H2O.ai (data) Science Fair Official Rules [ 1 ] Projects must use an


H2O.ai (data) Science Fair Official Rules [ 1 ] Projects must use an
H2O.ai (data) Science Fair Official Rules [ 1 ]
Projects must use an open source machine learning tool (e.g. H2O, SciKit, MLlib). [ 2 ]
Application created must have a practical insight or use and must be original in terms of use or approach. a. Plagiarism is taken very seriously and teams that use any materials or
methods that are not properly accredited will be disqualified
b. Practicality will be the sole determination of contest hosts, H2O.ai.
[ 3 ]
Data set cannot be from a Kaggle or KDD competition. [ 4 ]
Data set must be obtained legally. [ 5 ]
Participants must submit project materials, including data set, final write up, project abstract, and presentation. Official submission form will be released at a later date via email to all registered participants. [ 6 ]
Science Fair participants must be willing to give a presentation and demo of their application at H2O World in November, exact date TBD. a. Travel and housing will not be provided by H2O.ai.
[ 7 ]
Only registered students may participate. [ 8 ]
Non-­‐college students, such as faculty members, may only participate in an advisory role. Advisors must be credited as such in the final project. Team members are responsible for the project in entirety. No advisors may contribute actual work to the submitted project. [ 9 ]
Teams can be any size. Every member must be listed on the application sheet and credited on the final project. If team members change after the application is submitted, a new team list must be emailed to Alex Tellez at alex@h2o.ai. Every person who worked on the project must be credited, regardless of whether or not he/she is still a team member by the time the final project is submitted. [ 10 ] Projects will be voted on by H2O World attendees. a.
(data) Science Fair participants will not be able to submit votes.
[ 11 ] The project with the highest score will be awarded $5000. Second place will be awarded $2500 and third place will be awarded $1250. a. Method of prize disbursement is up to H2O.ai’s discretion.
[ 12 ] Teams may submit more than one project, but cannot use any single data set in more than one submission. [ 13 ] Teams can submit applications already in development before this competition. We willl accept projects submitted to other contests, conferences, or events prior to H2O.ai’s (data) Science Fair. [ 14 ] Application submission deadline is July 1, 2015, by 11:59 PM PST. Applications can be submitted via email to alex@h2o.ai or via mail to H2O Headquarters, 2307 Leghorn St. Mountain View, CA 94043. If application is sent by mail, it must be received before the official deadline. [ 15 ] Final project submission deadline is Sept 1, 2015, by 11:59 PM PST. All materials must be submitted for approval to alex@h2o.ai. Official submission form for final project will be made available to all participants at a later date, after all initial applications are received. a. Display and presentation guidelines will be released to registered
teams in June.
As hosts of this competition, H2O.ai assumes no legal or financial responsibility over the projects submitted. All individuals and members of teams that submit an application agree to these terms and conditions and are solely responsible for their work. By participating in this competition, individuals agree to have their photos released to H2O for use in print, on the web, and for other promotional items, unless H2O.ai is notified otherwise. In addition, participating teams agree to have their project materials displayed and promoted by H2O on the web and in print. The H2O.ai brand and logo may be used for promotional purposes in projects on a case-­‐by-­‐case basis, pending approval from the H2O.ai marketing team. These requests can be submitted to Amy Wang at a@h2o.ai.