Global Payment Service Developer Guide
Global Payment Service Developer Guide
Title Page CyberSource Global Payment Service Developer Guide For Bank Transfers, Brazilian Boletos Bancários, and Direct Debits Simple Order API SCMP API March 2015 CyberSource Corporation HQ | P.O. Box 8999 | San Francisco, CA 94128-8999 | Phone: 800-530-9095 CyberSource Contact Information For general information about our company, products, and services, go to For sales questions about any CyberSource Service, email or call 650-432-7350 or 888-330-2300 (toll free in the United States). For support information about any CyberSource Service, visit the Support Center at Copyright © 2015 CyberSource Corporation. All rights reserved. CyberSource Corporation ("CyberSource") furnishes this document and the software described in this document under the applicable agreement between the reader of this document ("You") and CyberSource ("Agreement"). You may use this document and/or software only in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Except as expressly set forth in the Agreement, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and therefore should not be interpreted in any way as a guarantee or warranty by CyberSource. CyberSource assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors that may appear in this document. The copyrighted software that accompanies this document is licensed to You for use only in strict accordance with the Agreement. You should read the Agreement carefully before using the software. Except as permitted by the Agreement, You may not reproduce any part of this document, store this document in a retrieval system, or transmit this document, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of CyberSource. Restricted Rights Legends For Government or defense agencies. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government or defense agencies is subject to restrictions as set forth the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the FAR and NASA FAR Supplement. For civilian agencies. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 and the limitations set forth in CyberSource Corporation's standard commercial agreement for this software. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Trademarks CyberSource, The Power of Payment, CyberSource Payment Manager, CyberSource Risk Manager, CyberSource Decision Manager, CyberSource Connect, Authorize.Net, and are trademarks and/or service marks of CyberSource Corporation. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 2 CONTENTS Contents Recent Revisions to This Document About This Guide 8 10 Audience and Purpose 10 Conventions 10 Note and Important Statements 10 Text and Command Conventions 10 Related Documents Chapter 1 11 Customer Support 11 Getting Started 12 Global Collect 12 Bank Account Requirements 12 API Versions for the XML Schema 12 Order Tracking 13 Reconciliation IDs and Transaction Reference Numbers Request IDs 14 Payment Reference Numbers 14 Chapter 2 13 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Requesting Bank Transfers 15 15 Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds Researching a Missing Payment 16 17 API Fields 18 Request Fields 18 Reply Fields 25 Request and Reply Examples 28 Bank Transfer Request 28 Bank Transfer Reply 29 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Request 30 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Reply 31 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 3 Contents Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Request 31 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Reply 32 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Requesting Bank Transfers 33 33 Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds Researching a Missing Payment 34 35 API Fields 36 Request Fields 36 Offer-Level Fields 41 Reply Fields 42 Reply Flags 45 Request and Reply Examples 46 Bank Transfer Request 46 Bank Transfer Reply 47 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Request 48 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Reply 49 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Request 49 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Reply 50 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API 51 Transaction Status 51 Sending the Query 51 Viewing the Response 53 Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfers 54 Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfer Refunds API Fields 55 Request Fields 55 Bank Codes 60 Reply Fields 61 Additional Request Fields 63 Request and Reply Examples 64 Real-Time Bank Transfer Request 64 Real-Time Bank Transfer Reply 65 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund 65 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Reply Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 55 66 4 Contents Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API 67 Transaction Status 67 Sending the Query 67 Viewing the Response 69 Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfers 70 Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfer Refunds API Fields 71 Request Fields 71 Offer-Level Fields 75 Bank Codes 76 Reply Fields 78 Reply Flags 79 Additional Request Fields 71 80 Request and Reply Examples 81 Real-Time Bank Transfer Request 81 Real-Time Bank Transfer Reply 81 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Request 82 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Reply 83 Chapter 6 Boletos Bancários Using the Simple Order API Requesting a Boleto Bancário API Fields 84 Data Type Definitions Request Fields 85 Reply Fields 86 84 84 84 Examples 88 Name-Value Pairs: Request 88 Name-Value Pairs: Reply 88 XML: Request 89 XML: Reply 89 Chapter 7 Boletos Bancários Using the SCMP API Requesting a Boleto Bancário 90 90 API Fields 90 Request Fields 90 Reply Fields 92 Reply Flags 94 Request and Reply Examples Request 95 Reply 95 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 95 5 Contents Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários 96 Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report 96 Viewing and Downloading Reports 96 XML Conventions and Data Types 97 Syntax for Report Declarations 97 Syntax for Element Declarations 98 Data Types and Lengths 98 Elements in the Report 99 <Report> 99 <Summary> 101 <Range> 103 <TransactionDetail> 104 <Transaction> 105 DTD 108 Example 109 Single Transaction Report Chapter 9 112 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Requesting Direct Debits 115 115 Requesting Direct Debit Refunds 116 API Fields 118 Request Fields 118 Reply Fields 126 Request and Reply Examples 128 Direct Debit Request 128 Direct Debit Reply 129 Standalone Direct Debit Refund Request Follow-On Direct Debit Refund 130 Chapter 10 129 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Requesting Direct Debits 132 132 Requesting Direct Debit Refunds 133 API Fields 135 Request Fields 135 Offer-Level Fields 141 Reply Fields 142 Reply Flags 144 Request and Reply Examples 145 Direct Debit Request 145 Direct Debit Refund—Standalone 147 Direct Debit Refund—Follow-On 148 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 6 Contents Chapter 11 Testing 149 Sending Test Requests 149 Testing Bank Transfers, Direct Debits, and Refunds 149 Testing Real-Time Bank Transfers 151 Testing Your CyberSource Interface 151 Testing Your Network Interface 152 Going Live 153 Appendix A Product Codes 154 Appendix B Reason Codes 155 Reason Codes for the Simple Order API 155 Appendix C Researching a Missing Bank Transfer Payment Index 158 161 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 7 REVISIONS Recent Revisions to This Document Release Changes March 2015 Updated Example 15. See page 54. Updated Example 22. See page 70. January 2015 Removed the Interac processor from the document. December 2014 Removed requirement to send request token fields with follow-on bank transfer and direct debit refunds. See the following sections: Bank transfers: Simple Order API—"Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds," page 16 SCMP API—"Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds," page 34 Direct debits: Simple Order API—"Requesting Direct Debit Refunds," page 116 SCMP API—"Requesting Direct Debit Refunds," page 133 Updated customer company API request field length specifications and added shipping name and phone number API request fields to the following tables: Bank transfers: Simple Order API—Table 5, page 18 SCMP API—Table 7, page 36 Real-time bank transfers: Simple Order API—Table 12, page 55 SCMP API—Table 17, page 71 Updated the response examples for Simple Order API real-time bank transfer payments. See "Viewing the Response," page 53. Added the request token API reply field to the following tables: Real-time bank transfers: Simple Order API—Table 14, page 61 SCMP API—Table 20, page 78 Added the bank SWIFT code information to the following sections: Direct debits: Simple Order API—"Requesting Direct Debits," page 115, Table 37, page 118, and Example 41, page 128 SCMP API—"Requesting Direct Debits," page 132, Table 39, page 135, Example 47, page 145, and Example 49, page 147 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 8 Recent Revisions to This Document Release Changes September 2014 This revision contains only editorial changes and no technical updates. August 2014 Removed the following request fields for direct debits and direct debit refunds: July 2014 directDebitService_mandateID direct_debit_mandate_id Added examples to the following sections: Bank transfers Simple Order API— page 28. Real-time bank transfers Simple Order API—page 64. SCMP API—page 46. SCMP API—page 81. Direct debits Simple Order API—page 128. SCMP API—page 145. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 9 ABOUT GUIDE About This Guide Audience and Purpose This guide is written for merchants who want to use the Global Collect processor to offer the Global Payment services to customers. This guide describes the tasks a merchant must complete in order to make bank transfers and bank transfer refunds, real-time bank transfers, boleto bancario payments, and direct debits and direct debit refunds. Conventions Note and Important Statements A Note contains helpful suggestions or references to material not contained in the document. Note An Important statement contains information essential to successfully completing a task or learning a concept. Important Text and Command Conventions Convention Usage bold Field and service names in text; for example: Include the ics_applications field. Items that you are instructed to act upon; for example: Click Save. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 10 About This Guide Convention Usage monospace XML elements. Code examples and samples. Text that you enter in an API environment; for example: Set the davService_run field to true. Related Documents The Global Payment Service Planning Guide (PDF | HTML) describes the business and technical implementations a merchant must complete in order to make bank transfers and bank transfer refunds, real-time bank transfers, boleto bancario payments, and direct debits and direct debit refunds. Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API (PDF | HTML) describes the tasks you must complete to integrate the credit card services into your existing management system. Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API (PDF | HTML) describes the tasks you must complete to integrate the credit card services into your existing order management system. Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API (PDF | HTML) describes how to get started using the Simple Order API. Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API (PDF | HTML) describes how to get started using the SCMP API. The Reporting Developer Guide (PDF | HTML) describes how to download reports. Refer to the Support Center for complete CyberSource technical documentation: Customer Support For support information about any CyberSource service, visit the Support Center: Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 11 CHAPTER 1 Getting Started Global Collect The Global Payment Service supports the Global Collect processor. This processor supports all the countries mentioned in the Global Payment Service Planning Guide (PDF | HTML) Bank Account Requirements Become familiar with the bank account requirements for the countries in which you will be processing payments. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required countryspecific bank account information. API Versions for the XML Schema For general information about the API versions, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. The following table shows which Simple Order API version to use for new payment methods. Table 1 Choosing a Simple Order API Version Payment Method Version Boletos Bancários 1.42 or later Real-time bank transfers 1.23 or later Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 12 Chapter 1 Getting Started Order Tracking For general information about order tracking, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API or Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Reconciliation IDs and Transaction Reference Numbers The following table lists the field names for the reconciliation IDs and transaction reference numbers for the Global Payment Service payment methods. Table 2 Reconciliation IDs and Transaction Reference Numbers Payment Method Service Field Names Bank transfers Bank transfer Simple Order API: bankTransferReply_reconciliationID SCMP API: bank_transfer_trans_ref_no Bank transfer refund Simple Order API: bankTransferRefundReply_reconciliationID SCMP API: bank_transfer_refund_trans_ref_no Real-time bank transfer Simple Order API: bankTransferRealTimeReply_ reconciliationID SCMP API: bank_transfer_real_time_trans_ref_no Boleto Bancário payment Simple Order API: boletoPaymentReply_reconciliationID SCMP API: boleto_payment_trans_ref_no Direct debit Simple Order API: directDebitReply_reconciliationID SCMP API: direct_debit_trans_ref_no Simple Order API: directDebitRefundReply_reconciliationID SCMP API: direct_debit_refund_trans_ref_no Boletos Bancários Direct debits Direct debit refund Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 13 Chapter 1 Getting Started Request IDs For all Global Payment Services, the request ID is returned in the reply message in: requestID for the Simple Order API request_id for the SCMP API The following table lists the field names for the Global Payment Service request IDs in the request messages. Table 3 Reconciliation IDs and Transaction Reference Numbers Payment Method Service Field Names Bank transfers Bank transfer refund for a bank transfer Simple Order API: bankTransferRefundService_bankTransferRequestID SCMP API: bank_transfer_request_id Bank transfer refund for a realtime bank transfer Simple Order API: bankTransferRefundService_ bankTransferRealTimeRequestID SCMP API: bank_transfer_real_time_request_id Simple Order API: directDebitRefundService_ directDebitRequestID SCMP API: direct_debit_request_id Direct debits Direct debit refund Payment Reference Numbers The payment reference number is a unique value for each bank transfer. CyberSource returns this value in the bank transfer reply message, and you must display it prominently to the customer. The customer must send in the number with the bank transfer so that the payment can be matched to the order. The following table lists the field names for the payment reference numbers. Table 4 Payment Reference Numbers Service Field Names Bank transfer Simple Order API: bankTransferReply_paymentReference SCMP API: bank_transfer_payment_reference Simple Order API: bankTransferRealTimeReply_ paymentReference SCMP API: bank_transfer_real_time_payment_reference Real-time bank transfer Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 14 CHAPTER Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API 2 Requesting Bank Transfers To request a bank transfer, set the bankTransferService_run field to true. See Table 5, page 18, for a list of the fields to use when requesting the service. When requesting a bank transfer, you may not request any other ICS service except Tax Calculation. For more information about the service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the Simple Order API. In the bank transfer reply, you receive fields containing information about the bank and bank account that the customer should transfer funds to. Display this information to customers so that they can easily transcribe it or print it and give it to their banks. The information includes the bank’s name, bank’s country, the account holder’s name, and so on. The primary field containing the bank account information is bankTransferReply_ accountNumber. This field contains the bank account number information you need to display, including a bank code or sort code, branch code or check digit, if any of those are used for the particular country. You can display the contents of the field as you receive it in the reply from CyberSource. You might also receive the bankTransferReply_iban field with the International Bank Account Number (IBAN). The IBAN is an international standard for bank account numbers that the EU is adopting. In the future, the EU is planning to switch to using only the IBAN format and not the original format presented in bankTransferReply_accountNumber. If the IBAN is present in the reply, display it to the customer along with the other bank information, and identify it as the IBAN. Depending on the country, you might also receive the bank’s SWIFT code, which is another bank identifier. When the bankTransferReply_bankSwiftCode field is present, display the SWIFT code to the customer along with the other bank information, and identify it as the SWIFT code. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 15 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. a Important A follow-on refund must occur within 60 days of the request for the bank transfer. After the time limit expires, only a stand-alone refund can be requested. To refund a bank transfer, wait 1 to 3 days after the bank transfer request is processed by CyberSource. When you attempt to request a followon refund before the initial bank transfer is processed into your merchant bank account, the error ORDER WITHOUT REFUNDABLE PAYMENTS is displayed. This error could also mean that your account is not configured for standalone refunds with Global Collect. To configure your account, please contact CyberSource Customer Support. There are two types of bank transfer refunds: follow-on refunds and stand-alone refunds. A follow-on refund uses information from a previous bank transfer. A stand-alone refund does not depend on a previous transaction. To request a bank transfer refund: Set the bankTransferRefundService_run field to true. Do not request any other ICS services except Tax Calculation, which is optional. For more information about this service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the Simple Order API. Send the fields required for a bank transfer refund request as described in Table 5, page 18. For a follow-on refund, the fields and values must match the fields and values you sent in the bank transfer request. For a stand-alone refund, the bankTransferRefundService_ bankTransferRequestID field is optional. See page 30. For a follow-on refund, include one of these fields from the original request with the request ID (see page 31): bankTransferRefundService_bankTransferRequestID bankTransferRefundService_bankTransferRealTimeRequestID The easiest way to implement bank transfer refunds is to always send the request ID from the original bank transfer with every bank transfer refund request. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 16 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API CyberSource recommends that when you request a refund, you use the same value for merchantReferenceCode that you used for the bank transfer. This makes it easier for you to link the refund to the original bank transfer in your own system as well as in CyberSource reports and transaction search screens. CyberSource validates basic checks the format of the bank account number before performing the bank transfer refund. If the account number does not pass the validation, CyberSource rejects the request with reasonCode=244 instead of processing the bank transfer refund. CyberSource recommends that you then confirm that the customer entered the number correctly, and if it is incorrect, request the refund again with the correct number. You may perform multiple partial refunds against a bank transfer. The sum of the refunds may not exceed the amount of the payment. You do not receive an error in the reply for either of the following conditions: The bankTransferRefundService_bankTransferRequestID field is invalid. The customer’s payment has not yet been received. Instead, CyberSource does not process the refund, and the transaction appears in the daily Transaction Exception Detail Report. You should monitor this report daily for transactions problems. For descriptions of the reason codes that can appear in the report, see "Reason Codes," page 155. For information about the report and how to use it, see the Global Payment Service Planning Guide. For details about downloading the report and its format, see the Reporting Developer Guide. Researching a Missing Payment If CyberSource cannot match the customer’s payment information to the information you submit in the original bank transfer request (typically because the customer made a mistake), a situation could arise in which a customer makes a bank transfer payment but does not receive the goods, and CyberSource’s report and your bank account statement do not show that you received the payment. You can make a payment inquiry in the Business Center and have CyberSource research the missing payment and try to match your request with the customer’s payment. Note You must wait at least five days after the funds are debited from the customer’s account before initiating an inquiry because it can take that long for the funds to appear in your account and in CyberSource’s reports. CyberSource does not allow you to perform an inquiry within five days of submitting the initial bank transfer request. For instructions on using the Business Center to research a lost payment, see Appendix C, "Researching a Missing Bank Transfer Payment," on page 158. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 17 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API API Fields For information about the data types, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Request Fields The following table lists the fields to use in requests for bank transfers and bank transfer refunds. Table 5 Request Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API Request Field Description Used By and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bankInfo_address Bank’s address. Refund (O) String (255) bankInfo_bankCode Bank's code. Used for some countries when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Refund (See description) String (See description) Note This is a required field if the bankInfo_country field is GB, AT, FR, or DE. For more information see the twocharacter ISO Standard Country Codes. bankInfo_branchCode Code that identifies the branch of the customer's bank when you are not using the IBAN. Refund (O) String (15) bankInfo_city City in which the bank is located. Refund (O) String (40) Bank Transfer (See description) String (2) Some banks validate the bank account information, so consider sending this field if the bank is not located in the same city of the billing address. bankInfo_country Country in which the bank is located. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Refund (R) Note If bankInfo_country is not set, CyberSource uses billTo_country to determine the country in which the bank transfer is taking place. 1. Required if billTo_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if shipTo_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 18 Chapter 2 Table 5 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Used By and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bankInfo_name Bank's name. Refund (See description) String (40) Bank Transfer (O) String (30) Note This is a required field if the bankInfo_country field is AU, FI, FR, IT, NO, ES, SE, or CH. For more information see the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. bankInfo_swiftCode Bank’s SWIFT code. Unique address of the bank. Also known as the Bank Identification Code (BIC). Refund (O) Note This field is required when the IBAN is included in the request. bankTransferRefundService_ bankTransferRequestID The requestID value returned from a previous request for the bank transfer service. Refund (R) String (26) bankTransferRefundService_ reconciliationID Unique identifier for the order submitted to Global Collect. Refund (R for standalone refunds) String (60) Note If you do not include this field in a refund request, CyberSource will generate the value. bankTransferRefundService_ run Set to true to include the bank transfer refund service in your request. Refund (R) String (5) bankTransferService_run Set to true to include the bank transfer service in your request. Bank Transfer (R) String (5) billTo_city City of the billing address. Bank Transfer (R) String (50) Refund (R) billTo_company Name of the customer’s company. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) billTo_country Billing address country. Use the ISO Standard Country Codes. Bank Transfer (R) String (2) Customer’s email address, including the full domain name. For example: Bank Transfer (R) Customer’s first name. Bank Transfer (R) billTo_email billTo_firstName Refund (R) String (255) Refund (R) String (60) Refund (R) billTo_lastName Customer’s last name. Bank Transfer (R) String (60) Refund (R) 1. Required if billTo_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if shipTo_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 19 Chapter 2 Table 5 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Used By and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length billTo_phoneNumber Customer’s telephone number. Bank Transfer (O) String (15) Refund (O) billTo_postalCode Postal code for the billing address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. Bank Transfer (R) String (10) Refund (R) If the value of billTo_country is US, the 9-digit postal code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of billTo_country is CA, the 6-digit postal code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 billTo_state Billing address state. Bank Transfer (R)1 String (2) Refund (R)1 billTo_street1 Billing address street address. Bank Transfer (R) String (60) Refund (R) billTo_street2 Additional address information. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) Refund (O) fundTransfer_accountName Name used on the bank account. If you do not send this field, it is assumed the last name on the account is the billTo_ lastName value. Some banks validate the name on the bank account, so consider sending this field if the bank account owner is not the customer. This scenario might happen, for example, if a husband places the order, but the wife’s name is on the bank account. Refund (O) String (50) Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. 1. Required if billTo_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if shipTo_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 20 Chapter 2 Table 5 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Used By and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length fundTransfer_accountNumber Bank account number. Refund (O) String (See description) Note From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for non-euro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. Note Do not use the IBAN in this field. include the IBAN in the fundTransfer_ iban field. fundTransfer_bankCheckDigit Code used to validate the customer's account number when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Refund (O) String (2) fundTransfer_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Refund (See description) String (30) Bank Transfer (O) String (30) Note Required for specific countries. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. item_#_productCode Type of product, which is also used to determine the product category: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. The default value is default. See "Product Codes," page 154, for a list of valid values. Refund (O) For bank transfers, if you set this field to a value other than default, stored_ value, or any of the values related to shipping and/or handling, the item_#_ quantity, item_#_productName, and item_#_productSKU fields are required. item_#_productName Name of the product. For bank transfers, required if item_#_productCode is NOT default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) Refund (O) 1. Required if billTo_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if shipTo_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 21 Chapter 2 Table 5 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Used By and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length item_#_productSKU Product identifier code. For bank transfers, required if item_#_ productCode is NOT default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) Quantity of the product being purchased. For bank transfers, required if item_#_ productCode is NOT default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Bank Transfer (See description) Tax amount associated with this item. The item_#_taxAmount field is additive. For example, if you send one item with unitPrice of 10.00 and taxAmount of 0.80, and you send another item with unitPrice of 20.00 and taxAmount of 1.60, the total amount authorized will be for 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included. Bank Transfer (O) item_#_quantity item_#_taxAmount Refund (O) Integer (10) Refund (O) String (15) Refund (O) The item_#_taxAmount and the item_#_ unitPrice must be in the same currency. If you include item_#_taxAmount, and you also include taxService in your request, taxService does not calculate tax for the item. Instead, it returns the value in the item_#_taxAmount field. item_#_unitPrice Per-item price of the product. You must include either this field or purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount in your request. This value cannot be negative. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Bank Transfer String (15) Refund (See description) You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. 1. Required if billTo_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if shipTo_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 22 Chapter 2 Table 5 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Used By and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length linkToRequest Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when multiple payment methods are used to complete an order. For more information, see Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API. Bank Transfer (O) String (26) merchantID Your CyberSource merchant ID. Bank Transfer (R) String (30) Note When opening your account with Refund (R) CyberSource, be sure to inform CyberSource if you plan to use multiple CyberSource merchant IDs. For example, if you have separate business units within your company, each with a separate CyberSource merchant ID. You must have a separate processor merchant ID for each CyberSource merchant ID. For more information, contact CyberSource Customer Support. Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Bank Transfer (R) Currency used for the order. Use the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Bank Transfer (R) Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or item_#_unitPrice in your request. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Bank Transfer shipTo_city City of the shipping address. Bank Transfer (O)2 String (50) shipTo_country Country of the shipping address. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Bank Transfer (O) String (2) shipTo_firstName First name of the person receiving the product. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) shipTo_lastName Last name of the person receiving the product. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) merchantReferenceCode purchaseTotals_currency purchaseTotals_ grandTotalAmount String (50) Refund (R) String (5) Refund (R) String (15) Refund See description 1. Required if billTo_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if shipTo_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 23 Chapter 2 Table 5 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Used By and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length shipTo_phoneNumber Phone number for the shipping address. Bank Transfer (O) String (15) shipTo_postalCode Postal code for the shipping address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. Bank Transfer (O)3 String (10) If the value of shipTo_country is US, the 9-digit postal code must follow these rules: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of shipTo_country is CA, the 6-digit postal code must follow these rules: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C4 If the postal code for the shipping address is not included in the request message, CyberSource uses the postal code from the billing address. If the postal code for the billing address is not included in the request message, the postal code for the shipping address is required. shipTo_state State or province of the shipping address. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. Bank Transfer (O)3 String (2) shipTo_street1 First line of the shipping address. Bank Transfer (O)2 String (60) shipTo_street2 Second line of the shipping address. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) 1. Required if billTo_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if shipTo_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 24 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Reply Fields The following table lists the fields returned in a reply from bankTransferService or bankTransferRefundService service request. Table 6 Bank Transfer and Bank Transfer Refund Reply Fields for the Simple Order API Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length bankTransferRefundReply_ amount Total amount for the bank transfer refund. Refund String (15) bankTransferRefundReply_ iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Refund Alphanumeric (50) bankTransferRefundReply_ processorResponse Response code from the processor. Refund String (10) bankTransferRefundReply_ reasonCode A numeric value corresponding to the result of the bank transfer refund request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Refund Integer (5) bankTransferRefundReply_ reconciliationID Unique value generated by CyberSource. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Refund String (60) bankTransferRefundReply_ requestDateTime Time the bank transfer refund was requested. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Example: 2007-08-11T22:47:57Z, which is August 11, 2007, at 10:47:57 P.M. The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC. Refund String (20) bankTransferReply_ accountHolder Name of the account holder. Bank Transfer String (50) bankTransferReply_ accountNumber Bank account number. Use the contents of this field along with the contents of the bankTransferReply_bankSpecialID field to display the country’s traditional representation of the full bank account number on the bank transfer confirmation page. Bank Transfer String (30) Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. bankTransferReply_amount Total amount for the bank transfer. Bank Transfer String (15) bankTransferReply_bankCity City in which the bank is located. Bank Transfer String (50) bankTransferReply_ bankCountry Country in which the bank is located. Bank Transfer String (50) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 25 Chapter 2 Table 6 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Bank Transfer and Bank Transfer Refund Reply Fields for the Simple Order API (Continued) Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length bankTransferReply_ bankName Name of the bank. Bank Transfer String (50) bankTransferReply_ bankSpecialID Special ID used for the bank. For example, the sort code for U.K. banks. This field is only for the Global Collect processor. Use the contents of this field along with the contents of the bankTransferReply_accountNumber field to display the country’s traditional representation of the full bank account number on the bank transfer confirmation page. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Bank Transfer String (50) bankTransferReply_ bankSwiftCode Bank’s SWIFT code. Unique address of the bank. Also known as the Bank Identification Code (BIC). If this field is in the reply, display the value to the customer along with the other bank information. Bank Transfer String (50) bankTransferReply_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. If this field is in the reply, display the value to the customer along with the other bank information. Bank Transfer String (30) Note Required for specific countries. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. bankTransferReply_ paymentReference Payment reference number that you must display to the customer. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. In Italy, this is called the Numero di riferimento. Bank Transfer String (16) bankTransferReply_ processorResponse Response code from the processor. Bank Transfer String (10) bankTransferReply_ reasonCode A numeric value corresponding to the result of the bank transfer request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Bank Transfer Integer (5) bankTransferReply_ reconciliationID Unique value generated by CyberSource. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Bank Transfer String (60) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 26 Chapter 2 Table 6 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Bank Transfer and Bank Transfer Refund Reply Fields for the Simple Order API (Continued) Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length bankTransferReply_ requestDateTime Time the bank transfer was requested. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Example: 2005-08-11T22:47:57Z, which is August 11, 2005, at 10:47:57 P.M. The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC. Bank Transfer String (20) decision Summarizes the result of the overall request. Possible values: Bank Transfer and Refund String (6) ACCEPT ERROR REJECT invalidField_0...N Fields in the request that contained invalid data. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. No attempt should be made to use these fields for end user interaction. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Bank Transfer and Refund String (100) merchantReferenceCode Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multibyte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. Bank Transfer and Refund String (50) missingField_0...N Required fields that were missing from the request. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. No attempt should be made to use these fields for end user interaction. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Bank Transfer and Refund String (100) purchaseTotals_currency Currency used for the order. Uses the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Bank Transfer and Refund String (5) reasonCode Numeric value corresponding to the result of the overall request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Bank Transfer and Refund Integer (5) requestID Identifier for the request. Bank Transfer and Refund String (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 27 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request and Reply Examples Bank Transfer Request Example 1 Bank Transfer Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.23"> <merchantID>infodev</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>482046C3A7E94F5</merchantReferenceCode> <billTo> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <street1>Boschdijk 987</street1> <city>Eindhoven</city> <postalCode>5600 PB</postalCode> <country>NL</country> <email></email> </billTo> <bankInfo> <bankCountry>NL</bankCountry> <bankCity>Amsterdam</bankCountry> <bankName>ABN Amro Bank N.V</bankName> <swiftCode>ABNA NL 2A</swiftCode> </bankInfo> <fundTransfer> <accountNumber>440339464</accountNumber> </fundTransfer> <item id="0"> <unitPrice>49.95</unitPrice> <quantity>1</quantity> </item> <purchaseTotals> <currency>GBP</currency> </purchaseTotals> <bankTransferService run="true"/> </requestMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 28 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Bank Transfer Reply Example 2 Bank Transfer Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.23"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>482046C3A7E94F5</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>0305782650000167905080</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>EUR</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:bankTransferReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:accountHolder>Global Collect BV</c:accountHolder> <c:accountNumber>440339464</c:accountNumber> <c:amount>49.95</c:amount> <c:bankName>ABN Amro Bank N.V</c:bankName> <c:bankCity>Amsterdam</c:bankCity> <c:bankCountry>NL</c:bankCountry> <c:paymentReference>106157214759</c:paymentReference> <c:bankSwiftCode>ABNA NL 2A</c:bankSwiftCode> <c:bankSpecialID>20-00-00</c:bankSpecialID> <c:requestDateTime>2012-01-28T23:44:27Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:reconciliationID>0308014624</c:reconciliationID> </c:bankTransferReply> </c:replyMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 29 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Request Example 3 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <merchantID>demo123</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</merchantReferenceCode> <billTo> <firstName>Orlando</firstName> <lastName>Bloom</lastName> <street1>33, rue Dauphine</street1> <city>Bergheim</city> <postalCode>75006</postalCode> <country>DE</country> <phoneNumber>33 3 69 20 45 63</phoneNumber> <email></email> </billTo> <purchaseTotals> <currency>EUR</currency> <grandTotalAmount>112</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> <fundTransfer> <accountNumber>0044497071</accountNumber> <accountName>BRADFORD NICKLES</accountName> </fundTransfer> <bankInfo> <bankCode>79050000</bankCode> <name>SloveniaBank_testing</name> <country>DE</country> <swiftCode>BSLJSI2X</swiftCode> </bankInfo> <bankTransferRefundService run="true"> <reconciliationID>33552111</reconciliationID> </bankTransferRefundService> </requestMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 30 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Reply Example 4 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>4024435525740181551532</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>eur</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:bankTransferRefundReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:amount>112.00</c:amount> <c:requestDateTime>2014-06-10T23:39:14Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:reconciliationID>33552111</c:reconciliationID> <c:iban>DE58790500000044497071</c:iban> </c:bankTransferRefundReply> </c:replyMessage> Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Request Example 5 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <merchantID>demo123</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</merchantReferenceCode> <billTo> <firstName>Orlando</firstName> <lastName>Bloom</lastName> <street1>33, rue Dauphine</street1> <city>Bergheim</city> <postalCode>75006</postalCode> <country>DE</country> <phoneNumber>33 3 69 20 45 63</phoneNumber> <email></email> </billTo> <purchaseTotals> <currency>EUR</currency> <grandTotalAmount>74</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> <fundTransfer> <accountNumber>0044497071</accountNumber> <accountName>BRADFORD NICKLES</accountName> </fundTransfer> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 31 Chapter 2 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the Simple Order API <bankInfo> <bankCode>79050000</bankCode> <name>SloveniaBank_testing</name> <country>DE</country> <swiftCode>BSLJSI2X</swiftCode> </bankInfo> <bankTransferService run="true"/> </requestMessage> Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Reply Example 6 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>4024436180000181551532</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>eur</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:bankTransferReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:accountHolder>Global Collect B.V.</c:accountHolder> <c:accountNumber>115241904</c:accountNumber> <c:amount>74.00</c:amount> <c:bankName>Postbank AG</c:bankName> <c:bankCity>Leipzig</c:bankCity> <c:bankCountry>Germany</c:bankCountry> <c:paymentReference>256210123719</c:paymentReference> <c:bankSwiftCode>PBNKDEFF</c:bankSwiftCode> <c:bankSpecialID>BLZ|86010090</c:bankSpecialID> <c:requestDateTime>2014-06-10T23:40:19Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:reconciliationID>2149560850</c:reconciliationID> <c:iban>DE53860100900115241904</c:iban> </c:bankTransferReply> </c:replyMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 32 CHAPTER Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API 3 Requesting Bank Transfers Use the ics_bank_transfer service to request a bank transfer. See Table 7, page 36, for a list of the fields to use when requesting the service. When requesting a bank transfer, you may not request any of the other ICS services except ics_tax. For more information about the service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the SCMP API. In the bank transfer reply, you will receive fields containing information about the bank and bank account that the customer should transfer funds to. You need to display this information to customers so that they can easily transcribe it or print it and give it to their banks. The information includes the bank’s name, bank’s country, the account holder’s name, and so on. The primary field containing the bank account information is bank_transfer_ account_number. This field contains the necessary bank account number information you need to display, including a bank code or sort code, branch code, or check digit, if any of those are used for the particular country. You can display the contents of the field as you receive it in the reply from CyberSource. You might also receive bank_transfer_iban with the International Bank Account Number (IBAN). The IBAN is a international standard for bank account numbers that the EU is adopting. In the future, the EU is planning to switch to using only the IBAN format and not the original format presented in bank_transfer_account_number. If the IBAN is present in the reply, display it to the customer along with the other bank information, and identify it as the IBAN. Depending on the country, you might also receive the bank’s SWIFT code, which is another bank identifier. If the bank_transfer_swiftcode field is present, display it to the customer along with the other bank information, and identify it as the SWIFT code. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 33 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds Important Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. A follow-on refund must occur within 60 days of the request for the bank transfer. After the time limit expires, only a stand-alone refund can be requested. To refund a bank transfer, wait 1 to 3 days after the bank transfer request is processed by CyberSource. When you attempt to request a followon refund before the initial bank transfer is processed into your merchant bank account, the error ORDER WITHOUT REFUNDABLE PAYMENTS is displayed. This error could also mean that your account is not configured for standalone refunds with Global Collect. To configure your account, please contact CyberSource Customer Support. There are two types of bank transfer refunds: follow-on refunds and stand-alone refunds. A follow-on refund uses information from a previous bank transfer. A stand-alone refund does not depend on a previous transaction. To request a bank transfer refund: Use the ics_bank_transfer_refund service to request a bank transfer refund. Do not request any other ICS services except Tax Calculation, which is optional. For more information about this service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the SCMP API. Send the fields required for a bank transfer refund request as described in Table 7, page 36. For a follow-on refund, the fields and values must match the fields and values that you sent in the bank transfer request. For a follow-on refund, include one of these fields from the original request with the request ID: bank_transfer_request_id bank_transfer_real_time_request_id For a stand-alone refund, the bank_transfer_request_id field is optional. The easiest way to implement bank transfer refunds is to always send the request ID from the original bank transfer with every bank transfer refund request. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 34 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API CyberSource recommends that when you request a refund, you use the same value for merchant_ref_number that you used for the bank transfer. This makes it easier for you to link the refund to the original bank transfer in your own system as well as in CyberSource reports and Transaction Search Screens. CyberSource validates the bank account number before processing the bank transfer refund. If the account number does not pass the validation check, CyberSource rejects the request with a rflag=DINVALIDACCOUNT. CyberSource recommends that you then confirm the customer entered the number correctly, and if it was incorrect, request the refund again with the correct number. You may perform multiple partial refunds against a bank transfer. The sum of the refunds may not exceed the amount of the payment. You will not receive an error in the reply for any of the following conditions: The bank_transfer_request_id is invalid. The customer’s payment has not yet been received. Instead, CyberSource will not process the refund and the transaction will appear in the daily Transaction Exception Detail Report. You should monitor this report daily to determine if any of your transactions have problems. For information about the report and how to use it, see the Global Payment Service Planning Guide. For details about downloading the report and its format, see the Reporting Developer Guide. Researching a Missing Payment If a customer calls to say that they have made the bank transfer payment but have not received the goods, and CyberSource’s report or your bank account statement does not show that you have received the payment, you can make a payment inquiry in the Business Center and have CyberSource research the lost payment. Note You must wait at least five days after the funds are debited from the customer’s account before initiating an inquiry because it can take that long before the funds appear in your account and in CyberSource’s reports. CyberSource will not allow you to perform an inquiry within five days of submitting the initial bank transfer request. For instructions on how to research a lost payment in the Business Center, see Appendix C, "Researching a Missing Bank Transfer Payment," on page 158. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 35 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API API Fields The following table lists the fields to use in requests for bank transfers and bank transfer refunds. See the information about data types in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Request Fields The following table lists the fields to use in a request for ics_bank_transfer or ics_bank_ transfer_refund. Table 7 Request-Level Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API Request-Level Field Description Used by and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_account_name Name used on the bank account. If you do not send this field, it is assumed the last name on the account is customer_lastname. Some banks validate the name on the bank account, so consider sending this field if the bank account owner is not the customer.This scenario might happen, for example, if a husband places the order, but the wife’s name is on the bank account. Refund (O) String (50) Refund (O) String (See description) Refund (O) String (255) Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. bank_account_ number Bank account number. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Note From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for non-euro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. Note Do not use the IBAN in this field. Use only the traditional account number information. For the IBAN, use the bank_iban field. bank_address Bank’s address. 1. Required if bill_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if ship_to_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 36 Chapter 3 Table 7 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Used by and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_check_digit Code used to validate the customer's account number when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Refund (O) String (2) bank_city City where the bank is located. Some banks validate the bank account information, so consider sending this field if the bank is not located in bill_ city. Refund (O) String (40) bank_code Bank's code. Used for some countries when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Refund (See description) String (See description) Country where the bank is located. Use the twocharacter ISO Standard Country Codes. Bank Transfer (See description) String (2) Note If bank_country is not set, CyberSource Refund (R) Note This is a required field if the bank_country field is GB, AT, FR, or DE. For more information see the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. bank_country uses bill_country to determine the country in which the bank transfer is taking place. bank_iban Refund (See description) String (30) Refund (See description) String (40) Bank’s SWIFT code. Unique address of the bank. Also known as the Bank Identification Code (BIC). Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) Note This field is required when the IBAN field is Refund (O) International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Note Required for specific countries. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. bank_name Bank's name. Note This is a required field if the bank_country field is AU, FI, FR, IT, NO, ES, SE, or CH. For more information see the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. bank_swiftcode included in the request. bank_transfer_ request_id The request_id value returned from a previous request for ics_bank_transfer. Refund (R) String (26) 1. Required if bill_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if ship_to_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 37 Chapter 3 Table 7 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Used by and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_transfer_trans_ ref_no Unique identifier for the order submitted to Global Collect. Refund (R for standalone refunds) String (60) Bank Transfer (R) String (60) Note If you do not include this field in a refund request, CyberSource will generate the value. bill_address1 Billing street address. Refund (R) bill_address2 Additional billing address information. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) Refund (O) bill_city Billing address city. Bank Transfer (R) String (50) Refund (R) bill_country Billing address country. Bank Transfer (R) String (2) Refund (R) bill_state Billing address state. Bank Transfer (R) 1 Refund (R) bill_zip Zip code for the shipping address. The zip code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. If the value of bill_country is US, the 9-digit zip code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example:12345-6789 String (2) 1 Bank Transfer (R if bill_country is US or CA) String (10) Refund (R if bill_ country is US or CA) If the value of bill_country is CA, the 6-digit zip code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 branch_code Code that identifies the branch of the customer's bank when you are not using the IBAN. Refund (O) String (15) Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. company_name Name of the customer’s company. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) currency Currency used for the order. Use the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Bank Transfer (R) String (5) Customer’s email address. For example: Bank Transfer (R) customer_email Refund (R) String (255) Refund (R) 1. Required if bill_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if ship_to_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 38 Chapter 3 Table 7 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Used by and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length customer_firstname Customer’s first name. Bank Transfer (R) String (60) Refund (R) customer_lastname Customer’s last name. Bank Transfer (R) String (60) Refund (R) customer_phone Customer’s telephone number. Bank Transfer (O) String (15) Refund (O) grand_total_amount ics_applications Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or offer0 and the offer-level field amount. See the information about offers and grand totals in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Bank Transfer ICS services to process for the request. Bank Transfer (R) Refund Decimal (15) See description String (255) Refund (R) link_to_request Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when using multiple payment methods to complete an order. For details, see the information about partial authorizations in Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API. Bank Transfer (O) String (26) merchant_id Your CyberSource merchant ID. Bank Transfer (R) String (30) Note When opening your account with Refund (R) CyberSource, make sure to inform CyberSource if you plan to use multiple CyberSource merchant IDs. For example, if you have separate business units within your company, each with a separate CyberSource merchant ID. You must have a separate processor merchant ID for each CyberSource merchant ID. For more information, contact CyberSource Customer Support. merchant_ref_ number Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. See the information about tracking orders in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Bank Transfer (R) offer0...N Offers for the request. An offer is a line item for the order. Bank Transfer (O) String (50) Refund (R) String (50) Refund (O) 1. Required if bill_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if ship_to_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 39 Chapter 3 Table 7 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Used by and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length ship_to_address1 First line of the address to which to ship the product. Bank Transfer (O) 2 String (60) ship_to_address2 Second line of the address to which to ship the product. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) ship_to_city City to which to ship the product. Bank Transfer (O) 2 String (50) ship_to_country Country to which to ship the product. Use the twocharacter ISO Standard Country Codes. Bank Transfer (O) String (2) ship_to_firstname First name of person receiving the product. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) ship_to_lastname Last name of person receiving the product. Bank Transfer (O) String (60) ship_to_phone Phone number for the shipping address. Bank Transfer (O) String (15) 3 ship_to_state State or province to which to ship the product. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. Bank Transfer (O) ship_to_zip Zip code for the shipping address. Bank Transfer (O) 3 String (10) Bank Transfer (O) Positive integer (3) String (2) If the value of ship_to_country is US, the 9-digit zip code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of ship_to_country is CA, the 6-digit zip code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 If the postal code for the shipping address is not included in the request message, CyberSource will use the postal code for the billing address. If the postal code for the billing address is not included in the request message, the postal code for the shipping address is required. timeout Number of seconds until the transaction times out. The default is 110 seconds. Refund (O) 1. Required if bill_country value is US or CA 2. Required if any shipping information is included 3. Required if ship_to_country value is US or CA Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 40 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Offer-Level Fields The following table lists the offer-level fields to use in a request for ics_bank_transfer or ics_bank_transfer_refund. Table 8 Offer-Level Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API Offer-Level Field Description Used by and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length amount Per-item price of the product. You must include either offer0 and this field, or the request-level field grand_total_amount in your request. This value cannot be negative. See the information about offers and grand totals in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Bank Transfer (See description) Decimal (15) Refund (See description) You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. merchant_product_ sku product_code Product identifier code. It is required for bank transfers if product_code is not default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Bank Transfer (See description) Type of product that the offer contains, which is also used to determine the category that the product falls under: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. The default value is default. See "Product Codes," page 154, for a list of valid values. Bank Transfer (O) String (30) Refund (O) String (30) Refund (O) For bank transfers, if you set this to a value other than default, stored_value, or any of the values related to shipping and/or handling, the quantity, product_name, and merchant_ product_sku fields are required. product_name quantity Name of the product. For bank transfers, required if product_code is NOT default, stored_ value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Bank Transfer (See description) Quantity of the product being purchased. The default value is 1. For bank transfers, required if product_code is NOT default, stored_ value or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Bank Transfer (See description) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 String (30) Refund (O) Refund (O) Nonnegative integer (10) 41 Chapter 3 Table 8 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Offer-Level Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Offer-Level Field Description Used by and Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length tax_amount Tax amount associated with this item. The tax_ amount field is additive. For example, if you send these offer lines: Bank Transfer (O) Decimal (15) Refund (O) offer0=amount:10.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:0.80 offer1=amount:20.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:1.60 the total amount authorized will be for 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included. The tax_amount and the amount must be in the same currency. If you include tax_amount, and you request the ics_tax service, ics_tax will not calculate tax for the offer. Instead, it will return the value in the tax_ amount field. Reply Fields The following table lists the fields returned in a reply from ics_bank_transfer or ics_ bank_transfer_refund. Table 9 Reply Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length bank_transfer_account_ holder Name of the account holder. Bank Transfer String (50) bank_transfer_account_ number Bank account number. Use the contents of this field along with the contents of the bank_transfer_ special_id field to display on the bank transfer confirmation page the country’s traditional representation of the full bank account number. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Bank Transfer String (30) bank_transfer_amount Total amount for the bank transfer. Bank Transfer Decimal (15) bank_transfer_bank_city City in which the bank is located. Bank Transfer String (50) bank_transfer_bank_ country Country in which the bank is located. Bank Transfer String (50) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 42 Chapter 3 Table 9 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Reply Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length bank_transfer_bank_ name Bank’s name. Bank Transfer String (50) bank_transfer_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. If this field is in the reply, display the value to the customer along with the other bank information. Bank Transfer String (30) Note Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. bank_transfer_ payment_reference Payment reference number that you must display to the customer. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. In Italy, this is called the Numero di riferimento. Bank Transfer String (16) bank_transfer_rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the ics_ bank_transfer request was successful. Bank Transfer Integer (1) bank_transfer_refund_ amount Amount of the bank transfer refund. Refund Decimal (15) bank_transfer_refund__ iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Refund Alphanumeric (50) bank_transfer_refund_ rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the ics_ bank_transfer_refund request was successful. Refund Integer (1) bank_transfer_refund_ response_code Response code from the processor. Refund String (10) bank_transfer_refund_ rflag One-word description of the result of the ics_bank_ transfer_refund request. Refund String (50) bank_transfer_refund_ rmsg Message that explains the reply flag bank_ transfer_refund_rflag. Refund String (255) bank_transfer_refund_ time Time of bank transfer refund request in UTC format. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Refund Date and time (20) bank_transfer_refund_ trans_ref_no Unique value generated by CyberSource. See the information about tracking orders in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Refund String (60) bank_transfer_request_ time Time of the bank transfer request in UTC format. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Bank Transfer Date and time (20) bank_transfer_ response_code Response code from the processor. Bank Transfer String (10) bank_transfer_rflag One-word description of the result of the ics_bank_ transfer request. Bank Transfer String (50) bank_transfer_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag bank_ transfer_rflag. Bank Transfer String (255) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 43 Chapter 3 Table 9 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Reply Fields for Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length bank_transfer_special_ id Contains any special ID used for the bank. For example, the sort code for U.K. banks. This field is only for the Global Collect processor. Use the contents of this field along with the contents of the bank_transfer_account_number field to display on the bank transfer confirmation page the country’s traditional representation of the full bank account number. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Bank Transfer String (50) bank_transfer_swiftcode Bank’s SWIFT code. Unique address of the bank. If this field is in the reply, display the value to the customer along with the other bank information. Bank Transfer String (50) bank_transfer_trans_ ref_no Unique value generated by CyberSource. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Bank Transfer String (60) client_lib_version Information about the client library used to request the transaction. Bank Transfer and Refund String (50) currency Currency used for the order. Uses the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Bank Transfer and Refund String (5) ics_rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the entire request was successful. The field will contain one of the following values: Bank Transfer and Refund Integer (1) -1: An error occurred 0: The request was declined 1: The request was successful ics_rflag One-word description of the result of the entire request. Bank Transfer and Refund String (50) ics_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag ics_rflag. Bank Transfer and Refund String (255) merchant_ref_number Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. Bank Transfer and Refund String (50) request_id Identifier for the request generated by CyberSource. Bank Transfer and Refund String (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 44 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Reply Flags The following table lists the reply flags for ics_bank_transfer and ics_bank_transfer_ refund. Table 10 Reply Flags for Bank Transfer and Bank Transfer Refunds for the SCMP API Reply Flag Description Returned by DINVALIDACCOUNT The bank account number did not pass the validation check. Verify with the customer that the account number is correct; if it was incorrect, request the service again with the corrected information. Applies to bank transfer refunds with banks in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Bank Transfer Refund DINVALIDDATA Data provided is not consistent with the request. Bank Transfer and Refund DMISSINGFIELD The request is missing a required field. Bank Transfer and Refund ESYSTEM System error. You must design your transaction management system to correctly handle CyberSource system errors. Depending on the payment processor handling the transaction, the error may indicate a valid CyberSource system error or a processor rejection due to invalid data. In either case, CyberSource recommends that you do not design your system to endlessly retry sending a transaction. For important information on handling system errors and retries, see the documentation for your CyberSource client. Bank Transfer and Refund ETIMEOUT The request timed out. Bank Transfer and Refund SOK The transaction was successful. Bank Transfer and Refund Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 45 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Request and Reply Examples Bank Transfer Request Example 7 Bank Transfer Request bill_address1=Boschdijk 987 bill_city=Eindhoven bill_country=NL bill_zip=5600 PB currency=EUR customer_firstname=John customer_lastname=Smith bank_country=NL bank_city=Amsterdam bank_name=ABN Amro bank_swiftCode=ABNA NL 2A bank_account_number=440339464 ics_applications=ics_bank_transfer merchant_id=infodev merchant_ref_number=482046C3A7E94F5BD1FE3C66C offer0=amount:49.95^quantity:1 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 46 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Bank Transfer Reply Example 8 Bank Transfer Reply merchant_ref_number=482046C3A7E94F5BD1FE3C66C currency=EUR ics_rcode=1 ics_rflag=SOK ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. request_id=0305782650000167905080 bank_transfer_trans_ref_no=0308014624 bank_transfer_amount=49.95 bank_transfer_bank_country=NL bank_transfer_account_holder=Global Collect BV bank_transfer_bank_name=ABNA NL 2A bank_transfer_bank_city=Amsterdam bank_transfer_swiftcode=ABNA NL 2A bank_transfer_time=2003-08-22T170910Z bank_transfer_payment_reference=106157214759 bank_transfer_response_code=800 bank_transfer_special_id=20-00-00 bank_transfer_account_number=440339464 bank_transfer_rcode=1 bank_transfer_rflag=SOK bank_transfer_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. client_lib_version=Perl3.2/MSWin324.0/NT4.0/WIN32/C/3.4.5 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 47 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Request Example 9 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Request ics_applications=ics_bank_transfer_refund bank_account_name=nette bank_account_number=30004 00819 00010023116 61 bank_check_digit=12 bank_city=Paris bank_code=0440339464 bank_country=France bank_name=BNP Paribas bill_address1=1ere Avenue bill_address2=14eme Rue BP 148 bill_city=Carros Cedex bill_country=FR bill_zip=06513 branch_code=1234567890ABCDE currency=EUR customer_firstname=antoi customer_lastname=nette customer_phone=33-04-9208-2846 merchant_id=mercid123 merchant_ref_number=merRef123 offer0=product_code:electronic_software^merchant_product_ sku:testdl^quantity:1^amount:1.56^tax_amount:0.25^product_ name:PName1^offer_id:0 request_id=4024360078230179087451 ship_to_address1=37 se main street ship_to_address2=suite 2-5A ship_to_city=bloomington ship_to_country=US ship_to_state=indiana ship_to_zip=47404 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 48 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Reply Example 10 Standalone Bank Transfer Refund Reply bank_transfer_refund_amount=1.81 bank_transfer_refund_iban=IE64BOFI30004 00819 00010023116 61 bank_transfer_refund_rcode=1 bank_transfer_refund_rflag=SOK bank_transfer_refund_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. bank_transfer_refund_time=2014-06-10T213327Z bank_transfer_refund_trans_ref_no=2147997003 currency=eur ics_rcode=1 ics_rflag=SOK ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. merchant_ref_number=merRef123 request_id=4024360078230179087451 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Request Example 11 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Request ics_applications=ics_bank_transfer_refund bank_account_name=nette bank_account_number=30004 00819 00010023116 61 bank_check_digit=12 bank_city=Paris bank_code=0440339464 bank_country=France bank_name=BNP Paribas bank_swiftcode=BNPA FR PP PLZ bank_transfer_request_id=4024360037900179087451 bill_address1=1ere Avenue bill_address2=14eme Rue BP 148 bill_city=Carros Cedex bill_country=FR bill_zip=06513 branch_code=1234567890ABCDE currency=EUR customer_firstname=antoi customer_lastname=nette customer_phone=33-04-9208-2846 merchant_id=mercid123 merchant_ref_number=merRef123 offer0=product_code:electronic_software^merchant_product_ sku:testdl^quantity:1^amount:1.56^tax_amount:0.25^product_ name:PName1^offer_id:0 request_id=4024360039900179087451 sender_id=gc_btr_sepa_1 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 49 Chapter 3 Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API ship_to_address1=37 se main street ship_to_address2=suite 2-5A ship_to_city=bloomington ship_to_country=US ship_to_state=indiana ship_to_zip=47404 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Reply Example 12 Follow-On Bank Transfer Refund Reply bank_transfer_account_holder=Global Collect BV bank_transfer_account_number=30004 00819 00010023116 61 bank_transfer_amount=1.81 bank_transfer_bank_city=Paris bank_transfer_bank_country=France bank_transfer_bank_name=BNP Paribas bank_transfer_iban=FR7630004008190001002311661 bank_transfer_payment_reference=140243600385 bank_transfer_rcode=1 bank_transfer_rflag=SOK bank_transfer_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. bank_transfer_swiftcode=BNPA FR PP PLZ bank_transfer_time=2014-06-10T213323Z Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 50 CHAPTER Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API 4 Transaction Status You can perform an on-demand query to get the status of a transaction. CyberSource recommends that you wait at least 5 minutes after the customer has completed a transaction before sending an on-demand query. If you need to request the status more than once, you must wait at least 10 minutes between queries for the same transaction. For China, real-time bank transfer settlements are not posted until the next business day. Note Sending the Query To send the query, send the fields described in the following table in an HTTP POST request to the following URL: After you send the query, CyberSource prompts you for your username and password to verify that you have access to the merchant ID. Table 11 Required Data for an On-Demand Transaction Status Query Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length merchantID Your CyberSource merchant ID. R String (30) Type of query. The only possible value is R String (30) type transaction. subtype Query subtype. The only possible value is transactionStatus. R String (30) requestID Request ID returned in the real-time bank transfer reply. R String (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 51 Chapter 4 Table 11 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Required Data for an On-Demand Transaction Status Query (Continued) Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length transRefNo Transaction reference number (SCMP API) or reconciliation ID (Simple Order API) returned in the real-time bank transfer reply. R String (60) requestToken Request token data generated by CyberSource for each transaction reply. R String (256) This example shows an on-demand query for a transaction status. Example 13 On-Demand Transaction Status Query <html> <body> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="transaction"> <input type="hidden" name="subtype" value="transactionStatus"> <table> <tr> <td>merchant ID <font color=red>*</font>:</td> <td><input type="text" name="merchantID" value="dm_ptech"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Request ID: </td> <td><input type="text" name="requestID" value=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Transaction Reference Number:</td> <td><input type="text" name="transRefNo" value=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Request Token:</td> <td><input type="text" name="requestToken" value=""></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2><input type="submit" value="submit"></td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 52 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Viewing the Response You receive a response immediately. There are two possible outcomes: If the query is successful, the results appear as a document of mime type application/ xml. To use this document, you must write a program to save or process the XML data of the document. If your POST data contains an error, you receive a system error. If the system error persists, contact CyberSource Customer Support. The DTD for a successful query result: <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT xml (Request, Response)> Request (MerchantID, RequestID, RequestDate)> MerchantID (#PCDATA)> RequestID (#PCDATA)> RequestDate (#PCDATA)> Response (PaymentStatus?)> PaymentStatus (Status, ProcessorMessage?)> Status (#PCDATA)> ProcessorMessage (#PCDATA)> This example shows on-demand query results for a successful real-time bank transfer payment. Example 14 Successful Payment <xml> <Request> <MerchantID>okgo123</MerchantID> <RequestID>4146924260000171399092</RequestID> <RequestDate>Oct 30, 2014</RequestDate> <Response> <PaymentStatus> <Status>Payment</Status> <ProcessorMessage>The payment instruction has been accepted. </ProcessorMessage> </PaymentStatus> </Response> </Request> </xml> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 53 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API This example shows on-demand query results for a failed real-time bank transfer payment. Example 15 Failed Payment <xml> <Request> <MerchantID>OKGo1234</MerchantID> <RequestID>1545412404130167905103</RequestID> <Response> <PaymentStatus> <Status>Failed</Status> <ProcessorMessage>Payment instruction has been rejected</ProcessorMessage> </PaymentStatus> </Response> </Request> </xml> Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfers To request a real-time bank transfer, set the bankTransferRealTimeService_run field to true. See Table 12, page 55, for a list of the fields to use when requesting the service. Table 14, page 61, describes the fields that the service returns to you. When requesting a real-time bank transfer, you may not request any other ICS service except Tax Calculation, which is optional. For more information about the service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the Simple Order API. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 54 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfer Refunds Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. Except for a few additional fields, refunds for real-time bank transfers are the same as refunds for other bank transfers. See "Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds," page 16. The additional fields are identifiers that have been re-named for real-time bank transfers. See Table 15, page 63. API Fields For information about the data types, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Request Fields The following table lists the fields to use in a request for real-time bank transfers. Table 12 Request Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bankInfo_bankCode Code for the customer’s bank. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (8) bankInfo_country Country in which the bank is located. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (2) bankTransferRealTime Service_bankTransfer RealTimeType Code that indicates which payment method or bank to use for this transaction. See Table 13, page 60. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (2) bankTransferRealTime Service_run Set to true to include the real-time bank transfer service in your request. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (5) billTo_city Billing address city. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (50) billTo_company Name of the customer’s company. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 55 Chapter 4 Table 12 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length billTo_country Billing address country. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (2) billTo_email Customer’s email address, including the full domain name. For example: Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (255) billTo_firstName Customer’s first name. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (60) billTo_language Language used for the order. Use the ISO standard language codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (2) billTo_lastName Customer’s last name. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (60) billTo_phoneNumber Customer’s telephone number. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (15) billTo_postalCode Postal code for the billing address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R if billing country is US or CA) String (10) If the value of billTo_country is US, the 9-digit postal code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of billTo_country is CA, the 6-digit postal code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 billTo_state Billing address state. This field is required if the billTo_country value is US or CA. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (2) billTo_street1 Billing address street address. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (60) billTo_street2 Additional address information. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) fundTransfer_ accountNumber Customer’s bank account number. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (10) fundTransfer_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) Note Required for specific countries. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 56 Chapter 4 Table 12 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length invoiceHeader_ merchantDescriptor Merchant descriptor that is displayed on the customer’s statement for each real-time bank transfer. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (50) Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (30) For iDEAL: String (32) To enable this field and to optionally set a default descriptor for all real-time bank transfers, contact CyberSource Customer Support. item_#_productCode Type of product. This value is used to determine the product category: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. The default value is default. See "Product Codes," page 154, for a list of valid values. If you set it to a value other than default, stored_value, or any of the values related to shipping and/or handling, the item_#_ quantity, item_#_product_name, and item_#_ productSKU fields are required. item_#_productName Name of the product. This field is required if item_#_productCode is not default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) item_#_productSKU Product identifier code. It is required if item_#_ productCode is not default, stored_ value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) item_#_quantity Quantity of the product being purchased. The default value is 1. This field is required if item_ #_productCode is not default, stored_ value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) Integer (10) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 57 Chapter 4 Table 12 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length item_#_taxAmount Tax amount associated with this item. This field is additive. For example, if you send these offer lines: Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (15) Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (15) offer0=amount:10.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:0.80 offer1=amount:20.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:1.60 the total amount authorized will be for 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included. The item_#_taxAmount and the item_#_ unitPrice values must be in the same currency. If you include item_#_taxAmount and you include taxService in your request, taxService does not calculate the tax for the offer. Instead, it returns the value in the item_#_taxAmount field. item_#_unitPrice Per-item price of the product. You must include either this field or the purchaseTotals_ grandTotalAmount field in your request. This value cannot be negative. See the information about items and grand totals in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. linkToRequest Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when using multiple payment methods to complete an order. For more information about partial authorizations, see Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (26) merchantID Your CyberSource merchant ID. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (30) merchantReferenceCode Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. If this field includes multi-byte characters, it might be corrupted when it is returned to you in the reply. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (50) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 58 Chapter 4 Table 12 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length purchaseTotals_currency Currency used for the order. Use the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (5) purchaseTotals_ grandTotalAmount Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or item_#_unitPrice in your request. For more information about items and grand totals, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (15) returnURL URL that returns the customer to your Web site after the transaction. You are required to provide this value using one of the following methods: Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (512) Send this field with every request. Provide the URL when you register for the service, and CyberSource will store it in a database. shipTo_city City of shipping address. This field is required if any shipping information is included in the request. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (50) shipTo_country Country of shipping address. Use the twocharacter ISO Standard Country Codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (2) shipTo_firstName First name of the person receiving the product. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) shipTo_lastName Last name of the person receiving the product. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) shipTo_phoneNumber Phone number for the shipping address. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (15) shipTo_postalCode Postal code for the shipping address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R if shipTo_country is US or CA) String (10) If the value of shipTo_country is US, the 9-digit postal code must follow these rules: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of shipTo_country is CA, the 6-digit postal code must follow these rules: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C4 If the postal code for the shipping address is not included in the request message, CyberSource uses the postal code from the billing address. If the postal code for the billing address is not included in the request message, the postal code for the shipping address is required. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 59 Chapter 4 Table 12 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length shipTo_state State or province of shipping address. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. This field is required if the shipTo_country value is US or CA. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (2) shipTo_street1 First line of shipping address. This field is required if any shipping information is included in the request. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (60) shipTo_street2 Second line of shipping address. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) Bank Codes The following table describes the bank codes that indicate the payment method or bank to use for a real-time bank transfer. Table 13 Bank Transfer Real Time Type Bank Code Bank or Payment Type Country Bank or Network 1 ING Home Pay Belgium Single bank 2 Nordea e-maksu Finland Single bank 3 Nordea e-betaling Denmark Single bank 5 Nordea e-betalning Sweden Single bank 7 iDEAL Netherlands Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on your payment page. 9 GiroPay Germany Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 11 eCard Poland Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 12 eNets Singapore Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 17 Akita Finland Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 18 Sofortuberweisung Germany Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 60 Chapter 4 Table 13 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Bank Transfer Real Time Type (Continued) Bank Code Bank or Payment Type Country Bank or Network 20 Poli Australia Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. Reply Fields The following table lists the fields returned in a reply from the bankTransferRealTimeService service request. Table 14 Reply Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Reply Field Description Data Type & Length bankTransferRealTimeReply_ amount Total amount for the real-time bank transfer. String (15) bankTransferRealTimeReply_ formAction URL that will be used to re-direct the customer’s browser window back to your web site. String (4000) bankTransferRealTimeReply_ formMethod Method that redirects the customer’s browser window to your web site. The possible values are: String (4) GET POST bankTransferRealTimeReply_ paymentReference Payment reference number that you must display to the customer. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. In Italy, this number is called the Numero di riferimento. String (16) bankTransferRealTimeReply_ reasonCode A numeric value corresponding to the result of the real-time bank transfer request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Integer (5) bankTransferRealTimeReply_ reconciliationID Unique value generated by CyberSource. See the information about tracking orders in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. String (60) bankTransferRealTimeReply_ requestDateTime Time the real-time bank transfer was requested. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Example: 2007-08-11T22:47:57Z, which is August 11, 2007, at 10:47:57 P.M. The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC. String (20) bankTransferRefundReply_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Alphanumeric (50) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 61 Chapter 4 Table 14 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Reply Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API (Continued) Reply Field Description Data Type & Length decision Summarizes the result of the overall request. The possible values are: String (6) invalidField_0...N ACCEPT ERROR REJECT Fields in the request that contained invalid data. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. String (100) Note Do not attempt to use these fields for interacting with end users. For more information about missing and invalid fields, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. merchantReferenceCode Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. String (50) missingField_0...N Required fields that were missing from the request. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. String (100) Note Do not attempt to use these fields for interacting with end users. For more information about missing and invalid fields, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. purchaseTotals_currency Currency used for the order. Use the ISO Standard Currency Codes. String (5) reasonCode Numeric value corresponding to the result of the overall request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Integer (5) requestID Identifier for the request generated by CyberSource. String (26) requestToken Request token data created by CyberSource for each reply. The field is an encoded string that contains no confidential information such as an account number. The string can contain a maximum of 256 characters. String (256) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 62 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Additional Request Fields The following table lists the additional fields to use in a request for the bankTransferRefundService service. In addition to these fields, you must use the fields specified for refunds in "Request Fields," page 18. Table 15 Additional Request Fields for Bank Transfer Refunds for the Simple Order API Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bankTransferRefund Service_bankTransfer RealTimeReconciliationID Unique identifier for the order submitted to Global Collect. Bank Transfer Refund (R for standalone refunds) String (60) Bank Transfer Refund (R) String (26) bankTransferRefund Service_bankTransfer RealTimeRequestID Note If you do not include this field in a refund request, CyberSource will generate the value. The requestID field returned from a previous request for the bankTransferRealTimeService service. Send this field instead of the bankTransferRefundService_ bankTransferRequestID field. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 63 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Request and Reply Examples Real-Time Bank Transfer Request Example 16 Real-Time Bank Transfer Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.23"> <bankTransferRealTimeService run="true"/> <merchantID>demo</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>482046</merchantReferenceCode> <billTo> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <street1>Boschdijk 987</street1> <city>Eindhoven</city> <country>NL</country> <language>nl</language> <postalCode>5600 PB</postalCode> <email></email> <phoneNumber>040-5551212</phoneNumber> </billTo> <purchaseTotals> <currency>EUR</currency> </purchaseTotals> <item id="0"> <unitPrice>49.95</unitPrice> <quantity>1</quantity> </item> <bankTransferRealTimeService> <bankTransferRealTimeType>7</bankTransferRealTimeType> </bankTransferRealTimeService> <bankInfo> <country>NL</country> </bankInfo> </requestMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 64 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API Real-Time Bank Transfer Reply Example 17 Real-Time Bank Transfer Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.23"> <c:requestID>0305782650000167905080</c:requestID> <c:merchantReferenceCode>482046</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>EUR</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:bankTransferRealTimeReply> <c:reconciliationID>0308014624</c:reconciliationID> <c:amount>49.95</c:amount> <c:requestDateTime>2012-01-28T23:44:27Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:paymentReference>106157214759</c:paymentReference> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:formMethod>GET</c:formMethod> <c:formAction></c:formAction> </c:bankTransferRealTimeReply> </c:replyMessage> Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Example 18 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <merchantID>demo123</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</merchantReferenceCode> <billTo> <firstName>Orlando</firstName> <lastName>Bloom</lastName> <street1>33, rue Dauphine</street1> <city>Bergheim</city> <postalCode>75006</postalCode> <country>DE</country> <phoneNumber>33 3 69 20 45 63</phoneNumber> <email></email> </billTo> <purchaseTotals> <currency>EUR</currency> <grandTotalAmount>74</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> <fundTransfer> <accountNumber>0044497071</accountNumber> <accountName>BRADFORD NICKLES</accountName> </fundTransfer> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 65 Chapter 4 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the Simple Order API <bankInfo> <bankCode>79050000</bankCode> <name>SloveniaBank_testing</name> <country>DE</country> <swiftCode>BSLJSI2X</swiftCode> </bankInfo> <bankTransferRefundService run="true"> <reconciliationID>21223345</reconciliationID> </bankTransferRefundService> </requestMessage> Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Reply Example 19 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>4024431863670181551532</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>eur</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:bankTransferRefundReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:amount>74.00</c:amount> <c:requestDateTime>2014-06-10T23:33:08Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:reconciliationID>21223345</c:reconciliationID> <c:iban>DE58790500000044497071</c:iban> </c:bankTransferRefundReply> </c:replyMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 66 CHAPTER Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API 5 Transaction Status You can perform an on-demand query to get the status of a transaction. CyberSource recommends that you wait at least 5 minutes after the customer has completed a transaction before sending an on-demand query. If you need to request the status more than once, you must wait at least 10 minutes between queries for the same transaction. For China, real-time bank transfer settlements are not posted until the next business day. Note Sending the Query To send the query, send the fields described in the following table in an HTTP POST request to the following URL: After you send the query, CyberSource will prompt you for your username and password to verify that you have access to the merchant ID. Table 16 Required Data for the On-Demand Transaction Status Query Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length merchantID Your CyberSource merchant ID. R String (30) Type of query. The only possible value is R String (30) type transaction. subtype Query subtype. The only possible value is transactionStatus. R String (30) requestID Request ID returned in the real-time bank transfer reply. R String (26) transRefNo Transaction reference number (SCMP API) or reconciliation ID (Simple Order API) returned in the real-time bank transfer reply. R String (60) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 67 Chapter 5 Table 16 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Required Data for the On-Demand Transaction Status Query (Continued) Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length requestToken Request token data generated by CyberSource for each transaction reply. R String (256) This example shows an on-demand query for a transaction’s status: Example 20 On-Demand Transaction Status Query <html> <body> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="transaction"> <input type="hidden" name="subtype" value="transactionStatus"> <table> <tr> <td>merchant ID <font color=red>*</font>: </td> <td><input type="text" name="merchantID" value="dm_ptech"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Request ID: </td> <td><input type="text" name="requestID" value=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Transaction Reference Number: </td> <td><input type="text" name="transRefNo" value=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Request Token: </td> <td><input type="text" name="requestToken" value=""></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=2><input type="submit" value="submit"></td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 68 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Viewing the Response You receive a response immediately. There are two possible outcomes: If the query is successful, the results appear as a document of mime type application/ xml. To use this document, you need to write a program to save or process the XML data of the document. If your POST data contains an error, you receive a system error. If the system error persists, contact CyberSource Customer Support. The DTD for a successful query result: <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT <!ELEMENT xml (Request, Response)> Request (MerchantID, RequestID)> MerchantID (#PCDATA)> RequestID (#PCDATA)> Response (PaymentStatus?)> PaymentStatus (Status, ProcessorMessage?)> Status (#PCDATA)> ProcessorMessage (#PCDATA)> This example shows on-demand query results for a successful real-time bank transfer payment: Example 21 Successful Payment <xml> <Request> <MerchantID>OKGo1234</MerchantID> <RequestID>1688722776730008402433</RequestID> <Response> <PaymentStatus> <Status>Payment</Status> </PaymentStatus> </Response> </Request> </xml> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 69 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API This example shows on-demand query results for a failed real-time bank transfer payment: Example 22 Failed Payment <xml> <Request> <MerchantID>OKGo1234</MerchantID> <RequestID>1545412404130167905103</RequestID> <Response> <PaymentStatus> <Status>Failed</Status> <ProcessorMessage>Payment instruction has been rejected</ProcessorMessage> </PaymentStatus> </Response> </Request> </xml> Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfers Use the ics_bank_transfer_real_time service to request a real-time bank transfer. See Table 17, page 71, and Table 18, page 75, for fields to use when requesting the service. Table 20, page 78, describes the fields that the service returns to you. When requesting a real-time bank transfer, you may not request any of the other ICS services except ics_tax, which is optional. For more information about the service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the SCMP API. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 70 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Requesting Real-Time Bank Transfer Refunds Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. Except for a few additional fields, refunds for real-time bank transfers are the same as refunds for traditional bank transfers. See "Requesting Bank Transfer Refunds," page 34. The additional fields are identifiers that have been re-named for real-time bank transfers. See Table 22, page 80. API Fields For information about the data types, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Request Fields The following table lists the fields to use in a request for the ics_bank_transfer_real_ time field. Table 17 Request-Level Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_account_number Customer’s bank account number. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (10) bank_code Code for the customer’s bank. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (8) bank_country Country where the bank is located. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (2) bank_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) Note Required for specific countries. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific requirements. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 71 Chapter 5 Table 17 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_transfer_real_time_ type Code that indicates the payment method or bank to use for this transaction. See Table 19, page 76. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (2) bill_address1 Billing street address. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (60) bill_address2 Additional billing address information. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) bill_city Billing address city. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (50) bill_country Billing address country. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (2) bill_state Billing address state. This field is required if the value of bill_country is US or CA. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (2) bill_zip Zip code for the shipping address. The zip code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R if bill_ country is US or CA) String (10) If the value of bill_country is US, the 9-digit zip code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example:12345-6789 If the value of bill_country is CA, the 6-digit zip code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 company_name Name of the customer’s company. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) currency Currency used for the order. Use the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (5) customer_email Customer’s email address. For example: Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (255) customer_firstname Customer’s first name. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (60) customer_language Language used for the order. Use the ISO standard language codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (2) customer_lastname Customer’s last name. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (60) customer_phone Customer’s telephone number. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (15) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 72 Chapter 5 Table 17 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length grand_total_amount Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or offer0 and the offer-level field amount. See the information about offers and grand totals in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) Decimal (15) ics_applications ICS services to process for the request. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (255) link_to_request Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when using multiple payment methods to complete an order. For details, see the information about partial authorizations in Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (26) merchant_descriptor Merchant descriptor that is displayed on the customer’s statement for each real-time bank transfer. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (50) For iDEAL: String (32) To enable this field and to optionally set a default descriptor for all real-time bank transfers, contact CyberSource Customer Support. merchant_id Your CyberSource merchant ID. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (30) merchant_ref_number Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. If this field includes multi-byte characters, it might be corrupted when it is returned to you in the reply. See the information about tracking orders in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R) String (50) offer0...N Offers for the request. An offer is a line item for the order. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (50) return_url URL that will be used to return the customer to your web site after the transaction. You are required to provide this value using one of the following methods: Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (512) Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (60) ship_to_address1 Send this field with every request. Provide the URL when you sign up for the service, and CyberSource will store it in a database. First line of the address to which the product will be shipped. This field is required if any shipping information is included in the request. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 73 Chapter 5 Table 17 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length ship_to_address2 Second line of the address to which the product will be shipped. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) ship_to_city City to which the product will be shipped. This field is required if any shipping information is included in the request. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (50) ship_to_country Country to which the product will be shipped. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (2) ship_to_firstname First name of person receiving the product. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) ship_to_lastname Last name of person receiving the product. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (60) ship_to_phone Phone number for the shipping address. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (15) ship_to_state State or province to which the product will be shipped. Use the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. This field is required if the value ship_to_country is US or CA. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (2) ship_to_zip Zip code for the shipping address. Real-Time Bank Transfer (R is if ship_to_country is US or CA) String (10) Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) Positive integer (3) If the value of ship_to_country is US, the 9digit zip code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of ship_to_country is CA, the 6digit zip code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 If the postal code for the shipping address is not included in the request message, CyberSource will use the postal code for the billing address. If the postal code for the billing address is not included in the request message, the postal code for the shipping address is required. timeout Number of seconds until the transaction times out. The default is 110 seconds. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 74 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Offer-Level Fields The following table lists the offer-level fields for the ics_bank_transfer_real_time field. Table 18 Offer-Level Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers for the SCMP API Offer-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length amount Per-item price of the product. You must include either offer0 and this field, or the request-level field grand_total_amount in your request. This value cannot be negative. See the information about offers and grand totals in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) Decimal (15) You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. merchant_product_sku Product identifier code. It is required if product_code is not default, stored_ value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) product_code Type of product the offer contains. This value is used to determine the category that the product falls under: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. The default value is default. See "Product Codes," page 154, for a list of valid values. Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) String (30) If you set this to a value other than default, stored_value, or any of the values related to shipping and/or handling, the quantity, product_name and merchant_product_sku fields are required. product_name Name of the product. This field is required if product_code is not default, stored_ value or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) String (30) quantity Quantity of the product being purchased. The default value is 1. This field is required if product_code is not default, stored_ value or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Real-Time Bank Transfer (See description) Nonnegative integer (10) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 75 Chapter 5 Table 18 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Offer-Level Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers for the SCMP API (Continued) Offer-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length tax_amount Tax amount associated with this item. This field is additive. For example, if you send these offer lines: Real-Time Bank Transfer (O) Decimal (15) offer0=amount:10.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:0.80 offer1=amount:20.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:1.60 the total amount authorized will be for 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included. The tax_amount and the amount values must be in the same currency. If you include tax_amount and you request the ics_tax service, ics_tax will not calculate tax for the offer. Instead, it will return the value in the tax_amount field. Bank Codes The following table describes the values for the bank transfer real-time type. Table 19 Bank Transfer Real-Time Type Bank Code Bank or Payment Type Country Bank or Network 1 ING Home Pay Belgium Single bank 2 Nordea e-maksu Finland Single bank 3 Nordea e-betaling Denmark Single bank 5 Nordea e-betalning Sweden Single bank 7 iDEAL Netherlands Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on your payment page. 9 GiroPay Germany Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 11 eCard Poland Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 12 eNets Singapore Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 76 Chapter 5 Table 19 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Bank Transfer Real-Time Type (Continued) Bank Code Bank or Payment Type Country Bank or Network 17 Akita Finland Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 18 Sofortuberweisung Germany Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. 20 Poli Australia Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on a web page that you do not control. Bank Code Bank or Payment Type Country Bank or Network 1 ING Home Pay Belgium Single bank 2 Nordea e-maksu Finland Single bank 3 Nordea e-betaling Denmark Single bank 5 Nordea e-betalning Sweden Single bank 7 iDEAL Netherlands Banking network. The customer selects the specific bank on your payment page. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 77 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Reply Fields The following table lists the fields returned in a reply from the ics_bank_transfer_real_ time request. Table 20 Reply Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Reply Field Description Data Type & Length bank_transfer_refund_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Alphanumeric (50) bank_transfer_real_time_amount Total amount for the real-time bank transfer. Decimal (15) bank_transfer_real_time_form_ action URL that will be used to re-direct the customer’s browser window back to your web site. String (4000) bank_transfer_real_time_form_ method Method that will be used to re-direct the customer’s browser window back to your web site. The possible values are: String (4) GET POST bank_transfer_real_time_ payment_reference Payment reference number that you must display to the customer. See the information about tracking orders in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. In Italy, this is called the Numero di riferimento. String (16) bank_transfer_real_time_rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the ics_bank_ transfer_real_time request was successful. Integer (1) bank_transfer_real_time_rflag One-word description of the result of the ics_bank_ transfer_real_time request. String (50) bank_transfer_real_time_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag bank_transfer_real_ time_rflag. String (255) bank_transfer_real_time_time Time of the real-time bank transfer request in UTC. For the format, see the information about data types in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Date and time (20) bank_transfer_real_time_trans_ ref_no Unique value generated by CyberSource. See the information about tracking orders in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (60) client_lib_version Information about the client library used to request the transaction. String (50) currency Currency used for the order. Use the ISO Standard Currency Codes. String (5) ics_rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the entire request was successful. The possible values are: Integer (1) ics_rflag -1: An error occurred 0: The request was declined 1: The request was successful One-word description of the result of the entire request. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 String (50) 78 Chapter 5 Table 20 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Reply Fields for Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API (Continued) Reply Field Description Data Type & Length ics_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag ics_rflag. String (255) merchant_ref_number Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. String (50) request_id Identifier for the request generated by CyberSource. String (26) request_token Request token data created by CyberSource for each reply. The field is an encoded string that contains no confidential information such as an account number. The string can contain a maximum of 256 characters. String (256) Reply Flags The following table lists the reply flags for the ics_bank_transfer_real_time request. Table 21 Reply Flags for Real-Time Bank Transfers for the SCMP API Reply Flag Description DINVALIDDATA Data provided is not consistent with the request. DMISSINGFIELD The request is missing a required field. ESYSTEM System error. You must design your transaction management system to correctly handle CyberSource system errors. Depending on the payment processor handling the transaction, the error may indicate a valid CyberSource system error or a processor rejection due to invalid data. In either case, CyberSource recommends that you do not design your system to endlessly retry sending a transaction. For important information on handling system errors and retries, see the documentation for your CyberSource client. ETIMEOUT The request timed out. SOK The transaction was successful. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 79 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Additional Request Fields The following table lists the additional fields to use in a request for the ics_bank_ transfer_refund service. In addition to these fields, you must use the fields specified for refunds in "Request Fields," page 36. Table 22 Additional Request Fields for Bank Transfer Refunds Using the SCMP API Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_transfer_real_time_ request_id The request_id value returned from a previous request for the ics_bank_ transfer_real_time service. Send this field instead of the bank_transfer_request_id field. Bank Transfer Refund (R) String (26) bank_transfer_real_time_ trans_ref_no Unique identifier for the order submitted to Global Collect. Bank Transfer Refund (R for standalone refunds) String (60) Note If you do not include this field in a refund request, CyberSource will generate the value. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 80 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Request and Reply Examples Real-Time Bank Transfer Request Example 23 Real-Time Bank Transfer Request ics_applications=ics_bank_transfer_real_time bank_country=NL bank_transfer_real_time_type=12 bill_address1=1276VicenteDRAptH bill_city=Eindhoven bill_country=NL bill_zip=5600 PB currency=EUR customer_firstname =john customer_lastname=smith customer_language=nl grand_total_amount=10.00 merchant_id=demo merchant_ref_number=C299792458C Real-Time Bank Transfer Reply Example 24 Real-Time Bank Transfer Reply request_id=0305782650000167905080 merchant_ref_number=C299792458C currency=EUR ics_rcode=1 ics_rflag=SOK ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. bank_transfer_real_time_trans_ref_no=0308014624 bank_transfer_real_time_amount=10.00 bank_transfer_real_time_time=2012-01-22T170910Z bank_transfer_real_time_payment_reference=106157214759 bank_transfer_real_time_rcode=1 bank_transfer_real_time_rflag=SOK bank_transfer_real_time_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. bank_transfer_real_time_form_method=GET Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 81 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Request Example 25 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Request bank_account_name=nette bank_account_number=30004 00819 00010023116 61 bank_check_digit=12 bank_city=Paris bank_code=0440339464 bank_country=France bank_name=BNP Paribas bank_swiftcode=BNPA FR PP PLZ bank_transfer_real_time_request_id=4024360119000179087451 bill_address1=1ere Avenue bill_address2=14eme Rue BP 148 bill_city=Carros Cedex bill_country=FR bill_zip=06513 branch_code=1234567890ABCDE currency=EUR customer_firstname=antoi customer_lastname=nette customer_phone=33-04-9208-2846 ics_applications=ics_bank_transfer_refund merchant_id=demo merchant_ref_number=C299792458C offer0=product_code:electronic_software^merchant_product_ sku:testdl^quantity:1^amount:1.56^tax_amount:0.25^product_ name:PName1^offer_id:0 ship_to_address1=37 se main street ship_to_address2=suite 2-5A ship_to_city=bloomington ship_to_country=US ship_to_state=indiana ship_to_zip=47404 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 82 Chapter 5 Real-Time Bank Transfers Using the SCMP API Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Reply Example 26 Real-Time Bank Transfer Refund Reply bank_transfer_refund_amount=1.81 bank_transfer_refund_iban=IE64BOFI30004 00819 00010023116 61 bank_transfer_refund_rcode=1 bank_transfer_refund_rflag=SOK bank_transfer_refund_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. bank_transfer_refund_time=2014-06-10T213332Z bank_transfer_refund_trans_ref_no=2149563030 currency=eur ics_rcode=1 ics_rflag=SOK ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. merchant_ref_number=C299792458C request_id=4024360120420179087451 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 83 CHAPTER Boletos Bancários Using the Simple Order API 6 Requesting a Boleto Bancário Use the boletoPaymentService service to request the Boleto Bancário payment service. See Table 23, page 85, for a list of the fields to use. In the Boleto Bancário reply, you receive a URL for a form that contains information about the Boleto Bancário. Display the information in this form to your customer exactly as you received it so that the customer can easily transcribe it or print it and give it to their bank. Note You are responsible for storing the Boleto Bancário form URL. You might want to present the URL or its contents to the customer if you have to remind them that their payment is unexpectedly late and that the Boleto Bancário will time out soon. CyberSource does not store the URL. API Fields This section provides detailed information about the Simple Order API fields for the Boleto Bancário payment service. For information about the data types, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Data Type Definitions For more information about these data types, see the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML Schema Part 2: DataTypes specification. Integer—Whole number {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}. String—Sequence of letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters, such as @ and #. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 84 Chapter 6 Boletos Bancários Using the Simple Order API Request Fields The following table describes the fields to use in a request for the boletoPaymentService service. Table 23 Request Fields for Boletos Bancários for the Simple Order API Request Field Description Required or Optional Data Type & Length billTo_firstName Customer’s first name. Required String (60) billTo_lastName Customer’s last name. Required String (60) billTo_personalID Personal identifier. For CyberSource Latin American Processing, you can use this field for the Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF). Optional String (18) boletoPaymentService_ expirationDate Expiration date of the Boleto Bancário in GMT in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD. Optional String (10) boletoPaymentService_ instruction Text instructions for the Boleto Bancário. This field allows you to specify the text that will be printed in the customer message field on the Boleto form. The customer message field is often used to remind the customer to submit the Boleto promptly. Optional String (512) boletoPaymentService_run Whether to include boletoPaymentService in your request. Possible values: Required String (50) Optional Decimal (15) Optional String (26) item_#_unitPrice true: Include the service in your request. false (default): Do not include the service in your request. Per-item price of the product. You must include either this field or purchaseTotals_ grandTotalAmount in your request. For more information about items and grand totals, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. This value cannot be negative. You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. linkToRequest Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when using multiple payment methods to complete an order. For more information about partial authorizations, see Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 85 Chapter 6 Table 23 Boletos Bancários Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Boletos Bancários for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required or Optional Data Type & Length merchantID Your CyberSource merchant ID. Required String (30) Note When opening your account with CyberSource, be sure to inform CyberSource if you plan to use multiple CyberSource merchant IDs. For example, if you have separate business units within your company, each with a separate CyberSource merchant ID, you must have a separate processor merchant ID for each CyberSource merchant ID. For more information, contact Customer Support. merchantReferenceCode Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Required String (50) purchaseTotals_ grandTotalAmount Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or item_#_unitPrice in your request. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Required Decimal (15) Reply Fields The following table describes the fields returned in a reply from boletoPaymentService. Table 24 Reply Fields for Boletos Bancários for the Simple Order API Reply Field Description Data Type & Length boletoPaymentReply_ amount Total amount of the Boleto Bancário payment. Decimal (15) boletoPaymentReply_ boletoNumber Boleto Bancário payment number. String (6) boletoPaymentReply_ expirationDate Expiration date of the Boleto Bancário in GMT. On the face of the Boleto Bancário, the date is in the European format: DD-MM-YYYY. For this expiration date field, the date is mapped to an ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. String (20) Note There is a space between the date and the time. boletoPaymentReply_ reasonCode Numeric value corresponding to the result of the Boleto Bancário request. See Appendix B, "Reason Codes," on page 155. Integer (5) boletoPaymentReply_ reconciliationID Unique value generated by CyberSource. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. String (60) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 86 Chapter 6 Table 24 Boletos Bancários Using the Simple Order API Reply Fields for Boletos Bancários for the Simple Order API (Continued) Reply Field Description Data Type & Length boletoPaymentReply_ requestDateTime Time of the Boleto Bancário request in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Example: 2007-08-11T22:47:57Z which is August 11, 2007 at 10:47:57 P.M. The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC. Date and time (20) boletoPaymentReply_url URL of the Boleto Bancário form. String (255) decision Summarizes the result of the overall request. Possible values: String (6) ACCEPT ERROR REJECT For more information about decision values, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. invalidField_0…N Fields in the request that contained invalid data. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. Do not attempt to use these fields for end user interaction. For more information about missing and invalid fields, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. String (100) merchantReferenceCode Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. String (50) missingField_0...N Required fields that were missing from the request. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. Do not attempt to use these fields for end user interaction. For more information about missing and invalid fields, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. String (100) purchaseTotals_currency Currency used for the order. The only possible value is BRL. String (5) reasonCode Numeric value corresponding to the result of the overall request. See Appendix B, "Reason Codes," on page 155. Integer (5) requestID Identifier for the request. For more information about request tokens, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. String (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 87 Chapter 6 Boletos Bancários Using the Simple Order API Examples Name-Value Pairs: Request Example 27 Boleto Bancário Request billTo_firstName=Jane billTo_lastName=Smith billTo_personalID=1111 merchantID=okgo merchantReferenceCode=1234567 item_0_unitPrice=10.00 boletoPaymentService_run=true boletoPaymentService_instruction=this is a test boletoPaymentService_expirationDate=2008-11-22 Name-Value Pairs: Reply Example 28 Boleto Bancário Reply decision=ACCEPT reasonCode=100 requestID=12345678901234567890 merchantReferenceCode=1234567 purchaseTotals_currency=BRL boletoPaymentReply_reasonCode=100 boletoPaymentReply_reconciliationID=12345678 boletoPaymentReply_amount=10.00 boletoPaymentReply_boletoNumber=123456 boletoPaymentReply_expirationDate=2008-11-22 23:59:59 boletoPaymentReply_url= reenvia.asp?Id_Transacao=93b5668a-6129-48d5-ad95-76308d997479 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 88 Chapter 6 Boletos Bancários Using the Simple Order API XML: Request Example 29 Boleto Bancário Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.42"> <billTo> <firstName>Jane</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <personalID>1111</personalID> </billTo> <merchantID>okgo</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>1234567</merchantReferenceCode> <item id="0"><unitPrice>10.00</unitPrice></item> <boletoPaymentService run="true"> <instruction>this is a test</instruction> <expirationDate>2008-11-22</expirationDate> </boletoPaymentService> </requestMessage> XML: Reply Example 30 Boleto Bancário Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.42"> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:requestID>12345678901234567890</c:requestID> <c:merchantReferenceCode>1234567</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:purchaseTotals><c:currency>BRL</c:currency></c:purchaseTotals> <c:boletoPaymentReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:reconciliationID>12345678</c:reconciliationID> <c:amount>10.00</c:amount> <c:boletoNumber>123456</c:boletoNumber> <c:expirationDate>2008-11-22 23:59:59</c:expirationDate> <c:url> Id_Transacao=93b5668a-6129-48d5-ad95-76308d997479</c:url> </c:boletoPaymentReply> </c:replyMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 89 CHAPTER 7 Boletos Bancários Using the SCMP API Requesting a Boleto Bancário Use the ics_boleto_payment field to request the Boleto Bancário payment service. See Table 25, page 90, for a list of the fields. In the Boleto Bancário reply, you receive a URL for a form that contains information about the Boleto Bancário. Display the information in this form to your customer exactly as you received it so that the customer can easily transcribe it or print it and give it to their bank. Note You are responsible for storing the Boleto Bancário form URL. You might want to present the URL or its contents to the customer if you have to remind them that their payment is unexpectedly late and that the Boleto Bancário will time out soon. CyberSource does not store the URL. API Fields This section provides detailed information about the SCMP API fields for the Boleto Bancário payment service. For information about the data types, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Request Fields The following table describes the fields to use in a request for the ics_boleto_payment service. Table 25 Request-Level Fields for Boletos Bancários for the SCMP API Request-Level Field Description Required or Optional Data Type & Length boleto_payment_ expiration_date Expiration date of the Boleto Bancário in GMT in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD. Optional String (10) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 90 Chapter 7 Table 25 Boletos Bancários Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Boletos Bancários for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required or Optional Data Type & Length boleto_payment_ instruction Text instructions for the Boleto Bancário. This field allows you to specify the text that will be printed in the customer message field on the Boleto Bancários form. The customer message field is often used to remind the customer to submit the Boleto Bancários promptly. Optional String (512) customer_firstname Customer’s first name. Required String (60) customer_lastname Customer’s last name. Required String (60) grand_total_amount Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or offer0 and the offer-level field amount. For more information about offers and grand totals, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Required Decimal (15) ics_applications Service to process for the request. For a Boleto Bancário request, this value must be ics_boleto_ payment. Required String (255) link_to_request Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when using multiple payment methods to complete an order. For more information about partial authorizations, see Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API. Optional String (26) merchant_id Your CyberSource merchant ID. Required String (30) Required String (50) Note When opening your account with CyberSource, make sure that you inform CyberSource if you plan to use multiple CyberSource merchant IDs. For example, when you have separate business units within your company, each with a separate CyberSource merchant ID, you must have a separate processor merchant ID for each CyberSource merchant ID. For more information, contact Customer Support. merchant_ref_ number Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 91 Chapter 7 Table 25 Boletos Bancários Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Boletos Bancários for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required or Optional Data Type & Length offerN: amount Per-item price of the product. You must include this field, the offer0 field, or the request-level field grand_total_amount in your request. This value cannot be negative. For more information about offers and grand totals, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Optional Decimal (15) Optional String (18) You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. personal_id Personal identifier. For CyberSource Latin American Processing, you can use this field for the Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF). Reply Fields The following table describes the fields returned in a reply from the ics_boleto_payment service request. Table 26 Reply Fields for Boletos Bancários for the SCMP API Reply Field Description Data Type & Length boleto_payment_amount Total amount of the Boleto Bancário payment. Decimal (15) boleto_payment_boleto_ number Boleto Bancário payment number. String (6) boleto_payment_expiration_ date Expiration date of the Boleto Bancário in GMT. On the face of the Boleto Bancário, the date is in the European format: DD-MM-YYYY. For this expiration date field, the date is mapped to an ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. String (20) Note There is a space between the date and the time. boleto_payment_rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the ics_boleto_payment request was successful: -1: An error occurred 0: The request was declined 1: The request was successful Integer (1) For more information about handling replies, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. boleto_payment_request_ time Time of the Boleto Bancário request in UTC. For more information about the format, see the data type information in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 Date and time (20) 92 Chapter 7 Table 26 Boletos Bancários Using the SCMP API Reply Fields for Boletos Bancários for the SCMP API (Continued) Reply Field Description Data Type & Length boleto_payment_rflag One-word description of the result of the ics_boleto_payment request. See "Reply Flags," page 94, and for more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (50) boleto_payment_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag boleto_payment_rflag. Do not display this message to the customer and do not use this field to write an error handler. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (255) boleto_payment_trans_ref_ no Unique value generated by CyberSource. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (60) boleto_payment_url URL of the Boleto Bancário form. String (255) currency Currency used for the order. The only possible value is BRL. String (5) ics_rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the entire request was successful: Integer (1) -1: An error occurred 0: The request was declined 1: The request was successful For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. ics_rflag One-word description of the result of the entire request. See "Reply Flags," page 94, and for more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (50) ics_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag ics_rflag. Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (255) merchant_ref_number Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (50) request_id Unique identifier generated by CyberSource for the transaction. For more information about request IDs, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. String (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 93 Chapter 7 Boletos Bancários Using the SCMP API Reply Flags The following table describes the reply flags for the ics_boleto_payment service request. Table 27 Reply Flags for Boletos Bancários for the SCMP API Reply Flag Description DBOLETODECLINED When CyberSource sent a Boleto Bancário request to CyberSource Latin American Processing, the processor returned an error to CyberSource. DINVALIDDATA Data provided is not consistent with the request. DMISSINGFIELD The request is missing a required field. ESYSTEM System error. You must design your transaction management system to correctly handle CyberSource system errors. Depending on the payment processor handling the transaction, the error may indicate a valid CyberSource system error or a processor rejection caused by invalid data. In either case, CyberSource recommends that you do not design your system to endlessly retry sending a transaction. For important information on handling system errors and retries, see the SDK for your CyberSource client. ETIMEOUT The request timed out. SOK The transaction was successful. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 94 Chapter 7 Boletos Bancários Using the SCMP API Request and Reply Examples Request Example 31 Boleto Bancário Request bill_city=Louisville bill_country=BRA currency=BRL customer_firstname=Joe customer_lastname=Doe ics_applications=ics_boleto_payment merchant_id=philpot2 merchant_ref_number=1234567 offer0=product_code:electronic_software^merchant_product_ sku:testdl^quantity:1^amount:1.18^tax_amount:0.00^product_name:Clorox Wipes^offer_id:0 boleto_payment_instruction=my test boleto_payment_expiration_date=2008-11-22 personal_id=1111 Reply Example 32 Boleto Bancário Reply boleto_payment_url= Transacao=93b5668a-6129-48d5-ad95-76308d997479 ics_rcode=1 ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. request_id=2259925521130170394179 boleto_payment_rcode=1 boleto_payment_boleto_number=100000 boleto_payment_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. boleto_payment_trans_ref_no=10992551 ics_rflag=SOK boleto_payment_rflag=SOK merchant_ref_number=1654291 boleto_payment_expiration_date=2008-11-22 23:59:59 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 95 CHAPTER Reports for Boletos Bancários 8 Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report The Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report provides information about Boleto Bancário transactions that have been issued but not fulfilled. The reasons for an unfulfilled Boleto Bancário are: The customer has not submitted the Boleto Bancário. The Boleto Bancário is still in the Brazilian clearing system. A transaction continues to be included in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report every day until: CyberSource Latin American Processing confirms that the transaction has been funded. The Boleto Bancário expires. To view the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report, you must subscribe to it on the Business Center. Viewing and Downloading Reports There are two ways to view and download Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled reports: Through an API See the first chapter in the Reporting Developer Guide, which is available at the Support Center, for information about requesting a report with a client application. On the CyberSource Business Center For information about downloading the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report from the Business Center, see the Business Center help topic “Downloading Detail Reports”. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 96 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários To view and download reports: Step 1 Navigate to the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report. Step 2 Click I need help with this page. A help topic for the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report opens. Step 3 In the help topic, click Downloading Reports. The “Downloading Detail Reports” topic opens. The Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report is a detail report, and you can download it the same way that you download other reports. For additional information, see the first chapter in the Reporting Developer Guide, which is available at the Support Center. XML Conventions and Data Types Syntax for Report Declarations A report declaration has this syntax: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Report SYSTEM URIreference> <Report Name=CDATA Version=NMTOKEN xmlns=CDATA MerchantID=CDATA ReportDate=CDATA> The value of the URIreference tag is the same as the value of the xmlns tag. Whether you are operating in test or live mode, the namespace always refers to ebctest instead of ebc. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 97 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários Syntax for Element Declarations An element declaration has this syntax: <Sample Attribute=CDATA> (Element) (ChoiceOne) | (ChoiceTwo) (ComplexElement) (RequiredRecurringElement)+ (OptionalElement)? (OptionalRecurringElement)* </Sample> The DTDs for the reports can use syntax with the ?, +, or * character inside the parentheses. Table 28 Conventions for Element Declarations Convention Description <Sample> Parent of the subsequent elements. Attribute=CDATA Name of the attribute followed by the XML data format for the attribute. (Element) Required element. Must appear only once. (ChoiceOne) | (ChoiceTwo) Element <ChoiceOne> or <ChoiceTwo> but not both. (ComplexElement) Element with one or more children. (RequiredRecurringElement)+ Required element. Can appear one or more times. (OptionalElement)? Optional element. Can appear once or be omitted. (OptionalRecurringElement)* Optional element. Can appear zero or more times. Data Types and Lengths In each description, the data length indicates the maximum length for that data type. Table 29 Data Types for XML Reports Data Type Description Alphanumeric String containing letters, numbers, and special characters such as @, #, and %. All text uses UTF-8 character encoding. Boolean Single character: T for true or F for false. Amount Can include a decimal point. Date YYYY-MM-DD where: YYYY is the four-digit year MM is the two-digit month DD is the two-digit day The hyphens are included in a Date value. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 98 Chapter 8 Table 29 Reports for Boletos Bancários Data Types for XML Reports (Continued) Data Type Description DateTime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[+ | -]HH:MM where: YYYY is the four-digit year MM is the two-digit month DD is the two-digit day T separates the date information from the time information HH is the two-digit hours MM is the two-digit minutes SS is the two-digit seconds [+ | -]HH:MM is the time zone’s offset from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) The hyphens are included in a DateTime value. Numeric String containing numbers. Elements in the Report <Report> The <Report> element is the root of the report. Syntax <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Report Name=CDATA Version=CDATA xmlns=CDATA MerchantID=CDATA ReportDate=CDATA> (Summary) (TransactionDetail)? </Report> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 99 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários Attributes Table 30 Attributes of <Report> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report Attribute Name Description Data Type & Length Name Name of the report. This value is always Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report. Alphanumeric (100) Version Version number of the report. Numeric (10) xmlns XML namespace for the report. This value is always ebc/reports/dtd/bbur.dtd. Alphanumeric (100) MerchantID CyberSource merchant ID. Alphanumeric (30) ReportDate Date the report was generated. DateTime (25) Child Elements Table 31 Child Elements of <Report> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report Element Name Description <Summary> Summary of the transaction information for each range. See "<Summary>," page 101. <TransactionDetail> Information about all of the unfunded transactions that have occurred during the previous 3 to 180 days. See "<TransactionDetail>," page 104. Example Example 33 <Report> Element <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Report Name="BoletoBancarioUnfulfilledReport" Version="1.0" xmlns= MerchantID="exampleMerchant" ReportDate="2008-01-24T08:00:00-08:00"> <Summary> ... </Summary> <TransactionDetail> ... </TransactionDetail> </Report> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 100 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários <Summary> The <Summary> element contains a summary of the transaction information for each range: 3 days outstanding 4 days outstanding 5 to 7 days outstanding 8 to 14 days outstanding 15 to 30 days outstanding 31 to 60 days outstanding 61 to 90 days outstanding 91 to 180 days outstanding 3 to 180 days outstanding Syntax <Summary> (Range)* </Summary> Child Element Table 32 Child Element of <Summary> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report Element Name Description <Range> Summary of the transaction information for one range. See "<Range>," page 103. Example Example 34 <Summary> Element <Summary> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="3" <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="3" <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="4" <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="4" <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> DaysOutstandingEnd="3" CurrencyCode="BRL"> DaysOutstandingEnd="3" CurrencyCode="USD"> DaysOutstandingEnd="4" CurrencyCode="BRL"> DaysOutstandingEnd="4" CurrencyCode="USD"> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 101 Chapter 8 Example 34 Reports for Boletos Bancários <Summary> Element (Continued) <Range DaysOutstandingStart="5" DaysOutstandingEnd=" 7" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>2</Count> <NetAmount>121.38</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="5" DaysOutstandingEnd=" 7" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="8" DaysOutstandingEnd="14" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>8</Count> <NetAmount>823.40</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="8" DaysOutstandingEnd="14" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="15" DaysOutstandingEnd="30" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>21</Count> <NetAmount>2030.11</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="15" DaysOutstandingEnd="30" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="31" DaysOutstandingEnd="60" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>7</Count> <NetAmount>777.17</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="31" DaysOutstandingEnd="60" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="61" DaysOutstandingEnd="90" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="61" DaysOutstandingEnd="90" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="91 DaysOutstandingEnd="180" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="91 DaysOutstandingEnd="180" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 102 Chapter 8 Example 34 Reports for Boletos Bancários <Summary> Element (Continued) <Range DaysOutstandingStart="3" DaysOutstandingEnd="180" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>38</Count> <NetAmount>3752.06</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="3" DaysOutstandingEnd="180" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> </Summary> <Range> The <Range> element contains a summary of the transaction information for one currency in one range. Syntax <Range DaysOutstandingStart=CDATA DaysOutstandingEnd=CDATA CurrencyCode=CDATA> (Count) (NetAmount) </Range> Table 33 Attributes of <Range> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report Attribute Name Description Data Type & Length DaysOutstandingStart Start of the range of the number of days outstanding. For example, for the range of 5 to 7 days outstanding, the start of the range is 5. Alphanumeric (4) DaysOutstandingEnd End of the range of the number of days outstanding. For example, for the range of 5 to 7 days outstanding, the end of the range is 7. Alphanumeric (4) CurrencyCode Currency code. Possible value: Alphanumeric (5) BRL Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 103 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários Child Elements Table 34 Child Elements of <Range> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report Element Name Description Count Number of transactions that await funding in the currency specified by CurrencyCode and in the range specified by DaysOutstandingStart and DaysOutstandingEnd. NetAmount Sum of transactions that await funding in the currency specified by CurrencyCode and in the range specified by DaysOutstandingStart and DaysOutstandingEnd. Example Example 35 <Range> Element <Range DaysOutstandingStart="3" DaysOutstandingEnd="3" CurrencyCode="CNY"> <Count>2</Count> <NetAmount>121.38</NetAmount> </Range> <TransactionDetail> The <TransactionDetail> element contains information about all of the unfunded transactions that have occurred during the previous 3 to 180 days. Syntax <TransactionDetail> (Transaction)* </TransactionDetail> Child Elements Table 35 Child Element of <TransactionDetail> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report Element Name Description <Transaction> Information about an unfunded transaction. See "<Transaction>," page 105. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 104 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários Example Example 36 <TransactionDetail> Element <TransactionDetail> <Transaction> ... </Transaction> </TransactionDetail> <Transaction> The <Transaction> element contains information about an unfunded transaction. Syntax <Transaction Processor=CDATA DaysOutstanding=CDATA MerchantID=CDATA OriginalTransactionDate=CDATA RequestID=CDATA TransactionReferenceNumber=CDATA MerchantReferenceNumber=CDATA Amount=CDATA CurrencyCode=CDATA EventType=CDATA BoletoNumber=CDATA </Transaction> Table 36 Attributes of <Transaction> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report Attribute Name Description Data Type & Length Processor Payment processor used for the transaction. This value is always Alphanumeric (40) brazilboleto: braspag. DaysOutstanding Number of days since the transaction was initiated. Alphanumeric (4) MerchantID CyberSource merchant ID. Alphanumeric (30) OriginalTransactionDate Date that the original payment transaction was initiated. DateTime (25) RequestID Unique identifier generated by CyberSource for the transaction. For more information about request IDs, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API or Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Numeric (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 105 Chapter 8 Table 36 Reports for Boletos Bancários Attributes of <Transaction> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report (Continued) Attribute Name Description Data Type & Length TransactionReference Number CyberSource-generated reference or tracking number for the transaction. You can use this value to reconcile your CyberSource reports with your processor reports. This value corresponds to: Alphanumeric (60) <service>_reconciliationID for the Simple Order API. <service>_trans_ref_no for the SCMP API. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API or Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. MerchantReference Number Merchant-generated reference or tracking number for the transaction. You can use this value to perform searches in the CyberSource Business Center. This value corresponds to: merchantReferenceCode for the Simple Order API. merchant_ref_number for the SCMP API. Alphanumeric (50) See the information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API or Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Amount Amount of the transaction. For refunds, the amount is negative. Amount (19) CurrencyCode Currency code used for the transaction. Possible value: Alphanumeric (5) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 BRL 106 Chapter 8 Table 36 Reports for Boletos Bancários Attributes of <Transaction> in the Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report (Continued) Attribute Name Description Data Type & Length EventType Type of event that occurred for the transaction. Possible values: Alphanumeric (20) BoletoNumber Expired: The Boleto Bancário has expired and will not be accepted for payment by Brazilian financial institutions. Fulfilled: The bank issuing the Boleto Bancário has received funds and deposited them into your account. Pending Fulfillment: The Boleto Bancário was issued, but the customer has not submitted it yet, or it is still in the Brazilian clearing system. The number identifying the Boleto Bancário payment involved in the transaction. Alphanumeric (15) Example Example 37 <Transaction> Element <Transaction Processor="brazilboleto" DaysOutstanding="3" MerchantID="123456789" OriginalTransactionDate="2009-01-11T10:45:00-08:00" RequestID="912342343468" TransactionReferenceNumber="123456" MerchantReferenceNumber="2884554" Amount="75,00" CurrencyCode="BRL" EventType="Fulfilled" BoletoNumber="987654"> </Transaction> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 107 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários DTD <!ELEMENT Report (Summary, TransactionDetail)> <!ATTLIST Report Name CDATA #REQUIRED Version NMTOKEN #REQUIRED xmlns CDATA #REQUIRED MerchantID CDATA #REQUIRED ReportDate CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Summary (Range*)> <!ELEMENT Range (Count, NetAmount)> <!ATTLIST Range DaysOutStandingStart CDATA #REQUIRED DaysOutStandingEnd CDATA #REQUIRED CurrencyCode CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Count (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT NetAmount (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT TransactionDetail (Transaction*)> <!ELEMENT Transaction EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Transaction Processor CDATA #REQUIRED DaysOutstanding CDATA #REQUIRED MerchantID CDATA #REQUIRED OriginalTransactionDate CDATA #REQUIRED RequestID CDATA #REQUIRED TransactionReferenceNumber CDATA #REQUIRED MerchantReferenceNumber CDATA #REQUIRED Amount CDATA #REQUIRED CurrencyCode CDATA #REQUIRED EventType CDATA #REQUIRED BoletoNumber CDATA #REQUIRED> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 108 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários Example This report example consists of the following unfulfilled transactions: One payment totalling 1.20 BRL, 3 days outstanding Five payments totalling 6.00 BRL, 5-7 days outstanding Six payments totalling 7.20 BRL, 3-180 days outstanding These transactions are included in the following ranges in the <Summary> section: 3 days outstanding 5 to 7 days outstanding 3 to 14 days outstanding Example 38 Unfulfilled Transactions <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Report SYSTEM " dtd/bbur.dtd"> <Report Name="BoletoBancarioUnfulfilledReport" Version="1.0" xmlns="" MerchantID="examplemerchant" ReportDate="2008-01-24T08:00:00-08:00"> <Summary> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="3" DaysOutstandingEnd="3" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>1</Count> <NetAmount>1.20</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="4" DaysOutstandingEnd="4" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>0</Count> <NetAmount>0.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="5" DaysOutstandingEnd="7" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>5</Count> <NetAmount>6.00</NetAmount> </Range> <Range DaysOutstandingStart="8" DaysOutstandingEnd="14" CurrencyCode="BRL"> <Count>6</Count> <NetAmount>7.20</NetAmount> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 109 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários </Range> </Summary> <TransactionDetail> <Transaction Processor="brazilboleto" DaysOutstanding="3" MerchantID="examplemerchant" OriginalTransactionDate="2008-01-22T00:14:40-08:00" RequestID="2009608779023232235878" TransactionReferenceNumber="20080122_1684_608779023232235878" MerchantReferenceNumber="1234567890" Amount="1.20" CurrencyCode="BRL" EventType="Pending Fulfillment" BoletoNumber="321654851"/> <Transaction Processor="brazilboleto" DaysOutstanding="5" MerchantID="examplemerchant" OriginalTransactionDate="2008-01-20T02:38:24-08:00" RequestID="2007967037043232235878" TransactionReferenceNumber="20080120_1684_967037043232235878" MerchantReferenceNumber="1234567891" Amount="1.20" CurrencyCode="BRL" EventType="Pending Fulfillment" BoletoNumber="321564133"/> <Transaction Processor="brazilboleto" DaysOutstanding="5" MerchantID="examplemerchant" OriginalTransactionDate="2008-01-20T02:38:24-08:00" RequestID="2007967037043232235878" TransactionReferenceNumber="20080120_1684_967037043232235878" MerchantReferenceNumber="1234567892" Amount="1.20" CurrencyCode="BRL" EventType="Pending Fulfillment" BoletoNumber="854523221"/> <Transaction Processor="brazilboleto" DaysOutstanding="6" MerchantID="examplemerchant" OriginalTransactionDate="2008-01-20T02:38:24-08:00" RequestID="2007967037043232235878" TransactionReferenceNumber="20080120_1684_967037043232235878" MerchantReferenceNumber="1234567893" Amount="1.20" CurrencyCode="BRL" EventType="Pending Fulfillment" BoletoNumber="255587512"/> <Transaction Processor="brazilboleto" DaysOutstanding="7" MerchantID="examplemerchant" OriginalTransactionDate="2008-01-20T02:38:24-08:00" RequestID="2007967037043232235878" TransactionReferenceNumber="20080120_1684_967037043232235878" Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 110 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários MerchantReferenceNumber="1234567894" Amount="1.20" CurrencyCode="BRL" EventType="Pending Fulfillment" BoletoNumber="265845654"/> <Transaction Processor="brazilboleto" DaysOutstanding="7" MerchantID="examplemerchant" OriginalTransactionDate="2008-01-20T02:38:24-08:00" RequestID="2007967037043232235878" TransactionReferenceNumber="20080120_1684_967037043232235878" MerchantReferenceNumber="1234567895" Amount="1.20" CurrencyCode="BRL" EventType="Pending Fulfillment" BoletoNumber="652325456"/> </TransactionDetail> </Report> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 111 Chapter 8 Reports for Boletos Bancários Single Transaction Report Version 1.4 of the Single Transaction Report is supported for Boletos Bancários. It is described in the Reporting Developer Guide. The On-Demand Single Transaction Report provides you with the status of the transaction while the transaction is occurring. Example 39 Query for a Single Transaction <form action="" method="POST"> <table> <tr> <td>merchantID</td> <td><input type="text" name="merchantID" value="nwtest1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>type</td> <td><input type="text" name="type" value="transaction"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>subtype</td> <td><input type="text" name="subtype" value="transactionDetail"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>requestID</td> <td><input type="text" name="requestID" value="1999370597170167905049"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>versionNumber</td> <td><input type="text" name="versionNumber" value="1.4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="reset"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"></input></td> </tr> </table> </form> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 112 Chapter 8 Example 40 Reports for Boletos Bancários Single Transaction Report <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE Report (View Source for full doctype...)> <Report xmlns="" Name="Transaction Detail" Version="1.4" MerchantID="nwtest1" ReportStartDate="2008-01-09T19:50:59-08:00" ReportEndDate="2008-01-09T19:50:59-08:00"> <Requests> <Request MerchantReferenceNumber="1234567890" RequestDate="2008-09-10T14:00:08-08:00" RequestID="1999370597170167905049" SubscriptionID="" Source="SCMP API" TransactionReferenceNumber="0001094522" PredecessorRequestID=”7904567221330010160804”> <BillTo> <FirstName>Jane</FirstName> <LastName>Smith</LastName> <Address1>1295 Charleston Road</Address1> <Address2>Suite 2</Address2> <City>Mountain View</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>94043</Zip> <Email /> <Country>US</Country> </BillTo> <ShipTo> <LastName>Smith</LastName> <Address1>1295 Charleston Road</Address1> <Address2>Suite 2</Address2> <City>Mountain View</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>94043</Zip> <Country>US</Country> </ShipTo> <PaymentMethod> <Card> <AccountSuffix /> <ExpirationMonth /> <ExpirationYear /> <CardType>Brazil Bank Transfer</CardType> <BoletoNumber>12345</BoletoNumber> </Card> </PaymentMethod> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 113 Chapter 8 Example 40 Reports for Boletos Bancários Single Transaction Report (Continued) <LineItems> <LineItem Number="0"> <FulfillmentType /> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <UnitPrice>1.56</UnitPrice> <TaxAmount>0.25</TaxAmount> <MerchantProductSKU>testdl</MerchantProductSKU> <ProductName>PName1</ProductName> <ProductCode>electronic_software</ProductCode> </LineItem> </LineItems> <ApplicationReplies> <ApplicationReply Name="ics_boleto_payment"> <RCode>1</RCode> <RFlag>SOK</RFlag> <RMsg>Request was processed successfully.</RMsg> </ApplicationReply> </ApplicationReplies> <PaymentData> <PaymentProcessor>payeasecn</PaymentProcessor> <Amount>1.81</Amount> <CurrencyCode>BRL</CurrencyCode> <TotalTaxAmount>0.25</TotalTaxAmount> <EventType>Fulfilled</EventType> <NumberOfInstallments>5</NumberOfInstallments> </PaymentData> </Request> </Requests> </Report> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 114 CHAPTER Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Important 9 Our processing partner requires us to pre-populate their fields to show that the mandate has been signed and dated. The MANDATEDATE field is populated with the system date, the MANDATEPLACE field is populated with the customer city, and the MANDATESIGNED indicator is set to 1. These fields are for future use and will support e-mandates. Requesting Direct Debits Important Note From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN; this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. The bank SWIFT code, a unique address of the bank, does not have to be included in each request; however, CyberSource strongly recommends including this code in the request when the IBAN is included in the request. To request a direct debit, set the directDebitService_run field to true. See Table 37, page 118, for the fields to use when requesting the service. For an example Direct Debit request, see page 128. When requesting a direct debit, you may not request any of the other ICS services except Tax Calculation. For more information about the service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the Simple Order API. When you take an order that uses a direct debit, you must gather the customer’s billing and bank account information. For most countries, CyberSource accepts either the traditional bank account information or the account’s IBAN. The traditional bank account information and the corresponding API fields you need to provide vary by country. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 115 Chapter 9 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API CyberSource validates the format of the bank account number before processing the direct debit. If the account number does not pass the validation check, CyberSource rejects the request with a reasonCode=244. CyberSource recommends that you then confirm the customer entered the number correctly, and if it was incorrect, request the refund again with the correct number. Requesting Direct Debit Refunds Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN; this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. There are two types of direct debit refunds: follow-on refunds and stand-alone refunds. A follow-on refund uses information from a previous direct debit. A stand-alone refund does not depend on a previous transaction. A follow-on refund must occur within 60 of the request for the direct debit. When the time limit for a follow-on refund expires, the only kind of refund you can perform is a standalone refund. To request a direct debit refund: Set the directDebitRefundService_run field to true. Do not request any other ICS services except Tax Calculation, which is optional. For more information about this service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the Simple Order API. Send the fields required for a direct debit refund request as described in Table 37, page 118. For a follow-on refund, the fields and values must match the fields and values you sent in the original direct debit request. For a stand-alone refund, the directDebitRefundService_directDebitRequestID field is optional. See page 129. For a follow-on refund, include the directDebitRefundService_ directDebitRequestID field with the request ID from the direct debit reply is required. See page 130. The easiest way to implement direct debit refunds is to always send the request ID from the original direct debit with every direct debit refund request. CyberSource recommends that when you request a refund, you use the same value for merchantReferenceCode that you used for the direct debit. This makes it easier Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 116 Chapter 9 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API for you to link the refund to the original direct debit in your own system as well as in CyberSource reports and Transaction Search Screens. CyberSource performs basic checks on the format of the bank account number before processing the direct debit refund. If the account number does not pass the validation check, CyberSource rejects the request with a reasonCode=244. CyberSource recommends that you then confirm the customer entered the number correctly, and if it was incorrect, request the refund again with the correct number. You may perform multiple partial refunds against a direct debit. The sum of the refunds may not exceed the amount of the payment. You will not receive an error in the reply for any of the following conditions: The directDebitRefundService_requestID field is invalid. The customer’s payment has not yet been received. Instead, CyberSource will not process the refund and the transaction will appear in the daily Transaction Exception Detail Report. You should monitor this report daily to determine if any of your transactions have problems. For descriptions of the reason codes that can appear in the report, see "Reason Codes," page 155. For more information about the report, see the Global Payment Service Planning Guide. For details about downloading the report and its format, see the Reporting Developer Guide. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 117 Chapter 9 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API API Fields For information about the data types, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Request Fields The following table lists the fields to use in a request for the directDebitService service or the directDebitRefundService service. Table 37 Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bankInfo_address Bank’s address. Direct Debit (O) String (255) Refund (O) bankInfo_bankCode bankInfo_branchCode bankInfo_city bankInfo_country bankInfo_name Bank's code. Used for some countries when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Direct Debit (See description) Code that identifies the branch of the customer's bank when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Direct Debit (See description) City in which the bank is located. If you do not send this field, Global Collect assumes that the billTo_city field contains the bank name. Some banks validate the bank account information, so consider sending this field if the bank is not located in billTo_ city. Direct Debit (See description) Country in which the bank is located. Possible values are the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Direct Debit (R) Bank's name. Required when using the Global Collect processor to make one of the following types of direct debit transactions: Direct Debit (See description) Direct debit Stand-alone direct debit refund String (See description) Refund (See description) String (15) Refund (See description) String (35) Refund (See description) String (2) Refund (R) String (40) Refund (See description) Otherwise it is optional. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 118 Chapter 9 Table 37 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bankInfo_swiftCode Bank’s SWIFT code. Unique address of the bank. Also known as the Bank Identification Code (BIC). Direct Debit (O) String (30) Refund (O) Note This field is optional; however, CyberSource strongly recommends including this code in each request when the IBAN is included in the request. billTo_city City for the billing address. Direct Debit (R) String (50) Refund (R) billTo_country billTo_email billTo_firstName Country for the billing address. Possible values are the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Direct Debit (R) Customer’s email address, including the full domain name. For example, Direct Debit (R) Customer’s first name. Direct Debit (R) String (2) Refund (R) String (255) Refund (R) String (60) Refund (R) billTo_lastName Customer’s last name. Direct Debit (R) String (60) Refund (R) billTo_phoneNumber Customer’s telephone number. Direct Debit (O) String (15) Refund (O) billTo_postalCode Postal code for the billing address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. If the value of billTo_country is US, the 9digit postal code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 Direct Debit (R if billTo_country is US or CA) String (10) Refund (R if billTo_country is US or CA) If the value of billTo_country is CA, the 6digit postal code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 billTo_state billTo_street1 State for the billing address. Required if billTo_country is US or CA. Otherwise optional. Possible values are the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. Direct Debit (See description) Street address for the billing address. Direct Debit (R) String (2) Refund (See description) String (60) Refund (R) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 119 Chapter 9 Table 37 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length billTo_street2 Additional street address information for the billing address. Direct Debit (O) String (60) directDebitRefundService_ directDebitRequestID The requestID value returned from a previous request for directDebitService. Refund (R for follow-on refunds. Not used for standalone refunds.) String (26) directDebitRefundService_ reconciliationID To use this field, contact CyberSource Customer Support. Refund (R) String (60) directDebitRefundService_run Flag indicating whether or not to include the directDebitRefundService service in your request. Possible values: Refund (R) String (5) true: Include the service in your request false (default): Do not include the service in your request Refund (O) directDebitService_ dateCollect Date on which the direct debit should be debited. This field is only for the Global Collect processor. Format: YYYYMMDD Direct Debit (O) Numeric (8) directDebitService_ directDebitText Text describing the reason for the direct debit. This field is required only for the Global Collect processor. Appears on the customer’s bank statement. Direct Debit (See description) String (See description) Direct Debit (See description) String (3) Direct Debit (O) Numeric (8) Austria: Max 28 characters Germany: Max 50 characters Netherlands: Max 32 characters Spain: Max 40 characters directDebitService_ directDebitType directDebitService_mandate AuthenticationDate Type of direct debit. This field is required only for the Global Collect processor. The possible values are: 001: Austria 003: Netherlands 004: Spain 005: German ELV direct debit The date the direct debit mandate was authenticated. Format: YYYYMMDD Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 120 Chapter 9 Table 37 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length directDebitService_ recurringType Whether the direct debit is the first or last direct debit associated with the mandate, or one in between. This field is only for the United Kingdom. The possible values are: Direct Debit (See description) String (3) Direct Debit (R) String (5) Direct Debit (See description) String (2) Direct Debit (R) String (30) directDebitService_run directDebitService_ transactionType 001: First direct debit associated with this mandate. Use this value for a onetime direct debit. 002: Subsequent direct debits associated with this mandate. 003: Last direct debit associated with this mandate. Flag indicating whether or not to include the directDebitService service in your request. Possible values: true: Include the service in your request false (default): Do not include the service in your request Type of direct debit transaction. This field is required only for the Netherlands when using the Global Collect processor. The possible values are: 01: First collection using this account 02: Other Note For first collections on a Post giro account called onzuivere posten, the account number is verified against the account name and city by the Post bank. This verification requires one additional processing day. fundTransfer_accountName Name used on the bank account. Refund (R) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 121 Chapter 9 Table 37 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length fundTransfer_accountNumber Bank account number. Direct Debit (See description) String (See description) Note From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for non-euro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. Refund (See description) Note Do not use the IBAN in this field. include the IBAN in the fundTransfer_ iban field. fundTransfer_bankCheckDigit Code used to validate the customer's account number when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Direct Debit (See description) String (2) fundTransfer_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Direct Debit (See description) Alphanumeric (50) Direct Debit (O) String (30) Note From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for non-euro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. item_#_productCode Type of product. This value is also used to determine the category that the product falls under: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. The default value is default. See "Product Codes," page 154, for a list of valid values. Refund (O) For direct debits, if you set this field to a value other than default, stored_ value, or any of the values related to shipping or handling, the item_#_quantity, item_#_productName field and the item_ #_productSKU fields are required. item_#_productName Product’s name. For direct debits, required if item_#_productCode is not default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 Direct Debit (See description) String (30) Refund (O) 122 Chapter 9 Table 37 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length item_#_productSKU Product identifier code. For direct debits, required if item_#_productCode is not default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping or handling. Direct Debit (See description) String (30) Quantity of the product being purchased. The default is 1. For direct debits, required if item_#_productCode is not default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping or handling. Direct Debit (See description) Tax amount associated with this item. The field is additive. For example, if you send one item with unitPrice of 10.00 and taxAmount of 0.80, and you send another item with unitPrice of 20.00 and taxAmount of 1.60, the total amount authorized will be for 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included. Direct Debit (O) item_#_quantity item_#_taxAmount Refund (O) Integer (10) Refund (O) String (15) Refund (O) The item_#_taxAmount and the item_#_ unitPrice fields must use the same currency. If you include item_#_taxAmount field, and you also include taxService service in your request, the taxService service does not calculate tax for the item. Instead, it returns the value in the item_#_ taxAmount field. item_#_unitPrice Per-item price of the product. You must include either this field or purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount in your request. This value cannot be negative. For more information about items and grand totals, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Direct Debit (See description) String (15) Refund (See description) You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 123 Chapter 9 Table 37 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length linkToRequest Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when multiple payment methods are being used to complete an order. For more information, see Credit Card Services Using the Simple Order API. Direct Debit (O) String (26) merchantID Your CyberSource merchant ID. Direct Debit (R) String (30) Note When opening your account with CyberSource, make sure that you inform CyberSource whether you plan to use multiple CyberSource merchant IDs. For example, if you have separate business units within your company, each with a separate CyberSource merchant ID. You must have a separate processor merchant ID for each CyberSource merchant ID. For more information, contact CyberSource Customer Support. Refund (R) Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Direct Debit (R) Currency used for the order. Possible values are the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Direct Debit (R) Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or the item_#_unitPrice field in your request. For more information, see, Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Direct Debit (See description) shipTo_city City of the shipping address. Direct Debit (Required if any shipping information is included) String (50) shipTo_country Country of the shipping address. Possible values are the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Direct Debit (O) String (2) shipTo_firstName First name of the person receiving the product. Direct Debit (O) String (60) shipTo_lastName Last name of the person receiving the product. Direct Debit (O) String (60) merchantReferenceCode purchaseTotals_currency purchaseTotals_ grandTotalAmount Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 String (50) Refund (R) String (5) Refund (R) String (15) Refund (See description) 124 Chapter 9 Table 37 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the Simple Order API (Continued) Request Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length shipTo_phoneNumber Phone number for the shipping address. Direct Debit (O) String (15) shipTo_postalCode Postal code for the shipping address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. Direct Debit (R if shipTo_ country=US or CA) String (10) If the value of shipTo_country is US, the 9-digit postal code must follow these rules: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of shipTo_country is CA, the 6-digit postal code must follow these rules: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C4 If the postal code for the shipping address is not included in the request message, CyberSource uses the postal code from the billing address. If the postal code for the billing address is not included in the request message, the postal code for the shipping address is required. shipTo_state State or province of the shipping address. Required if shipTo_country=US or CA.Possible values are the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. Direct Debit (See description) String (2) shipTo_street1 First line of the shipping address. Direct Debit (Required if any shipping information is included) String (60) shipTo_street2 Second line of the shipping address. Direct Debit (O) String (60) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 125 Chapter 9 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Reply Fields The following table lists the fields returned in a reply from the directDebitService service or the directDebitRefundService service. Table 38 Direct Debit and Direct Debit Refund Reply Fields for the Simple Order API Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length decision Summary of the result for the overall request. Possible values: Direct Debit and Refund String (6) ACCEPT ERROR REJECT directDebitRefundReply_ amount Total amount for the direct debit refund. Refund String (15) directDebitRefundReply_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Refund Alphanumeric (50) directDebitRefundReply_ processorResponse Response code from the processor. Refund String (10) directDebitRefundReply_ reasonCode Numeric value that indicates the result of the direct debit refund request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Refund Integer (5) directDebitRefundReply_ reconciliationID Unique value generated by CyberSource. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Refund String (60) directDebitRefundReply_ requestDateTime Time of the direct debit refund request in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Example: 2007-08-11T22:47:57Z, which is August 11, 2007, at 10:47:57 P.M. The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC. Refund String (20) directDebitReply_amount Total amount for the direct debit. Direct Debit String (15) directDebitReply_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Direct Debit Alphanumeric (50) directDebitReply_mandateID The identification reference for the direct debit mandate. Direct Debit Alphanumeric (16) directDebitReply_ processorResponse Response code from the processor. Direct Debit String (10) directDebitReply_reasonCode Numeric value that indicates the result of the direct debit request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Direct Debit Integer (5) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 126 Chapter 9 Table 38 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Direct Debit and Direct Debit Refund Reply Fields for the Simple Order API (Continued) Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length directDebitReply_ reconciliationID Unique value generated by CyberSource. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Direct Debit String (60) directDebitReply_ requestDateTime Time of the direct debit request in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. Example: 2007-08-11T22:47:57Z, which is August 11, 2007 at 10:47:57 P.M. The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC. Direct Debit String (20) invalidField_0...N Fields in the request that contained invalid data. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. No attempt should be made to use these fields for end user interaction. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Direct Debit and Refund String (100) merchantReferenceCode Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. Direct Debit and Refund String (50) missingField_0...N Required fields that were missing from the request. These reply fields are included as an aid to software developers only. No attempt should be made to use these fields for end user interaction. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. Direct Debit and Refund String (100) purchaseTotals_currency Currency used for the order. Possible values are the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Direct Debit and Refund String (5) reasonCode Numeric value that indicates the result of the overall request. See "Reason Codes," page 155, for a list of possible values. Direct Debit and Refund Integer (5) requestID Identifier for the request. Direct Debit and Refund String (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 127 Chapter 9 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Request and Reply Examples In the direct debit example below the customer includes the BBAN in the request. The BBAN is converted to an IBAN in the direct debit reply. Note Direct Debit Request Example 41 Direct Debit Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <merchantID>demo123</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</merchantReferenceCode> <billTo> <firstName>Orlando</firstName> <lastName>Bloom</lastName> <street1>Kaerntner Strasse 22</street1> <city>Vienna</city> <postalCode>1010</postalCode> <country>ES</country> <phoneNumber>431427721010</phoneNumber> <email></email> </billTo> <purchaseTotals> <currency>EUR</currency> <grandTotalAmount>41</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> <fundTransfer> <accountNumber>0001155325</accountNumber> <bankCheckDigit>90</bankCheckDigit> </fundTransfer> <bankInfo> <bankCode>0081</bankCode> <name>SloveniaBank_testing</name> <country>ES</country> <branchCode>5394</branchCode> <swiftCode>ABNA NL 2A</swiftCode> </bankInfo> <directDebitService run="true"> <directDebitText>abcd</directDebitText> <directDebitType>004</directDebitType> <mandateAuthenticationDate>20140610</mandateAuthenticationDate> </directDebitService> </requestMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 128 Chapter 9 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Direct Debit Reply Example 42 Direct Debit Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>4024443213630181552683</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>eur</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:directDebitReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:amount>41.00</c:amount> <c:requestDateTime>2014-06-10T23:52:01Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:reconciliationID>2149564611</c:reconciliationID> <c:mandateID>159799546111146963</c:mandateID> <c:iban>IE64BOFI0001155325</c:iban> </c:directDebitReply> </c:replyMessage> Standalone Direct Debit Refund Request In the direct debit refund example below the customer includes the BBAN in the request. The BBAN is converted to an IBAN in the direct debit refund reply. Note Example 43 Standalone Direct Debit Refund Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <merchantID>demo123</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</merchantReferenceCode> <billTo> <firstName>Orlando</firstName> <lastName>Bloom</lastName> <street1>33, rue Dauphine</street1> <city>Bergheim</city> <postalCode>75006</postalCode> <country>DE</country> <phoneNumber>33 3 69 20 45 63</phoneNumber> <email></email> </billTo> <purchaseTotals> <currency>EUR</currency> <grandTotalAmount>12</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 129 Chapter 9 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API <fundTransfer> <accountNumber>0044497071</accountNumber> <accountName>BRADFORD NICKLES</accountName> </fundTransfer> <bankInfo> <bankCode>79050000</bankCode> <name>SloveniaBank_testing</name> <country>DE</country> <swiftCode>BSLJSI2X</swiftCode> </bankInfo> <directDebitService run=""> <reconciliationID>335556323</reconciliationID> </directDebitService> <directDebitRefundService run="true"/> </requestMessage> Example 44 Standalone Direct Debit Refund Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>4024444278270181551532</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>eur</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:directDebitRefundReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:amount>12.00</c:amount> <c:requestDateTime>2014-06-10T23:53:50Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:reconciliationID>335556323</c:reconciliationID> <c:processorResponse>800</c:processorResponse> <c:iban>DE58790500000044497071</c:iban> </c:directDebitRefundReply> </c:replyMessage> Follow-On Direct Debit Refund Example 45 Follow-On Direct Debit Refund Request <requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <merchantID>demo123</merchantID> <merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</merchantReferenceCode> <purchaseTotals> <grandTotalAmount>41</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> <directDebitRefundService run="true"> <directDebitRequestID>4024443213630181552683</directDebitRequestID> </directDebitRefundService> </requestMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 130 Chapter 9 Example 46 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the Simple Order API Follow-On Direct Debit Refund Reply <c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.103"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>demoRef</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>4024443591910181552683</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>eur</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:directDebitRefundReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:amount>41.00</c:amount> <c:requestDateTime>2014-06-10T23:52:39Z</c:requestDateTime> <c:reconciliationID>2149564611</c:reconciliationID> <c:iban>IE64BOFI0001155325</c:iban> </c:directDebitRefundReply> </c:replyMessage> Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 131 CHAPTER Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Important 10 Our processing partner requires us to pre-populate their fields to show that the mandate has been signed and dated. The MANDATEDATE field is populated with the system date, the MANDATEPLACE field is populated with the customer city, and the MANDATESIGNED indicator is set to 1. These fields are for future use and will support e-mandates. Requesting Direct Debits Important Note From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN; this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. The bank SWIFT code, a unique address of the bank, does not have to be included in each request; however, CyberSource strongly recommends including this code in the request when the IBAN is included in the request. To request a direct debit, set the ics_applications field to ics_direct_debit. See Table 39, page 135, for a list of the fields to use. When requesting a direct debit, you may not request any of the other ICS services except ics_tax. For more information about the service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the SCMP API. When you take an order that uses a direct debit, you must gather the customer’s billing and bank account information. For most countries, CyberSource accepts either the traditional bank account information or the account’s IBAN. The traditional bank account information and the corresponding API fields you need to provide vary by country. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. CyberSource validates the format of the bank account number before performing the direct debit. If the account number does not pass the validation check, CyberSource Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 132 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API rejects the request with a rflag=DINVALIDACCOUNT. CyberSource recommends that you confirm the customer entered the number correctly, and if it was incorrect, request the direct debit again with the correct number. Requesting Direct Debit Refunds Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for noneuro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN; this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. There are two types of direct debit refunds: follow-on refunds and stand-alone refunds. A follow-on refund uses information from a previous direct debit. A stand-alone refund does not depend on a previous transaction. A follow-on refund must occur within 60 of the request for the direct debit. When the time limit for a follow-on refund expires, the only kind of refund you can perform is a standalone refund. To request a direct debit refund: Set the ics_applications field to ics_direct_debit_refund. Do not request any other ICS services except Tax Calculation, which is optional. For more information about this service, see Tax Calculation Service Using the SCMP API. Send the fields required for a direct debit refund request as described in Table 39, page 135. For a follow-on refund, the fields and values must match the fields and values you sent in the original direct debit request. For a stand-alone refund, the direct_debit_request_id field is optional. See page 147. For a follow-on refund, include the direct_debit_request_id field with the request ID from the direct debit reply. See page 148. The easiest way to implement direct debit refunds is to always send the request ID from the original direct debit with every direct debit refund request. CyberSource recommends that when you request a refund, you use the same value for the merchant_ref_number field that you used for the direct debit. This makes it easier for you to link the refund to the original direct debit in your own system as well as in CyberSource reports and Transaction Search Screens. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 133 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API CyberSource validates the format of the bank account number before processing the direct debit refund. If the account number does not pass the validation check, CyberSource rejects the request with a rflag=DINVALIDACCOUNT. CyberSource recommends that you then confirm the customer entered the number correctly, and if it was incorrect, request the refund again with the correct number. You can perform multiple partial refunds against a direct debit. The sum of the refunds must not exceed the amount of the payment. You will not receive an error in the reply for either of the following conditions: The direct_debit_request_id field is invalid. The customer’s payment has not yet been received. Instead, CyberSource does not process the refund, and the transaction appears in the daily Transaction Exception Detail Report. You should monitor this report daily to determine whether any of your transactions have problems. For descriptions of the reason codes that can appear in the report, see Appendix B, "Reason Codes," on page 155. For information about the report and how to use it, see the Global Payment Service Planning Guide. For details about downloading the report and its format, see the Reporting Developer Guide. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 134 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API API Fields In the “Used By” column, the services are referred to by shortened names: Direct Debit and Refund. For information about the data types, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Request Fields The following table lists the fields to use in a request for the ics_direct_debit service or the ics_direct_debit_refund service. Table 39 Request-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_account_ name Name used on the bank account. Direct Debit (O) String (30) bank_account_ number Bank account number. Refund (O) Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries and from October 31, 2016, for non-euro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. Direct Debit (See description) String (See description) Refund (See description) Note Do not use the IBAN in this field. include the IBAN in the fundTransfer_iban field. bank_address Bank’s address. Direct Debit (O) String (255) Refund (O) bank_check_digit Code used to validate the customer's account number when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Direct Debit (See description) String (2) bank_city City in which the bank is located. If you do not send this field, Global Collect assumes the bank is located in the bill_city field. Some banks validate the bank account information, so include this field if the bank is not included in the bill_city field. Direct Debit (O) String (35) Bank's code. Used for some countries when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Direct Debit (See description) bank_code Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 Refund (O) String (See description) Refund (See description) 135 Chapter 10 Table 39 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bank_country Country in which the bank is located. Possible values are the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Direct Debit (R) String (2) International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Direct Debit (See description) Alphanumeric (50) Direct Debit (See description) String (40) bank_iban Important From August 1, 2016, for euro countries Refund (R) and from October 31, 2016, for non-euro countries, the IBAN must be included in each request. If you provide a BBAN it will be converted to an IBAN, and this conversion process will continue only until August 1, 2016. bank_name Bank's name. Required when using the Global Collect processor to make one of the following types of direct debit transactions: Direct debit Stand-alone direct debit refund Refund (See description) Otherwise optional. bank_swiftcode Bank’s SWIFT code. Unique address of the bank. Also known as the Bank Identification Code (BIC). Direct Debit (O) String (30) Refund (O) Note This field is optional; however, CyberSource strongly recommends including this code in each request when the IBAN is included in the request. bill_address1 Billing street address. Direct Debit (R) String (60) Refund (R) bill_address2 Additional billing address information. Direct Debit (O) String (60) Refund (O) bill_city Billing address city. Direct Debit (R) String (50) Refund (R) bill_country bill_state Billing address country. Possible values are the twocharacter ISO Standard Country Codes. Direct Debit (R) Billing address state. Required if bill_country=US or CA. Possible values are the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. Direct Debit (See Description) String (2) Refund (R) String (2) Refund (See Description) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 136 Chapter 10 Table 39 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length bill_zip Zip code for the shipping address. The zip code must consist of 5 to 9 digits. Direct Debit (R if bill_ country=US or CA) String (10) If the value of bill_country is US, the 9-digit zip code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example:12345-6789 If the value of bill_country is CA, the 6-digit zip code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 Refund (R if bill_ country=US or CA) Code that identifies the branch of the customer's bank when you are not using the IBAN. Contact CyberSource Customer Support for required country-specific bank account information. Direct Debit (See description) Currency used for the order. Possible values are the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Direct Debit (R) Customer’s email address, including the full domain name. For example, Direct Debit (R) customer_ firstname Customer’s first name. Direct Debit (R) customer_ lastname Customer’s last name. customer_phone Customer’s telephone number. branch_code currency customer_email String (15) Refund (See description) String (5) Refund (R) String (255) Refund (R) String (60) Refund (R) Direct Debit (R) String (60) Refund (R) Direct Debit (O) String (15) Refund (O) date_collect Date the direct debit should be debited. Format: YYYYMMDD Direct Debit (O) String (8) direct_debit_ mandate_ authentication_ date The date the direct debit mandate was authenticated. Format: YYYYMMDD Direct Debit (O) Numeric (8) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 137 Chapter 10 Table 39 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length direct_debit_ recurring_type Whether the direct debit is the first or last direct debit associated with the mandate, or one in between. Required only for the United Kingdom. Possible values: Direct Debit (See description) String (3) 001: First direct debit associated with this mandate. Use this value if a one-time direct debit). 002: Subsequent direct debits associated with this mandate. 003: Last direct debit associated with this mandate. direct_debit_ request_id The request_id value returned from a previous request for ics_direct_debit. Refund (R) String (26) direct_debit_text Text describing reason for the direct debit. Required only for the Global Collect processor. Appears on the customer’s bank statement. Direct Debit (R) String (See description) Austria: Max 28 characters Germany: Max 50 characters Netherlands: Max 32 characters Spain: Max 40 characters direct_debit_ trans_ref_no To use this field, contact CyberSource Customer Support. Refund (R) String (60) direct_debit_type Type of direct debit. Required only for the Global Collect processor. Possible values: Direct Debit (See description) String (3) Grand total for the order. You must include either this field or the offer0 field and the offer-level field amount. For more information about offers and grand totals, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Direct Debit (See description) Decimal (15) ICS services to process for the request. Direct Debit (R) grand_total_ amount ics_applications 001: Austria 003: Netherlands 004: Spain 005: German ELV direct debit Refund (See description) String (255) Refund (R) link_to_request Value that links the current request to a previous authorization request for a debit card or prepaid card. This value is useful when using multiple payment methods to complete an order. For more information, see Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 Direct Debit (O) String (26) 138 Chapter 10 Table 39 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length mandate_id The mandate ID. Required only for the United Kingdom. Direct Debit (See description) String (16) merchant_id Your CyberSource merchant ID. Direct Debit (R) String (30) Note When opening your account with CyberSource, tell CyberSource whether you plan to use multiple CyberSource merchant IDs. For example, if you have separate business units within your company, each with a separate CyberSource merchant ID. You must have a separate processor merchant ID for each CyberSource merchant ID. For more information, contact CyberSource Customer Support. Refund (R) merchant_ref_ number Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Direct Debit (R) offer0...N Offers for the request. An offer is a line item for the order. Direct Debit (O) ship_to_address1 First line of the shipping address. Required if any shipping information is included. Direct Debit (See description) String (60) ship_to_address2 Second line of the shipping address. Direct Debit (O) String (60) ship_to_city City of the shipping address. Required if any shipping information is included. Direct Debit (See description) String (50) ship_to_country Country of the shipping address. Possible values are the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes. Direct Debit (O) String (2) ship_to_firstname First name of person receiving the product. Direct Debit (O) String (60) ship_to_lastname Last name of person receiving the product. Direct Debit (O) String (60) ship_to_phone Phone number for the shipping address. Direct Debit (O) String (15) ship_to_state State or province of the shipping address. Required if ship_to_country=US or CA. Possible values are the State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada. Direct Debit (See description) String (2) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 String (50) Refund (R) String (50) Refund (O) 139 Chapter 10 Table 39 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Request-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Request-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length ship_to_zip Zip code for the shipping address. Direct Debit (R if ship_to_ country=US or CA) String (10) Number of seconds until the transaction times out. The default is 110 seconds. Direct Debit (O) Positive integer (3) Type of direct debit transaction. Required only for the Netherlands when using the Global Collect processor. Possible values: Direct Debit (See description) If the value of ship_to_country is US, the 9-digit zip code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789 If the value of ship_to_country is CA, the 6-digit zip code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha] [numeric][alpha][numeric] Example: A1B 2C3 If the postal code for the shipping address is not included in the request message, CyberSource uses the postal code from the billing address. If the postal code for the billing address is not included in the request message, the postal code for the shipping address is required. timeout transaction_type 01: First collection using this account 02: Other Refund (O) String (2) Note For first collections on a Post giro account called onzuivere posten, the account number is verified against the account name and city by the Post bank. This verification requires one additional processing day. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 140 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Offer-Level Fields The following table lists the fields to use in a request for the ics_direct_debit service or the ics_direct_debit_refund service. Table 40 Offer-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API Offer-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length amount Per-item price of the product. You must include either this field and the offer0 field, or the request-level field grand_total_amount in your request. This value cannot be negative. For more information about offers and grand totals, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Direct Debit (See description) Decimal (15) Refund (See description) You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount will be truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places. merchant_product_sku product_code Product identifier code. For direct debits, required if product_code is not default, stored_value, or one of the values related to shipping or handling. Direct Debit (See description) Type of product. This value is also used to determine the product category: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping.The default value is default. See "Product Codes," page 154, for a list of valid values. Direct Debit (O) String (30) Refund (O) String (30) Refund (O) For direct debits, if you set this to a value other than default, stored_value, or any of the values related to shipping or handling, the quantity, product_name, and merchant_ product_sku fields are required. product_name quantity Product’s name. For direct debits, required if product_code is not default, stored_ value, or one of the values related to shipping or handling. Direct Debit (See description) Quantity of the product being purchased.The default is 1. For direct debits, required if product_code is not default, stored_ value, or one of the values related to shipping or handling. Direct Debit (See description) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 String (30) Refund (O) Refund (O) Nonnegative integer (10) 141 Chapter 10 Table 40 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Offer-Level Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Offer-Level Field Description Required (R) or Optional (O) Data Type & Length tax_amount Tax amount associated with this item.The field is additive. For example, if you send the following offer lines: Direct Debit (O) Decimal (15) Refund (O) offer0=amount:10.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:0.80 offer1=amount:20.00^ quantity:1^tax_amount:1.60 the total amount authorized will be for 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included. The tax_amount and amount values must be in the same currency. If you include tax_amount, and you request the ics_tax service, ics_tax will not calculate tax for the offer. Instead, it will return the value in the tax_amount field. Reply Fields The following table lists the fields returned in a reply from ics_direct_debit service request or the ics_direct_debit_refund service request. Table 41 Reply Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length client_lib_version Information about the client library used to request the transaction. Direct Debit String (50) Currency used for the order. Possible values are the ISO Standard Currency Codes. Direct Debit direct_debit_amount Amount of the direct debit. Direct Debit Decimal (15) direct_debit_iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Direct Debit Alphanumeric (50) direct_debit_mandate_id The identification reference for the direct debit mandate. Direct Debit Alphanumeric (16) direct_debit_rcode One-digit code that indicates if the ics_direct_ debit request was successful. Direct Debit Integer (1) direct_debit_refund_ amount Amount of the direct debit refund. Refund Decimal (15) currency Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 Refund String (5) Refund 142 Chapter 10 Table 41 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Reply Fields for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API (Continued) Reply Field Description Returned By Data Type & Length direct_debit_refund_ iban International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the bank account. Refund Alphanumeric (50) direct_debit_refund_ rcode One-digit code that indicates if the ics_direct_ debit_refund request was successful. Refund Integer (1) direct_debit_refund_ request_time Time of direct debit refund request in UTC. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Refund Date and time (20) direct_debit_refund_ response_code Response code from the processor. Refund String (10) direct_debit_refund_ rflag One-word description of the result of the ics_ direct_debit_refund request. Refund String (50) direct_debit_refund_ rmsg Message that explains the reply flag direct_debit_ refund_rflag. Refund String (255) direct_debit_refund_ trans_ref_no Reference number for the transaction. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Refund String (60) direct_debit_request_ time Time of direct debit request in UTC. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Refund Date and time (20) direct_debit_response_ code Response code from the processor. Direct Debit String (10) direct_debit_rflag One-word description of the result for the ics_ direct_debit request. Direct Debit String (50) direct_debit_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag direct_debit_ rflag. Direct Debit String (255) direct_debit_trans_ref_ no Reference number for the transaction. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Refund String (60) ics_rcode One-digit code that indicates whether the entire request was successful. Direct Debit and Refund Integer (1) ics_rflag One-word description of the result for the entire request. Direct Debit and Refund String (50) ics_rmsg Message that explains the reply flag ics_rflag. Direct Debit and Refund String (255) merchant_ref_number Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request. If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might contain corrupted characters. Direct Debit and Refund String (50) request_id Identifier for the request generated by the client. Direct Debit and Refund String (26) Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 143 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Reply Flags The following table lists the reply flags for the ics_direct_debit service request and the ics_direct_debit_refund service request. Table 42 Reply Flags for Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds for the SCMP API Reply Flag Description Returned By DINVALIDACCOUNT The bank account number did not pass the validation. Verify with the customer that the account number is correct; if it was incorrect, request the service again with the correct information. Direct Debit and Refund DINVALIDDATA Data provided is not consistent with the request. Direct Debit and Refund DMISSINGFIELD The request is missing a required field. Direct Debit and Refund ESYSTEM System error. Wait a few minutes before re-sending your request. You must design your transaction management system to correctly handle CyberSource system errors. Depending on the payment processor handling the transaction, the error may indicate a valid CyberSource system error or a processor rejection caused by invalid data. In either case, CyberSource recommends that you do not design your system to endlessly retry sending a transaction. See the documentation for your CyberSource client for information on handling system errors and retries. Direct Debit and Refund ETIMEOUT The request timed out. Direct Debit and Refund SOK The transaction was successful. Direct Debit and Refund Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 144 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Request and Reply Examples In the direct debit example below the customer includes the BBAN in the request. The BBAN is converted to an IBAN in the direct debit reply. Note Direct Debit Request Example 47 Direct Debit Request ics_applications=ics_direct_debit bank_account_name=Direct_Debit Testing bank_account_number=55500643635 bank_address=Vienna Central Branch bank_city=Hinterbruhl bank_code=31000 bank_country=AT bank_swiftcode=ABNA NL 2A bill_address1=Parkstrasse 4 bill_city=Hinterbruhl bill_country=AT bill_zip=2371 currency=eur customer_firstname=John customer_lastname=Smith customer_phone=999-999-9999 direct_debit_mandate_authentication_date=20140610 direct_debit_text=Direct Debit Text direct_debit_type=001 grand_total_amount=21.11 merchant_id=mercid123 merchant_ref_number=merRef123 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 145 Chapter 10 Example 48 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Direct Debit Reply currency=eur direct_debit_amount=21.11 direct_debit_iban=IE64BOFI55500643635 direct_debit_mandate_id=697458823683278238 direct_debit_rcode=1 direct_debit_rflag=SOK direct_debit_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. direct_debit_time=2014-06-10T211943Z direct_debit_trans_ref_no=2149562887 ics_decision_reason_code=100 ics_rcode=1 ics_rflag=SOK ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. merchant_ref_number=merRef123 request_id=4024351829300172492137 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 146 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Direct Debit Refund—Standalone In the direct debit refund example below the customer includes the BBAN in the request. The BBAN is converted to an IBAN in the direct debit refund reply. Note Example 49 Standalone Direct Debit Refund Request ics_applications=ics_direct_debit_refund bank_account_name=Direct_Debit Testing bank_account_number=55500643635 bank_address=Vienna Central Branch bank_check_digit=77 bank_code=31000 bank_country=AT bank_name=Raiffeisen Zentral bank_swiftcode=BNPA FR PP PLZ bill_address1=PARK bill_city=HINTERBRUHL bill_country=AT branch_code=99999 currency=EUR customer_firstname=John customer_lastname=Smith customer_phone=999-999-9999 date_collect=20120821 direct_debit_text=Direct Debit Text direct_debit_type=001 grand_total_amount=100.00 mandate_id=1 merchant_id=mercid123 merchant_ref_number=merRef123 Example 50 Standalone Direct Debit Refund Reply currency=eur direct_debit_refund_amount=100.00 direct_debit_refund_iban=IE64BOFI55500643635 direct_debit_refund_rcode=1 direct_debit_refund_rflag=SOK direct_debit_refund_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. direct_debit_refund_time=2014-06-10T211934Z direct_debit_refund_trans_ref_no=Reference No ics_rcode=1 ics_rflag=SOK ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. merchant_ref_number=merRef123 request_id=4024351740870172492137 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 147 Chapter 10 Direct Debits and Direct Debit Refunds Using the SCMP API Direct Debit Refund—Follow-On Example 51 Follow-On Direct Debit Refund Request ics_applications=ics_direct_debit_refund direct_debit_request_id=4024351829300172492137 grand_total_amount=21.11 merchant_id=mercid123 merchant_ref_number=merRef123 Example 52 Follow-On Direct Debit Refund Reply currency=eur direct_debit_refund_amount=21.11 direct_debit_refund_iban=IE64BOFI55500643635 direct_debit_refund_rcode=1 direct_debit_refund_rflag=SOK direct_debit_refund_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. direct_debit_refund_time=2014-06-10T211943Z direct_debit_refund_trans_ref_no=2149562887 ics_rcode=1 ics_rflag=SOK ics_rmsg=Request was processed successfully. merchant_ref_number=merRef123 request_id=4024351832340172492137 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 148 CHAPTER Testing 11 Sending Test Requests You can send test requests for bank transfers, real-time bank transfers, direct debits, refunds, and mandates to the CyberSource test server. CyberSource performs the same basic validations that are performed for production transactions. For bank transfer replies, you receive fake bank account information. Test transactions are not forwarded to the payment processor. The requirements for test transactions are: Use your regular CyberSource merchant ID. Match the country and currency information. For example, if testing a bank transfer in Germany, make sure that you specify Germany as the bank country and the country of the customer’s address, and specify EUR as the currency. When testing the Simple Order API, use the test URL: When testing the SCMP API, use the CyberSource test server: Testing Bank Transfers, Direct Debits, and Refunds You use specific amounts in your test transactions to trigger specific responses. This process enables you to easily generate the various responses that your system needs to handle. The following table shows the amounts and decline or error responses that are returned by the simulator. The tables include responses for both the Simple Order API (reason code) and the SCMP API (rflag and rmsg description). Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 149 Chapter 11 Testing See Appendix B, "Reason Codes," on page 155 for descriptions of the Simple Order API reason codes. The rmsg you actually receive contains all capital letters with underscores between the words. Table 43 Test Data for Global Payment Service Amount Simple Order API Reason Code SCMP API rflag SCMP API rmsg Description Used with These Payment Types 2013 233 DINVALIDDATA No bank found for this country Bank Transfer 2014 233 DINVALIDDATA Invalid bank account number Bank Transfer Direct Debit 2015 233 DINVALIDDATA Invalid Post giro account number Bank Transfer Direct Debit 2020 233 DINVALIDDATA Authorization ID is required for country. Direct Debit 2024 233 DINVALIDDATA Bank code is required for country Direct Debit 2025 233 DINVALIDDATA Account name is required for country Direct Debit 2026 233 DINVALIDDATA Account number is required for country Direct Debit 2027 233 DINVALIDDATA Direct debit text is required for country Direct Debit 2028 233 DINVALIDDATA Date collect is required for country Direct Debit 2029 233 DINVALIDDATA Bank check digit is required for country Direct Debit 2030 233 DINVALIDDATA Branch code is required for country Direct Debit 2031 233 DINVALIDDATA Bank name is required for country Direct Debit 2032 233 DINVALIDDATA Date collected. Direct Debit 2033 233 DINVALIDDATA Account number has invalid length Direct Debit 2034 233 DINVALIDDATA Invalid bank code for payment type and country combination Direct Debit 2035 233 DINVALIDDATA Bank code does not match bank name Direct Debit 2036 233 DINVALIDDATA Invalid bank account number Bank Transfer Direct Debit 2037 233 DINVALIDDATA Invalid Post giro account number Bank Transfer Direct Debit 2038 2039 233 233 DINVALIDDATA DINVALIDDATA Amount not between minimum and maximum amounts Bank Transfer Payment type invalid for country code Bank Transfer Direct Debit Direct Debit Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 150 Chapter 11 Table 43 Testing Test Data for Global Payment Service (Continued) Amount Simple Order API Reason Code SCMP API rflag SCMP API rmsg Description Used with These Payment Types 2042 237 DINVALIDDATA Already refunded; no multiple refunds allowed Bank Transfer Refund Direct Debit Refund 2044 239 DINVALIDDATA Refund amount too large Bank Transfer Refund Direct Debit Refund 2045 150 ESYSTEM The request refers to an unknown order. Bank Transfer Refund Direct Debit Refund 9999.98 250 ETIMEOUT Time-out connecting to processor All 9999.99 150 ESYSTEM Unexpected error All Testing Real-Time Bank Transfers Testing Your CyberSource Interface This stage of testing is available for all real-time bank transfer networks. Note Use the CyberSource simulator to test your interface with the CyberSource services. Send a real-time bank transfer request to CyberSource and make sure that you receive a realtime bank transfer reply from CyberSource. Do not use the URL that CyberSource returns to you in the reply message during this stage of testing. It is not a valid URL. Important Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 151 Chapter 11 Testing Testing Your Network Interface This stage of testing is available only for the real-time bank transfer networks in the following table. Note The purpose of network testing is to verify that you can redirect your customer’s browser to the network. Table 44 Network Testing for Real-Time Bank Transfers Network Description eNets It is not necessary to use special test account details for testing. The test payment pages are identical to the production version. Only DBS provides a valid test link; the other test links are down most of the time. GiroPay (Germany) The test page is available only in German. Special test cases are available. The test payment page is not identical to the production version. The test payment page provides a way to test the different flows. iDEAL (Netherlands) Special test cases are available. The test payment pages are not identical to the production version. Only a subset of the different flows can be tested. Nordea e-betaling (Denmark) Payment pages are available only in Danish. The test payment pages are not identical to the production version. Only a subset of the various flows can be tested. Nordea e-betalning (Sweden) Payment pages are available only in Swedish. The test payment pages are not identical to the production version. Only a subset of the various flows can be tested. Nordea e-maksu (Finland) Payment pages are available only in Finnish. The test payment pages are not identical to the production version. Only a subset of the various flows can be tested. To test your network interface: Step 1 Contact Customer Support to have your connection switched to the network’s simulator. Step 2 Set up a test customer that consists of a browser that interfaces with your shopping cart. Step 3 Simulate the customer experience by having your test customer initiate a real-time bank transfer payment. Step 4 When you receive this customer message, send a real-time bank transfer request to CyberSource. Step 5 When you receive the real-time bank transfer reply from CyberSource, redirect the test customer to the network by using the URL in the reply message. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 152 Chapter 11 Step 6 Testing Using the test customer browser, verify that you have received a page from the network. Going Live After successfully testing your account, you must go live with CyberSource before you begin accepting payments. When you go live, your CyberSource account is updated so that you can send transactions to the CyberSource production server. If you have not already done so, you will need to provide your payment processor and banking information to CyberSource so that your processor can deposit funds to your merchant bank account. For more information, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API or Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the SCMP API. Your production transactions will be available for you to view in the production version of the Business Center: Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 153 APPENDIX Product Codes A The following table lists the values that you can use for the product code. For the Simple Order API, use the item_#_productCode request field to specify the product code. For the SCMP API, use the product_code offer-level field. Table 45 Product Code Values Product Code Definition adult_content Adult content. coupon Coupon applied to the entire order. default Default value for the product code. CyberSource uses default when a request provides no value for the product code. electronic_good Electronic product other than software. electronic_software Software distributed electronically rather than on tapes, disks, or other media. gift_certificate Gift certificate not issued with CyberSource Stored Value Services. handling_only Separate charge that is generally a fee imposed by the seller on the customer. The fee pays the seller’s administrative selling costs. service Service that you perform for the customer. shipping_and_handling Shipping is a separate charge for shipping the product to the purchaser. Handling is generally a fee imposed by the seller to pay administrative selling costs. shipping_only Charge for transporting tangible personal property from the seller to the purchaser. Documentation must be maintained that clearly establishes where title to the tangible personal property passed from the seller to the purchaser. subscription Subscription to a web site or other content. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 154 APPENDIX Reason Codes B Reason Codes for the Simple Order API These reason codes apply only if you use the Simple Order API. The reason code appears in the reply that you receive immediately after you request the service. See Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API for a discussion of replies, decisions, and reason codes. Note Table 46 CyberSource reserves the right to add new reason codes at any time. If your error handler receives a reason code that it does not recognize, it should use the decision field to obtain the result. Reason Codes for the Simple Order API Reason Code Description 100 Successful transaction. 101 The request is missing one or more required fields. See the reply fields missingField_0...N. Resend the request with the complete information. For more information about missing and invalid fields, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. 102 One or more fields in the request contain invalid data. See the reply fields invalidField_0...N. Resend the request with the correct information. For more information about missing and invalid fields, see Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced for the Simple Order API. 150 General system failure. See the documentation for your CyberSource client for information on handling retries in the case of system errors. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 155 Appendix B Table 46 Reason Codes Reason Codes for the Simple Order API (Continued) Reason Code Description 151 The request was received but a server time-out occurred. This error does not include time-outs between the client and the server. To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in the Business Center. See the documentation for your CyberSource client for information on handling retries in the case of system errors. 152 The request was received, but a service timed out. To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in the Business Center. See the documentation for your CyberSource client for information on handling retries in the case of system errors. 231 Invalid account number. Request a different form of payment. 233 General decline by the processor. Request a different form of payment. 234 A problem exists with your CyberSource merchant configuration. Do not resend the request. Contact Customer Support to correct the configuration problem. 236 Processor failure. Wait a few minutes and resend the request. 239 The requested transaction amount must match the previous transaction amount. Correct the amount and resend the request. 241 The request ID is invalid. Verify the request ID is correct. 244 The bank account number failed the validation check. Verify with the customer that the account number is correct; if it was incorrect, request the service again with the corrected information. 248 When CyberSource sent a Boleto Bancário request to CyberSource Latin American Processing, the processor returned an error to CyberSource. 250 The request was received, but a time-out occurred with the payment processor. To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in the Business Center. 254 Your CyberSource account is prohibited from processing stand-alone refunds. In the refund request, provide the requestID of the payment to create a follow-on refund. If you want to process stand-alone refunds, contact your CyberSource account representative. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 156 Appendix B Table 46 Reason Codes Reason Codes for the Simple Order API (Continued) Reason Code Description 255 Your CyberSource account is not configured to process the service in the country you specified. If this is a bank transfer or bank transfer refund, check the billTo_country value and bankInfo_country value to make sure they are set to the correct country (if it is a direct debit, check bankInfo_country). If you want to process the service in a country for which you are not configured, contact your CyberSource account representative. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 157 APPENDIX Researching a Missing Bank Transfer Payment C This appendix explains how to submit an inquiry in the Business Center to research a missing bank transfer payment. For additional information, see: Simple Order API—"Researching a Missing Payment," page 17 SCMP API—"Researching a Missing Payment," page 35 Note Wait at least five days after funds are debited from a customer’s account before initiating an inquiry because it can take that long for funds to appear in your account and in CyberSource’s reports. CyberSource does not allow you to perform an inquiry within five days of submitting the initial bank transfer request. If your user permissions in the Business Center are limited to only read access for the Support Screens, you cannot research a missing payment. You must have additional access permissions. Contact your Business Center administrator to change your access level. Before making the inquiry, you must obtain the following items: Information about the bank account that the customer used to make the payment, including the name of the bank, the name on the customer’s account, and the account number. The date that the funds were debited from the customer’s account. A digital copy of a document that shows that the customer initiated the bank transfer (for example, a scanned bank statement or a screen shot of an online banking statement showing the payment). Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 158 Appendix C Researching a Missing Bank Transfer Payment To research a missing payment: Step 1 Log in to the Business Center and search for the bank transfer transaction. Step 2 View the transaction’s details. If at least three days have passed since you sent the bank transfer request, Research Lost Payment appears as an available action. Step 3 Click Research Lost Payment. The Research Lost Payment page opens. Part of the form is already filled out with the original transaction information that CyberSource has. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 159 Appendix C Researching a Missing Bank Transfer Payment Step 4 In the Merchant Information section, enter your contact information. CyberSource uses this information to contact you if more information is needed. Step 5 In the Customer’s Bank Information section, enter the customer’s bank’s information and the payment date (the date that the funds were debited from the customer’s account). The required fields are in bold. Step 6 In the Attachment field, attach the scanned copy of the customer’s bank statement or whatever proof the customer has to show that they made the payment. Step 7 In the Other Information field, include any other information that might help CyberSource research the missing payment. Step 8 Click Submit to submit the information to CyberSource. A confirmation page opens, and the transaction details are updated to show that you have made a payment inquiry. Customer Support receives the inquiry information and contacts the processor to determine whether the processor received the payment. One of two things happens within several business days: The processor uses the inquiry information to match the payment to the original bank transfer request. Confirmation of the bank transfer payment then automatically appears in the Payment Events Report. The transaction details screen in the Business Center is also updated to show that the bank transfer has been paid. CyberSource does not contact you by email or phone to give you the results, so you should monitor the Payment Events Report or the transaction’s details in the Business Center. If the processor is unable to find or match the funds to the original bank transfer request, CyberSource contacts you by email or phone. Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 160 INDEX Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B bank account validation bank transfer refunds SCMP API 35 Simple Order API 17 direct debit refunds SCMP API 134 Simple Order API 117 direct debits SCMP API 132 Simple Order API 116 bank transfer refunds SCMP API 34 Simple Order API 16 bank transfers and bank transfer refunds SCMP API 33 Simple Order API 15 examples SCMP API 46 Simple Order API 28 requesting SCMP API 33 Simple Order API 15 unpaid 158 SCMP API 90 Simple Order API 84 reports Boleto Bancário Unfulfilled Report 96 Single Transaction Report 112 requesting SCMP API 90 Simple Order API 84 C check reference numbers 13 coupons 154 D date and time format Simple Order API 27 direct debit refunds SCMP API 133 Simple Order API 116 bankTransferRefundService 16 direct debits and direct debit refunds SCMP API 132 Simple Order API 115 examples SCMP API 95 Simple Order API 88, 128, 145 requesting SCMP API 132 Simple Order API 115 bankTransferService 15 directDebitRefundService 116 boletoPaymentService 84 directDebitService 115 bank transfers, real-time. See real-time bank transfers bankTransferRealTimeService 54 Boletos Bancários description of Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 161 Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z E examples bank transfers SCMP API 46 Simple Order API 28 direct debits SCMP API 95 Simple Order API 88, 128, 145 on-demand queries for failed payments SCMP API 70 Simple Order API 54 on-demand queries for successful payments SCMP API 69 Simple Order API 53 on-demand queries for transaction status SCMP API 68 Simple Order API 52 real-time bank transfers SCMP API 81 Simple Order API 64 F follow-on refunds for bank transfers SCMP API 34 Simple Order API 16 for direct debits SCMP API 133 Simple Order API 116 G GMT format Simple Order API 27 I ics_bank_transfer 33 ics_bank_transfer_real_time 70 ics_bank_transfer_refund 34 ics_boleto_payment 90 ics_direct_debit 132 Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 ics_direct_debit_refund 133 M missing payments, researching 17 O on-demand queries real-time bank transfers SCMP API 67 Simple Order API 51 order tracking 13 P POST requests transaction statuses for SCMP API 67 Simple Order API 51 processor transaction identifiers 13 product codes listed 154 R real-time bank transfers examples SCMP API 81 Simple Order API 64 examples of on-demand queries for failed payments SCMP API 70 Simple Order API 54 examples of on-demand queries for successful payments SCMP API 69 Simple Order API 53 examples of on-demand queries for transaction status SCMP API 68 Simple Order API 52 refunds SCMP API 71 Simple Order API 55 162 Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z requesting SCMP API 70 Simple Order API 54 transaction statuses SCMP API 67 Simple Order API 51 reason codes listed 155 SCMP API 134 Simple Order API 117 transaction reference numbers 13 U UTC format Simple Order API 27 reconciliation IDs 13 refunds bank transfers SCMP API 34 Simple Order API 16 direct debits SCMP API 133 Simple Order API 116 real-time bank transfers SCMP API 71 Simple Order API 55 reports Transaction Exception Detail Report for bank transfers, SCMP API 35 for bank transfers, Simple Order API 17 for direct debits, SCMP API 134 for direct debits, Simple Order API 117 request IDs 13 S statuses of real-time bank transfers SCMP API 67 Simple Order API 51 T test server 149 time format Simple Order API 27 Transaction Exception Detail Report for bank transfers SCMP API 35 Simple Order API 17 for direct debits Global Payment Service Developer Guide | March 2015 163