
Term One, Week 8, 26 March 2015
Phone 544 8994, email office@waimeaint.school.nz
Term 1 finishes on Thursday 2 April (Good Friday is 3 April)
Term 2 will start on Monday 20 April.
3 Way Conferences: Many thanks to all who took the time
to attend the conferences on Monday and Tuesday. These
are an important part of the reporting cycle and are designed
to give you an opportunity to gain a good understanding of
your child’s learning; how they have settled into their new
class, their achievement and key areas to focus on next.
The initial conference notes provided at the interview are
designed to inform and guide the conference. To receive
these notes please contact your teacher to make an
Summer Sports Tournament will be in full swing
tomorrow with 480 Waimea Intermediate students
participating in a wide variety of sporting pursuits
throughout the Nelson/Tasman district. Venues for the
activities include golf at Waahi Taakaro, softball and
playball at the Saxton Field diamonds, kiwitag at
Broadgreen Intermediate, touch rugby at Tahunanui,
tennis and ki o rahi at Waimea Intermediate, volleyball at
Nelson Intermediate, orienteering at Rabbit Island,
mountain biking in Richmond, golf croquet at the
Richmond Club and bowls at the Tahuna Bowls Club.
It is important that all participants are prepared for their
activities and ensure they have the appropriate gear for
the day ahead including their lunch, a drink, sunblock,
sunhat, suitable footwear and warm clothes. All students
to wear PE uniform. Orienteering – pen and watch. Golf WIS uniform top, black shorts with pockets for the tees,
and own clubs. Tennis - own racket. Mountain Biking fully checked bike and helmet. Softball – a mit if you have
We wish all students participating in this event the best
and encourage parents to spectate and enjoy the action.
If students are unable to participate they must let their
coaches know as soon as possible.
Year 8 Girls HPV forms need returning as soon as possible
to their class room teacher. The Public Health Nurse advises
that forms need to be returned regardless of whether they
have already had the immunisation, plan to have it or not.
Interschool Literature Quiz Results: Last Friday two
Waimea Intermediate School teams competed at the
Interschool Literature Quiz at Nelson Intermediate School.
Tues 31 Mar
Thurs 2 Apr
Mon 20 Apr
One of our teams was placed fourth out of 32 teams.
Congratulations to Abe Siame, Lily Chalmers, Tessa
Saunders and Dahlia Shaw.
Class Photos: Orders with payment need to be returned to
the class teacher by TOMORROW. Please ensure the right
change is put into an envelope and all cheques made out to
Heritage Production Ltd. No internet payments on this one
The RISE awards reflect our school values of Respect,
Congratulations to the following students who received RISE
awards at assembly last week: Josh Hill, Arin Phelan, Eva
Strange, Tessa Moore, Daniel Puklowski, Leila Challenger,
Josh Book, Summer Riley, Michael Dawson, Marno Boshoff
and Hamish Clark.
ICAS Competitions:
Closing date to enter these
competitions is TOMORROW, Friday 27th March.
Easter competition – win your own Easter egg: The
school library is running an “Easter Word Unscramble”
competition. Call into the school library to pick up an entry
form. The winners will be announced on Wednesday 1st April.
Sports News: From Shelley Roberts our Sports Co-ordinator
Netball: The trials and call-backs are now completed and the
WIS netball teams have been announced on the school
noticeboard. Thank you for your patience while this process
was completed - with 160 girls playing in 17 teams it was
certainly a huge undertaking. The selectors were very thorough
and the intention is that every girl plays in a grade where she
can improve and enjoy her netball.
We are very short of coaches and managers and I would love
to hear from anyone who is able to assist. The first games are
grading on Saturday 2nd May with round one starting Saturday
9th May and running through until finals on Saturday 12
September. Follow Nelson Netball on Facebook and check out
their website www.nelsonnetball.co.nz for lots of information
including season dates, weekly draws and results.
Thank you to those who have already paid their netball fees.
These are due by Friday 8th May.
Term Calendar
Summer tournament
BOT meeting 7.00pm
Term 1 Finishes
Term 2 Starts
Inclusion of these items does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the school
Netball Holiday Programme: Who – Anyone in Years 7 & 8
When - Monday 13th of April 1.30 - 4.30pm, Tuesday 14th of
April 1.30 - 4.30pm, Wednesday 15th of April 1.30 - 3.30pm
Where – Saxton’s Stadium.
Register online at
www.nelsonnetball.co.nz or go to the Facebook page Nelson
Netball Centre and there is a link provided there.
Blast’s Family Day Out: Fun filled day out for the whole
family. Richmond Showgrounds. 28th – 29th March. 10am –
4pm. Live kids shows, toddler area, face painting, water area
(bring togs) 20+ bouncy castles, clowns and mini
amusements. $2 Entry per person.
Abel Tasman Sea Shuttle: School holiday special offer
children go free. For more information please contact on 03
527 8688 or cruise@abeltasmanseashuttles.co.nz
Irish Dancing Classes on Thursdays from 4:30 until 5:30pm
at Waimea Intermediate School. For more information please
contact Lianna Connor on 027 822 9001.
Department of Conservation: Nelson / Richmond schools
have been fantastic in helping the Department and the Great
White Butterfly Eradication Programme, DOC really
appreciates this support. They have not found anything since
December 16, however butterflies emerge from summer
dormancy in autumn and they expect that butterflies will be
emerging now. They therefore still need Nelson and
Richmond families to be on the look out and to report all finds
to the MPI hotline 0800 80 99 66.
April School Holiday Camp: Run by Richmond Athletic
AFC. Skills, games, and goals! 7-10th April 9am-12pm.
Soccer Holiday Programme: Calling all aspiring professional
football players! Beginners can learn the basic skills while
more advanced players will learn the tricks of the pros. Children
will be grouped according to their ability. Please bring sports
shoes or boots, snacks and drinks, and shin pads if you have
them. Date: Tuesday 7th – Friday 10th April 2015. Venue:
Saxton Field. Price: $20 per day or $60 for all four days. Bring
a friend discount: $55 each (conditions apply). Sibling discount:
2 siblings at $55 each, 3 or more siblings at $50 each (conditions
For more information and to register, go to
Hockey Holiday Programme: Online registrations for the
school holiday world cup hockey and renegade hockey are
now open. Email nelsonhockey@xtra.co.nz to be sent the link
to register. World Cup Hockey – 8th April from 10.30am –
12noon Renegade Hockey – 15th April from 10.30am –
Rugby Holiday Camp: April 15th, 16th & 17th - 9am–3pm
for 11–14 year olds from any club. This programme will cover
the fundamental skills of catching, passing, kicking, dodging,
tackling, running with the ball and working in a team
environment. Other areas of the game which will be covered
will include ruck, maul and tackle situations as well as position
specific aspects of rugby and game knowledge. This clinic will
also cover strength and conditioning. Registration forms are
in the Waimea Intermediate School library or email
stoke.rugby@xtra.co.nz for more information.