n: ics.com ics.com - Peregrine Academic Services


n: ics.com ics.com - Peregrine Academic Services
Practical Solutions for Your International Business Programs
comparison of the inbound and outbound
At the conclusion of the exam period, you exam results. We also include a frequency
analysis of missed questions listed for each
receive two reports. The first is an Excel
spreadsheet with all the data, listed for each
External Benchmarking
student. The second report is a
comprehensive analysis divided into two
The external benchmarking analysis
sections: internal benchmarking and external includes a comparison of student results with
results from other similar universities. We
compare both the total score and all topic
Internal Benchmarking
scores. We also compare the percent change
Internal benchmarking includes a
from inbound to outbound of your students’
results to the aggregate sample .
The result is meaningful data that you can
use for the continuous improvement of your
higher education programs. You will see both
the strengths and areas for improvement with
your business education program. Reports
can be included with your accreditation
document submissions.
Getting Students to Do Their Best
We recommend inserting the exam within a course with assigned points for
completion, usually as extra credit. Course faculty can hold students
accountable to complete the exam. The inbound exam should be maximum
points. The outbound exam should be graded on a curve as an extra credit
All Online Services
Our services are 100% online with no test proctor requirement. There is no
need to pre-order exams. Students self-register and the exam is available to you
24/7. E-mail or telephone us when you want a report at the end of your
examination period.
Advantages of Native Language Exams
When you test your students, it may be better to test in their native language
so that the exam is a true test of knowledge competency as opposed to
language proficiency. Students will feel more confident and comfortable
knowing they are being tested in their native language.
Getting Started
Step #1: Select the service and identify the pricing structure based on your
annual service requirements.
Step #2: Identify the courses where the service will be integrated. We will then
build you a customized Internet micro-site for student self-registration for the
exam keys. You and your faculty can use the service at no charge.
Step #3: Start the service. Modify course requirements, inform faculty, and we
will then send you reports as required, at the end of the exam period or when
you need them.
Discounted Pricing
A CPC comprehensive exam can be purchased individually ($40 US) by a student
using our secure e-commerce web site or in quantity by the university. Quantity
discount purchases (based on annual requirements) of the CPC Comprehensive Exam
include: <50, unit price ($40/exam); 50-100, 5% discount ($38/exam); 101-250, 10%
discount ($36/exam); 251-500, 15% discount ($34/exam); >500, 20% discount ($32/
Flexible Alternatives
We recognize the unique economic differences within the world. Therefore, we may
adjust pricing based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Index. Contact us if you
believe that you may qualify for this additional discount.
Pricing is inclusive—there are no report fees or set-up charges.
Contact Information:
+1 307-685-1555
Direct Assessment Services for International
Business Universities
Service Overview
We offer online direct assessment
services for program-level accountability
based on the Common Professional
Component (CPC) in business higher
education. The CPC-based Comprehensive
Exam (COMP) is an online student exam that
measures learning outcomes at the program
Students take the exam early in their
academic program, usually within their first
business course (inbound exam). Students
take the same exam at the end of their
program, usually just before graduation within
their last course (outbound exam).
The comparison in scores between the
inbound exam and the outbound exam is used
for internal benchmarking. The comparison of
the outbound exam scores with the results
from other universities is used for external
Both internal and external benchmarking
from the CPC-based COMP exams satisfy
accreditation requirements.
What are the CPC Requirements?
As defined by the Accreditation Council
for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
and the International Assembly for Collegiate
Business Education (IACBE), the CPCs
Services for Higher Learning Institutions include the following business topics.
1. Marketing
Outside of the US
2. Business Finance
In response to the increasing number of
3. Accounting
colleges and universities outside the US
4. Management
seeking US program accreditation, we have
5. Legal Environment of Business
refined the service specifically for non-US
6. Economics
universities. We removed any test questions
7. Business Ethics
unique to US business and translated the test
8. Global Dimensions of Business
banks into other languages.
9. Information Management Systems
The result is a CPC-based COMP exam
10. Quantitative Techniques/Statistics
applicable to any business university. The
11. Business Leadership
test bank includes questions that are globally
12. Business Integration and Strategic
focused, representing the foundational
knowledge areas of business education.
Meaningful Information and Useful Statistical Analysis
We will assist you in analyzing and
reporting the data from our exam services to
At the conclusion of the exam period, you
There are several images shown on this
receive two reports. The first is an Excel
page that provide you with an appreciation for address your specific needs.
Our most important goal is to ensure that
spreadsheet with all the exam data for each
the types of data analysis we provide.
student. The second report is a
These are examples of how we report the you receive back more than what you
comprehensive analysis divided into two
results. The actual report you receive includes expected: unsurpassed customer service,
sections: internal benchmarking and external 100+ pages because we report the details on quality, and detail with our reports and
every topic, sub-topic, and subject area.
Types of Analysis
You receive all the raw data from our online tests so that you can
conduct your own analysis of the results, as shown in the above
Excel spreadsheet.
Affordable, Customized Solutions for Your Business Program
Accreditation Requirements
Exam Versions
We offer two versions of the exam to
address both undergraduate and graduate
degree programs. Exam content is unique to
the academic degree level.
Exam Content
Exam content includes questions and
subject areas associated with the
foundational knowledge areas. Questions are
focused on application of the material in
today’s business environment. We offer an
applied exam focused on practical business
The Test Banks
The test bank includes 40 questions per
topic. Each topic includes 4-6 subject areas.
The exam material is what business majors
should know upon completion of their
business degree. The test bank has been
verified and validated.
Exam Structure
An online comprehensive exam includes
10 randomly selected test questions from
each topic. Most undergraduate exams
include all 12 CPC topics. Most graduate-level
exams include 6-10 CPC topics. Topic
selection is based on the required core
business curriculum. You can have more than
one exam for your university if you have more
than one degree program.
One of the most important analysis areas for internal benchmarking is to
compare the inbound results with the outbound exam results. The
difference is your direct measure of learning.
registration process (name and e-mail
address). Exam keys are hyperlinked.
Exam Administration
Online exams can be completed either in
the classroom or as a homework assignment.
The exam typically takes 50-90 minutes to
complete depending upon how many topics
and questions are included on the exam.
Exam Integrity
We have put several measures in place to
Program Integration
help ensure academic integrity of the exams.
The inbound and outbound exams should Each exam is unique based on a random
be associated with courses. The course-exam selection from the test bank. Students cannot
copy/paste questions into a search engine.
association helps ensure correct data
Each question is timed. A notification
tracking and reporting. The online exam can
message appears anytime a student leaves
be an assignment within a course.
the exam site. Only three log-in attempts are
Exam Key Registration
allowed once the exam has begun. The exam
We create an Internet micro-site for
will become inactive after 48 hours.
student self-registration for the exam keys.
Collectively, these measures along with your
The password protected micro-site lists the
accountability efforts help ensure overall
course-exam associations. The student
exam integrity and validity.
selects their course and completes the
For each business topic area, there are 4-6 subject areas. We provide
you with a complete statistical analysis of the data including the
frequency of questions missed. With this information, you can truly
understand the strengths and opportunities for improvement with
your business program education so you can make any needed
For external benchmarking, we provide you with two data points: (1)
comparison of results and (2) a comparison of the percent change
between the inbound and the outbound exams - a direct measure of
Direct Assessment Services for International
Business Universities
Service Overview
We offer online direct assessment
services for program-level accountability
based on the Common Professional
Component (CPC) in business higher
education. The CPC-based Comprehensive
Exam (COMP) is an online student exam that
measures learning outcomes at the program
Students take the exam early in their
academic program, usually within their first
business course (inbound exam). Students
take the same exam at the end of their
program, usually just before graduation within
their last course (outbound exam).
The comparison in scores between the
inbound exam and the outbound exam is used
for internal benchmarking. The comparison of
the outbound exam scores with the results
from other universities is used for external
Both internal and external benchmarking
from the CPC-based COMP exams satisfy
accreditation requirements.
What are the CPC Requirements?
As defined by the Accreditation Council
for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
and the International Assembly for Collegiate
Business Education (IACBE), the CPCs
Services for Higher Learning Institutions include the following business topics.
1. Marketing
Outside of the US
2. Business Finance
In response to the increasing number of
3. Accounting
colleges and universities outside the US
4. Management
seeking US program accreditation, we have
5. Legal Environment of Business
refined the service specifically for non-US
6. Economics
universities. We removed any test questions
7. Business Ethics
unique to US business and translated the test
8. Global Dimensions of Business
banks into other languages.
9. Information Management Systems
The result is a CPC-based COMP exam
10. Quantitative Techniques/Statistics
applicable to any business university. The
11. Business Leadership
test bank includes questions that are globally
12. Business Integration and Strategic
focused, representing the foundational
knowledge areas of business education.
Meaningful Information and Useful Statistical Analysis
We will assist you in analyzing and
reporting the data from our exam services to
At the conclusion of the exam period, you
There are several images shown on this
receive two reports. The first is an Excel
page that provide you with an appreciation for address your specific needs.
Our most important goal is to ensure that
spreadsheet with all the exam data for each
the types of data analysis we provide.
student. The second report is a
These are examples of how we report the you receive back more than what you
comprehensive analysis divided into two
results. The actual report you receive includes expected: unsurpassed customer service,
sections: internal benchmarking and external 100+ pages because we report the details on quality, and detail with our reports and
every topic, sub-topic, and subject area.
Types of Analysis
You receive all the raw data from our online tests so that you can
conduct your own analysis of the results, as shown in the above
Excel spreadsheet.
Affordable, Customized Solutions for Your Business Program
Accreditation Requirements
Exam Versions
We offer two versions of the exam to
address both undergraduate and graduate
degree programs. Exam content is unique to
the academic degree level.
Exam Content
Exam content includes questions and
subject areas associated with the
foundational knowledge areas. Questions are
focused on application of the material in
today’s business environment. We offer an
applied exam focused on practical business
The Test Banks
The test bank includes 40 questions per
topic. Each topic includes 4-6 subject areas.
The exam material is what business majors
should know upon completion of their
business degree. The test bank has been
verified and validated.
Exam Structure
An online comprehensive exam includes
10 randomly selected test questions from
each topic. Most undergraduate exams
include all 12 CPC topics. Most graduate-level
exams include 6-10 CPC topics. Topic
selection is based on the required core
business curriculum. You can have more than
one exam for your university if you have more
than one degree program.
One of the most important analysis areas for internal benchmarking is to
compare the inbound results with the outbound exam results. The
difference is your direct measure of learning.
registration process (name and e-mail
address). Exam keys are hyperlinked.
Exam Administration
Online exams can be completed either in
the classroom or as a homework assignment.
The exam typically takes 50-90 minutes to
complete depending upon how many topics
and questions are included on the exam.
Exam Integrity
We have put several measures in place to
Program Integration
help ensure academic integrity of the exams.
The inbound and outbound exams should Each exam is unique based on a random
be associated with courses. The course-exam selection from the test bank. Students cannot
copy/paste questions into a search engine.
association helps ensure correct data
Each question is timed. A notification
tracking and reporting. The online exam can
message appears anytime a student leaves
be an assignment within a course.
the exam site. Only three log-in attempts are
Exam Key Registration
allowed once the exam has begun. The exam
We create an Internet micro-site for
will become inactive after 48 hours.
student self-registration for the exam keys.
Collectively, these measures along with your
The password protected micro-site lists the
accountability efforts help ensure overall
course-exam associations. The student
exam integrity and validity.
selects their course and completes the
For each business topic area, there are 4-6 subject areas. We provide
you with a complete statistical analysis of the data including the
frequency of questions missed. With this information, you can truly
understand the strengths and opportunities for improvement with
your business program education so you can make any needed
For external benchmarking, we provide you with two data points: (1)
comparison of results and (2) a comparison of the percent change
between the inbound and the outbound exams - a direct measure of
Practical Solutions for Your International Business Programs
comparison of the inbound and outbound
At the conclusion of the exam period, you exam results. We also include a frequency
analysis of missed questions listed for each
receive two reports. The first is an Excel
spreadsheet with all the data, listed for each
External Benchmarking
student. The second report is a
comprehensive analysis divided into two
The external benchmarking analysis
sections: internal benchmarking and external includes a comparison of student results with
results from other similar universities. We
compare both the total score and all topic
Internal Benchmarking
scores. We also compare the percent change
Internal benchmarking includes a
from inbound to outbound of your students’
results to the aggregate sample .
The result is meaningful data that you can
use for the continuous improvement of your
higher education programs. You will see both
the strengths and areas for improvement with
your business education program. Reports
can be included with your accreditation
document submissions.
Getting Students to Do Their Best
We recommend inserting the exam within a course with assigned points for
completion, usually as extra credit. Course faculty can hold students
accountable to complete the exam. The inbound exam should be maximum
points. The outbound exam should be graded on a curve as an extra credit
All Online Services
Our services are 100% online with no test proctor requirement. There is no
need to pre-order exams. Students self-register and the exam is available to you
24/7. E-mail or telephone us when you want a report at the end of your
examination period.
Advantages of Native Language Exams
When you test your students, it may be better to test in their native language
so that the exam is a true test of knowledge competency as opposed to
language proficiency. Students will feel more confident and comfortable
knowing they are being tested in their native language.
Getting Started
Step #1: Select the service and identify the pricing structure based on your
annual service requirements.
Step #2: Identify the courses where the service will be integrated. We will then
build you a customized Internet micro-site for student self-registration for the
exam keys. You and your faculty can use the service at no charge.
Step #3: Start the service. Modify course requirements, inform faculty, and we
will then send you reports as required, at the end of the exam period or when
you need them.
Discounted Pricing
A CPC comprehensive exam can be purchased individually ($40 US) by a student
using our secure e-commerce web site or in quantity by the university. Quantity
discount purchases (based on annual requirements) of the CPC Comprehensive Exam
include: <50, unit price ($40/exam); 50-100, 5% discount ($38/exam); 101-250, 10%
discount ($36/exam); 251-500, 15% discount ($34/exam); >500, 20% discount ($32/
Flexible Alternatives
We recognize the unique economic differences within the world. Therefore, we may
adjust pricing based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Index. Contact us if you
believe that you may qualify for this additional discount.
Pricing is inclusive—there are no report fees or set-up charges.
Contact Information:
+1 307-685-1555