AAS Program_2015_neu


AAS Program_2015_neu
of the
Austrian Atherosclerosis Society
May 8 – 9, 2015
St. Gilgen / Wolfgangsee
Allgemeine Hinweise
Hans Dieplinger
Benjamin Dieplinger
Dagmar Kratky
Christoph Ebenbichler
Bernhard Paulweber
Parkhotel Billroth
Billrothstraße 2, 5340 St. Gilgen
Ärztezentrale med.info
Helferstorferstraße 4, P.O. Box 155, 1010 Wien
Tel.: +43/1-531 16-70, Fax: +43/1-531 16-61
e-mail: azmedinfo@media.co.at
Parkhotel Billroth
Billrothstraße 2, 5340 St. Gilgen
Tel.: +43/6227-2217, Fax: +43/6227-2218-25
e-mail: office@billroth.at
Medizinische Ausstellungs- und Werbegesellschaft
Freyung 6, 1010 Wien
Tel.: +43/1-536 63-76, Fax: +43/1-535 60 16
e-mail: maw@media.co.at
Weitere Informationen unter www.aas.at
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Werte Kolleginnen und Kollegen!
Im Namen des Organisations- und Programmkomitees dürfen wir Sie zur
22. Jahrestagung der AAS, die vom 08.- 09. Mai 2015 in St. Gilgen stattfinden
wird, recht herzlich einladen. Als Hauptsprecher der diesjährigen Tagung
wurden Philippa Talmud (UK), Martin Clodi (AT), Steve Humphries (UK),
Jörg Heeren (GER), sowie Florian Überall (AT) eingeladen.
Für die Kongressorganisation und die Betreuung vor Ort ist wie in den
vergangenen Jahren die Firma MAW verantwortlich. Alle Einreicher von
Abstracts und AAS Mitglieder sind zur Teilnahme an der Tagung herzlich
eingeladen. Wie im Vorjahr wird von allen Teilnehmer ein Unkostenbeitrag von
Euro 30,– eingehoben. Die Tagungsgebühr für Nichtmitglieder beträgt
Euro 60,–. Die Kosten für die Nächtigung vom 08. auf den 09. Mai sowie
Essen inkl. Getränke werden von der AAS getragen. Telefon, Minibar und
weitere Konsumation werden individuell verrechnet.
Alle Kongressteilnehmer sind herzlich zum Gesellschaftsabend am Freitag
eingeladen. AAS-Mitglieder werden darüber hinaus ersucht, an der Generalversammlung der AAS (Samstag, 09. Mai, ca. 12:15 Uhr) teilzunehmen.
Ein Antrag, dass der Besuch der Veranstaltung mit 12 Punkten für das
Diplomfortbildungsprogramm der ÖÄK anrechenbar ist, wurde eingereicht.
Hotelinformation: Check-out Samstag, 09. Mai, 11:00 Uhr.
Wir wünschen Ihnen eine interessante und stimulierende Tagung sowie einen
angenehmen Aufenthalt in St. Gilgen.
Hans Dieplinger
Präsident AAS
Benjamin Dieplinger
Sekretär AAS
Friday, May 8th, 2015
10:00 – 10:15
Welcome address: Hans Dieplinger
10:15 – 11:00
Keynote Lecture I:
Chair: Hans Dieplinger
Philippa Talmud, British Heart Foundation Laboratories, Institute of Cardiovascular
Sciences, Centre for Cardiovascular Genetics, University College of London, UK
“Using genetics to improve risk stratification for T2D"
11:00 – 11:40
Workshop 1: Lipoprotein(a) and remnant
Chair: Gert Kostner
TALK (10 min plus 5 min discussion)
The association of lipoprotein(a) concentrations and apolipoprotein(a) phenotypes
with clinical endpoints in hemodialysis patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from
the 4D Study - a post hoc analysis
Barbara Kollerits, Christiane Drechsler, Vera Krane, Winfried März, Eberhard Ritz,
Christoph Wanner, Florian Kronenberg
SHORT TALK (5 min plus 3 min discussion)
Monocyte subset distribution in patients with stable atherosclerosis and elevated
levels of lipoprotein(a)
Konstantin A. Krychtiuk, Stefan P. Kastl, Sebastian L. Hofbauer, Anna Wonnerth,
Thomas Pongratz, Georg Goliasch, Katharina M. Katsaros, Ludovit Gaspar, Gerald
Maurer, Kurt Huber, Elisabeth Dostal, Stefan Pfaffenberger, Stanislav Oravec, Johann
Wojta, Walter S. Speidl
Lipoprotein (a), type 2 diabetes and vascular risk in angiographied coronary
Alexander Vonbank, Christoph H. Saely, Daniela Zanolin, Philipp Rein, Karl-Martin
Ebner, Heinz Drexel
Friday, May 8th, 2015
Premature myocardial infarction is strongly associated with increased levels of
Remnant Cholesterol
Georg Goliasch, Franz Wiesbauer, Hermann Blessberger, Svitlana Demyanets, Johann
Wojta, Kurt Huber, Gerald Maurer, Martin Schillinger, Walter S. Speidl
11:40 – 12:05
Coffee break
12:05 – 13:00
Workshop 2: Biomarkers and genetic risk factors
Chair: Benjamin Dieplinger
TALK (10 min plus 5 min discussion)
Correlation between a positive family risk score and peripheral artery disease in one
case-control and two population-based studies
Claudia Lamina, Johannes Linsenmeyer, Hansi Weissensteiner, Barbara Kollerits, Christa
Meisinger, Barbara Rantner, Doris Stöckl, Marietta Stadler, Peter Klein-Weigel, Annette
Peters, Gustav Fraedrich, Florian Kronenberg
Afamin and lysophosphatidylcholine 18:2, potential markers of type 2 diabetes risk,
are opposingly regulated in obesity
Barbara Ukropcova, Timea Kurdiova, Vitazoslav Belan, Ramona Berberich, Daniela
Gasperikova, Gerd Schmitz, Hans Dieplinger, Jozef Ukropec
SHORT TALK (5 min plus 3 min discussion)
A functional interferon gamma polymorphism (rs62559044) associates with serum
leptin levels
Christian Egger, Veronika Wallner, Sieglinde Zelzer, Bernhard Paulweber, Daniel
Weghuber, Dietmar Fuchs, Harald Mangge, Bernhard G. Baumgartner
Plasma concentrations of NT-proBNP, MR-proANP, MR-proADM, CT-proET-1,
CT-proAVP, and sST2 before and after hemodialysis session
Isabella Leitner, Thomas Müller, Alfons Gegenhuber, Gert Kronabethleitner, Meinhard
Haltmayer, Benjamin Dieplinger
Friday, May 8th, 2015
Comparative and additive value of GDF-15, hs-TnT and NT-proBNP in predicting
cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes mellitus
Michael Resl, Martin Clodi, Greisa Vila, Anton Luger, Stephanie Neuhold, Christopher
Adlbrecht, Guido Strunk, Monika Fritzer-Szekeres, Rudolf Prager, Richard Pacher,
Martin Hülsmann
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 - 14:45
Keynote Lecture II:
Chair: Christoph Ebenbichler
Martin Clodi, Department of Internal Medicine, Konventhospital Barmherzige Brueder
Linz, Austria
“Modern therapies for T2D – the time after the metformin era”
14:45 - 16:15
Workshop 3: Lipases
Chair: Ernst Steyrer
TALK (10 min plus 5 min discussion)
Intact autophagic flux but diminished lipophagy in macrophages with defective
Madeleine Goeritzer, Branislav Radovic, Prakash G. Chandak, Melanie Korbelius,
Stefanie Schlager, Sascha Obrowsky, Silvia Rainer, Prakash Doddapattar, Nemanja Vujic,
Dagmar Kolb, Dagmar Kratky
Consequences of defective lipolysis in the small intestine on lipid metabolism
Melanie Korbelius, Sascha Obrowsky, Silvia Rainer, Nemanja Vujic, Dagmar Kratky
Impact of reduced ATGL-mediated adipocyte lipolysis on obesity-associated insulin
resistance and inflammation in mice
Gabriele Schoiswohl, Maja Stefanovic-Racic, Marie N Menke, Cynthia F Yazbeck,
Lingzhi Cai, Mahesh K Basantani, Mitch T Sitnick, Rachel Wills, Donna B Stolz, Robert
O’Doherty, Erin E Kershaw
Friday, May 8th, 2015
Pharmacological inhibition of ATGL protects from diet-induced obesity and insulin
Martina Schweiger, Matthias Romauch, Gernot Grabner, Thomas O. Eichmann, Carina
Doler, Rolf Breinbauer, Robert Zimmermann, Rudolf Zechner
Monoglyceride lipase deficiency causes desensitization of intestinal cannabinoid
receptor type 1 and increased colonic µ-opioid sensitivity
Ulrike Taschler, Thomas O. Eichmann, Franz Radner, Gernot Grabner, Heimo
Wolinski, M Storr, Achim Lass, Rudolf Schicho, Robert Zimmermann
Monoglyceride lipase inhibition as potential target for atherosclerotic plaque
Nemanja Vujic, Stefanie Schlager, Thomas O. Eichmann, Madeleine Goeritzer, Albert
Woelfler, Achim Lass, Robert Zimmermann, Gerald Hoefler, Branislav Radovic, Dagmar
16:15 – 16:45
Coffee break
16:45 – 17:30
Workshop 4: HDL, reverse cholesterol transport,
and cholesterol metabolism
Chair: Andreas Ritsch
TALK (10 min plus 5 min discussion)
Consequences of acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 deficiency on cholesterol
Christina Leopold, Vinay Sachdev, Silvia Rainer, Raimund Bauer, Madalina Duta-Mare,
Gunther Marsche, Bernhard Scheicher, Gerald Hoefler, Dagmar Kratky
SHORT TALK (5 min plus 3 min discussion)
The effect of apoA-IV334 and apoA-IVWT on reverse cholesterol transport
Nicole Albrecher, Kate Shearston, Blake Cochran, Liming Hou, Diana Nawara,
Maaike Kockx, Ute Panzenboeck, Kerry-Anne Rye
Friday, May 8th, 2015
Maturation of HDL is impaired in cardiovascular disease
Marilena Appierto, Markus Trieb, Lisa Pasterk, Sanja Ćurčić, Michael Holzer, Saša Frank,
Gunther Marsche
Secretory phospholipase A2 modified HDL shows potent anti-inflammatory effects
on neutrophils
Sanja Curcic, Michael Holzer, Robert Frei, Lisa Pasterk, Akos Heinemann, Gunther
17:30 – 18:15
Keynote Lecture III:
Chair: Florian Kronenberg
Steve Humphries, British Heart Foundation Laboratories, Institute of Cardiovascular
Sciences, Centre for Cardiovascular Genetics, University College of London, UK
“25 years of familial hypercholesterolaemia research: what have we learned and
where are we going?”
AAS board meeting
Dinner and AAS social evening
Saturday, May 9th, 2015
09:00 – 09:45
Keynote Lecture IV:
Chair: Dagmar Kratky
Jörg Heeren, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, University
Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
“The relevance of brown adipose tissue for metabolic health”
09:45 – 10:35
Workshop 5: Immunology and Inflammation
Chair: Christoph Binder
TALK (10 min plus 5 min discussion)
The influence of bioactive lipid mediators on cholesterol metabolism in sepsis
Ivan Tancevski, Kristina Auer, Malte Asshoff, Daniela Bischof, Richard Hilbe, Egon
Demetz, Piotr Tymoszuk, Guenter Weiss
ATGL acts on neutrophil lipid droplets to generate lipid mediators
Stefanie Schlager, Madeleine Goeritzer, Katharina Jandl, Robert Frei, Nemanja Vujic,
Dagmar Kolb, Heimo Strohmaier, Juliane Dorow, Thomas Eichmann, Albert Wölfler,
Uta Ceglarek, Akos Heinemann, Dagmar Kratky
SHORT TALK (5 min plus 3 min discussion)
The role of complement factor H in foam cell formation and efferocytosis
Máté Kiss, Nikolina Papac-Miličević, Barbara Gritti, Clara J. Busch, David Weismann,
Christoph J. Binder
Liver cirrhosis, high-density lipoproteins and anti-inflammatory and endothelial
regenerative activities of serum
Markus Trieb, Angela Horvath, Walter Spindelböck, Vanessa Stadlbauer, Rudolf E.
Stauber, Michael Holzer, Lisa Pasterk, Marilena Appierto, Akos Heinemann, Gunther
10:35 – 11:00
Coffee break
Saturday, May 9th, 2015
11:00 – 11:45
Workshop 6: Varia
Chair: Ivan Tancevski
SHORT TALK (5 min plus 3 min discussion)
Advanced-oxidized protein products activate platelets through CD36, promoting
platelet-endothelial crosstalk and tissue factor expression
Lisa Pasterk, Sandra Lemesch, Markus Trieb, Sanja Curcic, Marilena Appierto, Vanessa
Stadlbauer, Rufina Schuligoi, Akos Heinemann, Gunther Marsche
Simvastatin influences apoJ and amyloid-beta metabolism at the blood-brain barrier
Martina Zandl, Jyotsna B Pippal, Elham Fanaee-Danesh, Nicole Maria Albrecher,
Chaitanya Chakravarthi Gali, Ute Panzenboeck
Bexarotene and astaxanthin modulate cholesterol and amyloid-beta metabolism in
an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier
Elham Fanaee-Danesh, Martina Zandl, Anil Paul Chirackal Manavalan, Chaitanya
Chakravarthi Gali, Nicole Maria Albrecher, Alexandra Kober-Macher, Ute Panzenboeck
Impact of oxysterols on cholesterol homeostasis in the feto-placental vasculature in
gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
Yidan Sun, Susanne Kopp, Martina Zandl, Elham Fanaee-Danesh, Helena Fadl,
Ingemar Björkhem, Christian Wadsack, Gernot Desoye, Ute Panzenboeck
Impaired kidney function is a diabetes risk equivalent in patients with established
coronary artery disease
Christoph H. Saely, Alexander Vonbank, Daniela Zanolin, Philipp Rein, Karl-Martin
Ebner, Heinz Drexel
Saturday, May 9th, 2015
11:45 – 12:15
Keynote Lecture V:
Chair: Bernhard Paulweber
Florian Überall, Center of Chemistry and Biomedicine Innsbruck, Division of Medical
Biochemistry and Nutritional Biochemistry & Nutrigenomics, Innsbruck
Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
“Activity monitoring of herbal multicomponents in atherosclerosis”
12:15 – 13:00
General assembly AAS
Paper and presentation awards
Closing remarks of the president
13:00 – 14:00
Sponsors & Exhibitors
(as per printing date)
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