Mar - Apr Edition - Aldersgate Methodist Church


Mar - Apr Edition - Aldersgate Methodist Church
he stone the builders rejected has become the
the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our
he Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice
today and be glad.
Psalm 118: 22 - 24
march - april 2015
Aldersgate In and Around Bi-Monthly Issue is also
available at
29 Mar
Palm Sunday
8.30am/10.15am (English)
“Thy Kingdom Come Welcoming the King”
Rev David Ho
10.15am (Mandarin)
Rev Dr Norman Wong
10.15am (Youthphoria)
WorKship Sunday
29 Mar
Service for Residents at Bethany
Methodist Nursing Home
3pm (English)
Pr Richard Seow
02 Apr (Thu)
Maundy Thursday Service
8.00pm (English)
Stay With Me
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo
03 Apr (Fri)
Good Friday
10.15am (English/Chinese)
The Blood Of Christ
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo
05 Apr (Sun)
Sunrise Service
6.30am (English)
Christ Is Risen!
Our Reason For Living!
Rev David Ho
Easter Service
9.00am (English/Chinese)
Christ Is Risen!
Our Reason For Living!
Rev David Ho
12 Apr (Sun)
Trinity Theological College
8.30am/10.15am (English)
Rev Dr Maggie Low
10.15am (Mandarin)
Rev Yap Seok Chin
10.15am (Youthphoria)
To be confirmed
19 Apr (Sun)
8.30am/10.15am (English)
Leading / Administrative Gifts
Rev Bryan Tan
10.15am (Mandarin)
Pr Cheryl Chan
10.15am (Youthphoria)
To be confirmed
26 Apr (Sun)
Seniors Sunday
8.30am/10.15am (English)
Dr William Wan
10.15am (Mandarin)
Pr Cheryl Chan
10.15am (Youthphoria)
To be confirmed
03 May (Sun)
Church 36th Anniversary
10.15am (English/Chinese)
Rev Dr Chiang Ming Shun
10 May (Sun)
Mothers’ Day & WSCS Sunday
8.30am / 10.15am (English)
Mrs Lai Kheng Pousson
10.15am (Mandarin)
Mrs Ho-Yeo Chew Kheang
10.15am (Youthphoria)
To be confirmed
17 May (Sun)
Marketplace Sunday
Healing The Marketplace 1
8.30am / 10.15am (English)
Mr Liew Heng San
10.15am (Mandarin)
Pr Cheryl Chan
10.15am (Youthphoria)
To be confirmed
24 May (Sun)
Pentecost Sunday / Aldersgate
8.30am /10.15am (English)
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo
10.15am (Mandarin)
Rev David Ho
31 May (Sun)
8.30am / 10.15am (English)
Healing Ministry 1
Rev David Ho
10.15am (Mandarin)
Rev Lee Shuit Kuin
31 May (Sun)
Service for Residents at Bethany
Methodist Nursing Home
3pm (English)
Pr Alan Ang
10.15am (Youthphoria)
To be confirmed
10.15am (Youthphoria)
To be confirmed
Speaker / Sermon Topic is subject to change without prior notice
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Children’s Ministry
Darius Tian
Teachers Training (31 Jan)
together at the beginning of
the year to share and hear
from each other about how the
past year went. We also had
the opportunity to hear from
Pastor David on his insights
and plans for the ministry.
Ways for improving the
ministry were also discussed.
We ended the session with
a popiah-making activity.
Through it, the teachers
learned that no matter how
the lessons are taught, they
must be enveloped with
God’s Word – just like no
matter what ingredients are
added, a popiah will never be
complete without the popiah
Meet the Parents session (8 Feb)
About 80 parents and
teachers gathered together
at the basement rooms after
for a time of sharing and
interaction. A focus of the
Children’s Ministry this year
is parent-teacher interaction,
whereby both the parents
and teachers work together
to ground our children with
a godly foundation. The key
programmes of the year were
shared with the parents and
the parents also encouraged
the teachers by sharing about
how their children have been
applying what they learn from
Sunday School at home. The session ended off with both
parents and teachers coming together to pray for the children
before having some free time to interact with each other.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Chinese New Year Orange Distribution (15 Feb)
As part of our annual
outreach effort to the
all the children from
the 8.30am service
and the Primary 5
and 6 children from
the 10.15am service
crossed over to the
Dover estates to bless
the residents there
with oranges and Chinese New Year greetings. The children
also took some time
to talk to some of the
residents and came
together to pray for
the residents that
they met. It was
really encouraging
to see the children,
who were initially
shy, slowly warm up
and become more
and more enthusiastic
in knocking on the
doors of the residents.
Glory be to God!
Chinese Ministry
Susie See
Chinese Ministry 19th Anniversary Celebration
AMC Chinese Ministry celebrated its 19th Anniversary on
1 March. We would like to thank God for His 19 years of
provision and guidance to the Chinese Ministry.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
During the service, the Chinese Choir and Caleb 85 members
presented worship songs to glorify God.
The sermon by the Rev Dr Francis Ngoi was appropriate for
us as he highlighted the obstacles and challenges we face
when evangelising in the 21st century. He emphasised that
the best way to evangelise is through our daily life testimony,
loving each other and fulfilling our role as defined by God.
It is through going back to the basics of disciple living that
we can bring people to Christ.
The celebration ended with the cutting of a cake and a
buffet meal. All the 103 participants enjoyed the green tea
cake and the food.
Joel Tan
attending TRACkers,
a 3-month discipleship
programme for youths in
transition. Designed to
effect value change, the
four-tier training approach
builds our youths through
biblical learning, mentoring
and creative arts.
They will be putting
up a musical on 27 &
28 March, 7.30pm, at
Paya Lebar Methodist
Shepherd’s Bonanza
(17 January 2015)
Our Youth Pastoral Care
Group (PCG) leaders
met up for a time of
sharing, fellowship and
dressing up as bible
characters! See if you
can identify who they
are dressed as!
“dressing up as
Bible characters!”
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Relationship Talk cum Adam-vs-Eve (15 February 2015)
Ivin & Mylene Vikesh shared about the biblical understanding
of relationships and marriage, and our youth got to ask lots
of questions along the way.
Panel Discussion: (22 February 2015)
“Old is Gold”
Yee Minyi, Asher & Cindy
Lim, Lock Hui Min - our loving
young adults - came down
to Youthphoria to be our
panellists for our discussion
on singlehood, courtship and
marriage. They engaged the
youths with their testimony
and sharing.
Youthphoria celebrates Chinese New Year
(22 February 2015)
Lohei – Aldersgate Methodist Church style!
Disciple And Nurture
Personal Bible Study Methods class
David Chan
Nine people have signed up for the Personal Bible Study
Methods class. The six-session class is conducted by Mr
David Chan and is based on the book of similar title written
by Rick Warren.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Sports Ministry
Rayson Seow
AMC participated in the CrossRoad Cup 2015. This is a football
tournament organised by the Sports Coalition Singapore to
provide churches with a platform for their Sports Ministry to
evangelise to pre-believers. Before the start of every match,
players go through a mandatory Singspiration and Sharing of
the Word. If they do not participate in this pre-match activity,
they will not be allowed to play.
Our first match was on 8 March, 5pm, at Anderson Secondary
School. We played Church of Singapore, the defending
champions. The rest of the fixtures are shown below for your
support and participation:
29 Mar
05 Apr
03 May
Anderson Sec Sch
Anderson Sec Sch
Anderson Sec Sch
12 Jul
Ang Mo Kio Sec Sch
02 Aug
23 Aug
06 Sep
Anderson Sec Sch
Anderson Sec Sch
Ang Mo Kio Sec Sch
AMC matches against
Pentecost Doves (Pentecost Methodist Church)
Calvary FC (Calvary AOG)
BBTC Eagles (Bethesda Bedok - Tampines Church)
AMK Shepherds (AMK Methodist Church Chinese
Annual Conference)
AMK Bethesda (AMK Bethesda Church)
Salvation Army (The Salvation Army)
Christ MC (Christ Methodist Church)
Please pray for a safe tournament and God’s protection for
all players.
Prayer Ministry
Amy Chia
Fireplace Ministry Tuesday - MARY & MARTHA
On 20 Jan 2015, Rev
Edward Pousson spoke
from Luke 10:38-42 on
how to do Martha’s work
with the heart of Mary.
Mary’s sister, Martha, got
completely wound up with
the fuss and flurry of the
kitchen and missed out on
spending time with Jesus.
Rev Edward Pousson
questions for examining
ourselves. Are we a Marytype or a Martha- type?
Are we a distracted disciple
or a devoted disciple? Is
Jesus our house guest or
our heart guest? Are our
hearts busy and distracted
that we will not hear the
voice of Jesus calling us to
share a meal. When was
the last time you heard
Jesus knocking at the door
of your heart? When was
the last time you heard the
gentle voice calling ‘May I
come in’? These are some
of the questions.
points on how we can do
Martha’s work with the
heart of Mary:
1. Stop drawing attention
to yourself and your
much serving.
2. Stop
comparing and
others do and do not
3. Deal
distractions, worries and
4. Cultivate a quiet and
restful heart.
5. Spend time alone with
the Word of God reading
slowly and listening with
your heart as you read
with your eyes.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Fireplace Ministry Tuesday - PROPHETIC MINISTRY TODAY
Rev Leslie Lim, who is no
stranger to us, taught on the
topic ‘Prophetic Ministry
Today’ on 24 Feb. Based
on 1 Corinthians 12:1-12,
he shared guidelines for
using the gift of prophecy,
including its purpose and
what it is not.
Rev Lim and his team also
conducted a practical
session on how prophetic
praying is done.
brave souls came up one
after another for prayer.
To emphasise that their
words were not preplanned but led by the
Holy Spirit, the prophetic
After the
prophetic words were
released, those who were
prayed for testified of
God’s goodness and the
accuracy of the words
given. The meeting ended
with a ministry time for the
rest of the congregation.
Altogether 70 people
attended this meeting.
o you long to be able to hear God’s voice? Do you
need to learn to receive guidance from God? Can you
discern the Lord’s voice from other voices? Sixty-five
people are attending the ‘Hearing the Voice of God’ course
taught by Ms Cynthia Oei from Church of Our Saviour.
This four-session course, which started on 3 Feb, provides
participants practical equipping in developing and walking
out a hearing ear in the midst of busy, everyday life.
Through the teaching and practical individual and group
exercises, participants discover how they can hear God
speaking to them. They learn to recognize the many different
ways that God speaks today, and how to discern God’s voice
from among the other voices they are hearing.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Animal Ministry
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo
Caring For Cats Talk
There was a lot of
interest in our Animal
FOR CATS talk on
25 January 2015.
About 50 plus people
signed up and 43
were present. Dr Tai
Yesun (Nam Sang
Vet Clinic’s senior
vet) gave the talk with Joanna from Cat Welfare Society and
Eunice Nah from Agency for Animal Welfare (AAW) sharing
about their work.
Chinese New Year Shopping Trip
The morning’s weather was just right
for the Caleb 85 outing. Thirtythree excited people comprising of
members, members’ families and
friends participated in the shopping
spree. Departing from AMC at 9.45am,
it took us about 50 minutes to get to
our first destination. Upon arrival at
Woodlands Terrace, we could literally
feel the festive spirit in the air. People
were shopping till they dropped, and
the whole road was crowded with
shoppers carrying bags and bags of
goodies. We visited well-known shops
like Fassler for their salmon, tuna and
sashimi; Fragrance Foodstuff for their
bak kwa; J&C Cakes World for their
Lunar New Year cakes and goodies,
and many other shops.
After lunch at Soon Hong Eating
House, we proceeded to Kwong
Cheong Thye, which is famous for its
raw fish sauces, authentic Singapore
mixes etc. In the afternoon, we headed
to Jurong Fishery Port where we got
seafood items from Song Fish Dealer.
After a hard day of shopping, we
headed back to church sweet church.
Everybody was tired but contented.
Amy Chia
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
About Caleb 85 Gathering on Every Wednesday,
2pm - 5pm
Every Wednesday, Caleb 85
Seniors engage in
- Worship
- Exercise (Praise Dance)
- Food - Games
- Sharing testimonies/
Watching movies
- Praying for one another
An average of 10-12 people join all the activities.
Praise Dance or Praise Exercise was founded in 2004 by a
Taiwan Music Teacher Ng Mei Yun who began teaching it
in a park. Today it is enjoyed in more than 200 locations in
Taiwan and in many countrires from USA, Canada, China,
Hong Kong, South East Asia to New Zealand. An estimated
more than 10,000 people praise God through exercise at the
same time every morning.
In Praise Dance, rhythmic exercise is accompanied by Scripture
based songs and beautiful music. These dance exercise
steps include Contract, Stretch, Push and Twist, Dance within
Exercise, Exercise within Dance, Exercise through the body,
mind and spirit.
Pastoral Care Group Ministry
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo
PCG visitation
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo and Mr
Stephen Cheng, our Pastoral
Staff in charge of Pastoral
Care have been visiting the
PCGs (cells) to
a. get to know the cells
b. share future PCG directions
c. answer questions.
They have visited the following
Ambassadors for Christ
2. TG
3. Upper Room
4. Zion
5. Oasis 2
6. Living Stream
7. Mustard Seed
8. Young Oasis
9. OUCH – (2 groups- Male
and Female )
10. Lord Seekers
11. Charis
12. Gordon – ( New PCG)
13. Meta Oasis
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Staff Movement
We welcome
1. Mrs Catherine Chia, our new Admin Lay
Executive Staff, wef 22 Feb 2015.
Mdm Hii Hui Sieng, our new Temporary
Administrative Staff. She
will be assisting Pr Cheryl
Chan in the Chinese Ministry wef 16 Feb
Ms Emily Eu, our Admin Lay Executive Staff,
has resigned to return to her family in
May the Lord bless all of them as they seek to serve Him in
their new roles.
We bid farewell to our
former Youth Worker,
Rudy David Wong,
who is currently a
missionary in Timor
Leste. A special farewell
session was held for
him, and many from
Youthphoria and the
church also gathered
at the airport to send
him off.
Katherine Low
Crime Prevention Talk (25 January 2015)
a talk for Foreign
Domestic Helpers on
law. Many employers
also attended. They
all appreciated the
informative talk and
agreed the session was
The Significant Woman (From 24 Jan 2015)
Woman’ discipleship
coaching resource of
CRU International. It
is a 10 session course
held fortnightly. The
response was good
and some had to be
put on a waiting list.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
“Living an Abundant Life” Evangelistic Lunch Event by
TRAC WSCS (7 March 2015)
A few of the AMC
WSCS members had
invited their prebeliever friends to
Evangelistic Lunch held
at Ban Heng Pavilion,
Harbour Front Centre.
The speakers were Rev
Dr William Wan and
Ms Judith Halim.
After the sharing, four of the friends indicated that they would
like to know more about Jesus.
Celebration of pre-CNY
with the PFS women (02
Mar 2015)
A total of 19 people
attended the celebration.
We started with worship
with CNY songs praising
the Lord. We then
adjourned for fellowship
with delicious food and
English Class
Foreign Dome
Every 2nd & 4
10:30 -- 11:30
The Boys’ Brigade (BB)
33rd Singapore Company Joel Lai
Recruitment 2015
The 33rd Company held
its annual recruitment
drive on 9 Jan. Praise
God for an intake of
31 new Secondary 1
boys in the Company,
bringing the total
Company strength to
129 BB boys.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
BB Singapore
85th Anniversary Reunion
BB Singapore celebrated 85
years of God’s faithfulness.
In celebration, the Company
colours, represented by Mr
Kevin Huang, was showcased
at Singapore Expo in a largescale celebration on 28 Feb
Enrolment Service
The 33rd Company held
its enrolment on 7 Mar.
There was also a change
in Captaincy. Mr. Joel Li ,
handed the command of
the Company to Mr. Joel
Lai. Rev David Ho, Mr
Rufus Chan, Honorary
Captains, parents and
members of the 33rd
attended the service and
witnessed the handing
over ceremony.
Young Adults / Outreach
& Social Concerns
Justin Tan
Chinese New Year Appreciation Dinner for Migrant
Held at the school canteen,
the event
the traditional lo hei, a
scrumptious buffet meal,
a blessing draw and dance
performances by AMC’s
own Yum Cha ministry.
Through the appreciation
dinner, many of the migrant
workers were not only
blessed in a material sense,
To show appreciation to
migrant workers, the young
adults and Outreach and
Social Concerns Committee
organised a Chinese New
Year appreciation dinner on
13 Feb 2015.
The honoured guests were
80 workers engaged in the
construction work at Fairfield
Methodist School (Primary) to
upgrade the school, including
building a performing arts
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
but were also able to share in the
joy and festive spirit of the Lunar
New Year, as well as to make new
It is said that it is a joy to serve,
and this was indeed true for the
more than 50 volunteers from
AMC (including the WSCS ladies)
who willingly gave their love, time
and service to plan, support and
serve during the dinner in various
roles including as befrienders,
food servers and ushers. The
appreciation dinner was also
supported by generous cash and
prize donations by AMC members
and friends.
3rd Company of
The Girls’ Brigade
Pr Wendy Chiang
78th Enrolment and Dedication Service
28 Feb 2015 was a sunny morning. More than 200 girls from
the 3rd Company of The Girls’ Brigade (GB) rose early to gather
at AMC for their 78th Enrolment and Dedication Service. With
them for this special occasion were the Chaplains, Assistant
Brigade Commissioner, Principals, Officers, parents, teachers
and student leaders.
In response to the charge given by Rev Dr Lorna Khoo, these
spirited girls in blue renewed their vows to seek, serve and
follow Christ through GB. As I exhorted the girls not to
perceive themselves as too young to take active responsibility
for their growth like Jesus did in Luke 2:41-52, I also reminded
the adults who were present that God counts on them to
participate in their children’s faith development. It takes a
village of significant others to nurture these girls into mature
and responsible influencers.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
With that, I thank
God that he has
given Aldersgate
the privilege of
proximity to sow
into the lives of
these GB girls
from the Fairfield
Methodist Primary
Schools. They exist within our community so that we can
love and serve them. So do reach out to them with your gift
of prayer and presence so that they can grow in wisdom,
stature and in favour with God and man.
STAFF RETREATPastor David Ho / Clara Toh
The AMC Staff team comprising of Pr Cheryl Chan, Stephen
Cheng, Rufus Chan, Amy Chia, David Chan, Clara Toh, Han
Suat Hoon, Catherine Chia, and Rev Dr Lorna Khoo and Rev
David Ho went for a staff retreat in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia,
from 12 – 15 Mar 2015.
The purpose of this retreat was two-fold – to visit Damansara
Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) and learn from them about
how they operate as a cell church and also to have a time of
bonding among AMC staff.
DUMC arranged for the AMC team to visit three cell groups
(Family Group, Senior Group, Young Adults Group). All the
staff experienced great hospitality from the group leaders
and their members.
Pastor Chris Kam, the Deputy Senior Pastor, also conducted
a session on the plenary of the cell and explained the need
for cells. He also brought us through the operational chart of
the cell church and the roles of different leaders.
After the session, the AMC team split up to visit different
ministries, i.e. Pastoral Care, Prayer Ministry, Hospitality,
Outreach and Social Concerns, and Youth Ministry, to have
dialogue sessions with the heads of the ministry. We also
had a chance to speak with Pastor Bernard Lee, the Executive
Pastor, about how the whole Church functions.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
The AMC team was able
to attend both DUMC’s
Mandarin Service on
Saturday and Sunday
We returned with many
“take-aways” and much
encouraged by the values,
faith, culture, strategy
and vision of DUMC. We
felt very blessed, most
of all by their hospitality
and generosity and this
too is something worth
our emulating.
The staff team would like
to take this opportunity
to thank the PPRSC for
giving us a break from our
and the opportunity to
visit a church that has
gone through so much to
become what it is today.
Lo hei with APC
Church staff team and
Aldersgate Praise Centre
staff/teachers team had
their annual Chinese New
Year get-together & Lo
Heilunch at the church
Social Hall on 25 Feb 2015
Local Conference
(4 February 2015)
Copies of the Church’s Local Conference report detailing
direction and plans of the church re: 2015 are available for
viewing by church members at the church office. Please
contact Suat Hoon.
Mandarin Oranges Packing
AMC Staff
Team packing
the mandarin
oranges to bless
the members
and worshippers
on 15 February
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
Slum Simulation Exercise (SSE)
Identify key issues slum dwellers face
What will participants learn?
• Allow one to enter into the role of the person you are
assuming so as to experience the life of those who live in
the Cambodian slums.
• One will be able to empathize, identify and understand
what Cambodian slum dwellers face daily.
How does the
exercise work?
1. The whole
exercise is
made up of
4 weeks.
2. Each week is
15 minutes
3. Each “family
unit” will be given certain tasks to complete for the
week ahead. Five (5) minutes for “family” discussion and
planning before the start of each week.
4. At the end of the week (i.e. 15 min), all participants are to
return to their “homes” for a gap time of 5 minutes.
Date for the SSE: Saturday, 18 April 2015, 2-5pm at AMC.
Registration starts at 1:30pm.
Who should attend? Slum Ministry Think Tank Members, LCEC
& Missions and other Ministry Members.
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves
but for Him who died for them and was raised again. - 2 Cor 5: 15
an AMC Treasure Island Easter production
2 April 2015 | 9am - 11am
AMC Basement Rooms 2 - 4
In and Around Mar - Apr 2015
- Births Mr & Mrs Eugene
Tan on the birth
of their twin baby
boys, Joshua and
Elijah, on 28 February
and 01 March 2015
~ House Blessing~
15 February 2015 - Kelwin Li’s & Corinne Sia’s flat
Bereavement Support
Losing someone you love and cherish is something you will never
be prepared enough for. The pain, the sense of loss, the emptiness
coupled with a mix of emotions can take a toll on those left behind.
In the 4 sessions facilitated by Ian Poulier, you will be allowed to
share and reflect on your personal journey of grief.
Date: 15, 22, 29 July and 5 Aug 2015.
Cost $12 per person Venue: Aldersgate MC
For more information, please contact Mr Stephen Cheng @
Our Sunday Services
English (Traditional): 8:30am
English (Contemporary): 10:15am
Mandarin: 10:15am
Youth Service (Youthphoria): 10.15am
Church School (Treasure Island):
8.30am & 10.15am
Pastor-in-Charge: Rev Dr Lorna Khoo
Pastor: Rev David Ho
Pr Cheryl Chan (Chinese Ministry)
Stephen Cheng (Pastoral Care/PCGs)
Rufus Chan
(Youth/BB Asst Chaplain)
Helpful info
Amy Chia (Prayer/Membership/Seniors)
Church Office Operating Hours
Monday to Friday:8.00am – 5.30pm
Saturday: 9.00am – 1.00pm
Sunday: 8.00am – 1.00pm
Note: Staff Meeting on every Tuesday from
10.00am till 11.30am. Church office will be
closed for “staff lunch” together from 11.30am
till 2.15pm. (Subject to change without prior
Closed on public holidays except for Church
David Chan (Children’s Ministry / Discipleship
& Nurture)
Church Opening Hours
Monday to Friday:8.00am – 10.30pm
(booking till 10.00pm)
Saturday: 8.30am – 10.30pm (booking till 10.00pm)
Sunday: 7.00am – 6.00pm
(booking till 5.30pm)
Closed on public holidays except for Church
Clara Toh (Communications)
Han Suat Hoon (Administrator)
Christina Tan (Lay Executive Staff)
Catherine Chia (Lay Executive Staff)
Editorial Team for In and Around:
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo, Tan Chiu Ai, Clara Toh,
Andrew Ang
Aldersgate Methodist Church
98 Dover Road, Singapore 139647
Tel: 6773-1964 Fax: 6773-3194