4/12/2015 - St. Agnes Catholic Parish


4/12/2015 - St. Agnes Catholic Parish
Sunday, April 12
DPAA Follow-Up Weekend
Coffee & Donuts after 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30
Blood Pressure Screenings
Cans for Kids Collection
9:00 a.m. Rosary - Church
10:30 a.m. RCIA - Rectory Conf Room
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
7:30 p.m. Rosary for Peace/Enlisted-Adoration Chapel
Monday, April 13
2:30 p.m. Girl Scouts (BR) - Murphy A & B
7:00 p.m. CCD - School
7:30 p.m. Pro-Life Committee - Murphy Hall
7:30 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul - Rectory Conf Room
Tuesday, April 14
10:00 a.m. Prayer Group - Chapel
7:00 p.m. Board of Education - Media Center
7:00 p.m. Men’s CRHP Team - Convent
Wednesday, April 15
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts - Murphy A & B
7:00 p.m. Cub Scouts - Murphy Hall
7:00 p.m. Choir - Church
Thursday, April 16
11:30 a.m. Anointing of the Sick following Mass
Friday, April 17
10:00 a.m. Familia - Murphy A & B
Saturday, April 18
8:10 a.m. Sung Morning Prayer - Church
9:00 a.m. Confessions - Church
9:00 a.m. First Eucharist Retreat - Murphy Hall
Sunday, April 19
9:00 a.m. Rosary - Church
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
7:30 p.m. Rosary for Peace/Enlisted-Adoration Chapel
Mass Intentions
Sunday, April 12-Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy
7:30 a.m. Doran Reed
9:30 a.m. Lois Stephens
11:30 a.m. Tom Wissel
Monday, April 13-St. Martin I
6:30 a.m. Marilyn Stoeckle
11:30 a.m. Bill Rauen
Tuesday, April 14
6:30 a.m. People of the Parish
11:30 a.m. Nick & Marie Kreutzjans
Wednesday, April 15
6:30 a.m. Jim Markiewicz
11:30 a.m. Josephine Smouse Scott
Thursday, April 16
6:30 a.m. Souls in Purgatory
11:30 a.m. Deacon Joe Cleves-3rd Anniversary
Friday, April 17
6:30 a.m. Bob Weil
9:00 a.m. Ralph Racette
11:30 a.m. John & Bert Oldiges
APRIL 12, 2015
Saturday, April 18
8:30 a.m. Ralph Kuchle & Karen Kuchle Swofford
4:00 p.m. Kay Wissel
Sunday, April 19-Third Sunday of Easter
7:30 a.m. Martha Kaelin
9:30 a.m. Yvonne Gibson
11:30 a.m. Mary Rita Bell
Ministry/Volunteer Schedule
for April 18th/19th
Gift Bearers
4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Lou & Kathy Hodge
Ron & Janet Muck
Chris & Natalie Maier & Family
Kevin & Donna Baker & Family
Special Ministers of the Word
4:00 p.m. M Witt, J Osterhaus
7:30 a.m. G Harpen
9:30 a.m. L Thamann, M Fritz
11:30 a.m. G Whitacre, L Clements
Eucharistic Ministers
4:00 p.m. M Stoeckle, J & D Rechtin, K & D Bray,
M Pennington, J Bayer, L Knasel
7:30 a.m. I & D Mai, C Kirn, B Henn, D & B Tepe
9:30 a.m. P Fritz, M Fox, J VonHandorf, C Mullen,
L Stauber, G & D Small, T & R Lonneman,
P Metzger
11:30 a.m. J & K Elfers, J & R Lawson, B & S Thamann,
J & J Reinersman, M Spare, D Able
4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
G Wainscott, M Alcantara, M Kaelin
J Cornes, B Shields, B Kindt
J Knochelmann, R Kluemper, E Kluemper
H Melching, M Summe, J Teller
6:30 a.m. – Servers:
April 13th-Don Mai
April 20th-Earl Schuh
Rosary, Sunday, April 19th at 9:00 a.m.: Dan Summe
Highland Crossing, April 19th: Deacon Jim Fedor
Vocation Chalice Program Participants
4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Tony & Diane Eilerman
Loretta McKinley
Pat & Laura Anneken
Chris & Stephanie Schmidt
4:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Betty Peeno, Aneta Biernat
Daryl & Blanche Tepe, Frank & Bev Henn
Carl & Carol Allison, Steve & Maria Elkins
Margie Long, Drew & Lyn Collins,
Mark Nutter
To learn more about the Catholic Faith
or about joining our parish, please call
431-1802 or email
Staff Article
Easter Hope
During the Easter Season we celebrate life and we
celebrate hope. Our hope comes to us through Jesus
Christ, who died on the cross for the forgiveness of
our sins, and rose from the dead to show us that our
life on Earth does not end in death, but is just the
beginning of our life eternal in Heaven.
Unlike Thomas who placed his fingers on the nail
marks and his hand on the side of the Risen Lord, we
are called to trust and to believe based on faith and
hope. Fortunately, God provides us with signs of
hope to strengthen our faith. This year my signs of
hope came during Holy Week, beginning with the
Palm Sunday procession, the readings of the Passion
on Palm Sunday and Good Friday, The Holy Thursday
washing of the feet and Eucharistic procession, the
Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday, the Easter
Vigil and Easter Sunday celebrations, the beautiful,
uplifting, and prayerful music provided by our music
ministers, our parish community with whom I had the
privilege of sharing this sacred time, and my family.
On Easter Sunday morning after barely 4 hours of
sleep, when I got into the car to drive to Saint Agnes
for the 7:30 a.m. Mass, I was greeted by a big,
beautiful, and bright moon. It made me think of my
granddaughter, Yoli, who gets excited every time she
sees the moon. At supper I’ve seen her take a bite
out of a slice of zucchini and hold it up to me proudly
exclaiming, “The moon! I made a moon, Grandpa!”
This was another sign of hope that God so graciously
On July 1st I’ll be celebrating 20 years of music
ministry at Saint Agnes. I am very thankful and
blessed to have been our music minister for these
past 20 years. I’ve made many wonderful and lasting
friendships with a number of people, both in our music
ministry and in the parish as a whole. I’d love to
continue to be our music minister, God willing, for
another 20 years or at least maybe another 10. We
are blessed with an amazing staff and generous
volunteers, involved in a number of ministries that
provide vital services for our parish and community.
Our music ministry is made up primarily of a number
of dedicated and committed volunteers including
singers for the various choirs, instrumentalists, cantors,
a fantastic children’s choir, and a memorial choir for
funerals. Both Jay Kirchner, our organist, and Renee
Harris, our 9:30 choir director, give 110% of
themselves in their ministries. We are also blessed
from time to time with friends and family who volunteer
to share in our music ministry as guests. Among these
are the Marian University Sacred Choir, The Covington
Catholic and Saint Henry’s Chamber Choirs, Julie
O’Neill on Good Friday, and most recently Serenity
Fisher and Michael Ronstadt on Easter Sunday.
During this Easter season may we all be enriched and
nourished by the signs of hope around us and may we
be beacons of hope to others.
Bobby Fisher, Director of Music Ministries
Parish Worship
Faith Sharing Questions
Theme of this week’s Gospel: Jesus appeared to
His disciples, showed them His wounds, and gave
them the power to forgive sins. Thomas was not
present when this happened.
Adults: Have you ever questioned things about your
faith as Thomas did? How did you resolve your
Teens: Why did Thomas have difficulty believing that
Jesus had risen? What made Him change His mind?
Children: If Jesus were to appear to you today, what
would you say to Him?
Next Sunday: April 19, 2015
The Third Sunday of Easter Season,
Cycle B
During the Easter Season, the First Reading comes
from The Acts of the Apostles and we read about the
early, post-resurrection days of our Church. In Cycle B
years, the Second Reading is from the First Letter of
John. The Gospel Readings for the first three Sundays
of Easter recount appearances of the Risen Christ.
Gospel Reading: (Luke 24:35-48) This Gospel
passage comes right after the “Emmaus Story” from
the Gospel of Luke. The Emmaus Story is not found in
any Gospel except Luke. The story tells of two
disciples leaving Jerusalem heading toward the town of
Emmaus. On the way, they encounter a stranger and
they engage in a lively conversation about Jesus and
the scriptures. As they walk the stranger “opens their
minds” to understand the Scriptures. The disciples
don’t realize that the stranger is in fact Jesus until at a
meal that night. They “recognize him when he breaks
the bread”—an obvious reference to the Eucharist.
With this recognition, Jesus vanishes from their midst.
Parish Worship continued
Immediately after this, these disciples head back to
Jerusalem. Now this is where the Gospel passage for
this Sunday takes up. The details of the this story—
Jesus’ wounds, his eating, etc.—emphasize that this is
not the appearance of a ghost, but of something more
real. As with the two disciples on the road, Jesus
seems to be explaining to them that Scripture can only
be properly understood in light of His resurrection. He
“opens their minds” as well to the meaning of Scripture
and all that they have experienced, charging them
“You are witnesses of these things.” This “apostolic
witness” of those who experienced the risen Lord—
many giving their lives for Him—is foundational to the
life of Christianity.
First Reading: (Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19)
The Acts of the Apostles is thought to have been
written by Saint Luke, who was a disciple of Saint Paul
(the “Apostle to the Gentiles”). This reading from Acts
is from a speech that is depicted as being given by
Saint Peter to a Jewish assembly. Perhaps this
reading, which is both accusatory toward the Jews
and exhortatory toward repentance, summarizes well
the attitude of Luke’s Christian Community (about 80
AD) toward the Jewish community. Apparently there
were many Gentiles in Luke’s community.
Second Reading: (1 John 2:1-5) Echoing a theme
from John’s Gospel, this reading speaks in terms of
equating true knowledge of God with keeping God’s
commandments: The love of God is perfected in the
one who keeps God’s Word.
Adoration of Our Lord
Blessed are we who receive the Lord Jesus
in Holy Communion (His Body, Blood, Soul,
and Divinity) and have the opportunity to visit
and adore Him in His Real Presence in
Eucharistic Adoration. Please commit to an
hour with Jesus in our Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel.
Call 859-496-4149 for more information.
Congratulations Bridget Elkins
We congratulate Bridget Elkins and her family this
weekend. Bridget will be making her First Holy
Communion at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Our parish is very
proud of Bridget!
Incense Alert Changed
In recent bulletins it was announced that during the
Easter Season we would be using incense at the 4:00
p.m. (Saturday), 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses. That is
changed. After today, we will only use incense at the
Masses on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th.
APRIL 12, 2015
Holy Week: Many Thanks
I thought our Holy Week Services last
week were very meaningful and
prayerful. It takes the efforts of many
to make them so. Our Sacristan, Walt
Witt, does an extraordinary job,
changing the decor in church several
times between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. He
also gets out and stores away all of the various items
we use, particularly ones we use just this one time
each year. Our music groups did a beautiful job,
enhancing our worship with beautiful music, both
instrumental and vocal. We thank Bobby Fisher and
Renee Harris for their leadership, as well as the many
musicians and vocalists who practice so diligently all
year around, but especially in anticipation of Holy
Week. We thank Paula Fritz and her team of
volunteers who coordinate our Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program, and who prepared
Cassie Moening and Marta Reser for the Sacraments
of Confirmation and First Communion. RCIA is a
process that goes on all year around. A special thanks
to our Deacons: Jim Fedor, Ralph Grieme, Gary Scott
and Bob Stoeckle. They helped with Liturgy
preparations as well as serving at the actual Liturgies.
They also graciously helped Father Bob Rosing and
the Sisters of Notre Dame with the Holy Week
Services at Saint Joseph Heights. Our Servers,
Lectors, Communion Ministers, Ushers and Greeters
all did a great job as well. Lastly, thanks to everyone
who participated. In Christianity, remembering is a
very important responsibility. We do not want to forget
what our God has done for us. In fact, we are to
“proclaim the mighty deeds of the Lord!” We do this
remembering through our Liturgies all year long, but
especially during Holy Week.
– Fr. Mark Keene
Status of Sunday Collection
Actual Collections (July thru 04/07/2015)
Budgeted Collections (July thru April)
Budgeted Collections for Fiscal Year (2014/2015)
Stewardship continued
DPAA 2015 Follow-Up Sunday
“...So that your works may be clearly
seen as done in God.” John 3:21
Thank you to everyone who has
completed a pledge card and/or made a
gift to the DPAA this year. Follow-up Sunday is today,
April 12th, so those who have not completed a pledge
card will have an opportunity to do so.
I encourage everyone to consider making a
commitment that is truly sacrificial. Many find they can
participate in this appeal at a greater level by making a
pledge that is paid over several months, as opposed to
a one-time gift.
Please pray for the success of the appeal for our
diocese and our parish. — Fr. Mark Keene
Saint of the Week
Saint Martin I
The future Pope Martin was born in the
Umbrian city of Todi, which is located in
central Italy. The actual year of his birth
is not known. He was a high official in
the Church before he was elected pope
on July 21, 649. He had been a deacon
and was the only pope during the period
called the Byzantine papacy (537-752) to be elected
without imperial approval. His election was seen as a
“Battle Cry” against Constantinople (Byzantium). As
soon as he became pope he called the Lateran Council
of 649.
The Lateran Council was called to deal with the heresy
of the Monothelites, who stated that Christ had one will,
even though he had two natures (human and divine).
The Church holds that Jesus had two wills, human and
divine, to correspond to his two natures, human and
divine, which is called dyothelitism. The council
condemned the monothelites and those who
promulgated it. This included the Patriarch of
Constantinople and Patriarch Paul II, both who had
support from the Byzantine emperor.
The emperor Constans ordered that Martin be
arrested. He was, and was charged with collaborating
with the Muslim caliphate that was threatening the
Byzantine empire (in addition to attacking the
Emperor’s friends). Martin was first taken to the Greek
island of Naxos in 653. During the same year he was
taken to Constantinople, and then in 655 he was sent
to the Crimea (currently southern Russia or Ukraine),
where he died on September 16th of the same year.
His feast day in April 13th.
Parish News
Wedding Banns
II-Amber Trenkamp, St. Agnes & Juan Afable
Our Lady of Fatima’s Statue
Our Lady of Fatima’s National Pilgrim
Statue Tour will be at Saint Agnes on
Thursday, April 23rd from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30
p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
throughout the day with Rosary being led at
the top of each hour. A special
presentation is planned for 7:00 p.m.
Coffee and Donuts Today
You are invited to Murphy Hall immediately following
the 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses today for donuts,
fruit, coffee and juice. Sponsored this month by
members of our Parish Council.
Happy Anniversary Deacons
Deacons Jim Fedor, Ralph Grieme and Gary Scott
were ordained on April 13, 2013. It is hard to believe
that two years have passed since that beautiful
weekend. We congratulate them on their ministry and
thank them for their service to our parish and to our
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The last three Children’s Liturgy of the
Word classes will be offered during 11:30
Mass today, April 19th, and April 26th, and
it will resume in September. Additional
helpers are needed for next year’s program. If you are
interested in helping, please contact Michelle Schulte
at michelle.r.schulte@gmail.com. No teaching
experience is necessary. All volunteers must be Virtus
Pro-Life Meeting
Saint Agnes’ Pro-Life Committee will meet the
Monday, April 13th in Murphy Hall at 7:30 p.m. We
invite all parishioners to come and join us!
Attention All Virtus Users
All Virtus accounts are
unsuspended (or open) for the
month of April. Please take time
during April to make sure all your
bulletins are complete. Monthly
bulletins are posted on the first Sunday of every
month. Please check your account at least once a
month. If you have any questions, please contact
Beth at the rectory office at 431-1802 or
Parish News continued
Adult Confirmation on Pentecost
Bishop Foys will confirm adults who have missed
Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th at the
10:00 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral. If you are
interested in being confirmed, please contact Anita
Dunn at adunn@saintagnes.com or call 431-1802.
Applications must be in by April 27th.
Become a “Pewster”
We will be cleaning the pews after the 8:30 a.m.
Mass on Saturday, April 18th. It should take less than
an hour to complete our tasks. All cleaning items will
be supplied. Please join us. For more information
contact Nancy Jung at 331-3412.
First Place 4 Health
Would you like to get in better shape
this summer — physically, mentally,
spiritually, and emotionally? First
Place 4 Health is a Christ-centered
weight program designed to help us
improve in all four of these essential
areas. There will be a NO OBLIGATION informational
meeting on Monday, April 20th at 6:00 p.m. in the
Rectory Conference Room. Please prayerfully
consider whether this might be the answer you have
been seeking. You may also contact Nancy Bradley at
nancybradley47@hotmail.com or 859-803-2002. All
are welcome. Come and bring a friend.
APRIL 12, 2015
New Parish Picture Directory
Life Touch will be taking pictures for the parish picture
directory the weeks of April 27th, May 4th, and May
11th in Murphy Hall. Please sign up for your
appointment online at https://www.securedatatrans14.com/ap/stagneschurch/index.php?page=10 or
go to our website and under News, click on New Parish
Picture Directory. For those who are unable to register
online, we will have sign-ups after all Masses on April
11th/12th, and April 18th/19th. Families that have their
picture taken for the directory will receive a free 8 x 10
and a free directory. Any questions, please contact
Linda at jlshelton@zoomtown.com.
Volunteers are needed to register families online,
greet parishioners on picture days, and help with the
directory design. Anyone interested in helping, please
contact Beth at the parish office at
parishoffice@saintagnes.com or Linda at 344-1140 or
Rose Garden Open House
The Rose Garden Center for Hope and Healing (2020
Madison Avenue, Covington) will be having an open
house on Sunday, April 26, from 1-4 PM. Come and
See the wonderful works that the Lord is doing through
the Franciscan Daughter of Mary and all of their
volunteers. Saint Agnes helps support the Rose
Garden through the Parish Tithing Fund.
Saint Agnes School Needs You
Last weekend we welcomed three new
Catholics into our faith. They now enter
the 4th period of the RCIA, Mystagogy,
which lasts for a year. This final period of
regular weekly formation extends through
the Easter Season to Pentecost, followed
by monthly gatherings until next Easter Vigil. It is a
time for deepening the Christian experience, especially
in appreciation for the sacramental life, for spiritual
growth, and for entering more fully into the life and
unity of the Catholic community. Now that they share
fully with us in the Sacraments, we need to pledge our
support to help them grow and mature in the Catholic
Christian life and to develop a genuine Catholic world
view. Please introduce yourself to Cassie, Marta, and
Tracy and invite them to join you in prayer and service
at Saint Agnes and in our greater community.
If you are interested in learning about the Catholic faith
or if you know anyone who might be interested, please
contact our parish at pfritz@saintagnes.com or 4311802.
It’s time to register or re-register your Kroger Plus
Card with Saint Agnes School, so that we can benefit
from your shopping. Here are the easy steps:
1. Visit Kroger’s website at
www.krogercommunityrewards.com and sign in to
your account or create a new account.
2. Enter Saint Agnes School’s five digit NPO number
3. Select your organization by clicking on the circle to
the left of our school’s name.
4. Save changes.
Saint Agnes School has the opportunity to benefit
greatly when all our parents, parishioners, and
community members register their card. BJ David
generously produced a video to provide a visual guide
to registering your Kroger card: youtube.com/watch?
Remember, you must re-enroll each year, so
please register today to start earning money for
Saint Agnes School! Thank you for your support!
Faith Formation
Diocesan News
Word of Life Bulletin Brief
Earth Day in Fort Wright
“Human life must be respected and protected
absolutely from the moment of conception.”
To celebrate EARTH DAY, The City of Fort Wright is
sponsoring a Clean Up Fort Wright Day on Saturday,
April 18th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. We are
asking all residents of Fort Wright to pick up trash
around their homes and neighborhoods. If you are
able to do more by helping pick up trash around
some public areas of the city, please meet us at the
Fort Wright City Building and Fort Wright will provide
trash bags and transportation to those areas if
needed. Businesses are also being asked to
—Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2280
© 2001 LEV-USCCB. Used with permission.
Spiritual Adoption
Baby Shower
We have been praying for our spiritually
adopted babies for 8 months now! To
celebrate the end of our Spiritual Adoption
program we will be having a baby shower
next weekend, April 18th & 19th. The flyer
inserted in this bulletin lists suggested items for the
baby shower. All donations will be given to the Rose
Garden Home Mission in Covington so they can
continue their important work with women in crisis
pregnancies. If you have any questions, please
contact Mary Beth Scott at 859-586-4017.
Volunteers are asked to register at the following site
-tickets-16073688836 or call the City of Fort Wright at
331-1700. All volunteers will be treated to a lunch
provided by Izzy's at 12:30 p.m. that day at the Fort
Wright Civic Club on Kennedy Road.