The Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants and Acidic Precipitation
The Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants and Acidic Precipitation
Ministry of the Environment A BIBLIOGRAPHY The Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants and Acidic Precipitation Z 5862.2 C36 A bibliography : the long-range transport of air pollutants and acidic precipitation / 6481 A Bibliography: The Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants and Acidic Precipitation The preparation of this bibliography was jointly sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and the Federal Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada. LRTAP Program Office Atmospheric Environment Service Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4 July, 1980 Copyright Provisions and Restrictions on Copying: This Ontario Ministry of the Environment work is protected by Crown copyright (unless otherwise indicated), which is held by the Queen's Printer for Ontario. It may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes if credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. It may not be reproduced, in all or in part, part, for any commercial purpose except under a licence from the Queen's Printer for Ontario. For information on reproducing Government of Ontario works, please contact Service Ontario Publications at TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 1. 2. EMISSIONS 1 1.1 Emissions and Sources 1 1.2 Emissions Control and Abatement 7 ATMOSPHERIC 11 2.1 Transport 11 2.2 Chemistry 17 2.3 Deposition - Dry 35 2.4 Deposition - Wet 37 3. NETWORKS 49 4. MODELLING 52 5. AQUATIC EFFECTS 58 5.1 Chemistry 58 5.2 Marine Life 65 TERRESTRIAL EFFECTS 71 6.1 Soils and Geology 71 6.2 Vegetation and Forests 76 6.3 Wildlife and Biological Indicators 88 6. 7. HEALTH EFFECTS 89 8. MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES EFFECTS 91 9. VISIBILITY AND ARCTIC HAZE 92 10. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGY 93 11. MISCELLANEOUS 95 1. 1.1 EMISSIONS Emissions and Sources Adams, D. et al., 1979. Assessment of biogenic sulfur emissions within SURE area. Final report, research project .856-1 Electric Power Research Institute, Washington State University, Pullman, Wash. Adams, D.F. et al., 1979. Preliminary measurements of biogenic sulphur-containing gas emissions from soil. J. Air Pollution Control Association, 29: 380-383. Aneja, R.V. et al., 1979. Direct measurement of emission rates of some atmospheric biogenic sulphur compounds. Tellus, 31: 174-178. Ball, D.J., and S.W. Radclyfe, 1977. Inventory of sulphur dioxide emissions to London's atmosphere. Clean Air, 9 (5): 156-164. Bangay, C., 1973. The dragon's breath. Alternatives, 2:37-47. Barrie, L.A., 1979. The fate of particulate emissions from an isolated power plant in the oil sands area of western Canada. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, Vol. 14, 1979. Bertine, K.K., and E.D. Goldberg, 1971. Fossil fuel combustion and the major sedimentary cycle. Science, 173: 233-235. Bogdanov, S., P. Videnov, and E. Savoy, 1979. Fluctuations of the abundance of carbon monoxide. WMO symposium on LRTAP, 135-139. Brosset, C. et al., 1975. The nature and possible origin of acid particles observed at the Swedish west coast. Atmospheric Environment, 9 (6-7): 631-643. Canada. Department of the Environment, 1973. A nationwide inventory of air pollutant emissions - 1970. Report EPS 3-AP-73-2, Environmental Protection Service, 123 p. Ottawa. Canada. Department of the Environment, 1979. A nationwide inventory of air contaminant emission - 1974. Report Environmental Protection Service, 3-AP-78-2, Air Pollution Control Directorate, December, 1978. Hocking, D. and D. Reiter, eds., 1973. Canada. Proceedings of a Workshop on Sulphur Gas Research in Alberta, Information Report NOR-X-72. Northern Forest Research Centre, Edmonton, Alberta. December 1973. 196 p. Carter, Luther J., 1979. Uncontrolled SO2 emissions bring acid rain. Science, 204, (4398): 119, 1181-1182. Clarke, T.L., 1979. Gridded annual air pollutant emissions east of Rocky Mountains. U.S. EPA, EP-6004/4-79-030, May 1979. -1- Cullus, C.F., M.M. Hirschler, 1979. Emissions of sulphur into the atmosphere. Proceedings Int. Symp. Sulphur Emission and the Environment. London 8-10 May 1979, pp. 1-24. The Chemical Society, London. Dietz, R.N., 1978. Report of the working group on measurement of gaseous sulfur oxides emissions. Workshop proceedings on Primary Sulfate Emissions from Combustion Sources, EPA-600/9-78-020a, August, pp. 137-141. Dovland, H. and J. Saltbones, 1979. Emissions of sulphur dioxide in Europe in 1978. EMEP/CCC - Report 2/79. Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Lillestrom, May. Elam, Nils and Trichem Consultants Ltd., 1979. Present and future levels of sulphur dioxide emissions in Northern Europe. An investigation prepared for the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture, June. Environmental Science and Technology,( Ed.), 1977. Exporting, Importing SO2 Emissions. Environmental Science and Technology, 11, 1154. Fennelly, P.F., 1976. The origin and influence of airborne particulates. American Scientist, vol. 64, pp.46-56. Flyger, H. et al., 1978. Airborne investigations of SO2 oxidation in the plumes from power stations. Atmos. Envir., 12, 295-296. Forrest, J., R. Garber, and L. Newman, 1979. Formation of sulfate, ammonium and nitrate in an oil-fired plume. Atmos. Envir., 13:1287-1297. Galbally, I.E., 1975. Emission of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and ammonia from the earth's surface. Tellus 27:67-70. Galloway, James N. and D.M. Whelpdale, 1980. An atmospheric sulfur budget for eastern North America. Atmos. Environ. 14:409-417. Gartrell, F.E., F.W. Thomas, and S.B. Carpenter, 1973. Atmospheric oxidation of SO2 in coalburning power plant plumes. Am. Ind. Hyg., Vol. 24, pp. 113-120. Granat, L., H. Rodhe, and R.O. Hallberg, 1976. The global sulfur cycle. In nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur-global cycles, (Edited by B.H. Svensson and R. Soderlund), pp. 89-134, Scope Report 7. Gravenhurst, G., 1975. The sulphate component in aerosol samples over the North Atlantic. Meteor Forsch-Ergebnisse, Reihe B., No. 10, August, pp. 22-31. Greeley, R.S. et al., 1975. Sulfates and the environment: a revue. Mitre Corp., NTIS PB-248 122. Hales, J.M., 1976. Tall stacks and the atmospheric environment. EPA, 450/3 76-007. Hall, Stephen K., 1972. Sulfur compounds in the atmosphere. Chemistry, 45 (3): 16-18. -2- Harward, M.E. and H.M. Reisenaur, 1966. Reactions and movement of inorganic sulfur. Soil Science, 101: 326-335. Hitchcock, D., 1976. Atmospheric sulfates from biological sources. J. Air Pollut. Control Ass. 26, 210-215. Hitchcock, D.R., 1975. Dimethyl sulfide emissions to the global atmosphere. Chemosphere, 3, 127-138. Hogstrom, U., 1975. Confirming the local sources of observed air pollution in communities. Atmospheric Environment, 9: 923-929. Husar, R., et al., 1978. Sulfur budget of a power plant plume. Atmospheric Environment, v.12, pp. 549-568. Husar, R.B., J.P. Lodge, Jr., and D.J. Moore, Eds., 1978. Sulfur in the atmosphere, special issue. Atmospheric Environment, V. 12, No. 1-3, pp. 1-976. (Sulfur in the atmosphere, proceedings of the International Symposium held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 7-14 September, 1977. Atmospheric Environment, 12, (1-3), 1978.) Ingelstom, L., 1972. The systems structure and the evaluation of future trends in a study of sulphur as an environmental pollutant, Research Group for Planning Theory, (NFAO/KTH), PT 1972: 141p. Mathematics Dept., Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm. Junge, C.E., 1960. Sulfur in the atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 65: 227-237. Kalma, J.D., M. Johnson and K.J. Newcombe. Energy use and the atmospheric environment in Hong Kong: Part I. Inventory of air pollutant emissions and prediction of ground-level concentrations of SO2 and CO. Urban Ecology, 3: 29-57. Katz, M., 1977. The Canadian sulphur problem. Sulphur and its inorganic derivatives in the Canadian environment, pp. 21-67. NRCC No. 15015. National Research Council Canada, Ottawa. Kellogg, W.W., 1972. The sulfur cycle. Science 175, 587-596. Klemm H. and N. Surprenant, 1978. Emissions inventory in SURE region. Annual report for 23 Aug. 1977-31 Aug. 1978. Prepared for EPRI by GCA Technology Div., Bedford, Mass. Koide, M., and E.D. Goldberg, 1971. Atmospheric sulfur and fossil fuel combustion. J. of Geophys. Res., 76: 6589-6595. Labastille, Anne, 1979. Death from the sky. Outdoor Life, Feb. 1979, pp. 76-77, 100-103. Lee, Robert E. and F. Vandiver Duffield, 1977. EPA's catalyst research program: environmental impact of sulfuric acid emissions. Jour. of Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 17 (7): 631-635. Lovelock, J.E., R.J. Maggs, and R.A. Rasmussen, 1972. Atmospheric dimethyl sulfide and the natural sulphur cycle. Nature, London, 237: 452-453. -3- Lowry, W.P. and F. Probald, 1978. An attempt to detect the effects of a steelworks on precipitation amounts in central Hungary. J. Applied Met., 17: 964-975. Meszaros, E., G. 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Sulfates and acidity in precipitation: their relationship to emissions and regional transport of sulfur oxides. In: Commission on Natural Resources, NH Academy of Sciences, NH Academy of Engineering, NH Research Council, Air Quality and Stationary Source Emission Control, prepared for the C'tee. on Public Works, U.S. Senate. Nochumson, D., 1979. Comments on gaseous sulfur pollutants from urban and natural sources. J. of APCA, 29 (2): 164-165. Nriagu, J.O. (Ed.)., 1978. Sulfur in the environment. Part II - Ecological impacts. John Wiley and Sons (Interscience). (Up-to-date review with a comprehensive collection of papers by specialists.) Nyberg, A., 1972. The effects of local and distant sources of sulfur on the precipitation contents of sulfur in Scandinavia. Geophysica, 12, 33-42. OECD Environment Directorate, 1973. Survey on regional sulphur dioxide emission. Air management sector group, Org. for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris. 79 P. Ontario. 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Atmospheric Environment, 12, 671-680. Rodhe, H., 1972. A study of the sulfur budget for the atmosphere over Northern Europe. Tellus XXIV, 128-138. Ross, F. Fraser, 1971. What sulphur dioxide problem? Combustion, Aug., pp. 6-11. Sandberg, J.S. et al., 1976. Sulfate and nitrate particulates as related to SO2 and NOx gases and emissions. Jour. of Air Poll. Control Ass., 26 (6): 559-564. Sandhu, H.S., ed., 1979. Industrial sulphur emissions for Alberta 1974-1978. Alberta Environment Research Secretariat, April. Santroch, Jaroslav and Dusan Zarodsky, 1979. Sulphur compounds in background air-pollution in Czechoslovakia. WMO Symposium on LRTAP, 45-51. Sawyer, James W., 1978. The sulfur we breathe. Environment 20 (2): 25-30. Sawyer, J.W., 1977. A skeptical evaluation of the sulphate problem. J. Metals. May (77): 11-17. Semb, Arne, 1979. Emission of gaseous and particulate matter in relation to long range transport of air pollutants. WMO Symposium on the long range transport of pollutants and its relation to general circulation including stratospheric/ tropospheric exchange processes, Sofia, 1-2. Semb, A., 1978. Sulphur emissions in Europe. Atm. Env. 12, 455-460. Shelfentook, W., 1978. An inventory system for atmospheric emissions in the AOSERP study area. Prepared by SNC Tottrup Ltd. for the Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research program. Rep. 29, ME 2.2, Edmonton, Alberta. Shinn, J.H. and S. Lynn, 1979. Do man-made sources affect the sulphur cycle of northeastern states? Environ. Sci. and Technology, 13: 1062-1067. Soderlund, R., 1977. NOx pollutants and ammonia emissions. A mass balance for the atmosphere -5- over NW Europe. Ambio, 6, 118-122. Spencer, W.F., 1975. Movements of DDT and its derivatives into the atmosphere. Residue Reviews 59: 91-117. Stanford Research Institute, 1975. Emissions, concentrations and fate of particulate atmospheric pollutants. Final report API, Pub. No. 4076. Stoiber, R.B., 1973. 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European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC), 1968. Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on extreme pH values and inland fisheries. EIFAC Technical Paper No. 4, 18 pp. Ficke, J.F., 1977. Air pollution: impact on water. Presented at Soils Cons. Soc. Amer. Mtg., Richmond Va., August. Fisher, D.W., et al., 1968. Atmospheric contributions to water quality of streams in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, Water Resources Research 4, p. 1119. Galloway, J.N., et al., 1976. Influences of acid precipitation on the water and sediment geochemistry of Adirondack mountain lakes. Abstracts of Papers submitted for the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Savannah, Georgia. Garret, W.D.,and V.M. Smagin, 1976. Determination of the atmospheric contribution of petroleum hydrocarbons to the oceans. Special Environment Report N 6, 1976, WMO - N440. Gjessing, E.T., 1974. Effects of polluted precipitation on water quality. In: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Water Poll. Research, Paris. 5 p. Gjessing, E.T., et al., 1976. Effects of acid precipitation on freshwater chemistry, p. 64-85. In: F.H. Braekke (ed.) Impact of acid precipitation on forest and freshwater ecosystems in Norway. Res. Rep., Aas, Norway. Gorham, E., 1976. Acid precipitation and its influence upon aquatic ecosystems--an overview. Water, Air, Soil, Pollut., 6: 457-481. Gorham, E., 1967. Some chemical aspects of wetland ecology. Nat. Res. Council Canada, Assoc. Comm. on Geotech. Res., Tech. Memo No. 90, 20-38. Gorham, E., 1961. Factors influencing supply of major ions to inland waters with special reference to the atmosphere. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 72: 795-840. -59- Gorham, E., and D.J. Swaine, 1965. The influence of oxidizing and reducing conditions upon the distribution of some elements in lake sediments. Limnol Oceanog., 10: 268-279. Gorham, E., and A.G. Gordon, 1960. The influence of smelter fumes upon the chemical composition of lake waters near Sudbury, Ontario, and upon the surrounding vegetation. Can. J. Hot., 38: 477-487. Gorham, E., 1957. The chemical composition of lake waters in Halifax country, Nova Scotia. Limnol. Oceanogr., 2: 12-21. Grahn, O., 1976. Macrophyte succession in Swedish lakes caused by deposition of airborne acid substances. pp. 519-530. In: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Acid Precipitation and Forest Ecosystem. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rpt. NE-23, 1074 pp. Grahn, O., and Hans Hultberg, 1975. The neutralizing capacity of 12 different lime products used for pH--adjustment of acid water. Vatten, 2, 1975, pp. 120-132. Grahn, O., H. Hultberg, and L. Lander, 1974. Oligotrophication--a self-accelerating process in lakes subjected to excessive supply of acid substances. AMBIO, V. 3, p. 8. Haapla, H., P. Sepponen, and E. Meskus, 1975. Effects of spring floods on water acidity in the Kiiminkijoki area, Finland. Oikos, 26: 26-31. Hagen, A., and A. Langeland, 1973. Polluted snow in southern Norway and the effects of meltwater on freshwater and aquatic organisms. Envir. Poll., 5: 45-57. Harrison, A.D., 1958. The effects of sulphuric acid pollution on the biology of streams in the Transvaal, South Africa. Verh. internat. Ver. Limno., 13: 603-610. Henriksen, A, 1979. A simple approach for identifying and measuring acidification of freshwater. Nature, 278 (5704) p. 542-545. Henriksen, A., and R.F. Wright, 1977. Concentrations of heavy metals in small Norwegian lakes. Internal Report, SNSF Project, IR 33/77, Part 3, 29 p., Oslo. Herricks, E.E., and J. Cairns, Jr., 1977. The effects of lime neutralization of acid mine drainage on stream ecology. 32nd Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conf. Herricks, E.E., and J. Cairns, Jr., 1973. Rehabilitation of streams receiving acid mine drainage. Virginia Water Resources Research Center. OWRR-WRRC-Bull., 66. 284 pp. Hoffman, E.J., and R. H. Duce, 1974. The organic carbon content of marine aerosols collected on Bermuda. J.G.R. V. 79, N. 30, p. 4474-4477. Hornbeck, J.W., and G.E. Likens, 1974. The ecosystem concept for determining the importance of chemical composition of snow. Advanced Concepts and Techniques in the Study of Snow and Ice Resources. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Hultberg, H., 1976. Thermally stratified acid water in late winter--a key factor inducing -60- self-accelerating processes which increase acidification. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-23, p. 503-516. Hutchinson, T.C., et al., 1976. Movement and compartmentation of nickel and copper in an aquatic ecosystem. P. 565-585 in Environmental Biogeochemistry, V. 2, ed., J.0. Nriagu, Ann Arbor Science Publishers. International Conference on the Ecological Impact of Acid Precipitation, Sandefjord, Norway, Mar. 11-14, 1980. Vol. 1: Abstracts of voluntary contributions, transport and deposition, vegetation and soil. International Conference on the Ecological Impact of Acid Precipitation, Sandefjord, Norway, Mar 11-14, 1980. Vol. II: Abstracts of voluntary contributions, water quality and aquatic biota. Jeffries, D.S., C.M. Cox, and P.J. Dillon, 1979. The depression of pH in lakes and streams in central Ontario during snowmelt. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 36: 640-646. Johnson, Arthur H., 1979. Acidification of headwater streams in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. J. Environ. Qual., 8(3): 383-386. Kerekes, J., 1973. Aquatic resource inventory Kejimkujik National Park. Part 5. Chemical composition of lake and river waters. Report for Parks Canada by Canadian Wildlife Service, Eastern Region. Kerekes, J., 1972. Comparative limnological study of five lakes in Terra Nova National Park, Nfld. PhD. Thesis. Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. 388 p. Likens, G.E., and F.H. Bormann, 1974. Linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. BioScience, 24: 447-456. Malmer, N., 1974. On the effects on water, soil and vegetation of an increasing atmospheric supply of sulphur. National Swedish Environment Protection Board, SNV-PM-402E, 98 p., Stockholm. Mastin, Mary, 1974. La Cloche, past, present and future. Ontario Naturalist. July 30-34. Matheson, D.H., and F.C. Elder, (eds.), 1976. Atmospheric contribution to the chemistry of lake waters. First Specialty Symposium of the International Association for Great Lakes Research. J. Great Lakes Res. 2 (suppl. 1) Interntl. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. Matheson, D.H., 1974. Measurements of atmospheric inputs to the Great Lakes. Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ont. Michelski, M.F.P., and J. Adamski, 1974. Restoration of acidified lakes Middle and Lohi in the Sudbury area, p. 163-175. In: Ontario Industrial Wastes Conferences. Murphy, T.J., and P.V. Doskey, 1976. Inputs of phosphorus from precipitation to Lake Michigan. J. Great Lakes Res., 2(1): 60-70. -61- Nas, 1975. Petroleum in marine environment. Report of US National Academy of Sciences workshop on inputs, fates and the effects of petroleum in the marine environment, Washington, D.C. Nas, 1971. Marine environmental Quality, Washington, D.C. Nicholls, Kenneth H., and Charles M. Cox, 1978. Atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus loading to Harp Lake, Ontario, Canada. Water Res. Research, 14(4): 589-592. Oden, S., and T. Ahl, 1974. The longterm changes in the pH of lakes and rivers in Sweden. Unpubl. report, 13 p. Oden, S., and T. Ahl, 1973. The acidification of Scandinavian waters. Fisheries Research Board of Can. Translation Series No. 2535. Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 1979. Determination of the susceptibility to acidification of poorly buffered surface waters. March. Pearson, F.H., and A.J. McDonnell, 1975. Limestone barriers to neutralize acidic streams. J. of the Environment Engineering Division EE3 425-440. (deals primarily with acid mine drainage but has relevance to acid precipitation.) Pearson, F.H., and A.J. McDonnell, 1975. Use of crushed limestone to neutralize acid wastes. J. of the Environ. Eng. Division, EE1 139-158. Proc. First specialty symposium on atmospheric contribution to the chemistry of lake waters, 1976. Internat. Assoc. Great Lake Res. Sept. 28 - Oct. 1. Supplement 1 to Vol. 2, Journal of Great Lakes Research. Rosenqvist, I.T., 1978. Alternative sources for acidification of river water in Norway. The Science of the Total Environment, 10: 39-49. Schneider, W.A., D.S. Jeffries, and P.J. Dillon, 1979. Effects of acidic precipitation on precambrian freshwaters in southern Ontario. J. Great Lakes Resources, 5(1): 45-51. Schneider, W. and P.J. Dillon, 1976. Neutralization and fertilization of acidified lakes near Sudbury, Ontario. Proc. 11th Can. Symp. Water Poll. Res. Canada, 11: 93-100. (fairly detailed report). Schneider, W.A., B. Cave and J. Jones, 1976. Reclamation of acidified lakes near Sudbury, Ontario by neutralization and fertilization. Limnology and Toxicity Section, Water Resources Branch, Ontario Ministry of the Environment. 19 pp. (detailed with extensive bibliography). Schneider, W., I. Adamski, M. Paylor, 1975. Reclamation of acidified lakes near Sudbury, Ontario. Ont. Ministry of the Environment, 129 pp. Schindler, D.W., R. Wagemann and R.H. Hesslein, 1977. The acidification of lake 223 Experimental Lakes Area, I. Background data, the first year of acidification, 1976. Sub-project AF 2.3.1., Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program, 90 pages. -62- Schindler, D.W., 1971. A hypothesis to explain differences and similarities among lakes in the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario. J. Fish. Res. Board Canada, 28: 295-301. Schofield, C.L., 1976. Lake acidification in the Adirondack Mountains of New York: causes and consequences. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Acid Precipitation and the Forest Ecosystem, USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-23, 477. Seip, H.M., and A. Tollan, 1978. Acid precipitation and other possible sources for acidification of rivers and lakes. The Science of the Total Environment, 10: 253-270. (a technical report) Skartveit, A., and Y.T. Gjessing, 1979. Chemical budgets and chemical quality of snow and runoff during spring snowmelt. Nordic Hydrology, 10: 141-154. (also deals with water acidification in meltwater). Swedish Anglers' Association, 1979. Acidification Conference, Sept. 24-26. Goteborg, Sweden. Szalados, J.E., T.M. Rosenthal and D.J. Lyew, 1979. Lake acidification in Quebec: recent observations. Unpublished report, Limnology section, McGill Biology Dept., McGill University, Montreal, Que. Thompson, M.E., 1979. Acidic atmospheric precipitation: evaluation of its impact on Canada's surface waters, submitted for publication in Science. Thornton, K., and J. Wilhelm, 1974. The effects of pH, phenol, and sodium chloride on survival and caloric, lipid and nitrogen content of a laboratory population of Chironomus attenuatus (Walk). Hydrobiologia, 45: 261-280. Tollan, A., and B. Hagerhall, 1977. Deterioration of water quality due to long range transport of air pollution. Norwegian and Swedish thematic paper to UN Water Conference, Oslo, Norway. Watt, W.D., D. Scott, and S. Ray, 1978. Acidification and other chemical changes in Halifax County Lakes after 21 years. Fisheries and Marine Service, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Wiederholm, T., and L. Eriksson, 1977. Benthos of an acid lake. Oikos, 29: 261-267. Wilber, T., 1972. The gradual destruction of Sweden's lakes. AMBIO, 1: 6-14. Wright, Richard F., and Arne Henricksen, 1978. Chemistry of small Norwegian lakes, with special reference to acid precipitation. Limnology and Oceanography, V. 23, No. 3, PP. 487-498. Wright, R.F., and A. Henriksen, 1977. Chemistry of small Norwegian lakes, with special reference to acid precipitation. Internal Report, SNSF Project, IR 33/77, Part 1, Oslo., 40 p. Wright, R.F., and C. Lysholm, 1975. Regional survey of lakes in southern Norway, fall 1974. Preliminary analysis of water-chemistry data. SNSF-project. IR 6/75. 24 p. Wright, R. F., and E. Snekvik, 1977. Acid precipitation: chemistry and fish populations in 700 lakes in southernmost Norway. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol, 20: -63- Wright, R.F., and E.T. Gjessing, 1976. Acid precipitation: changes in the chemical composition of lakes. AMBIO, V. 5, No. 5-6, pp. 219-223. Wright, R.F., et al., 1976. Impact of acid precipitation on freshwater ecosystems in Norway. Water, Air & Soil Poll., 6: 483-499. Yan, N.D., W. Scheider, and P.J. Dillon, 1977. Chemical and biological changes in Nelson Lake, Ontario, following experimental elevation of lake pH. Water Poll. Res. Canada, 12: 213-231. Yan, N.D., and P.M. Stokes, 1976. The effects of pH on lake water chemistry and phytoplankton in a La Cloche Mountain Lake. Water Poll. Res. Canada, 11: 127-137. Zimmerman, A.P., and H. Harvey, 1979. Sensitivity to acidification of waters of Ontario and neighboring States, prepared for Ontario Hydro, University of Toronto, 48 pages. -64- 5.2 Marine Life Almer, B., 1978. Sulphur pollution and the aquatic ecosystem. pp. 273-311 IN: Nriagu, J. (Ed.), Sulphur in the Environment, Part II. Ecological Impacts. J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y. Avery, Michael, and R. Kent Schreiber, 1979. The clean air act: its relation to fish and wildlife resources. Fish & Wildlife Resources and Electric Power Generation, No. 8. Ns/OBS-76-20.8 Beamish, R.J., 1976. Acidification of lakes in Canada by acid precipitation and the resulting effects on fishes. pp. 479-498. In: Proc. The First Internat. Symp. on Acid Precipitation and the Forest Ecosystem. L.S. Dochinger and T.A. Selling, eds. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report NE-23. (Also in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, V. 6, p. 501-514, 1976.) Beamish, R.J., et al., 1975. Long-term acidification of a lake and resulting effects on fishes. AMBIO, 4: 98-102. Beamish, R.J., 1974. Loss of fish populations from unexploited remote lakes in Ontario, Canada as a consequence of atmospheric fallout of acid. Water Research, 8: 85-95. Beamish, R.J., 1974. Growth and survival of white suckers (Catastomus commersoni) in an acidified lake. J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 31: 49, 54. Beamish, R.J., 1972. Lethal pH for the white sucker, Castastomus commersoni (Lacepede). T. Am. Fish. S., 101: 355-358. Beamish, R.J., and H.H. Harvey, 1972. Acidification of the La Cloche Mountain Lakes, Ontario and resulting effects on fishes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 29, 1131-1143. Bell, H.L., 1971. Effect of low pH on the survival and emergence of aquatic insects. Water Res., 5: 313-319. Bell, H.L., and A.V. Nebeker, 1969. Preliminary studies on the tolerance of aquatic insects to low pH. J. of Kansas Entomol. Soc., 42: 230-237. Bengtsson, Bo, William Dickson, and Per Nyberg, 1980. Liming acid lakes in Sweden. AMBIO, 9(1): 34-36. Biesinger, K.E., and G.M. Christensen, 1972. Effects of various metals on survival growth, reproduction and metabolism of Daphnia magna. Jour. of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 29: 1691-1700. Brosset, C., and I. Svedung. Preliminary study of the possibility of a relationship between high acidity of lakes and high mercury content in their fish populations. Report B 378. Swedish Water and Air Pollution Research Laboratory, Gothenburg, Sweden. Brouzes, R.J.P., R.A.N. McLean, and G.H. Tomlinson, 1977. The link between pH of natural waters and the mercury content of fish. Domtar Research Centre, Senneville, Quebec. -65- Carrick, T.R., 1979. The effect of acid water on the hatching of salmonid eggs. J. Fish. Biol., 14: 165-172. Carter, L., 1964. Effects of acidic and alkaline effluents on fish in seawater. Effl. & Wat. T. Journ., 484-486. Cook, J.R., 1971. Influence of culture pH and phosphate on synchrony of Euglerea gracilis. Experimental Cell Research, 69: 207-211. Craig, G.R., and W.F. Baksi, 1977. The effects of depressed pH on flagfish reproduction, growth and survival. Water Research, 11: 621-626. Dahl, K., 1927. The effects of acid water on trout fry. Salmon and Trout Magazine, 46: 35-43. Daye, P.G., and E.J. Garside, 1979. Development and survival of embryos and alevins of the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., continuously exposed to acidic levels of pH from fertilization. Can. J. Zool. (in press) Daye, P.G., and E.T. Garside, 1975. Lethal levels of pH for brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). Can. J. Zool., 53: 639-641. Dills, G., and D.T. Rogers, Jr., 1974. Macroinvertebrate community structure as an indicator of acid mine pollution. Environ. Pollut., 6: 239-262. Dunson, W.A., and R.R. Martin, 1973. Survival of brook trout in a bog-derived acidity gradient. Ecology, 54: 1370-1376. Dvorak, A.J., B.G. Lewis, et al., 1978. Impacts of coal-fired power plants on fish wildlife, and their habitats. FWS/OBS-78/29. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Ofc. Biol. Serv., Wash., D.C., 261 pp. EIFAC Working Party on Water Quality, 1968. Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on extreme pH values and inland fisheries. European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. EIFAC Tech. Pap. 4: 24. FAO, Italy. Address: Department of Fisheries, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100, Rome, Italy. Eddy, F.B., 1976. Acid-base balance in rainbow trout (Salmo graidneri), subjected to acid stress. Jour. Exp. Biol., 64: 159-171. France, S.B., 1978. Effects of pH on the biology and distribution of Ephemerella funeralis (Ephemeroptera). Oikos, 31: 332-339. Gorham, E., 1976. Acid precipitation and its influence upon aquatic ecosystems: an overview. Water, Air, Soil Pollution, 6: 457-481. Gorham, E., and A.G. Gordon, 1963. Some effects of smelter pollution upon aquatic vegetation near Sudbury, Ontario. Can. J. Bot., 41: 371-378. Grande, M., and S. Sanderson, 1979. Toxicity of acid snowmelt water to brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) Vatten, 1: 27-32. -66- Groterund, O., 1972. Zooplankton and fish in relation to acid meltwater and anaerobic deep water in a lake. Vatten, 28: 329-332. Hagen, A., and A. Langeland, 1973. Polluted snow in southern Norway and the effect of the meltwater on freshwater and aquatic organisms. Environ. Pollut., 5: 45-47. Harvey, H.H., 1979. The acid deposition problem and emerging research needs in the toxicology of fishes. Proc. Fifth Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 7-9, 1978. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep., 862, pp. 115-128. Harvey, H.H., 1979. Fish populations in a large group of acid-stressed lakes. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol., 19, pp. 2406-2416. Harvey, H.H., 1977. Aquatic environmental quality: problems and proposals. Jour. of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 34(1): 2225-2229. Hendrey, G., J. Galloway, S. Norton, et al., 1980. Identification of sensitive regions and determination of the consequences of changing acidity, due to precipitation, on aquatic systems in the eastern U.S. EPA Ecological Research Series. (in preparation) Hendrey, G.R., and R.F. Wright, 1976. Acid precipitation in Norway: effects on aquatic fauna. J. Great Lakes Res., 2 (Suppl. 1): 192-207. Hendrey, G.R., et al., 1976. Acid precipitation: some hydrobiological changes. AMBIO, V. 5, No. 5-6, pp. 224-227. Hultberg, H., and O. Grahn, 1975. Effects of acid precipitation on macrophytes in oligotrophic Swedish lakes. J. Great Lakes Res., 2 (Suppl. 1): 208-221. Jensen, K.W., and E. Snekvik, 1972. Low pH levels wipe out salmon and trout populations in southernmost Norway. AMBIO, 1: 223-225. Jernelov, A., 1979. Effect of acidity on uptake of mercury in fish. Presented at the 12th Int. Conf. on Environmental Toxicity. Dept. of Radiology & Biophysics, University of Rochester, New York, May. Johannson, N., P. Runn, G. Milbrink, 1977. Early development of three salmonid species in acidified water. Zoon., 5: 127-132. Johannson, N., and G. Milbrink, 1976. Some effects of acidified water on the early development of roach. Wat. Res. Bull., 12: 39-48. Jordan, D.H.M., and R. Lloyd, 1964. The resistance of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii Richardson) and roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) to alkaline solutions. Int. J. Air Wat. Poll., 8: 405-409. Kinne, C., and H. Rosentahl, 1967. Effects of sulphuric water pollutants on fertilization, embryonic development and larvae of the herring, Clupea harengus. Marine Biology. Int. J. Life Oceans Coastal Waters, 1: 65-83. -67- Kwiatowski, R.E., and J.C. Roff, 1976. Effects of acidity on the phytoplankton and primary productivity of selected northern Ontario lakes. Can. J. Bot., 54: 2546-2561. Landner, L., and P.O. Larson, 1972. Biological effects of mercury fallout into lakes from the atmosphere. IVL Rep. B115, Swedish Institute for Water and Air Pollution Research, Stockholm. Laube, V., S. Ramamoorthy, and D.J. Kusher, 1979. Mobilization and accumulation of sediment bound heavy metals by algae. Bull. Envir. Contam. Toxicol., 21: 763-770. Leivestad, H., et al., 1976. Effects of acid precipitation on freshwater organisms. Pp. 87-111. In: F.H. Braekke (ed.) Impact of acid precipitation on forest and freshwater ecosystems in Norway. Res. Rep., Aas, Norway. Leivestad, H., and I.P. Muniz, 1976. Fish kill at low pH in a Norwegian river. Nature, 259: 391-392. Lewis, B.G., et al., 1978. A biologist's manual for the evaluation of impacts of coal-fired power plants on fish, wildlife, and their habitats. FWS/OBS-78/75. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Ofc. Biol. Serv., Wash., D.C., 206 pp. Lloyd, R., and D.H.M. Jordan, 1964. Some factors affecting the resistance of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii Richardson) to acid water. Int. J. Air Wat. Poll., 8: 393-403. Lockhart, W.L., and A. Lutz, 1975. Preliminary biochemical observations of fishes inhabiting an acidified lake in Ontario, Canada. pp. 545-569. In: Proc. of the First International Symp. on Acid Precipitation and the Forest Ecosystem, L.S. Dollinger and T.A. Seling, eds. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report, NE-23. McKim, J.M., et al., 1973. Effects of pollution on freshwater fish. J. Water Poll. Cont. Fed., 45: 1370-1407. Merendez, R., 1976. Chronic effects of reduced pH on brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). J. Fish Bd. Can., 33: 118-123. Moore, S.F., and R.L. Dwyev, 1974. Effects of oil on marine organisms: a critical assessment of published data. Water Research, V. 8, p. 819-847. Mount, D.C., 1973. Chronic effect of low pH on fathead minnow survival, growth and reproduction. Water Res., 7: 987-993. Neville, C.M., 1979. Sublethal effects of environmental acidification on rainbow trout, (Salmo gairdnerii). J. Fish. Res. Board. Can., 36: 84-87. Okland, J., 1969a. Distribution and ecology of the freshwater snails (Gastropoda) of Norway. Malacologia, 9: 143-151. Packer, R.K., and W.A. Dunson, 1972. Anoxia and sodium loss associated with the death of brook trout at low pH. Comp. Biochem Physiol., 41A: 17-26. (detailed and scientific) -68- Packer, R.K., and W.A. Dunson, 1970. Effects of low environmental pH on blood pH and sodium balance of brook trout. J. Exp. Zool., 174: 65-72. Parions, J.D., 1968. The effects of acid strip-mine effluents in the ecology of a stream. Archs Hydrobiol., 65: 25-50. Pickering, Q.H., 1974. Chronic toxicity of nickel to the fathead minnow (Pimephaleo promelas) Rafinisque. J. Water Poll. Control. Fed., 46: 760-765. Pough, R.H., 1976. Acid precipitation and embryonic mortality of spotted salamanders Ambystoma maculatum. Science, 192: 68-70. Powell, J.J., 1976. Preliminary report on the effects of neutralization on the fish community of Nelson Lake, near Sudbury, Ontario. Min. Nat. Res., Sudbury, Ont. (analysis of reproduction, growth and populations of various fish species) Preston, E.M., and R.A. Lewis (eds.), 1978. The bioenvironmental impact of a coal-fired plant, third interim report. Colstrip, Montana. EPA-600/3-78-021. USEPA, Corvallis Environ. Res. Lab., Corvallis, Oreg., 521 pp. Robinson, G.D. et al., 1976. Differences in low pH tolerance among strains of brook trout (Salrelinus fontinelis). J. Fish. Biol., 8: 5-17. Roff, J.C., and Kwiatkowski, 1977. Zooplankton and zoobenthos communities of selected Northern Ontario lakes of different acidities. J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 55: 899-911. Schofield, C.L., 1976. Acid precipitation: effects on fish. AMBIO, 5 (5-6): 228-230. Schofield, C.L., 1976. Effects of acid precipitation on fish. Int. Conf. on the Effects of Acid Precipitation. Telemark, Norway, 20 pp. Sprules, G.W., 1975. Midsummer crustacean zooplankton communities in acid-stressed lakes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 32: 389-395. Stassen, G.M., 1974. Aspects of Sudbury environmental degradation problems as relates to the aquatic communities. Report for the Ont. Ministry of Natural Resources, 70 pp. (detailed and comprehensive) Stokes, P.M., T.C. Hutchinson, and K. Krauter, 1973. Heavy metal tolerance in algae isolated from polluted lakes near the Sudbury, Ontario smelters. Water Pollut. Res. Can., 8: 178-201. Stroud, R.H., 1976. Acid rain impacts. Sport Fishing Inst. Bull., 271: 2-4. Swarts, F.A., W.A. Dunson, and J.E. Wright, 1978. Genetic and environmental factors involved in increased resistance of brook trout to sulfuric acid solutions and mine acid polluted waters. Trans. of the American Fisheries Society, 107: 651-677. (fairly detailed, good bibliography) -69- Swynnerton, G.H., and E.B. Worthington, 1939. Brown-trout growth in the Lake District. A study of the conditions in "acid" lakes and tarns. Salmon and Trout Mag., 97: 337-354. Trojnar, J., 1977. Eggs and larvae survival of white suckers (Catostomus commersoni) at low pH. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 34: 262-266. Trojnar, J.R., 1977. Egg hatchability and tolerance of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) fry at low pH. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 34: pp. 574-579. Van Loon, J.C., and R.J. Beamish, 1977. Heavy metal contamination by atmospheric fall-out of several Flin Flon area lakes and the relation to fish populations. J. of Fisheries Research Board, 34 (7): 899-906. Ware, D.M., and R.F. Addison, 1973. PCB residues in plankton from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Nature, 264 (5434): 519-521. Wodzniski, R.S., and M. Alexander, 1978. Effects of sulfur dioxide on algae. J. Environ. Qual., 7: 358-360. Wright, Richard F., 1975. Acid precipitation and its effects on freshwater ecosystems: an annotated bibliography. The SNSF project, Norway FA 3/75. Yan, N.D., R.E. Gerard, and C.J. LaFrance, 1979. 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