Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development
Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development
t n e m e t a t S n d o i o t o a t W l u y s e l n a e H Co d n a d o o W y e l n r Bu n a l P n o i t Area Ac . . . e r u t u f r e t t e Ab November 2010 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Purpose of the Document 4 1.2 Links to the Statement of Community Involvement 4 2 Early Consultation – Pre Issues and Options 2.1 Early Consultation – Pre- Issues and Options Stage 3 Issues and Options Consultation 8 8 10 3.1 Regulation 25 10 3.2 Consultation Process 10 3.3 Consideration of the Comments Made during Issues and Options Consultation 11 4 Preferred Options Consultation 14 4.1 Regulation 26 (2004 Act) Consultation 14 4.2 Summary of Key Issues 14 4.3 PINS LDF Support Programme 15 4.4 Government Office North West 15 Appendices A Statement of Compliance with the SCI 18 B Consultation on Issues and Options 22 B.1 List of Consultees 22 B.2 Letter Sent to Consultees 36 B.3 Consideration of Representations to Issues and Options 37 B.4 Business Survey 179 C Consultation on Preferred Option AAP 188 C.1 List of Consultees Sent a Copy of the AAP 188 C.2 Covering Letter Sent to Consultees 188 C.3 Public Notice 190 C.4 Consideration of Representations To Preferred Option Consultation 192 D PINS LDF Support Programme Advice 264 E GONW Comments 272 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Introduction 3 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 1 Introduction 1.1 The purpose of this Consultation Statement is to set out details of the consultation undertaken during the preparation of the Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan . It has been produced in order to met the requirements of Regulation 28 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. 1.2 It sets out the responses made during the Regulation 25 consultations (Regulation 28c) and the Pre-Submission (Preferred Option) consultation and representations. It highlights the main issues raised and outlines how these have been addressed in the Area Action Plan that will be submitted to the Secretary of State 1.1 Purpose of the Document 1.3 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 introduced fundamental changes to the planning system. The single borough wide Local Plan was to be replaced by a Local Development Framework, a portfolio of planning documents. One of the main objectives of this new planning system was to achieve effective engagement with the local community and others with an interest in the area early on in the process. 1.4 This Consultation Statement sets out how this engagement has been undertaken from the very outset of the preparation of the Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan. It is a requirement that the Council prepares such a document to accompany the Plan that it is proposing to submit to submit to the Secretary of State. This will help the Planning Inspector carrying out the public examination of the AAP to determine whether the plan is in compliance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement and Government guidance. 1.2 Links to the Statement of Community Involvement 1.5 Burnley Borough Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was adopted on 5th September 2007, about halfway through the preparation of this Area Action Plan. Although the Issues and Options consultation started in July/August 2006, before the adoption of the SCI, the methods of engagement used at this stage were informed by the emerging SCI. 1.6 Prior to consultation on Issues and Options, there had been a significant amount of engagement in developing a plan for Burnley Wood and Healey Wood. This was not informed by the SCI. 1.7 The Statement of Compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement (Appendix 1) shows how the requirements of the SCI have been met during the preparation of the Burnley Wood and Healey Wood AAP. 1.8 Figure 1 sets out the stages undertaken prior to the preparation and publication of the submission AAP and the dates for each stage: 4 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement September 2003 Consultation on issues and early options for Burnley Wood 2004 – 2005 Consultation on Masterplan by Taylor Young (Area extended to include Healey Wood) July 2006 – August 2006 Consultation on Issues and Options developed in the light of the above consultation and new planning guidance, and an evidence base February 2008 – March 2008 Consultation on the Preferred Option AAP and Sustainability Appraisal Report September 2010 – October 2010 Publication of the Pre-Submission Publication Burnley Wood and Healey Wood AAP To be followed by Submission to the Secretary of State and Public Examination 5 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 6 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Early Consultation – Pre Issues and Options 7 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 2 Early Consultation – Pre Issues and Options 2.1 Early Consultation – Pre- Issues and Options Stage 2.1 In 2003, a Neighbourhood Action Plan was prepared for Burnley Wood, to help inform proposals for for the first round of Elevate East Lancashire funding under the Housing Market Renewal Programme. In 2005, a Masterplan was prepared in order to test the ideas in the NAP Preferred Option and to identify any further opportunities for change. During the production of this Masterplan the boundary was extended to include Healey Wood. 2.2 However, as the NAP and Masterplan had not been produced in accordance with the changes to the planning system introduced in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, work started afresh on the development of an Area Action Plan using the information gathered as the basis for developing the evidence base further and progressing thinking around the issues affecting the area and possible options for addressing these. 8 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Issues and Options Consultation 9 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 3 Issues and Options Consultation 3.1 Regulation 25 3.1 In line with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Burnley Borough Council sought early engagement in the Burnley Wood and Healey Wood AAP preparation process. An Issues and Options Report was prepared in July 2006 based on the consultation that had been undertaken in 2005. This highlighted issues and set out a number of options for dealing with these. Its purpose was to stimulate discussion and debate about the issues that the AAP should address and the options for dealing with them. Further suggestions and comments on the content of this document were encouraged and the outcome of this stage of consultation helped to inform the Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan. 3.2 There was a six week consultation period that ran from 24th July – 15th September 2006. This was preceded by a training session for the community and other stakeholders on 10th May 2006. This was run jointly with North West Planning Aid and its purpose was to explain the LDF process, highlight the forthcoming consultation on all of the Area Action Plans being undertaken and indicate how this consultation would influence the final proposals for the area. 88 people attended this event. 3.3 The Issues and Options Report was delivered to every household in the AAP area and a letter was sent to the list of consultees set out in Appendix B1. This letter indicated that the Issues and Options Report and background information was available online, that it was also available for inspection and that consultation on the report was being undertaken from 24 July (see Appendix B2). Those consultees on List 1 also received a copy of the Issues and Options Report itself. 3.2 Consultation Process 3.4 In order to try to achieve effective and inclusive engagement at this crucial stage in the development of the AAP, the Council undertook a range of different consultation methods. As well as sending the Issues and Options consultation documents to all households and businesses in Padiham, there were exhibition/drop in events, online consultation and texting. 3.5 A yellow consultation bus was hired from a community group in Bradford to raise the profile of the consultation drop in sessions. The first was held in St Stephens Church Car park on the morning of 28th July 2006, followed by an afternoon event in Healey Wood opposite Healey Wood School. A further event was held at the Sure Start on Brunswick Street on the evening of 28th July and there was a general event for all of the AAPs that were being prepared at that time. This was held in Burnley town centre on 3 August. Planning officers and North West Planning Aid were in attendance at these events to explain what the AAP was, how people could get involved in its preparation and what would happen next. In addition, there were staff from the Council’s Housing and Green Spaces services and from the registered social landlord, Calico to answer questions specific to their work areas. 3.6 As well as the online consultation, the Council produced a 3D leaflet, which invited young people to text their address to a Council number. They then received a reply telling them the different options in text format, and inviting them to text back the one they preferred. All those aged under 21 who took part in the initiative were entered into a free draw to win a prize donated by a town centre retailer. 3.7 Although all methods of consultation were well received, the leaflets resulted in very few texts being received. It was felt that this pointed to a need to work more closely with schools and youth agencies to promote consultations. The other consultation events were more successful and the highly visible and accessible yellow bus was found to be very effective. 3.8 In total, 383 responses were received. These responses were shared with the community and other partners at an AAP and general planning awareness raising event called The Planning Factory. This was held on 18 November at the football club to help explain the complex planning process to local residents and over 300 people attended 10 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 3.3 Consideration of the Comments Made during Issues and Options Consultation 3.9 A detailed consideration of the comments made at Issues and Options stage is set out in Appendix B3. The key issues raised were: The issues that gave rise to greatest concern • Anti social behaviour • General cleanliness, neglected and poorly maintained properties • Private Landlords • The future of Healey Wood School Options – the main concerns • The future of the terraced housing within the Grid – should the housing be retained to maintain the community and character of the area, or should the Council finish the job and clear the houses as retention is only delaying the inevitable? • Where is the Local Centre for Burnley Wood? Should shops and services be focused on Parliament Street or Oxford Road? • What is the future for Healey Wood? What level of Intervention is necessary to meet residents concerns and aspirations? • What is the future of existing open space and recreation areas after the opening of the new Neighbourhood Park? • The area is home to local businesses who provide local jobs and services? Is it sensible to relocate these businesses for new housing? How will the needs of local employers be accommodated? 3.10 Although the response to the consultation on Issues and options had been good, there was little comment from local businesses. Consequently, in March 2007, a survey of businesses in the Burnley Wood and Healey Wood area was undertaken. A total of 38 businesses were sent a postal survey to complete, of which 6 businesses completed and returned the questionnaire. A report detailing the main findings of this consultation exercise is attached as Appendix B4. 3.11 The Council used all of these consultation responses as a basis for further discussions with a number of agencies and stakeholders to inform the formulation of a Preferred Option for Burnley Wood and Healey Wood. These meetings, held in July – Sept 2007, followed a series of discussions held internally at Council-wide officer working group meetings. A number of key issues that the AAP would need to address became evident and are highlighted in the Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood AAP (paragraph 2.34) 3.12 Community and other stakeholder support was an important consideration in the development of the Preferred Option AAP. However, it was not the only consideration. The Preferred Option AAP Options evaluation, set out in Appendix 1 of the Preferred Option AAP, sets out a detailed consideration of every option considered in relation to a number of criteria, including community support. 11 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 12 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Preferred Options Consultation 13 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 4 Preferred Options Consultation 4.1 Regulation 26 (2004 Act) Consultation 4.1 Before the six week consultation period for the Burnley Wood and Healey Wood AAP started, on January 31 2008, an event was held at the football club. This was again to explain the wider planning context for the AAP and set out how residents could get involved. 4.2 The Council then made the Preferred Option AAP for Burnley Wood and Healey Wood available for consultation from 19 February to 31 March 2008. As before, various methods of consultation were used to try to reach as broad a range of stakeholders as possible, in line with the Statement of Community Involvement. 4.3 Copies of the AAP were sent to the organisations listed in Appendix C1 along with any organisations or individuals who had requested a copy. The covering letter and the letter sent to all other consultees on the Council’s consultation database (see Appendix C2) indicated where the AAP and its associated documentation could be viewed and invited comments during the six week consultation period. The Preferred Option AAP was also summarised in a booklet and delivered to all homes and businesses in the area covered by the AAP. 4.4 Two consultation events in Burnley Wood and Healey Wood were held on the 28th February 2008 and around 20 people attended. In addition a drop in session was held on the evening of 11th March 2008 at St. Stephens Church. The AAP and other documents were also made available for inspection at the following locations: Planning Reception, Planning & Environment Services, Parker Lane Offices Contact Burnley, Parker Lane Burnley Central Library, Grimshaw Street Padiham Library, Town Hall, Burnley Road, Padiham 4.5 In addition, the Preferred Option AAP and all of its supporting documentation were also made available online using the Council’s Limehouse consultation website. 4.6 A public notice was published in the Burnley Express and the Padiham Express on 15 February 2008 (see Appendix C3) 4.7 A total of 102 responses were received and the consideration of these is set out in Appendix C4. This includes a summary of the comments received and how they have been taken into account in drawing up the Pre-Submission Publication AAP. 4.2 Summary of Key Issues 4.8 A summary of the key issues raised in relation to the Preferred Option AAP is set out below: Sustainable Transport 4.9 Additional routes were proposed for cycling and walking which have been included within the Pre-Submission Publication AAP where appropriate. Employment 4.10 The issue of providing employment opportunities within the neighbourhood was raised. The continued identification of Employment sites is an integral part of the Pre-Submission Publication AAP. 14 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Environment 4.11 Sport England stressed the importance of promoting design that encourages physical activity, improves accessibility and enhances amenity. 4.12 Objections were raised by the Environment Agency in relation to the inclusion of sites at risk from flooding. To overcome this objection, evidence would be needed to show that the proposals in areas at risk of flooding were appropriate in relation to the requirements of PPS25 and appropriate mitigation measures were put in place. 4.13 In response to this, further work on flood risk was undertaken and this informed the content of the Pre-Submission Publication AAP. 4.14 Natural England considered that the AAP should say more about biodiversity, especially with reference to the Council's biodiversity duty in accordance with the Natural environment and Rural Communities Act. 4.15 English Heritage considered that more reference should be made to the area's historic importance on ongoing inititiaves such as the Townscape Heritage Initiative. Housing 4.16 Concern was raised by residents concerning the toolkit of measures to be included within the TAI policies for Burnley Wood and Healey Wood, requesting that additional information be included to provide more detail around the implementation of the policies. Additionaly questions were asked about how the clearance areas had been determined and when new development is built what form will it take and what tenure of housing will be provided. 4.3 PINS LDF Support Programme 4.17 In view of the uncertainty about the acceptability of preparing an Area Action Plan in advance of its Core Strategy, the Council sought the advice of the Planning Inspectorate through the PINS LDF Support Programme (see Appendix D). The advice received indicated that there did appear to be sound reasons to progress the AAP before the Core Strategy has been finalised. However, the reasons for advancing the AAP should be explicitly set out, including the strategic and policy context on which it is based. 4.18 The Inspector also highlighted the importance of deliverability and suggested that, where external public/private or specific funding is required to successfully deliver the proposals, this should be clearly set out in each AAP. Where the availability of finance or “pump-priming” is critical, this should also be set out, along with the risks if funding does not become available. An implementation and delivery programme could be drawn up to support each AAP. 4.4 Government Office North West 4.19 Comments from Government Office North West in relation to the Preferred Option were generally supportive and there were no suggestions for change. However, GONW did make comments in relation to the Pre-Submission Publication AAP when an early copy was sent to them for comment (see Appendix 5). 4.20 The points made in relation to the AAP by Government Office in June 2010 related to the length of the document, the need for clarity in respect of affordable housing and the title of the AAP, which should be referred to as the ‘pre-submission publication’ AAP. It was also felt that the objectives should be more locally specific and that the AAP needed to be clearer about what expenditure by delivery partners was actually committed. The Council’s attention was also drawn to the Secretary of State’s intention to revoke RSS. 15 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 4.21 These comments were taken on board in the preparation of the Pre-Submission Publication Burnley Wood and Healey Wood AAP. 4.22 Under the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008, the requirement to undertake formal consultation at ‘Preferred Option’ stage of Development Plan Document preparation was removed. Instead, a more flexible approach to public engagement was been introduced through Regulation 25. Public participation is more flexible and not a single event and is aimed at developing alternative strategies with consultation aiding the evaluation process and choosing the most appropriate strategy to bring forward for publication. In relation to the Area Action Plan, it is considered that the approach followed so far in its production would meet the intent of the new Regulation 25. 16 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Statement of Compliance with the SCI 17 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Appendix A Statement of Compliance with the SCI A.1 The Statement of Community Involvement sets out the statutory consultation requirements for DPDs at the Issues and Options, Preferred Option and Submission stages. A.2 The following table is based on Table 4.1 of the Statement of Community Involvement which was adopted on 5 September 2007. It constitutes the Statement of Compliance with the SCI and demonstrates that, up until the time of publication of the Pre-Submission Publication Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan, the consultation requirements of the SCI had been met. Key Milestone Minimum Consultation Requirements set out in the SCI Methods used to meet the Requirements of the SCI Prepare evidence base and develop issues/options To raise awareness by; Awareness raised through: Consultation started 24 July 2006 with an awareness raising event on 10 May 2006 issuing a press release contacting groups on the LDF database by letter/email using the website, posters, leaflets To consult using a combination of: general surveys, possibly using the Citizen’s Panel focus groups workshops, ‘Planning for Real’ meetings, facilitated discussions with the community and other stakeholders website targeted measures to engage with ‘hard to reach’ groups series of newspaper articles, including ‘Picture This’, Turf Moor training session and Planning Factory groups and individuals on database contacted by letter through website, posters, flyers consultation by: meetings with stakeholders booklets delivered to all households, businesses business surveys website drop in sessions texting meetings with individuals, groups, as requested statutory consultees contacted and sent copies of documents ‘Planning Factory’ to encourage involvement of all sections of community Minimum requirements were all met at this stage Preferred Options Consultation started on 19 February 2008 with a pre consultation event on 31 January 2008 18 issue press release consultation letters to those on the database explanatory leaflet and other publicity exhibitions, road shows made documents available in appropriate locations focus groups, one-to-one meetings press release, including invitation to Planning Factory session at Turf Moor letters sent to all on database with an interest in the area copies of documents sent to statutory bodies website, including Limehouse consultation documents made available at suitable locations Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Key Milestone Minimum Consultation Requirements set out in the SCI targeted measures to engage ‘hard to reach’ groups website publish feedback on consultation Submission document Methods used to meet the Requirements of the SCI drop in sessions, road shows booklet delivered to all households, businesses meetings to discuss specific feedback on issues and options consultation published on website and made available at Planning Reception Minimum requirements were all met at this stage press release website letters to appropriate groups on the consultation database explanatory leaflet and other publicity public exhibitions, road shows focus groups, one-to-one meetings 19 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 20 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Consultation on Issues and Options 21 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Appendix B Consultation on Issues and Options B.1 List of Consultees British Telecom Church Commissioners Coal Authority Community Alliance English Heritage Natural England English, Welsh and Scottish Railways Environment Agency Forestry Commission (North West) Government Office for the North West Health and Safety Executive Highways Agency Housing Corporation North West and Merseyside Home Office Blackburn with Darwen Council Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council Hyndburn Borough Council Pendle Borough Council Ribble Valley Borough Council Rossendale Borough Council Briercliffe Parish Council Cliviger Parish Council Dunnockshaw Parish Council Habergham Parish Council Hapton Parish Council Ightenhill Parish Council Worsthorne-with-Hurstwood Parish Council Bradford and Northern Housing Association British Waterways 22 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce Burnley Health Care Trust Burnley Historical Society Burnley Wildlife Conservation Forum Burnley Civic Society Confederation of British Industry Council for British Archaeology Cyclists Touring Club East Lancashire Health Authority Eaves Brook Housing Association Freight Transport Association Friends of the Earth Groundwork East Lancashire Lancashire County Council Lancashire Wildlife Trust Manchester and District Housing Association National Grid Property Ltd Open Space Society Fusion-Online Ltd Co-operative Retail Services Ltd. Casterton, Lanehead and New Ground Court Tenants and Residents Group CG Property Group Framptons Royal Society for Nature Conservation GVA Grimley Together Against Masts Al Nisa CA Planning Town Planning and Environmental Consultants Lattice Property Holdings Age Concern Lancashire Ancient Monuments Society 23 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement British Wind Energy Association Ethnic Minorities Consulltation Forum East Lancashire Ornithologists Friends of Queen Street Mill Ramblers Association Road Haulage Association RSPB Mrs Jill Garforth Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings The Home Builders Federation The National House Building Council Tidy Britain Group Town Centre Partnership Transport 2000 Weavers Triangle Trust Npower Renewables Limited Barratt Manchester Lyndon Murgatroyd John Maunders Group plc McClean Homes McDermott Developments Ltd Rivermead Homes Ltd Wilcon Homes Northern Ltd Hartford Homes Athertons Westbury Homes Central Renewal Area Residents' Association Lowerhouse Residents' Association National Health Service United Utilities Royal Mail Property Holdings Network Rail 24 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Sport England Traffic Commissioner Colin Buchanan and Partners North West Development Agency Countryside Properties c/o Janet Dixon Town Planners Bolton Emery Partnership Development Planning Partnership c/o Mr Chris Jones Matthews and Goodman Roger Tym and Partners Mr Roland Kitson GF Singleton and Co. De Pol Associates Mr Andrew Brown Gough Planning Services DPDS Consultancy Group Mr Harker Town Planning Consultancy c/o Mr David Simmonds Anthony Goss Planning Burnley Primary Care Group New Era Enterprises North West Aerospace Alliance British Motorcyclists' Federation Mr Armen Brodies Mr Jeremy Waites Mr Iain Williamson Geoffrey L. Johnson & Co. Ms. Joanne Chard Friends of the Earth Ward Hadiway Solicitors 25 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Walker Morris New Era Steven Abbott Associates Weatherall Green and Smith Mr Paul Dew Ms. Caroline Stiles FPD Savills Nobletts GMA Planning Chesterton Planning and Economics Mr David Smith Mr Peter Hartley Mrs I Ashton Councillor Mohammed Ansar Wardell Armstong Sedgwick Associates The Woodland Trust Mr Philip Ashley Ms. Donna McLaughlin Devplan UK Mr Trevor Henson Joseph Rowntree Foundation Agriculture and Rural Development - GONW GO North West National Playing Fields Association Burnley and Pendle Travel Ltd. Royal Mail Redrow Homes (Lancashire) Ltd Garden History Society Georgian Group Heritage Trust for the North West 26 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society National Housing Federation Pennine Heritage Ltd Theatres Trust Rose Freeman Towneley Hall Society URBED Victorian Society Visually Impaired Persons Group Commission for Architecture and Built Environment Living Streets Private Hire Association Hackney Cab Association Wynns Independent Transport Consultants Bovis Homes Limited Central Region Crowther Homes Gleeson Homes Wainhomes Taywood Homes George Wimpey plc Strategic Land Management Abbeyfield Burnley Society Anchor Trust Ashiana Housing Association Hanover Housing Association Harvest Housing Group Muir Housing Group New Progess Housing Association North British Housing Association Hartley Housing Association Yorkshire Metropolitan Housing Association Thomas Estates Ltd ROOM The National Council for Housing and Planning 27 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Royal Town Planning Institute Planning Haymarket Professional Publications Ltd White Young Green Miller Homes Insignia Richard Ellis Mr G Niman Mr Ian Fogg Peacock and Smith Ms Janet Swan North West Planning Aid Parliament Street Residents' Group Hussainia Young Muslim Association Brunshaw Neighbourhood EMB Nathaniel Lichfield Churches Together The Banks Group Peter Higham and Company Stonehaven Consultants Limited HJ Banks and Company Ltd. c/o Norman Gillan Mono Consultants Limited T-Mobile (UK) Limited Paul Butler Associates Weatherall Green and Smith MVM Planning Mr Phil Garner Dave Walker Chartered Surveyors Mr A Entwistle The Planning Bureau Limited Mr David Fitzpatrick Mr and Mrs C. Sutton Lancashire Evening Telegraph Sustainability Action Partnership The Planning and Development Network 28 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Solsbury Developments Railway Development Society Support the East Lancashire Line Association Banks Development Division John Willcock Planning Consultancy Forster Heyes McNee Dalton, Warner, Davies Donald, Race and Newton Higham & Co. Mr Hubert Tattersall Mr Ray Holcroft Outwoods Environmental Consultants Drivers Jonas North West Regional Assembly Forest of Burnley Burnley Socialist Alliance Steering Group Fulledge Action Community Team Barlow Raymond Gillespies Mr Raymond Mrs Joyce Rushton Mr Paul Smith Messrs D & J Leitherd Ms. Judith Spencer Mrs Carole Chippendale Lancashire RIGS Group Mr Peter Hornby Mr Phillip Ashley Councillor David Heginbotham Paul Dickinson and Associates Jones Lang La Salle 29 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement The Land and Development Practice Urban Splash George Wimpey North West Ltd English Partnerships United Utilities - Facilities and Property Services RPS Malcolm Judd & Partners DTR (Rossendale) Ltd Councillor Anthony Lambert Mr Ken Spencer Mr Brian Comberbach Kay-Shuttleworth Estates Mr Steven Potts Mr G White Mr David Smith Orange PCS Limited Future Energy Solutions Transmission Design & Supply Boydell & Jacks Ltd SBS Electrical Whitfords Caravan Centre Ron & Les Exhausts M Duerden Ltd Salonlink Ltd Auto & Commercial Electrical Services Chemglass Ltd D & D Motors Oldham Street Garage ATS NW Limited J P N Auto Parts CABE 30 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement BPR PCT The Prince's Trust Burnley and Pendle Green Space Ltd East Lancashire Supported Housing Victim Support East Lancashire Voluntary Sector Resource Centre Breaking Barriers Lancashire Youth & Community Service Burnley, Pendle & Rossendale Council for Voluntary Service East Lancashire Voluntary Services Central Methodist Church Burnley Youth Theatre Alchohol and Drugs Services Lancashire Youth and Community Service Lancashire Youth Association Healey Wood Residents Group Youth Offending Team Youth Works East Lancashire Voluntary Sector Resource Centre ADHD East Lancashire CAMHS Burnley Pendle & Rossendale Stepping Out of Chaos Towneley High School Hardys and Hansons Lancashire County Council Property Group The Planning Bureau Limited Campaign for Real Ale Burnley Wood Community Action Group UK Rainwater Harvesting Association Taylor Woodrow Developments Limited Sustainability Northwest Disability Rights Commission Todmorden Town Council Wadsworth Parish Council Trawden Forest Parish Council 31 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement The Inland Waterways Association Elevate East Lancashire Amanda Richardson North West Regional Housing Board National Disability Council Secretariat PRP Architects Regeneration Ltd Haslam Homes North West and Merseyside Office 35 Taylor Young Lancashire Economic Partnership Healey Wood Residents Association Burnley Community Network Accent North West Transco North West LDZ Trees for Burnley Calico Housing Ltd Crime Prevention & Architectural Liason Pennine Division Lancashire Constabulary Labour Party East Lancashire Deaf Association Brunshaw Action Group Neighbourhood Office Brunshaw Estate Management Board Brunshaw Training and Advice Centre Neighbourhood Office St Stephen's Church Springhill House Burnley Borough Council Play Work Development Officer Matthew Keenan Steve Abbott Associates Terracefields Development Trust Hewitt & Co Living Room 32 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Morris Property Management Service Pennine Properties Phoenix Lettings Rehman Property Consultancy Stannard Homes Turret Property Management Urban Locations Crown Estate Agents Eastwood Property Management Mr & Mrs Bailey Mr & Mrs Birt Mr & Mrs Black Mr D Brewer Mr & Mrs Cranwell-Ward Mrs Hilda Crossley Ashworth Property Management Belvoir Lettings Broadhurst Broden Lloyd Falcon & Foxglove Mrs Judith Donnelly Brenda Freeland Oakhill Estates Mrs D Hall Mr J Halliwell Mr M Hargrave Mr P Harmsworth A Hebden Mrs Myra Hird Mr & Mrs Howard Corinya Holdings 33 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Diane King Properties Mr Ron McCaffery Prima Properties TORCA Ltd Mrs S Murtagh Mr P Nadin Mr M Potts Mr R Raheem Mr N C Rowlinson Mrs E Selway Mr J Sharpe Mrs C P Townson Mr M A Clough Mr G Slater Mr J D Crowther Mr M Telfer Mrs S Emsley Mr Z Iqbal Mr Andrew De Coninck Mr N Beecham Linda Earnshaw Mr & Mrs Cowgill Mr & Mrs Williams Mr Derek Pilling Mr & Mrs Griffiths I Townson Properties Ighten Properties Mr D Hird Mr J Clegg Mr & Mrs Digger Mr M Regan 34 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Mr P Beck Mr & Mrs Hall Mr Paul Holt Mr & Mrs Leyland Mr & Mrs Harris High Lea Properties Ltd Mrs R Baker Susan Astin Mr & Mrs Taylor Mr & Mrs Macadie Mr J Price Mr B Smallcombe Angela Taylor Mrs Linda Wilson Rosa Lytton Tesco Stores Ltd Mr S Foster Paperlane Properties Ltd Mr J Young Mrs K Pugh David Miller Insurance Brokers Ltd Barton Willmore The Woodland Trust Regional Policy Officer RSPB North West England Regional Office Help the Aged Lancashire Learning and Skills Council Equal Opportunities Commission Civil Aviation Authority Gypsy and Traveller Law Reform Coalition The Gypsy Council European and UK office Commission for Racial Equality 35 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement The Geological Society Diocesan Board of Finance Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service Barry Robinson Association of Inland Navigation Authorities B.2 Letter Sent to Consultees Burnley Borough Council Planning & Environment P.O. Box 29, Parker Lane Offices Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 2DT Tel: 01282 425011 Fax: 01282 477272 E-mail: planning@burnley.gov.uk «Title» «FirstName» «LastName» «Company_Name» «Address» «Post_Code» Dear Sir/Madam Area Action Plans for Burnley Wood, Daneshouse/Duke Bar/Stoneyholme, Padiham, Piccadilly/Trafalgar and South West Burnley – Consultation on Issues and Options As part of the preparation of a new planning framework for Burnley, the Council is preparing a number of Area Action Plans to guide new development and co-ordinate regeneration activity. It has produced a consultation report for each of the above areas that provides some background information, sets out some of the issues facing the area and suggests a number of options for addressing them. I am pleased to enclose your complementary copies of these reports. Consultation on the issues and options is the first stage of public consultation in the Area Action Plan process and the Council would be grateful to receive your comments. Your feedback will be important in helping us to progress these Area Action Plans to their next stage – the identification of preferred option(s). Comments forms are included with this letter and responses may also be made on line at www.burnley.gov.uk/areaactionplans. or e-mailed to us at ldf@burnley.gov.uk. Comments should be returned to the Council by 15th September 2006. If you would like to discuss the contents of the consultation reports please contact the Policy and Environment team (see paragraph 1.4.3 of each report for contact details). I hope that you will take this opportunity to get involved in this important stage of the preparation of the first new Development Plan Documents for Burnley. Yours faithfully Margaret Whewell Policy and Environment Manager 36 2.1 Environment - Issues 2.0 Issues and Options Section Y Agree that the environment surrounding existing housing is an issue that needs addressing Agree that the the cleanliness of open spaces is important. Agree that the environment surrounding the mills on Oxford Road can could be improved 72/BW/403 General cleanliness – only a small amount of money would be needed to remove graffiti immediately and arrange more frequent street cleaning – this would attract buyers. 91/BW/482 Open spaces need to be kept litter free and planted with undamagable trees - willow whips, dog wood, dog rose rather than full maple saplings. The scruffy mills and former mills on Oxford Road are a daunting prospect for anyone approaching on foot in the evening. Y Y N 16/BW/82 Mrs Harris Noted - comments passed to Drainage of the park at Eaves Green Spaces and Amenities Street Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Y Consideration Agree that the environment surrounding existing housing is an issue that needs addressing 44/BW/134 Miss Hawtrey The backyards and back streets in Healey Wood are in need of attention Comment B.3 Consideration of Representations to Issues and Options The Preferred Option should explore the possibility to improve current open spaces The Preferred Option should explore the possibility of improving the environment on Oxford Road with a view to improving lighting and security. The Preferred Option should explore measures to improve the general cleanliness of the area. The Preferred Option should explore measures that deal with the environment in Healey Wood Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 37 38 Agree that the regeneration of Burnley is about more than houses. All the AAPs, and the Local Plan support the creation of new, higher jobs being brought into Burnley and improving access to these jobs for residents of Burnley's inner urban neighbourhoods. Agree that the regeneration of Burnley is about more than houses. All the AAPs, and the Local Plan support the creation of new, higher jobs being brought into Burnley and improving access to these jobs for residents of Burnley's inner urban neighbourhoods. 50/BW/199 Mr Tierney The plan as it is written is right about some things but wrong about others. Employment is the key for all Burnley. We must encourage hi-tech, high wage jobs to come in to the area or the whole of Burnley will slowly die 54/BW/224 Saunders Need to start with getting jobs not houses.; Housing is oversupplied already, there are thousands for sale and rent – see Burnley Express 2.2 Economy - Issues 2.2 Economy Opportunities 47/BW/141 Mr Jones Noted There is an opportunity to develop productive food bearing semi managed permaculture landscapes around the Healey Wood area 2.1 Environment Opportunities Consideration Comment Section Y Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should look to protect existing business and promote sites for the development of new employment opportunities providing local employment The Preferred Option should look to protect existing business and promote sites for the development of new employment opportunities providing local employment Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Agree that antisocial behaviour is an issue that needs addressing. Agree that the condition of some properties is an issue that needs addressing Agree that private landlords can lead to problems if they do not keep their properties in good repair or properly vet their tenants. Agree that private landlords can lead to problems if they do not keep their properties in good repair or properly vet their tenants. Agree that private landlords can lead to problems if they do not keep their properties in good repair or properly vet their tenants. 46/BW/140 Mr Cavanagh Young kids drinking on the street, some houses are looking very ugly and in need of repair 01/BW/10 Mr Whitehead Private Landlords should be made to keep properties in good repair and appearance and vet their tenants 41/BW/121 Mrs Howarth Drastic action needs to be taken against private landlords whose tenants cause social problems and neglect their homes to the detriment of home owners who generally take care of their homes. 39/BW/115 Mr Fallows The main issue is rented properties with private landlords not caring who they rent them to or what trouble these people cause. 2.3 Housing and Social Issues - Issues Consideration Comment Section Y Y Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N In those areas of terraced housing that remain the Preferred Option should propose measures to tackle the problems caused by In those areas of terraced housing that remain the Preferred Option should propose measures to tackle the problems caused by private landlords and their tenants In those areas of terraced housing that remain the Preferred Option should propose measures to tackle the problems caused by private landlords and their tenants The Preferred Option should propose measures to deal with anti-social behaviour The Preferred Option should propose measures to deal with the condition of the housing stock Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 39 Section 40 Y N 72/SW/280 Speake Agree that anti-social The pavements are full of dog behaviour and littering is an dirt and litter. Noisy louts are issue that needs addressing causing noise and trouble and dogs are barking. 85/BW/476 Spelling If I spend 20K on my property I might lose 10K with the compensation available. Costs more to demolish than do the housing up. What is the point - waste of money. Consultation set back 6 months - have been living with Resident concerns with the process for preparing the Area Action Plan have been noted. The Preferred Option Stage of the Area Action Plan is intended to give residents more certainty. Any further Clearance Proposals will have been appraised against a Y Agree that the support of external agencies including the police is important to the implementation of the policies and proposals in the Area Action Plan 03/BW/24 Mr Campbell Once redeveloped the area should be patrolled by police officers on a regular basis Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Y Consideration 37/BW/113 Hopkinson Agree that private landlords Landlord licensing for terraced can lead to problems if they properties. do not keep their properties in good repair or properly vet their tenants. Comment The Preferred Option should include measures to deal with anti-social behaviour and the area's environment The Preferred Option should propose measures to involve external agencies, including the police, in ensuring the successful implementation of the Area Action Plan In those areas of terraced housing that remain the Preferred Option should propose measures to tackle the problems caused by private landlords and their tenants private landlords and their tenants Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration number of factors - one of which will be value for money and deliverability. Existing residents affected by clearance will given the opportunity to remain in the area. The building of new housing will provide accommodation both for existing and new residents of Burnley Wood The Issues and Options Consultation is a stage in the preparation of the Area Action Plan that must be undertaken. It is acknowledged that not all of the options put forward will be implemented. The Preferred Option stage will give residents more certainty over the Council's Preferred plans for the area. It is acknowledged that clearance of housing leads to disruption for residents and is not undertaken lightly. Other alternatives will be considered Comment this for 2 years - know its down to funding. Keep residents in the community together. New houses will not be for the residents. Don't agree with shared ownership have worked hard all life to pay for house. When we started, we were told we would get like for like in housing. People who will buy the housing won't come from Burnley Wood 86/BW/477 Hopkinson 87/BW/478 Watson Why show plans that might not happen - we have had 3 years of getting nowhere. Need a final plan so we can organise our lives. Problem of proposals blighting the area - residents not wanting to spend money on their houses - don't know which way to jump. 88/BW/479 Fogarty Don't want anyone else to go through what I went through with clearance - knock 2 houses together to make family homes. Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option will propose interventions to deal with the issues in the current housing stock. Further clearance areas will be proposed if appropriate. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 41 Section 42 The Council intends to offer all existing residents the opportunity to remain in the neighbourhoods where clearance takes place. The mechanism for the process however, is not contained with the Area Action Plan Agree that dealing with the housing stock is not the only issue. Anti-social behaviour will also need attention Agree that dealing with the housing stock is not the only issue. Anti-social behaviour will also need attention 92/BW/483 What happens to all druggies when new development areas are put in place. I feel sorry for our older generation who fought the war to live in peace. They've worked hard for where they live so what happens to them. As for petty crimes hard working families pay the price. Government need to sort lots of social issues out before spending money on all those developments 48/PT/503 Marquis Rather than just facelifting the area which is free for people on Benefits people who work in preparing the Preferred Option Consideration 89/BW/480 Bray If take my house and give me compensation ( I am a pensioner) will I be able to afford new housing) Want to know if we can get a decent house - we have spent to much on our houses - couldn't hang on any longer Comment Y Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose measures to deal with anti-social behaviour The Preferred Option should propose measures to deal with anti-social behaviour Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 2.3 Housing and Social Issues - Opportunities Section 75/BW406 Fielding No mention has been made in the report of the strong community spirit which exists in the Burnley Wood area. Although houses have been abandoned to the east of the area, the majority of residents to the west are long term and this is an excellent opportunity to create a neighbourhood we can be proud of. 38/BW/114 Old Lady Concerns over anti-social behaviour from tenants of private rented properties in the Burnley Wood Area have to pay. Why don't they concentrate on the people who bring the areas down drugs and alcohol rehab etc. Demolishing buildings will just move them on to different areas. Too many houses are rented out with people moving who don't care about the areas. Comment Agree that the existing community is an asset of the area and that community involvement is essential to the successful preparation and implementation of the Area Action Plan Agree that private landlords can lead to problems if they do not keep their properties in good repair or properly vet their tenants. Consideration N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N In those areas of terraced housing that remain the Preferred Option should propose measures to tackle the problems caused by private landlords and their tenants Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 43 44 2.4 Education, Recreation and Community Facilities Issues Section Y Y N 70/BW/355 Robinson Agree that dealing with Burnley Wood has a new park anti-social behaviour is an but we daren’t use it as it is a important issue “runway” for drug addicts. Sort out the people and the areas will improve 100%. 05/ALL/325 Towneley Agree that education is an The new secondary school important issue, however the should be built within Burnley location for the new Agree that facilities for children and young people are important. The Preferred Option should consider the need for facilities within the neighbourhood. 16/BW/82 Mrs Harris Need something for children as there are no sports facilities in the area. Y Y The need for further clearance has been explored through a Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment. The conclusions from that assessment will feed into the Preferred Option 78/BW/457 Mr Carter I feel that there is no need for large scale demolition in Burnley Wood. The houses are basically sound and grants could be given to encourage kitchen extensions to be added along with a 3rd bedroom Influence on Preferred Option Y/N 48/BW/160 Mr Clegg Agree that local shops and Need to stop losing shops services are an essential part such as post office, corner of the neighbourhood. shops, chip shops, grocers. Otherwise there will only be the Spar on Todmorden Road Consideration Comment The Preferred Option should propose measures for dealing with anti-social behaviour Preparation of the Preferred Option should consider facilities for children and young people. The Preferred Option should propose measures to protect important community services The Preferred Option will explore the need for additional clearance. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 2.4 Education, Recreation and Community Facilities Opportunities Section The new neighbourhood park in Burnley Wood has been developed to upgrade existing facilities. The effect of development on Towneley Park will have been considered in determining the Planning application. The vitality and viability of local shops is considered by identifying Parliament Street as a Local centre. The Preferred Option will look to strengthen that role Agree that facilities for children and young people are important. The Preferred Option should consider the need for facilities within the neighbourhood. 05/ALL/325 Towneley It is ridiculous that a “park” has been created in an area so close to Towneley whilst Towneley Park is to be harmed by development. Especially so as there is no revenue funding for Burnley Wood park which will become an eyesore. 12/AL/427 LCC The AAP fails to identify how the viability of local shops will be protected especially given their proximity to a large supermarket. 93/BW/484 Brunshaw resident - nothing for young people - concerns about young people and underage drinking 10/11 years of age - Hang around shops on Brunshaw. Now that the new Neighbourhood Park is open in Burnley Wood the need for recreation area will need to be secondary school has already been selected by Lancashire County Council Wood as it would act as a centre for community regeneration and facilities 52/BW/216 Bailey Glebe St Recreation Area and Community building should be developed and a replacement Consideration Comment Y Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preparation of the Preferred Option should consider facilities for children and young people. The Preferred option should identify the Local Centre and include a policy which seeks to strengthen the Local Centre in the face of competition. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 45 Section 46 N N N Healey Wood School is now operated as a Community Resource by the Community Alliance Healey Wood School is now operated as a Community Resource by the Community Alliance Healey Wood School is now operated as a Community Resource by the Community Alliance 30/BW/98 Dawson Healeywood School should be brought back into use as a community centre – residents willing to run 31/BW/99 Pounder Healey Wood School should be brought back into use as a community centre – residents willing to run. The area needs a new park. 22/BW/90 Newman Healey Wood Infant School should be made into a youth centre. 20/BW/88 Mrs Jones Healey Wood School is now Healey Wood School – would operated as a Community like to see progress with this N N explored with Green Space and Amenities. Any development of the recreation centre would need to consider the need to provide an alternative venue for the activities provided. building provided near to the Sure Start. Influence on Preferred Option Y/N 25/BW/93 Ms. Cocker Healey Wood School is now Use Healey Wood School for operated as a Community social/community activities Resource by the Community Alliance Consideration Comment Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 2.5 Transport and Movement – Issues Section Resource by the Community Alliance and an assurance that the residents will be properly informed Y 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Branch Road is also a key route, since it is a bus route and carries more traffic than Oxford Road. The opportunity should be taken in this whole process to have a review of the effectiveness of the BW traffic calming scheme: the measures on Branch Road are ineffective, there are several dangerous junctions on Parliament St. caused by parking on side streets too close to the junctions, and Strange St has become a rat run from Dall St/Glebe St to Hufling Lane because of the closure of the top of Glebe St. Agree that there are a number issues related to parking and traffic movements. Potential redevelopment proposals may offer the opportunity to deal with a number of these issues. Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N 16/BW/82 Mrs Harris Agree that parking is an issue Parking is an issue in Healey that needs to be addressed Wood 19/BW/87 Taylor Comments noted and passed Healey Wood Doorstep green to Green Space and – improvement in the pitch - Amenities dangerous Consideration Comment The Preferred Option should consider measures for dealing with existing parking and traffic related issues. The Preferred Option should propose measures that address the parking issues in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 47 Section 48 New/improved bus services will be dependent on commercial viability. Will need to investigate with Bus Operators Disagree that the area is not close to Manchester Road Station. 20/BW/88 Mrs Jones Would like to see an improved bus service for Healey Wood – access to local schools – particularly Rosehill 12/AL/427 LCC The area is not considered to be close to Manchester Road Station with buses having to go into the town centre and then out again. The topography of the area also reduces the ease at which the station can be accessed. This should be addressed in the AAP.It should be noted that studies are being undertaken to improve rail links in the area but that is long –term aspiration.The permeability barrier presented by the canal should be addressed within the AAP. 72/SW/280 Speake Agree that creating safe Something needs to be done crossing points is an important on Parliament Street to help issue for the area old people and others cross this road. Things also need to be done about the speed that cars travel along this road. Agree that the canal embankment is a barrier to the Town Centre, however concerns over the cost and feasibility of creating additional access points. Agree that the topography of the area is an issue, however uncertain how the AAP can address topography. Consideration Comment Y N N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should look at the role of Parliament Street as the Local Centre Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 2.5 Transport and Movement – Opportunities Section Agree that links to the Town Centre is an important issue for Burnley Wood. However there are concerns over the cost and feasibility of creating an underpass under the canal. Agree that Green routes, particularly to the School and Sure Start, are important to the area. Agree that improved transport links to Manchester/Leeds is an important issue. However, work is underway exploring improvements to existing stations rather than 52/BW/216 Bailey Look to create Green pathways to School and Sure Start with safe cycle tracks. This will also help with inactivity of pupils and create a healthy future generation. 60/BW/309 Mrs Wooler Improvement of transport links to Manchester/Leeds is important. Perhaps re-opening Towneley Railway Station should be considered. New/improved bus services will be dependent on commercial viability. Will need to investigate with Bus Operators 91/BW/482 Public transport to Burnley Wood and the school at Towneley is abysmal, especially in the evenings. How will anyone without a car use the new school at Towneley in the evenings? Without cars this area is very unwelcoming. 52/BW/216 Bailey Look at creating an underpass under canal to Tesco for easy access. Consideration Comment N Y N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose Green Routes and ensure that Green routes are include within redevelopment proposals Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 49 50 Redevelopment of Cleared Sites Area 1 – Land East of Branch Road – Section Section 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with the redevelopment of this area Comment 78/BW/457 Mr Carter I feel money would be better spent on a new railway station and improved line to Manchester (under 1 hour journey time). This would mean people would live in Burnley and work in Manchester. House prices would double in the run down areas. Pay only 50% housing benefit for poor quality housing. This would discourage landlords from renting out poor quality housing. Comment Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow Consideration Agree that an improved Manchester Road Station and improved rail service to Manchester are important issues. However, these issues are covered in more detail in the Piccadilly/Trafalgar Area Action Plan re-opening the Towneley Station. Consideration Effect on Content of Preferred Option Y The Preferred Option should propose phased development to bring forward the redevelopment of this area. Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow Comment 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports the redevelopment of this area 68/BW/353 Thoburn Agrees with the redevelopment of this area as most of this property is in very poor condition – give BW some green area – rebuild and make the area look good in keeping with the Towneley area. 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. 66/BW/343 Highways This proposal involves the redevelopment of cleared sites, however no detailed information has been provided in the AAP. It is therefore difficult to assess at this stage the likely traffic implications of the development. Therefore the Agency requests to be N Y Y Y The Highways Agency will be consulted on planning applications and at all stages in the preparation of the AAP. The Preferred Option should propose phased development to bring forward the redevelopment of this area. The Preferred Option should propose phased development to bring forward the redevelopment of this area. The Preferred Option should propose phased development to bring forward the redevelopment of this area. Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 51 52 Other Options? Section 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Believes that the boundary for this area is drawn too tightly, by excluding the area bounded by Branch Rd, Sussex St, Waterloo Rd and Clarence St. We understand that this area is to be the subject of development by Calico to replace Gerald Court. Is it the case that the development will use all this area? The recent decision not to proceed with the previously agreed facelift the rear of the top easterly block on Branch Rd between Clarence St and Sussex St, will leave residents in the new Calico development facing crumbling backyard walls which include 2 undemolished air raid shelters! The exclusion of the area bounded by Oxford Rd, Brunswick St, Crowther St, and Parliament St., may lose consulted on the forthcoming planning application so that it is possible to assess the potential increases in traffic on the trunk road network resulting from development . Comment Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow Consideration Y The Preferred Option should propose phased development to bring forward the redevelopment of this area. Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 76/BW/429 Elevate We welcome the early redevelopment of this area but would seek to revisit the rationale for retaining the terraces on Branch Road adjoining the cleared sites. We note the top of this area nearest Parliament Street needs careful analysis and fine tuning, given the need for community access to the school and the location of the medical centre. the opportunity for a comprehensive look at this area. The area round Springfield school in particular resembles a high security compound – is this appropriate for a neighbourhood primary school? I also believe that the opportunity should be taken from clearance on Oxford Rd. to open up Kirkgate as a proper highway from the door of St Stephen’s church right up to the railway line, not just as a footpath. Comment Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow Consideration Y The Preferred Option should propose phased development to bring forward the redevelopment of this area. Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 53 54 Option 1 – Demolition and Redevelopment Area 2 – The Grid Section Section 43/BW/133 Mr Spedding Option 1 is a must. Any other options are just delaying the inevitable. Property approx. 150 years old need more than a face lift. We need new property to bring us up to the standard of living we deserve Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration Phase 1 of the redevelopment of this area will shortly be brought forward through a planning application from the Council's lead developers. Further phases will follow. 75/BW406 Fielding Cleared areas are ready for housing redevelopment. However, the terraced houses towards the Parliament Street end, particularly Crowther Street could be repaired and refurbished. Comment Consideration Comment N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redevelop to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and Comment 45/BW/136 Ms. Watson Supports this option 50/BW/199 Mr Tierney Disagrees with this option as it will destroy the whole community Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 55 Section 56 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and 41/BW/121 Mrs Howarth This option would lose traditional, aesthetic appearance and create just another estate of box-style houses without any character and with little space i.e. room sizes and storage space re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 42/BW/129 Mr Watson Disagrees with this option Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 53/BW/223 Ashworth This option would lose the history and community of the area and just be a new build housing estate. Hollingreave Road should be left as a whole. Number 2-30 are good sized houses with forecourts. Would benefit from Option 2/3 and enhance the area. The empty shops are currently being renovated to high standard which is improvement on its own. Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Any new development will be in line with the Council's adopted design guidance. social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Any new development will be in line with the Council's adopted design guidance. This will ensure that the development respects the areas tradition and appearance. Consideration Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 57 Section 58 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the 60/BW/309 Mrs Wooler Disagrees with this option. Many houses in this area are just in need of improvement and TLC. This will ensure that the development respects the areas tradition and appearance. Consideration 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into 37/BW/113 Hopkinson Agrees with this option due to the decline of the area. Need to start afresh. area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 62/BW/320 Heywood Disagrees with this option Comment Yes, in part Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 59 Section 60 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is 36/BW/111 Ms. Grimshaw Disagrees with this option two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 35/BW/110 McKnight Disagrees with this option Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 16/BW/103 Ms. Taylor Disagrees with this option. Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 61 Section 62 Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of Comment 05/BW/68 Unsworth Disagrees with this option. 55/BW/228 Mr Bullas Disagrees with this option Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Any new development will be in line with the Council's adopted design guidance. This will ensure that the development respects the areas tradition and appearance. clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 70/BW/355 Robinson Following the results of the Agree with this option – finish Neighbourhood Renewal what has been started. Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that 56/BW/237 Smallcombe Disagrees with this option as a large number of new buildings will diminish the character of the area Comment Yes, in part Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 63 Section 64 72/BW/403 This option is totally pointless and expensive. It proposes the demolition of good houses and building inferior replacements subject to the same problems. Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Any new development will be in line with the Council's adopted design guidance. the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 71/BW/402 Sport Do not support the loss of open space with opportunity for sport, recreation and physical activity Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the opening of the new Neighbourhood Park the recreation area on Brunswick Street is surplus to requirements. Any new open space required by new development will be provided in accordance with the Council's Local Plan Policy. This will ensure that the development respects the areas tradition and appearance. Consideration N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 65 Section 66 Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of Comment 82/BW/472 Hussain Demolition of the second block from Parliament Street of Dall St (Odd side) I feel should be undertaken. There are a lot of badly damaged and derelict houses on this street. The best thing to do would be to demolish this block, which would complement the refurbished houses on Hollingreave and allow a greater look in this area 95/BW/526 Ben If you are going to demolish houses, I think that the better option would be to create more open space and larger gardens. I don't think that new housing would benefit this area very much, unless the land was sold off and a housing organisation (e.g Barret, etc. was to build their cul-de-sac types. N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option 49/BW/163 Mr Marquis Agrees with this option as it will improve the area and hopefully remove drug addicts and alcoholics Option 2 – Limited Demolition and New Housing clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Any new development will be in line with the Council's adopted design guidance. This will ensure that the development respects the areas tradition and appearance. Consideration Comment Section Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 67 Section 68 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal 62/BW/320 Heywood Disagrees with this option the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 37/BW/113 Hopkinson Disagrees with this option due to the decline of the area. Need to start afresh. Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 69 Section 70 Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of Comment 36/BW/111 Ms. Grimshaw Disagrees with this option 05/BW/68 Unsworth Disagrees with this option. N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and 56/BW/237 Smallcombe Disagrees with this option as a large number of new buildings will diminish the character of the area clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 55/BW/228 Mr Bullas Disagrees with this option Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 71 Section 72 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Any new development will be in line with the Council's adopted design guidance. This will ensure that the development respects the areas tradition and appearance. Consideration 65/BW/337 Sutcliffe Agrees with this option as it sounds the most logical Comment N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 75/BW406 Fielding Favours option 2. Business is situated in this area and presently employs 12 people. Most of the properties in this area are occupied and in a good state of repair. Many of the residents have been living in the area for a considerable time. This option will keep the community established, but will improve the area for residents. Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 73 Section 74 Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of Comment 83/BW474 Fenn This is the preferred option of BWCAG and many residents. The recreation ground should be retained and facilities for over 13's developed to add to the successfully antisocial behaviour provision 95/BW/526 Ben I live on Hollingreave Road and think that there are a lot of houses to the rear which could do with being demolished. This area should be used to create better parking facilities. I recall seeing the original plans which showed the houses to the rear of where I live, demolished and rear gardens and parking implemented. I still think that this is a good idea, even if the gardens N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 3 – Remodelling Section Consideration N N 50/BW/199 Mr Tierney Following the results of the Agrees with this option – Neighbourhood Renewal limited demolition – turn 3 into Assessment it is evident that Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. 45/BW/136 Ms. Watson Disagrees with this option as has experienced property being improved for rent, then within six months the properties needed further work aren't feasible, the parking clearance and re-development would help people in the area on surrounding streets. a great deal as Hollingreave Road is a busy road and there isn't much parking availability - coupled with the fact that there isn't the benefit to park on both sides of the road (due to restrictions) which the streets behind have the option to do so Comment Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 75 Section 76 Consideration intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Comment 1 and 2 into 1 and create gardens 49/BW/163 Mr Marquis Disagrees with this option. Housing needs to be cleared to get rid of some of the people who have fetched the area down Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of Comment 42/BW/129 Mr Watson Agrees with this option 41/BW/121 Mrs Howarth Would like to see limited clearance/demolition in order to create parking, garden areas, gardens to rear of properties Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 77 Section 78 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 53/BW/223 Ashworth This option would help the community and history of the area. Would be a desirable place to live and encourage existing residents to stay Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide 60/BW/309 Mrs Wooler Prefers this option social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 59/BW/308 Mr Cooper Supports this option, although would prefer to see the Community Centre and Recreation Ground redeveloped due to unruly kids – drink and drugs Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 79 Section 80 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt 37/BW/113 Hopkinson Disagrees with this option due to the decline of the area. Need to start afresh. new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 62/BW/320 Heywood Agrees with this option Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that 05/BW/68 Unsworth Agrees with this option – remodelling – because most with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 16/BW/103 Ms. Taylor Agrees with this option as they are well built houses Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 81 Section 82 Consideration 55/BW/228 Mr Bullas Agrees with this option as there are still a lot of houses in good condition and others that can be brought back into use with work Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. of the these brick built house intervention into this are is are sound. essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Comment N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of Comment 57/BW/240 BWCAG Support this option as it meets the requirements and aspirations of those residents who have expressed concerns at local meetings, the decision to retain the community centre and play area. 56/BW/237 Smallcombe Agreees with this option – lets build on the heritage by adaption not destruction N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 83 Section 84 71/BW/402 Sport Do not support the loss of open space with opportunity for sport, recreation and physical activity Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the opening of the new Neighbourhood Park the recreation area on Brunswick Street is surplus to requirements. Any new open space required by new clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Any new development will be in line with the Council's adopted design guidance. This will ensure that the development respects the areas tradition and appearance. Consideration N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Other Options? Section 40/BW/117 Mr Smith Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan 95/BW/526 Ben A lot of housesin this area are very dilapidated and to remodel would probably be a waste of money, unless the right blocks of properties was chosen. The properties which are in "standard" condition should be remodelled and access be given to park or a garden extended to rear where the previous houses have just been demolished. I think money should be spent only on blocks where the majority isn't owned by landlords who are renting out to just anyone. Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. development will be provided in accordance with the Council's Local Plan Policy. Consideration Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 85 Section 86 60/BW/309 Mrs Wooler Whichever option is eventually chosen, the Recreation Area and community building should be retained and improved. Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the opening of the new Neighbourhood Park the recreation area on Brunswick Street is surplus to requirements. Any new open space required by new development will be provided area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and 34/BW/109 Crabtree Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan in accordance with the Council's Local Plan Policy. Consideration 37/BW/113 Hopkinson Agrees with this option due to the decline of the area. Need to start afresh. Comment Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 87 Section 88 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should 36/BW/111 Ms. Grimshaw Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 35/BW/110 McKnight Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that 10/BW/74 Mrs Larter Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration 24/BW/92 Mrs Ingham Should pull the lot down, including Hollingreave Road Comment Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 89 Section 90 12/BW/78 Davis Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the opening of the new Neighbourhood Park the recreation area on Brunswick Street is surplus to requirements. Any new open space required by new development will be provided in accordance with the Council's Local Plan Policy. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt Comment 07/BW/70 Heseltine Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan. In Option 3, the retention of the Dall St/Glebe St recreation area/play building should be included 06/BW/69 Mrs Mason Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan. In Option 3, the retention of the Dall St/Glebe St recreation area/play N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 91 Section 92 Consideration 18/BW/86 Ashcroft Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and building should be included. with by dividing the area into Alley gates for Dall St odd and two. Part of the area should Hollingreave Rd. be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the opening of the new Neighbourhood Park the recreation area on Brunswick Street is surplus to requirements. Any new open space required by new development will be provided in accordance with the Council's Local Plan Policy. Comment Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 05/BW/68 Unsworth Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan. In Option 3, the retention of the Dall St/Glebe St recreation area/play building should be included Comment Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the opening of the new Neighbourhood Park the recreation area on Brunswick Street is surplus to requirements. Any new open space required by new development will be provided in accordance with the Council's Local Plan Policy. social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 93 Section 94 Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of Comment 04/BW/66 Pollitt Dall Street Resident’s Association Alternative Vision Plan. 58/BW/269 Bowditch The 3 Blocks of houses on Dall St. Burnley Wood which are now out of Elevate should be remodelled. N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should 65/BW/337 Sutcliffe Should include both sides of Dall Street into the plan for whatever is decided. Odd number side of Dall Street to be included into the plans. Hollingreave Road has been facelifted. Area 2 is going to clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. The three blocks on Dall Street which face into Area 3 are included in the Council's Face-lifting Programme Consideration 56/BW/237 Smallcombe Developing all houses into 3 beds by utilising the loft space or extension on the back. The latter would also improve the look of the back of these buildings Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 95 Section 96 Consideration be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. The odd numbers on Dall Street no's 41-141 are included in the Council's Face-lifting programme Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Additional blocks on Hufling Lane, Hollingreave Road and Comment have work done. We have been left in no mans land having been suddenly dropped from any plans for the area. 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) We believe that this area boundary is also drawn too tightly, by excluding the westerly blocks on Dall St and Glebe St, the top block on Springfield Rd., and the top blocks on Hollingreave Rd between Hale St and Hufling Lane. This would seem to imply a belief that these blocks can survive without further intervention. Such a belief would not be justified. The completion of the face-liftng schemes for Hollingreave Rd. and Hufling Lane would seem to have been abandoned to judge by Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Dall Street have been included in the Council's facelifting programme for 2007-2010 Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is Comment the recent Executive decision on the face-lifting programme, despite an obvious need. The top block on Dall St is in need of a group repair scheme if it is to survive, and the top block on Springfield Rd. would need to be dealt with as part of any Finsley Wharf development. Option 2 is the favoured option – to reduce density and create private space for parking and gardens. The proposal for a community garden should be abandoned. Instead back Hollingreave Rd in this location should be closed, and the land transferred to the residents of that block for parking and gardens, by which means the Council would cease to have liability for maintenance. We know of no demand for a community garden in an area which at present is used as a dog toilet and for bonfires. 68/BW/353 Thoburn Do not leave any rows that cannot be made to look good again. Make sure that the Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 97 Section 98 Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Y Effect on Content of Preferred Option 12/AL/427 LCC Proposal for Area 2 make reference to clearance for new housing development. Policy 13 of the JLSP allows for the replacement of these dwellings on up to a one for one basis. Additional dwellings in excess of one for one will be counted against the housing provision of Policy 12 of the JLSP. Influence on Preferred Option Y/N and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Consideration whole of Burnley Wood looks essential. It is considered that a good area. the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Comment Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Following the results of the Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment it is evident that intervention into this are is essential. It is considered that the area may best be dealt Comment 76/BW/429 Elevate We would broadly welcome Option 1. However, we would wish considered a minor variation to leave a proportion of the central part of the grid and not at this stage commit total demolition. A central proportion of the grid could provide re-housing options for existing residents and obviously makes financial deliverability easier on a proposal to demolish the majority of the grid.On that proportion of the grid left standing consideration of face-lifting to encourage owner occupiers to co-invest should be considered. Some of the houses could also be considered as part of a home swap initiative to be offered to residents who are being cleared who wish to stay in the area. 72/BW/403 Simply renovate and then spend the funds saved on keeping the area in good condition. N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should include proposals for the redevelopment of the southern section of the Grid and investigate a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements and anti-social behaviour measures for the northern section of the Grid. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 99 Section 100 66/BW/343 Highways The development of either option has the potential to result in increases in traffic on the trunk road network.. The Agency will need to be consulted in more detail in order that the impact of that traffic on the strategic highway network can be assessed. Presently, the AAP contains insufficient detail for appraisal to be undertaken. The area should be developed with attention to access by modes of transport other than the private vehicle in order that the traffic impact of such developments is minimised. Improvements in public Comment The Highways Agency will be consulted as the AAP options develop. Proposals for the area will be developed on the basis that modes of travel other than the private car should be encouraged. with by dividing the area into two. Part of the area should be redeveloped to provide new housing, and part of the area will be subject to a number of environmental and social measures. This area will also be monitored to measure the impact of clearance and re-development on surrounding streets. Consideration N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement N 70/BW/355 Robinson Disagrees with this option as it doesn't affect residents and should be “tendered out” Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the Y 06/AL/345 Civic Society Outline planning permission Support the redevelopment of has been granted for the this site. mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Y 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with the mixed use redevelopment of this site. Should look to bring this in through public investment not through Elevate monies. This would bring people back into the area. Area 3 – Lambert Howarth/Finsley Wharf – Mixed Use Redevelopment Consideration Consideration Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Comment transport should be proposed where appropriate. Comment Section Section Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 should be carried forward to Preferred Option Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 will be carried forward to Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 101 Section 102 Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the 76/BW/429 Elevate Elevate would support this proposal. We would encourage Burnley BC to ensure as far as possible buildings of high quality and that mixed uses support the regeneration of Burnley Wood are located in this prime gateway site. 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Consideration 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) We hope this scheme can proceed as rapidly as possible, and include a re-establishment of Finsley Wharf as a mooring site for canal boats ,hopefully with a pub. But see above the excluded top block on Springfield Road and the bottom easterly block on Hollingreave. Comment Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 should be carried forward to Preferred Option Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 should be carried forward to Preferred Option Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 should be carried forward to Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. Mixed use development in this location, close to the town centre, should encourage more sustainable travel patterns. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. 66/BW/343 Highways This large development site has the potential to result in significant increases in traffic on the trunk road network. The Agency request that the Area be developed in a sustainable manner to ensure that the need to travel is reduced. The Agency is generally supportive of the development of sites with significant choices of alternative modes of transport other than the private vehicle in order that the traffic impact of such developments is minimised. Improvements in public transport should be proposed where appropriate. redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Consideration 75/BW406 Fielding The proposed redevelopment is an excellent opportunity to bring employment to the area and increase the number of visitors. Comment N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 should be carried forward to Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 103 104 Other Options? Section Agree that the development of this area should complement the regeneraton of the rest of Burnley Wood. Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. 08/AL/385 Environment Any development proposal for this site must consider the potential land contamination implications and we would also encourage a sustainable approach to surface water management (i.e. Outline planning permission has been granted for the mixed use redevelopment of the Lambert Howarth Site. British Waterways are progressing towards a planning application for the redevelopment of Finsley Wharf. 83/BW474 Fenn Agree 50/BW/199 Mr Tierney The development of Lambert Howarth should be complementary to work in the rest of Burnley Wood and not create a yuppie estate, with all the problems for the residents in the rest of the area. Consideration Comment N Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 should be carried forward to Preferred Option Burnley Local Plan Mixed Use allocation GP4/1 should be carried forward to Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 1 – Environmental Improvements and Investment in Existing Properties Area 4 – Parliament Street Employment Area Section Section Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option Consideration Consideration 42/BW/129 Mr Watson Agrees with this option Comment implementing a SUDS system) Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 105 Section 106 Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring 57/BW/240 BWCAG Supports this option as it is the preferred option of members, the retention of employers and the work they provide is paramount for the people in the area, workers use the local shops and other facilities and help compliment a sustainable community. given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Consideration 06/AL/345 Civic Society Supports this option Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section N 71/BW/402 Sport Supports Results from the business open space improvements and survey and AAP access to. consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Y funding opportunities to support its development. Consideration Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Option 1 for environmental improvements and investment in existing properties is favoured. Comment Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 107 108 Option 2 – Rationalisation of Employment Uses and Redevelopment Section Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment 42/BW/129 Mr Watson Disagrees with this option Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. 75/BW406 Fielding This option would retain jobs in the area and also improve the appearance of the buildings 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option Consideration Comment Y N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides 70/BW/355 Robinson Disagrees with this option – they are solid businesses area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Consideration 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 109 Section 110 Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be 66/BW/343 Highways The Agency is generally supportive of sustainable development which reduces the need to travel. Sites should be developed with attention to access by a choice of transport other than the private vehicle in order that the traffic impact of valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Consideration 71/BW/402 Sport Do not support the loss of open space with opportunity for sport, recreation and physical activity Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 3 – No Changes Section Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. 91/BW/482 This option is no good - it is jobs that Burnley needs not more and more houses Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. such developments is minimised. Improvements to public transport should be proposed where appropriate. 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Consideration Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 111 112 Other Options? Section funding opportunities to support its development. Consideration 08/AL/385 Environment The proposed development options involve the redevelopment of a site which is at risk of flooding. Allocations within areas considered to be at risk of flooding should only be considered once a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, as required by the emerging PPS25, has been undertaken and satisfactorily demonstrated that there are no reasonable alternatives available in lower flood risk zones. The SFRA Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. 83/BW474 Fenn Results from the business No change, we need more survey and AAP employment through mixed use consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section 76/BW/429 Elevate Elevate would wish to understand the business requirements in the area now and in the future for land to be part of the process for the development of the preferred option for this area. should guide development away from flood risk areas but development in some flood risk areas may be required. In such cases, the SFRA will need to demonstrate such proposals meet the “Exception Test” as identified in Paragraph D10 of PPS25. In addition to the flood risk implications, the redevelopment of the site will need to take account of the proximity to the River Calder (a designated “main river” watercourse; culverting will not be permitted) and the potential for the site to be contaminated. Comment Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Consideration Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 113 Section 114 Consideration Results from the business survey and AAP consultation show that this employment area provides important local employment opportunities and provides valuable trade for local shops and services. Consideration should be given to the promotion of this area as a "Trade Counter" and exploring funding opportunities to support its development. Comment 79/BW/464 Premier Gas PG have spent considerable monies on Handbridge Mill and have refurbished it to a very high standard, which they feel has generally improved the area. The majority of the Mills on this side of Parliament St. are not in as good condition and have not been as well maintained. If it is the intention to retain the buildings and enhance the area, we feel grants should be made available towards an upgrade of all the building, including some demolition where buildings are beyond economic use. There is a degree of “Trade Counter” business in this area, including James Hargreaves, Premier Gas and Red Rose Plastics. Consideration should be given to allowing further developments of these trade counters within the vicinity to generate a hub of such activity. The site is well positioned for access along Todmorden Road to the town centre and prominently positioned. Development and improvement Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose environmental improvements and improved security measures to existing premises to complement other schemes being undertaken in the area Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section of the site bounded by Parliament St and Holmes St will always be restricted due to the presence of the River Brun that runs through the site. A feasibility study should be prepared as to the possibility of bridging the two sites to enable better use of the area. Removal of the employment users and allowing residential development would restrict the density due to the presence of the river, although it could be made a feature of the site, the reality is not particularly attractive in this locality. The proposal to allow residential development on Spar Field Mill (James Hargreaves) would conflict with an employment use opposite, particularly with the presence of heavy vehicles along Parliament Street servicing the employment use and if the decision is towards residential development, then the whole area should be designated for new housing rather than a mix of employment use and residential use. Comment Consideration Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 115 116 Option 1 – Retention of Existing Mix of Uses Area 5 – Plumbe Street Section Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 06/AL/345 Civic Society Supports this option Consideration 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option Comment Y N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Local Plan Employment Allocation EW1/10 Plumbe Street should be carried forward into the Preferred Option. Under-utilised employment premises on Lutner Street should be proposed for redevelopment for employment uses. Local Plan Employment Allocation EW1/10 Plumbe Street should be carried forward into the Preferred Option. Under-utilised employment premises on Lutner Street should be proposed for redevelopment for employment uses. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. The Council does not consider that this area has fundamental problems. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the Comment 70/BW/355 Robinson Disagrees with this option – it is the business responsibility to maintain 67/BW/350 Angels Disagree with this option as it does not address the fundamental problems of this area. Proposals need to provide incentives to attract investment 74/BW/405 Ford Disagrees with this option as it would increase traffic and noise pollution causing a deterioration of the environment N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 117 118 Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. 81/BW/472 Williams Invest in current employment premises and redevelop those that are out of use into residential developments Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. development of the allocated employment site. Consideration 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. Comment Option 2 – Redevelopment 54/BW/224 Saunders of Non – Employment Uses Supports this option Section N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the 67/BW/350 Angels Disagree with this option as it does not address the fundamental problems of this area. Proposals need to provide incentives to attract investment 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. development of the allocated employment site. Consideration 57/BW/240 BWCAG Support this option as the site is largely industrial and should be developed as an industrial area Comment N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 119 Section 120 Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated 75/BW406 Fielding Supports this option as it would retain employment sites and provide further employment sites to create more jobs for local people. BW/66/343 Highways The development of this option has the potential to result in increases in traffic on the trunk road network. The Agency is generally supportive of sustainable development which reduces the need to travel. Sites development of the allocated employment site. Consideration 74/BW/405 Ford Disagrees with this option as it would increase traffic and noise pollution causing a deterioration of the environment and could result in the demolition of quality owner-occupied housing Comment N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 3 – Mixed Use Redevelopment Section Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. 81/BW/472 Williams Respect those businesses that are trading at Turf Moor end of Plumbe St, however redevelop into residential the other end on the west side Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. employment site. It is close to residential areas and bus routes and is therefore accessible by a choice of means of transport. should be developed with attention to access by a choice of transport other than the private vehicle in order that the traffic impact of such developments is minimised. Improvements to public transport should be proposed where appropriate. 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Consideration Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 121 Section 122 Consideration Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site which is accessible by a choice of means of transport. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for Comment 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Option 3 is favoured for mixed use employment and residential uses. The access to this area via Parliament St or from Yorkshire St is not suitable for industrial premises. The opportunity should be taken to create a new pedestrian route into the town centre form Burnley Wood – beside the river Calder under the canal embankment to the Tesco site. 67/BW/350 Angels Agree with this option as is would allow for innovative mixed use schemes and private investment. 71/BW/402 Sport Do not support the loss of open space with opportunity for sport, recreation and physical activity N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. It is close to residential areas and bus routes and is therefore accessible by a choice of means of transport. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated 82/BW/472 Williams A fair proposition, but how do you support businesses trading at present? housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Consideration BW/66/343 Highways The development of this option has the potential to result in increases in traffic on the trunk road network. The Agency is generally supportive of sustainable development which reduces the need to travel. Sites should be developed with attention to access by a choice of transport other than the private vehicle in order that the traffic impact of such developments is minimised. Improvements to public transport should be proposed where appropriate. Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 123 124 Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 67/BW/350 Angels Disagree with this option as it does not address the fundamental problems of this area. Proposals need to provide incentives to attract investment 73/BW/404 Ford Agrees with this option although would like to see the land between Hornby Street employment site. The Council is seeking to support existing businesses by encouraging new development and regenerating the Burnley wood area Option 4 – No Changes Consideration Comment Section N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Development of the voids of derelict land will be supported for employment development. Comment and Lutner Street behind the Mill redeveloped. 74/BW/405 Ford Support this option as it allows retention of well kept owner occupied residences. 81/BW/472 Williams Not really acceptable as there are derelict voids of land these at least should be turned into residential developments N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Local Plan Employment Allocation EW1/10 Plumbe Street should be carried forward into the Preferred Option. Under-utilised employment premises on Lutner Street should be proposed for redevelopment for employment uses. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 125 126 Comment 08/AL/385 Environment The proposed development options involve the redevelopment of a site which is at risk of flooding. Allocations within areas considered to be at risk of flooding should only be considered once a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, as required by the emerging PPS25, has been undertaken and satisfactorily demonstrated that there are no reasonable alternatives available in lower flood risk zones. The SFRA should guide development away from flood risk areas but development in some flood risk areas may be required. In such cases, the SFRA will need to demonstrate such proposals meet the “Exception Test” as identified in Paragraph D10 of PPS25. In addition to the flood risk implications, the redevelopment of the site will need to take account of the proximity to the River Calder (a designated “main river” watercourse; culverting will Section Other Options? Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites proposed for housing development. The Council will be preparing a SFRA and assess whether there are reasonable alternatives in lower risk areas. Subject to this, the Council should encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Consideration Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should reflect the flood risk assessment of sites as recommended by the Environment Agency . If justified, Local Plan Employment Allocation EW1/10 Plumbe Street should be carried forward into the Preferred Option. Under-utilised employment premises on Lutner Street should be proposed for redevelopment for employment uses. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. Due to the potential impact on existing and proposed areas of housing it is considered that the current mixes of uses should remain. No new sites should be proposed for housing development. The Council will encourage the development of the allocated employment site. 74/BW/405 Ford Phased removal of industry to industrial estates, redevelopment of existing housing stock and the building of affordable residential properties Consideration 76/BW/429 Elevate We would wish for phasing to be carefully considered in this location vis-à-vis other redevelopment proposals. Whilst supportive of Option 3, we would not want to see de-stabilised the redevelopment of current residential land. In addition, we would support Burnley BC developing a strong development brief for this locality to ensure high quality design and financial benefits accrue to the public sector with any change in land usage. not be permitted) and the potential for the site to be contaminated. Comment N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 127 128 Option 1 – Retain Local Centre Area 6 – Parliament Street (including the Local Centre) Section Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 39/BW/115 Mr Fallows I would like to see as little demolition as possible. The Consideration 48/BW/160 Mr Clegg Supports this option Comment Y N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with Comment area should be cleaned up and housing renovated. 17/BW/84 Mr Banham Agrees with this option as the buildings are sound, with no vacancies. They are just neglected. 06/AL/345 Civic Society Supports this option Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 129 Section 130 57/BW/240 BWCAG Support this option as Parliament Street is not the area’s Local Centre and its position on the peripheral main transit road from west to east make it unsuitable for further development added to the fact that Tesco has a large superstore only 100 metres away any small shop would be unsustainable. The physical and spiritual centre of BW is the area around the new Sure Start, the community park and St Stephen’s Church, what is needed are corner shops around this area to cater for the needs of those people who use these facilities not an imposed artificial centre that has no support from local people. Comment Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Consideration N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N to address environmental and social problems in the area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. 81/BW/472 Williams The roads of Plumbe/Hornby/Branch house many owner occupiers and it makes sense to allow them to continue living here. To improve the area I’d suggest limited face-lifting. To improve the area further I’d suggest mixed use redevelopment of the sites to the west/opposite of Plumbe St. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Consideration Comment Option 2 – Redevelop Local 52/BW/216 Bailey Centre Agrees with this option Section N N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 131 Section 132 Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of 17/BW/84 Mr Banham Disagrees with this option as redevelopment is not needed – it is a good local centre. Only issues to do with “Buy to Let” landlords that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Consideration 39/BW/115 Mr Fallows Does not agree with this option as it means more demolition forcing more local people out of the area. Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. 81/BW/472 Williams I would oppose this as I believe money could be better spent elsewhere as Hornby/Plumbe/Branch are at a reasonable standard and are sustainable. However some intensive work need to be done to Parliament Street frontage. Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Consideration 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Option 2 is favoured. Existing on-pavement parking for servicing or access to the shops creates congestion and potential danger, as does parking in Dall St., Reed St, Parkinson St and Branch Rd close to their junctions with Parliament St. Comment Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. and social problems in the area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 133 134 Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 75/BW406 Fielding It is totally wrong to call this the local centre. The majority of the shops are situated on the opposite side of Parliament Street. The shops included in this area have no parking facilities, but are accessed by customers parking on side streets leading from the opposite side of the road. Also, this area has received investment in the form of facelifting several years ago when it came under a scheme to improve the deprived area of Fulledge. No such funding was received for the shops on the other side of Option 3 – No Changes Consideration Comment Section Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. The Preferred Option should retain Parliament Street as the retail centre. Blocks 71-101 & 103-139 along with an area south of Parliament street should be identified for Targeted Area Initiatives that could help to address environmental and social problems in the area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 1 – Redevelop Site for Housing and Retain Allotments Due to on - site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Consideration Parliament Street is still considered to be the retail centre for the area. Condition of the stock block no's 15-69 Parliament Street indicates that these properties should be considered for redevelopment along with properties to the south of Parliament Street. Agree that the housing on Branch Road, Plumbe Street and Hornby Street should be retained. Consideration 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option Comment Section Area 7 – Land Rear of Marlborough Street 76/BW/429 Elevate We would ask that Burnley BC liaise carefully with the lead developer to consider the location of the local centre and secondary shops in general in Burnley Wood. Comprehensive redevelopment elsewhere may suggest more appropriate locations for the local centre (or not). Parliament Street. The face-lifting did nothing to increase the customer level for the businesses. Comment Other Options? Section N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 135 136 Option 2 – Redevelop Site for Housing and Retain Allotments and Caravan Centre Section Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site 76/BW/429 Elevate Redevelopment as proposed in Option 1 appears right for this area. 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. Due to on site constraints it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Options 1 and 2 are acceptable. The urgent need here is for clearance of derelict property at the eastern end of Marlborough St. 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site Consideration 61/BW/312 Leeming Agrees with this option Comment N N N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Other Options? Option 3 – No Changes Section 57/BW/240 BWCAG Due to on site constraints and The land alongside and to the the cost of cost acquiring the west of Whitfords Caravan site it is considered that no Centre could be developed Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site Due to on site constraints it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site 75/BW/406 Fielding Option 2 is the preferred option for this area to provide additional housing 83/BW474 Fenn Agreed Due to on site constraints it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site Due to on site constraints it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Options 1 and 2 are acceptable. The urgent need here is for clearance of derelict property at the eastern end of Marlborough St. 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Consideration Comment N Y N N N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should propose no further intervention for this site Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 137 Section 138 Consideration BW/66/343 Highways. The development of this site has the potential to result in increases in traffic on the trunk road network. The Agency is generally supportive of sustainable development which reduces the need to travel. Sites should be developed with attention to access by a choice of transport other than the private vehicle in order that the traffic impact of such developments is minimised. Improvements to public transport should be proposed where appropriate. Due to on site constraints and the cost of cost acquiring the site it is considered that no intervention should be proposed for this site into a wildlife garden to intervention should be compliment the gardens proposed for this site already created by residents of Marlborough Street. There is insufficient room to develop housing on such a small site without affecting the living standards of the residents on Marlborough Street. Comment N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 1 – Environmental and Streetscape Improvements Area 8 – Healey Wood Section Agree with this option as parking is a big problem for residents which needs addressing. Speed of traffic must be reduced. Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 02/BW/23 Ms. Oakley Supports this option as parking is really bad on Springhill Road due to the College Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 44/BW/134 Miss Hawtrey Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) N Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Disagrees with this option Wood. Possible interventions because he does not want to could include environmental live anywhere else and could improvements, alley gating and not afford to move improvements to un-adopted streets. 46/BW/140 Mr Cavanagh Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 139 Section 140 Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option Agrees with this option Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 01/BW/10 Mr Whitehead Agrees with this option Y Y Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 52/BW/216 Bailey Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Supports elements of Option1 Wood. Possible interventions and Option 2 with the could include environmental emphasis on the environment, improvements, alley gating and upgrading unadopted roads improvements to un-adopted and remodelling of housing streets. stock. 47/BW/141 Mr Jones Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Agrees with this option 25/BW/93 Ms. Cocker Agrees with this option because this area has been neglected for years 32/BW/105 Mr Ashton Agrees with this option. It’s about time our area got thought of. 33/BW/107 Mrs Haworth Comment Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 141 Section 142 Agrees with this option 21/BW/89 Black Agrees with this option 22/BW/90 Newman Disagrees with this option. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Y Y N Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 31/BW/99 Pounder Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Agrees with this option as it is Wood. Possible interventions a good community with no could include environmental empty homes improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 28/BW/96 Mrs Patel Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Supports this option 06/AL/345 Civic Society Agrees with options 1 and 2 because they would improve the area considerably Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Y Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 27/BW/95 Garth Jones Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Agrees with this option Wood. Possible interventions because the unadopted roads, could include environmental namely Evans Street and the improvements, alley gating and top part of Berry Street are a improvements to un-adopted disgrace. streets. 03/BW/24 Mr Campbell Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 143 Section 144 The Home zone is a good idea in principle, however it may not be deliverable due to 84/BW/475 Hurt Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental Y 75/BW/406 Fielding Option1 would be the best way of improving this neighbourhood to the advantage of the residents Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Supports open space Wood. Possible interventions improvements and access to. could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Y 71/BW/402 Sport Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Support this option and option Wood. Possible interventions 2 however the opportunities could include environmental for 2 into 1 very limited improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 56/BW/237 Smallcombe Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration the number of cars in the improvements, alley gating and area. Alleygating could improvements to un-adopted alleviate some issues with streets. crime and litter, but the long blocks could cause some issues too. The adoption of Evans St would cause changes in the traffic flow in the area, which would need careful study. The Delph needs investment for sport and play requirements. The resident’s Association are looking into the possibility of grant funding to place an all weather pitch. The Doorstep Green should be changed from a football area as it is liable to flooding – could be the site of a cycle path for children. All Green Spaces need a barrier to deter the use of motorbikes/quads. Links to the town centre need improving – the Slug Path needs significant improvements for safety. Comment Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 145 146 Option 2 – Remodelling Section Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Supports elements of Option1 Wood. Possible interventions and Option 2 with the could include environmental emphasis on the environment, improvements, alley gating and upgrading unadopted roads improvements to un-adopted and remodelling of housing streets. stock. 47/BW/141 Mr Jones Supports this option, particularly looking at intervention on Laithe St where some properties are undesirable Y N Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 44/BW/134 Miss Hawtrey Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) N Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Agrees with this option Wood. Possible interventions because he does not want to could include environmental live anywhere else and could improvements, alley gating and not afford to move improvements to un-adopted streets. 46/BW/140 Mr Cavanagh My opinion is that both Option 1 and 2 are required, but more thought needs to go into the Plans. Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Agrees with this option N Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental 26/BW/94 Mr Rogerson Y Y Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Disagrees with the knocking Wood. Possible interventions two houses into one as these could include environmental small terrace houses are a improvements, alley gating and good starter home on property improvements to un-adopted ladder streets. 25/BW/93 Ms. Cocker Disagrees with this option 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 01/BW/10 Mr Whitehead Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 147 Section 148 Agrees with options 1 and 2 because they would improve the area considerably 27/BW/95 Garth Jones Agrees with this option 22/BW/90 Newman Disagrees with this option 30/BW/98 Dawson Comment Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration N N Y Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section N Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Support this option and option Wood. Possible interventions 1 however the opportunities could include environmental for 2 into 1 very limited improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Option 2 is favoured. Some Wood. Possible interventions remodelling may be could include environmental necessary to create sufficient improvements, alley gating and parking space for residents, improvements to un-adopted especially on Healey Wood streets. Road. N 56/BW/237 Smallcombe Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) N Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Support this option as it is Wood. Possible interventions probably the best option for could include environmental Healey Wood, converting two improvements, alley gating and houses into one would give a improvements to un-adopted greater choice to larger streets. families who have expressed a desire to remain in the area and decrease the large amount of voids. 57/BW/240 BWCAG Comment Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 149 150 Option 3 – No Changes Section Consideration Disagrees with this option 47/BW/141 Mr Jones Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey There is a good case for some Wood. Possible interventions remodelling to make larger could include environmental homes – many families are in improvements, alley gating and small 2 bed houses that have improvements to un-adopted been converted into 3 streets. bedrooms by partitioning off one bedroom, creating 3 very small bedrooms. These families would benefit from larger housing. However, priority for these houses should be given to existing residents, otherwise there would be animosity towards the scheme, and those given the properties. 84/BW/475 Hurt Comment Y N Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Disagrees with this option because change is needed Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental 22/BW/90 Newman Y Y Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Disagrees with this option as Wood. Possible interventions there is always room for could include environmental improvement improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 28/BW/96 Mrs Patel Disagrees with this option 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 01/BW/10 Mr Whitehead Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 151 Section 152 84/BW/475 Hurt Not a viable option. Y Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Disagrees with this option as Wood. Possible interventions it would not improve the area could include environmental and we would be left behind improvements, alley gating and as other areas would be improvements to un-adopted improved. streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Y 27/BW/95 Garth Jones Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Disagrees with this option as Wood. Possible interventions to do nothing is not an option could include environmental as the area is a physical and improvements, alley gating and visual disgrace and needs improvements to un-adopted redevelopment. streets. 03/BW/24 Mr Campbell Comment Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Other Options? Section Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Double Yellow lines should be Wood. Possible interventions painted on Healey Wood road could include environmental to allow for better access for improvements, alley gating and emergency services improvements to un-adopted streets. 26/BW/94 Mr Rogerson Narrower pavements and wider roads 32/BW/105 Mr Ashton The area should provide something for teenagers to do. Plenty for little ones but nothing for older ones. The area would also benefit from having more shops as there is only one. 33/BW/107 Mrs Haworth Comment N N N Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 153 Section 154 Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Incorporate Options 1 and 2 Wood. Possible interventions to make accommodation more could include environmental modern and also improve 03/BW/24 Mr Campbell An astro-turf pitch should be provided on Healey Wood Delph 22/BW/90 Newman Separate parking should be provided for the college. N N N Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. 30/BW/98 Dawson Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) N Consideration Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Merge Options 1 and 2. Wood. Possible interventions Re-modelling would be ideal could include environmental as wants to stay in the area improvements, alley gating and but there is currently no larger improvements to un-adopted accommodation in Healey streets. Wood 16/BW/82 Mrs Harris Comment Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration N 56/BW/237 Smallcombe Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Developing all houses into 3 Wood. Possible interventions beds by utilising the loft space could include environmental or extension on the back improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. N Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Knock down the bottom of Wood. Possible interventions Laithe Street and create a could include environmental community space. Facelift the improvements, alley gating and houses as it makes a huge improvements to un-adopted difference. There should also streets. be more and cheaper leisure centres. 27/BW/95 Garth Jones access and egress to and improvements, alley gating and from Healey Wood by improvements to un-adopted resurfacing all of the roads in streets. the area – especially Evans Street and Berry Street Comment Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 155 Section 156 Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey Wood. Possible interventions could include environmental improvements, alley gating and improvements to un-adopted streets. Consideration Selective face-lifting on Spring Hill Road would be appropriate. Option 2 – remodelling – if there are specific properties vacant in Laithe Street assessing the costs and likely market prices of 2 to 1 conversions could Radical intervention is not considered necessary in Healey We would wish to understand Wood. Possible interventions void numbers and resident’s could include environmental perceptions better in order to improvements, alley gating and have a view. We would improvements to un-adopted question the appropriateness streets. of Option 1 which is comprehensive face-lifting. If such intervention is required it normally indicates wider issues. Presumably the issue is lack of housing choice? 76/BW/429 Elevate Combine options 2 and 3. Only slight improvements needed re: green spaces. Need internal renovation besides facelifting 20/BW/88 Mrs Jones Comment Y N Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Preferred Option should consider the use of a toolkit of measures including environmental improvements Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 1 – Environmental Improvements to Russell Court Area 9 – Russell Court Section Section Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding 48/BW/160 Mr Clegg Supports this option Consideration Influence on Preferred Option (Y/N) Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Consideration 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option Comment well be a strong option for the area. The slow development of a number of these could “test the water” of demand and assess value for money for this intervention. Comment Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 157 Section 158 Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. 15/BW/81 Ms. Capstick Environmental improvements should include new doors, wrought iron gates, windows, fencing off of open space and CCTV opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Consideration 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Comment Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Consideration Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being Comment 14/BW/80 Mrs Latham Environmental improvements should include new doors, wrought iron gates, windows, fencing off of open space and CCTV 13/BW/79 Ms. O’Leary Environmental improvements should include new doors, wrought iron gates, windows, fencing off of open space and CCTV 06/AL/345 Civic Society Supports this option Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 159 160 Option 2 – Environmental Improvements and Remodelling of Existing Stock Section Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. 75/BW/406 Fielding As this is a fairly new development, Option 1 would be the best option to provide a more pleasant outlook for the residents. 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. undertaken in the surrounding area. Consideration 57/BW/240 BWCAG Supports this option over other options because a large percentage of homes on the estate are privately owned and have been purchased under right to buy from Calico, and to select option 2 would not seem to be viable Comment N Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 3 – No Changes Section 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Following public consultation and discussions with the Y N 76/BW/429 Elevate Following public consultation Option 2 would suggest itself and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Influence on Preferred Option Y/N N environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Consideration Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Option 2 is favoured, especially to improve the Oxford Road aspect of these houses. Comment Preferred Option should identify the site for Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 161 162 Option 1 – Environmental Improvements to Springfield Bank Area 10 – Springfield Bank Section Other Options? Section Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Consideration owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Consideration 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option Comment Comment N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. 57/BW/240 BWCAG Support this option as these houses are less than 20 years old and environmental improvements would compliment the work being done elsewhere in the area the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Consideration 06/AL/345 Civic Society Supports this option Comment Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 163 164 Option 2 – Environmental Improvements and Remodelling of Existing Stock Section Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. 75/BW/406 Fielding Again, this is an area of more modern housing and Option 1 would create a better environment for the residents. Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Option 1 is favoured – need for change is thought to be low. 48/BW/160 Mr Clegg Supports this option Consideration Comment N Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 3 – No Changes Section 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake Y N 76/BW/429 Elevate Following public consultation Option 2 would suggest itself and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Influence on Preferred Option Y/N N undertaken in the surrounding area. Consideration Following public consultation and discussions with the owners of the properties the Council is keen to work with the owners to explore funding opportunities to undertake environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option Comment Preferred Option should identify the site for environmental improvements. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 165 166 Option 1 – Redevelopment of Whole Site for Housing Area 11 – Land at Richard Street Section Other Options? Section This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. 76/BW/429 Elevate Redevelopment of the site for housing would appear appropriate in conjunction with a changed to mix use on the canal site opposite. We would support Burnley BC in the development of a strong development brief for this locality to ensure high quality Consideration environmental improvements within this estate which will complement other work being undertaken in the surrounding area. Consideration 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Comment Comment N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 2 – Partial Redevelopment Section This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. BW/66/343 Highways The Area should be developed in a sustainable manner to ensure that the need to travel is reduced. Sites should be developed with attention to access by modes of transport other than the private vehicle in order that the traffic impact of such developments is minimised. Improvements in public transport should be proposed where appropriate. 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. Consideration 71/BW/402 Sport Do not support the loss of open space with opportunity for sport, recreation and physical activity design and financial benefits accruing to the public sector with any change in land usage. Comment N N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 167 Section 168 This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) Option 2 is favoured – it is considered unreasonable to remove the recently provided parking space. 71/BW/402 Sport Do not support the loss of open space with opportunity space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. Consideration 48/BW/160 Mr Clegg Supports this option Comment Y N Y N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 3 – Environmental Improvements Section This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. 57/BW/240 BWCAG Support this option as the play area should be retained, hard and soft landscaping should be used to improve the environmental aspects of the area. 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. for sport, recreation and physical activity 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option Consideration Comment Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 169 170 08/AL/385 Environment The proposed development options involve the redevelopment of a site which is at risk of flooding. Allocations within areas considered to be at risk of flooding should only be considered once a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, as required by the emerging PPS25, has been undertaken and satisfactorily demonstrated that there are no reasonable alternatives Other Options? This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. This site provides essential parking for businesses operating in Dean Mill and could be improved to provide a beneficial area of open space. Development of the site is therefore not considered to be appropriate. 75/BW/406 Fielding Option 3 would keep a children’s play area in this area of Burnley Wood 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option Consideration Comment Option 4 – No Changes Section Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. The Preferred Option should propose retention of the existing uses. Funding will be sought for improvements to the open space and the children's play area. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Comment Section Route A – The Slug Path 61/BW/312 Leeming Emily Street and Hollingreave Road Finished off and improved.All parts of the area brought up to standard. available in lower flood risk zones. The SFRA should guide development away from flood risk areas but development in some flood risk areas may be required. In such cases, the SFRA will need to demonstrate such proposals meet the “Exception Test” as identified in Paragraph D10 of PPS25. In addition to the flood risk implications, the redevelopment of the site will need to take account of the proximity to the River Calder (a designated “main river” watercourse; culverting will not be permitted) and the potential for the site to be contaminated. Comment Options for Other Areas Section Consideration Further properties on Hollingreave Road have been included in the Council's facelifting programme for 2007-10. Consideration Effect on Content of Preferred Option Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 171 172 The current route is very steep and can become dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. The current route is very steep and can become dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. The current route is very steep and can become dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. The current route is very steep and can become dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. The current route is very steep and can become 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option 57/BW/240 BWCAG Support this option 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) I don’t know how it came by this name, but it leaves a lot to be desired as a pedestrian route. It does need landscaping but also the introduction of some meandering to reduce the gradient. 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. Option 1 – Comprehensive Improvement Consideration Comment Section Y Y Y Y Y The Preferred Option should consider The Preferred Option should consider improvements to the existing route. The Preferred Option should consider improvements to the existing route. The Preferred Option should consider improvements to the existing route. The Preferred Option should consider improvements to the existing route. Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Option 2 – No Changes Section The current route is very steep and can become dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. The current route is very steep and can become dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. BW/66/343 Highways The Agency welcomes the proposals to increase access by alternative modes of transport other than the private car. Where proposals are likely to result in changes to in traffic flow, queuing and delays at junctions for vehicles the Agency will need to be consulted in order to ensure that proposals do not result in an adverse impact on the trunk road. 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option The current route is very steep and can become dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. dangerous. Further work needs to be undertaken to explore ways to improve the current route. Consideration 75/BW/406 Fielding Option 1 would improve the access out of Healey Wood for the residents Comment Y Y Y The Preferred Option should consider improvements to the existing route. The Preferred Option should consider improvements to the existing route. The Preferred Option should consider improvements to the existing route. improvements to the existing route. Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 173 174 Option 1 – Improvements Route B – Canal Towpath Section Other Options? Section The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway Council will explore how this work can be further developed. The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway Council will explore how this work can be further developed. The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway - 54/BW/224 Saunders Supports this option 57/BW/240 BWCAG Support this option Consideration Consideration 52/BW/216 Bailey Agrees with this option Comment Comment Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Influence on Preferred Option Effect on Content of Y/N Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Section The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway Council will explore how this work can be further developed. The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway Council will explore how this work can be further developed. The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway Council will explore how this work can be further developed. 71/BW/402 Sport Supports open space improvements and access to. BW/66/343 Highways The Agency welcomes the proposals to increase access by alternative modes of transport other than the private car. Where proposals are likely to result in changes to in traffic flow, queuing and delays at junctions for vehicles the Agency will need Council will explore how this work can be further developed. Consideration 69/BW/354 Labour (TB) This route does need improvement to reduce conflict between cycle and pedestrian users. See also the comment re area 5 about the creation of a pedestrian route under the straight mile from Plumbe St to Tescos. Comment Y Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 175 176 Option 2 – No Changes Section The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway Council will explore how this work can be further developed. Agree that the route is well used, but if we are to encourage increased use of the canal towpath and maximise the opportunities for residents of Burnley Wood to access the opportunities 75/BW/406 Fielding This is already a well used route and I would prefer that Option 2 is implemented. The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway Council will explore how this work can be further developed. Consideration 54/BW/224 Saunders Disagrees with this option 80/BW/470 British Waterways BW encourages the improvement of the towpath between Burnley Wood, the town centre and the Weaver's Triangle. BW supports the increased use of the waterways for leisure, recreation and sporting activities. to be consulted in order to ensure that proposals do not result in an adverse impact on the trunk road. Comment N Y Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. The Preferred Option should propose continued improvements to the Canal towpath. Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Agree that Healey Wood is a separate area. The Preferred Option will look to propose policies/proposals that deal with the distinct issues faced by residents in Healey Wood The Area Action Plan is part of the ongoing work underway under Burnley's Elevate programme. It is not a new 03/BW/24 Mr Campbell Healey Wood is a distinct and separate area from Burnley Wood 70/BW/355 Robinson I think that the Council should concentrate on finishing projects that are ongoing Other Comments Consideration within the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle then it is essential that we explore opportunities for improvements. The Canal towpath is a key route linking the area with both the Town Centre and the Weaver's Triangle. A programme of improvements to the route is underway - Council will explore how this work can be further developed. Consideration Comment Comment Section Options for Other Routes Other Options? Section N Y Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N The Preferred Option should include policies/proposals specific to Healey Wood Effect on Content of Preferred Option Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 177 Section 178 Consideration project. It is the statutory planning framework which will support ongoing and future projects. The locations for the new Secondary Schools planned under the Building Schools for the Future Programme have already been selected by Lancashire County Council The Preferred Option Plan will be a new plan and give residents more certainty of the Council's Preferred way forward for Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Comment before embarking on new ones. 05/ALL/325 Towneley There are number of potential locations for a secondary school – some of them cover more than one area 90/BW/481 Tierney If the plan is the same as July what is the point of this session? Expected to be updated with new plan. Passionate about the future of Burnley Wood. N N Influence on Preferred Option Y/N Effect on Content of Preferred Option Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement B.4 Business Survey Burnley Wood Business Survey Results A survey of businesses in the Burnley Wood area was undertaken as part of the Area Action Plan process during December 2006 and January 2007. A total of 38 businesses were sent a postal survey to complete (appendix A), of which 6 businesses completed and returned the questionnaire. This report details the main findings of this consultation exercise. Sector The majority of respondents to the Burnley Wood Business Survey operate within the manufacturing and construction sectors, and all are SME businesses. Local trade All but one of the respondents trade regularly / supply to another firm in Burnley or East Lancashire. The one company that responded that they had no local trade was BAAS Construction, and this is an issue for the company. In their comments they made it clear that they are unhappy with the local Councils in East Lancashire as they believe that they should be one of their main clients. However as it is at the moment the company has no work in east Lancashire at the present or in the foreseeable future. The cost of transporting their staff to Manchester and Leeds, where most of their work is based, is not efficient and has led to a drop in the local workforce. BAAS Construction cite the same reasons for why they do not see themselves operating out of their current location in five years time. Size of company Respondents to the survey varied in size from two to sixty employees. The smallest firm was Brentwood Supply Co. and the largest firm was BAAS Construction. The majority of their companies employees are local and live in Burnley, with two firms stating that their workforce is made up entirely of people from Burnley. The survey results indicated that the majority of employees use the car to get to their place of work Skills The respondents stated that there was a wide mix of skills across the workforce, but that they had difficulties recruiting people with the right trade skills. Premises Half the businesses own their property, two are in rented property and the remaining one business leases their premises. The majority of businesses did not answer the question regarding the size of their premises, possibly indicating that they are not aware of the floor areas of their premises. The length of time that a business has occupied their current premises varied considerably from two years to 88 years. The longest serving respondent was the Burnley Miners W.M. Social Club. Operations The businesses that responded to the survey gave a mixed view of how well they believe they are trading, although there was a slight skew towards the negative with half the business stating that their operations are either declining moderately or declining significantly. Public Sector Assistance 179 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Half of the respondents stated that they would like further assistance from the public sector to help their company grow. Northern Blue Buses requested financial assistance, Elite 04 requested financial assistance as well as marketing advice and BAAS construction requested advice regarding employment. Future Plans BAAS Construction did not have plans for future expansion of their company, stating one of the reasons for this is that the Council do not use local contractors but source work from outside the area. Elite stated that they planned to continue a strategy of steady growth to encompass more work from different industries. No other respondents gave an indication of their future plans. One third of respondents stated that within five years they did not believe they would still be operating out of the Burnley Wood area. These were Northern Blue Buses, stating a possible move to Hyndburn, and BAAS Construction, stating that there are no local work opportunities and most of their contracts are now in Manchester and Leeds. Satisfaction of current site Of those businesses that replied to the question regarding their satisfaction with their current site, all gave positive feedback stating that they were either very happy, or satisfied with their current location. Reasons for this included easy access for vehicles and a convenient location for their workforce. Local Area Ratings A major issue for the businesses in Burnley Wood is security, with concerns surrounding vandalism, anti-social behaviour from young people in the area, and general security of buildings and vehicles. Signage and local environment quality also scored poorly, with businesses stating that the area is very run down and in need of investment. Figure B.1 Local Area Ratings 180 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Burnley Wood Retail Survey Results A survey of retail businesses in the South West Burnley area was undertaken as part of the Area Action Plan process during December 2006 and January 2007. A total of 66 businesses were sent a postal survey to complete (appendix B), of which 13 retailers completed and returned the questionnaire. This report details the main findings of this consultation exercise. Length of time trading The majority of businesses (62%) that responded to the Burnley Wood Retail survey were well established in the area, having operated for over 10 years. There were no new start-up businesses that responded to the survey, with all respondents having operated in the area for over a year. Figure B.2 Length of Time Trading How is the business fairing? All the respondents to this question stated that their business was fairing ‘moderately’ or better. One company, Belfields fish & chip shop, stated that their business was performing ‘very well’ while five companies stated that their business was fairing ‘well’. 181 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Figure B.3 Business fairing How has the business grown since opening? Again, results to this question were largely encouraging with nearly 50% of respondents stating that their business had either ‘Grown significantly’ or ‘Grown moderately’ since opening in the area. This compares to nearly a quarter of companies that stated their business had ‘Declined moderately’ or ‘Declined significantly’. Parliament Street PO and RDA Trading are the two businesses that stated their business has declined significantly since they opened in the area. 182 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Figure B.4 Business Growth Rating of local facilities The chart below shows that many of the responses to the local facilities and security issues in the area were negative, with only accessibility by bus and quality of the shops scoring satisfactorily. The respondents rated safety & security, vandalism, environmental improvements and attractiveness all very poorly. Parking availability and location was also highlighted as a problem. 183 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Figure B.5 Rating of Local Facilities Improvements to the local area Of those businesses that replied to this question the general feeling was that any change would be either neutral or positive on the area. Very few of the respondents felt any of the suggestions put forward would impact negatively on the area, although increased pedestrianisation and restrictions on out of town shopping were met less favourably. Environmental improvements, more specialist stores, free parking and more tourists / visitors to the area were all greeted with more positive responses. 184 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Figure B.6 Improvements to the local area Further comments / suggestions The respondents to the survey were asked for their further comments or suggestions, the majority of which fell into the following areas: A general clean-up/tidy of the area Face-lifting to property Parking restrictions should be removed to assist businesses, with better & cheaper parking put in place. It was noted by a number of the respondents that there is an issue of anti-social behaviour in the area Remove derelict property and improve the remaining properties. New housing required to support retail companies. A restriction on rented housing was also suggested. Grants/low-cost loans to be made available for improving property. New business park signage Speed controls Environmental improvements required, including new planting, lighting and litterbins. More specifically the following comments were received: - Remove one side of Branch Road (even no’s) to disperse the anti-social behaviour. 185 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 186 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Consultation on Preferred Option AAP 187 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Appendix C Consultation on Preferred Option AAP C.1 List of Consultees Sent a Copy of the AAP North West Regional Assembly North West Development Agency Lancashire County Council Hyndburn Borough Council Calderdale Metropolitan District Council Pendle Borough Council Ribble Valley Borough Council Rossendale Borough Council Padiham Town Council Briercliffe Parish Council Cliviger Parish Council Dunnockshow Parish Council Habergham Eaves Parish Council Hapton Parish Council Ightenhill Parish Council Worsthorne – with – Hurstwood Parish Council Environment Agency Natural England English Heritage United Utilities Highways Agency Sport England Elevate C.2 Covering Letter Sent to Consultees Burnley Borough Council Planning & Environment P.O. Box 29, Parker Lane Offices Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 2DT Tel: 01282 425011 Fax: 01282 477272 E-mail: planning@burnley.gov.uk «Title» «FirstName» «LastName» 188 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement «Company_Name» «Address» «Post_Code» Dear Sir/Madam Burnley Local Development Framework – Area Action Plan for Padiham – Preferred Option The Council has published, for public comment, the Padiham Preferred Option Area Action Plan. This document sets out the spatial planning framework that will guide land use and regeneration proposals in Padiham and has been prepared following consultation on issues and options that began in July th st 2006. Consultation on the Area Action Plan will run from 19 February 2008 to 31 March 2008 and during this time you will have the opportunity to comment on the document. Full details of the consultation are set out in the enclosed Statement of DPD Matters. The Area Action Plan and related documents can be viewed online at www.burnley.gov.uk/areaactionplans. If you wish to receive a paper copy or booklet summary, please contact Jane Gaut at the above address (Tel: 01282 425011 ext. 2538 or email:jgaut@burnley.gov.uk) Copies of the Preferred Option Area Action Plan and associated documentation can also be inspected at the following locations: Planning and Environment Services’ Reception, Parker LaneOffices, Burnley Contact Burnley, 9 Parker Lane, Burnley Burnley Central Library Padiham Library Comments on the Preferred Option Area Action Plan and its Sustainability Appraisal should preferably be made through the Council’s consultation website (http://consultation.limehouse.co.uk/burnley) where fully interactive versions of the documents can be found and comments may be made online. Comments can also be made in writing, using comments forms available for the purpose, and should be submitted to the Council in one of the following ways: by post to the Policy & Environment Team, Planning & Environment Services, PO Box 29, BURNLEY, BB11 2DT by email to ldf@burnley.gov.uk. by fax to 01282 477275. st Comments should be received no later than 5pm on 31 March 2008. Anyone submitting comments will be kept informed of progress. People who do not wish to comment but would still like to be kept informed, should contact the Council at the above address. For further information or advice, please contact the Policy & Environment team on 01282 425011 Ext. 2538 or email ldf@burnley.gov.uk I hope that you will take this opportunity to get involved in this important stage of the preparation of the new Local Development Framework for Burnley. Yours faithfully Margaret Whewell 189 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Policy and Environment Manager C.3 Public Notice BURNLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK – DPDs – PRE SUBMISSION DRAFT PREFERRED OPTIONS – FEBRUARY 2008 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, Regulation 26 Burnley Borough Council has published its Preferred Option Area Action Plans (AAPs) and accompanying Sustainability Appraisals for: Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Daneshouse, Duke Bar and Stoneyholme South West Burnley Piccadilly and Trafalgar Padiham The Preferred Options AAPs have been drawn up following extensive consultation on Issues and Options and, when they are adopted they will form part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for Burnley Borough Council. This LDF forms the basis of decisions on land-use planning for development within Burnley and the AAPs will become the comprehensive spatial planning policy frameworks to deliver change and/or conservation within five neighbourhoods across the Borough. The Preferred Option AAPs and Sustainability Appraisals are now published for a six week period of public consultation from19th February 2008 to 31st March 2008, and are available for public inspection at: Planning & Environment Services, Parker Lane Offices, Burnley BB11 2DT on: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm and Wednesday 10.00am - 5.00pm Contact Burnley, 9 Parker Lane, Burnley, BB11 2BJ on: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm and Wednesday 10.00 am – 5.00 pm. Burnley Central Library, Grimshaw Street, Burnley, BB11 2BD on: Monday and Thursday 9.30 am – 7.00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30 am - 5.00 pm and Saturday 9.30 am – 4.00 pm. Padiham Library, Town Hall, Burnley Road, Padiham, BB12 8BS on: Monday and Thursday 9.30 am – 7.00 pm, Wednesday and Friday 9.30 am – 5.00 pm and Saturday 9.30 am to 1.00 pm Also available for inspection are the Council’s Consultation Reports and the Statements of DPD Matters for Burnley Wood and Healey Wood, Daneshouse/Duke Bar/Stoneyholme, Padiham, Piccadilly and Trafalgar and South West Burnley The Preferred Option AAPs are also available to view on the Council’s website at www.burnley.gov.uk/areaactionplans 190 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Comments on the Preferred Option AAPs or their supporting Sustainability Appraisal should preferably be made through the Council’s consultation website (http:consultation.limehouse.co.uk/burnley) where fully interactive versions of the documents can be found and comments may be made online. Comments can also be made in writing, using comments forms available for the purpose, and should be submitted to the Council in one of the following ways: • by post to the Policy & Environment Team, Planning & Environment Services, PO Box 29, BURNLEY, BB11 2DT • by email to ldf@burnley.gov.uk. • by fax to 01282 477275. Comments should be received no later than 5pm on 31st March 2008. Anyone submitting comments will be kept informed of progress. People who do not wish to comment but would still like to be kept informed, should contact the Council at the above address. For further information or advice, please contact the Policy & Environment team on 01282 425011 Ext. 2538 or email ldf@burnley.gov.uk 191 192 2 1 4 Mr John Kershaw Ms Marilyn Carter Organisation Details Mrs Amy Tharme Full Name ID Proposal BW TAI1/ 1 Proposal BW H1/ 2 3.9 Policy/ Proposal I do not think that you can draw lines on a map and say that these particular streets only need a facelift. You need to Will the new properties be reinstated into the private sector? No point making comments, been to five meetings and come away from all no wiser, as everyone tells you different things. I have lived in this house thirty one years and I have not been informed of one thing that is going to happen to my property. So why ask for my opinion when you don't give me any thing permanent to go on, as all things will be different at the next meeting. I learn more about my house in the local shops than from the council. So I suggest you let me know what is going on and I will comment. I found your booklet to be yet another set of plans, that will be changed very soon. Response Event: Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan - Preferred Options Report Representation noted. The property in question is in an area identified for a toolkit of measures through the targeted area initiative and for Representation noted. New build properties will available either to purchase as market housing or to purchase/rent from the Council's lead Registered Social Landlord. Representations noted. The Council has prepared the Area Action Plan in an open and transparent manner and attempted to ensure that all residents are kept up to date. The submission version of the Area Action Plan will be publicised and consulted on in the same manner. Officers' Recommendation C.4 Consideration of Representations To Preferred Option Consultation No changes to the policy proposed. No change proposed. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Healey Wood Community and Residents Association Full Name Mr Martyn Hurt 420 ID Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal Representation noted. The preferred option included only those proposals that the Council considered to be deliverable given current and projected funding. Further work has potential improvements as it falls within the Burnley Wood Local Centre. There are no firm proposals for facelifting at present, however some form of improvements are considered to be merited on this key gateway to the area. Any further work in identifying and implementing improvment projects will take into account the state of the properties to be improved. get out of your ivory towers and walk the streets and survey at least a proportion of homes in each street, My home has had a river running through the cellar for the past 30 years that I know of and consequently all the bricks are now crumbling and I am riddled with rising damp. I am afraid that a bit of sandblasting on the front facia will improve my property not one iota. Plus the fact that I have no intention of allowing the front to be sand blasted just so that it creates the image of something being done I am that the main objectives of the preferred option (#1) have been removed after residents chose it for these objectives - the facelifting and home zone approach. How can this be the preferred option when the preferred objectives no longer exist? The term targeted area initiative has not been explained well at all. After reading appendix 6 I see there are no performance indicators, it is all very wooly. There is a very strong community group in the healey wood area and the AAP should have been drawn up with more input from the community. Officers' Recommendation Response The policy will be amended if necessary to take account of the further work Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 193 194 Organisation Details Chairperson Healey Wood Community and Residents Association Full Name Mrs Julie Hurt 426 ID Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. been undertaken since then to identify those initiatives that the Council consider to be deliverable and that will most appropriately deal with the issues identified by residents. There is no mention in the option of the former healey wood school as a community resource and focal point. There are no plans regarding the development of the greenspaces in healey wood, especially play equipmant and sports facilities. - Parks need attended to - more stuff equipment wise for children - Back Street (Berry St) needs resurfacing from 41 onwards - Back yards need attending to in the area - Dog bins needed on the the Delph - More bins needed on the streets rubbish dropped everywhere - Veolia a wast of space - don't clean up after recycling collection leaving rubbish everywhere - The hill across from the school building needs cleaning up - rubbish everywhere - More communication between Council and residents in the area needed - all residents need to know what is happenign in their area - People like myself need to know more about private landlords - they rent out to anybody, only interested in rent. Officers' Recommendation Response Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. undertaken on the role of the targeted area initiatives. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Healey Wood Community and Residents Association Mr Kevin Stowell Ms. Sylvia Jean Moss Organisation Details Full Name 494 431 ID Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal Would like to see alley gates on the back streets and planters and benches etc. in the area. Would kine more information. Can someone come and talk to people about it. Antisocial behaviour is a problem underage drinking and drug dealing. Drug dealing can be seen inbroad daylight and it is out of control. Need This is a residential area not an industrial area. We have asked for signs to be put up but no money. Dog fouling is a disgrace in the area needs monitoring On my front street we have a constant river running down - been reported to engineers and they have not got back to us If you talk to your local Councillors they don't do anything for you until it is election time and than all promises Police a waste of time - some fine others a wate of time People from out of the area are dumping untaxed cars on my back street - rear of David Street and front of Berry Street I am a concerned resident - I have lived here since 1982 and nothign seems to get done Response Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Officers' Recommendation Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 195 196 Organisation Details Healey Wood Community and Residents Association Full Name Mrs Patricia Appleby 500 ID Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal The unadopted back street on Berry Street needs resurfacing Some of the backyards are disgraceful and are overspilling to their front gardens Healey Wood is in need of a good clean up at least once a month Top of Berry Street needs resurfacing We as concerned residents are trying to get a better area but we do need help from Councillors to achieve this and make it a better Area to live in. I have lived round here for 69 years - it used to be a lovely place to live but over the years it has deteriorated mainly to private landlords. Some are very good some sort of quick response from the police as they either come too late or not at all. Delph park - would like to seee this better equipment - to keep them occupied Dog fouling is very bad in the area tends to be dogs on a lead. Also need dog poo bins in area and more enforcement and signs. Need to be fire resistant bins. Need ordinary litter bins - only 1 in area Look at ways to light some of the area - top near village area, back streets, "the hill" footpath Response Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Officers' Recommendation Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 554 Miss Nicola Chapman ID 546 Organisation Details Miss Nicola Chapman Full Name Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Policy BW SIT 3 Policy/ Proposal In the area dog fouling is a problem there are also no bins anywhere in the vicinity there is a lot of litter behind the factory on the right of the path cars and vans attending Burnley College - speeding and parking dangerously fly tipping onto the railway parking at the junction and on bends affects visbility - forcing cars onto the other side of the road some houses in the area are very scruffy and would benefit from sandblasting lorries looking for healey Wood industrial estate try to turn on Springhill Road The pathway and greenspace from Springhill Roadto Marlborough Streetis never cleared of litter unless constantly reported. The railings on the steps have been vandalised. and look after them but most don't care what state they are in, only care about their rent. Response Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Representation noted. Work to improve the neighbourhoods routes will hopefully deal with the issues identfied. Officers' Recommendation Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 197 198 652 784 Mrs Kelly Rogan Ms Enid Taylor ID 650 Organisation Details Mrs Barbara Davies Full Name Proposal BW TAI1/ 1 Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal I suffer from youth nuisnace as I am at the gable end and I get a lot of problems with youths throwing stones at my window. School holidays are particularly bad. Fly tipping is also a problem in the area. unadopted road needs resurfacing Lights on slug hill need maintaining there has been a light out for months and it is very dangerous Back streets are filthy - bin men do not clear up rubbish that has been dropped. White recycling bags are nor returned to property. Often bins are taken and not returned to the property. We have had to order 3 new bins in the past 2 years at £20 a time because they have been taken. Would like to see more things for the children to do - also for the older person Would like to see the speed limit slowed down because some child could get hurt very badly Springhill Road - the trees and bushes need to be cut back because they are so over grown and someone could get hurt. Also the parking on Springhill Road-with cars coming off Manchester Roadinto Springhill Roadspeeding going to be a bad crash Dogs fouling on the street Response Representation noted Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 654 Mr Donald Victor Marsden ID 785 Organisation Details Ms Enid Taylor Full Name Proposal BW TAI1/ 1 Proposal BW H1/ 3 Policy/ Proposal I am very disappointed about your local development framework plan ( Area Action) Preferred Option Summary Burnley Wood and Healey Wood. This plan does nothing for me or my family. It has took the Council 7 years to do nothing for my area. Your original plan was to demolish some houses and update the rest. All you state in your proposal TAI1/1 is a toolkit to go in partnership work with an approved registered social landlord to acquire properties in order to bring them back under effective management. If you had acted 7 years ago this position might not be as bad. As for tackling anti-social problems such as noise and fly tipping I pay Community Charges and taxes to the Police, Fire Brigade and Cleansing Dept. I would like to know what I am entitled to under your grant availability to encourage sustainable maintenance and Would like to see trees retained in BW/H1/3 around the recreation ground even if housing is provided. I would like to see the allotments retained. Response Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. Site description will be amended to refer to the established trees on site. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 199 200 679 Mr David Barnes ID 672 Organisation Details Mrs Hazel Duxbury Full Name Proposal BW H1/ 3 Proposal BW H1/ 2 Policy/ Proposal "Planned for Medium Term 2011-2016" Check your facts......100a - 148 Parkinson Streetwere served notices before Christmas that property was to be demolished. Burnley Council told us in December that clearance would be in next 6-9 months. Section 16 notices issued in January. Council surveyor agreed prices for properties Jan/Feb!! Why then is a leaflet issued in Feb 2008 so out of date. Whe queried, a Burnley Council member of staff said money was available so date moved forward...by 4 years...AMAZING I cannot understand why a fully occupied block of houses in a good state of repair should be knocked down. I have not had any contact from Elevate in over nine months. I am left up in the air as to what is happening and when to my property and livelihood. I do not know whether to relocate elsewhere in the Burnley Wood area as nobody seems clear as to what exactly is happening to the rest of Burnley Wood, also I do not know whether I will have any customers left after you have finished with your social experiment. improvement of my property. I would like all forms for grants sent to my address Response Representation noted. The date for development included within the Area Action Plan is based on the development programme prepared by the Council and their Lead Developer partner. Redevelopment The creation of a sustainable community in Burnley Wood is intended to increase the population over time which should assist in maintaining services within the area. To assemble sites for redevelopment will necessitate the redevelopment of some fit properties. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. No change proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Mr David Barnes Full Name Organisation Details 682 ID Proposal BW H1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal Representation noted. Implementation of the Area Action Plan's policies will ensure that new development is sensitive to the area's character. Comments re: the new development at HirstGardens are noted. of the site including this terrace is not planned within the first phase of work. It is rather ironic that the top block of Parkinson Street, which generally are better maintained and occupied are selected for demolition. These have a open aspect with park and some have views of Pendle Hill (clearly a selling point for future developments!!) The properties at the bottom of Parkinson Streetwhich are unoccupied and less well maintained are selected for renovation. Surely someone has got this the wrong way round? 100a - 148 Parkinson Streetwould certainly last another 100 years...if Burnley Council hadn't decided decided to demolish them..I don't think the same can be said of New Build on Clarance Street New housing "will be sensitive to historic character of Burnley Wood"!!! Has anyone who has written that actually seen the new properties built on Clarence Street?? They are horrible...with silly sloping roofs they look like big concrete coal bunkers and they are painted white...more inkeeping with some mediteranean report as beach accomodation....not Burnley Officers' Recommendation Response No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 201 Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal 202 The sloping roofs are not inkeeping with anything in the neighbourhood....unless it is the shape of things to come. All surrounding terraced property (except small block at the top of Branch Road) is to be cleared...so what is the property supposed to be inkeeping with?? Only historical thing they are vaguely reminiscent of is an outside WC! Planning please try better before you ruin the entire area and make Burnley Wood a laughing stock!! Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 798 Keepmoat Homes Mr Ian Fletcher ID 780 Organisation Details Mrs Angela Jackson Full Name Proposal BW TAI1/ 1 Policy BW ENV 3 Policy/ Proposal We note that this area is identified as a tyraget for a range of interventions which seek to manage the sustainability of the market in this area through a "toolkit of measures", howver it is the view of Keepmoat that much of this area still exhibits the symptoms of acute market failure, evidenced primarily through the disproportionately high I cannot understand why Stoney Streethas been missed out of the Elevate Frontal face-lifting. This street along with Kingsland Roadwould be ideal to warrant the work. Seems to me the addition of Oxford Roadand Clarence Streetis to go with the new Calico housing. My house on Stoney Streetcan be seen from Hufling Lanebut all the ones done last few years are either on the bus route or main (Hollingreave Rd) road. I contacted my local councillor and was repled with it was because Stoney Streetis in the Conservation Area but so are others as I replied. In all honesty I have not taken too much notice of all this redevelopment/regeneration because Stoney Streethas been omitted. Response As the Council's lead developer we have worked closely with Keepmoat homes on the phasing and delivery of new housing within the Pre-Submission Publication AAP. Planning permission has now been obtained for the first phase of residential development. Further phases will be delivered by Representation noted. Stoney Streetand Kingsland Roadhave not been included within the the Council's Facelifting programme as they do not meet the requirements set out for inclusion in the Council's Facelifting policy. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. No changes proposed Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 203 Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal 204 levels of abandonment in the privately owned housing stock. Significantly also, much of the housing stock appears to be in a poor state of repair, requiring significant investment to bring it to meet the decency standard for homes in the private sector. From our extensive experience of working in partnership with local authorities and public sector agencies on regeneration projects in areas of low demand, we believe that clearance of a significant proportion of "the grid" would be required to create the critical mass of developable land required to fully realise the transformation of thos local housing market, and stimulate further investment in the surrounding area. This is of particular importance when considering the current downward trends on both the regional and local housing markets, and the ability of management interventions in "The Grid" area to deliver the Council's aspirations for increasing owner occupation, reducing abandonment and stimulating investment in the housing stock. In addition, the clearance of homes in this area would present the opportunity to diversify the housing mix within the Burnley Wood area, as well as allow for the strategic remodelling of the Response Keepmoat homes in line with the AAP and the Council's Housing Regeneration Strategy Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal infrastructure to provide a more functional layout with a much improved strategic connectivity with Parliament Street neighbourhood centre, the Leeds Liverpool Canal and linkages with existing routes to and from the Town Centre. Indeed, we point out that the outcomes of previous masterplanning exercises support such an approach. As such we propose that the current preferred option is reviewed to provide an approach towards intervention in line with the original option 1 defined in the AAP options analysis. Indeed, the AAP identifies itself identifies the significant level of strategic fit with pther Council aims and objectives, of this option. The reasons for thsi option being discounted, namely value for money issues, Heritage impact issues and stakeholder support are acknowledged, however, we believe that a revised version of this option 1 could mitigate these concerns. Our proposal for a revised option would be to pursue clearance of the grid area from Branch Road across to Reed Street, forming an extension to the alreday proposed Phase 3 site development site (reference BW H1/3), bounded to the north by Parliament Street and to the south by Kirkgate. This would provide a critical mass and Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 205 206 Organisation Details English Heritage Full Name Mrs Judith Nelson 802 ID 2.6 Policy/ Proposal Indeed much of the southern and eastern part of the AAP area is within the Burnley Wood Conservation Area, however, FinsleyWharf and the southern section of the Straight Mile is located coherency of new developable land to transform the housing market, whilst also retaining some of the existing pre-1919 terraced stock which exhibit a better standard of condition. Such an approach would maintain the Heritage value of the area and provide greater value of the area. Such an approach would mainatin the Heritage value of the area and provide greater value for money in the use of public resources, whilst also providing opportunity for diversifying housing choice and remodelling the layout of the area to improve strategic connectivity with the neighbourhood's surroundings. With regard to stakeholder support for such an option, we note the very low level of responses, both positive and negative, and would suggest a more detailed and focused consultation to a wider audience before adopting this as a rationale for discounting progressing on this basis. Response Agree that the Canalside Conservation Area should be referenced within this paragraph Officers' Recommendation Amend paragraph to refer to the Canalside Conservation Area. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details English Heritage English Heritage Full Name Mrs Judith Nelson Mrs Judith Nelson 815 803 ID Proposal BW H1/ 5 2.25 Policy/ Proposal Proposal BW H1/5 recognises that Lambert Howarth and FinsleyWharf are extremely significant sites. English Heritage supports the Council in its wish to see the heritage-led regeneration of the canal; however, with the exception of the public realm supplementary planning document, there is little reference to the historically significant Weavers' Triangle. We believe that reference should be made to the Weavers' Triangle Masterplan and Delivery Strategy (March 2006), which was prepared in partnership by Burnley Borough Council, Lancashire County Developments Ltd, NWDA and English The significance of the Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Heritage Appraisals is recognised, however the influence and future role of the adopted Design Guidance for Burnley Wood Supplementary Planning Document (May 2006) must not be forgotten. This guidance has the ability to secure high quality new development which protects and enhances local distinctiveness and as such Objective 7 of the Council's vision should be amended accordingly. within the Canalside Conservation Area. This detail should therefore be referenced accordingly. Response Representation noted. Changes will be made to the policy to include aditional references to the historically significant Weavers' Triangle. Agree that the future role of the adopted Design Guidance for Burnley Wood Supplementary Planning Document (May 2006) must not be forgotten. Officers' Recommendation Policy to be amended to include aditional references to the historically significant Weavers' Triangle. Amend the supporting text to refer to the Design Guidance for Burnley Wood Supplementary Planning Document (May 2006). Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 207 208 Organisation Details English Heritage Full Name Mrs Judith Nelson 816 ID Proposal BW EW1/ 3 Policy/ Proposal Proposal BW H1/5 recognises that Lambert Howarth and FinsleyWharf are extremely significant sites. English Heritage supports the Council in its wish to see the heritage-led regeneration of the canal; however, with the exception of the public realm supplementary planning document, there is little reference to the historically significant Weavers' Triangle. We believe that reference should be made to the Weavers' Triangle Masterplan and Delivery Strategy (March 2006), which was prepared in partnership by Burnley Borough Council, Lancashire County Developments Ltd, NWDA and English Heritage to establish a framework to achieve successful waterside regeneration, and the the Weavers' Heritage to establish a framework to achieve successful waterside regeneration, and the the Weavers' Triangle Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) which was approved by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) in June 2007. Finsley Mill, HealeyRoydMillFinsleyWharf were identified as strategic projects within the THI submission and their redevelopment and reuse is fundamental to the successful implementation of the THI. Response Representation noted. Site description will be amended to make additional references to the historically significant Weavers' Triangle. Officers' Recommendation Site description will be amended to make additional references to the historically significant Weavers' Triangle. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details English Heritage English Heritage English Heritage Full Name Mrs Judith Nelson Mrs Judith Nelson Mrs Judith Nelson 822 820 818 ID Table 16.1 15.9 Policy BW ENV 1 Policy/ Proposal Target 15 - A conservation area management plan should also be prepared at ths time. Whilst the character appraisal will define and evaluate the buildings and features that contribute towards the special architectural and historic interest of the conservation area, the management plan will identify and programme a This section should also make reference to the Weaver's Triangle THI and to grants available to Finsley Mill, Healey Royd Mill and FinsleyWharf. This policy states that new development must respect and enhance the character and setting of listed buildings and buildings of local interest. Whilst this policy is supported we believe that specific reference shoudl also be made here to the Burnley Wood and Canalside Conservation Areas. Triangle Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) which was approved by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) in June 2007. Finsley Mill, HealeyRoydMillFinsleyWharf were identified as strategic projects within the THI submission and their redevelopment and reuse is fundamental to the successful implementation of the THI. Response Agree that suggested changes should be made to Targets 15 and 16. Agree that the references should be made to the Weaver's Triangle THI. Representation noted. Agree that specific reference should be made to the Burnley Wood and Canalside Conservation Areas. Officers' Recommendation Revised set of targets included with the Pre-submission Publication Plan Amend paragraph to refer to Weaver's Triangle THI. Policy to be amended as suggested. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 209 210 Organisation Details Planning Manager Sport England Planning Manager Sport England Planning Manager Sport England Full Name Mr Brian Green Mr Brian Green Mr Brian Green 846 845 844 ID Policy BW SIT 2 Policy CS 1 2.25 Policy/ Proposal Sport England support the commitments made to the establishment of cycle routes and green routes (where appropriate) which will help encourage active travel and promote a culture of physical activity. Sport England welcome the specification of improvements to accessible play and open space through separate site proposals. Support the establishment of a specific objectives relating to: the promotion of healthy lifestyles through the development of opportunities for leisure, recreation and sport, including appropriate location of facilities: and the protection and proviison of open space as a fundamental part of the character of the AAP areas and its promotion as part of good urban design. series of short, medium and long term protection, development and enhancement projects to help secure the area's long term viability as an important heritage asset. In addition Target 16 should be revised to also make reference to buildings of local interest. Response Representation noted. Representation noted. Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. No changes proposed No changes proposed Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Government Office for the North West Full Name Mr Jonathan Pennick 1287 ID Policy/ Proposal Thank you for your letter dated 18th February 2008 enclosing the Preferred Options Area Action Plans and associated documents of the above mentioned for comment. As you will be aware, we have provided comments to the Council on a number of occasions both formally and informally during the preparation of the Development Plan Document (DPD) so far and hope that our comments will help you to submit a sound DPD during the forthcoming stages of the DPD process. Our comments are set out below, but I thought I would take the opportunity to advise you about the approach to be taken in the examination of the AAP. The responsibility rests with the Local Planning Authority to ensure that submitted documents are "sound" and enshrine the principles of front-loading, community engagement and the testing of alternative options as part of sustainability appraisal. If these principles have not been addressed adequately at early stages of document preparation, it may be too late to put things right at the submission stage. Without prejudice to the Secretary of State's role later in the process, we will try to help Local Planning Authorities minimise the risk of submitting unsound Response Representation Noted Officers' Recommendation No change Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 211 Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal 212 documents by making appropriate comments at earlier stages of document preparation, particularly at the Preferred Options stage. To do this, we look for evidence that the nine tests of soundness (as set out in PPS12 and explained further in guidance from the Planning Insectorate) have been addressed. We will seek further clarification where evidence of soundness is not immediately clear. At this stage, we do not propose to get into the merits of detailed policy wording because it is the overall soundness of the strategy and approach to document preparation that we need to consider first, before documents are formally submitted. In previous correspondence between Burnley Council and GONW I expressed the view that the Preferred Options documents do not clearly indicate that the current 6-week consultation period provides an opportunity to gather views on all the options presented within the document. However in the light of these comments I am satisfied that the action Burnley Council have taken outlined in your letter dated 29th February addressed to all consultees in receipt of the AAP, to be an acceptable approach in the circumstances. In proceeding to Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Government Office for the North West Government Office for the North West Full Name Mr Jonathan Pennick Mr Jonathan Pennick 1289 1288 ID Policy/ Proposal The vision has been vastly improved, giving a clear indication of what the specific AAP area will be like in the future, identifying the area's specific areas of opportunity making the vision The Spatial Portrait of each of the AAPs provides the reader with a clear sense of place and briefly raises some of the issues and opportunities associated with the area. This section is well supported by the use of evidence. submission, you will need to satisfy yourself that all options have been sufficiently aired, and that consultees have been given an appropriate opportunity to comment on them. I would be happy to recommend that you consider the PAS self-assessment toolkit as part of your consideration of the document against the DPD tests of soundness. The importance of such self-assessment throughout the DPD preparation process is stressed in the recent PINS LDF "Lesssons Learnt" document. I would be happy to discuss these comments further if that would be helpful. I look forward to continuing our involvement in the process. Response Representation noted Representation Noted Officers' Recommendation No change No change Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 213 214 Organisation Details Government Office for the North West Government Office for the North West Government Office for the North West Government Office for the North West Full Name Mr Jonathan Pennick Mr Jonathan Pennick Mr Jonathan Pennick Mr Jonathan Pennick 1293 1292 1291 1290 ID Policy/ Proposal 4 The inclusion of detailed policy wording at Preferred Options is not usually considered appropriate at this stage. The general thrust of the polciy should however be outlined at this stage without outlining detailed policy wording, which should instead be set out at submission stage. I am pleased to note that the AAPs make reference although briefly, to the justification of delivering the Core Strategy in advance of the five AAPs and the interrelationship between each of the LDF documents. The review of other plans and programmes at the National, Regional, Sub-Regional and Local levels enables the reader to understand the clear links that exist between the AAPs and these other documents. The objectives appear to flow from the identified vision and highlight a range of issues; and not just those issues traditionally associated with land use planning as clearly wider spatial issues have been considered. distinctive to the place and spatial in nature. The vision appears to be both realistic and deliverable. Response Representation Noted Representation Noted Representation Noted Representation Noted Officers' Recommendation No Change No change No change No change Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planning Manager Sport England Planning Manager Sport England Planning Manager Sport England Full Name Mr Brian Green Mr Brian Green Mr Brian Green 871 870 869 ID 15.7 Table 16.1 2.51 Policy/ Proposal Sport England Welcomes the fact that securing monies for community infrastructure through re-development will be a common feature of all the AAPs. To this end, Sport England considers that when cnsidering community infrastructure provision associated with new development, the approach taken should be similar to that taken to education and health facilities. Unless existing facilities have the capacity in quantitative and qualitative terms to accommodate the additional demand generated by a developemnt of this scale, financial contributions should be secured towards the provision or enhancement of sports facilities both on and off site, in line with policy on planning obligations developed for the area. The financial contributions needed to meet the sport/recreation needs of a Sport England welcomes the specification of a target relating to the maintenance and improvement of the quantity, quality and accessibility of open spaces. Sport England welcomes the reference to the Borough's Sport and Physical Activity Strategy and the Green Spaces Strategy for Burnley as the evidence base to support the proposals. Response Representation noted. Representation noted. Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. No change proposed. No change. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 215 216 Organisation Details Planning Manager Sport England Full Name Mr Brian Green 873 ID Policy/ Proposal Design Matters Sport England has developed specific guidance for planners and master planners on the promotion of urban and building design which encourages physical activity. Taking widely accepted principles of good design (character, continuity, quality, legibility etc) as a starting point, Active Design uses three objectives to frame advice on positive design: improving accessibility; enhancing amenity; and increasing awareness. Using the three design objectives, the guidance explores in detail their application to three activity settings: - Everyday activity destinations (shops, homes, school workplaces) - Informal activity and recreation (play areas, parks and gardens) - Formal sports and leisure activities (sports pitches, swimming pools etc) Active Design poses a number of questions for planners and masterplanners to consider. A table is development of this scale should be incorporated into the financial appraisal of the developemnt proposals. Sport England has developed detailed guidance on thse matters which is available on their website. Response The AAP supports the promotion of healthy lifestyles through the encouragement of walking and cycling and the protection and enhancement of public open spaces. Officers' Recommendation No change to Relationship with other Plans and Programmes. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Regional Planning Officer North West Regional Assembly Full Name Mr Paul Entwistle 874 ID Policy/ Proposal Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above documents. The following represent officer level comments on the documents. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the current situation regarding the Regional Spatial Strategy. As you are aware the Adopted RSS Regional Planning Guidance for the North West (RPG 13) now forms an integral part of the development plan and should be given due consideration in development plan documents. In addition the emerging draft Regional Spatial Strategy "The North West Plan" has now undergone a number of periods of consultation, including an EiP, with the Panel Report published in 2007. The Secretary of State's Proposed changes were published for consultation on 20 March 2008. Final publication of RSS is expected in July. PPS 12 para 4.19 states: "Where the regional spatial strategy / spatial development strategy has been through an Examination in Public, and provided in the letter which provides examples of these. The full guidance is available at www.sportengland.org > get resources > downloads > design guidance > active design.pdf. Response Representation noted. Amend text to reflect updated position in relation to Regional Spatial Strategy. Officers' Recommendation Text amended to reflect updated position in relation to Regional Spatial Strategy. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 217 Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal 218 the proposed changes have been published, considerable weight may be attached to that strategy because of the strong possibility that it will be published in that form by the Secretary of State." For information, the following are the key aspects of the Proposed Changes which differ significantly from, or are additional to the Panel's Recommendations: - The Regional Spatial Framework - it is proposed to amend this to bring it more closely into alignment with the spatial vision in the Regional Economic Strategy, and the North West Regional Funding Allocations advice. - Key Service Centres - it is proposed to delete the named Key Service Centres, and instead, replace this with a criteria-based approach which will leave their identification to the Local Development Frameworks. - Housing Figures - it is proposed to remove the ceiling to housing figures, in line with the more flexible approach of Planning Policy Statement 3, to enable additional growth and current government initiatives of Housing Growth Points and EcoTowns to be accommodated. Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal - Transport Investment Priorities - it is proposed to remove the detailed information on transport investment priorities, for inclusion in the Implementation Framework. - City Regions - it is proposed to amend the definition of city regions to reflect local government restructuring in Cheshire and to avoid areas of overlap. - Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment - various amendments are proposed, including to the policies concerning spatial principles, tourism, airports and ports. - Decentralised Energy - it is proposed to replace the on site renewable energy policy, with a new policy on decentralised energy supply. - Partial Review - the Panel's recommendation for an early Partial Review is accepted. It is proposed to focus an immediate review on the key policy areas of housing, energy and waste. The following comments relate to all 5 AAPs that the NWRA has consulted upon. Submitted Draft RSS policy L4 offers support for the need to all proposed development to achieve at least level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes or a Breeam Very Good rating. Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 219 220 Organisation Details Planning Advisor CABE Full Name Ms Carolyn Pepper 1294 ID Policy/ Proposal Thank you for consulting the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) about the five Area Action Plan (AAP) Preferred Options documents. Unfortunately due to limited resources, we are only able to comment on the South West Burnley Area Action Plan preferred options document, but feel the following points should be applied to Burnley Wood and Healey Wood, Daneshouse / Duke Bar / Stoneyholme, Padiham and Piccadilly Submitted RSS policy EM1 (proposed modifications policy EM1 (c)) also offers broad support for the retention of historic buildings and heritage environments. I welcome reference to both the Adopted and Submitted Draft RSS in the "Relationship with other Plans and Programmes" sections. However, given the late stage that Draft RSS has now reached on the road to adoption, should warrant much greater reference in the documents. Unfortunately due to other work commitments, staff resources and the large number of documents that Burnley is consulting upon in the same period, it has not been possible to prepare the more in-depth comments that the NWRA normally provides on such documents. Response Representation noted. The AAP is a spatial document and includes policies and proposals which promote high standards of design. Further advice on design standards and quality are provided in the Design Guidance Burnley Wood SPD. Officers' Recommendation No change Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planning Advisor CABE Full Name Ms Carolyn Pepper 1295 ID Policy/ Proposal We also feel that the vision lacks clarity and does not reflect the objectives of the plan. While the document might meet the statutory requirements for the production of an AAP, a key feature of the AAP's is the focus on place making and implementation and we feel that the opportunity to address the specific issues the area faces and promote change in an innovative way has been missed. / Trafalagar AAP's. The document has been considered by the chair of design review MJ Long and members of the design review staff at a desktop review on 17 March 2008. We have looked at the Area Action Plan Preferred Options Report but have not reviewed the associated materials. Our views on this document are as follows. Your intentions in preparing the guidance are admirable and we support you in seeking to provide direction for the future development of this area. We support the objectives outlined in the document, however we feel that the options presented are reminiscent of traditional land use planning policy and do not achieve the design standards and qualities of a spatial plan. Response Representation noted. The vision has been revised following comments received at Issues and Options stage and is considered to provide a good framework for the area's regeneration and renewal. The specific issues the area faces are summarised in 2.3.3 and the Policies and Sits Allocations in the AAP have been designed to tackle all of these. Officers' Recommendation No change Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 221 222 Organisation Details Planning Advisor CABE Full Name Ms Carolyn Pepper 1296 ID Policy/ Proposal Process and Content The decision to proceed with producing five AAPs ahead of the Core Strategy, Site Allocations and Proposals Map has resulted in documents that lack an overarching strategy either spatially or in terms of development (location, mix, scale, phasing, infrastructure etc), or other investment or strategic policies. We note that a Green Infrastructure document has been prepared and there are also other documents that should contribute to the evidence base for the AAPs. This would provide a wider context for proposals and a structure or framework for other interventions. Whilst the need to consider implications of decisions in one AAP area on another is mentioned, there is no statement, plan or strategy that brings the AAP areas together. The only available map showing all 5 AAP areas is the map taken from the Local Development Scheme in Appendix 1, which does not show interrelationships either between the AAPs themselves, or key areas such as the town centre and the Weavers Triangle. This omission is considered a major shortcoming of the adopted methodolgy and it is recommended that in advance of the preparation of the Core Strategy, an overarching Response Representation noted. The AAPs sit within the wider policy context and framework of the "saved policies" of the Local Plan. The 5 AAPs are being developed concurrently in order to provide an opportunity to consider cross cutting issues and to provide a balanced approach to land use allocations. Further work is ongoing to consider issues across the 5 AAP areas, including the work on Green Infrastructure and Housing and EmploymentLand position statements. In terms of format, it is proposed that more illustrative material will be used in the Submission Plan, including photographs and possibly other illustrative material. Officers' Recommendation No change Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planning Advisor CABE Full Name Ms Carolyn Pepper 1297 ID Policy/ Proposal 2 We are concerned about the lack of "spatial" context at this preferred options stage. The preferred options AAP should seek to integrate with related policies and programmes that influence place making and the function of a place. There should be clear links development framework is prepared to demonstrate how the AAPs are connected, consistent and complimentary in both spatial and policy terms. Format We feel that the format of the document is text heavy. There are no photographs, illustrations or diagrams in the document which would have been useful to illustrate existing conditions eg topography and existing spatial layout, key design concepts, evidence of design quality (whether existing in the area or from elsewhere as a benchmark) and the various options for change, which is a significant shortcoming of the document and a missed opportunity. In comparison we praise the efforts of the format and content within the Design Guidance for SW Burnley that you have produced, and would encourage a similar format for the AAPs. Response Representation noted. It is considered that the Preferred Option does provide a "spatial" context and a range of spatial, rather than land use, policies and proposals are being developed to address the key issues identified in the AAP. Officers' Recommendation No change Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 223 224 Organisation Details Planning Advisor CABE Full Name Ms Carolyn Pepper 1298 ID Policy BW ENV 2 Policy/ Proposal We acknowledge that three out of the five AAPs have adopted design guidance and we congratulate you on forming the link between ENV2: Sustainable Design and Construction, and the Design Guide for Burnley Wood. It is disappointing however that the between the vision, strategic objectives, and how these are addressed in each of the options. We appreciate what has been achieved to date in bringing forward such a thorough set of AAPs, particularly in advance of the Core Strategy. We are keen to see the use of more maps, diagrams and illustrations, similar to the excellent example of your South West Burnley Design Guide. Overall, while we support the aspirations of Burnley Borough Council in preparing this document, we feel that it is a missed opportunity and does not meet the stated ambition or purpose. We are confident that if our comments are followed then they will assist you further in refining the remits of spatial planning; undertake the design quality and analysis required for each of the strategic options and ultimately produce an inspiring, engaging and spatial document. Response Representation noted. It is accepted that Policy BW ENV2: Sustainable design and Construction could be reviewed and reworded, to include a reference to Building for Life and provide a specific design quality benchmark. Officers' Recommendation Policy BW ENV2 removed from AAP. Policy issue to be covered by other DPDs Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 253 Circuit Planning Representative Jehovah's Witnesses Mr Ron Smith ID 782 Organisation Details Mr and Mrs Nicholls Full Name 8.2 Policy BW ENV 3 Policy/ Proposal The Burnley Borough is a multi-cultural community with a variety of religious groups. This plethora of religious faiths is potentially an important influencer of the behavioural stability of the social structure. In order to facilitate the varied and changing need for places of worship in Local Plans, some authorities have provided generic policies which enable provision of suitable land without the need to identify and label specific areas within the required Proposals Map. This Representation noted. This form of policy would be more suited to the emerging Core Strategy, as it would be more appropriate to develop a Borough wide approach to the provision of new places of worship and associated community facilities. Representaion noted. Issues raised will be fed into further work on the environmental works to be undertaken in the area. Issues considered to be more appropriately covered by a Borough wide policy. design standards identified in the AAP relate to the Code for Sustainable Homes but not Building for Life (BfL). As a result, there is no specific design quality benchmark and it is recommended that BfL be specifically identified as a design standard to be achieved in new developments, which would proivide a mechanism for monitoring design achievements in the Borough. Basically we are in agreement with what is proposed. Would like to see Calico provide better, higher fencing, more litter free areas. The street lighting is very poor and sufferes from intermittent faults - goes on and off. Officers' Recommendation Response No change. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 225 226 Ms Paula Wood Full Name Organisation Details 265 ID Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal In 2006 when consulted re preferred choices option 1 equalled - facelfiting, traffic calming, resident parking etc. In the info delivered recently option 1 is now a Targeted Improvement Area and will look at alley gates, reduction of ASB. Why ask what we want and then move the goalposts? Healeywood needs more than a few gates on the end of the backstreets! has been done by employing policies with wording similar to the example below: "In addition to residential areas the Council will in principle regard former community/public buildings and former commercial/industrial premises as the most appropriate locations for places of worship and associated community facilities, subject to such buildings satisfying the requirements set out in other policies." This inclusion will serve to support the emerging policies of the core strategy so as to make ongoing provision for community facilities, including places of worship, without the need to make a specific land allocation for such purposes throughout the life of the Local Development Framework. Response Representation noted. The preferred option included only those proposals that the Council considered to be deliverable given current and projected funding. Further work has been undertaken since then to identify those initiatives that the Council consider to be deliverable and that will most appropriately deal with the issues identified by residents. Officers' Recommendation The policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work clarifying the role of the Targeted Area Initiatives. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Lancashire County Council Full Name Mr Mike Kirby 876 ID Policy/ Proposal The Director of Strategic Planning and Transport has assessed the document with regard to the provisions of the adopted Joint Lancashire Structure Plan 2001-2016 (JLSP) and the emerging Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West of England (RSS) where this differs with the policy content of the JLSP. It should be noted that the Secretary of State has directed under Paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 that the policies of the Structure Plan are saved beyond 31 March 2008. The reference in paragraph 2.61 requires amendment. None of the AAPs refer to the Parking Standards as outlined under Policy 7 of the JLSP or in Table 8.1 of Policy RT2 - Managing Travel Demand. It is considered that reference should be made to Parking Standards. None of the AAPs mention the provision of pitches for Gypsys and Travellers. Under Policy 29 of the JLSP there should be provision for Gypsy and Traveller sites within Lancashire. The Lancashire Sub-Regional Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation and Related Services Assessment (May 2007) found that there is a total additional residential need for 5.3-7 pitches in Burnley Response Representation noted. Amend to refer to current status of the Structure Plan. The AAP sits within the planning framework of the Burnley Local Plan and parking standards will be applied to AAP areas accordingly, therefore it is not necessary to include parking standards in the SW Burnley AAP. Work is ongoing at an East Lancashire level to consider the provision of Gypsy and Traveller sites. Until this piece of work is completed, it would not be appropriate to rule out potential sites in the SW Burnley AAP area. Officers' Recommendation Amend to refer to current status of the Structure Plan. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 227 228 Organisation Details Lancashire County Council Full Name Mr Mike Kirby 878 ID Policy BW ENV 8 Policy/ Proposal Ecology The protection and enahncement of the natural environment and biodiversity appear to be delivered through the "saved" Burnley Local Plan policies E2 and E3. Whilst this is supported, it is felt that policies in the AAPs need to translate more recent planning documents in respect to the biodiversity and ecological networks. In this respect there needs to be greater engagement with Planning Policy Statement 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation in terms of Local Development Frameworks, paragraphs 4 and 5; Networks of Natural Habitats paragraph 12; Biodiversity within Development paragraph 14. In addition the requirements of the emerging NW RSS should be taken on board. Of particular relevance to the Area Action Plans are the following extracts from PPS 9:- between 2006 and 2016. It is considered that each AAP should state that the provision of pitches will not be made within the Plan area (the inference being that pitches will be provided elsewhere within the Borough). Response Representation noted. This policy should be reconsidered in the context of more recent planning documents. Officers' Recommendation Policy BW ENV8 removed - issue to be covered by Borough wide policy Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planner British Waterways Full Name Ms. Alison Truman 942 ID Proposal BW H1/ 5 Policy/ Proposal BW notes the allocation of the Lambert Howarth/Finsley Wharf site for mixed use purposes within policy H1/5 and is supportive of this. We are also pleased to see that the policy acknowledges the role of the canal and canalside development in enhancing tourism and leisure within the Borough. We further note your comments about the Weavers Triangle Public Realm Supplementary Planning Document. BW has worked with the Council and partners in the preparation of this document and will continue to do so, in order to ensure that the benefits generated by the canal are optimised. "identify any areas or sites for the restoration or creation of new priority habitats which contribute to regional targets, and support this restoration or creation through appropriate policies" and "Local authorities should aim to maintain networks be avoiding or repairing the fragmentation and isolation of natural habitats through policies in plans". Whilst individual AAPs make mention of biodiversity and wildlife corridors they do not adequately translate PPS9. For further advice please contact Peter Jepson on 01772 534164. Response Representation noted Officers' Recommendation No change proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 229 230 Organisation Details Planner British Waterways Planner British Waterways Full Name Ms. Alison Truman Ms. Alison Truman 944 943 ID Policy BW ENV 8 Proposal BW EW1/ 3 Policy/ Proposal Policy BW ENV8: WILDLIFE CORRIDORS BW notes that the Leeds and LiverpoolCanal is identified as a wildlife corridor through the Burnley Wood area of the Borough. We recognise the importance of creation, protection and enhancement of such network and the aims of such a policy. We would however, comment that this “green” role of the Canal Corridor as a wildlife corridor is only one of a number of roles. BW notes the allocation of the Lambert Howarth/Finsley Wharf site for mixed use purposes within Policy EW1/3 and is supportive of this. We are also pleased to see that the policy acknowledges the role of the canal and canalside development in enhancing tourism and leisure within the Borough. We further note your comments about the Weavers Triangle Public Realm Supplementary Planning Document. BW has worked with the Council and partners in the preparation of this document and will continue to do so, in order to ensure that the benefits generated by the canal are optimised. Response Agree that the Leeds and LiverpoolCanal can make a major contribution to the wider regeneration and planning aims across the AAP area. Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation Policy BW ENV8 removed - issue to be covered by Borough wide policy No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal The Canal is truly a unique multi-functional asset for the town. Those functions as set out by Central Government in “Waterways for Tomorrow” (DETR, 2000) are: · A leisure, recreation and tourism resource; · A source of water and an integral part of the land drainage system; · A catalyst for economic and social regeneration of both urban and rural areas; · A sustainable transport route; · A freight transport facility; and · An important heritage and ecological resource. Planning policy should therefore recognise that the Leeds and LiverpoolCanal can make a major contribution to the wider regeneration and planning aims across the AAP area. The regeneration of canalside corridors can produce many benefits which could include: the creation of a more attractive and secure environment in which existing communities can live, work and play; the attraction of new residents, businesses and visitors (both land based and water based) thereby generating income for the area; attracting new housing and new housing Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 231 232 Organisation Details Planner British Waterways Full Name Ms. Alison Truman 945 ID Policy BW ENV 1 Policy/ Proposal British Waterways is supportive of the accompanying text to Policy BW ENV1 which states that the area’s historic interest should not be seen as a negative constraint on development, but as a positive opportunity. We would however, emphasise that “Waterways for Tomorrow” (DETR 2000), calls for new waterside development to take advantage of the presence of the waterway and integrate it through creative design, whilst still enhancing the character and environment of the canal corridor. BW considers that appropriate modern architecture can generate buildings that provide a foil and context to the existing townscape and sense of place, where the design has been informed by a considered appraisal of the valued local types; encouraging good design; and assistance in attaining goals for more pedestrian friendly routeways. Although we recognise the importance of the wildlife corridor the canal represents, BW is keen to ensure that this does not prejudice the potential for the regeneration and development of the land adjacent to the canal itself, nor sterilise or limit activity along the corridor. Response Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planner British Waterways Full Name Ms. Alison Truman 946 ID Policy BW SIT 2 Policy/ Proposal “Planning a Future for the Inland Waterways” (IWAAC, December 2001) states that “waterways corridors have a useful role to play in widening travel choices, providing opportunities for cycling, walking, alternative public historic built form and material pallet. In this regard, to be successful they should form part of the townscape’s successful evolution, being carefully designed and founded in the language and character of the place. Furthermore, it is our opinion that the development of modern buildings satisfying modern accommodation requirements can provide scope for historic buildings to be restored and occupied with minimum built interventions. In terms of development patterns, we consider that it may not always be appropriate to reflect existing patterns, particularly where there has already been an erosion of the historic character of an area, or where there are large areas of vacant or under-utilised land. With respect to waterside development, we therefore consider that precedence should be given to design principles which place an emphasis on positively addressing the water and optimising the benefits derived from it. Response Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 233 Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal 234 transport and green routes. To ensure long term use of towpaths as sustainable routes, investment and maintenance are needed”. The Leeds and LiverpoolCanal through the area could be further improved in this regard. BW receives no specific central grant funding to invest in and maintain towpaths. It is therefore crucial to improve the pedestrian networks along the canal corridor by encouraging planning obligations to improve towpath surfacing and access for all and to contribute towards the future maintenance of the towpath and waterway. Such developer contributions are essential in order to fully unlock the potential of our waterways as attractive, sustainable and accessible transport routes for walking, jogging and cycling. BW considers that waterways should be seen as a public asset and as creating “environmental public good”. 300 million people per annum visit BW waterways, 93% of whom use them for informal recreation, educational and leisure purposes at no charge, thereby significantly contributing to social inclusion and the promotion of healthy living, amongst many other things. Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planner British Waterways Full Name Ms. Alison Truman 947 ID Policy BW SIT 3 Policy/ Proposal “Planning a Future for the Inland Waterways” (IWAAC, December 2001) states that “waterways corridors have a useful role to play in widening travel choices, providing opportunities for cycling, walking, alternative public transport and green routes. To ensure long term use of towpaths as sustainable routes, investment and maintenance are needed”. The Leeds and LiverpoolCanal through the area could be further improved in this regard. BW receives no specific central grant funding to invest in and maintain towpaths. It is therefore crucial to improve the pedestrian networks along the canal corridor by encouraging planning obligations to improve towpath surfacing and access for all and to contribute towards the future maintenance of the towpath and BW therefore requests that opportunities for the improvement and maintenance of waterside pedestrian routeways and public realm through s106 monies generated from waterside sites by third parties should be pursued. This will enable us to offset the extra liabilities and burdens being placed upon us and the public purse in relation to ongoing maintenance and management costs. Response Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 235 236 Organisation Details Planning Liaison Officer Environment Agency Full Name Mr Phillip Carter 949 ID Proposal BW H1/ 3 Policy/ Proposal The AAP states that proposal Proposal BW H1/3 is within Flood Zone 3 and that the suitability for development has been assessed using the ‘Exception Test’ as set out in Planning Policy Statement 25: waterway. Such developer contributions are essential in order to fully unlock the potential of our waterways as attractive, sustainable and accessible transport routes for walking, jogging and cycling. BW considers that waterways should be seen as a public asset and as creating “environmental public good”. 300 million people per annum visit BW waterways, 93% of whom use them for informal recreation, educational and leisure purposes at no charge, thereby significantly contributing to social inclusion and the promotion of healthy living, amongst many other things. BW therefore requests that opportunities for the improvement and maintenance of waterside pedestrian routeways and public realm through s106 monies generated from waterside sites by third parties should be pursued. This will enable us to offset the extra liabilities and burdens being placed upon us and the public purse in relation to ongoing maintenance and management costs. Response Representation noted - policies will be amended to take account of suggested changes. Officers' Recommendation Change wording of policy to take account of suggested changes. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal Development & Flood Risk (PPS25). However, there is no evidence to support this. There is no indication that flood risk mitigation measures, to satisfactorily manage flood risk on any of these sites, have been identified for any of the three proposal sites. Sustainable drainage systems alone do not protect sites from flooding, and any reference to mitigation measures should be removed from these policies. Mitigation measures should be addressed in an alternative policy (i.e. Policy BW ENV6 – see below). PPS25 requires local authorities to undertake a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as part of the LDF process. Using the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as a guide, development within flood risk areas must satisfy the Sequential Test and the Exception Test as identified within PPS25. To satisfy the Sequential Test, the local authority must demonstrate that the same development cannot be located in an area at a lower risk of flooding within the plan area. Where other sites are available at a lower risk of flooding, then to demonstrate that the site at risk of flooding is acceptable, the site must pass the Exception Test. Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 237 238 Organisation Details Planning Liaison Officer Environment Agency Full Name Mr Phillip Carter 950 ID Proposal BW EW1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal Proposal BW EW1/1 is within Flood Zone 3, but this has not been identified within the AAP. Like proposal BW H1/3, the suitability of this site for development should be reviewed in relation to the results of your Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and the ‘Sequential Test’ & ‘Exception Test’ within PPS25. There is no indication that flood risk mitigation measures, to satisfactorily manage flood risk on any of these sites, have been identified for any of the three proposal sites. Sustainable drainage systems alone do not protect sites from flooding, and any reference to mitigation measures should be removed from these policies. Mitigation measures The local authority must be satisfied that any site allocations within a flood risk area will not be at an unacceptable risk of flooding or exacerbate flood risk elsewhere. To overcome this objection, evidence must be included within the AAP to demonstrate that the three proposals within areas at risk of flooding are appropriate in relation to the requirements of PPS25, and that you are satisfied that appropriate mitigation measures exist to bring the site forward for development based on your SFRA. Response Representation noted - policies will be amended to take account of suggested changes. Officers' Recommendation Change wording of policy to take account of suggested changes. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal should be addressed in an alternative policy (i.e. Policy BW ENV6 – see below). PPS25 requires local authorities to undertake a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as part of the LDF process. Using the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as a guide, development within flood risk areas must satisfy the Sequential Test and the Exception Test as identified within PPS25. To satisfy the Sequential Test, the local authority must demonstrate that the same development cannot be located in an area at a lower risk of flooding within the plan area. Where other sites are available at a lower risk of flooding, then to demonstrate that the site at risk of flooding is acceptable, the site must pass the Exception Test. The local authority must be satisfied that any site allocations within a flood risk area will not be at an unacceptable risk of flooding or exacerbate flood risk elsewhere. To overcome this objection, evidence must be included within the AAP to demonstrate that the three proposals within areas at risk of flooding are appropriate in relation to the requirements of PPS25, and that you Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 239 240 Organisation Details Planning Liaison Officer Environment Agency Full Name Mr Phillip Carter 951 ID Proposal BW EW1/ 2 Policy/ Proposal Proposal BW EW1/2 is within Flood Zone 3, but this has not been identified within the AAP. Like proposal BW H1/3, the suitability of this site for development should be reviewed in relation to the results of your Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and the ‘Sequential Test’ & ‘Exception Test’ within PPS25. There is no indication that flood risk mitigation measures, to satisfactorily manage flood risk on any of these sites, have been identified for any of the three proposal sites. Sustainable drainage systems alone do not protect sites from flooding, and any reference to mitigation measures should be removed from these policies. Mitigation measures should be addressed in an alternative policy (i.e. Policy BW ENV6 – see below). PPS25 requires local authorities to undertake a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as part of the LDF process. Using the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as a guide, development within flood risk areas must satisfy the Sequential Test and the Exception Test as identified within PPS25. To satisfy are satisfied that appropriate mitigation measures exist to bring the site forward for development based on your SFRA. Response Representation noted - policies will be amended to take account of suggested changes. Officers' Recommendation Change wording of policy to take account of suggested changes. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planning Liaison Officer Environment Agency Full Name Mr Phillip Carter 953 ID Policy BW ENV 6 Policy/ Proposal This policy is not appropriate within the AAP. A flood risk policy currently exists as a ‘saved’ Local Plan policy, and a replacement policy should be included within another Development Plan Document (DPD) higher up the Local Development Framework (LDF) hierarchy, such as the Core Strategy or the Sequential Test, the local authority must demonstrate that the same development cannot be located in an area at a lower risk of flooding within the plan area. Where other sites are available at a lower risk of flooding, then to demonstrate that the site at risk of flooding is acceptable, the site must pass the Exception Test. The local authority must be satisfied that any site allocations within a flood risk area will not be at an unacceptable risk of flooding or exacerbate flood risk elsewhere. To overcome this objection, evidence must be included within the AAP to demonstrate that the three proposals within areas at risk of flooding are appropriate in relation to the requirements of PPS25, and that you are satisfied that appropriate mitigation measures exist to bring the site forward for development based on your SFRA. Response Agree that the Policy should be revised to reflect the specific flood risk issues within the AAP boundary. Officers' Recommendation Amend policy to refer to specific flood risk issues within the AAP boundary and set out the flood risk mitigation requirements Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 241 242 Organisation Details Planning Liaison Officer Environment Agency Full Name Mr Phillip Carter 954 ID Policy BW ENV 2 Policy/ Proposal We support the principle of this policy, and section a), development will be required to ‘be designed to adapt to the predicted effects of climate change’. However, we feel that further clarification as to what this means would be beneficial. We note that this has been done in Section 6 of the Sustainability Appraisal accompanying the AAP, so we would recommend that this is replicated within the AAP itself. Development Control Policies DPD. There is no gain from using this policy in the AAP in its current form. To overcome this objection, the Policy should be revised to reflect the specific flood risk issues within the AAP boundary. As such, it is recommended that the Policy is used to set out the flood risk mitigation requirements specific to each site allocation within a flood zone, as identified through the SFRA process. Response Representation noted. Insert the following wording taken from the Sustainability Appraisal: "New development should be able to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Some of the predicted effects of climate change are that weather will become more extreme and less predictable, leading to water shortages, flooding, and increases in temperature, for example. This will place demands on buildings for water efficiency and storage and energy. Using sustainable construction standards will help to mitigate and adapt to these effects by reducing resource demand in new buildings. Officers' Recommendation Amend text to insert suggested text specific to each site allocation within a flood zone, as identified through the SFRA process. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Planning Liaison Officer Environment Agency Planning Liaison Officer Environment Agency Planning Assistant Theatres Trust Full Name Mr Phillip Carter Mr Phillip Carter Ms Rose Freeman 957 956 955 ID Proposal BW H1/ 5 Table 16.1 Policy BW ENV 7 Policy/ Proposal Within Policy BW H1/5 mixed use development for Burnley Wood and Healey Wood regenerating Lambert Howarth/Finsley Wharf we support uses for leisure and tourism and suggest a As part of the proposed monitoring regime, Policy BW ENV6 will be monitored through Target 21 (Page 66) and the identification of the number of sustainable drainage systems included within approved development proposals in the AAP boundary. If Policy BW ENV6 is modified as we have requested, Target 21 becomes less relevant to the policy, so the number of sustainable drainage systems provided as part of approved developments could be attached to Policy BW ENV2 instead. It is unclear what the purpose of this policy is. Climate change may well affect biodiversity, but the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity is currently addressed through ‘saved’ policies from the Burnley Local Plan. As such, you may feel that given the fact that other polices exist to deal with this issue, this policy is not required within the AAP. Response Representation noted. Agree that the Target would be more appropriately attached to Policy BW ENV2 Agree that the proposed policy would duplicate "saved" Local Plan policy. Cumulative effects will be significant due to the scale of new development. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. Revised set of targets included in Pre-Submission Publication AAP Policy deleted. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 243 244 Mrs Joyce Eaglesham Full Name Organisation Details 970 ID Policy BW ENV 3 Policy/ Proposal I am very disappointed in regard to the section that involves Smalley Street. At first we were promised "back gardens" and off street parking - a real bonus for the area we thought! Now we find out that this will not take place and Smalley Streetseems to have been pushed to the limits of planning i.e. nothing but Conservation Area - another excuse for doing nothing at all. After years of watching property come down in our area we fell lost and a little bit pushed out on a limb - in other words "whats happening on your street frankly nothing" If we could be assured of something like a railed off back street like there is in other parts of the area, then we might be more content to wait and see. Otherwise at the moment we feel nothing is happening. Its very sad. For example, the house next door to me (No.18) is a Calico house - its been empty now for over 2 years - if it could be sold and put it back into the Society - instead of having any old tenants in canalside cultural quarter may be appropriate to provide affordable workspaces for creative industries and encouraging clusters of activity that provide a trigger for local regeneration in this district. Response The Council is actively working to re-occupy existing stock within the area that is to be retained. Smalley Streethas previously been facelifted. No other works to the street considered necessary or appropriate. Officers' Recommendation No change proposed Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger 996 995 ID Policy/ Proposal We understand and support the urgent need to produce guidance and give some certainty as to the future direction of the neighbourhoods ahead of the core strategy being developed. However, although section 2 in the document refers to adjacency and links, a more detailed analysis of the relationship and function of the neighbourhoods to the wider town would have been useful. The vision for each area provides the basis Following comments made at Issues and Options stage, we are pleased to see that the preferred option spatial plans identify key gateways and routes through the neighbourhoods. In addition the Context and Vision sections of the document were a useful reminder of the challenges we face but also highlight some of the amazing attributes and opportunities our neighbourhoods offer in terms of location and heritage. Similarly it was useful to have an appreciation of the relationships with other plans and programmes at national, regional, sub-regional and local level. there to live as they please. I've lived like that for the last 25 years and enough is enough. Get it sold and made useful again. Private owners should not have to put up with Council tenants. Response Representation noted, however , it is considered that the detailed exploration requested by this representation is adequately covered in other sections of the Context and Spatial Strategy. For example, Objective 7 refers to the need to promote good public transport to improve links to Burnley town centre and other employment opportunities. Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No change. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 245 246 Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger 998 997 ID 4 12 Policy/ Proposal The decision to follow an Area Action Plan route was a response to the level of potential change each neighbourhood may undergo. As such the plans present and highlight significant changes but do not highlight areas of no change. This approach does make it difficult to get a The criteria for option evaluation does refer to relationships to Burnley's Future and Ambition Lancashire but a sense of where the neighbourhood "ties in" with adjoining areas or where ties need to be strengthened could have been informative. for this but does not provide a more detailed exploration of the strategic framework within which the neighbourhoods sit. This would have been useful despite the difficulties of possibly shaping a direction ahead of the core strategy. For example, good public transport links from neighbourhoods and through neighbourhoods to employment areas can deliver job opportunities for residents; the focus on neighbourhood employment misses an important link to the wider area. Response The Preferred Option Proposals Map should be read in conjunction with the written document. Areas where no changes are proposed are shown in white on the Proposals Map and these are in clear contrast to the coloured areas where Representation noted. It may be more appropriate to include further information about the relationship of SW Burnley to adjoining areas elsewhere in the text (such as under the Key Issues for the Area Action Plan p14), but this is not something that should be included under the Criteria for Options Evaluation. Officers' Recommendation No change. No change. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger 999 ID 6.1 Policy/ Proposal Elevate has a key role in facilitating and funding the development of sustainable communities and is keen to link initiatives with other public and private partners. Although sustainable communities require employment opportunities within the neighbourhood, this has to be balanced with the overall business development needs of the town. sense of the spatial plan as a holistic plan unless the reader has a detailed local knowledge of the area. For instance, the plans do not highlight areas of employment use that are not changing yet when considering the plans as a whole we need to have an understanding of the total employment land use offer overall. Additionally in terms of open space and amenity space, parts of the plan remain unchanged . This makes it difficult to understand the relationship between existing and proposed new space and hence to take a view of the neighbourhood as a whole. It would be useful if there was an additional plan that transposes areas of change to produce a final spatial plan incorporating both existing and proposed changes. Response Representation noted. There is a need to provide employment opportunities within neighbourhoods such as Burnley Wood and Healey Wood to underpin urban regeneration and promote sustainable local communities. Sustainable communities require changes are proposed. This is in accordance with standard Plan drawing practice. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 247 248 Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger 1000 ID Policy BW SIT 2 Policy/ Proposal Representation noted. The Council is preparing a map of routes within the 5 AAPs areas to show how the routes connect to each other and other areas such as the Town Centre. good access to employment opportunities, local services, green spaces and community facilities as well as good quality housing. In order to maximise the development value of sites, the juxtaposition of housing and employment uses needs to be considered carefully in each neighbourhood. It would be helpful to understand the business needs of the community within the document and develop an understanding of the neighbourhood's potential contribution to the economy of the town as a whole. It is encouraging that the preferred options present key routes through neighbourhoods and identify a network of green routes through. However in some plans there are a significant number of routes identified. In terms of delivery it would be useful to prioritise routes to enable investors to understand better the strategic importance of specific links through neighbourhoods. It would also be useful to see a town wide plan of routes to get a better appreciation of how the routes connect neighbourhoods with other neighbourhoods, employment centres including those outside the neighbourhood, and the town centre. Officers' Recommendation Response No change to the polciy proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger 1002 1001 ID 13.1 Policy BW SIT 3 Policy/ Proposal The Area Action Plans will require a high level of partnership working with internal and external partners. Elevate supports development of strong partnerships with both public and private sector partners and recognises the importance of these relationships in terms of the successful delivery of the plans. Elevate will continue to give support to enable successful partnerships to develop and grow. It is encouraging that the preferred options present key routes through neighbourhoods and identify a network of green routes through. However in some plans there are a significant number of routes identified. In terms of delivery it would be useful to prioritise routes to enable investors to understand better the strategic importance of specific links through neighbourhoods. It would also be useful to see a town wide plan of routes to get a better appreciation of how the routes connect neighbourhoods with other neighbourhoods, employment centres including those outside the neighbourhood, and the town centre. Response Representation noted. The Borough Council will continue to work closely with Elevate and other partner agencies as proposals are developed in more detail. Representation noted. The Council is preparing a map of a routes within the 5 AAP areas to show how the routes connect with each other and other areas such as the Town Centre. Officers' Recommendation No change. No change to the policy proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 249 250 Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger 1030 ID 14 Policy/ Proposal The delivery plans are clear in terms of the work being carried out by the Borough and lead housing development partners. Elevate will continue to support site assembly to assist the Borough's target to extend choice and quality of new homes delivered in neighbourhoods. However there are component parts of the delivery plan which have a number of funding agencies identified including Elevate around which there is less clarity. Through partnership working we will continue to support Burnley's delivery and need in terms of funding but care needs to be taken in identifying specific funding agencies against specific projects. The status of much of the proposed funding against proposals is unclear. In particular, comments in this response in support of specific proposals or strategies should not automatically be taken to imply that HMR funding will necessarily be available. Where Elevate funding has been identified this is subject to future available resoures and the project approval process to appriase projects' suitability for Elevate funding. Response Representation noted. The Borough Council will continue to work closely with Elevate and other partner agencies as proposals are developed in more detail. Officers' Recommendation No change. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger 1031 ID 16 Policy/ Proposal Targets are to be monitored and measured on an annual basis and Elevate will continue to support the Borough in achieving those targets. However do the targets become fixed for the period of the plan or can they be adjusted as needs change? We are aware of the emerging Housing Market Assessment for Burnley and Pendle. It is important that the planned development of the neighbourhoods is informed by the findings of the HMA and other evidence such as the Housing Needs Survey. This will help to ensure that the appropriate housing mix is created in the right location to meet both need and demand and create a sustainable market. There are no targets for business creation despite extra land being identified for employment use or a measure to show improvement in the GVA delivered through increased income levels. The borough should be aiming to increase both employment opportunities and quality of employment offered. Response Representation noted. The AAP's are informed by a range of background documents and supporting information including the SHMA and Housing Needs Survey. Officers' Recommendation No change. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 251 252 Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger 1036 1035 1034 1033 1032 ID Proposal BW H1/ 5 Proposal BW H1/ 4 Proposal BW H1/ 3 Proposal BW H1/ 2 Proposal BW H1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal This is an exciting proposal bringing much needed private investment to the neighbourhood and provides an opportunity to enhance the gateway to Parliament Street. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the housing offer is potentially different to the emerging new market in BW H1/1 Support the proposal Support the proposal in principle. However, would like to discuss further the development proposal for Parliament Streetbefore approving a project which included demolition along this important corridor through the neighbourhood. Support the proposal Support the proposal Response Representation noted. Representation noted. Representation noted. Further discussions aon the details of the redevelopment of this phase with take place in due course Representation noted. Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. No changes proposed. No changes proposed. No changes proposed. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger 1041 1039 1038 1037 ID Proposal BW EW1/ 1 Policy BW H 3 Proposal HW TAI1/ 1 Proposal BW TAI1/ 1 Policy/ Proposal Generally supportive but in the same way that BW EW1/3 can be looked at for B1 and B2 likewise this site could be regarded for mixed use if other proposal came forward. Elevate supports mixed tenure development and encourages pepper potted tenure mix to ensure fully integrated tenure blind developments are delivered. Support the proposal Given the density of the grid, selective demolition should still be considered as an option. If this area continues to struggle it could be detrimental to the success of the new housing with BW H1/1, BW H1/3 and successful links with FinsleyWharf developments. Response Representation noted. It is considered that the most appropriate use for this site is employment. Proposals for residential use have previosuly been refused due to loss of employment land. Mixed use developemnt is therefore not supported. Other land use allocation for a range of uses are found within other parts of the Area Action Plan. Representation noted. Representation noted. Representation noted. Comments will be considered when further work is undertaken to clarify the role of the targeted area initiatives. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. No changes proposed. No changes proposed Policy will be amended if necessary to take account of further work identifying the role of the targeted area initiatives. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 253 254 Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger 1045 1044 1042 ID Policy BW ENV 3 Policy BW ENV 2 Proposal BW EW1/ 2 Policy/ Proposal Proposal rather vague and need clarification with regards to delivery. Facelifting is identified on the plan but does not appear within the text or as part of the delivery plan. Is this an omission? It would be anticipated that if the grid is retained along Branch Roadthat facelifting would be appropriate opposite the new development on the opposite side. In addition Branch Roadmay be considered as an important route Other areas are moving to level 5 Code for Sustainable Homes after 2012 and moving to level 6 after 2016 as identified in the targets. This section needs to correspond more accurately with the target section in order to be clear. Likewise areas are ‘requiring’ rather than ‘encouraging’ Lifetime Home Standards. It would be expected that a policy is applied similarly through the borough. Generally supportive but in the same way that BW EW1/3 can be looked at for B1 and B2 likewise this site could be regarded for mixed use if other proposal came forward. Response Agree that proposals are rather vague. However, the purpose of the policy is to identify those areas where the Council will promote environmental imporovement schemes. It is not considered appropriate for the policy to be prescriptive and identify what those improvments will be. The facelifting identified on the plan reflects the Council's current Facelifting programme. It is there for Agree that there are inconsistencies within the 5 AAPs. AAP policies will be reviewed to remove inconsistencies. Representation noted. The site is identified in the Adopted Local Plan as an employment site and therefore makes an essential contribution to the Borough's employment land supply. It is therefore not considered appropriate for mixed use developement. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. AAP policies reviewed to remove inconsistencies. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger 1048 1047 1046 ID Policy CS 2 Policy BW ENV 5 Policy BW ENV 4 Policy/ Proposal Support the improvement of the gateway and reinforcement of the centre through shop front improvements and car parking provision. Supportive of space identified and would encourage development of further space through new development proposals and as a way of creating green routes through space of which this area seems to lack compared to other areas. Representation noted. Representation noted. Agree that proposals are rather vague. However, the purpose of the policy is to identify those areas where the Council will promote environmental imporovement schemes. It is not considered appropriate for the policy to be prescriptive and identify what those improvments will be. information purposes. Proposals to improve Parliament Streetand the gateway are supported by Policy BW CS2. through the neighbourhood. Likewise Parliament Streetwill remain an important corridor through to Todmordon Road. Investment may be required both to residential and retail properties. Proposal rather vague and need clarification with regards to delivery. Officers' Recommendation Response No changes proposed. No change proposed. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 255 256 Organisation Details Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Development Management Regenerate Pennine Lancashire Chief Executive North West Regional Development Agency Full Name Ms Judith Furlonger Ms Judith Furlonger Mr Steven Broomhead 1052 1050 1049 ID Policy BW H 1 Policy BW SIT 1 Policy BW SIT 2 Policy/ Proposal Given the need to carefully manage the supply of new housing development to provide a balanced approach across the inner areas of Burnley, it is sensible that all 5 Area Action Plans are being developed concurrently. Generally, this is a clear and positive document which will lead to the adoption of an effective strategy for the future of the area. I welcome the inclusion of a detailed delivery strategy including details of There appear to be limited green routes through the Burnley Wood neighbourhood with opportunities missing to link the canal and town centre to Towneley as above, but also potentially along Branch Road which has a strong role to play integrating the new development with the retained stock. There is a ‘missing’ link from Finsley Gate to the historic TowneleyPark. TowneleyPark and Hall is a destination point for residents and wider out of town visitors. A green link needs to be established from the canal to encourage visitors to take the detour and time to visit this ’jewel in the crown’. In addition, such routes would encourage TowneleyHighSchool pupils to walk and cycle to school. Response Representation noted. Representation noted. Agree that the routes suggested should be highlighted. Agree that the route to Towneley show be highlighted. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. Amend Policy BW SIT2 and BW SIT3 to refer to additional routes as suggested. Amend policy to refer explicity to the to Towneley. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Chief Executive North West Regional Development Agency Full Name Mr Steven Broomhead 1053 ID Policy/ Proposal The section titled "Relationship with other Plans and Programmes" does not specifically mention the Regional Economic Streategy (RES) 2006 Vision or Transformational Actions. The fifth element of the RES Vision is to regenerate (amongst others) the economy of East Lancashire. Also, a number of Transformational Actions within the RES relate to Burnley such as 38 which includes "Ensure provision of HE opportunities in East Lancashire", 87: "Set Housing Market Renewal within a strong economic context" and 47: "Develop and implement an integrated economic plan for East Lancashire". funding, phasing and monitoring. It is encouraging to note the linkages made to other regeneration intiatives such as Housing Market Renewal. Response Agree to the need to insert a reference to the RES. Officers' Recommendation Para 2.6.11 reads "The North West Regional Economic Strategy was developed in 2006 and provides the regional framework for economic development, skills and regeneration in order to ensure that activity in the region is clearly focused. Creating the conditions for sustainable growth by investing in the region's environment and infrastructure and by improving the quality of life is a priority. This includes setting Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 257 258 Organisation Details Chief Executive North West Regional Development Agency United Utilities Limited United Utilities Limited Full Name Mr Steven Broomhead Mr David Hardman Mr David Hardman 1056 1055 1054 ID Policy BW ENV 6 Policy BW ENV 2 14 Policy/ Proposal United Utilities are responsible for two forms of flood risk, sewer flooding and reservoir inundation. Details of properties at risk from these two sources are not in the public domain as there would be a risk of property blight. United Utilities support item d) – achieving a high standard of sustainable design and item f) achieving a high standard of design for non-residential buildings. Provision of potable water has a Carbon footprint and any water saving measures will reduce this footprint. Also, the separation of surface water drainage has an effect on energy use. It is important to use disposal via SUDS type techniques and/or dispose surface water drainage to watercourse to prevent the unnecessary pumping and treatment of clean surface water. I note that paragraph 4.13 identifies the Agency as a possible source of funding. Response Noted. A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment is being carried out for the Borough and includes detailed Level 2 Assessments for sites within Representation noted. Representation noted. Officers' Recommendation No change No changes proposed. No change. housing market renewal in strong economic context." Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Organisation Details Council for British Archaeology North West Regional Group Full Name Dot Waring 1057 ID Policy BW ENV 1 Policy/ Proposal Representation noted. Burnley Wood and Healey Wood. The Council is working closely with United Utilities and the Environment Agency. Development proposals of 1ha or greater and all proposals for new development located in flood zones 2 and 3 require Flood Risk Assessments and this requires the local authority to consult the Environment Agency. United Utilities would be pleased to inform a Flood Risk Assessment in relation to the two forms of flooding which are our responsibilities There are some properties at risk of flooding within this area and it is important that United Utilities are consulted for any development in this area with map details of the boundary of the proposed development site and a National Grid Reference for the centre of the site. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above plan. As a regional group we do not have the necessary local knowledge to comment on specific proposals, but we are committed to seeing that the historic environment is put at the heart of any planning system and national good practice is followed at all times. The CBA is also concerned to safeguard opportunities for the local people to be involved in, and fully consulted on, Officers' Recommendation Response No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 259 Full Name Organisation Details ID Policy/ Proposal 260 planning policies and decisions that affect the areas they live in and the environment they enjoy. Comments We welcome all references made to the value that you place on established historical buildings in the vicinity of the above areas such as The Weavers Triangle, Gawthorpe Hall and Towneley Hall, but see very little reference given to the built heritage within the development areas mentioned above. We need to safeguard and enhance the public realm and historic integrity of an area for enjoyment by the whole community. Whilst in all your documents you mention the historical value of properties and landscapes, these statements need to be backed up by more detail. The re-use of older properties should also be encouraged rather than demolition and replacement. More detailed informaiton on the historic environment of the areas in question will be found in the LancashireCounty (Archaeological) Sites and Monuments Record and the Historical Town Survey for Burnley. For both of these please contact The Lancashire County Archaeologist, Mr Peter Iles (archaeology@env.lancscc.gov.uk) who can also advise on the potential for Response Officers' Recommendation Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Table C.1 849 Planning Manager Sport England Mr Brian Green ID 675 Organisation Details Mr Arnold Benns Full Name Policy BW SIT 3 Policy BW ENV 3 Policy/ Proposal Sport England support the commitments made to the establishment of cycle routes and green routes (where appropriate) which will help encourage active travel and promote a culture of physical activity. This is a request to ask you to consider including Brooklands Roadwithin this policy. The area is within the Conservation Area and would benefit in improvements such as facelifting. Especially as this would be inkeeping with the excellent conversion by BAAS construction of the methodist chapel. It could be argued that being in a conservation area consideration on this basis would be logical as this must be considered a "Show Area" in the future. public education and enjoyment. You may also wish to consult the local historic and civic societies. Response Representation noted. Representation noted. The Council agree that the properties within the Conservation Area, such as those on Brooklands Roadare important to the area, however, it is not considered necessary for them to be covered by this policy. This policy aims to encourage a programme of improvement works within the area's social housing stock to improve the environment within and surrounding this stock. This programme of works is not considered necessary on Brooklands Road. Officers' Recommendation No changes proposed. No changes proposed. Outcome Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 261 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 262 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement PINS LDF Support Programme Advice 263 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Appendix D PINS LDF Support Programme Advice PINS LDF SUPPORT PROGRAMME LDF Advisory Visit - Burnley Borough District Council Inspector’s Summary Note 1. Key areas where advice sought • Submitting 5 AAPs in advance of Core Strategy • Core Strategy – consultation on housing issues and options • Strategic context for AAPs • Demonstrating deliverability, including external funding • Examination process, including order of examination 2. Current position 2.1 Burnley is currently preparing 5 Action Area Plans (AAPs) for publication in July 2009 and submission to the Secretary of State in November 2009. These AAPs cover various areas of central Burnley which are in need of regeneration, particularly housing renewal, including Piccadilly/Trafalgar; Burnley Wood/Healey Wood; Daneshouse, Dukes Bar & Stoneyholme; South West Burnley; and Padiham. Consultation on Housing Issues & Options for the Core Strategy is envisaged in March 2009, but the Core Strategy itself is not scheduled for publication until January 2010, with submission in June 2010. Other DPDs in the latest LDS (Dec 2008) include the Burnley Town Centre AAP, Site Allocations DPD & Development Control Policies DPD, but these are not scheduled for publication until August 2011. The Burnley Local Plan was adopted in April 2006, with policies saved until April 2009, and the Council has requested that these policies be saved for a further period. The North-West RSS was approved in September 2008, replacing all but one policy in the former Joint Lancashire Structure Plan. 3. Submission of AAPs in advance of Core Strategy 3.1 Burnley intends to publish and submit the 5 priority AAPs before the Core Strategy has been finalised and published. However, to provide a more up-to-date context in terms of housing, consultation on Issues & Options for housing is scheduled to take place in March 2009. Guidance on preparing AAPs in PPS12 (2008) confirms that AAPs should be used in areas where significant change is envisaged, including stimulating and delivering regeneration initiatives. Similar guidance is given in the PAS web-based guidance . However, PPS12 suggests that the Core Strategy should normally be the first DPD to be produced, except where there are up-to-date saved policies and the LDS confirms the priority for preparing other DPD(s). As PINS guidance points out, the correct sequence of preparing DPDs is important, especially where the Core Strategy is controversial, and subsequent DPDs/AAPs need a sound strategic policy framework. However, where there is a particular housing need or where regeneration is urgently needed and there is an existing higher-level policy framework to set the scene, it may be appropriate to consider lower-level DPDs in advance of the Core Strategy . 3.2 In this instance, there is a recently approved RSS, which confirms the priority given to housing regeneration. Burnley’s AAPs relate to areas where urgent housing regeneration is needed, and have their basis in work and initiatives stemming from neighbourhood action plans prepared in 2003. The Local Plan is recently approved, and has been produced in a form which reflects the new LDF requirements, with a spatial vision and objectives. It includes spatial elements, and also highlights the need to give priority to housing regeneration. Its policies are saved until April 2009 and there is 264 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement every possibility that the most relevant policies will be saved for a further period beyond that date. In this instance, there is clearly a case to progress the AAPs in a timely manner in order to provide a sound and up-to-date basis for the regeneration proposals and other required action in these areas. 3.3 Burnley has set out some key reasons why these AAPs should be advanced before the Core Strategy has been finalised, including: • AAPs cover areas in need of regeneration, where substantial change is envisaged through Housing Market Renewal programmes, including HMR Pathfinder (Elevate) programmes; • Need to progress the AAPs to ensure early resolution of clearance and environmental actions already initiated and provide a sound basis for determining planning applications, CPOs and land assembly, including site assembly for redevelopment and maximising HMR funding; • The areas are showing signs of further decline and need urgent action; • Need to ensure that resources and allocation of land are prioritised; • Need to give certainty and confidence to the areas and the communities; • AAPs will inform the Core Strategy, showing how the priorities of the Sustainable Community Strategy will be delivered; • Comprehensive evidence base has been drawn up, including housing and employment land monitoring (SHLAA, SHMA, ELR, SFRA, Economic Development Strategy, Community Plan, Housing Market Restructuring Framework, Retail Study, Infrastructure Delivery Programme, etc); • Awaiting the finalisation of the Core Strategy would delay the progress on these AAPs by at least 9 months; 3.4 In these circumstances, there seem to be sound reasons to progress these AAPs before the Core Strategy has been finalised. However, the reasons for advancing these AAPs should be explicitly set out in each AAP. More particularly, each AAP should clearly set out the strategic and policy context on which it is based, using relevant policies in the RSS and adopted Local Plan, along with any other policy frameworks, programmes, plans and initiatives. Furthermore, the AAPs should not be finalised until an up-to-date housing context has been established and consulted upon, in order to ensure there is a sound basis in housing policy terms to progress these AAPs. The various implementation bodies and agencies, including regeneration, development and housing partners, should also be involved and, if possible, support the proposals in the AAPs and assist in demonstrating deliverability. Community support is also helpful in successful implementation of the proposals. 4. Core Strategy – consultation on issues and options 4.1 Burnley proposes to consult on Housing Issues & Options in March 2009, to establish the housing context for the AAPs. The current draft consultation document explains the process, summarises national and regional/sub-regional policy, sets out a spatial portrait of Burnley, identifies spatial issues and sets out a spatial vision with objectives. It also identifies options for the spatial strategy, sets out the background to housing in the Borough, including current issues, housing supply/requirements, and policy issues, and invites responses to several specific questions. Although the draft document is a good start, it lacks a spatial element and does not yet include the identification of specific sites. It gives little idea about the distribution of new housing across the Borough or the relationship between housing clearance/ regeneration in the AAPs and the requirements for new housing in the RSS. It also provides few details of how the overall housing strategy will be implemented. Although alternative strategy options are set out, it does not indicate any preference for a particular strategy. It should also indicate the evidence base for the housing strategy, and include relevant factual material. If this consultation is to provide a meaningful context for the AAPs, it should address these current shortcomings. 265 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 4.2 The forthcoming consultation at Core Strategy level only relates to housing issues and options. Before drawing up the Core Strategy, further consultation will be required on other policy options (for example, employment, retail and town centres, leisure and recreation, open space and Green Belt). This should be built into the future LDF programme and confirmed in the LDS. 5. Strategic context for the AAPs 5.1 At present, the current drafts of the AAPs set out a spatial portrait and vision for each area, identify key issues, explain the relationship with other plans and programmes, and set out policies and proposals for specific sites, areas and policy elements, with details of phasing and implementation. However, there needs to be a sound strategic context for each AAP, with specific regional and local policies indicated (including from the RSS and Local Plan) to provide the “strategic hooks” on which to hang the policies and proposals for each AAP. References to the Lancashire Structure Plan are now somewhat out-of-date, since this has been superseded by the new RSS. At present, it is not clear where the strategic and policy context for the AAPs is in terms of the provision and distribution of housing to each AAP and its relationship to RSS housing policies and requirements. This housing context should be clearly established before the AAPs are finalised, including the relationship with the SHLAA & SHMA . In addition, some of the AAPs include provisions for employment land and other land-uses, and the strategic policy context for these elements also needs to be established. Proposed/preferred land uses (including housing) should be fully justified. Otherwise, it appears that the “tail is wagging the dog” and the AAPs are proceeding without any higher-level strategic context. 5.2 The AAPs should be related to other key strategies and programmes which are relevant to the delivery of its proposals. This could include regional housing regeneration bodies and key delivery/developer stakeholders, along with any relevant multi-area and local area agreements and initiatives. Economic Development and Housing Strategies may also be relevant. If the overall strategy, vision and objectives established in the adopted Local Plan is to be followed, this should be confirmed, along with specific “policy hooks”. If there are no “strategic hooks” to provide the policy context for the AAPs, there could be a risk in terms of soundness. However, from what I have seen, heard and read, it seems that most of the necessary strategic and local policy context could be found in the latest RSS and adopted Local Plan, together with other relevant plans, programmes and initiatives. Each AAP could establish a succinct yet comprehensive “audit trail”, covering all relevant strategies, plans, programmes and initiatives. It should be clear how the plans in the AAPs have evolved, from the Neighbourhood Action Plans through to the current proposals. The draft audit trail appears very comprehensive and thorough, but is possibly too detailed and repetitive. The evidence base should include all the relevant supporting documents. 6. Demonstrating deliverability 6.1 Deliverability is one of the key tests of soundness in the new LDF regime, as confirmed in PPS12 . Each AAP should have a section explaining how the policies and proposals will be delivered, with evidence strong enough to withstand independent scrutiny. This includes the provision of the necessary infrastructure, with close engagement with delivery stakeholders, including physical and social infrastructure agencies, to confirm how the necessary services and facilities will be put in place for the proposed development to proceed. Each AAP should be based on sound infrastructure delivery planning, including the investment plans of infrastructure providers, and ensure that there are no regulatory or other policy barriers to implementation. Key deliverability stakeholders, renewal agencies and development partners essential to the implementation of the proposals should be signed up, with explicit support for the proposals in each AAP at publication stage. 6.2 Where external public/private or specific funding is required to successfully deliver the proposals, this should be clearly set out in each AAP. Where the availability of finance or “pump-priming” is critical, this should also be set out, along with the risks if funding does not become available. Background evidence could consider “what-if” scenarios. It may be appropriate to draw up economic viability reports where this is a key consideration, and the Council may be required to justify these reports if the contents, assumptions, figures and approaches are challenged at publication stage. It may not be appropriate to base economic viability and deliverability solely on current assumptions, in view of the present economic climate, but a range of economic scenarios could be considered in 266 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement the background evidence. Economic evidence, though important in demonstrating deliverability, should be robust and proportionate to the proposals being advanced in the AAPs. An implementation and delivery programme could be drawn up to support each AAP. Key stakeholders and development partners should be involved in this work and could be called upon to assist in demonstrating how the plan will be delivered. 7. Examining the AAPs 7.1 The examination starts as soon as the AAPs are formally submitted to the Secretary of State and ends when the fact-check report is submitted to the Council. Inspectors now spend much more of their time (often more than 50%) in preparation and initial assessment of DPDs before the oral sessions (or hearings) commence. The Pre-Hearing Meeting is an important event, before which the inspector will have drawn up the draft programme for the hearings and identified the main matters and issues to be discussed, along with the participants involved. Only those who have made representations at publication stage are normally involved in the examination process and, of those, only those who consider the plan should be changed in some way have a right to participate in the hearing sessions. However, the inspector can invite relevant bodies/people to attend the hearings, but exercises discretion in this matter. If the Council wishes particular bodies or representatives to attend the hearing sessions, either individually or as part of their team, they should confirm this at an early stage with the inspector. These could include representatives of key stakeholders and delivery agencies. The hearing sessions normally only take a few weeks of the programme, depending on the nature and scale of representation and participation and the number of issues/AAPs being examined. The inspector normally only considers the representations made at publication stage, and does not specifically take into account representations made at earlier stages of consultation. 7.2 Normally, each AAP would be examined separately, particularly where discrete representations have been made to particular policies and/or proposals of a specific DPD. However, where there are similar issues or topics raised, which are relevant to more than one AAP, a joint/general session could be arranged. General issues related to, for example, the housing regeneration strategy, could be discussed first before moving on to specific issues relevant to each DPD. If the Council has any thoughts on the approach that could be adopted, these should be made known to the inspector at an early stage, well before the PHM when the programme is being determined. Before formally submitting the DPDs, the Council will need to produce a Regulation 30 statement, outlining the main issues raised in the representations. However, the examination is into the overall soundness of each AAP, rather than simply discussing and responding to representations. 8. Other matters 8.1 Affordable housing - PPS3 confirms that the economic viability of any affordable housing targets should be assessed. The Blythe Valley High Court judgement confirmed that targets and policies for affordable housing must be supported by clear evidence. Any targets must be rigorously tested, showing the basis for them, with a full justification, taking account of all material considerations. An informed assessment of the economic viability of the affordable housing targets and thresholds should be tested and undertaken prior to the examination of the AAPs. If targets/thresholds are included in the RSS, these cannot be used on their own to justify local targets. If the targets in the adopted Local Plan are to be used, they have to be justified and assessed. Note that the latest version of PPS3 establishes a revised definition of affordable housing (excluding low-cost market housing), and this should be considered when setting provision levels, targets and thresholds for affordable housing. A SHMA will undoubtedly be required. 8.2 Since these AAPs involve demolition and clearance of existing housing, the relationship to the regional housing requirements in the RSS in terms of replacement housing and assumptions about demolitions should be confirmed with the Regional Planning Body (4NW) before the AAPs are published. The RPB will also need to confirm that the AAPs are in general conformity with the approved RSS. 267 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 8.3 Since these DPDs involve AAPs, they should include Proposals Map(s) clearly illustrating the precise sites and boundaries of proposals, including land-uses. Information on alternative policy and site options should be provided in background evidence, with a clear indication of why the preferred option was chosen (including any necessary Sustainability Appraisal work). 8.4 The AAPs are important for delivering corporate and community aspirations in the context of the RSS, and should be closely aligned to the Sustainable Community Strategy. The strategy in the AAPs should be justified, effective and deliverable, should be the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives, and be backed up by research and other relevant evidence. The AAPs should clearly show: • what is to be delivered • where it is to be delivered • when it is to be delivered • how it will be delivered 8.5 Other basic advice: • Supporting evidence base should be comprehensive, but proportionate, relevant and up-to-date, complete at publication stage and submitted with the AAPs at submission stage; • Evidence does not need to be complex or over-detailed, but needs to fully support and relate to the strategy. The information does not necessarily need to be included in the AAP itself, but can be set out in supporting technical documents and topic papers; • Each policy in each AAP should be critically examined for its justification and the analysis/facts/evidence that support it; • Sustainability appraisal is a legal requirement and should clearly set out how each AAP has been assessed at the various stages and how the preferred option was selected; • The AAP should show how it relates to and implements the objectives of the Sustainable Community Strategy; • Undertake a Self-Assessment of Soundness before publication/submission using the PAS toolkit [http://www.pas.gov.uk/pas/core/ page.do?pageId=85656]; • PINS should be consulted immediately before submission to ensure that all the necessary documents are being submitted; • Don’t try to invent/re-invent the wheel; look at other authorities’ web-sites where they have a sound DPD; look through the documents produced for the examination (including the inspector’s schedule of matters/issues), and discuss experiences with planning officers. 9. Additional references • PPS12 (2008); PPS3 (2006); PPS1 (2005) and associated guidance; • PAS web site, with its Plan Making Manual and guidance on Core Strategies [http://www.pas.gov.uk/pas/core/page.do?pageId=51391] • PINS web site, with its guidance on preparing and submitting DPDs [http://planning-inspectorate.gov.uk/pins/index.htm] including: • Local Development Frameworks – Examining Development Plan Documents: Procedure Guidance [PINS; December 2008] 268 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement [http://www.planning-inspectorate.gov.uk/pins/appeals/local_dev/dpd_procedure_ guide.pdf] • Local Development Frameworks – Examining Development Plan Documents: Soundness Guidance [PINS; July 2008] [http://www.planning-inspectorate.gov.uk/pins/appeals/local_dev/ldf_testing_soundness.pdf] • Development Plan Document Examination – Procedural Advisory Notes [PINS; November 2008] [ h t t p : / / w w w. p l a n n i n g - i n s p e c t o r a t e . g o v. u k / p i n s / a p p e a l s / l o c a l _ d e v / advisory_pack_notes_post_nov_08.pdf] • Local Development Frameworks – Lessons Learnt Examining Development Plan Documents [PINS; July 2007] [http://www.planning-inspectorate.gov.uk/pins/appeals/local_dev/ldf_early_ experiences05.pdf] • Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; Planning Act 2008 and associated regulations Stephen J Pratt STEPHEN J PRATT LDF Advisory Inspector 10 February 2009 PINS Contacts: ldf.team@pins.gsi.gov.uk Keith Holland (Asst Director) Stephen Davies 0117-372-8351 Lee Armitage 0117-372-6271 0117-372-6247 Chris Snarr 0117-372-8255 269 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement 270 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement GONW Comments 271 Burnley Wood and Healey Wood Area Action Plan: Development Plan Document Consultation Statement Appendix E GONW Comments Margaret Some thoughts on the SBWT and Padiham AAPs. Many of the comments made on the other AAPs apply ie: - it would be useful to look at ways of reducing the length of these documents - clarity is needed about how (and how much) affordable housing will be delivered (viz PPS3) - these documents should be referred to as "pre-submission publication" AAPs - all the AAPs seem to have very similar objectives. In most cases the vision is locally referenced; the objectives should deliver the vision so ideally should link directly back to that and therefore be more specific to each AAP. (This has been done to a certain extent but could go further). - the AAPs need to be clearer about what expenditure by delivery partners is committed, and where it isn't say so. Any ambiguity about the commitment of partners/availability of funding should be avoided as far as possible. Two other points: The Padiham AAP includes a brief analysis (p.29) of the wider housing context in terms of the borough-wide 5 year supply and total housing requirement which could usefully be reflected in the other AAPs. Finally, you will no doubt be aware of the recent announcement by the Secretary of State of his intention to revoke RSS (his letter to LA Leaders of 27 May). You should also read a PINS response to this: www.planning-inspectorate.gov.uk/pins/advice_for_insp/rs_forthcoming_abolition.pdf Whilst we understand that you may wish to take stock in the light of this development, we do not feel that it should necessarily require any change to your proposed timetable. I'd be happy to discuss futher. Alan Alan Large Senior Spatial Development Manager Government Office for the North West Cunard Building Pier Head Water Street Liverpool L3 1QB tel: 0151 224 2901 e-mail: alan.large@gonw.gsi.gov.uk 272 For more information: Communications and Graphics, © Burnley Council 2010. [t] 01282 425011. Job_5383. Visit the Council’s website: www.burnley.gov.uk/areaactionplans Call Burnley Council on 01282 425011 extension 4747