brochure here. pdf 420kb
brochure here. pdf 420kb
Aldeburgh Library Foundation LEARNING AT ALDEBURGH LIBRARY Programme of Courses And Application Form January - May 2015 Winner of the Project of the Year in the Suffolk Adult Learner Awards 2014 Introduction This is the sixth programme of adult learning courses – we are now in our third year, which seems hard to believe. We are also passing a milestone by having offered over 100 courses in our short history! As always the booklet contains topics that have been requested, as well as some popular courses which are continuing or returning. A full list is on page 4. As we publish this programme it might be interesting to reflect on how far we have come as a community library. Many of you will know that the courses are organised by members of the Aldeburgh Library Foundation (ALF), a not-for-profit company. Aldeburgh Library is a member of Suffolk Libraries, a charitable cooperative organisation commissioned by Suffolk County Council to run the library services. Four years ago libraries looked to be under threat of closure in Suffolk, as in many other parts of the country, but we pioneered this new way of working and Suffolk still has its 44 libraries. As a Board ALF consulted widely on the future of our library and as a consequence we were able to regularise opening hours and introduce adult learning courses that have now been attended by over 400 people. We started with classes on the two library closure days and now we offer courses five days a week with two evenings and we have won an award!! The ALF Board is chaired by Clive Fox and members include: David Grugeon, Lynne Walker, Tony Richards, Tony Bone (Aldeburgh Society nominee), Mike Kiff (Town Council nominee), Anne Parsons (FOAL nominee), with Emma Stanley, the Library Manager as an ex officio member. We raise money to improve the library facilities and during the summer our project was a visual arts project led by Tony Richards to redesign the interior, with a new colour scheme and the redecoration of the library and the installation of some visual photographic panels depicting scenes from Aldeburgh life and its history. Our next project is new signage inside and outside the library together with a refurbishment and upgrade of the children’s area. We are very grateful to our team of refreshment volunteers who provide tea and coffee for the course participants. We are looking for people to join the team – a minimum involvement is approximately 45 minutes one afternoon or a Tuesday or Wednesday evening. You can volunteer for a session a week OR you can do a regular day once or twice a month or just 2 go on the emergency cover list – we are flexible so can you help us? If so please email Many thanks!! Our programme is based upon what our participants tell us they want and overwhelmingly the evaluation of courses shows that the programme on offer is very well received and very well delivered and we do act on constructive criticism. Thank you to all our participants, supporters and tutors!! Another exciting development for the programme is that we are able to fund some administrative hours in order to help the smooth running of the programme and give our very hardworking volunteers time to actually attend a course! We extend a very warm welcome to the team to Jenny Jones, who undertakes the administration of the courses, and also manages the FOAL membership records (see below). We also welcome Mike Fishlock and Pat Ward who between them are undertaking the stewarding role for courses and locking up the library. This is a huge relief to those of us who have undertaken all these roles for the past three years! The Aldeburgh Library Foundation is a company with charitable status run entirely by volunteers. Many thanks are due to all those who are working with us for the future of Aldeburgh Library: our tutors, Friends, volunteers and the library staff. We couldn’t achieve any of our success without you! Things You Need To Know About our Courses These courses are for everyone. Don’t think you are too young (but you need to be over 16 at present) or too old – we welcome everyone who thinks they can learn something whether they are 16 or 94 (our oldest student so far!). Based upon responses to our programme in the past we recommend early application for all courses. 1) From January to May 2015 courses will take place on every afternoon MONDAY - FRIDAY and on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and there is a mix of course lengths. 2) Fees for most courses are an average of £3:33 per hour, thus fees are £40 for a six-week course. Some courses vary in price due to the need to hire other venues or particular equipment or, for example, to pay extra fees. 3) There will not be a half term break (except for Zumba class) as we want to fit in 12 weeks before Easter. 3 4) All courses take place in the library unless otherwise stated. To support the expanding vision for our library we ask course participants and supporters to become Friends of Aldeburgh Library (FOAL). All FOAL members will receive a membership card that also doubles as a Loyalty Card to use for a 10% discount in over forty Aldeburgh businesses. With Christmas getting closer now is the time to take advantage of your Loyalty Card! Members also receive a newsletter with regular updates on developments at the library and are invited to an annual social event in May. FOAL membership also includes Associate Membership of the Foundation and an invitation to the AGM. Everyone taking adult courses is asked to join FOAL but it is voluntary of course. Membership is £10 up to March 2015 and then the new year of membership begins from 1st April at a cost of £15 for twelve months. We want to support our local independent businesses and they want to support the community. You’ll find the Loyalty Card leaflet at the library and in shops and businesses that are members of the scheme. We are delighted that FOAL membership with the new Loyalty Card is now nearing 300 and businesses are reporting an increase in activity as members take advantage of a 10% discount. The closing date for courses beginning in January is December 5th. If you have any questions or queries regarding the programme please contact Jenny Jones in the first instance via or the Library on (01728) 452502 and they will pass on a message to Jenny. Topic Page No. Art Birds Computer courses Dance First Aid Flowers & Insects Languages Mindfulness Music Poetry Politics 7 10 9,11 5 9 8 6,7,10 5 8, 10 9 8 4 THE PROGRAMME OF COURSES FROM JANUARY – MARCH 2015 WHAT’S ON MONDAYS? ALF 86 Zumba 9.20 - 10.20 am Tutor: Coral Stebbings Fee: £60 Starting on Monday 12th January for ten sessions (with a half term break in the week of February 16th) NB THIS COURSE WILL BE HELD AT THE CHURCH HALL IN ALDEBURGH - not the Library A Dance Fitness Class mixed with an hypnotic fusion of Latin style music and moves. It's Easy, It's Fun, It's Exercise In Disguise. Increase your strength and stamina, increase your fitness level and increase your energy level. It's a class with a 'feel good' factor'. Wear good fitting arch support trainers and comfortable work out clothing. All you need is a drink and a smile! Maximum No: 20 ALF 87 A further 5 weeks of Zumba. Book with ALF 86 or separately April 13th 20th, 27th May 11th & 18th (4th May is Bank Holiday) Fee: £30 ALF 88 Mindfulness Tutor: Seija Tattersall 11am -1pm Fee: £30 Starting Monday 12th January for four sessions NB THIS COURSE WILL BE HELD AT THE CHURCH HALL IN ALDEBURGH - not the Library Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction has been practiced for 30 years and its health benefits are widely accepted. It involves bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience; noticing fully one’s thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. The attention to the present is given with acceptance, without judging or criticising the experience. This course is an experiential introduction to basic mindfulness meditation practices. The participants will learn about mindfulness movement, sitting meditation and 5 other practices. In order to get the full benefit from the course they are encouraged to practice at home between the sessions. ALF 89 Improving your French Conversation Tutor: Lucille Venn 1-3pm Fee: £40 Starting on Monday 5th January for six sessions There is no mystery: widening one’s conversational skills in another language relies heavily on extending one’s vocabulary. In this series of lessons, we can look at different topics in a relaxed atmosphere, including; home, jobs, sports, travelling, education, cinema, money, to name but a few, or/as well as, depending on participants’ levels, discuss current affairs through recent newspaper articles. You can count on games, quizzes and lively debates. All your suggestions are also welcome!! Maximum no: 12 ALF 90 Beginners French Tutor: Lucille Venn 3.15 – 5.15pm Fee: £40 Starting on Monday 5th January for six sessions We will learn, review and practise every day French. This is a practical course that will guide you through those moments on the other side of the Channel when a very essential message has to get through. This series of lessons is tailor-made: through role play and listening, in pair work or group work, with the help of a variety of resources and a great deal of humour, we can cover numbers, the time, shopping, directions, describing symptoms, to name but a few topics that could be on offer, depending on your needs, suggestions and previous knowledge. Maximum no: 12 The first six weeks of both these courses will give time for students to consider their progress and for the tutor to advise on further work in French WHAT’S ON TUESDAYS? ALF 91 Italian Conversation Tutor: Monika Cilmi 10am – 12 pm Fee: £80 6 Starting on Tuesday 13th January for twelve sessions This is an ongoing course with no vacancies. ALF 92 Italian Improvers Tutor: Monika Cilmi 1.00 – 2.30pm Fee: £60 Starting on Tuesday 13th January for twelve sessions This is an ongoing course with no vacancies. ALF 93 Japanese Brushwork Tutor: Monika Cilmi 2.45 – 4.15pm Fee: £30 As seen at the Aldeburgh Gallery 13-20 November Starting on Tuesday 13th January for six sessions Come and create beautiful ink painting in the Japanese tradition of Zen Brushwork. The course will introduce you to the basics of Japanese brush painting, exploring ink, paper, stone and brushwork. Materials are not included in the fee and can be purchased in the first session for £6. Maximum no: 12 ALF 94 Ten Georgian Paintings or the Englishness of English Art Tutor: Roger Simpson Fee: £66 Starting on Tuesday 13th January for ten weeks 6-8pm Ten weeks considering English Georgian painting, examining the palpable excitement of a nation's discovery of the potential of visual art. Morality, science, satire, a new spirituality, the English landscape and the humble portrait were all translated via a particularly English sensibility. The course will consider what amounts to the birth of modern English art; from Hogarth and Rowlandson we will see the influence of the great satirical tradition on our art; Joseph Wright and the Industrial Revolution; Stubbs and the English parochial tradition; the Royal Academy and the Grand Tour; Arthur Devis and the aspirational middle class; Blake and mysticism; Constable, Turner and Romanticism. Maximum no. 20 7 WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAYS? ALF 95 Spring has Sprung - a look at early Insects and Wild Flowers Tutor: Stephen Massey Fee: £40 Starting on Wednesday 15th April for six sessions 1-3pm A chance to see Bees, Butterflies, Beetles, Violets, Vetches and Veronicas through informal talks and walks in the local countryside. Maximum no: 10 ALF 96 Musicals Tutor: Chris Milton 6pm – 8pm Fee: £40 Starting on Wednesday 7th January for six sessions In this course we take a musicological approach to one of the most popular of arts forms and attempt to locate musicals as part of a wider social, political and historical context. The songs of Richard Rodgers, Cole Porter and Jerome Kern (amongst others) are some of the finest ever written and we will examine why their music should be considered alongside the classical masters and using the same analytical techniques. Each week will examine a different composer's work or theme and we will take an in-depth look at both Broadway classics and some hidden gems in 6 'enchanted evenings'! Maximum no: 20 ALF 97 Politics and Current Affairs Tutor: Lynne Walker 6 pm - 8 pm Fee: £40 Starting on Wednesday 18th February for six sessions If you are interested in current affairs and enjoy lively debate then you will probably enjoy this course. Participants’ contributions are crucial and the tutor will lead the sessions with prepared material on topics agreed by the group. The discussions will be facilitated with an eye on May 7th, General Election day, and we’ll cover a wide spectrum of topics. Maximum no: 15 8 WHAT’S ON THURSDAYS? ALF 98 Advanced use of Tablet devices Tutor: Wendy Gilbert Starting on Thursday 8th January for six sessions 1-3pm Fee: £40 This course is designed to help those tablet users (iPad, Google Nexus and Samsung Galaxy) who are familiar with the layout of their tablet but feel there are many unanswered questions. Each session will consist of a question & answer period, followed by a tutorial based on the skills within the group. This course is not for beginners. Participants must: know their user ID and password for the app/playstore; be able to connect to a wi-fi outside their own home when they are given a password; send/receive emails confidently (attachments will be covered on the course); be familiar with the alpha and numeric keyboards (alternating between both and using capital letters); know which operating system they are using and it is fully up to date; access the internet and do a basic search for information. Please bring your own device and your password Maximum no: 10 ALF 99 Refreshing & Improving your First Aid Skills Tutor: Herman Hadley 1-3pm Fee: £20 Starting on Thursday 16th April for three sessions You may have attended a First Aid course before and, if so, this is your chance to refresh your learning and brush up your skills in a relaxed environment. Maximum no: 12 ALF 100 Poetry Please Tutor: David Grugeon 1-3pm Fee: £20 Starting on Thursday 14th May for three sessions A hundred years ago poetry was moving in new directions with new voices. We shall consider some of the “new” poets and specifically Thomas Hardy, WB Yeats and DH Lawrence. Maximum no: 15 9 ALF 101 English Conversation for those with English as an additional language 3-5pm Tutor: Anne Morris Fee: £40 Starting on Thursday January 8th for six sessions This is a practical course for people who have come to work in and around Aldeburgh, for whom English is an additional language. The group will speak English in everyday situations to become more confident in conversation. Maximum no: 10 ALF 102 Britten’s Contemporaries Tutor: Lucy Walker and colleagues from BPF 3.30- 5.30pm Fee: £40 Starting on Thursday 19th February for six sessions Following on from previous courses on Britten’s music, Dr Lucy Walker and colleagues from the Britten-Pears Foundation are delighted to offer a course on musical developments during Britten’s lifetime and the careers of some of his contemporaries. We shall be looking at and listening to the work of his musician friends and associates, from both the UK (Michael Tippett, Richard Rodney Bennett, Malcolm Arnold and Ralph Vaughan Williams) and elsewhere (Francis Poulenc and Dmitri Shostakovich). Each composer shall be discussed in terms of their musical and historical context and the contribution they made to twentieth century music. In the final session we shall examine the changing nature of film scores and in particular how they were influenced by the rapidly changing world of twentieth century classical music. Maximum no: 20 WHAT’S ON FRIDAYS? ALF 103 Spring Birds around Aldeburgh Tutor: Mike Swindells 1-3pm Fee: £40 Starting Friday 17th April for six sessions Focusing on our migrant arrivals, we will also look at resident nesting species. In addition to identification, there will be some discussion of general bird topics, such as flight, migration, song, and plumage change. 10 The new hides on North Warren RSPB reserve give us an opportunity for extra outdoor visits in addition to the core indoor sessions. Maximum no: 12 ALF 104 A Beginners Guide to your iPad Tutor: Debbie Telkman 3.30 - 5.30pm Fee: £40 Starting on Friday 9th January for six sessions Do you own an iPad? Would you like some help in getting to grips with the iPad? If so this is the course for you as during six weeks we will cover apps, e-mail and attachments, internet searching and a range of other issues related to using an iPad. Please bring your own Apple iPad and your password. Maximum no: 10 ALF 105 iPad Improvers Tutor: Wendy Gilbert 3.30 - 5.30pm Fee: £40 Starting on Friday 20th February for six sessions If you have an iPad and can use it for basics such as e-mail and internet browsing, why not come along and see what else it can do for you. We have lots of ideas and hints that will help you get the most out of your iPad – we will be working on downloading and organising music, editing and organising photos, using FaceTime, downloading books and library books plus much more. Please bring your own Apple iPad and your password. Maximum no: 10 Terms & Conditions for Aldeburgh Library Foundation Courses We have to commit ourselves contractually to tutors for each course that goes ahead. Our courses work on very small financial margins and have to be self-financing, so we are obliged to set some standard terms of booking for all participants to ensure that courses remain viable. Please note that in booking a place on these courses, you will be committing yourself to the following conditions. ● Courses are pre-booked and payable in advance of the course start date to secure your place. Your application will be held with others until we know we can go ahead with that particular course. Your cheque will be 11 cashed once you have been notified of your confirmed place on the course, but not until then. ● Courses must be booked as a whole course and cannot be booked as individual sessions. ● Course fees are non-transferable and cannot be carried forward from course to course. ● We are not able to offer refunds and any missed sessions in a course cannot be refunded separately. ● As we operate on very small margins cancellations by one or two people can mean the cancellation of the whole course and so we must reluctantly introduce a policy that means cancellations within 14 days of the start of a course or ‘no shows’ will be charged at the full course fee. ● Places are subject to availability and given the popularity of certain courses, you may be put on a waiting list. ● If you are unable to attend a course, your space cannot be guaranteed at the same class on a future course, but you are welcome to apply. We will always notify you of the outcome of your application prior to the start of the course. We DO NOT share your contact details with anyone or any other organisations. Details are stored on one computer only and backed up regularly for safety and security. We ask for an email address where possible because this reduces the cost of our admin’ and means we can get in touch quickly and efficiently. 12 APPLICATION FORM When completed please return this form together with your payment to: Aldeburgh Library, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh, IP15 5EG and mark your envelope “Spring term Courses” – thank you. The closing date for courses beginning in January is December 5th. SURNAME......................................................................... FORENAME................................................................... ADDRESS........................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ POSTCODE........................TEL: ....................................................... Email .................................................................................................. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE FOAL FOAL MEMBERSHIP NB FOAL membership is st annual and subs are due on 1 April each year Loyalty Card TOTAL Cheques should be made payable to Aldeburgh Library Foundation and returned to Aldeburgh Library, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh, IP15 5EG – thank you. FEE £ £10 until 31/3/15 We DO NOT share your contact details with anyone or any other organisations. Details are stored on one computer only and we ask for an email address where possible because this reduces the cost of our admin’ and means we can get in touch quickly and efficiently. 13 Data Protection Act 1998 Aldeburgh Library Foundation (ALF) collects, stores and processes personal data about students for the purpose of administering and managing the educational programme. We will not disclose your data to third parties except where under a legal requirement to so do. In signing the application Form and the FOAL form you are stating that you understand and agree to ALF using your data to create and maintain records in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Meet the Tutors Monika Cilmi – a native of Sicily she is a qualified teacher and artist, is based in Ipswich and has taught Italian and a range of art courses for many years both in UK and abroad. Wendy Gilbert – has successful experience of teaching classes at the library on the use of Ipads and Android tablets. David Grugeon – is a founder member of the ALF Board. He taught English in primary schools and to adults for the BBC and the National Extension College until working on pedagogical support for the Open University. Herman Hadley - is a First Responder and experienced trainer Stephen Massey – a popular tutor, part-time guide at Minsmere and local resident Chris Milton PhD – is the Learning Officer at Britten–Pears Foundation and has provided a number of music courses at the Library that have been very well received Anne Morris – lives in Aldeburgh and has taught English at secondary school and adult levels in many parts of the world. Roger Simpson – has a PhD in History of Art and is researching Georgian and Victorian popular art and English Painting. He is also a garden designer. Coral Stebbings - a popular, well-known and very experienced dance teacher, examiner and fitness instructor. Mike Swindells – a local birder who also rings birds. Seija Tattersall – a local resident with many years of experience in the fields of mindfulness and counseling. Debbie Telkman – is a very experienced IT trainer who also spends time as a guide at Sizewell. Lucille Venn – new to our team in 2015 Lucille is a native French speaker who provides courses at the Ipswich Institute and elsewhere. Lucy Walker PhD – is the Head of learning and Development at the BPF at the Red House and has provided a number of very well supported courses at the library. Lynne Walker – is a member of the ALF Board and Chair of the Aldeburgh Town Plan Steering Committee. She is a former teacher, university lecturer and management consultant whose hobbies include American politics. 14