Mar 18 - Aldryngton Primary School
Mar 18 - Aldryngton Primary School
Silverdale Road, Earley, Reading, RG6 7HR Telephone (0118) 926 5843 Fax (0118) 926 6267 E-mail Headteacher: Elaine Stewart 18th March 2015 Grounds Working Party Saturday 21st March 10:00pm – 1:00pm Helpers urgently required Please contact school office if you are available to help Cake Sales Thank you to all parents and pupils who helped bake and sell cakes for Mrs Culham’s recent cake sale. We raised £86.87. Thank you. The next cake sale will be Mr Vacher’s on Thursday 2nd April. Pedestrians Competition - Guess the combined time of our half-marathon runners Only 4 days to go until the Green Park Challenge and Reading Half Marathon are upon us! A competition is underway to raise money for the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice. We have been asking the children to guess the combined chip time for our 4 half-marathon runners – Mrs Smith, Mrs Gregory, Mrs Guile and Mrs Coleman. It’s just 50p to enter and the children have until this Friday. Details about all our runners can be found on the classroom/school office windows. The WINNER will be announced next week. Parents can also enter the competition via the office. Please also consider sponsoring all the Aldryngton runners as a group on the Just Giving Aldryngton site (named as Terri Gregory) or click link HERE Thank you for your support! Illness This is a reminder for all parents to telephone the school office between 7:45am and 9:15am if your child is going to absent from school. On their return to school you must also send a written explanation of their absence for our records. This is a requirement from the Local Education Welfare Officer. We would also like to remind parents that we are only able to administer prescribed medication to children and a form has to be completed giving full details of dosage and type of medicine. Thank you. Change of Menu THURSDAY 2nd April Battered Fish or Vegetable Pasty *** *** *** *** Chipped potatoes Baked Beans & Peas *** *** *** *** Krispie cake Yoghurt Fresh Fruit platter In the interest of safety please may we ask parents to be mindful of children running and using their scooters along the footpath between Aldryngton and Maiden Erlegh. This part of the Maiden Erlegh carpark is in constant use. Clubs end dates The last sessions for all before and after school clubs are as follows: Reading Play Yr 1&2 Multi Sports Friday 27th March Yr 3&4 Multi Sports Monday 23rd March Yr 5&6 Tag Rugby Tuesday 24th March Judo Club Wednesday 1st April Gym Club Friday 27th March Street Dance Tuesday 24th March Triathlon Club Monday 23rd March Badminton Club Monday 23rd March Mindlab Wednesday 25th March. Reading Football After School Club Wednesday 25th March Summer term details for all clubs will be uploaded to the school website and emailed to parents on Friday 20th. Face Events Face Events (previously Primesports) will be continuing their Holiday Club at Aldryngton Primary School during the Easter. To book a place for your child please complete a booking form and medical/consent form HERE or contact Michael Vinluan on Email: Mobile: 07738675941 Website: Letters to parents Letters issued from 05/03/15 – 18/03/15 Middle School - Yr3 Music Concert Middle/Upper School - Pied Piper tickets and details Whole School - Face Events Easter Holiday Club If you require a copy please click HERE Silverdale Road, Earley, Reading, RG6 7HR Telephone (0118) 926 5843 Fax (0118) 926 6267 E-mail Headteacher: Elaine Stewart 18th March 2015 100% Attendance Well done to the following class for achieving 100% attendance for two weeks in succession! w/e 6th and 13th March - Mrs Culham SCHOOL CALENDAR Mar 18th Mar 19th Lost Property Mar 21st Once again we have a large amount of lost property throughout the school. Items can only be held for a limited time due to the lack of storage space. If your child has mislaid any school uniform please come along to the medical room or in the reading area of Lower School to reclaim. Please can all uniform be clearly named and labelled including lunch boxes and PE kit. Thank you. Mar 24th Mar 25th Mar 26th Mar 26th Mar 27th KS2 production of ‘The Pied Piper’ The cast and choir are working hard to make a memorable performance of The Pied Piper. It would be helpful if parents encourage the children to keep going over their script and song words so that they will really get the most out of the experience. If you have not yet requested tickets, may we ask that the slip be returned as soon as possible. Thank you. The Ink Jet Appeal A friendly reminder we are continuing to collect and recycle any used inkjet cartridges to help raise funds for the school. For every cartridge we collect we raise £1. Please bring your cartridges to the school office. Thank you. Mar 31st Apr 1st Apr 2nd Apr 2nd Apr 2nd Apr 3rd – 17th Apr 20th Apr 28th Apr 30th May 4th May 11th – May 14th May 14th ADVANCED NOTICE SPORTS DAY Friday July 10 th Full details to follow next term! THANK YOU! With your contributions and support we raised £270.00 during our Red-Nose themed Day May 19th May 20th May 21st May 21st May 22nd May 25th – 29th June 1st June 2nd June 11th June 13th June 15th June 17th June 22nd Parents Evening 4:00pm – 7:00pm Miss Blackaby’s Middle school visit Reading Museum Grounds working Party 10:00am – 1:00pm Ms Byatt’s Middle school visit Reading Museum Mrs Marshall’s Middle school visit Reading Museum Cross Country relay’s at Woodford Park PTA Meeting 7:00pm All Welcome Year 3 Berkshire Maestro concert to parents KS2 Production ‘The Pied Piper’ 7pm KS2 Production ‘The Pied Piper’ 7pm House Poetry Recital Finals Mr Vacher’s cake sale Last day of Spring term EASTER School closed Start of Summer term - pupil return to school Year 2 Parents SATs meeting 3:30pm Mrs Tomsett’s cake sale Bank Holiday school closed KS2 SAT’s week PTA School Disco FS/LS 6-7pm MS/US 7:15pm – 8:30pm Parent Creche in Middle School 1/2 Upper School to Lacock Abbey 1/2 Upper School to Lacock Abbey Upper School to Oxford Castle Miss Blackaby’s cake sale Last day of Summer half term HALF TERM SCHOOL CLOSED INSET DAY School closed to pupils Pupils return to school Mrs Gregory’s Cake Sale PTA SUMMER FAYRE Whole, class and team School Photo’s Jubilee Picnic Year 5 Bikeability Week