Program Details - IFSO


Program Details - IFSO
Hall#A 403+404
Opening Remark
SH Choi, IFSO-APC Congress President
Top 5 Papers (12min x5)
Moderator: M Lakdawala, W Brown
Coffee Break1
Keynote Lecture
Moderator: P Chowbey
Safety and Efficacy of 1000 Consecutive Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomies Performed as
a Primary Treatment Modality for Morbid Obesity
Speaker: R Rosenthal
National Report from IFSO-APC Countries (6min x 13)
Moderator: YB Choi, Immediate Past President of KSMBS
Australia–New Zealand
Wendy Brown (Obesity Surgery Society of Australia and New Zealand (OSSANZ))
Hong Kong
Simon Wong (Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery Group of HKASO)
Rajesh Khullar (Obesity Surgery Society of India (OSSI))
Tohru Tani (Japanese Surgical Society for Obesity and Metabolic Disorder (JSSO))
Hyuk-Joon Lee (Korean Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (KSMBS))
Hildegardes Dineros (Philippine Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (PSBMS))
Davit Sargsyan (Qatar Metabolic & Bariatric Society (QMBS))
Saudi Arabia
Khalid Mirza Gari (Saudi Arabia Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (SASMBS))
Shanker Pasupathy (Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society of Singapore (OMSSS))
Wei-Jei Lee (Taiwan Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (TSBMS))
Apr/9 Thu
Suthep Udomsawaengsup (Thai Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (TSMBS))
Mustafa Taskin (Turkish Obesity Surgery Society (TOSS))
United Arab Emirates
Faruq Badiuddin (Emirates Obesity Surgery Interest Group (EOSIG))
Moshe Rubin (Israeli Forum of Bariatric Surgery (IFBS))
Hall#B 402
April 9 Thu (Day 1)
Hall#C 401
Hall#A 403+404
Symposium1 (15min/1 x5)
Hall#B 402
April 9 Thu (Day 1)
Hall#C 401
Bariatric Education and Training 1
Post-graduate Course for Allied Health Professionals1 (In Korean)
Moderator: M. Rubin, H Dineros
Moderator: R Rosenthal, W Mui
Moderator: SM Han
The rationales and technical aspects on laparoscopic resectional RYGB
How to completely prepare your patient for bariatric surgery?
Dietitian's role in the baraiatric surgery team
JJ Kim
k Loi
JM Lee
Novel Techniques of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with duodenojejunal bypass (LSG/DJB) for diabetic Asian How
to safely
with BMI
less than
35 kg/m2
Immediate postoperative diet education
Yosuke Seki
Faruq Badiuddin
JH Kim
EndoBarrier Duodeno-Jejunal Bypass Liner
Risk management strategy: don't do it this way.
How to communicate within bariatric surgery team
H Frydenberg
M Lakdawala
SW Ryu
Laparoscopic gastric plication
Concomittent hiatal hernia: what to do?
Psychosocial aspect of bariatric surgical patient
SM Kim
S Pasupathy
JH Moon
Laparoscopic vagal block for obesity
How to properly manage post-operative bariatric surgery patient?
Exercise Program after bariatric surgery
L Kow
Poonam S. Shah
YK Kim
Coffee Break2
Coffee Break2
Coffee Break2
Symposium2 (15min1 x4)
Bariatric Education and Training 2
Post-graduate Course for Allied Health Professionals2 (In Korean)
Moderator: S Wong, P Raj
Moderator: Asim Shabbir, Chuchuang Wang
Moderator: SW Ryu, YC Park
Review of new position statement for BMI for bariatric & metabolic surgery
How to approach to a obese patient with psycho-social problem?
Multidisciplinary team approach
YS Heo
W Brown
YH Cho
How to select patient for bariatric surgery?: specific criteria in Asia Pacific region
How to Communicate with Obese Patients with Multiple Co-morbidities?
Trends in oral drug bioavailability following metabolic and bariatric surgery
Suthep Udomsawaensup
R Goel
MJ Kim
Changing Paradigm in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery in Asia
Who can be enrolled for or excluded from the interventional therapy of T2DM? beyond BMI
Overview of diabetes for surgeons: basics of pathophysiological spectrum
Best way to follow up the bariatric patients in outpatinet clinic
R Cohen
YM Cho
KW Seo
Putative prognostic factors for the remission of T2DM after metabolic surgery
Primary understandings about OHA and Insulin therapy for surgeons
Several tips for improving the follow-up visits after Bariatric surgery
J Dixon
CB Lee
MJ Soh
Sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of T2DM: could it be a possible alternative for mild obese Asian?
WJ Lee
Welcome Reception (303+304, 3F)
April 10 Fri (Day2)
Meet the Expert1 (Breakfast will be served)
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Meet the Expert2 (Breakfast will be served)
CK Huang
A Celik
Arrangement of surroundings
Arrangement of surroundings
Arrangement of surroundings
Symposium 3
Update on Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
Video presentation1
Oral Presentation1
Moderator: MY Cho, D Lomanto
Moderator: SU Han, M Bashah
Moderator: KY hur, Y Seki
Update on mid-term outcomes of gastric banding in Korea
Novel gastric band fixation method avoiding slippage and erosion - infraband
YC Park
Endoscopic Stenting and Naso-Jejunal Feeding Tube placement: Total
HE Taskin
Management of acute leakage after Laparoscopic single anastomosis
K-H Ser
Laparoscopic conversion from sleeve gastrectomy to Roux-Y gastric bypass plus
Alvaro Bueno-Delgado
Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass plus gastric plication (SADI-P) for
SM Kiim
Postoperative Migration Of A Sleeve Gastrectomy
S Chang
Initial experience of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with jejunal bypass
S-W Ryu
Re-Sleeve Gastrectomy For Failure Of Weight Loss After Primary Sleeve
SM Han
Issues with Data Gathering for Large International Metabolic Surgery Study
W Hoyois
Coffee Break3
Coffee Break3
HC Lee
Failed gastric banding related to postoperative complications
SM Han
Weight loss failure after laparoscopic gastric banding; What to do?
W Brown
Banded gastric pplication
CK Huang
Laparoscopic Banded Sleeve Gastrectomy: Our Technique
Tulip chamany
Coffee Break3
LAPAROSCOPIC Ileal Transpositon
Comparison of the Long-term Results of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve
J-F Li
The Impact of Sleeve Gastrectomy on Weight loss and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
C Chong
Metabolic Surgery For Non-Obese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Asian Patients
W-J Lee
Effect of laparoscopic single anastomosis gastric bypass for non-morbidly obese
M-J Kim
Efficacy of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in mildly obese patients with body
YJ Kim
A systemic review on the clinical outcomes of metabolic surgery in treating type
Y Ma
Four years after the Single Anastomosis Gastric Bypass for non-obese type 2
M-J Kim
Hall#A 403+404
Panel Discussion1
Interventional therapy for the treatment of non-obese type2 diabetes
Hall#B 402
April 10 Fri (Day2)
Video symposium1
Basics and complications of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Moderatror: F. Rubino, M Gagner, Mahendra Nawaria
Moderator: P Chowbey , S Wong
Anti-hyperglycemic effect of sleeve gastrectomy in non-obese T2DM: personal experience General updates on technical tips for laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gatric bypass
S Shah
Hui Liang
Anti-hyperglycemic effect of single anastomosis gastric bypass in non-obese T2DM: personal
development and gastrojejunal anastomosis
KY Hur
Cunchuang Wang
Anti-hyperglycemic effect of ileal transposition; personal experience
Limb development and easy way of jejunojejunal anastomosis
A Celik
H Dineros
Anti-hyperglycemic effect of classic roux-en-Y gastric bypass on non- morbidly obese T2DM:
on intra-operative
experience complications and salvage techniques during RYGB
R Cohen
R Khullar
Lessons from gastric cancer surgery for the patient with T2DM
Manaement of late complication after RYGB
SS Park
Sultan Al-Temyatt
Hall#C 401
Oral Presentation2
Moderator: SM Kim, S Udom sawaensup
Staple Line Leaks after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Experience from an
P-C Chang
technical tips to lower the incidence of GERD post laparoscopic sleeve
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in obese Korean patients: efficacy and
YJ Kim
Conversion Of Proximal Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass To Distal For Weight Loss
S Chang
Routine closure of mesenteric defects in retrocolic antegastric laparoscopic
W Yang
Bariatric Revisionary Surgery for Failed Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG):
M Farahmand
Revision of Scopinaro’s Biliopancreatic Diversion
A Alsalman
Gastric Band Removal: Outcomes and Current Management at the University of
E Elli
Apr/10 Fri
Luncheon Symposium
Moderator: TBA
Speaker: TBA
Presidential Lecture
Moderator: EK Kim, Senior Past President of KSMBS
Bariatric/Metabolic Surgery for the Asian Phenotype
WJ Lee, President of IFSO-APC
IFSO-APC General Assembly
IFSO-APC Consensus Meeting
Panelists: WJ Lee, F Rubino, H Frydenberg, M Lakdawala
Laparoscopic Reversal of Gastric Bypass
D Suh
6 years experience of Biliopancreatic Diversion
M.M Gari
Gastric Bypass Surgery For An Obese Diabetic Patient With Early Ca From
M-H Lee
Modification Of Scopinaro`S Bpd
A alsalman
Laparoscopic Reversal Of Nissens Fundoplication To Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass
Pr Palanivelu
Laparoscopic gastric bypass versus sleeve gastrectomy in obese Korean patients:
JY Park
Laparoscopic Revisional Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass To Banded Rygb For Weight
Pr Palanivelu
Standardizing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with a novel suction calibration
M Gagner
Sutureless Minigastric By Pass
HA Shanab
Comparative analysis of BMS according to surgical type in Korea : Roux-en-Y
H Ahn
Laparoscopic Resectional Gastric Bypass: Initial Experience in Korean Patients
JY Park
Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery: A Singapore Institution's Experience
Aung Myint OO
Robotic-assisted Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in 250 patients: Outcomes and
E Elli
Optimal Filling Level for Reduced Gestational and Postpartum Band Related
M Cho
Biliopancreatic Diversion Step By Step
M.M Gari
Changes of metabolic profiles and psychosocial status in accordance with
H Lee
Post Scopinaro Internal Hernia
HA Shanab
Short-term effect and safety analysis of bariatric surgery in adolescents
H Liang
Coffee Break4
Coffee Break4
Introduction: enunciation of a proposal for preoperative grading system
SH Choi
Keynote address 1: review of ABCD scoring system
WJ Lee
15::05-15:20 Keynote address 2: update on predictive system including DiaRem score system
F Rubino
Comment from IFSO President
R Weiner
Panelist Discussion
WJ Lee, F Rubino, H Frydenberg, M Lakdawala
(S Al-Temyatt, S Shah)
Oral Presentation3
moderator: KW Seo, Ramen Goel
(S Al-Temyatt, S Shah)
Video Presentation 2
Moderator: SH Choi, K Kasama
Moderator: S Yao, Faruq Badiuddin
How to predict whether the hyperglycemia will be successfully controlled after metabolic surgery?
“Candy cane” Roux syndrome after Roux-en Y Bypass : report of a case
: Suggestions of novel preoperative grading system
T Yamaguchi
Voting members, 45 representative
Coffee Break4
One Center Experience In Scopinaro`s BPD
HA Shanab
Hall#A 403+404
Hall#B 402
April 10 Fri (Day2)
Symposium 4
Revisional Bariatric surgery
Video symposium 2
Basics and complications of Sleeve gastrectomy
Moderator: K Loi, R Khullar, M Al-Jarallah
Revisional Treatment Modalities in Non-complicated Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Patients
Moderator: JH Lee, S Shah
Update on basic technical tips for sleeve gastrectomy
R Rosenthals
S Yao
Weight regain; Definition & Strategy for reversal
Risk reduction strategies and salvage techniques during sleeve gastrectomy
M Nawaria
M Bashah
Failed sleeve: Conversion to gastric bypass?
How to prevent de novo GERD
YJ Kim
W M Mui
Failed sleeve: Re-sleeve?
Management of Complications after Sleeve Gastrectomy
M O hta
P Raj
What is the ideal procedure after failure of RYGB?
Endoscopic management of complications after the sleeve gastrectomy
P Chowbey
A Shabbir
Hall#C 401
Oral Presentation4
Moderator: KY Hur, S Pasupathy
Durability of glycemic control after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for type 2
Calcium And Parathyroid Hormone Changes After Metabolic Surgery For Type 2
M-H Lee
Immediate changes of Insulin sensitivity after Gastretomy for Early Gastric
BK Kim
Changes in Glucose Transporters, Gluconeogenesis, and Circadian Clock after
E Ha
Comparative Study of Efficacy for Type 2 Diabetes Control between
DJ Kim
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of Billroth reconstruction on
Y Kwon
The Effect Of Surgically Induced Weight Loss On Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
PR Palanivelu
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in morbidly obese patients : Prevalence,
P Chanswangphuvana
Gala Dinner
Apr/11 Sat (Day 3)
Meet the Expert3 (Breakfast will be served)
Meet the Expert4 (Breakfast will be served)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Laparoscopic Mini-gastric bypass
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
M Gagner
WJ Lee
Arrangement of surroundings
Arrangement of surroundings
Panel Discussion2 (5min video & 10min discussion)
Multi-disciplinary Session:
Difficult Case Scenario
Follow up after bariatric surgery
Moderator: S Temyatt, L Kow
Moderator: H Dineros, SY Suh
Moderator: SM Han, A Celik
Panels: Ramen Goel, H. Liang, Chunchuang Wang
Does close follow up make a difference in the postoperative outcomes?
Case1 Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
YJ Lee
Bariatric surgery in obese type 1 diabetic patients
K Hashimoto
HC Lee
Postoperative nutrition: measurement and suppliment
Case2 Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
C Remedios
SU Han
Value of excercise programs after bariatric surgery
Case3 Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
F Badiuddin
SK Lee
Comorbidity resolution: How to monitor?
Case4 Single anastomosis gastric bypass
J Dixon
KY Hur
Enhanced recovery following bariatric surgery
A Dohayan
Arrangement of surroundings
Oral Presentation5
Impact of “Standardized Exercise Protocol” after Sleeve Gastrectomy for
CH Lai
Laparoscopic single anastomosis sleeve ileum bypass (SASI bypass ) : Technique
T Mahdi
results of 364 preopertive endoscopies
A Khammas
None Invasive New Technilogy Ror Weight Loss(Obalon)
Comparison of levels of depression in patients with excessive obesity before and
after gastric bypass surgery
A Tavassoli
Coffee Break5
Asking for an opinion; Come and see the academic talk show
Presider: H Frydenberg
Guest speakers
Michel Gagner, Francesco Rubino
K Kasama, S Shah, SM Ahn, R Cohen
Closing & Award Giving Ceremony
SH Choi
Coffee Break5
Coffee Break5