The Salon - Altadena Best Fest


The Salon - Altadena Best Fest
Juried Salon Art Show
Call to Artists for Submissions Deadline for submissions: AUGUST 1, 2015
Salon Space Guidelines
Salon show date: October 2 and 3, 2015
Artists Reception: Friday, October 2, 2015, 6-9pm
Jury Panel: Ed Beckett - Trevor Bryant - Guest Judge TB Named
Awards: The following categories are available for recognition: Best Oil Painting, Best Acrylic Painting, Best
Watercolor Painting, Best Photograph in Traditional, Best Photograph in Digital formats, Best Mixed Media, Best
Assemblage or Installation, Best in Classical Pastel/Drawing/Print/Graphic media, Best in Computer-aided
Drawing/Print/Graphic media, Best Sculpture and for special entrys in “DUCK! A Festival of Duct Tape“ – Best
Use of a Theme.
Show Details
ELIGIBILITY: This call for submission is open to all artists 18 years of age or older. This is a juried exhibition for
artists working in all traditional and non-traditional 2D and 3D media, except for film/video. All artwork must be
original in concept, design and execution. Note: Crafts, kit work or reproductions after original work in other media
(such as giclees), unless used as part of a mixed media work, will not be considered. Oversize Work,
Assemblages and Installations are welcome at the discretion of the Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee, but must
meet all other specifications and be delivered, installed and removed by the artist (or their agent).
JUDGING: Final judging will be on site. The jury panel may reject entries that differ significantly from their digital
images. Decision of the jury panel is final.
SUBMISSIONS AND FEES: Only original work may be submitted. Photographs of work must be in a .jpg file
format. Photographs or CD’s (preferred) will be accepted when application is submitted by mail or in person.
Submissions through August 1, 2015. Entry fee is $25.00 for up to three (3) submissions. All entry fees are nonrefundable
1. Prepare your images:
• JPG format
• Do not use characters other than a period preceding jpg in the file name.
The following characters will create image uploading problems:!@#$%^&*()_+
2. Upload completed application and your images and send to
3. Mail entry form, photos or CD (preferred) and entry fee to:
Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee- Altadena Best Fest
2591 Fair Oaks #412 Altadena 91001
Payment of entry fees can be by personal check or money order payable to the Altadena Library Foundation. All
mail entries must be received at latest by 11:59 pm on August 1, 2015. Entries received after August 1, 2015 will not
be eligible for entry into the exhibition. CD’s will not be returned.
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ACCEPTANCE: Notification of acceptance of work will be made via e-mail on or before August 15, 2015, or, for
entries without e-mail information, via mail regular mail.
REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTED WORK: Maximum Size: 168”w X 96” X 96” (but packages must fit through a
76” X 58” wide door).
Where appropriate and at the discretion of the Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee, all work must be suitably
framed to a professional standard. No clip frames or taped edges. All framed conventional work must use Plexiglas,
except hand-delivered work less than 24” x 30”. Canvases may have neat gallery wrapped edges.
Work must be wired and ready for hanging. No ceiling mounts or special installation requirements unless agreed to
beforehand by the Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee. Sculptors may provide their own pedestals, or if not,
must agree to use those provided by the Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee.
ALL WORK MUST BE IDENTIFIED: A label must be affixed to the back of the work which indicates which end is
the top and which includes the following: Artist Name, Title, Medium, Dimensions, and Price. This information must
correspond with the Accepted image as listed on Notification form. No artwork may be substituted.
All artwork must be priced for sale. Any work marked POR (Price on Request) or NFS (Not for Sale) will not be
eligible for entry into the exhibition. Work cannot be withdrawn, nor sales shipped, before the end of the exhibit.
DELIVERY OF ACCEPTED WORK: All Work must be delivered by the artist or his/her agent at the Altadena
Library Community Room, 600 East Mariposa Street, Altadena, between 12 Noon and 7:00 P.M. on Thursday,
October 1, 2015. Sold works from the Salon may be picked up by the buyer at the end of the show on October 3,
upon presentation of a valid sales receipt. The artist will be responsible for packing and/or wrapping the artwork.
The artist or his/her agent must be present or available by phone for the entire period during which the show is
open to the public on October 2 - 3, 2015. LATE ARRIVAL AND RETURNS: The Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee reserves the right to reject work
that is late, is deemed unstable upon arrival, is not properly presented, or differs from the submitted image.
SALES, COMMISSIONS AND DELIVERY: The Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee (Altadena Library
Foundation) will retain a 10% commission on all exhibition sales. Current sales tax rate will NOT be added to the
stated sales price by the Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee. Sold works from the Salon will remain on
display until the end of the exhibition, at which time arrangements for delivery to buyers will be the sole
responsibility of the artist or artist’s agent.
REMOVAL: All work must be removed by the artist or his/her agent at the end of the show on Saturday, October 3 ,
LIABILITY: The Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee, Altadena Library Foundation, and/or the Altadena Library
District are not responsible for any damage, breakage, replacement or cost associated with any damage or
breakage that may have occurred during transport or unpacking. Every precaution will be taken in handling the
entries, but the above named entities assume no liability for any loss or damage to any artist’s work while in our
care, custody or control either before, during or after the exhibition. Each artist, if they wish, needs to provide their
own insurance.
CONTACT/QUESTIONS: Please direct all questions to
With the submission of artwork into the “Art On Millionaire’s Row” Show, the artist agrees to all the terms
and conditions set forth in this document.
Art on Millionaire’s Row – Celebrating Art in Our Community
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6th Annual Fine Arts Show – OCTOBER 2-3, 2015
Application Deadline: AUGUST 1 , 2015
Attach a CD with photographs of your work to be
Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee/
Return Application to:
Altadena Best Fest
Email Address
Artist’s Category
2591 Fair Oaks # 412 Altadena CA 91001-2266
Or email Application to:
Fee Payable with submission to:
The Altadena Library Foundation
Resale #
I am interested in Salon Space (up to 3 entries)
@ $25.00 each artist – Space is limited. I have read the attached
information and agree to abide by all decisions and regulations of the Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee
________Print Name:_______________________________________
You are invited to apply to the 6th Annual “ART ON MILLIONAIRE’S ROW” Fine Arts Show sponsored by the Art on
Millionaire’s Row Committee, on b ehalf of the Altadena Library Foundation The show will feature artists in 2
venues, food, live music, and more. To make this event unique to the benefit of the Altadena Library we are asking all
artists to consider creating a donated piece of art using the theme “DUCK! A Festival of Duct Tape” which will
incorporate duct tape creations. This is not a requirement for judging or entry to the Salon show. However,
works that meet the criteria will be eligible for a separate award. In case of a space shortage, Altadena artists will be
given priority.
How to apply: Complete and return the above application together with photos of your work (see email process
on next page). Photos and/or disks will be NOT returned . For more information, please go to or contact Art on Millionaire’s Row Committee at
Acceptable entries: All work must be designed and executed by the participating artist. No commercial molds, kits or
mass produced items will be accepted. Acceptance will be determined solely by the Art on Millionaire’s Row
Committee jury panel, whose decision is final. Early applications are encouraged as space is limited and will be
assigned according to the date your application is received.
Applications for Salon entries will be judged on the
photographs submitted. Notification of acceptance will be made via e-mail by August 15, 2015. At the jury
panel’s discretion one to three pieces per artist may be selected.
Installation of Salon Exhibits: Exhibits for the Salon portion of the show will be installed on Thursday, October
1, 2015, between 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. in the Altadena Library Community Room and will be secured overnight.
A Salon artists’ reception will be held on Friday, October 2, 2015, 6-9 pm; wine and cheese will be served. You
will receive a number of printed postcards to send to your friends, clients and followers.
Jurying: Entries for the Salon portion of the show will be judged for awards following installation. The jury panel will
base its decisions on originality, artistic merit and craftsmanship.
Exhibitor fees:
Fees for the Salon will be $25.00 per artist. Fees must be paid upon submission the show
and are nonrefundable. No refunds will be given for cancellations. In addition ten (10%) percent of all sales will be
donated to The Altadena Library Foundation. You may apply to participate in both the Festival and Salon portions
of the show with separate applications. Artists must be present or available by telephone on the day of the show. All
work must be offered for sale.
These are the guidelines for acceptance in the ART ON MILLIONAIRE’S ROW event. The determination by the jury
panel is final. The final execution of the piece(s) will also factor into the jury’s decision on the acceptance of an artist and
his/her body of work. We welcome all artists (professional, student or advanced amateur) whose work demonstrates
consistent quality and creative use of their chosen medium. No mass produced, commercially molded or imported work
will be considered.
Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor and Mixed Media Painting – original subject matter created by a single artist
Ceramics, Glass and Stained Glass – original design and subject matter created by a single artist; original use
of the media; self made glazes or clays; artistic quality
Photography, Digital Photography and Digital Art – all original photography, design or depiction of the
subject matter
Printmaking, Line Art – original subject matter not created with commercially available stamps, dies or stencils
Sculpture: Metal, Ceramic, Stone or Other Materials – original subject matter, creative use of the media
Fabric, Leather and Yarn – all original design and patterns, creative use of materials, silk screens, paintings,
embroidery that is original design and applied by the artist, no machine made embroidery, rubber stamp or
mechanically applied jewelry
Jewelry – all original design
Ceramics and Glass – all original design and patterns, creative use of the material beyond simple glazing and
Printmaking, Line Art – original designs and subject matter, may use commercially designed dies, may use
stamps or stencils created by the artist.
Art on Millionaire’s Row– Celebrating Art in our Community