Product Bulletin for Amicus Premium 2015


Product Bulletin for Amicus Premium 2015
Tips and Information Relevant to Amicus Premium 2015
Last Updated: June 22, 2015
Amicus Attorney
Document Assembly and E-mail Merge
Document Management
Amicus Tasks Toolbar
Outlook E-mail Link
Exchange (Server-Side) E-mail Link
Outlook Contacts & Calendar Link
Google Contacts & Calendar Link
PCLaw Link
QuickBooks Link
Timeslips Link
Amicus Small Firm Accounting Link
Worldox Link
Tips for Amicus Administrators
Custom Pages & Records
Other Administration
Amicus Premium Billing
Amicus Anywhere, Amicus TimeTracker & Client Portal
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
Amicus Attorney
On a File, assigning Contacts via a Contact Group that includes a Contact you are restricted from viewing
might cause an exception error.
TIP: In the Select People dialog, show My Contacts - Who Are - <Contact Group> (e.g. Witnesses) and then
select the desired Contacts listed from that Group. (These will be only those Contacts you are permitted to
After a QuickFind in the Files Index, filtering the list to a 'File' Type might show incorrect results.
TIP: After a QuickFind, select the All option in the control panel to reset the display list before proceeding to
select other filters.
After displaying a Documents Folder view in File or People Details, clicking My Documents or All Documents
might have no effect.
TIP: Select another view in the list, such as Summary, before clicking My Documents or All Documents.
If you enter a phone number preceding an address in the Contact QuickEdit box in Person Details, that
number is added in the address field rather than the phone field.
TIP: Entering the phone number after the address will ensure that the number is not considered by the parser
to be part of the street address.
After a QuickFind in the People Index, filtering the list to selected Groups might show incorrect results
(because neither Contacts nor Firm Directory is selected).
TIP: After a QuickFind, select the Contacts or Firm Directory option in the control panel to reset the display list
before proceeding to select a Group.
Phone numbers with a Country Code, Area Code, or Extension entered in the Contact QuickEdit section of
Person Details, or entered or edited in the Communication Details section of the Basics view of Person
Details, might not be parsed and stored properly.
TIP: Open the Person’s Communications Details dialog to enter these phone numbers.
After displaying a Documents Folder view in File or People Details, clicking My Documents or All Documents
might have no effect.
TIP: Select another view in the list, such as Main Note, before clicking My Documents or All Documents.
If you change an Appointment’s Category to one that is assigned a different color, that change might not be
reflected immediately in the Appointments list at the right in Day view of the Calendar.
TIP: Refresh the display by going to another day or view and then returning.
In the Time Sheets module, the Unposted and other views are not available until SQL Reporting Services is
configured for your firm by your Amicus Administrator.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
When posting Time Entries, the ―Would you like to save a copy of the posted time entries for printing or other
purposes?‖ prompt might not appear. This is because you earlier selected the ―Do not show me this message
again‖ option.
If you want the prompt to start appearing again, please contact Technical Support for assistance.
In the Location Detail dialog, clicking the Location button and selecting a different section might not change
the Library Page location.
TIP: In the Library module screen, drag the Page from one section to another in the list.
Document Assembly and E-mail Merge
Generating a HotDocs 11.x document might cause Amicus and/or HotDocs to become unresponsive.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Open Word at the start of your day (Amicus does not have to be open). This will allow your list of Contacts
and Files to be refreshed and available to Word, thereby avoiding possible performance delays while doing
document assembly or saving and attaching documents to Amicus.
If using Word 2013 with HotDocs, open HotDocs before performing a merge using Document Templates of
type ―HotDocs (MS Word‖)‖.
Document Management
If a Firm Member is not granted the ability to control Client Portal access and sharing (via their Security
Profile), they cannot associate Documents with a Note from Note Details.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Full-text indexing of PDF documents under Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 is not currently supported. This
limitation is due to issues with Adobe’s iFilter in that environment.
If the full path for a File or Folder type document is over 260 characters long, it won’t be indexed (or counted).
This is a Microsoft Windows limitation.
User-Managed Documents environment: When working from the Amicus Server computer, full-text searches
performed from the Documents module might not find Document records of Type ―File‖ or "Folder" whose
Document Details specifies the Server local path
(e.g. C:\Amicus\Amicus Attorney PE Server\SharedDocuments\file_name\document_name.doc).
TIP: In a User-Managed Documents environment, we recommend that in Document Details you specify the
path using UNC format (e.g. \\Alaska\SharedDocuments).
Full-text searches from the Documents module might fail to find all relevant items.
TIP: If a large number of items was recently moved or added, the indexing process might be lengthy. If this is
not the case, a full Reindex (from Firm Settings > Documents - Document Management) may be required by
your Amicus Administrator.
An error message might appear whenever you attempt to perform a full text document Search.
TIP: This might occur if the firm’s shared documents folder (specified in General – Document Management
Firm Settings) has not been configured by your Amicus Administrator for indexing (or the Indexing Service is
not running).
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
The first Firm Member of the day to access a Reports list might not see the Advanced Reports.
TIP: The Firm Member should exit Amicus and log back in.
Amicus Tasks Toolbar
If a Word or Excel document is added to Amicus via the Amicus Tasks Toolbar or document assembly, and
then subsequently "Save As" is used to create a new document with a different name, the new document will
inherit the original metadata including the Amicus associations. The user is now unable to add the new
document to Amicus via the Tasks Toolbar.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Open Word at the start of your day (Amicus does not have to be open). This will allow your list of Contacts
and Files to be refreshed and available to Word, thereby avoiding possible performance delays while doing
document assembly or saving and attaching documents to Amicus.
If the Amicus Tasks Toolbar was previously installed in Adobe Acrobat or Reader at an Amicus Attorney
Small Firm Workstation, the Toolbar in Adobe will not work with Premium at that computer (after it has been
installed for Premium at that Workstation).
TIP: Uninstall Amicus Attorney Small Firm. Or, if you wish to keep the Small Firm Workstation, simply remove
its Toolbar from your Adobe application. (In Amicus Attorney Small Firm, go to File > Setup > Document >
Document Assembly and click Remove.)
If your Workstation runs Windows with User Access Control (UAC) enabled, then after installing the Amicus
Tasks Toolbar (while you Run as Administrator) the Outlook view of the Communications module might be
unavailable and the E-mail - Basic dialog in Preferences might take a long time to display.
TIP: After installing the Amicus Tasks Toolbar, simply exit Amicus Attorney and log back in (no longer running
as Administrator.)
At a Workstation running Windows with User Access Control (UAC) enabled, you must log in with Windows
―Administrators‖ Group rights in order to install or use the Amicus Tasks Toolbar in WordPerfect. Windows
―Power User‖ Group rights are not sufficient for this purpose.
In rare circumstances, Word customizations (such as AutoText list changes) that you make might not be
saved successfully (to your template).
TIP: Restart Word and make your customizations. Do not use the Amicus Tasks Toolbar during this Word
session, until your customizations are saved.
If the Amicus Tasks Toolbar is installed, then while an e-mail message is open and in focus in Outlook, you
click on a Mail list column heading (―To‖, ―From‖, ―Received‖ etc.) to sort items, that column will be deleted
from the view.
TIP 1: To get a deleted column back, right-click on a column heading and choose Field Chooser. Drag the
desired column from the Field Chooser dialog to the desired location among the column headings.
TIP 2: To avoid deleting columns, ensure that focus is on the Mail list view before clicking on columns. Or, at
the beginning of each Outlook session, drag the Amicus Tasks Toolbar up next to another Toolbar.
Customizing the Amicus Tasks Toolbar attributes from Microsoft Office applications (e.g., removing one of the
buttons) causes errors. Buttons should not be removed.
If you have 64-bit Microsoft Office on your workstation, Outlook security prompts might appear when you log
in to Amicus. (Note that Amicus integration with 64-bit Office is not supported.)
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
If you enter the Server Name incorrectly in the Amicus Login dialog, cancel the ―unable to connect‖ message
that appears, and enter the correct Server Name, the login might continue to fail.
TIP: Cancel the Login dialog and start over.
The Files or People Index might display at the wrong size after Amicus was Restored Down and later
Maximized, or vice versa.
TIP: Refresh the screen by going to another module and then returning.
Tutorial/Another Office : After opening the Tutorial, or another Firm Member’s Office as a Guest, the Office >
Back To My Office command might not be available.
TIP: In the Office module, choose Return To My Office in the control panel.
A module screen (such as the Files Index) might appear with your Windows Desktop image shown in some
areas of the navigation pane at the left.
TIP: Refresh the screen by going to another module and then returning.
Outlook E-mail Link
If your firm is set for Amicus-Managed Documents mode, e-mail attachments might not save when you
manually save the e-mail to Amicus.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
When using a POP account with Outlook 2010 or 2013, e-mails are not being automatically sent or received.
This is a common complaint by Microsoft Office users and might be attributed to one of many causes. See the
Microsoft knowledgebase article at
TIP: If your Outlook signature block does not appear in emails created from Amicus, check that the name you
provided for your New Email Signature in Outlook doesn’t contain any spaces. Then in Amicus, go to the
Communications module and, from the Actions > Outlook menu, choose Refresh Signature.
If the E-mail Link is enabled, Advanced Security for Outlook prompts might appear repeatedly. Depending on
your version of Outlook, they will appear either as a dialog or Outlook will be flashing in your Windows Task
TIP: Ensure that the current Microsoft Service Packs and Updates to both Windows and Office have been
After returning from the Tutorial or another Firm Member’s Office, the Outlook view of Communications might
not be available.
TIP: Display another view and then try again.
If E-mail Link is enabled at the time of upgrade: E-mail Auto-Save does not begin to work immediately upon
logging in a Workstation the first time after upgrade. (This occurs because the Unsaved E-mail Cache is being
rebuilt in the background, and must finish before any new e-mail are processed. This might be lengthy,
depending on your E-mail Link preference settings and your volume of e-mail. The process does not start until
any Outlook Contacts & Calendar login-time synchronizations have completed.)
In some cases, the Amicus Tasks Toolbar might not appear in Outlook after you have enabled it from the
option in your Outlook - E-mail Basics Preferences.
TIP: Restart Outlook.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
If E-mail Auto-Save is turned off and you wish to work e-mail directly in Outlook (or via right-click commands
in the embedded Outlook view of Communications), we recommend that you enable and activate the Amicus
Tasks Toolbar in Outlook so that proper processing takes place. (Enable the Toolbar from your Preferences.
Activate it by clicking any button each time Outlook is started.)
Otherwise, in some scenarios, forwarding a Saved E-mail previously associated with a File might not result in
the forwarded e-mail also being saved and associated with that File—and in some cases, it may appear to be
saved in the Outlook view but it isn’t.
Exchange (Server-Side) E-mail Link
Outgoing e-mail initiated from Amicus are automatically saved only if your Link's E-mail Auto-Save preference
is set.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
If your firm is set for Amicus-Managed Documents mode, e-mail attachments might not save when you
manually save the e-mail to Amicus.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Outlook Contacts & Calendar Link
During the first login following a reinstall or upgrade of a Workstation that has the Outlook Contacts &
Calendar Link enabled, Advanced Security for Outlook prompts might appear.
TIP: Select the Allow Access action and the Always Perform This Action For This File option, and click OK.
(This needs to be done only once at the Workstation.)
Google Contacts & Calendar Link
If a Firm Member with the Google Link enabled has subsequently been unlicensed from Amicus (and
optionally designated a Former Firm Member), the automatic polling synchronization (every 15 minutes) stops
for all Firm Members.
TIP: Relicense the Firm Member temporarily in order to set their Contacts & Calendar Link preference to
None (or clear the Enable checkbox). If that’s not practical or possible (e.g. Former Firm Member), please
contact Technical Support for assistance.
When enabling the Google Link, in some cases the connection with your Google Account might not succeed,
and you cannot proceed to the next step.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
PCLaw Link
Timekeeper and other Firm Member mapping screens in the Link Configuration wizards for PCLaw,
QuickBooks, and Timeslips might include Clients with Portal access. This affects firms who have granted
Client Portal access to one or more clients and are subsequently initializing or reintializing the Link.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
When using the Amicus Attorney-PCLaw Link, PCLaw creates temporary files (~PL*.tmp) which are not
automatically deleted.
TIP: To avoid excess use of disk space, start PCLaw occasionally on the Server. Upon startup, PCLaw
automatically deletes temporary files older than 7 days.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
If you delete mapped Types of Law or Task Codes in PCLaw, the File Type and Activity Code mapping
dialogs in the Link Configuration wizard might then show the mappings incorrectly.
TIP: In the mapping dialog in the wizard, clear the mappings, click Close, click Yes to save the change, return
to the dialog, and remap the codes as desired.
Whenever the Amicus Application Server is restarted, someone must manually log in to Windows at the
Server before Amicus may communicate with PCLaw. If desired, however, you may configure your system to
login automatically after restarts—for details, see the PCLaw Link Guide.
QuickBooks Link
Timekeeper and other Firm Member mapping screens in the Link Configuration wizards for PCLaw,
QuickBooks, and Timeslips might include Clients with Portal access. This affects firms who have granted
Client Portal access to one or more clients and are subsequently initializing or reintializing the Link.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Whenever the Amicus Application Server is restarted, someone manually must log in to Windows at the
Server before Amicus may communicate with QuickBooks. NOTE: The QuickBooks Link (unlike the PCLaw
and Timeslips Links) does not support configuration of an automatic login after restarts.
Timeslips Link
To ensure that Expense Codes in the Link Configuration Wizard display and map properly, it may be
necessary to edit the description for Expense Code E129 to remove the comma after "Official Fees".
If your firm has not yet configured the Link:
o In Amicus Firm Settings, Time - Activity Codes, edit Expense Code E129 to remove the comma.
If your firm has already configured the Link:
o In both Timeslips and Amicus, edit Expense Code E129 to remove the comma.
o In Firm Settings, Time - Accounting, click Configure. In Step 3 of the Wizard go to the Expense
Code mapping screen. Unmap E129 and then remap it. Click Finish. It's NOT necessary to
reinitialize the Link.
Repeat for any other Expenses that may contain a comma.
Timekeeper and other Firm Member mapping screens in the Link Configuration wizards for PCLaw,
QuickBooks, and Timeslips might include Clients with Portal access. This affects firms who have granted
Client Portal access to one or more clients and are subsequently initializing or reintializing the Link.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Link exchanges stop if your Timeslips database closes.
TIP: If this happens, open your Station Administrator (in the Timeslips program group, or from within the
program under the Special menu at the very top), go to Options > Change Timeout Settings, and change the
timeout setting to NONE.
Close Timeslips before Initialization if it has 4000 or more clients (files) to be exchanged to Amicus. Otherwise
your Amicus session will terminate unexpectedly and Timeslips will show an "insufficient memory" message.
Whenever the Amicus Application Server is restarted, someone must manually log in to Windows at the
Server before Amicus may communicate with Timeslips. If desired, however, you may configure your system
to login automatically after restarts—for details, see the Timeslips Link Guide.
Otherwise, attempting to use the Link might cause Amicus to terminate.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
Amicus Small Firm Accounting Link
Amicus Small Firm Accounting initialization might fail if linked with Amicus Premium using SQL Server 2012
or 2014.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Worldox Link
Client ID is not exported to Worldox when a new File is saved. This issue occurs only if using the PCLaw Link
configured without auto-numbering.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Tips for Amicus Administrators
During the install/upgrade/update of Amicus Server, iFilter warning messages for WordPerfect or Adobe might
appear if those iFilters were previously installed. Simply ignore these warnings and continue.
If the Firm Name entered upon installation of Amicus Server and used as your Licensed Firm Name includes
an apostrophe or other special character, the first login following a restart of Amicus PE Service must be
performed twice.
Please contact Amicus Licensing at 800-472-2289 or 416-977-6633 for a replacement license.
New installation of Amicus Server or upgrade to Amicus Premium: When you restart the Amicus Server to
complete the install or upgrade, the computer might continuously restart. (This is caused by the automatic
start of Amicus PE Service failing repeatedly.)
Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
If an Amicus install or upgrade fails to create or update the database properly, you will not be able to log in
Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
Full-text searches from the Documents module might fail to find all relevant items.
TIP: If a large number of items was recently moved or added, the indexing process might be lengthy. If this is
not the case, a full Reindex (from Firm Settings > Documents - Document Management) may be required.
If your firm’s shared documents folder (specified in General – Document Management Firm Settings) is not
configured for indexing by Amicus Indexing Service, a full-text document Search might not return the
expected results.
TIP: Configure the shared documents folder for indexing—for instructions, see the ―Getting Started >
Specifying document settings for the firm‖ topics in Administrator Help.
An error message might appear whenever a user attempts to perform a full text document Search.
TIP: Ensure that your Indexing Service is running.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
Custom Pages & Records
The Designer window for a Custom Record might not maximize properly (unusable white areas appear).
TIP: After maximizing the window, click the right arrow at the bottom of the navigation panel to browse to the
next Custom Record. (If you have another Custom Record defined, then click the left arrow to browse back to
the original Record.)
Hyphens in Custom Field Labels are deleted upon conversion from Amicus Small Firm. For example, ―Prejudgment Interest Rate‖ becomes ―Prejudgment Interest Rate‖.
TIP: If you wish, edit the Labels to add back the hyphens.
In the Field Attributes dialog for a Text Custom Field on the Custom Page or Record Designer, you are
permitted to enter a Maximum Length of more than 255 characters but, upon saving, the value changes to
255 without a warning.
TIP: For a Custom Field that can hold more than 255 characters, use a Memo Custom Field.
If importing Files with the match criteria set to Short File Name AND either Client ID or Matter ID, then an
import record that matches on Short File Name only will be imported as a File with a duplicate Short File
TIP: Ensure that File Names and Client/Matter IDs are unique, and import formats are consistent.
Comma Separated Values format files that have undelimited blank fields in the last columns are not imported
(―Number of fields found is less than expected‖). Note that the exporting of Outlook Contacts creates files of
this type.
TIP: Before importing, open the file in Excel, add another column, and enter any multiple-character data in it.
In the Import Field Mapping and Attributes dialog of the Amicus Import wizard, map that extra column as an
―<Unused Field>‖.
Other Administration
BACKUPS: When configuring database backups (in Firm Settings > Maintenance – Utilities), choose a
backup location that's within the same domain as your Amicus Database Server, and on a path that your SQL
Server service login account has full rights to.
If your Amicus Database or Application Server has a computer name longer than 15 characters, network
resolution effects might occur—for example, SQL Reporting Services cannot be enabled. This is a Windows
If your Amicus Application Server runs Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2, Amicus Workstations might be
unable to login and a ―service cannot be reached‖ error appears. This could occur because the default port for
Amicus PE service (49259) falls within the extended range of ports for Windows Server 2012’s RPC
Management service (49152-65535).
Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
Upon restarting Amicus Server, or logging in to Amicus at the Server, the following message might appear:
―WARNING! Uninstalling Amicus will delete your database including Shared Documents, Merge Templates,
pictures, and Reports. BACK UP ALL DATA BEFORE PROCEEDING! Would you like to continue?‖.
This warning or other undesired effects might occur if you have deleted, renamed, or moved any of the
\AMICUS subfolders or files that were created during the Amicus Server installation, including the following
\AMICUS\Amicus Attorney PE Server\DocumentAssemblyTemplates
\AMICUS\Amicus Attorney PE Server\SharedDocuments.
1. If the uninstall message appears, answer No to avoid uninstalling Amicus.
2. Undo your delete/rename/move changes—that is, restore the \AMICUS subfolders and files to their default
If you need assistance, please contact Technical Support.
BACKUPS: In the Maintenance - Utilities dialog of Firm Settings, the database Backup Location cannot be set
to a location that’s in a different domain than the Amicus Database Server. (SQL Server requires that the
backup location be in the same domain.)
USER MANAGEMENT: If a user is currently logged in, attempting to change their Administrator or
Timekeeper status by selecting or clearing the corresponding checkbox in the User Management list has no
TIP: Select the user in the User Management list, right-click and choose Open Admin Profile, change the
user’s Administrator or Timekeeper status from the user’s Administration Profile dialog, and click OK. Then
click Refresh in the User Management screen.
Editions of Windows that do not use the Latin-1 Roman character set with accented western European
characters (ISO 8859-1) are not currently supported.
DOCUMENTS: If any Firm Members use mapped drives to reference the location of attached Document files
and folders document templates, etc., ensure that their mapped drive connections to those machines will not
be lost periodically. This applies to several versions of Windows. For details, see the Microsoft Knowledge
Base article ―Mapped Drive Connection to Network Share May Be Lost‖ at;en-us;297684. The article describes two alternative ways of
addressing this concern. If you choose to edit the Windows Registry and need assistance, please contact
your network technician.
Amicus Premium Billing
In Modern display mode, some filter options are missing from the Billing-side Files Index.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Your changes to the Transfer amount in an existing Trust To AR Transfer transaction might not save correctly,
and the AR Total might not be adjusted correctly.
TIP: If you have edited a Trust To AR Transfer transaction, delete it and re-enter it. We recommend that you
do not edit Trust To AR Transfer transactions—instead, delete and re-enter them.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
In the Draft Bills and Final Bills views of Create Bills where a non-Billing Supervisor has used the filter to show
all Bills on their Files, attempting to Print Preview or Send to Final a Bill that wasn't created by them causes
an exception error. Clicking Print & Post will finalize the Bill, but fail to create the Bill Image.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
The firm address in E-bills created for a file set to ―LAS‖ (Legalgard/Litigation Advisor) Task-Based Billing lack
a space between city and state. That format might not be accepted by some vendors.
Please contact Technical Support for assistance.
The Recalculate Client Balances function (from Firm Settings > Utilities) might cause an exception error.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
Attempting to add a new Bank Account (from Firm Settings) might fail.
Server patch available—please contact Technical Support.
TUTORIAL: After the initial Amicus Premium Billing license is applied, we recommend that you restart Amicus
PE Services (at the Amicus Server, from Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
Otherwise you might be unable to open Amicus Tutorial Office.
Amicus Anywhere, Amicus TimeTracker & Client Portal
Client Portal Status Fails to Update: If a Client completes their registration wizard while a Firm Member has
open either the Client’s Contact Detail or Portal dialog for a related File, the Client's Portal status in Amicus
will not update. This will affect a number of areas – Contact Detail (shows ―Pending‖), User Management (not
yet ―Accepted‖), and the Client Portal dialog (still shows "Resend Invitation" button). All areas will be updated
the next time the Client logs into the Portal provided the aforementioned views are no longer locked for
TIP: Close all Detail dialogs after sending or resending a Portal invitation.
We recommend that initial setup of Amicus Anywhere and TimeTracker be done with the Amicus Server using
a wired connection to the Internet, rather than a wireless one.
Note that if the Amicus Server’s network interface card or connection method (wired vs wireless) has changed
since your firm and first Firm Member were registered for Amicus Anywhere and TimeTracker, users will no
longer be able to log in to those applications until the Server address has been reset (from Firm Settings >
Maintenance - Utilities).
On an iPhone running iOS7 or later, the Logout button in TimeTracker is not available because a header and
footer appears in the browser.
TIP: Add the Amicus TimeTracker Login page as a shortcut on your Home screen. This will result in the
TimeTracker opening without a header and footer.
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
Phone: 800-472-2289
Amicus Premium 2015 Product Bulletin
Copyright © 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc. All rights reserved.
AMICUS and AMICUS ATTORNEY are registered trademarks, and
trademarks of Gavel & Gown Software Inc.
All other trademarks referenced are the property of their respective
owner. Gavel & Gown Software Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in
trademarks other than its own.
© 2015 Gavel & Gown Software Inc.