April Newsletter - Annie L. Gaetz Elementary
April Newsletter - Annie L. Gaetz Elementary
Annie L. Gaetz School Gator Gazette 5205 48th Avenue, Red Deer AB T4N 6X3 Email: clint.saunders@rdpsd.ab.ca Phone: 403-347-5660 Fax: 403-342-5706 Web Address: http://algaetz.rdpsd.ab.ca/ Attendance Line: 403-347-5917 April 16, 2015 Message from The Principal I would like to thank all the parents and students who were able to attend the student led conferences held before the spring break. Parents, your commitment to your child’s education plays such an important role in their growth and development. April 22, 23, and 24 will be busy days as the classes participate in the annual Red Deer Festival of the Performing Arts. If you are able to get to the Red Deer College to take in a performance, you will not be disappointed. Students and teachers have been working hard on their performance pieces. On the afternoon of May 13, our grade 5 students will be attending grade 6 orientation programs at their designated schools. Parents are welcome to attend as well. Designated schools are as follows: Westpark Middle School – students residing in Deerpark Eastview Middle School – students residing in Morrisroe and Anders Students entering Late French Immersion will be attending Central Middle School. The school modernization is moving forward at a good pace. Completion date is August 15, just in time for the September, 2015 school year opening. We have started the process of ordering furnishings and equipment. We are looking forward to getting back to our “old” location in a new building. Upcoming Events Thurs. Apr 16 Fri. Apr 17 Apr 20-24 Tues. Apr. 21 Fri. Apr 24 Mon. Apr 27 Fri. May 1 Mon. May 4 Thurs. May 7 Fri. May 8 Mon. May 11 Wed. May 13 Fri. May 15 Mon. May 18 Fri. May 22 Mon. May 25 Fri. May 29 • April Newsletter Home • Staff Learning Day—no classes • Music Festival Week • Kindergarten Here I Come Event Parkland Mall (1-7 pm) • Assembly—1 pm • Pizza Monday • Hot Dog Day (date change from April 24) • Pizza Monday • Go Girls and Knights in Training—Grade 5 • Hot Lunch—Booster Juice • Pizza Monday • Orientation to Grade 6 • Staff Learning Day—No Classes • Victoria Day—No School • April Newsletter • Spirit Day—Heritage/Country/ Flag Day • Pizza Monday • Assembly—9 am • Hot Dog Day • Parent Council Mtg after morning assembly Thank you, Clint Saunders Principal Check out our complete school Calendar of Events at: algaetz.rdpsd.ab.ca We are proud partners with Westerner Park and The Red Deer Rebels Spotlight Students For May Miss Piercey: Mrs. Neiszner: Mrs. Dempster: Mrs. Tait: Mrs. McPhee: Mr. Rathgeber: Mr. Snow: Mrs. Mullen: Mrs. Johnson: Mrs. Ferguson: Miss Luckwell: Miss Kenny: Mr. Christensen: Max S. Rogan J., and Logan K. Declan H. Brooklyn W. and Baylee P. Noah M. Torston C and Echo G. Terrace T. and James W. Lincoln S. and Olivia S. Jamison P.B., John B. and Baysan F. Dylan F., Claira M. and Luther Y. Deacon M. Liam B., and Kyleigh W. Dominique P. and Ayden P. Erica G. and Heath H. Asher P.L. and Jenson W. These students will be highlighted at the Friday, April 24th pm assembly led by Mrs. Dempster’s Grade 1 class. Grade 5 Student Leadership Student Secretaries, Milk Cart, and Patrols are found on the ALG school website at: algaetz.rdpsd.ab.ca under student tab or under the parent tabs. Look for Grade 5 Leadership. Gator Guide to Great Kids During the month of April students and teachers have been working on Perseverance. Many students have been down to the office to place their green slips into the Mr. Potato Head draw jar in recognition of their great efforts. The following are the areas of focus for the rest of the school year: May - Cooperation June -Review Pizza Mondays and Hot Lunch April/May Hot Lunch Pizza: April 20, 27, May 4, 11 and 25th On Pizza Day please bring a drink and other lunch items. Friday, May 1 - HOT DOG DAY (date change from April 24) Hot dog day includes juice, fruit or veggie and dessert Friday, May 8—Hot Lunch—Booster Juice Please see the website for hot lunch forms under Documents /Parent Council links. Music News Wednesday, May 6 – Grade 5 field trip to Gaetz United Church to see Pipe Organ Tuesday, May 12 - Orff Children’s Day, Edmonton – workshop for registered gr. 4 and 5 students To all the parents who helped by volunteering their time and for the families who purchased books during our book fair in March. It was a very successful fair! Next Parent Council Meeting Wednesday, May 29th - after the morning assembly Everyone Welcome. ALG Parent Council - HOT Lunch Program Reminders Hot lunch order forms will now be available ON-LINE ONLY on the ALG Website (http:// algaetz.rdpsd.ab.ca/) under the "Parent Council" tab and then under Forms. Please print and fill out a form at your convenience and return it with your child to the teacher by the date shown at the top of each form. Please note that late orders CANNOT be accepted (for ordering and counting purposes) and NO change will be given (cheques made out to Annie L. Gaetz Parent Council and Cash are accepted). Please note date change of Hot Day Day. Because of the Choral Festival, Hot Dog day has been changed from Friday April 24 to Friday, May 1. PLEASE NOTE: Forms for May/June Hot Lunch orders will be available by April 15th. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS CAREFULLY for the APRIL/MAY/JUNE orders! THANK YOU for continuing to support our Hot Lunch/Parent Council FUNDRAISER. The funds raised from your support go directly to paying for the EVERY child in our school to go on field trips each year. The cost is in excess of $6000/year. If not for this fundraiser each month, our families would be responsible for paying for EACH child to go on field trips. You can contact the Parent Council ALGPC@outlook.com with any questions or concerns. Late French Immersion—Central Middle School Central Middle School has a Late French Immersion Program for students entering Grade 6 next school year. At the present time, CMS is accepting registrations from parents who would like to have their children in our Late French Immersion program for the 2015-2016 school year. This program is geared for students who have little or no French experience and who: are interested in learning French; are looking for a challenge and are motivated to learn; have strong basic skills and are working at grade level. There will be an information meeting for parents, guardians and current grade 5 students to learn about the Late French immersion program on Wednesday, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Central Middle School library. For further information, please contact Janelle Metcalfe or Erin Lerouge at Central Middle School (403-346-4397