ACHC`s AIS Approved by Florida State Board of Pharmacy


ACHC`s AIS Approved by Florida State Board of Pharmacy
April 20, 2015
Media Contact:
Kevin O'Connell
(919) 785-1214 x 306,
For all other inquiries:
919-785-1214, 855-937-2242,
AIS Approved by Florida State Board of Pharmacy
ACHC Inspection Services (AIS) has been approved by the Florida State Board of Pharmacy to conduct compounding
pharmacy inspections for non-resident pharmacies. The Florida State Board of Pharmacy requires non-resident
compounding pharmacies to undergo an approved inspection prior to obtaining a state permit for non-resident sterile
compounding. Further information concerning the permit requirements can be found at
“AIS is committed to working with state boards of pharmacy and compounding pharmacies to facilitate the highest-quality
of patient care and safety,” said ACHC CEO, José Domingos. “Florida’s efforts to ensure the safety of compounded
medications in their state are commendable and we look forward to working with the state board of pharmacy to provide
assurance for their residents.”
Launched as a division of Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) in November 2014, AIS assesses the
compounding process according to a predetermined set of criteria. The state-specific requirements include, but are not
limited to USP <797> standards. Inspections are conducted by AIS Inspectors who have extensive experience in the area of
pharmacy compounding. Pharmacies that wish to undergo the AIS Inspection process should visit to
learn more.
AIS is a division of Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), an organization with broad and extensive experience
in the area of pharmacy compliance, including accreditation programs for non-sterile and sterile compounding, infusion,
specialty, and long-term care pharmacy services.
ACHC is a not-for-profit accreditation organization that has stood as a symbol of quality and excellence since 1986. The
organization has CMS Deeming Authority for Home Health, Hospice, and DMEPOS and a Quality Management System that
is certified to ISO 9001:2008. ACHC’s broad range of accreditation programs also includes Pharmacy, Sleep, Private Duty
Nursing, and Behavioral Health. ACHC is the provider’s choice for accreditation because of its personal Account Advisors,
relevant and realistic standards, competitive pricing, and consultative approach to accreditation. Accreditation by ACHC
reflects an organization’s dedication and commitment to meeting standards that facilitate a higher level of performance
and patient care.
For more information on ACHC’s accreditation programs and educational resources, or to download ACHC accreditation
standards, please visit or contact them at or 855-937-2242.
139 Weston Oaks Ct., Cary, NC 27513 I I T 855.937.2242 F 919.785.3011
A C H C I N S P E C T I O N S E RV I C E S I S A D I V I S I O N O F A C C R E D I TAT I O N C O M M I S S I O N f o r H E A LT H C A R E