Weekly Bulletin - Bethel United Methodist Church


Weekly Bulletin - Bethel United Methodist Church
April 12, 2015
11:00 A.M.
We are especially glad to have all visitors and guests worshipping with us today. Your presence with us is a blessing! Please be sure to let us know who you
are by registering your attendance on the yellow card located in the pew rack and
placing it in the offering plate. Visitors, be sure to pick up our informational
pamphlet (pew rack), and check out our website,
www.bethelmethodistcolumbia.com for more great information about Bethel. If
you would like to talk with the Pastor about church membership, please contact Rev.
Todd Davis at todd@bethelmethodistcolumbia.com or 787-3058.
The Color is White, symbolizing the purity, holiness, and virtue of
Jesus, as well as respect and reverence for our Savior and risen
King, Christ the Lord!
Chiming of Trinity At this time please quietly take your seats.
Welcome and Announcements
Triumphal March
A Special Welcome to Mr. Kyle Harper and Reverend Lex McDonald who are with us
today as Pastor Todd recovers from his recent surgery.
United Methodist Men Columbia District Spiritual Gathering will be held April 17-19 at
Asbury Hills Camp & Retreat Center. The theme for the weekend will be, “What Is In
Your Spiritual Toolbox?” Total cost is $140 for a cabin and $160 for Creekside or Batson.
Registration forms will be in the narthex and hall administrative table.
Mission U Mission U is a conference of all United Methodist Women in South Carolina.
UMW come together to study current issues impacting society based on mission study
topics. We meet in separate workshops as women sharing similar concerns and the Love
of God. To support our mission commitment, there is a crafts sale. Bethel ladies have
been taking items to Mission U for years. We would love to add your crafts to the Mission
U craft room. Please call Bonnie Speas with your donation, 803-727-8515.
BUMS April Outing will be to the White Home & Gardens in Rock Hill on Friday, April
17th. We will leave the church parking lot at 9:00 AM for a 10:00 AM tour. There is a $5
entrance fee. We will have lunch after the tour. Please RSVP by April 15th. Forms are
available in the Narthex and the office hallway or call Walt Speas at 736-3068.
Capital City Big Band Join us on April 21st as we attempt to “raise the roof” to help
cover the cost of our new roof. Tickets may be purchased at the door or by contacting
Barbara Harper at 782-7959. $10/adult, $5 age 10 and under. $30 family max.
BETHEL’S ANNUAL SPRING BBQ is back and better than ever! The annual spring
Men’s BBQ will be Saturday, April 25, 12-1:30 pm. This is BBQ chicken at its best! The
cost is $8 per plate. This includes 1/2 chicken, coleslaw, baked beans, and a roll.
Upper Room Prayerline The following calls came for the Upper Room Prayerline:
Diana, KY; Karen, NY; Tony, FL; Nelson, OH; Edna, L; Betty, IL; Dick, CA; Angie,
OH; Renita, NC; Chaka, CA; Eugene, GA; Debbie, MN; Jane, IL; Margaret, CA; Darlene,
FL and Nancy, NY
Study Cancelled Due to lack of interest, the Beth Moore Study, Children of the Day has
been cancelled.
Quarterly Contribution Statements are available for pick-up in the narthex.
*Choral Call to Worship
*Congregational Call to Worship (Responsive)
Have you heard of our great God? He created all that is and reigns over it all.
He rules with justice and mercy.
Have you heard or our great God? He is full of glory and his ways are
perfect. No one can match his wisdom and understanding.
Have you heard of our great God? He knows each name and sees each person
-- his love for us in unequaled.
ALL: Come, now, and worship our great God, for he is worthy of all
honor and glory and praise.
*Hymn of Praise #304 Easter People, Raise Your Voices
Regent Square
Children’s Moment
Lucy Kelly
Christ is Arisen
Christ is arisen, praise the Lord! Hail the Savior, King adored!
Alleluia! Songs of joy we gladly bring, all the faithful join and sing:
Alleluia! Christ is arisen, praise the Lord! Hail the Savior, King
adored! Alleluia! Christ is arisen! Alleluia!
Matthew 25:14-30
“Spiritual Gluttony”
Special Prayers for those in Hospitals/Rehab
Jean Smith—Heartland
Kate Brown-Baptist Hospital
Mr. Kyle Harper
Serving the Congregation Today
Church Nursery w/Verta: Debbie Farmer
Greeters: Anne and John Mathis, Iva Dell Griffith
Sound System Operator: Abbie Bowman
Acolyte: Mary Sydney George
Children’s Moment: Lucy Kelly
Head Usher: Tom Elliott
Ushers: Chuck Ward, David Wood, Michael Burnette, Dave Barnes
Offering Counters: Mike Hellams, Rebecca Bennett
Sanctuary Preparers: Dave Barnes, Karen Stewart
Presence April 5th Church School 30; Reach! 41; Traditional 161
May God bless you for your support of Bethel’s ministries!
Income (YTD)
Needed Weekly
Expenses (YTD)
Received (4/5)
Needed to Date
Roof Loan
Received to Date
Roof Donations (2014) 17,937.44
Roof Donations (2015)
Youth News
Youth Meeting TONIGHT! Youth will meet tonight from 6:00-7:30 PM. Please
plan to attend, we will be finalizing our Youth Sunday service which is NEXT week!
We have space for everyone, so please come and bring a friend!!!
Youth Sunday, Youth Sunday is next Sunday, April 19th during the 11:00 worship
hour. We hope you will join Bethel's Youth as they lead us in a special time of worship! All
Youth & their families are planning to meet at Pancho's (near the Fort Jackson entrance) immediately following the service for food & fellowship in place of evening Youth on the
19th. Everyone will pick up their own tab.
Kids' Worship Bulletins All children are invited to pick up a bulletin designed just
for them. Available in both worship services. Check with an usher!
Youth Choir Our youth choir (3 years to 3rd grade) will be singing in worship Sunday, April 19th as part of Youth Sunday. Practice is held during the first ten minutes
of the Sunday School hour each week.
Memory Verse for the week of April 12th.
Matthew 5:13
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be
made salty again?”
Prayer of Dedication
Let us give out of gratitude and not self-satisfaction. Let us give out
of love, and rejoice that quietly and faithfully we are able to help
another. Make it so loving God. Amen
Bethel to Host Family Promise May 3-May10. Volunteers are the heart of
Family Promise; without them, it cannot exist. The following are the different areas you may choose to serve (Food, Laundry, Room Environment,
Property and Facilities, Evening Hosts, and Overnight Host). Please call
Sally Hafner (736-2526) or Bonnie Speas (736-3068) if you would like to
Please help the Ushers by passing the offering plate down each pew
so all worshippers have an opportunity to present their gifts to God.
You may also place attendance cards in the plate at this time.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available in the Narthex. If you should need help finding or operating a device an Usher will be happy to assist you.
For Your Convenience... A Nursery for Infants thru 3 yr. olds is available in Rm.
#E154 of the Education Bldg. If children are joining you in worship "Fun Bags” and children’s bulletins are located in the Narthex. A "Cry Room" with toys/rocking chairs/
changing table and full view/sound of worship is also located just off the Narthex.
In Need of Prayer? Simply use the Prayer Request Card found in your pew. You
may place it in a Prayer Request Box (located in the narthex and office hallway) or
fold and place in the offering plate. Or, you may call Iva Dell Griffin at 782-5032.
It Was His Love
*Presentation of Gifts and Tithes
*Doxology #95
Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures
here below; Praise him above ye heavenly host; praise Father,
Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*Affirmation of Faith—Apostle’s Creed #881
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in
Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy
Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he
ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Al
mighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I
believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* church, the communion of
saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life
everlasting. Amen.
*catholic (universal)
*Gloria Patri
Long Range Planning Moment
Rev. Lex McDonald
*Hymn #364
Because He Lives
*Choral Response
*Chiming of the Trinity
Church Office Hours
Hark My Soul
*All who are able are invited to stand.
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
Those who would like to become a member of the Bethel UMC family,
by profession of faith or transfer of church membership, are invited to speak
with the minister at your convenience.
The flowers in the Sanctuary
are given in honor of Margaret Marshall’s 90th birthday on
April 13th.by the Marshall family.
If you would like to dedicate/donate the flowers for the traditional worship
service many dates are still available. The cost of a standard arrangement
is $54. Reserve by contacting Frances Cox by email (lighthousefrances
Monday -Thursday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Publication Submission Deadlines
The deadline for the Bulletin is 9:00 am on the preceding Wednesday.
The deadline for The Messenger is 9:00 am on the 25th of each month.
Calendar Scheduling
Please contact the Church Secretary as soon as possible to get your upcoming
events on the calendar. Rooms are scheduled on a first-come basis.
Upcoming Events at Bethel
Sunday, April 12
REACH Team Meeting (PAB) 7:25-8:25
Reach! Service (PAB) 9:00-9:40 AM
Nursery (E154) 9-12 Noon
Sunday School (EB) 9:45-10:45 AM
Children’s Music (E-151) 9:45-10 AM
Reach!Band Practice (PAB)9:45-11 AM
Worship (SAN) 11-12 Noon with Kyle
Harper and Rev. Lex McDonald
Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 4:15-5:15 PM
Wolves (Hut) 5-6 PM
Monday, April 13
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Lina Ott Circle (CR) 3-4 PM
Trustees (CR) 6-7 PM
Webelos II (Hut) 6-7 PM
Boy Scouts (Hut) 7-8 PM
Tuesday, April 14
REACH Team Meeting (PAB) 7:25-8:25
Reach! Service (PAB) 9:00-9:40 AM
Nursery (E154) 9-12 Noon
Sunday School (EB) 9:45-10:45 AM
Children’s Music (E-151) 9:45-10:00 AM
Reach!Band Practice (PAB)9:45-11 AM
Worship (SAN) Youth leading with Brian
Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 4:15-5:15 PM
Wolves (Hut) 5-6 PM
Hulbert Nbrhd. Group (Other) 7-8 PM
McNair Nbrhd. Group (Other) 7-8 PM
Monday, April 20
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Webelos II (Hut) 6-7 PM
Boy Scouts (Hut) 7-8 PM
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Belle Dent Circle (CR) 10:30-11:30 AM
Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM
Webelos I (Hut) 6-7 PM
Sylvia Hulsey Circle (PAB) 7-8 PM
Tuesday, April 21
Wednesday, April 15
Wednesday, April 22
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Preschool chapel (SAN) 9:30-9:45 AM
Tigers (Hut) 6-7 PM
...so the world will experience Christ’s love!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Second Sunday Of Easter
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM
Webelos I (Hut) 6-7 PM
Capital City Big Band (SAN) 7-8 PM
Rev. Davis on vacation
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Preschool chapel (SAN) 9:30-9:45 AM
Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) 7:15-8:30 PM Tigers (Hut) 6-7 PM
Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) 7:15-8:30
Thursday, April 16
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Thursday, April 23
Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM
Rev. Davis on vacation
Disciple I (NLC) 6-7 PM
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Kitchen Committee (PAB) 2:30-3:30 PM Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM
Disciple I (NLC) 6-7 PM
Friday, April 17
Pinewood Derby (PAB) 6:00-7:30 PM
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Bears (Hut) 6:30-7:30 PM
Friday, April 24
Rev. Davis on vacation
Saturday, April 18
Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM
Wilson Neighborhood Group (NLC)
BBQ Prep (PAB) 10 AM
Bears (Hut) 6:30-7:30 PM
In Ministry with the Congregation
Reverend Todd Davis, Pastor
Michelle Keiffer, Director of Christian Education
and Family Ministries
Marian Scullion, Director of Music Ministries
Bill Webb, Organist
Sylvia Hulbert, Director of Handbell Choir
Carol Barnett, Business Administrator
Saturday, April 25
Bob Silva, Administrative Assistant
EB—Education Building
CVC—Christian Voyager’s Class
4600 Daniel Drive, Columbia, SC 29206
phone 803.787.3058
Upper Room Prayer (CR) 8-9 AM
Spring BBQ (PAB) 12:00-1:30 PM
@gmail.com) or phone (803-427-7070) or call the Church Office.
Thank you for being good stewards of God’s blessings
by leaving our Church Sanctuary in the
good condition you found it.
Sunday, April 19
Youth Sunday
Contact Us
CR—Conference Room
NLC—New Life Class
PAB—Pool Activities Building