Cross Country race 2 newsletter, 19 April
Cross Country race 2 newsletter, 19 April
Cross Country Series April 19th 2015 Visit our website for the latest news, information & results Well Done! Last week 9 year old Jacob Day won Junior Grade, showing that he can run well above his age group. A future club champ in the making? Last weekend more than 300 athletes from 42 countries raced at the International Association of Ultra-runners 24-Hour World Championship in Turin, Italy. The photo shows Graeme Butcher looking fresh at the start before he completed 188.9km. Butch finished 111th in a field of 179 men, the NZ men's team 24th of 34 and the NZ women 18 of 28. The club was well represented in the local Mountain Duathlon on 29th March. Derek Cox edged out Dominic Green to win the Men’s long course. In the women’s races, Franky Spite won the long course and Sue Bankier won the short course. School holidays and other events resulted in a smaller field than usual for the first race of the Cross Country season. While its great to see so many familiar faces, new participants would be warmly welcomed. Bring a friend next time! Tuesday Night Training (Incorporating Butch’s Boot Camp & Chu’s Day Ramblers) When: 5.30pm every Tuesday Where: By the church on the corner of Totara St & Te Ore Ore Rd. Last Tuesday, despite the weather, 8 hardy souls completed 2 laps of the Lansdowne Street course (10km) (Ray Haste, Richard & Annie Hawkes, Annie Jerling, Stephen Yeats, Ben Van Gerven, Malcolm MacDonald, Tom Porter). Why not join them next week. Coming up Harriers Section Report The Harriers’ committee is made up of those elected to various roles at the ACM Harrier Section AGM. These notes are from the recent 25th March meeting. Topics discussed: 25 Apr ANZAC Day Road Races – Dalefield Hall Further information contact Ray Wallis 06 377 0703 10 May Primary Schools XC Race, Solway Showgrounds Talk to Rachel Lewis 23 May Vosseler Shield, Mt Victoria, Wellington § Gail Edwards to be social secretary § ACM website - various issues. § Club jackets – sales promotion § History update - centennial history to be published on website rather than in book form. Possibility of obtaining oral histories to be explored. § Centennial info – Centennial souvenir box had been made. Suggestions for extra contents welcome. To be displayed ion clubrooms when plaque made and attached. Thanks to Derek Cox § Grade alignments – agreed to align club championship grades with Athletics Wellington. Would include male and female walker’ grade and M70+. W60+ to be retained. Next race Massey Farm, Mikimiki Sunday 3rd May, 9:45 am Morning Tea duty – C & D Get the details Details of the 2015 Cross Country Series are on the club website. § Trophy cabinet – new trophy cabinet to be purchased. § Social functions: winter function to be considered. Cycling section to be contacted. § Sanders & Gough - event details. § Primary schools cross country - event details § Younger runners: concern at low numbers at summer series. Parents’ view to be sought. § Club programme – paper presented which promoted significant change in club programme. Members to seek views and discuss at next meeting. § Cross country series – admin details, publicity and handicap options. David Farlow (Chairperson) Helpers needed for the Primary Schools XC Race on 10th May. Please talk to Rachel Lewis. Situation vacant - Interclub Events Organiser. Talk to David Farlow to find out more.