04-09-2015 - Amana Colonies Today


04-09-2015 - Amana Colonies Today
Amana, Iowa, Thursday, April 09, 2015
Amana Church news
The early (German) Service will be in the Middle
Church Sunday, April 12, 2015, starting at 8:30 AM
with Elder Peter Hoehnle presiding.
Opening Hymn: “Jesus, Jesus, nichts als Jesus” No. 547, Seite 542 Testimony: Ursula Mayer, Heidelberg, April 14,
Scripture: Romans 8: 31-39
Psalm 108:1-5 Closing Hymn: “Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen” No. 639, Seite 637
The late (English) service will start at 10:00
A.M. with the following hymns:
Opening Hymn: “Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus”
No. 69
Closing Hymn: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” No. 74
The nursing home service will be held March
11 at Colonial Manor starting at 2:30 P.M.
The Wednesday evening prayer (Nachtgebet) service will be held at 7:00 P.M. in Middle.
Nachtgebet will be canceled for extreme weather.
Visitors are welcome to join us in worship
at all Amana Church Services. Childcare
available at the English services.
Congregate Meals:
Spring is here and so are the robins. We can
also see some early Spring flowers peaking up
and some of them are actually in bloom already.
God is good.
Our April menus are...
April 13th: Swedish Meat Balls, mashed
potatoes/w gravy, Brocolli Raisin Salad, Banana.
April 20th: Scalloped Potatoes w/Ham, Brocolli,
Peaches, Orange Sherbert.
April 27th: Alfredo Chicken, mashed potatoes/w
gravy, Pinto Beans, Gelatin w/strawberries.
All meals are served with bread & butter and
choice of beverage.
Come join us at the Amana Church. Doors
open at 11:00 and lunch is served at 11:30. Any
questions or to make your reservation give Anne
Freshour a call at 622-3781 before Noon or Friday. Hope to see YOU soon.
Amana Colonies Land Use District
Notice of Board of Trustees Meeting and
Tentative Agenda, March 9, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
ACLUD Meeting Room, 4304 220th Trail, Amana
I. Call Meeting To Order.
II. Set Agenda.
III. Discussion/Action: March public hearing minutes, March meeting minutes
IV. Welcome visitors and allow citizens to speak
on items not on the agenda.
V. Discussion/action: March Financial Report.
VI. Discussion/action: April disbursements
VII. Other Business
a. Discussion/action: HPC vacancy/BOA
VIII. Administrator’s Report.
IX. President’s Report
X. Adjourn
All activities of the ACLUD B. of T. in exercising
its corporate authority are in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 303, Code of Iowa.
All Amana Colonies Land Use District Board of
Trustees meetings are open to the public and the
public is encouraged to attend the meetings.
Amana Fire District
Meeting Notice
The monthly meeting of the Amana Fire District
will be held on Wednesday, April 15, at 7:00 pm in
the Middle Amana fire station.
Get your parade floats ready!
The 2015 Maifest parade theme is: “Celebrate
the Arts in Amana”. We encourage everyone to
incorporate the theme into their entries, however
all entries are welcome.
This year’s Maifest parade will be held at
10:00am on Saturday, May 2. Line-Up will start
at 9:00am in the Woolen Mill parking lot. Judges will be awarding a prize to the entry of their
choice in each of the following categories: “Most
Beautiful Entry”, “Best Interpretation of Theme”
and “Judge’s Choice Award”. If your business or
group is interested in entering a parade float or
walking entry and you have not received a Parade Registration Form, please contact the Parade Committee at the Amana Woolen Mill 6223432 or email: pdietrich@amanas.net. Returning
a registration form helps the staging crew to better prepare for lining up the parade.
Thank you for helping to celebrate Spring in
the Amanas.
21st Annual UI Powwow
The 21st Annual UI Powwow will be held Saturday, April 11, 2015 with the Grand Entry at
1:00 & 7:00 p.m. in the Recreation Building, 930
Evashevski Drive (West of Kinnick Stadum) Iowa
City, Iowa 52242. FREE ADMISSION. For more
info e-mail: studorg-ui-nasa@uiowa.edu
The Amana Arts Guild will sponsor its annual
authentic old fashioned Amana communal meal
on Saturday, April 18, ‘Gemutlichkeit’ (social
hour) at 5 pm and dinner at 6 pm at the Amana
Arts Guild Center in High Amana. The cost is $22
per person, reservations are required, limited
seating available. For information, call 319-6223678 from 10am-3pm on Tuesday thru Thursday
or email amanarts@southslope.net.
Art Gallery Night with
Gordon Kellenberger
The Gilded Pear Gallery, 808 Third Avenue,
Cedar Rapids will hold an “Art Gallery Night” featuring Amana artist Gordon Kellenberger, Friday,
April 10th from 5-8pm. Kellenberger will also be participating in an Art
Talk event on Thursday, April 23rd.Doors open at
5:30; talk begins at 6 pm. Seating will be limited,
please RSVP
On Saturday, April 25, with Linda Bendorf
(M.A.T., J.D., University of Iowa) as our guest
instructor, the Amana Arts Guild will hold a writer’s workshop, for adults, between 10:00 AM and
2:00 PM at the Art Center, in High Amana. Workshop fee: $40
Bring a sack lunch, paper or writing notebook
and your favorite pen. To register call Linda at
No. 06
CCA High School Prom is April 18
Springtime is prom time and this year the CCA
Junior Senior Prom is April 18.
The fun begins with the Grand March at the
Clear Creek Amana High School Auditorium at 5
p.m. Seniors are to be ready at the High School
for the March at 4:45 p.m. Class photos will follow the grand march. Reminder, seating for the
public and is limited for the Grand March and all
seating is first come, first served.
The junior, seniors and their dates will be heading to the University of Iowa Campus, Hall of
Fame for their dance. Following the dance a post
prom party with door prizes, food, games of skill
and chance, bingo and more on the schedule.
Kirkwood College Teams Up with
Local High Schools
Starting in August, Clear Creek Amana High
School students may take concurrent classes
through Kirkwood College to earn both high
school and college credits.
Kirkwood College is teaming up with the Clear
Creek Amana, College Community, Iowa City,
Tipton, Solon, Regina Catholic, West Branch and
West Liberty school districts to offer concurrent
classes at its University of Iowa Research Park
in North Liberty.
Students may enroll now for a course not offered at their high school, take that course next
fall or next spring at Kirkwood’s North Liberty
campus. Upon successful completion, those
credits will be applied to both their high school
and college transcripts and may be transferred to
other colleges and universities upon acceptance.
A variety of class tracks are offered from advanced manufacturing and agriculture sciences
to business, pharmacy technician and the arts
and sciences. This will be an opportunity for students to take courses not offered at their school
such as Commercial Construction Level 1 or Introduction to Computer Programming Logic.
For information about the program, a complete list of those courses offered and how to
sign up, check the www.kirkwood.edu/johnsonregional website and contact the CCA guidance
Maifest Is Nearly Here
Our favorite spring fest is just around the corner. Here are a few things to look forward to during Amana Colonies’ Maifest, May 2 – 3.
• Do you have a classic, muscle or antique auto
you would like to display as part of the Maifest
Auto Show? The show proved so popular last
year that this year it will be moved to 47th Avenue in downtown Amana. From noon until 3
p.m. dozens of cars will be on display with trophies given in multiple classes. To sign up your
auto and learn more, check out the Maifest Auto
Show 2015 Facebook page or contact Millstream
Brewing Co.
• Art in the Barn! This year an arts and crafts
fair will be held in the Festhalle barn 10 a.m. – 6
p.m. Saturday. Look forward to seeing area artNews & Notes continues on page 2
The Amana Society Bulletin is published by
the Amana Print Shop for the Amana Society Inc.
and distributed free of charge to readers as a
public service to the Amana Community.
On-line at : amanacoloniestoday.com
Electronic version readers of the Bulletin may connect to websites or
e-mails by moving your curser over most of those items and clicking.
Page Two
News & Notes from page 1
ists and craftspeople exhibiting and selling their
work. If you would like to participate, contact
Elly Cutler, Amana Colonies Events coordinator
at the Amana Colonies Convention and Visitors
Bureau. Plus there will be music and the Amana Heritage Society volunteers will be frying up
those wonderful hot potato pancakes and their
colony famous curry wursts.
• Rock for the Trail will feature one of our favorite bands, Dogs on Skiis playing classic rock and
pop hits from 6:30 – 11 p.m. at the Festhalle. Admission at the door will benefit the Amana Colonies Trail maintenance fund and ongoing efforts
to extend the Amana Kolonieweg Recreational
Trail. Food and ice cold beverages will be available.
• A sidewalk sale at Grapevine Antiques and
at Smokehouse Square Antiques, plus the Tom
Johnson’s annual festival antique market at the
ITAC Center will make this year’s festival a treasure hunter’s paradise.
Road Work on Highway 151
Starting April 13, the Iowa Department of
Transportation will be working on Highway 151
south of Walford continuing past Fairfax. Traffic
will be reduced to one lane with a pilot car.
Work is expected to last about 10 days and be
ongoing for about 7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday
- Thursdays.
The IDOT placed a electronic sign near Amana
and has notified local businesses, nothing that
some delays may be expected. Please plan your
trips accordingly and take care when traveling
on Highway 151, watching for flaggers and construction workers.
Zuber’s Homestead Hotel
Zuber’s Home Plate Lunch
Serving Mon. – Thurs. 11 – 2p.m.
Always offering a variety of sandwiches,
soups, and desserts
Weekly Specials:
Mondays: Cheese Soup Bar and another soup
Tuesdays: Chicken Pot Pie and a soup
Wednesdays: Chicken Pot Pie and a soup
Thursdays: Lasagna Soup, lettuce salad, garlic
bread or Potato Soup with Cinnamon Roll
Our last day we will be “open” to serve lunch
will be April 16th
April 09, 2015
Essence of Life
Life is about choices….
Make Essence of Life Hospice
your choice for hospice care!
(Located right here in the Amana Colonies)
3207 220th Trail, Middle Amana
Call for a free informational packet on hospice care.
Ronneburg Restaurant
•Homemade Hearty Soups
• Friday Night Special
Have you had Breakfast with your friends at
the Ronneburg lately? Come try our Amana
Colonies style Plate Sized Pancakes!!
•Phone: 319-622-3641
Please call ahead to reserve your table!
Amana Society Stockholders:
I am honored to have been selected by the
Nominating Committee to have my name placed
on the 2015 Board of Directors ballot, and will
appreciate your support in the upcoming election. Please see next week’s BULLETIN for my
In the meantime, I welcome your questions
and would like to hear your concerns. You may
contact me via email at cubhawkfan1@aol.com
(please include “ASI” in the subject line) or via
phone or text message at 319-540-6391.
Stuart J. Geiger
Stay in touch when you’re away ,
read the Bulletin on-line at
C.R.Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Show
The Cedar Rapids Rabbit Breeders (CRRBA)
will hold their annual show on Saturday, April 18
and Sunday, April 19 at the Amana RV campground. This show is a sanctioned American
Rabbit Breeders (ARBA) show for adults (open)
and youth who show rabbits and cavies. There
will be adult and youth exhibitors from many
states participating with this two day show.
On Saturday April 18, the Fancy or 4 class rabbits will show twice starting at 8:00 a.m. and the
second show starting after the first show is finished.
On Sunday April 19, the Commercial rabbits or
6 class rabbits will show twice starting at 8:00
am and at 11:00 am. Cavies will also have two
shows on Sunday starting at 8:00.
Also this year the CRRBA will host the National Beveran Show on Sunday April 19 starting
at 8:30 am. Beveran rabbits are a commercial
rabbit that weigh up to 12 pounds. The Beveran
Breed was almost endangered a few years ago
but are making a come back.
4H and FFA members and their families are
encouraged to watch the judging at no cost. If 4H
and FFA members would like to participate in the
shows, the cost for each entry is $3.00 ($5.00 if
showing in both shows on the same day). Entries
are taken the day of the show before the show
begins. All rabbits must be tattooed and all cavies must be ear tagged to show.
A huge, fun table of Amana products will be
available which includes items from the Ox Yoke
Restaurant, Ackerman Winery, the Midwest
Leather Shop, the Ronneburg Restaurant, the
Village Winery, Catriri’s Art Oasis, Amana General Store, Old Creamery Theatre, Schanz Furniture, Fern Hill Gifts, Amazing Grace, and Amana
Woolen Mill.
More information can be obtained by calling
Karen Dunlap at 319-389-0536, Lynne Rechterman at 563-260-5295 or emailing Deb Caw at
djcaw@msn.com or by searching the website
of Cedar Rapids Rabbit Breeders and American
Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA).
Find all your favorite Amana
Products at:
Page Three
April 09, 2015
Deluxe Chicago trips for mobile senior adults;
depart Sundays & return Thursdays (4 nights-5
days); individuals/small groups; included= hosted site seeing, shopping 4 star overnight accommodations, meals, transport. Tour pace; medium. Colony Visits...Heritage Destinations, PO
Box 99, Amana IA 52203, 319-622-6178, e-mail:
Homestead Lawn and Garden small engine repair, lawn mower servicing, etc. 319-622-3694.
Avon, Stanley, Fuller Brush household products.
Drywall and related services. Family owned and
See Our Beautiful Spring Selections,
New merchandise Arriving Daily
Village Custom Glass
Window and Screen Repair
4312 F Street, Amana
Phone 319-622-6690
or 319-929-2570
Spring has sprung! WM Designs & Restoration
has openings for remodeling, carpentry, handyman
jobs. Call Steve at 319-640-6250
Al Dubberke, Owner
Wanted: Painting jobs, interior or exterior. Call
Brad Muhlenbruck at 319-325-9432
Lawn Mowing and Trimming. Call Rob Sproat
319-361-9367 or 6226533. Insured.
For rent
Historic Foundations
19th Century Stone & Brick Bldg Restoration
Basements, Barns, & Commercial
Stone Wall Restoration, Stabilization, and Tuck Pointing
Certified in Historic
Restoration with Quality
“Old World” Craftsmanship
John C. Pischke, DeWitt, IA
Self employed? An invitation
We would like to do a free monthly listing of all
self employed local people and those who work
locally with local (Amana) references.
With so many going “wireless” it can be difficult to contact some self-employed people in the
If you wish to be included (or know someone
who should be), please send your name, company name (if you have one), service(s) provided,
and phone number to Amana Print Shop. The
first list will be in the April 30 edition of the Bulletin. This won’t work unless you contact us.
Clear Creek Amana School
Full time Transportation Director
Computer oriented, motivated,
self starter, well organized
$50,000 or commensurate
with experience, benefits
Mandatory drug testing and background check
Job description available upon request
Send application, resume and reference release
to: Tim Kuehl, Superintendent
PO Box 487, Oxford, IA 52322
or humanresource@ccaschools.org
Screening will begin April 27th
Applications and reference release form may be
found on our website www.ccaschools.org.
Styles Unlimited
Salon & Spa
Hair Stylist
132 Richmond St. E
Norway, Ia
Large one bedroom apartment Available for rent
May 1st in West Amana Please contact 319430-3373
South Amana, 2 bedroom up-stairs Apt. A/C Refrigerator, No pets. Call 319-389-5689 or 319846-2436
One bedroom apartment for rent in Middle Amana.
Call 602-284-3487
Available now! Retail and/or office space. Contact
Jim or Terry Roemig 622-3916 or 622-3227
Help Wanted
Desk clerks for 2nd & 3rd shift; housekeepers for
part-time hours must be dependable Guest House
Motel 622-3599
Part-time Housekeeping positions available. Apply
Zuber’s Homestead Hotel.
All Seasons Cleaning is looking for dependable,
detail oriented, hard working cleaners. We have
several part-time, day shift positions available in
Amana. Also openings for evenings and weekends
in Iowa City, North Liberty as well as Cedar Rapids.
Please apply online at allseasonscleaningcr.com
give Kandi a call at 319-261-2288 ext 2.
For sale
2014 John Deere X304 Riding Lawnmower. All
wheel steering, brush guard, 42” cutting/mulching
blade. 20 hrs-Just like new. Call 319-325-3362
Farm Fresh eggs $2.50 per dozen in West Amana.
Call 319-573-7483
New Amana Class A common stock, e-mail:
acyhawk2u@aol.com or call 847-430-3917
2001 Ford Winstar Van, tan; auto trans; power
windows, mirrors, locks; @117k miles. $2250.
May be seen at the Print Shop. Reasonable offers
Wanted to buy
BUYING All ANTIQUES; Toys, Furniture, Crocks,
Paintings and Weird Items “any condition”. Please
call 319 270 1251 or 319 538 8668.
Electronic version readers of the Bulletin may connect to websites
or e-mails by moving your curser over most of those items and clicking.
Page Four
April 09, 2015
Like a fool I did go and wash my hair before
I ran out of the house. (Yes, I got dressed so I
wouldn’t scare the neighbors.)
So now all I have left is put things back in order and then wondering what Charlemagne will
do next. Wait a minute! Did I mention that he
had the garden tilled today and he has already
planted a few items?
Why I just don’t just go some bar and start ordering some mixed drinks puzzles me.
Assisted Living Apartments
Meals Provided
v Housekeeping Services
v Wellness checks
- Medication management
v Activities
Units Available
Call Tanya Powell for a tour 622-3131
“Experience the Comfort and Security of
Retirement Living in the Amanas”
New Books at theLibrary
The Amana Library received the following new
books. To hold or to reserve a book call the library at 622-3192.
Brickmaker’s Bride by Judith Miller
Mean Streak by Sandra Brown
Killing Patton by Bill O’Reilly
Lost Key by Catherine Coulter
Private Vegas by James Patterson
I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
Things That Matter by Charles Krauthammer
Deadline by John Sandford
Cold Cold Heart by Tami Hoag
Mr Miracle by Debbie Macomber
41: A Portrait Of My Father by George W Bush
American Sniper by Chris Kyle
My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira
Philomena by Martin Sixsmith
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Hope to Die by James Patterson
Burn by James Patterson
Etta Mae’s Worst Bad Luck Day by Ann Ross
Child Of Mine by Beverly Lewis
The River by Beverly Lewis
Personal by Lee Child
Angel’s Walking by Karen Kingsbury
The Escape by David Baldacci
Miss Julia’s Marvelous Makeover by Ann Ros
saturday, APRIL 11!
Please deliver entries to the
Amana Community Library
The Song, Poetry and Prose
contest is sponsored by the
Amana Arts Guild and the
Amana Community Library.
annual Community Clean-up Day
The annual Community Clean-up Day will
be held on Friday, April 24th with C.C.A. High
School students volunteering their day to help
our older community members with yard work,
windows, small household chores and general
spring cleaning.
Students will be available to work for ½ days
in the morning 8:30- 11:30, or afternoon 12:203:15, or for full days.
Please call 319-545-2361 or 545-5623 and
leave you name, address, phone number, description of job, how many student workers you
will need and whether you want a.m., p.m., or all
day workers. Please let us know by April 20th if
you would like some help. We will have a “rain
date” of May 1.
The Amana
Print Shop
email: amanaprintshop@southslope.net
Feathers in the wind
My life as a “Domestic Goddess” is coming to
an end thanks to the help of Charlemagne. He
has never really said that I probably graduated
at the top of my class when it came to anything
domestic. He has however said, “I was interesting.” Now you can read what you want into that
It began on Good Friday. I have always felt
that was the wrong name to give that day, but at
the time no one asked me.
Anyway the Mayor of East and I took off to Williamsburg to get things for Easter because we
are “terrific Omas.” The Mayor had also heard
that the strawberries at the general store were so
good, didn’t I want some?
Now you have to understand this woman has
known me most of our lives which is saying a
“few decades,” so she knows that not only am
I allergic to penicillin, but also strawberries. (I
even have to wear a bracelet for all the allergies.)
That did not stop her from offering me some.
Sometimes I wonder if she has a life insurance
policy out for me. You have to be careful of those
people living north of the Iowa River...they’re always up to something.
We got home only to find that Charlemagne
had not caught the groundhog. This beast had
found a way to burrow under his boat.
Charlemagne felt that a “live trap” would catch
it. Right, it never has worked before, but what do
I know. I have decided that the more experienced
trapper from across the street will probably catch
the beast and have Charlemagne dispose of it...
sometimes we women know best.
Then I found out that, while walking around
the yard, he found a nest of garter snakes or as
I refer to them...a NEST OF VIPERS. He and
the other next neighbor had discovered it by our
water shut off and calmly watched them slitter
about. Why they found this interesting only a
man can understand.
Charlemagne told our neighbor and son not to
tell ME about them, but Charlemagne will crack
under pressure.
Now you have to understand I had plans of
having an Easter Egg Hunt for our granddaughter, but when you have a live ground hog and
VIPERS not to mention a chicken who runs freely
around the yard I started of have other ideas...
not all of them being kind.
That night a bad odor came from our apartment. Would you believe a mouse? I was not
to concern myself, Charlemagne said, because
it was a deer mouse as opposed to a house
mouse. I asked what was the difference?
He told me about the markings, etc. and then
he had the nerve to tell me that it was not serious, but to watch out for the large ELEPHANT
MOUSE which could fall through the ceiling. Ha!
Ha! I did not get to sleep until almost 2 AM this
morning worrying about what other “thing” he
might know about that he was not telling me.
Today Charlemagne went to Williamsburg and
entered the LIS race. Believe it or not he won
in his category. No, he does not run, but walks
quickly. What should happen, but Linda Ackerman and Karen Jenkins who both place first and
third in their category accompanied him the last
block. They call themselves “the escort service.”
I remained at home doing wash, changing the
bed, and then deciding to clean the oven. That
was a mistake! I am here to tell you that I thought
I was about to die of smoke inhalation.
Phone 319-622-3912
Our Hours: Mon. - Thurs.
8:00 AM-12, 4:00PM to ?
Fri. 8-2
PO Box 89
Middle IA 52307
1119 26th Ave
Display ads start at $7
per column inch, to the
nearest 1/2 inch
Classified ads are $6 for
the first 25 words, $1 per
5 words thereafter, as
determined by “MS Word”
word count
Rubber Stamps
Forms, Business Cards
Promotional Items
and more!
Please note, due to
renovations we will be next
door at 1121 26th Ave.
While the Southeast wall is
finished we are still finding problem areas as we expose brick.
In the coming weeks the sidewalk
at the entrance will be removed
to facilitate repairs on the
foundation, consequently the
computers will remain at the
house for the time being.
Thanks for understanding.
Find all your favorite Amana
Products at: