May 2015 - AAPhoenix
May 2015 - AAPhoenix
May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 "Repeating the 5th" I shared my inventory with my sponsor tonight - I think this is the fourth time I've done a 5th step in 20 years. I was raised in AA that, or at least I heard, we do one 4th step and any other inventory is covered in step 10 - this could bring about a ton of debate about what's right or what's wrong, suffice to say I can't go back and change any of that, and it worked for me.... until it didn't. The first time was at my first treatment, they had me fill out some booklet of questions about the worst things I had done or something along those lines, I didn't really understand it and when it was time to share (Step 5) the religious minister/priest whatever they had come listen to it with me wasn't all that engaged with me. He said when I was done "Is that it? Do you feel better now?" and that was my 5th step. I didn't feel better, was still pretty confused and wasn't at all comfortable with the robe wearing guy. The second time at my second and it was likely another worksheet like the one I did at the first, but I honestly can't remember giving it to someone... I must have, I think to successfully complete the program it's required to do, but I have no memory of it at all. I did work on my first 4th step from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous while I was still in, I remember being very serious about it (I was serious, and mad about everything) and I wrote furiously long list of resentments and a few lines of fear and at that point the total of my sex life was pretty limited to 4 people... but it was as thorough as I could be at the time. When I had written and couldn't think of anyone else that I hated, I told my sponsor I was ready. SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P1 and I read. The road had spiritual significance to him, but not to me so much. I would read left to right, first column to second, and then the third and he would sometimes ask me questions and sometimes share some of his own experience. I was feeling rather comfortable and then I shared something in particular about sex with men and my sponsor blurted out... "ARE YOU SAYING YOU"RE GAY?" At the time it was the loudest sound in the world and I was a little flabbergasted and stuttered and said "I don't know" and that was the truth as I had it then. The blurting out stuck in my head though, I never quite got over that and it added to the tapes of prejudice that I still carried, and would for quite a long while. Besides that one little bump in the road, I shared as honestly and as thoroughly as I could have that day based on the work I had done discovering more about myself. It laid the groundwork for me to change behaviors and repair the wreckage of my past Fast forward 19 years... When my current sponsor suggested doing the steps again I was hesitant, but I had been living in fear for a good long while and it was starting to devour me, change me and had me make some foolish decisions. So I was willing to go to any lengths again, I was ready to do things ... anything to get set right. I wrote out my (Continued on next page) INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 "Repeating the 5th" (continued), "Please Don’t Shut Me Out" 3 Pre-Conference Assembly Report 4 SRI Office Update – Central Office Now to be fair, I began to see the pattern of my bad behaviors and the people I had hurt in my life while writing and began to see that I was a pretty sick individual. Grudges that I had held on to forever, vanished from the recordings in my head and I felt better immensely - even before meeting with the sponsor. 5 Sandy’s Corner, Phone and Websites Stats 6 SRI Group Contributions, New Meetings 7 SRI Business Meeting 8 SRI Business Meeting (continued) 9 SRI Inc. Financials My sponsor picked me up at my apartment and we drove down a Veteran's highway in WI, well he drove 11 May 2015 Calendar 10 Old Timers’ Anniversaries, Announcements 12 Newsletter Ordering May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P2 "Please Don’t Shut Me Out" (Continued from previous page) resentments, fears and sexual relations as honestly as I could - I have a much bigger list now for the sexual inventory, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I thought long and hard, I prayed and listened for clearer pictures and put some people on my resentment list I didn't expect to go there. A while back I shared something with my current sponsor that had crept out of a corner of my memory, something I had hidden from myself and it frightened, still frightens me. That was the hardest thing I've done in quite a long while, seems silly doesn't it - sharing something with another human being was the hardest thing I've done. Ridiculous you say? I'm being honest, I almost couldn't get it out and almost cried trying to get it out... but once it was out I felt a huge load had left and it wasn't as powerful as I had thought, sure it's still there but now I can see it. I've seen light cast upon it and know what it is and that it, like me, can be changed. I throw that in here to let you know after that experience with him, this 5th step was... I don't want to say easy... comfortable, I felt like I could tell him anything, anything at all and it wouldn't change how I felt about him or he about me and that was pretty comforting. Tonight I shared, as I did 19 years ago, the exact nature of my wrongs as I understand them, and as he's helped me to understand them better. Then I came home, I sat quietly for an hour, reviewed the work I had done and feel like I didn't skimp over anything, that my foundation is strong... and I see myself a little clearer. I have flaws, some more glaring and obtrusive than others but I am fortunate to have a program that's going to help me continue to grow and change to be a better person. We started my 5th step tonight by asking both of our respective higher powers to join us and I asked mine to please remove the fear - for me that's what I need today to continue to grow. Solid steps, action, helping others, cleaning house... now the real work can begin. Tradition Five reminds me that when I am at a meeting, I am not there to talk politics, work the crowd or even play the perfect hostess. I am there to share my experience, strength and hope about alcoholism. I also learn from the experience of others, pull on their strength and receive the hope I need to live with this devastating disease. Many meetings back, I was extremely grateful for this tradition. I was visiting my family of origin and found that while I was looking forward to seeing everyone, some of my siblings planned on avoiding me. Why? As far as I could tell, they believed I and many others like me were responsible for the United States Political turmoil. I was used to staying away from political discussions with these same siblings; they are so passionate in their views. What shocked me was how much they blamed me directly; I was cut-off from the family. One of my nieces even shared a meal with me despite her father’s wishes. A couple of months later, that same niece decided to have a small wedding with just the parents and grandparents instead of the large family one originally planned. Still reeling from the banishment, I made sure to make a meeting. As I walked in, I overheard some people around the coffee table discussing the latest political news. I was grateful it was a large facility, as I quickly found a seat at one of the tables. I sat there looking around at the signs on the wall, the Steps and Traditions. As I came to Tradition Five, “Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers,” the folks that were getting coffee sat down and introduced themselves. Being an out-of-town visitor, I told them where I was from and that I have a little over 11 years of sobriety. Sure enough, all thoughts of politics were dropped as we shared sobriety dates—an A.A. way of saying hello. The meeting began and I felt right at home. I received a warm welcome by all when they asked for any visitors. The icing on the cake came after the meeting when several members purposely sought me out and let me know of their visits to Phoenix. I came away from the meeting full of encouragement, strength and insights on how others have dealt with similar issues. Yes, thank God for Tradition Five it kept me from developing resentments. Ellie, Seeking Serenity May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 Pre-Conference Assembly April 3-5, 2015 Tucson, Az. You couldn’t have asked for a better weekend so I thought. I left around 10 am, stopped off at the Omni Resort and Spa to take in a round of magnificent golf. Swing was great the course was in great condition even after playing Host to the Tucson National. I arrived at the Tucson City Center, which reminded me of Section 8 housing, a huge complex with the apartment style layout converted into a hotel. Nevertheless, it was a place to have an assembly. I got my registration package and went to my room. After unpacking I went downstairs and fellowshipped. I noticed that there was a giant tent in the middle of the complex, I jokingly asked is the circus in town. No, that’s where the assembly is going to be held seeing how the hotel double booked… Got to love the folks in Northern Nogales. Not to mention the Quinceanera, a Hispanic coming of age party, that lasted for two days. Fireworks, Bud Light, vomit, class act. In the morning after the continental breakfast I went to the tent to discuss our panel topics, and then it struck me that although I was in a tent, I could come and go as I pleased, a sort of gratitude attack you could say. It was hard to hear what my panel was talking about, but the panel right next to us I could hear perfect. We finished our panel topic at 11:20am and then it was off for some lunch. At 1pm we started the business meeting in the cozy confines of the tent, which was ok, until on several occasions the breaker blew and we were without a giant swamp cooler to cool the confines of the tent. The Concepts short form was read from the person that had traveled the furthest which Laughlin/Bullhead City. The long form of the Traditions was read from a person on the host committee. The new GSR’s & Alt. GRS went to the mic and introduced themselves. Then Past Delegates, as well as the GSO Trustees from within the State. SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P3 The Area officers gave their reports, as did the standing Committee. The Panel chairs read their reports, and then we went into new business. *New Business: There was a motion to make the Technology Coordinator to be added to the Admin. Comm. As a voting member. The vote was 102 for 73 against, motion failed. *The motion for the Delegate to take a recommendation to the GSC (General Service Conference) to consider a pamphlet on Group Safety; was tabled. *There are to motions that will be voted on at the Post Conference Assembly next month in Mesa, May 16th a one day assembly. *There is a PRAASA Committee starting to form for PRAASA 2015, it takes 5 years in planning an event of this nature. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm. Thank you for letting me be of service Doug Mattaino SRI Liaison May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P4 May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P5 Sandy’s Corner: PHONE STATS MARCH 2015 March 2015 Help Line Calls (during regular office hours): 571 March 2015 Help Line Calls TAS (After Hours): 423 WEBSITE STATS LAST 12 MONTHS TOTAL CALLS LAST 12 MONTHS TOTAL VISITS LAST 12 MONTHS 1400 20000 18000 1200 16000 1000 14000 800 12000 10000 600 8000 400 6000 4000 200 2000 WEB PAGES VIEWED – MARCH 2015 Avg. Page Time on Page Title views Percent Page Meetings 28170 68.6% 2.91 Home 7923 19.3% 0.72 Meeting Map 1582 3.9% 3.69 662 1.6% 2.15 541 1.3% 1.11 Event Calendar 254 0.6% 0.90 Events 238 0.6% 0.54 About SRI 213 0.5% 2.09 Newsletter 168 0.4% 2.79 Contact Us 160 0.4% 2.76 60 Mar-15 Feb-15 Jan-15 Dec-14 Nov-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Mar-15 Feb-15 Jan-15 Dec-14 Nov-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 May-14 0 Apr-14 0 MARCH 2015 NUMBER OF CALLS BY TIME OF DAY 50 40 30 10 0 0:00 - 0:29 1:00 - 1:29 2:00 - 2:29 3:00 - 3:29 4:00 - 4:29 5:00 - 5:29 6:00 - 6:29 7:00 - 7:29 8:00 - 8:29 9:00 - 9:29 10:00 - 10:29 11:00 - 11:29 12:00 - 12:29 13:00 - 13:29 14:00 - 14:29 15:00 - 15:29 16:00 - 16:29 17:00 - 17:29 18:00 - 18:29 19:00 - 19:29 20:00 - 20:29 21:00 - 21:29 22:00 - 22:29 23:00 - 23:29 Meeting Halls and Alano Clubs Meetings in Arizona 20 May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P6 SRI Group Contributions Group 5243 1900 1030 1028 1035 1087 1211 1071 5195 1700 1077 1350 5031 6168 1510 5110 6106 1059 5055 6137 1080 1089 1073 1156 2731 5249 1097 1610 1075 5239 1060 6221 5171 6627 5120 6061 6622 5122 1514 5297 5188 3114 1041 1092 5111 1056 1158 1204 5006 2003 6064 Group Name 11th Step Meeting 12 And 12 (Carefree) 1-6-4 Group 4848 Group 5:30 Happy Hour (P.O.P.) 6 P.M. Happy Hour (Lambda) 6:00 Rush Hour (Cross Roads) 6:00 Time Out A New Women's Meeting A.A. Safe Place A.A. Women's Wed. Afternoon Alcoholics Helping Alcoholics Bethany Ii Beyond The First Miracle Birds Of A Feather Breakfast Club Brunch Bunch Cactus Study Group Carefree Happy Hour Group Carefree Rattlers Carefree Wildlife Casual Nooners Dime Droppers Faith, Hope, And Love Friday Morning Big Book Study Friday Night Lite Functional Group Get Your Spirits Here Go For It Group Ii Gods Grace Happy Hour Group Sahuaro Happy Valley East Hogan's Heroes Into Action Keys To Sobriety Knuckleheads (7850 / Bb) Ladder Of Success Language Of The Heart Let's Talk About It Living In The Solution Lost And Found In The Grapevine Lunch Bunch (Crossroads) Male Chauvinists Mens 4pm Monday Meeting Men's Attitude Adjustment Men's Carefree Sobriety Men's Monday Night BB Study Mid City Group Monday Morning Miracles Monday Night B.B. Step Study Morning Miracles March 50.00 182.09 63.49 200.00 61.50 44.25 32.98 175.00 120.83 83.44 69.00 128.83 492.17 30.00 198.38 203.71 160.00 136.00 300.00 50.00 YTD 161.62 22.00 99.50 182.09 1,271.53 156.75 447.00 400.00 125.00 96.54 100.00 61.50 100.00 25.00 50.00 56.75 100.17 120.00 100.00 175.00 22.95 120.83 50.00 240.00 83.44 51.25 260.00 46.00 130.13 72.50 209.72 130.00 449.04 492.17 30.00 364.71 50.00 53.40 1,240.34 358.30 88.25 320.00 50.00 252.00 840.00 300.00 25.00 150.00 165.00 400.00 44.23 Group 5285 1414 1037 5209 6214 0007 6062 1173 1512 1159 2402 5132 2824 4077 1103 1606 1113 5223 2408 5206 6133 5106 5282 2760 5197 1017 5013 2823 5248 1183 1044 6628 6120 2105 2803 5056 1048 Group Name Mountain Toppers New Beginnings No Sniveling Nooners Group On Awakening Other 7th Tradition Ought Not Be Organized Papago Step / Traditions Grp Pass It On Pathfinders Post Time Primary Purpose Puttin' Sober Reflections Saturday Morning Brotherhood Saturday Night 12&12 Saturday Nite Variety Scc - Aa Dropouts Scottsdale Stop Off Seeking Serenity Snakepit Sober Sisters Sobriety First Spirit Of God Steps To Sobriety Straight Talk Sunday Evening Serenity Sunrise Serenity The First 164 Twelve Steps In Action We Study Big Book Wed. Night Men's Bb Study Wed. Night Men's Step Study Winners Group Woman By The Book Women's Reflection Group Young At Heart March 20.00 1,252.56 43.50 50.00 100.00 160.00 85.00 17.00 37.00 37.00 100.00 New Meetings Festival Foothills Group Mon 7:00pm O D Festival Foothills Elem. Library 6252 W Desert Vista Blvd, Buckeye 85396 Sunrise Circle Grapevine Meeting Fri 6:00pm O D % Sunrise Circle- Park In Back 2922 N 39th St Phoenix 85018 YTD 130.00 132.64 1,252.56 300.00 300.00 316.29 73.02 240.00 84.50 40.00 167.07 35.00 51.33 50.00 23.00 100.00 160.00 50.00 389.88 15.00 500.00 85.00 30.00 100.00 37.00 57.00 100.00 150.00 240.00 100.00 75.82 70.00 300.00 540.00 110.00 150.00 150.00 May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Business Meeting Central Office 3215 E. Thunderbird Road March 10, 2015 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P7 Diane made a motion to accept the report, Mattie seconded. Motion passed. 3. Introductions Each steering committee member introduced themselves. Marie notified us in advance she would not be present. 7. Saturday Volunteers. Robert announced that every Saturday morning we have groups compile meeting lists. He explained how meeting lists are made. Date Group 3.14 Freedom Hour 3.21 Cactus Study Group 3.28 Dog Tired Men’s Stag 4.4 9-11: Cactus Study Group 11-1: West Side Rush Hour 4.11 9-1: Divine Divas 4.18 9-1: Let’s Talk About It 4.25 9-11: Thompson Peak Gang 12-1: Breakfast Club 4. Remarks and Announcements by the Chairperson. Jonathan welcomed everyone. As did Doug. 8. 7th Tradition. The seventh tradition was collected. New Intergroup members: Name Home Group Mark Friday’s Family Brett Breakfast Club Lisa Pass It On James Carry This Message Karyl Friends of Bill W. 9. Central Office Report. Zoe said that we need to compile meeting lists, and that people can stop by the central office during the week. We also need help with phone training. She asked that we send newcomers and sponsees. She added that we are doing training on Friday afternoons from noon – 1:30. Zoe also went over page 14 of the agenda as the page that intergroup members can use to inform their home groups of current events. 1. Open Meeting and Serenity Prayer Jonathan opened the meeting with Serenity Prayer at 7:01 pm. 2. Tradition and Concept Reading Donna read the 3rd Tradition. Todd read the 3rd Concept. 5. Previous Month’s Minutes – February Because the central office accidentally inserted February’s steering committee minutes instead of that month’s intergroup minutes, Pete had to read the previous intergroup meeting minutes out loud to the intergroup. Jonathan had a question which Jamez clarified. Melanie made a motion that we accept the previous month's minutes, and Mattie seconded. Motion passed. 6. Treasurer’s Report. Jamez began by pointing out the increase in total checking/savings in comparison to last year. An intergroup member asked about the “A/D” aspect of some of the budget entries and we explained it refers to “accumulated depreciation.” Jamez then said it was an error to hope to make a change to have more than four months in prudent reserve. He made amends, and said we will move that money to the general fund. Jamez then said that the increase is due to prepaying for the hosting of the website, window tinting, and other issues. 10. SRI Committee Report. Filing Cabinet: Pete rose and explained the purpose of the Filing Cabinet. He outlined various items that are contained in each issue, and the types of articles that we are looking for and ways to email submissions. He said they are working on the April issue and that each issue corresponds to that number step and tradition. He asked for questions and also said he could answer questions at the end of the meeting. PI/CPC: Robert spoke about the purpose of this group and what the letters stand for. He said the purpose of this group is to inform other organizations who would benefit from having information about alcoholism and also interact with schools, libraries, treatment facilities, police, and other intergroups here in the valley. He said (Continued on next page) May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P8 (Continued from previous page) report from GSO and Mattie seconded. Carol made a motion that we call the question. Motion then passed. the group meets at the central office on the fourth Tuesday at 6:30 pm. He added that this committee exists to serve entities in the valley who would benefit from knowing more about our fellowship. TAS: Zoe covered this info during the central office report. Archives: Doug said he also working with Sandy on adding the holiday speakers on the SRI website, and the Sedona speaker for the Summer Roundup. He is working on getting a speaker from PRAASA and will record Anniversary speakers on the website. SNAC: Neal rose and said that we are now meeting on the 4th Saturday at 10am. This committee did not meet last month so there is nothing to report. Finance: Jonathan said that Jamez and he would meet on an April 1 in the evening. Their goal is to meet quarterly and they want to meet early in April. They will have more info next month. Unity: Pete defined the purpose of the Unity Committee. Pete said the goal is to maximize the representation of groups in the district in terms of their having GSR’s and intergroup reps. But he said the initial goal is to verify that meetings listed in the meeting lists booklet are actually happening. He said they are in the early stages of planning their approach this year and that he will have more information the next intergroup meeting. He mentioned that Jonathan felt that we are all part of the Unity Committee. Literature Committee: Pete had volunteered to make this announcement for Zoe. He explained which books are under consideration and had the members write down the titles of each book. An intergroup member asked why we are considering selling non-conference approved literature. Pete explained that we have spent significant time examining this issue, and based on feedback we have received from the intergroup we feel it would be in our best interest to also sell nonconference approved literature. General Service: Doug said he went to PRAASA last weekend in Utah and said while there he ran a panel and was the monitor for all groups in the pacific region. Shawna made a motion that the intergroup rep make a 11. Event Committee Liaisons: Anniversary: Chris said he is chair of the 72nd Anniversary of AA in the valley. He said the suggested donation is $5. It is a free event. He said there will be a raffle, and that there will also be food. The main raffle prize is a first edition big book. He said we can also donate prizes for the raffle. He said the raffle is to cover the cost of the event. Money and tickets will get turned into the central office. If you win the raffle you do not have to be present to win. Meeting starts at 4pm that Saturday. SRI Roundup: Doug rose and said that planning meetings started on March 25. After that they will meet every two weeks. Meeting will be at the Coco’s at 6:30pm at 42nd street and Cactus. Christmas Alcothon: No report. New Year’s Eve: No report. 12. Old Business: Jonathan reminded the intergroup that we still need a ninth steering committee member. He said there is a three-year sobriety requirement, and that it is a two-year commitment. 13. New Business: Kyle spoke and said that H&I still needs grapevine donations. H&I Valley wide makes donations to H&I, the meeting is after the next intergroup meeting. He then listed various meetings that need help taking meetings in. He invited us to take this info to others regarding meetings that need H&I help. He then gave his number to us also. Mattie asked if he could print a flier next time to hand out to IG members so we could see which needs there are. Susie also spoke and mentioned that Crossroads East is having their annual picnic at Granada Park in Phoenix on March 22 from noon to 3pm. Robert also mentioned that SWACYPAA is sponsoring a scavenger hunt in Las Vegas on April 18. 14. Birthdays: Andrea, three years yesterday! 15. Close. Diane made the motion to close. Mattie seconded. The meeting ended at approximately 8:15pm. May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P9 Profit & Loss March 2015 Mar 15 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Individual Contributions Balance Sheet As of March 31, 2015 Group Contributions 4,683.73 Store Income 7,803.79 Non Store Income Mar 31, 15 Total Income ASSETS Store Cost of Goods Sold Checking/Savings Prudent Reserve Fund Total Checking/Savings Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS Total COGS 24,270.44 Gross Profit 24,571.05 9.50 32,900.08 81,751.07 17,750.10 99,501.17 Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 5,147.03 Store Expenses 4,088.14 Payroll Expenses 6,718.98 Committee Expense 885.82 Non-Store Expense 39.90 Total Expense 11,732.84 -4,094.02 Other Income/Expense 171.78 Other Income Anniversary Income 107,090.12 -7,760.73 Total Other Income 99,329.39 Other Expense 99,501.17 Anniversary Expense 675.52 General Service Office PO Box 459, Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163 Valley H & I (Pink Can) P O Box 80126 Phoenix, AZ 85060 Thank you! 989.92 -739.92 Net Income District 08 (Maricopa County) PO Box 45066 Phoenix, AZ 85064 250.00 314.40 Total Other Expense Salt River Intergroup 3215 E Thunderbird Rd Phoenix, AZ 85032 250.00 General Event Expense Net Other Income Arizona Area 03 PO Box 1907 Phoenix, AZ 85001-1907 5,147.03 7,638.82 Net Ordinary Income Equity Funds Balance 12,785.85 Expense 48,841.49 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities 148.68 Cost of Goods Sold Current Assets General Fund 149.65 -4,833.94 Example of Group Contributions to A.A. Service Entities: distribution of funds from groups that support four services entities 50% to Intergroup 10% to District 10% to Area 30% to GSO Reprinted with permission from A.A. World Services, from the pamphlet Self Support May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P10 Old Timers’ Anniversaries Name Sober Date Years Red K. 5/30/1964 51 Bob M. 5/5/1970 45 Blackie K. 5/10/1970 45 LouAnn N. 5/15/1970 45 Eugene M. 5/19/1972 43 David J. 5/6/1975 40 Georgia C. 5/8/1975 40 Glenna C. 5/14/1976 39 Pat B. 5/22/1976 39 Lea D. 5/27/1976 39 Joe G. 5/21/1977 38 Dean D. 5/15/1978 37 Mary S. 5/27/1978 37 Daria Lynn L. 5/6/1979 36 Marc F. 5/19/1980 35 Marc D. 5/4/1981 34 Wally C. 5/8/1981 34 Ardith S. 5/17/1981 34 Fred A. 5/9/1982 33 Wally B. 5/21/1982 33 Bonnie W. 5/8/1983 32 John C. 5/12/1983 32 Ken B. 5/14/1983 32 Kim P. 5/20/1983 32 Evonne C. 5/23/1983 32 Jim P. 5/4/1985 30 Alan 5/11/1985 30 Bob G. 5/25/1985 30 Diana W. 5/6/1986 29 Dennis M. 5/7/1986 29 Brooks B. 5/1/1987 28 Rob K. 5/9/1987 28 Name Sober Date Years Stephen O. 5/13/1987 28 Tom F. 5/26/1987 28 Announcements 75th Anniversary of the Big Book, Anniversary re-print available at Central Office only through the International, July 2015, at $12/each Roundup Committee Now meeting on Wednesdays Valley Wide H&I Jamboree Saturday, May 2nd Noon - 5pm Tempe Kwanis Park May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 Sunday Monday 3 BB Workshop at Solutions (go through steps) 4 10 BB Workshop at Solutions (go through steps) VALYPAA Mtg 4pm Bloopers SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P11 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 H&I Jamboree 7 8 9 5 Steering Committee Mtg 6:30pm Central Office 6 11 12 SRI Business Meeting (IGR’s) 7pm, Central Office 13 14 15 16 17 BB Workshop at Solutions (go through steps) 18 19 District DCM Mtg 7pm Gloria Dei 20 Round Up Committee 6:30pm Central Office 21 22 23 SNAC 10am Central Office 24 BB Workshop at Solutions (go through steps VALYPAA Mtg 4pm Bloopers 25 Filing Cabinet Newsletter meeting 7pm TBA 26 PI/CPC Mtg 7:00pm Central Office 27 28 29 30 Flagstaff Roundup Flagstaff Roundup 31 Valleywide H&I 7pm Community Bridges Round Up Committee 6:30pm Central Office May 2015, Volume 25, Issue 5 SRI Newsletter—Phoenix, Scottsdale—P12 Group Name: _____________________________________________ New Renew Change Street Address: ___________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ______________________ Zip: ________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________ Annual Individual Newsletter Delivered via USPS Mailing = $15.00 Annual Group Copies (5) Delivered at SRI Business Meeting = $20.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________
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