

April 2015 updated catalog
forthcoming, new and backlist book titles
27-37 St George’s Road – London SW19 4EU — United Kingdom &
Scientific Committee
Committee coordinator(s)
Alain Dollet
Francis Allard, LaSIE–CNRS, Université de La Rochelle
Gustavo Ardila, IMEP – LAHC, Grenoble
Catherine Azzaro-Pantel, ENSIACET INP-CNRS, Toulouse
Pascal Brault, CNRS-GREMI, Orléans
Daniel Broseta, LFCR, CNRS-Université de Pau
Sylvain David, CNRS IPN, Orsay
Marie-Thérèse Giudici-Orticoni, Laboratoire de Bioénergétique et Ingénierie des Protéines, Marseille
Jean-François Guillemoles, ParisTech-EDF, Chatou
Marjorie Musy, CERMA, CNRS-Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes
Michel Pons, SIMAP CNRS-INPG, Grenoble
Topics covered
Bio-Energies, Biofuels
Cogeneration, Heat Production, Coldness Production
Embedded Systems, Power Integration, Micro Batteries,
Piezoelectricity, Nanotechnologies and Microsystems
for Energy
Energy Demand, Scenarios, Regulations and Policies
Energy Efficiency, Combustion, Propulsion, Electric
and Hybrid Vehicles
Energy Management in Buildings, Positive Energy
Energy Recovery, Thermoelectricity
Energy Storage, Batteries, Supercapacities, Hydrogen,
Fuel Cells
Energy Transport, Energy Networks, SmartGrids
Fossil Energies, Geological Resources, Geothermal
Energy, Strategic Metals
Materials for Energy, Energy Systems Engineering,
Energy Efficiency in Processes
Nuclear Energy
Renewable Energy
Solar Energy Conversion, Photovoltaics, Concentrating
Solar Energy, Solar Thermal
Wind Energy, Ocean Energies
Forthcoming Sets and Titles
Forthcoming Sets
Concentrated Solar Energy Conversion coordinated by Dollet Alain, Flamant Gilles
Energy Management in Embedded Systems coordinated by Maryline Chetto
Energy Storage – Batteries and Supercapacitors coordinated by Simon Patrice, Tarascon Jean-Marie
Nuclear Energy coordinated by Alain Dollet
Thermodynamics – Energy, Environment, Economy coordinated by Michel Feidt
Forthcoming Titles
Embodied Energy by Le Corre Olivier
Energy Harvesting by Adhikari Sondipon, Litak Grzegorz
Energy Harvesting with NEMS by Ardila Gustavo, Montes Laurent, Mouis Mireille
Energy Storage in Electric Power Grids
by Robyns Benoît, François Bruno, Delille Gauthier, Saudemont Christophe
Energy Storage in Transportation and Buildings by Robyns Benoît, Saudemont Christophe, Merdassi Asma,
Hissel Daniel, Roboam Xavier, Sareni Bruno, Pouget Julien, François Bruno
Intelligence in Energy by Kayakutlu Gülgün, Mercier-Laurent Eunika
Luminescence Based Techniques for Photovoltaic Devices by Lombez L
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass for Energy and Chemicals Production by Dufour Anthony
Sets – Forthcoming and published Titles
Batteries / Electrochemical Storage
Coordinated by Patrice Simon, Université Paul Sabatier, CIRIMAT-LCMIE
and Jean-Marie Tarascon, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Carbon-based or Pseudocapacitive Materials Supercapacitors by Brousse Thierry, Favier Frédéric, Simon Patrice
Electrochemical Energy Storage by Tarascon Jean-Marie, Simon Patrice
Electrodes Formulation by Lestriez Bernard, Morcrette Mathieu
Inorganic Batteries: 2D thin systems to 3D massive batteries by Viallet Virginie, Dollé Mickael, Bouchet Renaud
Materials and Understanding of Mechanisms for More Efficient Li-ion Battery Electrodes
by Croguennec Laurence, Monconduit Laure, Dedryvère Rémi
Multi-scale Modeling of Batteries and Supercapacitors
by Franco Alejandro, Salanne Mathieu, Doublet Marie-Liesse
Multifunctional Electrodes Combining Conversion and Energy Storage for
Photo-rechargeable Batteries by Laberty-Robert Christel, Sauvage Frédéric
New chemistries, beyond Li-ion by Tarascon Jean-Marie, Barboux Philippe, Palacin Rosa
Operando, In-situ and Ex-situ by Ménétrier Michel, Masquelier Christian, Stievano Lorenzo
Organic Redox Materials for Electrochemical Storage by Leprêtre Jean-Claude, Poizot Philippe, Dolhem Franck
Energy Management in Embedded Systems
Coordinated by Maryline Chetto, Nantes University
Energy Autonomy of Real-Time Systems by Chetto Maryline, Queudet Audrey
Energy Powering of Battery-Free Wireless Embedded Systems by Dilhac Jean-Marie, Boitier Vincent
ESD Protection Methodologies by Bafleur Marise, Caignet Fabrice, Nolhier Nicolas
Flash Memory Integration by Boukhobza Jalil, Olivier Pierre
Published Titles
Electrochemical Energy Storage
Volume 1 of the Energy Storage – Batteries and Supercapacitors set
Cordinated by Jean-Marie Tarascon, Collège de France, Paris, Patrice Simon, University Paul
Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Energy Storage – Batteries and Supercapacitors set
ISBN: 9781848217201 • 2015 • 94 pages • USD 70.00 • ISTE-WILEY
This book, the first in the Energy Storage – Batteries and
Supercapacitors Set, co-ordinated by Patrice Simon and JeanMarie Tarascon, will discuss the launch of RS2E through
technological advances (from Li-ion to redox-flow batteries) as
well as the challenges that must still be resolved in the field of
electrochemical energy storage, taking into account sustainable
development. RS2E’s stakeholders, objectives and integrated
structure, which assure an improved continuum between basic
research, technological research and industrials, are also
1. Batteries and Supercapacitors: Some Reminders.
2. Advanced Li-ion.
3. Capacitive Storage.
4. New Chemistries.
5. Eco-Compatible Storage.
6. Smart Materials.
7. Technology Transfer, Research Promotion and
Le stockage électrochimique de l’énergie – ISBN: 9781784050665
The above title is published in French by ISTE Editions (
Energy Geostructures
Innovation in Underground Engineering
Lyesse Laloui and Alice Di Donna, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne,
Coordinated by Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
ISBN: 9781848215726 • 2013 • 320 pages • USD 145.00 • ISTE-WILEY
Energy geostructures are a tremendous
innovation in the field of foundation
engineering and are spreading rapidly
throughout the world. They allow the
procurement of a renewable and clean
source of energy which can be used for
heating and cooling buildings. This
technology couples the structural role of
geostructures with the energy supply,
using the principle of shallow geothermal
Energy Geostructures provides a sound
basis in the challenging area of energy
geostructures. The objective of this book is
to supply the reader with an exhaustive
overview on the most up-to-date and
available knowledge of these structures. It
details the procedures that are currently
being applied in the regions where
geostructures are being implemented.
Part 1. Physical Modeling of Energy Piles at Different Scales
1. Soil Response under Thermomechanical Conditions Imposed by Energy
2. Full-scale In Situ Testing of Energy Piles.
3. Observed Response of Energy.
4. Behavior of Heat-Exchanger Piles from Physical Modeling.
5. Centrifuge Modeling of Energy Foundations.
Part 2. Numerical Modeling of Energy Geostructures
6. Alternative Uses of Heat-Exchanger Geostructures.
7. Numerical Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of Thermoactive Piles Under
Cyclic Axial Loading.
8. Energy Geostructures in Unsaturated Soils.
9. Energy Geostructures in Cooling-Dominated Climates.
10. Impact of Transient Heat Diffusion of a Thermoactive Pile on the Surrounding
11. Ground-Source Bridge Deck De-icing Systems Using Energy Foundations.
Part 3. Engineering Practice
12. Delivery of Energy Geostructures.
13. Thermo-Pile: A Numerical Tool for the Design of Energy Piles.
14. A Case Study: The Dock Midfield of Zurich Airport.
Published Titles
Solar Energy at Urban Scale
Edited by Benoit Beckers, University of Technology of Compiègne, France
Energy Series
ISBN: 9781848213562 • 2012 • 384 pages • USD 165.00 • ISTE-WILEY
This book collects the points of view of 18 specialists from
around the world and proposes a multi-disciplinary and
systematic approach concerning specialities as different as
meteorology, geography, architecture and urban engineering
systems, all surrounding the essential problem of solar
1. The Odyssey of Remote Sensing from Space: Half a
Century of Satellites for Earth Observations.
2. Territorial and Urban Measurements.
3. Sky Luminance Models.
4. Satellite Images Applied to Surface Solar Radiation
5. Worldwide Aspects of Solar Radiation Impact.
6. Local Energy Balance.
7. Evapotranspiration.
8. Multiscale Daylight Modeling for Urban Environments.
9. Geometrical Models of the City.
10. Radiative Simulation Methods.
11. Radiation Modeling using the Finite Element Method.
12. Dense Cities in the Tropical Zone.
13. Dense Cities in Temperate Climates: Solar and Daylight
14. Solar Potential and Solar Impact.
Marine Renewable Energy Handbook
Edited by Bernard Multon, ENS de Cachan - Rennes, France
Energy Series
ISBN: 9781848213326 • 2012 • 672 pages • USD 277.00 • ISTE-WILEY
This multidisciplinary book deals with general aspects such as
the specificities and constraints of the marine environment, the
concepts of hydrodynamics and ocean engineering, as well as
the industrial and economic sides necessary for the assembly
of projects.
Marine Environment and Energy Resources.
Constraints of the Marine Environment.
Some Concepts of Hydrodynamics and Ocean Engineering.
Marine Energy and Industrial Actors.
Installation of Wind Turbines at Sea.
Conversion Systems for Offshore Wind Turbines.
7. Production of Tidal Range Energy,.
8. Concepts, Modeling and Control of Tidal Turbines.
9. Paimpol-Bréhat: Development of the First Tidal Array in
10. Feedback from the Sabella Tidal Current Turbine Project.
11. Wave Energy Converters.
12. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: A Historical
13. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Solutions Studied.
14. Electrical Conversion Systems.
15. Cables for Collecting and Transmitting Energy Produced
by Offshore Technologies.
ISTE Ltd – ISTE Press Ltd – ISTE Editions Ltd
ISTE Contacts
Sami Ménascé, President and Managing Director –
Raphaël Ménascé, Vice-President – +44 208 879 4588 –
General Adminstration
Chantal Ménascé — +44 208 879 4582 –
Editorial and Production
Rebecca Edge, Editorial Manager – +44 208 879 4585 –
Ludovic Moulard, Acquisition Editor – +44 208 879 4584 –
Scientific Board Members
Jean-Charles Pomerol, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – INSIS/CNRS, Paris, France
(President of the Scientific Board)
Robert Baptist, CEA Grenoble, France
Philippe Baptiste, directeur général délégué à la science du CNRS, Paris, France
Alain Dollet, CNRS – INSIS-CNRS, Paris, France
Bernard Dubuisson, Heudiasyc, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France
Olivier Pironneau, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Guy Pujolle, LIP6 – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Book specifications (production and distribution)
● A SET brings together, under a single title, a limited number of volumes (from a minimum of 3 to a maximum
of approximately 10). Topics are "specialized". The content in each set covers the research and very latest
innovations of the topic.
● FOCUS books, from minimum 50 approx. to 200 pages maximum, which deal with the fundamental,
conceptual and technological aspects of the topic.
● Monographs and multi-author books, usually between 250 and 400 pages long, deal with the fundamental,
experimental and applicative aspects of each topic.
Editorial and formatting guidelines are available at
Database indexing: following SCOPUS and ISI specifications.
● ISTE Ltd has an exclusive book co-publishing and world distribution contract with WILEY.
● ISTE Press Ltd has an exclusive book co-publishing and world distribution contract with ELSEVIER.
● ISTE Editions is distributed worldwide (paper copy only) by NBN International (
ISTE – a leading publishing group
ISTE Ltd – ISTE Press Ltd – ISTE Editions
● 30 committees cover all the editorial lines published.
● Over 200 top-level scientists and researchers, from over
20 countries, are members of the ISTE committees.
● They are, together with the members of the Scientific Board,
the backbone of the ISTE Publishing Organization.
Three major editorial lines
Engineering, Technology and Materials Science
Environmental and Life Sciences
Human and Social Sciences
Publications in
English — French
English Language Publications
Titles co-published with
French Publications
e d i t i on s
Titles co-published with
27-37 St George’s Road – London SW19 4EU — United Kingdom &