Study based on the outcome of the organizational citizenship Anti


Study based on the outcome of the organizational citizenship Anti
Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(3) 2015:7-11
Study based on the outcome of the organizational citizenship Antiproduction Behavior in Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr
Noorollah Sheikh Khouzani, psychology industrial and Organizational Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Fars,
Fereshteh Mostafavi
Rad (ph.D), Department of Educational Science, Sepidan branch, Islamic Azad University, Fars,
The aim of this research is based on the outcome of the organizational citizenship
was Anti-production behavior in employees Islamic Azad University of
Khomeinishahr. The statistical community this research all staff and contractors all
organizational levels of Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr consist in the
year 2013, which consists of 145 patients were studied in this research sample
number based on the sample size of Morgan has been 105. Select the samples
research is also using the method of stratified random samples is relative. Data
collection instruments include Anti-production behavior questionnaire and
organizational citizenship behaviors questionnaire, data analysis methods at the
level of the average abundance of descriptive and inferential level in SD Pearson
and simultaneous regression has been.
The organizational citizenship behaviors can predictably focused on the
Organization and organizational citizenship behaviors can make a prediction of the
behavior of their colleagues on the results of regression analysis suggests two
hypotheses in a simultaneous manner a significant correlation coefficients were obtained, then organizational citizenship
behaviors and behavior of linear there is a relationship between partners and colleagues can be directed toward the Antiproduction behavior using organizational citizenship behaviors necessary to.
Key words: Organizational citizenship, Anti-production behavior
One of the most active research sections among scientists is the concept of organizational citizenship behavior,
organizational (Cheng-Chen et al. 2009).
The purpose of organizational citizenship behavior and movements of the embodiment of coworker is not the
official job description based not directly through the official compensation systems in the organization they will be
Organizational citizenship behavior as the behavior of the staff in the Organization’s ability to extract has an
official duty that goes beyond the definition they are known and have two common characteristics: first, they are
not directly they represent special efforts or employees are the organization that needs to succeed. (Korkmaz et al,
Theoretical basics
Anti-production behavior as an important area of interest in this area that goes on among researchers, administrators
and the general public has created. Anti-production behavior under various titles and posts, as well as a variety of
perspectives such as aggression.
Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(3) 2015:7-11
Folger (2005) found that the doctrine of revenge is a response to the injustice that can take a variety of forms for the
various forms of conduct that refers to revenge can be changeable and can be selected on the basis of opportunity.
There is, however, the question whether all forms of behaviors are identical to the production there were former and
thus may be useful in the creation of multiple indicators to that all the items are placed in an index. For example,
Fuchs et al. (2001) found that the more injustice leads to direct Anti-production behaviors than those to be. Lee and
Spector indicated that conflict with the staff is probably the most direct Anti-production behavior to lead the
Organization (Spector. et al., 2006).
The concept of organizational citizenship behavior and organ by batman for the first time in the early 1980s was
presented to the world of science. The primary research in the field of organizational citizenship behavior was done
more to identify responsibility or actions are perceived was that the employees had in the Organization, but most
were ignored. Although these behaviors with a traditional job function in the evaluation are measured and
incomplete or even sometimes were about neglect, but they were effective in improving organizational
effectiveness. (Bienstock et al, 2003).
These actions that happen in the workplace to the definition: set of voluntary and optional behaviors that are not
part of the official duties of the person, but nevertheless he and improves organizational roles and duties effective.
(Appelbaun et al, 2004)
The research method
This is a description of the type of solidarity. Statistical society in this study, all employees and contractors of all
organizational levels in the in Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr, which will determine their number, 145
sample size is the number of citations to the table Morgan gave 105 people, distributed questionnaires in the final
105 101 healthy got open questionnaire was (answer = rate). Research on the method of sampling as well,
according to the ratio of employees in terms of gender, employment type of document different parts of the school
to a class was conducted relative random analysis for statistical data as well as simultaneous use of Pearson was
Information gathering tool
To gather information on behaviors of Spector by Fox questionnaire (2002), used and Anti-production behaviors
directed toward the individuals included on the organization that has been based on the goals and behavior is. Fox
et al. (2002),
The findings related to the research
The first hypothesis
Organizational citizenship behaviors can make a prediction on the Anti-production behaviors to the organization.
Based on these results of about 42% of the variance is related to the behavior of organizational citizenship
behaviors on the Anti-production behaviors is 42% by Anti-production behaviors changes focused on
organizational citizenship is necessary to the organization.
The index
Table 1: summary of analysis of variance
DF Mean Square F
17.590 5
33.739 0 ، 05
The remaining part
24.243 90
41.834 95
Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(3) 2015:7-11
According to the results obtained in such a significant level of top table inferring that this model between the
meaningful relationship between variables and criteria already exist and this relationship is significant at the level
of meaning between 0 05, civil Anti-production behavior organizational behavior directed toward the organization
there is a linear relationship between Anti-production behaviors can be shifted to the organization using the
organizational citizenship behaviors necessary to (P<0.5).
The second hypothesis
Organizational citizenship behaviors can make a prediction on the Anti-production behavior of their colleagues.
The results of the analysis of variance and regression between organizational citizenship behaviors were hallmarks
of the statistical and Anti-production behavior directed toward co-workers in the following table is provided. These
results are based on about 45 percent of the variance relates to the Anti-production behavior directed toward
organizational citizenship behavior is determined that 45% of Anti-production behavior changes Associates
organization gets an animation it is necessary by behaviors.
The index
Table 2: summary of analysis of variance
DF Mean Square F
16.884 5
38.007 0 ، 05
The remaining part
20.657 90
37.541 95
According to the results obtained in such a significant level of top table inferring that this model is a significant
relationship between the criterion and last variables exist and this relationship is significant at the level of meaning
between 0 05, civil Anti-production behavior organizational behavior directed toward the relationship between
partners, there is a line and you can Anti-production behavior directed toward co-workers using organizational
citizenship behaviors necessary to. (P<0.5).
Organizational citizenship behaviors can make a prediction on the Anti-production behavior to the organization.
The results of the regression analysis showed the hypothesis in a simultaneous manner coefficients obtained has
been significant correlation (P<0.5).
Thus the variance of about 42% as a result of other areas related to civil Anti-production behavior organizational
focus is set to the by behavior Organization .
Organizational citizenship behavior and deviation under the title of the work: the role and impact of did. They
came to the conclusion that your research is the effect of job type toward organizational citizenship behaviors,
perceptions shifted jobs to individuals was associated. While perceptions of job to be compared to the effect of
organizational citizenship behaviors on the job with the organization was linked to be as a result, the findings of
this study, the findings and results of the research.
In these results, it can be said that the organizational citizenship behaviors and Anti-production behavior at odds
with each other have led Seattle to profit. While the other is injurious. On this basis, it can be expected that, in
accordance with the definitions of structural, such as organizational citizenship behaviors of worker are involved in
tend to be involved in behaviors not Anti-production (Mehdad, 2009).
Organizational citizenship behavior and behavior of different spectrum of Anti-production behavior two informed
and voluntary behavior that is effective in organizational effectiveness and Efficiency. Maybe that effect shown on
said that they have, but effectiveness efficiency and effectiveness through Chun Efficiency and increase the
effective use of staff, management and organization, as well as increasing or increasing their flexibility. Also, in the
Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(3) 2015:7-11
course of history as was mentioned in numerous research studies show that PEGI, improve civil behavior and
internal staff to develop and eventually improve their attitudes towards, the job and the Organization and the
Organization in front of Accountability to load and thus it would be Efficiency. In contrast, preventive behaviors
against the malicious conduct update and undesirable on to feel will bring in people that needs and conditions they
need the attention of management and organization, it is not in order to express themselves and their to the poor
behavior in the Organization and the organizational and personal destruction caused was in the organization.
Organizational citizenship behaviors can make a prediction on the Anti-production behavior of their colleagues.
The results of this analysis showed the hypothesis. The correlation coefficients of regression to obtained at the same
time has a significant (P<0.5). thus resulting in other areas based on the results of the Anti-production behavior
changes focused on 45 percent to organizational citizenship behaviors predicted by the partners and gets the
necessary attention to the behavior of the Anti-production behavior dimension Associates has a significant impact,
so the relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors and Anti-production behavior in scientific journals
and has published authoritative research proves that in this regard several research in developing countries,
particularly the United States and Europe do development that the relationship between the two variables is
negative significant above illustrates a significant negative relationship between bottom and numerous shows .
Research aims to compare the amount of organizational citizenship behaviors, its dimensions and the dimensions
of the Anti-production behaviors among employees of the Iranian and Malaysian automotive companies (Mehdad,
The results showed that the organizational citizenship behaviors and its related dimensions as well as its related
dimensions Anti-production behavior among employees was more than Iranian staff of the Malays Spector and Fox
The theory of processing in conjunction with The theory of processing citizen entitled to pervert deviant citizens an
explanation about documents of organizational citizenship behaviors and interaction were Anti-production
behaviors, explanation documents provided the organizational citizenship behaviors about how Anti-production and
behavior of damage under some conditions are related to each other. Documents of the ability to control and
position are important factors of causality are related. Attributions of the ability to control the organizational
citizenship behaviors, you can call to request such as lack of organizational restrictions or administrative assistant,
supervisor expectations can lead to damage be Anti-production behavior on the contrary, attributions and the ability
to control your damage Anti-production behavior behaviors for individual organizational citizenship behaviors can
lead to it.
In this found it can be said that considering the Spector (2002) study carried out during the who, between
organizational citizenship behaviors reported by Anti-production behavior there is a correlation between power
behavior and low commitment also correlated with employee Anti-production behavior of workers which feels
more organizational citizenship behaviors are to do genuinely believe that the tasks should be to do effective
because this behavior voluntarily choose the kidneys have no respected that directly Through formal systems in the
organization about the bonus award and have encouraged the marriage and workers to update these behaviors is not
willing to take action for action visas Anti-production behavior of their behaviors.
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