Bulletin â April 26, 2015
Bulletin â April 26, 2015
ALPINE EXPLORERS (2 year old-6th grade) CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Please remember-all 3-5 year olds will exit for BASE CAMP worship through the commons and will go with volunteers to worship in the CHAPEL. Parents, please collect the lanyard nametags for your student as they line up. Summit Worship is for all 1st-4th graders will leave through the commons to worship with volunteers in the LOFT. CHILDREN’S CONTRIBUTION The Children’s contribution will begin to bless local ministries, such as Caring & Sharing, this month. Many thanks to all who give! WEDNESDAY NIGHT COMPASS KIDS We’ve got exciting and rich classes planned for your kids each Wednesday night! 1st-4th graders will meet together in C-4/5 for “Compass Kids” where this month’s theme is “Patience: Are We There Yet?” A new class for 5th & 6th grade guys (led by Ralph Holcomb & Clay Kitchens) will meet in C-6 while the 5th & 6th grade girls will meet with Dori Walton & Madeline Jonah in C-3. All other kids will meet in the same classes they are in on Sunday mornings. 1st-6th graders can come at 6 pm for games and snacks. ALPINE EXPEDITION VBS Our VBS journey begins in just 9 short weeks! All volunteers and student participants can sign up online at www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/alpine. Begin inviting your friends to join us on this exciting journey of faith! MOTHER/DAUGHTER BLOOM Join the fun with all preschool-6th grade girls and moms Saturday, May 9 from 4-7 pm. We will enjoy painting, Zumba, Jamberry Nails, food, & cake decorating from 4-6 pm and then worship together from 6-7 pm in the Chapel. Invite your friends & sign up at the BLOOM table just outside the Chapel. Dads & brothers are asked to help clean up the gym at 7 pm. PEARL HOUSE BAKE SALE Looking for a special Mother’s Day treat? The Alpine girls ministry will be selling home-baked goodies Sunday morning, May 10 following services. All funds raised will go to bless The Pearl House in Ghana in their efforts to build a new home. All girls coming to BLOOM May 9th are encouraged to make an extra dessert for this bake sale. MISSION LONGVIEW All current 4th-6th graders can pick up a Mission Longview Application by the fence just outside the Chapel. Adult volunteers are needed...Please let Melissa know if you can assist with service projects June 8-10. SAVE THE DATE May 9: Mother/Daughter “BLOOM” May 27: VBS Sneak Peak June 7-10: Mission Longview June 21-24: VBS/Alpine Expedition ACA NEWS The official count is in and ACA raised $6,000 at our second annual PANCAKEAPOOLZA! Thank you again for your continued support! We are thrilled! May 1st: Kindergarten Plays @ 2pm May 12th: Staff Party @ 6pm May 14th and 15th: Field Days May 20th: Last day of school and Graduation AYM NEWS & UPDATES April 26, 2015 Alpine Youth Ministry 7th-12th grades TODAY 2015 Seniors: Bethany Mayfield, daughter of Terry & Joy Bailey, Brandon Fleet, son of Scott and Miranda Jones & Steven and Melissa Fleet, Brooke Pool, daughter of Angus & Tami Pool, Caleb Logan, son of Lance & Jamie Logan, Garrett Liles, son of Gentrie Bias, grandson of Sandra Plummer, Geoffrey Freeman, son of Erin & Melissa Higgins & Wes and Bonnie Freeman, Lelan Anderson, son of Dennis and Kristi Anderson, Matthew Samford, son of Dennis & Cindy SOFTBALL PRACTICE TODAY @2 pm till 4 pm behind the Barn (Weather permitting) SENIOR BANQUET TONIGHT! 6 pm in the gym. FERNS WANTED: Please bring your fern (with your name on the pot!) by the gym this afternoon at 4 pm. SUMMER EVENT BROCHURES ARE IN THE KIOSKS! CHECKOUT THE EARLY BIRD DUE DATES! THIS WEEK HIGH SCHOOL HANGOUT this Tuesday @7:00 pm – @5 Guys SOFTBALL GAME: Tues., April 28 @6:45 vs. Elevation, Field #4 (We’re the away team) WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH WORSHIP SCHEDULE IN THE LOFT Welcome & Announcements: Steven Spiess Greeter: Amy Pruitt Café: Corey Gilly Audio/Visual: Colton Logan Worship Leader: Christian Ruesch Speaker: Corey Thomaston Theme: Grateful vs. Griping THE LOFT CAFÉ @ 6 PM: PIZZA $1 SLICES NEXT WEEK Softball Practice: Sunday, April 26 @ 2 pm – 4 pm behind the barn. Softball Game: Tuesday, May 5 @ 7:45 pm vs. EPC Longview (We’re the home team) UPCOMING EVENTS: WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 – The interns arrive!!! Thomas Hargrove & Rachel Eppes! Senior Sunday 2015 2015 Alpine Church of Christ 610 East Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605 (903)758-0161 Website: www.alpinecoc.org Email: alpinecoc@cablelynx.com Welcome to Alpine! We are glad you are here and welcome you to join any aspect of our worship time. Our elders, staff, and members stand ready to pray with you or answer any questions you may have. Nursery Assistance WELCOME & INFO FOR OUR GUESTS INFANTS Birth to 36 months are lovingly cared for in our attended nursery Sunday mornings CHILDREN 3-year-olds - 4th grade are invited to a special time of learning during our Sunday morning worship time when dismissed. Today’s Praise Today’s music is available in the Commons for those who desire sheet music. We hope this will enhance your praise today! Prayer Requests It is a privilege for us to pray with and for you. Please fill out a prayer request form located in the back of the pews or at the Welcome Center and place in the box in the Commons. You may also email requests to: alpinecoc@cablelynx.com. Prayers are confidential and not published in our bulletin unless requested. Becoming a Christian If you wish to learn more about becoming a Christ-follower, we are ready and excited to talk to you! Please take the opportunity at the end of our service to meet with one of our elders at the front or back of the Worship Center during the last song. Membership If you are interested in becoming a member of the Alpine family, please note this on your attendance card and plan to join us for one of our monthly membership classes. Sermons You can access Sunday’s sermons online at www.alpinecoc.org. Alpine Shepherds Harry Hoelzle Bernie Krupa Ron McGregor James Ray John Shafer Brian Hoyle Gary Lovelace Richard Pruitt Gary Sanders Ministerial Staff Rodney Cox Paul Boorman Sandra Boorman Lance Logan Luke Tallon Larry Parker Melissa Kitchens Christy Norton Nansi Lifsey Holly Tallon Please help us! Contact us Email: Web: Phone: alpinecoc@cablelynx.com www.alpinecoc.org 903-758-016 1 (Monday - Thursday , 8:00 - 4 pm, Fridays, 8 am - noon) Our Worship Times: Sunday Bible Class - 9:00 am Sunday Worship - 10 am Wednesday Bible classes - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Concerns: VICKI PRUITT, wife of Richard, was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She met with doctors and was told her condition is treatable and we praise God for that! CHARLES TOWNSEND, husband of JoAnn, has been diagnosed with colon and liver cancer. He has begun aggressive chemotherapy that will be given every other week over the next month. DEBBIE BARNES, wife of Bill, has been diagnosed with myeloblastic leukemia. She will begin chemotherapy soon. ALAN WRIGHT, husband of Melanie, was diagnosed with dermatomysitis, an auto immune disease that affects connective tissue in the body. He has begun treatment to help combat the symptoms. DON PERRY, husband of Anne, has congestive heart problems and is retaining fluids. Prayers have been requested. DWAIN SUMPTER, husband of Al, continues to wait for results from tests on the spots on his lung. Prayers requested for good results. TASTE OF ALPINE FOOD-FELLOWSHIP-FUN THE MENU IS: SLOPPY JOES, MAC N CHEESE, SALAD AND DESSERT. Please be sure and mark your attendance card if you plan on coming! MEN’S GOLF TOURNAMENT The Alpine Ironmen will host their semi-annual golf tournament on Saturday, May 23rd at Wood Hollow Golf Course in Longview. Participants will meet at 12 noon for lunch (burgers and chips). With tee time scheduled for 1 pm. The cost is $50 per person and includes your cart, green fee and food. If you have a team that you would like to sign up, please contact Ron Fletcher. All teams are encouraged to have their fees in before the day of the tournament. ALPINE’S SENIOR CLASS OF 2015 Alpine would like to congratulate the Class of 2015 on their academic accomplishments. We are proud of you and pray that you will continue to walk in the light that has been shown to you. Have a safe and pleasant summer and Godspeed to you all! CONTINUED PRAYERS: Doris Ramaly, Homer & Jeanette Humphrey, Jerry Park, George Alexander, Lynn Goetz, Melissa Higgins, Darrell Strong, Carsen Shafer, David Wooten, Frank Williams, Brad Wallace, Patsy Burke, Youngie Harris, Roger Pliler, Gaylan Walton, Bob Burke, & Ralph Holcomb. The discipleship ministry at Alpine Church of Christ invites everyone to come and take part in Christian education. Although our classes are “hosted” by groups of various ages and stages of life, they are open to everyone. Please take part in the class that you feel will best teach, strengthen, challenge, and encourage you in your Christian life! CLASS LISTINGS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE WELCOME DESK OR IN THE CHURCH OFFICE. PRAISE 15 The Alpine Worship Ministry would like to invite everyone to a night of praise and worship. Members are encouraged to bring friends and family members to come enjoy PRAISE 15 at 6 pm, May 3rd in the Worship Center. This is an all ages, all stages event! CLASS OF 2015 BETHANY MAYFIELD, daughter of Terry & Joy Bailey, BRANDON FLEET, son of Scott and Miranda Jones & Steven and Melissa Fleet, BROOKE POOL, daughter of Angus & Tami Pool, CALEB LOGAN, son of Lance & Jamie Logan, GEOFFREY FREEMAN, son of Erin & Melissa Higgins & Wes and Bonnie Freeman, LELAN ANDERSON, son of Dennis and Kristi Anderson, MATTHEW SAMFORD, son of Dennis & Cindy, GARRETT LILES, son of Gentrie Bias, grandson of Sandra Plummer. SENIOR SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9 am - Reception in the Atrium to meet the seniors 10 am - Honoring the Seniors and their families during worship 6 pm - Senior Banquet in the Gym - Theme: Strong & Courageous SENIOR TABLES WILL BE UP THROUGH SUNDAY, MAY 3RD IN THE ATRIUM. KEEPING IN TOUCH Keeping in Touch, a Fun Bunch ministry, seeking to love REX PICKENS is now under hospice care at Hawkins Creek. NEW SUMMER CLASSES and serve one another will be initiated within the next few weeks. This ministry will stay in touch with Alpine members who need special care and attention due to health concerns and physical limitations. Fun Bunch members will send cards, make phone calls, and personally visit all identified for special care. Alpine members of all ages are invited to participate in Keeping in Touch. More details will be shared in weeks to come. MEALS FOR THE BEREAVED MINISTRY Upon the death of one of our Alpine members, the Meals for the Bereaved Ministry will provide a meal for the family. We are updating our list of members who are willing to be a part of this ministry by preparing one dish (vegetable, salad, or dessert) and delivering it to the church kitchen on the day of a funeral. If you would like to be a part of this much appreciated ministry, please visit the Meals for the Bereaved display in the foyer and sign the list, or contact Sharon Alexander. Bring Your Tired, Your Worn, Your Weary SHOES, SHOES, SHOES SHOES FOR SERVICE Providing Service Dogs for Servicemen and Women And Shoes for the Needy Help provide a FREE service dog for a war veteran! Bring ANY shoes to the collection box in the Alpine Church foyer between now and May 10th. The shoes will be donated to the needy in developing countries DONATE YOUR SHOES, WE NEED: ANY SIZE ANY KIND ANY CONDITION MUST HAVE THE PAIR! The whole family can participate and make a difference. If you have questions please contact HELP NEEDED PATHSTONES is in desperate need of volunteers to work 2 - 3 hours every other Thursday evening. They are also in need of “on call” volunteers to have on an “as needed” basis. This is a growing ministry at Alpine and they need more help to keep up with the needs of the community. If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Denise.