}e od 40 godini ‘ivee i raboti vo Montreal, Kanada, Makedonija dobi vistinski sportski heroj. Toj e vtor Makedonec koj uspea da go osvoi najvisokiot vrv na svetot, Mont Everest (8.848 m), po podvigot {to go ostvari Dimitar Ilievski-Murato, na 10 maj 1989 godina, no toj na vra}awe ostana zamrznat vo sne`nite bespatici na Himalaite, kade {to e negovata ve~na grobnica. Po celi 18 godini, na 20 maj godinava, d-r Delev vtor pat go razviori makedonskoto zname na “pokrivot na svetot”, no za razlika od Ilievski, uspea, navistina so mnogu maki i problemi, da se vrati vo bazniot logor. Uspehot na d-r Gligor Delev }e ostane zapi{an ne samo vo istorijata na makedonskiot sport tuku i na dr`avata i so pravo “Utrinski vesnik” upati predlog do pretsedatelot Branko Crvenkovski da gi odlikuva Delev i prviot osvojuva~ na Mont Everest, Dimitar Ilievski (posmrtno), so najvisoko dr`avno priznanie. Nekolkupati pi{uvavme za d-r Gligor Delev, za negovata golema qubov sprema najvisokite vrvovi na svetot, za negoviot golem patriotizam, bidej}i na site vrvovi na koi se ima iska~eno sekoga{ so sebe go nosel makedonskoto zname, iako ima i kanadski paso{, no kako {to veli samiot, Makedonija, kade {to e roden, e negovata tatkovina. So d-r Gligor Delev napravivme ekskluzivno intervju za ~itatelite na “Utrinski vesnik”, koe go objavuvame vo celost. [to Ve privle~e kon viso~inite, dali i vo pomladi godini imavte `elba da se ka~uvate nebo pod oblacite, {to se veli? - Kako mal gi gledav sne`nite vrvovi, no mnogu podocna, nekade od 2000 godina, po~nav da Juli 2007 drugaruvam so planinite i vrvoovite, koga porasnaa decata - }erkata Nata{a i sinot Aleksandar, Sega imam mnogu pove}e vreme za mojata qubov. Koja e taa sila {to Ve tera na tie opasni pati{ta kon oblacite, na tie ogromni viso~ini, kade {to ne letaat duri ni pticite? - Navistina nemam zborovi za da go objasnam toa. [tom }e zdogledam nekoja visoka planina, sne`nite vrvovi, po~nuva srceto da mi ~uka, ne{to “prorabotuva vo mene”. Koga se odlu~ivte da trgnete i da go osvoite Mont Everest? - Toa be{e vo 2005 godina, koga zaedno so {erpasot Sonam, so kogo bev i na “pokrivot na svetot”, se iska~iv na vrvot Ama Dablan (6.858 m) vo Nepal. Od toj vrv go zdogledav Mont Everest, neboto be{e ~isto, bez oblaci. Iako i jas bev na golema viso~ina, Mont Everest be{e mnogu povisok. Toga{ samiot si rekov: Gligor, Mont Everest }e bide pod tvoite noze. Kako dojde do toa da bidete ~len na srpskata ekspedicija? - Sosema slu~ajno. Stapiv vo kontakt so voda~ot na ekspedicijata, Dragan Jakimovi}, mu predlo`iv kako lekar da patuvam so niv, otkao dozna na koi vrvovi sum se iska~il, me prifati i mislam deka ne zgre{i, nitu toj nitu jas. Kolku Vas li~no Ve ~ine{e patot do Nepal, opremata, iska~uvaweto na Mont Everest. Doznavme deka nemate sponsor, Va{eto semejstvo, bra}ata, Vie li~no i soprugata gi obezbedivte sredstvata. Sigurno ne se mali. - Jasno deka ne se. No, sekoe zadovolstvo se pla}a. Ne gi `alam potro{enite sredstva. Navistina. Ne bi sakal da ja spomnuvam brojkata. Sega gi pla}am dolgovite, redovno. Koja be{e Va{ata prva pomisla koga stapnavte na Mont Everest? - Nekako s# mi be{e kako na son. Nemav vreme nitu da razmisluvam. Vo po~etokot ne veruvav deka sum na “pokrivot na svetot”, mislev deka e toa son, no koga go vidov {erpasot Sonam do mene, toga{ ve}e s# mi be{e jasno. Go pobediv Mont Everest. Veruvavte li deka }e uspeete, vistinski podvig e da se osvoi Mont Everest? - Pred poa|aweto na patot ne znaev kako }e reagira mojot organizam na taa golema viso~ina, no kako {to se dobli`uvav do vrvot, od eden do drug bazen logor, veruvav deka }e uspeam, bidej}i organizamot se navikna na site tie napori. Ima{e problemi vo ka~uvaweto, na nekolku stotici metri od vrvot se otka`a va{iot pridru-`nik Simo Nikoli}. Dali i Vie pomislivte na otka`uvawe? - Ne, nitu vo eden moment. Pa zarem da se otka`am koga ve}e bev re~isi na dofat na vrvot. Simo se vrati, bidej}i po~naa da mu zamrznuvaat prstite i se ~uvstvuva{e mnogu iscrpeno. Ne smee{e pove}e da rizikuva. Ima{e li smrznati tela na toj pat do Mont Everest? - Toa e najte{ko da se gleda. Vidov srznato telo na eden alpinist od ^e{ka, samo tri dena pred toa bevme zaedno na viso~ina od 7.800 metri vo bazniot logor. Toa e sudbina na sekoj alpinist, mo`e{e da bide i moja, no, za sre}a, ne be{e. Ste po~uvstvuvale li nekoga{ strav na tie iska~uvawa? - Ne, stravot e najgolem protivnik na sekoj alpinist. Prvoto ~uvstvo na strav i ve}e nema ni{to od osvojuvaweto na vrvovite. Koga Vi be{e najte{ko na toj pat kon Mont Everest? - Ima{e pove}e te{ki momenti. Na viso~ina od 7.800 metri veterot gi ima{e odneseno {atorite {to gi imavme postaveno dva dena pred toa koga poleka se aklimatiziravme na tie viso~ini. Spievme vo eden zajmen {ator, devetmina vo nego. Zarem mo`e da se spie na tie viso~ini? - [to si povisoko, s# pove}e si buden, ne e toa zdravo spiewe. Iako imavte dobra oprema, se ~uvstvuva li mnogu studor na ogromnite viso~ini? - S# zavisi od veterot. Koga duva silno, toga{ e i studeno i opasno, mo‘e da te odnese vo nekoja od dlabokite himalajski bezdni. Koga odime pove}emina zaedno, vrzani sme. Stravuva{e li semejstvoto za Vas koga trgnavte na pat? - Najmnogu majka mi Vasilka. Mi ka`aa deka re~isi i ne spiela dodeka bev na Himalaite. Inaku taa e rodena strumi~anka. Ste bile pove}epati vo Makedonija, se imate li iska~eno na nekoj planinski vrv? - Za `al, ne, no imam `elba so edna makedonska espedicija povtorno da zaminam na Himalaite. Moja `elba e vrvot Manaslu. [to Vi ka`aa va{ite prijateli koga se vrativte vo Montreal po osvojuvaweto na Mont Everest? - Me pre~ekaa golem broj prijateli na aerodromot vo Montreal. I toa be{e nezaboravno, isto kako i onie momenti dodeka bev na Mont Everest. Koj vrv sega e vo plan za osvojuvawe? - Redno e sega da se odmoram. Drugarite me terat da odime na Akonkagva, no bev na toj vrv vo 2004 godina. Koga povtorno }e Ve vidime vo Makedonija? - Veruvam vo tekot na godinata. Dali, pokraj Vas, drugite ~lenovi na semejstvoto imaat makedonski paso{i? - Sinot i }erkata, edinstveno nema mojata sopruga, koja e Meksikanka, iako i taa saka da go ima. Site vo semejstvoto se gordeeme so toa {to sme Makedonci, iako `iveeme vo Kanada. Miodrag Mickovi} Prevzemeno od “Utrinski vesnik”, sabota, 16 juni, 2007 D-r Gligor Delev go iska~i dr`avnoto zname na Republika Makedonija na “vrvot na svetot” Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 17 Vo Makedonskata crkovnata op{tina “Sveti Nikola” od Vindzor IZLO@BA NA 850 DETSKI CRTE@I Na 23 juni vo Makedonskiot kulturen centar pri Makedonskata crkovnata op{tina “Sveti Nikola” od Vindzor, sve~eno be{e otvorena najgolemata dosega organizirana izlo`ba na detski crte`i vo regionot Eseks so tema “Nie Sme Svetot”. Izlo`bata oficijalno ja otvori gradona~alnikot na op{ti-nata La Sal gospodinot Geri Bakster. Na prisut-nite, pozdravi od premie-rot Stiven Harper im prenese ~lenot na federalniot parlament Xef Vatson. Na otvara-weto bea prisutni opozicioniot parlamentarec Brajan Masi i drugi op{tinski i obrazovni funkcioneri, kako i pove}e od 600 gosti. Prigodni pozdravni govori odr`aa pretsedatelot na crkovnata op{tina Mende Taleski i protojerejstavrofor d-r Aleksandar Mustenikov. Vo ramkite na otvaraweto na izlo`bata svoj nastap imaa decata muzi~ari Petar Mitrev, Amber Dubois i Bojan Jon~evski. Organizatorite raspi{aa konkurs za detski crte`i i povedoa akcija koja opfati nad 100 u~ili{ta so skoro 7000 u~enici. Na izlo`bata zedoa u~estvo nad 850 u~enici od okolu 60 osnovni u~ili{ta. Bea dodeleni 18 predvideni nagradi me|u koi i nagrada od 500 dolari na pobednikot Toni Panti, u~enik od petto oddelenie. Na ovoj nastan be{e promoviran noviot izlo`ben prostor so dol`ina od 300 metri koj e eden od pogolemite i poatraktivni vo regionot Eseks. Izlo`bata e organizirana so dvojna cel. Od edna strana da im dade mo`nost na najmladite so crti~ki, boi, oblici i vizuelni simboli da go prika`at svojot odnos kon zaedni~koto `iveewe vo Kanada, i da go izrazat bogatstvoto i raznovidnosta na kulturite vo ovaa zaednica. Od druga strana ova izlo`ba ima za cel da dade svoj pridones kon afirmacija na makedonskata zaednica vo Vindzor i okolinata. Pod pokrovitelstvo na Makedonskiot centar inicijatori i organizatori na ovaa godi{na regionalna manifestacija se Vera Najdovska, Gligor i Mare Stefanovi. 18 Ovoj centar inicira niza aktivnosti koi gi nadminuvaat lokalnite nacionalno-religiozni ramki. Ovoj centar po~na da deluva po{iroko vo ovde{nata javnost kako institucija koja vnesuva novi i originalni sodr`ini vo multietni~koto `iveewe vo Kanada. Vo mart mesec be{e mnogu uspe{no organizirana regionalna modna revija koja po barawe na posetitelite i u~esnicite }e postane tradicionalna osmo-martovska manifestacija, a del od prihodot be{e podaren na Zdru`enieto za borba protiv rakot na gradite. Od Upravata na MPCO “Sv. Nikola”, Vindzor Slikite za napisov se napraveni od Bor~e Livrinski Pobedni~kiot crte` na Toni Panti Nagrada od 500 dolari na pobednikot Toni Panti, u~enik od petto oddelenie, mu dodeli gradona~alnikot na La Sal, Gari Bakster. Gary Baxter, Mayor of La Salle, Father Dr. Aleksandar Mustenikov, Mende Taleski, president of St Nikola, and Jeff Watson, Conservative MP for Essex County. Del od mladite u~esnici na natprevarot za najdobar crte`, vo konkurencuja od 850 crte`i. Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007 AT THE 12TH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN WATER SPORTS IN MELBOURNE LAUREN KARATANEVSKI MADE MACEDONIAN SPORT HISTORY - Lauren Karatanevski will go in sports history books as the first Macedonian representative at any International diving championship. - In Women’s 1m Springboard Lauren finished 32nd with 179.25 points, while on the 3m Springboard she placed 34th with 195.40 points. Picture, courtesy of BBC Lauren Karatanevski will go in sports history books as the first Macedonian representative at any International diving championship. At the 12th FINA World Championships, which were held March 17 to April 1 2007 in Melbourne, Australia, Lauren competed on March 22nd in Women’s 1m Springboard in the Preliminary competition. The winner was China’s Zi He with 299.35 points, ahead of Russia’s Irina Lashko and Canada’s Blythe Hartley. In a field of 37 divers from all over the World, Lauren finished 32nd with 179.25 points, ahead of divers from Hungary, Macau, Croatia, Venezuela and Switzerland. Two days later Lauren competed in the Preliminaries on the 3m Springboard and in a field of 40 divers placed 34 th with 195.40 points. Again, a Chinese diver placed first with 356.10 points, ahead of divers from Sweden and Australia. Lauren placed ahead of two divers from Croatia, Hungary, Cuba, and two from Taiwan. Lauren’s achievement is even greater when one knows that diving is non-existent in Macedonia, she competed without a coach at this Championship because her personal coach Arturo Miranda at the same time competed for Canada and the fact that this 23 year-old Toronto born Macedonian was granted Macedonian citizenship just over a month prior to the competition. Lauren’s journey to compete for Macedonia has a longer history. She contacted the Macedonian Olympic Committee in Skopje prior to the 2004 Athens Olympics, with the desire to represent Macedonia. However, because of different subjective and objective obstacles, that was not to be. All that changed after July 14th 2005, when a group of patriotic Macedonian sports enthusiasts held the founding meeting of the Canadian – Macedonian Olympic Club, which goal was to search for and recruit talented Canadian athletes of Macedonian origin, and with the potential of representing the Republic of Macedonia on the international sports scene. Once such potentials are identified, as A winner of Lawrence Park sportsmanship award for outstanding leadership and participation in student athletic programs, Lauren became Ontario Provincial champion in one-meter and three-meter springboard diving in 2002 and third in Canada in 2002 age group nationals on three-meter springboard. At the Canada Senior Nationals in 2003 on onemeter springboard she finished seventh as well as winner of various international diving medals. Currently Lauren is a Exercise Physiology major at the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Chapel Hill, USA, where she competes in the highpowered and very competitive Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC). At the 2003-2004 conference championships (her freshman year in school) she was the top finisher at UNC, placing seventh on the onemeter board and ninth on the three-meter board. By 2004-2005 Macedonian national team. The gymnasts in question were Carrina LoBello (Markoska), who through her maternal greatgrandfather has roots in the village of Rufci near Prilep, and Megan Fyall who through her maternal grandparents has roots in the villages of Ostrovo and Patele, both near Lerin. The two gymnasts, lead by the coach Dragi Stojkovski and under the watch full eyes of their mothers, made a real sensation by winning eight medals. Competing against gymnasts from Albania and Serbia, as well as six other gymnasts from Macedonia, Carrina won the second place All Around and the silver medal, gold medals in vault and floor, while on bars and beam she placed third, thus gaining two bronze medals. Megan on the other hand received bronze medal for her third place in the All Around and gold and bronze medals for her first and third placement on the bars and beam she was ranked No. 1 on the UNC depth-chart. Her third year in school saw her take a top-ten spot in the highly competitive ACC Conference Championships, placing 8th on the onemeter board. Lauren did not succeed in qualifying for the Beijing Olympics 2008 at this Championship, however, she still has a chance to qualify in future competitions and the Canadian – Macedonian Olympic Club will continue supporting her in all future sports endeavors. Although Lauren is the first athlete sponsored by the Canadian – Macedonian Olympic Club to represent Macedonia at a World Championship, this is not the first case for international competition. Namely, on September 30, 2006, at the Third Bitola International Gymnastics Competition, two gymnasts from Canada competed as part of the respectively. Waiting in the wings are other gymnasts like Erin Markoff, Madeline Tsinokas and Biljana Markovska, who, provided they receive Macedonian citizenship, can compete for Macedonia at the European Junior Championships in France next year. The Canadian – Macedonian Olympic Club is hopeful that the successes of the above mentioned athletes would inspire other Diaspora Macedonians to proudly compete for the Macedonian national teams. For further information regarding the Club, call the President, Steve Pliakas, at 905841-5945. the case was with Lauren, the Olympic Club endeavors to secure material and other support for the athletes. Lauren was born July 7, 1984 in Toronto, Canada. Her father Risto was born in Macedonia and played semiprofessional soccer, while her mother Debbie received her honours specialist degree in physical and health education. Her younger sister Katleyn completes the sports circle of the Karatanevski family, because she was a gymnast and later a figure skater. Lauren graduated in June 2003 from Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute in Toronto where she was a magnificent allaround athlete on the high school and club team level. She competed in swimming for five years, gymnastics for nine years, volleyball for five years, diving seven years and synchronized swimming two years. Lauren served as captain of her high school swimming and volleyball teams and her club diving team and was a member of the city championship swimming team. PECE NAUMOVSKI OD MELBURN - SVETSKI PRVAK VO KARATE Pece Naumoski, mladiot i ekstra talentiran karatist od Melburn, neodamna na Svetskoto prvenstvo vo karate vo Bermingen (Velika Britanija) ja osvoi tutulata Svetski prvak vo kategorijata pod 11 godi{na vozrast. Ovaa izvonredna vest koja gi izraduva site Makedonci vo Avstralija ni ja prenese na{iot iselenik Nikola Stavreski. Juli 2007 Dragi Stojkovski, Canadian-Macedonian Olympic Club, Toronto Committees for Recruiting of Athletes Makedonski Glasnik - Glasilo na Organizacijata Obedineti Makedonci vo Kanada 19 20 Macedonian Herald - Voice of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada July 2007