What`s Happening on the West End?
What`s Happening on the West End?
4 March 26, 2015 www.alamedasun.com Alameda Sun Local Happenings High School, 210 Central Ave. (Tix: Thursday, March 26 n 10 to 11:30 a.m. Alzheimer’s 748-4023, Ext. 2701) n 7 to 9 p.m. Knitting Circle: Support Group: Meeting sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association for Knitters of all levels and ages welfamilies and caregivers of those come. Free to the public. Julie’s with Alzheimer’s and related disor- Coffee and Tea Garden, 1223 Park ders. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 St. (Info: 865-2385) Santa Clara Ave. (Info: 482-8700) Friday, March 27 n 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Trinity n 2 to 3:30 p.m. HIV and Hep C Seniors: John Nichols will present Testing: Free and confidential testspecial guitar music. Lunch served at noon. Trinity Lutheran Church, ing and support referrals. For information and location, call Alameda 1323 Central Ave. n 1 p.m. Mastick Movie Matinee: Family Services, 629-6300. n 6 p.m. Have a Heart Gala: Wait Until Dark. Free for seniors. Benefit for Midway Shelter. Music, Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa no-host bar, dinner buffet, raffle Alameda Sun Clara Ave. (Info: 747-7506) and door prizes. Tickets at the n 1 to 3 p.m. Office Hours: door: $85. Alameda Elks Lodge Staffers from Assemblyman Rob Bonta’s office will be available. Rathskeller, 2255 Santa Clara Ave. Administrative Conference Room, (Info, tickets: 325-7880) n 7:30 p.m. In the Heights: Main Branch of the Alameda Free Encinal High School, 210 Central Library, 1550 Oak St. Sun Staff Reports Ave. (Tix: 748-4023, Ext. 2701) n 1:30 p.m. Music Appreciation: State Tournament to beAround held n 8 p.m. Taize— Prayer Piano recital and discussion with the Cross: An ecumenical candleat Pacific Pinball Museum volunteer instructor William Sturm, service of prayer offered the in body that ranks featuring music by “Darius Milhaud: lightThe Scriptureplayers, readings, world’schant, best pinball the The Musical Kaleidoscope.” Free to simple worship and veneration of International Flipper Pinball seniors. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 silent the Cross. Free to the public. St Association (IFPA), coordinates the Santa Clara Ave. (Info: 747-7506) Joseph’s Basilica, 1109 Chestnut St. n 3 to 5 p.m. Office Hours: State Championship Series finale, n 9 p.m. Zydeco Music and Dance: held across 33 difStaffers from Congresswoman simultaneously Featuring The Zydeco Flames. Dance ferent states on Saturday, Feb. 7. Barbara Lee’s office will be available. Administrative Conference lessons at 8. Tickets, $15; sold at the Room, Main Branch of the Alameda door. Eagles Hall, 2305 Alameda Ave. (Info: 415-285-6285) Free Library, 1550 Oak St. n 7:30 p.m. In the Heights: Opening Saturday, March 28 at Subscriptions to the Alameda Sun are available night. Presented by the Encinal High n 10 a.m. Alameda Point Walking School Drama Department. just $16.50 perTickets: year forTour: Alameda Alameda residents. Point Partners will $10-$15. Additional performances: lead a one-mile tour of the area subscriptions costwill$78.50 per year. March 21,Out-of-town 26, 27 and 28. Encinal they develop. Free to the pubClip the coupon below and mail it withisalimited; check and any lic. Space reservations required. Transportation provided special instructions to thebyaddress on the coupon. arrangement for the disabled. Meet at 1800 Ferry& Point. (Reservs: Official Subscription Ticket – Clip Send alamedapoint@alamedaca.gov) Name: n 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Splash into Spring and Egg Scramble”: Egg hunt Address: followed by nature crafts and famPhone: ily activities; egg hunt at 11:30; onAlameda Sun * 3215 Encinal going Ave. Ste. J * Alameda, CA 94501 games and activities. Free to the public. Crab Cove, 1252 McKay Ave. (Info: 544-3187) n 11 a.m. to noon: “Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Women’s Health”: Dale Fanning will speak. Sunday, March 29 Free to the public. Julie’s Coffee n 2 to 3 p.m. Family Nature Fun and Tea Garden, 1223 Park St. Hour: “Low Tide Exploration.” Low (Info: www.bornnaturopathic.com tide fun, then discover what’s new or 550-4023) in the Visitors Center. Crab Cove, n 1 to 4 p.m. House Tour: Last 1252 McKay Ave. (Info: 544-3187) tour starts at 3. Admission: $5. n 3 to 3:30 p.m. Fish Feeding Meyers House and Gardens, 2021 Time: Five aquariums with more Alameda Ave. than 20 bay species will be fed n 2 to 3 p.m. Family Nature Fun while you learn who is eating what Hour: “Low Tide Exploration.” Low and how aquarium environments tide fun, then discover what’s new are kept healthy. Free for all ages. in the Visitors Center. Crab Cove, Crab Cove, 1252 McKay Ave. (Info: 1252 McKay Ave. (Info: 544-3187) 544-3187) n 2 to 4 p.m. “California’s Ballot Monday, March 30 Propositions: What’s Coming www.alamedasun.com n 11 a.m. “Tax Free Investing Next?”: A “Hot Topics” political discussions sponsored by the League and Stocks”: Second session of Women Voters of Alameda. in the Thriving Financially in Free to the public, although space Retirement series. Jane Watson is limited and pre-registration will speak. Free for seniors. Preis required. is required. Main Branch of the registration Sun Staff ReportsMastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa Clara Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak St. This year’s competition in The Shakespeare Club of Encinal Ave. (Info: (Registration: California will 865-2439) be held at Alameda’s High School747-7506) is hosting the sec8 to 10Citywide p.m. BigShakespeare Band Night: n 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. “Eat What Pacific Pinball Museum (PPM) at ondnannual Dance to the big band at sounds of You 1510 Grow”: WebsterSpring St. gardening pro- Monologue Competition Encinal DaveSchool, Altschuler’s Swingtime Big gram by LorionCaldwell. Thepresented event is based tracking High 201 Central Ave., from Band.a.m. $5 todonation requestedFeb. at Free to the public.ofMain Branch of 10:30 the performance players in all 1 p.m., Saturday, TempleallIsrael, 3183 the Alameda Free Library, 1550on Oaka 7.theThedoor. IFPA-endorsed tournaments club invites high-school Mecartney Road. students who St. (Info: 747-7713) state-by-state basis throughout the and middle-school n These 3 to 3:30 Fishthen Feeding year. top p.m. players com- live or Wednesday, attend school April in Alameda 1 to Time: more take part. pete inFive one aquariums location forwith the honor n 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. AARP than 20 bay species will be of representing their states in fed the The club has modeled the conDriver Course designed while learn who is held eating nationalyouchampionships in test afterSafety: the Shakespeare monofor motorists 50 and older. Fee: what and how aquarium environMarch in Las Vegas. logue competitions in England. $15 for AARP members; $20 for ments are out kept healthy. for Students To find more about Free the comread, analyze and then non-members. Preregistration is all ages. visit Crabwww.ifpapinball.com. Cove, 1252 McKay perform petition, the one- to two-minute required. Mastick Senior Center, Ave. (Info: 544-3187) monologues for a panel of judges, Exporting pinball culture 1155 Santa Clara Ave. (Info, n 7 to 9 p.m. Poetry at the an audience of their peers andregisthe tration:public. 747-7506) TheProse PPM and has poetry also signed an general Bette: reading. n 6 to 8 p.m. Lawyers ain few the agreementpoets, with the Phaenoby Museum Featured followed open “We have introduced Library: to Free service. Signup of Wolfsburg, Germany, create an changes mic. Admission is free;todonations thislegal year’s competition, exhibition of pinball art and science at 5:30. Library, 1550 appreciated. Frank Bette Center for said clubAlameda presidentFree Linnea Arneson. titledArts, The 1601 Art and Science of Pinball. Oak will St. (Info: 747-7713) the Paru St. (Info: www. “We welcome middle-schoolers The show will open or at 523-6957) the Phaeno to compete frankbettecenter.org n 6:30 p.m. Club as of on theKiwanis same stage Mayn15. 7:30 p.m. In the Heights: Final the Alameda: Dinner meeting and prohigh-school contestants.” The series Encinal of interactive exhib- gram performance. High School, featuring aerospace A $250 grant NASA from the Rotary its, murals pinball Club 210 Central and Ave. vintage (Tix: 748-4023, engineer Tom Squire an of Alameda will offering allow stumachines Ext. 2701) was created to inspire an dents overview of some of thecombat” current to attend a “stage interest in art, science and history workshop n 8 p.m. “Planet of the Boomers: and futuretaught NASA by missions and the Carla Pantoja through will mark the from Are Wepinball. ThereThis Yet?”: Richard role Dueling played by Research ArtsAmes San Francisco. first time aBaby majorBoomer exhibitComedy of this Pantoja Stockton’s Center in thoseasmissions. Open to works a theatrical comkind will be shown in advance; Europe. $20, bat Show. Tickets: $15 in the public; optional no-host lunch, instructor for the California at For the more door.about Rhythmix Cultural $14. Lunch Theatre, is optional. Alameda the Phaeno, visit Shakespeare the Berkeley Works, 2513 Blanding Ave. about (Info: Repertory Elks Lodge,Theatre 2255 Santa www.phaeno.de. For more andClara the Ave. San 865-5060 www.rhythmix.org) (Info: 764-1472) PPM, visitorwww.pacificpinball.org. Francisco Shakespeare Festival. Big Stuff on Tap at PPM Like What You’re Reading? Wanted: Actors forn Shakespeare Competition 7 p.m. “Going Beyond NoFu Clinical Skin Care Thanks for voting NoFu Best Facial 2014 in Alameda Magazine! Acne • Sensitive • Teen • Anti-aging • Hyperpigmentation • Ethnic skin • Eczema Announcing! Deidra Alexander, Professional make-up artist with 20+ years experience now in the studio full time! Wedding $125 Special Event $75 Basic/Prom $50 Personal Injury Attorney Call now for your FREE Brochure: Auto Accidents, Slip & Fall, Wrongful Death 8 Critical Mistakes that can cost you $$ if AV Martindale-Hubbell you've been injured in an accident Peer rated top 5% of all attorneys nationwide (510)337-1600 / 800 856-7508 (510) 337-1600 / 800 856-7508 WWW.LEWELLYNLAW.COM WWW.LEWELLYNLAW.COM Please Like Our www.nofu.com NoFu Skin Studio nofu.com@gmail.com Page on Facebook! 510-523-8777 • 2531 clement ave., alameda 9 Jan. 22, 2015 Start dyeing those eggs, Easter Sunday is April 5. File photo The panel ofFeaturing judges for Inspirational”: Ninathis G., year’s standupcompetition comedian, will socialinclude activRobert Lundy-Paine, actor, direcist, author and self-proclaimed tor, film maker and a founding “America’s Only Female Stuttering member and Ticket resident director of Comedian.” price includes the Company; freeVirago pinballTheatre play, snacks andAmy noMarie Haven, director and host bar. $15 actress, per person; proceeds co-founder of Tomorrow Youth benefit the museum. Pacific Pinball Repertory; andWebster Julia Bruce, direcMuseum, 1510 St. (Info: 769tor and Shakespeare scholar. 1349 or www.pacificpinball.org)The judges’ willIsland win n 7 top to 9three p.m.choices Alameda prize Poetspackages. and Writers: Poetry reading and writing workshop. Featured readers include two Sonoma County poet laureates Katherine Hastings (current) and Terry Ehret (emeritus). Open mic follows; sign up at 7. Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St. (Info: 523-6957) Students interested in competing should complete the registration form at bit.do/ ShakespeareComp or contact the organizers at Shakespeare@ circusforarts.org. Participation in the competition is free. The club encourages the public to come and support the young actors. Learn more at https://ehsalamedausd-ca.schoolloop.com/ shakespeare. “Those wouldLutheran want to rule are at noon.who Trinity Church, unfit rule.”Ave. The corollary would 1323 to Central read,n “Those would resist pubNoon:who East Bay Retired lic office are possibly fit to rule.” Teachers, Division 2: Meeting as specifically andOrspecial program.spelled Lunch: out $9. in Plato’s Republic, “Can you name Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa any ideal of life that Claraother Ave.type (info:orwww.calrta.org) looks with scorn on office n Noon to 3 political p.m. Alameda except the life of true philosoOakland Homelearners: Meet for phers? What then, will you fun and ideaothers exchange. Lincoln compel to undertake the guardianPark, High Street and Santa Clara ship of the city?” Avenue. (Info: www.aohl.net) In Plato’s utopian and unrealFriday, April 3 govern ized republic, philosophers the n Arcadian city state. 7 p.m. “Going Beyond The AlamedaFeaturing Unified Nina School Inspirational”: G., District is currently lookstandup(AUSD) comedian, social activing replaceand former trustee and ist, toauthor self-proclaimed firebrand who has “America’sTrish OnlySpencer Female Stuttering rightfully ascended the includes municiComedian.” Ticket up price pal hierarchy to mayor of Alameda. free pinball play, snacks and noHerbar. smoldering on prothe host $15 per seat person; AUSD school board is temporarily ceeds benefit the museum. Pacific vacant 23 salivating wannaPinball with Museum, 1510 Webster bees eyeing769-1349 it. St. (Info: or www.pacific One Alameda native who may pinball.org) be eyeing it askance is Mike Cooper. Cooper,SNEAK with the PEEK exception of his tottering day-care years and his five halcyon years4,at10Chico has n April a.m. State, to noon: spent his first 55 years on the planet Spring Mingle: Family event: Easter within the AUSD system: as a stuegg coloring, cookie decorating and dent, a teacher and an administrator. an Easter egg hunt. Free to the pubHe attended second grade at Lum Elementary School with such Alameda stalwarts as Yanni Placourakis and former Mayor Beverly Johnson. Following Chico, Cooper commenced his ascent of the AUSD hierarchy from the ground floor — possibly the basement parking garage street — as a rookie teacher; gradown entrances ually scaling the educational ladand con- slot at der toare reachalso the principal Encinal High School. nected internally so Despite the best efforts of his you can get your hair predecessors, Cooper was the first principal to take Encinal to the covorganically colored eted rankyou of 10 on a 10-point scale. while have your Like Plato’s reluctant leaders, nails during Cooper’sdone ascension was a the somewhat serendipitous call to duty: the process time! right man, at the right place, at the For the young right time. Substituting substance and bedlic; RSVP appreciated. rock competency for form,Immanuel hoopla Lutheran Church,was 1910 Clara and image, Cooper notSanta a political Ave. (Info, 523-0659)he spent animal, thusRSVP: as principal, April mostnof his time4,on 7thep.m. Encinal“Dance camComes to Pemberley, or Pride and pus and not at AUSD headquarters. Prejudice Years Later”: A postTrue, on10occasion, because of Regency costume inspiredheby his integrity and ball principles, the called prospect of perform a celebration was in to a “rugof the 10th anniversary of Mr. and dance” in front of the superintenMrs. Darcy dent’s desk of butPemberley. mostly hePresented kept to the of his ways at 210 by quiet Periodtenor Events & Entertainment Central Ave. Society (PEERS). Dance Re-Creation Given followed his familiarity with office lesson, by waltzes and equipment, Cooper, country like somedance itinGeorgian English erant the snack hallmusic,students, no-host roamed bar, light ways the attire best parts of buffet.spending Historical or fantathe gently directing Jets toward sy day costumes are admired but not academic tactfully required.destinations Tickets: $20,and if purchased and respectfully before March 28;questioning $25 at the their door. thought when2255 behavior Alamedaprocesses Elks Lodge, Santa warranted. Clara Ave. (Info, tix: 522-1731 or www.peers.org) Education is about leadership April 9,gained 6:30 p.m. and nCooper the Rhythmix respect “Boogie Woogie” Bingo: An evening and cooperation of nearly the entire applied themestudent of musicbody. fromThey the swing era, themselves on every manlive entertainment and state bingo games dated testprizes. that served to calculate for cash Entry fee: $25; ages Encinal’s Academic Performance 21 and older. Rhythmix Cultural Index Works,(API). 2513 Blanding Ave. (Info: 8655060 or www.rhythmix.org) While Cooper may not be a philosopher in the classical or Plato’s Page 11 senseb of EVENTS: the word, it is impossible to conceive of a more qualified candidate for the job. Given a lifetime in Alameda and nearly 45 years within the school district, “You can observe a lot just by watching,” as Yogi Berra once said. Cooper recognizes good choices and poor choices, and knows good management poor manairbrush makeandup agement when he sees them. andNoface painting! one would suggest that Complete your to day Cooper owes it to Alameda ascend the dais at City Hall after of pampering and all, he is both a businessman — co-owner of be the ready 1400 Clubto—go and and a newlywed. Let’sfor call itan encouragement, set eveningnot ofpressure; and let’s say he’s unequivocally glamour. the best person for the job. Get the Right Man for the Job Courtesy photo Alameda native and “America’s only female Thursday, April 2 n 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Trinity stuttering comedian” perJeffrey Smith at the in Pacific Pinball Seniors: Bring a hat to share for forms Tongue Cheek As Plato allegedLunch to haveserved said, Museum Friday, April 3. the Easter isparade. What’s Happening on the West End? K H a i r Tec h S a lon Expands t o O f f er Full Day Spa — SPAT ECH atie Andersen, owner of Hair Tech Salon, has opened her adjoining sister business, SPA TECH. Services include Japanese nail art, Louboutin stiletto nails and Bling spe- EASTER SUNDAY BUFFET BRUNCH cialists. It’s not your enter the spray tan basic Mani / Pedi room and be transPersonal Injury Attorney and noCall one is doing formed into an even now for your FREE Brochure: Auto Accidents, Slip & Fall, Wrongful Death what 8they’re doing in more you. Critical Mistakes that canbeautiful cost you $$ if AV Martindale-Hubbell Alameda.you've been injuredAn esthestician in an accident Treatrated yourself to of allspecialist proPeer top 5% attorneys will nationwide their organic (510)337-1600 airvide / 800full-body 856-7508 wax(510) 337-1600 / 800 856-7508 brush makeWWW.LEWELLYNLAW.COM up. ing and relaxing WWW.LEWELLYNLAW.COM They’ll take you from facials in a private date night to bridal setting. Coming to avant-guard. soon is the ultimate The spray tan eyelash extension solution is from the experience. Staynatural extract of tuned for some a walnut shell so medi-spa luxury you stayProvidence beautifully coming to closed SPA TECH your pet. will be to 3 p.m. and on bronzed and never to complete your offering discounts on dental Sundays. services and products. Call For more information turn orange. full-service day. on theThey clinic for more informaall HAIR their services, 521specialize in TECHcall and tion. 5775, and/or to schedule body contouring, so an SPA TECH have their appointment in advance, Katie invites you Jeffrey Smith teaches math experience any or Encinal High School. beauty enthusiasts, all of these fabulous they present Prinservices. You can cess Party Packages. check them out on Kids love Miss Katie, the website www. and she enthralls hairtechalameda. them as she hosts com, book online, or the Runway anddog call 239-8826. Merck/Merial Manual for arrange to have your dance activites. Little Pet Hair Health,Tech CancerSalon and Your groomed during the visit. A Guide to Alternative Dogs must be 30 pounds princesses get theiror Pet: 1549 Webster St. Integrated under have all their vac- andSpa nailsand and hair done TechTreatment 1553 by Cargill, Home Cooking cinations. An assessment and may also enjoy Marie Webster St. for Your Dog: 75 Holistic interview is required before What’s Happening on the West End? $2295 April 5, 10am to 3:30pm Services and Resources for Your Pets on the West End. Children under 10 years eat for half price! Hot Entrees: Seafood Pasta, Teriyaki Baby Back Ribs, serving needs of Providence Veterinary Honey Baked Ham, Fried pital Prawns, Eggsthe Benedict, Alameda’s pets. To keep Clinic Offers Full Breakfast Sausage, French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, pets healthy, Providence Services Veggie Egg Rolls and Homestyle Potatoes. recommends an annual physrovidence Veterinary Refreshing Salad: Caesar Salad, Ambrosia, Organic ical exam for all pets and ClinicGreen, is a full-serMixed Cole Slaw, Greek Tomato, Oriental twice-yearly exams for senior vice veterinary hosChicken, Potato, Freshpets. Fruit and More! Regular exams can avoid problems Desserts: Fresh Strawberry Shortcake, Apple by or catching Lemon Professional beforeand theymore! become Tarts, •Pudding, Cookies,them Brownies Drycleaning This is especially Beverages: Coffee, Iced serious. Tea & Orange Juice P • Quality Shirt important for senior pets Dinner Served from Laundry that4:00-9:00pm are prone to many of the Regular dinner menu available your enjoyment! • We Operate samefor diseases older humans EASTER SPECIALS: includes soup or diabetes, salad, experience, like Our Own Plant potatoes or rice and sauteed vegetables. kidney disease, heart disease 1529 Webster 95 / Honey Baked Ham: $1895 Roasted lamb $19St. and cancer. Alameda February is Now! Pet Dental Call for Reservations (510) 522-8299 Health Month, a great time to PIERfocus 29on the dental health of M-F 7AM-6:30 PM • SAT 8AM-6PM Waterfront Restaurant $3 OFF 1148 Ballena Blvd. ANY DRY CLEANING W/ORDER OF $15 OR MORE 865-5086 • 865-5088 One Coupon Per Order • Exp. 12/31/14 www.pier29restaurant.com Must present coupon w/order The clinic has a separate cat entrance that, along with • Professional special products and hanDrycleaning dling techniques, help make • Quality Shirt visits to the vet less stressLaundry ful for cat patients. • We Providence has Operate a staff of Our Own Plant three veterinarians: owner, Dr. Michael Miller, Dr. St. 1529 Webster Randall Alameda Miller and Dr. MarieAnne Woolley, voted Best (510) 522-8299 Veterinarian of Alameda in M-F 7AM-6:30 PM • SAT 8AM-6PM 2014 by Alameda Magazine. Providence Veterinary $3 OFF Clinic has served Alameda ANY DRY CLEANING at 1409 Webster St. since W/ORDER OF $15 OR MORE 1969. The Per clinic open One Coupon Order is • Exp. 03/31/15 MondayMustthrough present couponFriday, w/order from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, from 9 a.m. visit www.providencevethospital.com, and click on Book Now. Pet Hotel Services If you’re planning a weekend winter getaway and need a place to park yourCalafia pooch for aTaqueria couple of days, contact the folks at Real Under One WoofFresh at Webster Mexican Food and Pacific at www.under1445 WebsterFor St. 1woof-alameda.com. $46 per night, your pup 510-522-2996will be pampered, played with, 510-522-2997 fed andFax: walked while you M-Sat 10a-10p are away. & Sun 10a-8p disThey offer multi-dog counts and lower rates for longer stays, and you can Recipes for a Healthier Dog the stay. They fill up fast, by Christine M. Filardi with so call them today at 523NEW STUDENT SPECIAL! Dr. Wayne Geltman, DVM. 3224. 3 Classes for $25! Books About Your Pet Adopting Pets Good for any weeklyIfongoing at: in The West End Library you are class interested at 788 Santa Clara Ave. adopting a pet, Friends of has interesting books the Alameda Animal Shelter about pets, such as: Dog (FAAS) offers adoption speBehavior Answer Book by cials each month. Call 337Arden Moore, Train Your 8565 or visit www. by Victoria Dog Positively alamedaanimalshelter.org Buy your New Student Pass online via PayPal Stilwell, The Cat Bible: or at the studiofor byinformation. cash or check. Everything Your Cat Expects You to Know by Tracie Valid 30 days. Pet Tips You can also find pet tips Hotchner, Feed Your Pet 510.205.5003 at: www.pethealthnetwork. Right: The Authoritative www.alamedaislandyoga.com com/dog-health/dog-checkGuide to Feeding Your Dog ups-preventive-care/winterand Cat by Marion Nestle and Malden C. Nesheim, The weather-pet-tips-1. at
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