minutes - Alberton
minutes - Alberton
Council Meeting February 3, 2015 7:00 P.M. Council Present: Mayor Josh Acker, Rich Hader, Adam Cole, John Bigart III was on conference call. Merri Abbey resigned. Meeting called to order by Mayor Josh Acker. A motion was made by Adam seconded by Rich to approve the January 6, 2015 minutes as read. All were in favor. A motion was made by Rich seconded by Adam to approve the claims from check number 14483 through 14501 totaling $76,214.26. All were in favor. Appoint New Council Member: John nominated Brad Odell to replace Merri Abbey on the council and finish out her term which expires December 31, 2015. John made the motion seconded by Rich to nominate Brad Odell. All were in favor. The clerk swore him in. Water/Sewer: Todd Skibbe was not at the meeting. The Mayor stated that the town was no longer under the administrative order. Fire Department: Chief Joe Calnan was not at the meeting. Sheriff Department: Deputy Tony Lapinski was at the meeting for Sheriff Tom Bauer. He stated that the hours for January were 72. They are working on cleaning up the cars that are left on the road. The motorhome on Adams St. has been moved. Justice Court: No one was at the meeting. County Planner: Tim Read was at the meeting. They have not heard anything from the planning grant committee. The inter-local agreement was discussed. After discussion Rich made a motion seconded by Adam to accept the inter-local agreement with Mineral County for a floodplain administrator. All were in favor. Alberton Community Foundation: Richard Werst was at the meeting. He updated on the foundation. They are working on Railroad Day. They would like to move their meetings to the 4th Thursday of the month. They are looking to have something special for the 30th anniversary of Railroad Day. Public Comment: Laura Acker of the PEAK foundation stated that they are sponsoring a Mystery Dinner on the 13th and because of all of the interest there would be a second performance on the 20th. A motion was made by Adam seconded by Rich to adjourn. Being no further business this meeting was adjourned. ___________________________________ Mayor Attest: ___________________________________ Clerk Seal Council Meeting January 6, 2015 7:00 P.M. Council Present: Mayor Josh Acker, Rich Hader, John Bigart III, Adam Cole. Merri Abbey was absent. Meeting called to order by Mayor Josh Acker. A motion was made by John seconded by Rich to approve the December 2, 2014 minutes with correction. All were in favor. A motion was made by Adam seconded by John to approve the claims from check number 14455 through 14482 totaling $22,171.90. All were in favor. Water/Sewer: Todd Skibbe was at the meeting. He informed those present on what was going on in the water/sewer department. There is a letter from DEQ dated December 8, 2014 regarding violations and fines. He has been in contact with DEQ regarding the fines that were issued because of the wastewater project. The town should receive a revised letter from DEQ. He explained what the violations were for. The Department of Homeland Security Grant application is almost complete. He will have a presentation at next month’s meeting. The Mayor mentioned that Doug Lausch will have time for maintenance in the department. Fire Department: Chief Joe Calnan was not at the meeting. Ronie Johnson from the Alberton Community Food Pantry stated that the room where the pantry is located has been at 78 degrees for a while. There doesn’t appear to be anyone staying in the residence at this time. She has contacted the Chief in the past but has not received a return phone call. She will attend the board meeting to be held next Monday at the center. Sheriff Department: Deputy Tony Lapinski was at the meeting for the new Sheriff Tom Bauer. He stated that the hours for December were 62. Also the new deputy is currently at the academy. Justice Court: No one was at the meeting. The town received a check for $485.00 for fines in December. County Planner: Tim Read was at the meeting. He stated that there was a floodplain for Alberton that was done in 1975. The inter-local agreement for services was discussed. The town will proceed with taking action on the agreement. Tim read the agreement for the first read. The town will have the attorney review it for any changes with a final adoption at next month’s meeting. The planning grant is being reviewed. Alberton Community Foundation: Richard Werst was at the meeting. He updated on the foundation. There is not much going on now. They will be having a Railroad Day meeting on January 13th at the center. This is the 30th anniversary of Railroad Day. The date is set for July 18th. He also discussed the town’s website. New Copy Machine for Town Office: The Clerk stated that the current copy machine was purchased in 2008 and was used. It is starting to breakdown more often. The town currently has a $20.00 per month maintenance agreement on the machine. After discussion it was decided that the clerk would get some quotes. Adam made a motion seconded by John to allow the clerk to purchase a new print to copy machine. All were in favor. Public Comment: The clerk mentioned that she would be gone the week of February 16 through February 20th. There are no objections. A motion was made by Rich seconded by John to adjourn. Being no further business this meeting was adjourned. ___________________________________ Mayor Attest: ___________________________________ Clerk Seal Town of Alberton Council Meeting Agenda April 1, 2015 7:00 PM Call to Order Reading and approval of minutes Claims in the amount of $16,156.09 Monthly Reports Water/Sewer – Todd Skibbe Fire Department Sheriff Department County Planner – Tim Read Alberton Community Foundation – Richard Werst New Business MCH – Info on Special Levy Street/Park Maintenance application review Public Comment
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