INVITATION TO TENDER - Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority
INVITATION TO TENDER - Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority
AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD AUTHORITY INVITATION TO TENDER Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority invites eligible firms for participate in the tender listed below; No. Tender Ref No. Tender Name 1. AFFA/T/83/2015 Provision of Staff Medical Insurance Cover 2. 3. 4. 5. Eligibility/Target group Insurance Companies (Underwriters) Open to all AFFA/T/84/2015 Consultancy Services for a feasibility study on sugarcane irrigation in Nyando Region (Re-advertisement) AFFA/T/85/2015 Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Youth, Women and PWDs Gymnasium (GYM) Equipment (Re-advertisement) AFFA/T/86/2015 Expression of Interest for developing a Open to all framework for promoting manufacture of high value speciality teas AFFA/T/87/2015 Expression of Interest (EOI) For Open to all Consultancy Services For Carrying a Feasibility Study On Identification of Potential Markets For Kenya’s Value Added Tea Products Closing Date 02/06/2015 at 11.30 am ,, ,, ,, 09/06/2015 Tender documents/EOIs with detailed information may be viewed and down loaded from www.agricultureauthority.go. ke and websites free of charge. Those who download the documents from the websites must submit their contact details to for use in case of further communication/addendum to the tender. The Tender documents can also be obtained by prospective bidders from the Supply Chain office situated at Tea House along Naivasha Road, off Ngong Road during working days (Monday to Friday) between 8:00 am –1:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm upon payment of a non-refundable fee of One Thousand Kenya Shillings (Kshs. 1,000) in form of banker’s cheque payable to Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority. Duly completed Tender documents/EOIs Proposal in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked the Tender Number and Name and addressed to: The Interim Director General Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Tea House, Naivasha Road, off Ngong Road P. O. Box 37962 - 00200 NAIROBI Or deposited in the Tender box located at the reception of the Tea House so as to be received on or before Tuesday, 2nd June 2015 at 11.30 a.m. Local Time. Tenders/EOIs will be opened immediately thereafter at the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Headquarters Tea House(Room1) in the presence of candidates/representatives who wish to attend. Late Tenders will be rejected. For further inquiries, please call: 254 20 3872421/ 3872497/ 387445/6 Cell: 254 722 200556 or 254 734 600994 INTERIM DIRECTOR GENERAL