Christ the Saviour Cathedral - American Carpatho


Christ the Saviour Cathedral - American Carpatho
Christ the Saviour Cathedral
Corner of Garfield Street and Butler Avenue
Johnstown, Pa. 15906
Rectory Office – 249 Butler Avenue; Johnstown, Pa. 15906
Cathedral Church of His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa
of the
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese
of the
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
Cathedral Clergy
Pastor – Very Reverend Protopresbyter Robert A. Buczak, Cathedral Dean
Very Reverend Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Chancellor
Very Rev. John A. Baranik Jr.
Very Rev. John S. Brancho
Rectory Phone…………………………………………………………….…………814-539-8086
Mobile Phone…………………………………………………………………….….412-759-4481
Cathedral Office………………………………………………………..……………814-254-4011
E-mail Address (for Father Robert Buczak)………………………………...…
Vol. 72 No. 1513
March 15th, 2015
Third Sunday of the Great Fast
Veneration of the Holy Cross
The Theodotus of Cyrenia
Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great – 9:00 am
Sunday School - 10:20
Panachida for + Metropolitan Nicholas offered by Jeanne Taylor and Zoe Mihalik; +Anna
Yurcisin offered by Rose Hilboky and Mark; +Dorothy Zahoran (40th Day) offered by Stephen
and Barbara Martyak; +Bethany Haschak Schilling offered by Sue Deitle; +Christopher Nash
offered by cousin, Denise; +Mary, Ivan, Shelly, & Maria offered by Mary Skovran (Perpetual);
Michael Matolyak and Mary Bacha offered by Mary Jane Matolyak; and +Helen Maurer
offered by Esther Pevarnik
Resurrection Tone 7
Epistle: Hebrews 4:14-5:6
Tropar & Kondak: pages 99 & 182-183
Gospel: Mark 8:34- 9:1
Services for the week of March 15th
Tue. 3/17 ... + Mary Medvic offered by John and Donna Zizan – Parastas………..……..8:00 am
Wed. 3/18 … +John and Susie Sheaffer (Perpetual) – Parastas…………………….……..8:00 am
Confessions ………………………………………….………………6:15- 7:00 pm
Moleben to the Holy Cross.………………………………………………7:00 pm
Thu. 3/19 … +Mary Antonikas (Perpetual) – Parastas…………………………....………8:00 am
Fri. 3/20 … +Andrew and Helen Dluhos (Perpetual) – Parastas………………………….8:00 am
Confessions………..…………………………………………………..6:00 – 7:00 pm
Pre-sanctified Liturgy…………………………………………………………7:00 pm
Sat. 3/21 … 4th All- Souls Saturday –
+Mary Fedorchak (Perpetual)…………………………………………..…….8:00 am
A.C.R.Y. Lenten Retreat – St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
Homestead, Pa - Car pool leaves at 10:00 am
Sunday, March 22nd, 2015
Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast - St. John Climacus
The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste
Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great – 9:00 am / Sunday School - 10:20
Panachida for +Margaret Stackhouse offered by Vivian Slachta; and +John Chupka Sr.,
Nicholas Don Chupka, and Joseph M. Quinn offered by Katherine Oravec;
and +Mary Gall offered by Donna Yarina
Resurrection Tone 8
Epistle: Hebrews 6:13-20
Tropar & Kondak: pages 102 & 183-184
Gospel: Mark 9:16-30
Services for the week of March 22nd
Mon. 3/23 ... + Bernadine Evanisko offered by family; +Mary Tavalsky offered by her children;
and + Edward Margetta offered by the Colosimo family – Parastas……...8:00 am
Tue. 3/24 … +Deacon James Janiec offered by Willie Colgan; and +Mary and Stephen
Karnosky (Perpetual)- Parastas………………………..8:00 am
Wed. 3/25 … +George and Mary Pakh Magdinec
offered by John and Mary Gido (Perpetual) – Parastas………….……..8:00 am
Confessions ………………………………………….………………6:15- 7:00 pm
Canon of Saint Andrew………………..…………………………………7:00 pm
Thu. 3/26 … + Margaret Evans (40th Day) offered by the Teplica and Evans Family; and
+ Gary Bowser offered by Evalyn Brudnak – Parastas……...……....………8:00 am
Fri. 3/27 … +George Paczolt and Joseph and Mary
offered by Mary Kindya (Perpetual) – Parastas………………….8:00 am
Confessions………..…………………………………………………..6:00 – 7:00 pm
Pre-sanctified Liturgy…………………………………………………………7:00 pm
Sat. 3/28 … +Mary, Michael and Mary Hritz;
and Margaret Herko (Birthday Remembrance) (Perpetual)………………...8:00 am
Great Vespers…………………..……………………………………………6:00 pm
Sunday, March 29th, 2015
Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast - St. Mary of Egypt
Communion Breakfast
The Martyr Sabinus; The Apostle Aristobulus of the Seventy
Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great – 9:00 am / Sunday School - 10:20
Panachida for + Pani Anna Yurcisin and Andrew and Anna (Homyak) Popovich offered by
Ann Melanie Yurcisin; +Margaret Evans (40th Day) offered by Nick and Catherine Timko;
+Mary Gall (40th Day) offered by Steve and Barbara Martyak; and +Boyd Conrad (Perpetual)
Resurrection Tone 1
Epistle: Hebrews 9:11-14
Tropar & Kondak: pages 81 &185-186
Gospel: Mark 10:32-45
ETERNAL MEMORY FUND – Thank you to those who donated toward the Cathedral Eternal
Memory Fund in memory of Dorothy Zahoran: Dorothy Laichak - $10.00; Ann Evanisko - $10.00;
Father Frank and Pani Connie Miloro - $10.00.
In memory of Mary Pirich Gall: Roger Pavlik-$20.00
BULLETIN SPONSOR – The “Cathedral Jottings” Bulletin is sponsored in memory of John
Homyak by Carol Devine and Tom Knipple.
BIRTHDAY PRAYERS – are offered for Halee Angel Karashin (3/15), Joy Love (3/15), Elsie
Arendas (3/18), Nancy Ernest (3/19) Nicholas Seitz, Noah Cuneo (3/20), Joshua Machik (3/21),
and Mary Duray (3/21). You were remembered today in the Proskomedia.
COFFEE SOCIAL SPONSORS – Thank you to our Coffee Social Sponsors:
(3/22) – Pani Connie Miloro
(4/5) – St. Sophia Christian Academy
(3/29) – St. Sophia Christian Academy
(4/12) – Pascha
All are encouraged to attend the National ACRY Lenten Retreat Saturday, March 21st, 2015 at the
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church in Homestead, Pa. from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. His Grace Bishop
Gregory will be the guest speaker at the Retreat. There is no charge for this retreat; a free–will
offering will be collected. Please contact Father Robert Buczak if you would like to attend.
The Kulis Foundation is offering six (6) different scholarship programs available for the 20152016 academic year. Applications for the majority of these programs are due April 1, 2015
(seminarian’s applications are due on August 1, 2015). These programs provide over $450,000 in
available scholarship funds for eligible students. Interested students may view eligibility
requirements for each of the six (6) scholarship programs and download applications by visiting
INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED SOFT CANDY is needed to fill the plastic eggs for
the children’s egg hunt. Please bring your candy donation and leave it on the
Auditorium stage. Thank you!
This annual Lenten project that our church undertakes provides for our brother and sister
in need. Please deposit your “loose change” into the container near the doors of the nave
of the church. God bless you for your charity and almsgiving.
St. Sophia Orthodox Christian Academy is holding its annual fund raising appeal during
the Lenten season. Donations may be made using the appeal letter and donor form
available at the back of the church or in the church hall, or donations can be given directly
to Susan Kalcik, Dee Tvarozna, or Romayne Laichak.
The Cathedral Seniors Group is sponsoring a Lenten Soup Sale on the Sundays of Lent in the
month of March. Proceeds from the soup sale go to Senior’s activities such as programs, gift
baskets for Fr. Robert to take to shut-ins, and other parish needs. The soups will be both fasting
and non-fasting varieties and sold at a fantastic value of $6 per container.
For seniors or others preparing soup: New soup containers will be handed out each Sunday
beginning February 22 and March 1, and cooks can bring the soup to the cathedral hall on the
following Sundays. One large pot (four quarts) usually fills four containers. The soups may be
fasting or non-fasting. Containers should be marked with the name of the soup. Anyone interested
in participating, please contact Susan Kalcik in church or at 255-5517. Please indicate which
Sunday or Sundays you would like to provide soup.
The Lord prayed for those who crucified Him, and the Proto-martyr, St. Stephen, prayed for those
killing him – that it would not be counted as sin against them, saying “For they know not what
they do.” Do likewise, and you will receive mercy and Divine help; and you will be at peace.
St. Ambrose of Optina
Seek God daily, but seek Him in your heart, not outside it. And when you find Him, stand with
fear and trembling, like the Cherubim and Seraphim, for your heart has become a throne of God.
But in order to find God, become humble as dust before the Lord, for the Lord abhors the proud;
whereas He visits those who are humble in heart, wherefore He says: “To whom will I look, but
to the one who is meek and humble in heart?”
St. Nectarios of Aegina
When the heart has acquired stillness, it will perceive the heights and depths of knowledge; and
the ear of the still intellect will be made to hear marvelous things from God.
St. Hesychios the Priest
We must not forget that the demons assail and attack prayer in order to render it ineffective by
means of evil distractions. Thoughts of every kind encircle the poor man’s nous at the time of
prayer in order to plunder the fruit of prayer and leave only its bones – that is, the labor and effort
– for him who prays. This is why one who desires to pray well should drive away every sort of
care and any thought whatsoever in advance, before beginning to say the prayer. The nous as an
overseer should supervise very attentively the words spoken by the mouth, so that the prayer
becomes a fruitful spring of divine help and grace. According to the Fathers, Satan will always
position himself as a thorn and stumbling block for holy prayer. This is because he is greatly
troubled and burned by it. Therefore, my children, compel yourselves in prayer…
Elder Ephraim of the Holy Mountain
Thomas Buczak
Brenda McLean
Raymond Hovan Cindy LaBarr
Bernard Buczak
Larry Buksa
Annie Mishurda Patricia Freidhoff Steve Martyak
Dr. P.Z. Vora Michael Talarovich
Joan Wine
Jessica McLaughlin Irene Popp
Ernest Vasil
Holly Scheibler
Joann Bodnar
Michael Sakmar
Joseph Muchesko Sam Muchesko
Roberta Kovalik
Liz Bennett Frank Porembka Theresa Milkovoich
Pani Betty Jean Baranik
Kylie and Emma Fischer
LTJG Tatiana Kish Cyndi & Nick
Natalie Neff
Deacon Marc Wisnosky Kira Pronin
Alexxa Lowery Romayne Laichak
Charlotte and John
Charlene and John Thursday Justine Debbie Dawson
Deborah Louisenkizer Archimandrite Pitirim Stehnach
Rectory Office Hours – Father is available any time by appointment.
Emergency Sick Calls can be made at any time. Please phone the rectory when a family member is admitted to the hospital.
Marriages are solemnized on Saturdays or Sundays. Consult the pastor at least six months in advance and before plans have
been made for the wedding reception. Marriages cannot be celebrated during the fasting seasons of the church, or on Fridays.
Baptisms are normally scheduled on Saturdays or Sundays. Consult the pastor. Two God-parents are required, at least one of
whom must be Orthodox by faith and the other a practicing Christian.
Church Funerals are provided for practicing Orthodox Christians who are current in their spiritual and financial obligations to
the parish; otherwise burial is from the funeral home.
The Church does not permit cremation.