Newsletter - aauw


Newsletter - aauw
American Association of University Women
May 2015
Number 351
May 16th is our Installation Meeting at Bit O’ Britain
Because of the AAUW National Convention happening in mid-June, the Carlsbad-Oceanside-Vista branch has
moved up its year-end Installation of Officers to May. We will meet at the Bit O’ Britain Tea Room which is now
located in South Vista at 1495 Poinsettia Ave., Suite 152. (Do not confuse this location with Poinsettia Lane off
I-5 in Carlsbad. If possible, check its address on Bit O’ Britain is within the Vista Technology
Complex near the south end of Poinsettia Avenue just before it intersects with Business Park Drive. You’ll find a
sign to the Complex entry along Poinsettia Drive and the British telephone booth shown at left just outside its
door. This shop contains many traditional British
and Scottish foods as well as displays of china
and tea sets and souvenir items.
We will take part in a Morning Tea beginning at
9:30 am, which includes a pot of tea, finger
sandwiches, sausage roll, scone with clotted
cream, jam and assorted pastries or cakes.
Cost of the event is $20, and reservations
(checks to AAUW-COV) must be in to COV
Treasurer Ruth Plotkin by Monday, May 11th.
Fill out, clip and send the coupon below to Ruth
to reserve your space.
COV Dates at a Glance
Mystery Books…………….Mon. May 4
Yes – Sign me up for the May 16th Installation
of Officers and Morning Tea at 9:30 am at
Bit O’Britain in South Vista, at 1495 Poinsettia
Ave., Suite 152. (Participants should wear hats to
pose with the “Queen.’”)
Enclosed is my check for ___________ persons, at
$20.oo each.
My Name: __________________________________
Send your check to AAUW-COV to Ruth Plotkin, 6931
Tradewinds Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92011, so that it arrives
before 5/11/15.
Board Meeting ………….Mon. May 11
Scrabble…………………Tues. May 12
Spec. Event (O’side Art Mus.) Wed. May 13
Drama Divas……………Thurs. May 14
Exploring California……..Mon. May 18
Martha S. Dropouts………Sun. May 24
Mostly Books…………….Tues. May 26
AAUW Mission is to advance equity for
women and girls through Advocacy,
Education, Philanthropy and Research.
In principle, and practice, AAUW values
and seeks a diverse membership. There
shall be no barriers to full participation in this
organization on the basis of gender, r a c e ,
creed, age, sexual orientation, national
origin, disability or class.
The AAUW Educational Foundation
provides funds to advance education,
research and self-development for women
and to foster equity and positive societal
A Few Words from our Co-President -Remember May Day?
Do people still make May baskets, leave them at a door,
and then run away? Maybe not. I remember doing that as
girl in Portland, Oregon.
Do people dress up in hats
and go out to Tea? YES. So
. So
put on a hat, add flowers and
come to our Installation Tea at Bit O’ Britain.
You will contribute a sense of style and
elegance as we celebrate our newly elected
COV officers for 2015-2016. – Ele Lavender
Equal Pay Day “a Big Success”
As you all know, April 14th was Equal Pay Day – the day that marks how far
into 2015 women have to work to reach equity with men for all of 2015. Your
The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund provides
Public Policy Committee is proud to report our
funding and a support system for women
branch as done a great job in getting the word
seeking judicial redress for sexual
We kicked things off with a presentation March
26th by PP chair Kathi Harper on the Gender Pay
Gap, with about 10 COV members attending.
Participants learned how the figures were
arrived at by AAUW’s research team, how the
SANDY BROWN 760-433-3362
numbers cut across different demographics,
ELE LAVENDER 760-804-1388
what is being done to close the gap, and what
Circulation: SUE MITCHELL
we can do to make that happen.
On April 14th, COV had teams at both Palomar
E-Communications: ADRIANNE HAKES
and Mira Costa campuses. (Bobbie Upson,
Action Editor: JAN BOYSEN
shown at right, was at Mira Costa with Adrianne Hakes and Kathi Harper.) The
760- 631-7055
Palomar team included Seena Trigas, Doreen Robinson and Lynda Daniels.
COV Website:
COV volunteers had baked dozens of cookies, and then on April 13th met at
Doreen Robinson’s, where they removed 22% of every cookie, then placed
State site:
each one in an individual baggie with a blurb about the Equal Pay Gap.
National Site:
As the teams passed out the cookies on April 14th, the two teams also passed
out AAUW’s 2015 brochure, “Behind the Gender Pay Gap,” and gave out
student AAUW membership brochures as they talked to students.
Team members reported that it was a great day, with lots of student interest; one member was especially moved by the
interest of several young black men, who recognized the link between gender and race inequalities. At Palomar, a male
film student even offered to do a video for COV as his class project – how cool is that?
The Public Policy Committee wants to thank all members who pitched in to make this event such a great success – the
bakers, the packagers, the tablers – all of you were instrumental, and it could not have happened without you.
–My Thanks, Kathi Harper.
MOSTLY BOOKS Our May meeting will be at Pam
Kennedy’s home, 6560 Cornflower Dr., Carlsbad. 760614-2435. The book is The Invisible Wall by Harry
Bernstein. Pam has generously offered to host and
review. In June, the book will be The Lost Boys by Louise
Esola, the local author who spoke at our May general
meeting last year. She has been a columnist for the
Union Tribune and North County Times. We need to
find new titles for September; it will come fast. In the
summer, we go lighter with poems and short stories,
although we may wish to change that. Marie Townley,
760 -727-5006.
Interest Groups
BRIDGE GROUPS operate all year. If you are interested
in joining any of these groups, contact co-chair Wanda
Downer, or 760-941-2841.
MYSTERY BOOKS Mystery books group will meet
COUPLES GOURMET Group 2 will hold its Hawaiian
Mon. May 4 at the home of Ann Appleton, 5191
Mertensia St., Oceanside, to discuss the Anne Hillerman
book, Spider Woman’s Daughter. Please RSVP to Ann at
760-643-1277 if you can come. The June meeting will
be at Sing Baker’s, 866 Violet Court, Carlsbad. The book
for June is Callendar Square by Anne Perry. Ann
Appleton, chair, at 760-643-1277 or email
dinner on Sat. May 9 at the home of Donna and John
Stark, 6012 Piros Way, Oceanside. Group 1 will
postpone its dinner until June or July. For information,
contact Bev Nickerson at 760-630-7092, or e-mail
DRAMA DIVAS Our last play reading until fall is Thurs.
May 14th at 2 pm at Ruth Robinson’s. The address is
3625 Mt. Vernon in Oceanside. Call her at 760-9660427. The play we are reading is the The Chalk Garden
by Enid Bagnold. Jean Mandelbaum, chair.
SCRABBLE The next meeting will be Tues. May 12 at
Lynda Daniels’, 4547 Picadilly Ct., Carlsbad. Contact or 760-542-6631.
EXPLORING CALIFORNIA will meet at Janet Leary’s ,
SPECIAL EVENT ‘Dancing at the Museum’, Wed. May
1868 Turnberry Drive, Vista, on Mon. May 18 at 9:30
am. Her e-mail is Co-hostess is Sally
Robinson. Topics will be given by Sally Robinson, Jan
Boysen and Wanda Fuller. Jan Boysen, chair, 760-6317055;
13th, 10 am at Oceanside Art Museum. Contact Renny
Dowling. 760-721-0745, or
LUNCH BUNCH As the branch will have the installation
luncheon in May, our next Lunch Brunch gathering will
be Friday, June 5th. It will be at the Argyle Restaurant,
7447 Batiquitos Drive, Carlsbad. We met there two
years ago and everyone enjoyed the food and
atmosphere by the lagoon. This will be our last gettogether for the year. For reservations contact Pat Fore
at or (760) 904-1280.
is Sun. May 24th at 4 pm. Host and hostess are Clarke
and Elva Vollbrecht. Their address is 835 Applewilde Dr.
in San Marcos, 760-744-8155. Be sure to call to set up
food assignments. Jean Mandelbaum, chair.
Operations-Checking 2/28 Balance
$ 1,922.05
$ 3,438.05
- 1,567.48
Operations-Checking 3/31 Balance
$ 1,870.57
Special Accts 2/28 Balance
Special Accts 3/31 Balance
Savings Acct. 3/31 Balance
$ 9,446.99
$ 11,328.76
Meet Joyce King…
New Members for your Directory:
Our new member Joyce Quinlan King is a real-life
‘Bionic Woman’ – or so says her car’s license plate and
her e-mail address – and for a good reason. She has had
hip replacement (twice on
same side) several years ago,
and in her left arm are two
steel plates, the result of a
biking accident two years back.
But after much-needed physical therapy, Joyce is highly
active lady “nearly good as new.”
Where can you find her? Most often at the Encinitas
Pubic Library, especially managing the Friends of the
Library Book Store. Through her efforts at training 65
volunteers, successful half-price book sales and internet
sales, the Encinitas library received $70,000 from the
Friends last year.
A Leucadia resident, married to Sterling King, an artistphotographer and owner of the Surf Hut Art Gallery,
Joyce came to our AAUW branch through her longtime
friendships with Doreen Robinson and Seena Trigas.
While her interest group of
choice is Exploring
California, at the recent
general meeting featuring
Eileen Moore’s research on
fetal alcoholic syndrome,
she saw that AAUW has
“made a wise choice” in
selecting Eileen for an
AAUW national EO
fellowship, and she agrees
with our goals and principles.
Joyce attended UC Santa Barbara, completing a
master’s in education before coming to Vista to teach.
By her second year she was at Vista High teaching
history. For a time, after completing her certification in
guidance, she worked as a school counselor, but the
caseload of 725 students proved overwhelming, so she
went back to teaching AP History for her last 16 years,
taking early retirement in 2006.
The Kings have one son, Silas, who lives with his wife
and small son in Oceanside. (Just ask Joyce to show her
latest picture of grandson Drexel on her smart-phone!)
Throughout her life, Joyce has traveled widely,
especially to Europe. This year she plans to take a
plein-air art course/tour in Southern Spain, then join
her husband to travel to Greece and Turkey, perfect
places for them to enjoy ancient history and
photograph Mediterranean beauty.
760-598-0239 (h)
760-675-0814 (c)
George Washington University—Speech Therapy
National Univ.- BA
National Univ,- MA Counseling
Inst. Advanced Study of Human Sexuality—D HS
Jeanne Gruenwald Scholarship Committee
Looking for Donations for New Award Winners
Our COV November 2015 general meeting will be the
recognition day for local scholarship winners. The Jeanne
Gruenwald Scholarship Committee hopes to award two local
college scholarships of $1,500 each. Because the money must
be replenished annually, the JGSC is currently seeking
donations made out to AAUW CA SPF and sent to the group’s
treasurer, Ellie Burton, 4845 Park Drive, Carlsbad, 92008.
Following the business meeting in November, the JGSC
will hold a special “Games Day.” (Watch for an announcement
later.) Meanwhile, Committee Chair Janet Leary is looking for
small- to medium-sized baskets to be decorated and used for
an Opportunity drawing at the event.
The May 11th COV (2014-15) Board Meeting
will be held at the home of Doreen Robinson,
3656 Merced Dr., Oceanside, at 9:30 am. Her
phone number is 760-941-3367
Fallbrook AAUW Announces its Country Garden Tour
Saturday, May 9th from 10 am to 4 pm
Tickets for sale at Palomares House, 1815 Stage Coach
Lane Fallbrook - $20 in advance; $25 on tour day.
Info: 760-728-4459
American Association of University Women
Carlsbad-Oceanside-Vista Branch
2015-2016 Membership/Renewal Application July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016
CITY AND ZIP_____________________________________________BIRTHDAY m/d____________________
MONTHLY NEWSLETTER will come by EMAIL unless you indicate otherwise.
U.S. Mail ?____________
Member of Branch
Pays Nat’l($49), State($20), Branch($21) $46 Tax Deductible
Paid Life Member
Pays State($20), Branch($21)
Dual Member: Primary Branch______________________
Pays COV Branch Dues only ($21)
Honorary Life Member
Pays Branch Dues ($21)
Donation Angel Fund Dues Assistance
Donation Dictionary Project Provides dictionaries to 7th Grade Avid Students
Donation Branch Operations Defray special branch expenses
$90.00 $
$41.00 $
$21.00 $
$21.00 $
Make your check payable to AAUW-COV and mail with this form by June 30, 2015 to:
Sue Mitchell, Membership Treasurer
1720 Bruce Rd., Carlsbad, CA 92008
(Separate solicitations for Educational Opportunities, Legal Advocacy Fund, Tech Trek and the
Jeanne Gruenwald Scholarships will be made during the 2015-2016 membership year.)
Check your area of interest:
Educational Fund
Legal Advocacy Fund
AVID Dictionary Project
J.G. Scholarship Committee
Public Policy Committee
Tech Trek Committee
Couples Gourmet Dining
Drama Divas
Exploring California
Lunch Bunch
Martha Stewart Dropouts55
Mostly Books
Mystery Books
Special Events/On the Go
Greeter at Meetings
Provide Transportation
Interbranch (IBC) Reps.
AAUW ACTION (USPS 356-750) is published monthly, except July and August, for
$5.50 by Carlsbad-Oceanside-Vista Branch of AAUW, 1720 Bruce Road, Carlsbad, CA
POSTM ASTER: Please send address changes to AAUW-COV, 1720
Bruce Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
STATEMENT OF PUBLICATION: AAUW ACTION is an official publication of the
American Association of University Women. All articles, announcements and
expressions of opinion regarding the issues may be sent to AAUW ACTION Newsletter
Editor JAN BOYSEN, or by post to 5250 Angelina Road,
Oceanside, CA. 92056.
Renew Membership Now: See p. 5 in this newsletter for the form. Dues for 2014-15 are $90, including affiliation with AAUW National, State
and Branch. Don’t miss the opportunity to choose a new or ongoing interest group. Questions? Contact Sue Mitchell or membership VPs.