sponsorship opportunities


sponsorship opportunities
2015 Capital
GiGi’s Playhouse is coming to Fort Wayne! As an Achievement Center for individuals of all ages with Down
syndrome, every voice counts. We invite you to share your voice by taking advantage of our corporate
sponsorship opportunities. With the help of your generosity, GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne will be able to
provide no-fee resources, programs, and services to hundreds of local families.
OUR MISSION: To increase positive awareness of Down syndrome
through national campaigns, educational programs, and by empowering
individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.
How can you help?
Doug and Cindy Atkinson
Stacie Christle
Nancy Dwire
Steve and Cathy Fiacable
Sherri and Bob Floyd
Nick and Laura Klee
Kim Lindhorst
Melissa Martin
Wendy Martin
Lorri Meyer
Jennifer Mihuc
Chad and Lisa Sturm
Julie Tutwiler
Katie Watson
Sandy Whitmore
Sponsor our Gala. “Believe in the Build Gala” May 16 th, 2015 Hotel Fort Wayne
Name prominently displayed on table, in the program and on donor wall in GiGi’s Playhouse/Fort Wayne.
Event Sponsor: $5,000, includes 10 dinner tickets
Table Sponsor: $2,500.00 includes 5 dinner tickets
Stage Sponsor: $1,000 includes 2 dinner tickets
Naming Opportunities
Naming donations of $10,000 or higher will be prominently recognized in
each named area. The following areas are available: Therapeutic Playground, Library, Sound Room, Kitchen,
Technology Zone, Image Walls, Sound Stage, Get Fit Gym, Art Gallery Wall within Studio, Gigi University
Classroom, Learning Labs, GiGi U Classroom, Office and Family Reception Area
Miracle Makers: Our donor wall will recognize all corporations, foundations, and families that give
significant support to the Playhouse. We have three sponsor levels:
Gold Giver: $5,000 and above
Silver Supporter: $2,500 to $4,999
Bronze Believer: $1000 to $2,499
In Kind Donations: We are in need of multiple items to furnish our playhouse. If you have in kind
donations or have questions as to what we need, please email us at fortwayne@gigisplayhouse.org
Corporate Matching Gifts: Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to
contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. If
your company has a matching gifts program, please let us know.
Volunteers: Gigi’s Playhouses cannot run without volunteers! If you would like to help with programs or an
upcoming event or simply want to know more about volunteer opportunities, please email us.
Thank you for your consideration of this request and for supporting the children and adults at GiGi’s Playhouse
new Achievement Center! Should you have any further questions, our contact information is below.
Gigi’s Playhouse / Fort Wayne
Proudly serving the
counties of
Indiana and Ohio
Van Wert
As an investment in the future of Gigi’s Playhouse - Fort Wayne, I want to confirm a commitment through a major gift of
$ __________, or in-kind donation as follows.
This gift is given by:
Name(s) Corporate, Foundation, Individual: _________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________
Phone: ______________________________
This gift is in-kind with merchandise including: ________________________________________________________
This gift is in memory of/ in honor of ________________________________________________________________
Total Gift: $__________________ Amount Enclosed: $___________
Credit Card #:___________________________________________________________________________________
Please circle: VISA, Master Card, American Express, Discover Exp. Date.________________Security code _________
Balance to be paid as follows:
$________________in _________________ (mo/yr)
$________________in _________________ (mo/yr)
$________________in _________________ (mo/yr)
(Balance to be paid within three years of pledge date)
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Second Signature, if joint: _______________________________________Date: _____________
_______I/we prefer this gift be anonymous
This gift will be matched by my/our employer: ________________________________________
Please make checks payable to: Gigi’s Playhouse – Fort Wayne
Please Mail to:
Gigi’s Playhouse – Fort Wayne
Attn: Cindy and Doug Atkinson, Co-Chairs
35 Lane 560B Lake James
Fremont, IN 46737
Phone: 260/750-8520
501 (c) (3) #20-0058563