Corporate Application - Alpha Capital Markets
Corporate Application - Alpha Capital Markets
CORPORATE APPLICATION FORM 1. Trading Platform MetaTrader 4 2. Account Leverage 100:1 200:1 400:1 Other* * Subject to written confirmation by Alpha Capital Markets. 3. Trading Account Type Standard Account [Minimum deposit US$10,000; Forex, CFD's and precious metals] DMA [Minimum deposit US$30,000; Forex and precious metals] 4. Name and Address of Company Name of Company: Registered Address: City/Town: Country: Postcode: Country: Postcode: Business and Postal Address: City/Town: 5. Company Details Registered Number: Type of Business: Is the Company registered with the FCA or any other regulator? Yes No If Yes, please give details: Is the Company or its parent listed on any Stock Exchange? Yes No If the Company has a parent company, please give details: Name of all, or if more than 4, the 4 principal, Directors: Director 1: Alpha Capital Markets Plc. 33 St James`s Square, London, SW1Y 4JS, United Kingdom. Phone +44 (0) 203 668 1511 | Email | Web Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Register No 441689. Registered in England and Wales No 5196460 Page 1 of 5 CORPORATE APPLICATION FORM Director 2: Director 3: Director 4: Name and percentage of all, or if more than 4, the 4 principal Shareholders: Shareholder 1: Shareholder 2: Shareholder 3: Shareholder 4: 6. Contact Details Name of Contact Person: Title: Phone: (country code/area code/number) Fax: (country code/area code/number) Mobile: (country code/area code/number) Email: 7. Financial Background Approximate Annual Turnover (USD): Balance Sheet Total (USD): Approximately how much of these funds are available for your trading with Alpha Capital Markets (USD)? Date of latest audited accounts upon which this information is based (DD/MM/YY): 8. Client Categorisation Indicate whether you are: Retail Client Professional Client Eligible Counterparty Please see Clause 2.2 of the Client Agreement for definition of these categories, or contact us for further information. 9. Investment Experience of the Applicant Do you understand the nature and risks of trading margined products? Yes No Before answering please read the Risk Disclosure Notice. Alpha Capital Markets Plc. 33 St James`s Square, London, SW1Y 4JS, United Kingdom. Phone +44 (0) 203 668 1511 | Email | Web Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Register No 441689. Registered in England and Wales No 5196460 Page 2 of 5 CORPORATE APPLICATION FORM If you do not understand the nature and risks, please contact us before continuing. Do you have an Alpha Capital Markets Demo Account? Yes No Please indicate your investment experience (all fields are mandatory): Instrument Experience (in months) FOREX (Spot or Forward) No Experience 1-5 6-12 >12 Contract For Difference (CFD) No Experience 1-5 6-12 >12 Equities/Bonds No Experience 1-5 6-12 >12 Equity Indices, Futures or Options No Experience 1-5 6-12 >12 Financial/Commodity Futures or Options No Experience 1-5 6-12 >12 Spread Betting No Experience 1-5 6-12 >12 Please indicate the anticipated frequency of your transactions: Instrument Frequency of deals (per month) FOREX (Spot or Forward) 1-5 6-10 >10 Contract For Difference (CFD) 1-5 6-10 >10 Equities/Bonds 1-5 6-10 >10 Equity Indices, Futures or Options 1-5 6-10 >10 Financial/Commodity Futures or Options 1-5 6-10 >10 Spread Betting 1-5 6-10 >10 10. Live Account Details Account Currency (please tick one) USD GBP EUR CHF JPY Security question and answers: Please indicate your preferred security question by providing the answer to one of the following : Your father’s middle name? Your mother’s maiden name? Your pet’s name? Your favourite sports team? Your first car? Your favourite TV show? Your favourite food? Your favourite colour? 11. IB number/Agent Account If you have been referred by an introducing broker or agent, please specify their name, address and login/account number (if known) 12. Risk Warning Forex forwards and CFD's are leveraged products. They may not be suitable for you as they carry a high Alpha Capital Markets Plc. 33 St James`s Square, London, SW1Y 4JS, United Kingdom. Phone +44 (0) 203 668 1511 | Email | Web Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Register No 441689. Registered in England and Wales No 5196460 Page 3 of 5 CORPORATE APPLICATION FORM degree of risk to your capital and you can lose more than your initial investment. You should ensure you understand all of the risks. You should also be satisfied that these products are suitable for you according to your circumstances, market knowledge and financial position. 13. Notice and Declaration We consent to transfer or otherwise pass full title to, and ownership of, non-segregated funds to the Company for the purpose of securing or otherwise covering our present or future, actual or contingent or prospective obligations. We agree that we will no longer have a propriety claim over this money until an equivalent transfer is made back to us if the provision of collateral by us is no longer necessary. We consent that non-segregated funds do not constitute and shall not at any time be deemed to constitute client money for the purposes of the FCA rules and agree that the Company can deal with this money in its own right and in the event of the Company's insolvency we will rank as a general creditor of the Company. We guarantee that we do not breach any regulations of our country of residence in trading with Alpha Capital Markets and we shall be responsible for any taxation requirements of that country. We declare that the above information given by the Company is true and correct. We undertake to notify you, in writing, if there are any changes to the above data. 14. Agreements Yes, I have read and agree to Alpha Capital Markets’ Client Agreement, a copy of which may be found at Yes, I have read and agree to Alpha Capital Markets’ Risk Disclosure Notice, a copy of which may be found at This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions on which we will provide you with services from time to time. This Agreement together with the Client Application Form and other related agreements and notices that we may provide you with from time to time together constitute the terms of your agreement with us. This is our standard Client agreement upon which we intend to rely. For your own benefit and protection you should read these terms carefully before signing this Agreement. If you do not understand any point contained within this Agreement, please ask for further information before signing this Agreement. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the ‘FCA’) under Firm Reference Number 441689 for the conduct of investment business under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (“MiFID”) and Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (‘the Act’). Please indicate in the Client Application Form whether you are a Retail Client, Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty for the purposes of the FCA Rules, as defined in clause 2.2. Please ensure that you have read the attached terms and conditions carefully and then sign and return this Alpha Capital Markets Plc. 33 St James`s Square, London, SW1Y 4JS, United Kingdom. Phone +44 (0) 203 668 1511 | Email | Web Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Register No 441689. Registered in England and Wales No 5196460 Page 4 of 5 CORPORATE APPLICATION FORM to us at the following address: Alpha Capital Markets, 6 Old Hall Barns, Thurston Road, Pakenham, Bury St Edmunds, IP31 2NG. We have read and accept the terms of the I/We have read and accept the terms of the Agreement set out above: Agreement set out above: Signed Name Signed (for and on behalf of Alpha Capital Markets.) (Client) Position Position Dated Name Dated (DD/MM/YYYY) (DD/MM/YYYY) Alpha Capital Markets Plc. 33 St James`s Square, London, SW1Y 4JS, United Kingdom. Phone +44 (0) 203 668 1511 | Email | Web Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Register No 441689. Registered in England and Wales No 5196460 Page 5 of 5
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