
: • SEAT, S.A: (​
the ​
”), organizes in Barcelona, a free contest named SEAT Archithon (hereinafter the “Contest”). • The object of this Contest is to permit different teams to create projects on the theme “Create SEAT’s New Digital Museum” in 48­hour using the Autodesk’s software called AutoCAD* in order to win a prize pool. • At the end of the third day, a professional jury, as stipulated below, will select the three top projects. These projects will be awarded with the prices stipulated below. • Such Contest will not suppose for the Organiser, any obligation to buy any of the projects presented. DURATION OF THE CONTEST th​
• The Contest will take place between May 15​
, 2015 at 1:00pm until May 17​
, 2015 at 6:30pm. REQUIREMENTS TO ENTER THE CONTEST A participant will be able to enter if he/she meets the following requirements at the time of entry: ● The participant must be an architecture student or with the architecture degree finished only a few months ago. ● The participant must be at least eighteen (18) years old. ​
The participant must be a resident in Spain or Germany. ● The participant has knowledge of the AutoCAD program* ● The participant is fluent in English * It has been agreed that participants can work on those other program: Cinema 4DD, 3DS Max, Rhino PARTICIPANT’S OBLIGATIONS By registering, the participant agrees: ● To comply with all the terms and conditions stated in this document (hereinafter the “Rules”). ● To deliver the total project created during the Contest to the Organiser in order to be judged for the Contest. ● To maintain a good behavior during the term of the Contest. ● To release and hold the Organiser, its subsidiaries, affiliates, employees and agents from any and all liability or any injury, loss or damage of any kind, arising from or in connection with the Constest or any prize won. ● To agree that all the Organiser's decisions will be final and binding on all matters related to the Organiser. ● To agree that all the Jury's decisions will be final and binding on all matters related to the Contest. ● That any photo or video containing his likeness or voice, as may be shot or filmed during the Contest, may be published, reproduced, transformed, distributed or communicated publicly, by the Organiser, in part or in full, with or without stating the participant's name, on any media, in any format, including but not limited to the Organiser's website and or Facebook page, at the Organiser's sole discretion. ● To assist and participate in any event related with the Organiser if the participant’s presence has been required by the Organiser. REGISTRATION • To participate in the Contest, participants will be able to register on the th site as soon as the website is online from April 15​
until May 8​ at 2 pm ("​
Registration Period​
"). • The number of participants is limited to 40 participants. Therefore, the Organiser may close registration before the end of the Registration Period. • The Organiser may prolong the Registration Period, at his sole discretion. • Each candidate can participate in teams or on his/her own. Each participant may only be a member of one team only. • After the end of the Registration Period (as set by the Organiser), the non­approved participants shall receive a notification of their ineligibility in the Contest. • The entry of incorrect or incomplete information for the registration of the Contest may prevent the Organiser from contacting the participant. In order to avoid the aforementioned situation, any personal data or other information which the participant provides has to be accurate and updated. It shall be understood that the Organiser is authorised to process such data under the terms described herein. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRIES AND PARTICIPATION Participants agree that their project: • Will not include illegal, vulgar, offensive or otherwise inappropriate content; • Will not infringe third parties’ rights including but not limited to industrial and intellectual property rights. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify, at his sole discretion, any project that does not meet the above­mentioned criteria or does not comply with the present Rules. THE JURY The Jury will be comprised of Organiser’s representatives, experts in the area, prominent industry figures and professionals in the media and digital industry. The jury might change, at the Organiser's sole discretion. If practical changes occur, they will be announced at least 24 hours before deliberation on the website. In the event of existing a conflict of interest between the participants and any member of the Jury, such member may be disqualified from passing judgment on a particular team or participant. Such disqualification shall not affect the judging or review of the rest of the team or of the rest of the participant's submission. CONTEST PROCEDURE th​
On May 15​
, 2015, between 3:00pm and 5:00pm, every person whose registration has been approved by the Organiser, will have 1 minute to pitch their project idea with visual support. The conditions of the visual support to be delivered will be explained via email to the participants at least 24 hours before the event. This presentation is not a necessary condition to participate in the Contest.. From 4:00pm to 7:00pm, teams will be formed during a formation session where the participants will be able to speak between them and explain their idea of their projects during three hours and decide if they want to join together to form a team or not. Those teams will not be able to change during the Contest. Starting at 4:00pm, the teams will start to create their projects until the end of the Contest, as specified here. th​
On Sunday 17​
, 2015 between 2:00pm and 4:00pm, the projects will be exposing their final presentation. The maximum number of participants per team is fixed in 3 people. The prices are established in a clause below and will be given to the whole team, not per person. The Organiser will not give more than what has been explained at the prize pool item to any winning team. The Organiser will be in charge of bearing with all the costs of transportation, hotels, and meals, of each participant during the whole event for their participation in the Contest. ELECTION OF THE WINNERS All the teams will present their projects to the judges for the final selections. Each team will have 3 minutes to present and explain the project to the judges​
. From there, three projects will be selected as the bests ones based on the final score given out in accordance with the criteria established below. The judges will evaluate the projects based on the demonstration performed according to the judging criteria established below. In the event of ending in a tie, the judges will deliberate to determine who must be the three winners. The projects will be scored by the Jury taking into account the following criteria: a) Brand fit​
: Project’s adaptation to the Organiser’s brand values, according to what will be explained at the Organiser’s briefing session. b) ​
: Project’s completion according to the brand’s design language. c) Level of innovation​
: The project’s ability to illustrate the brand’s focus on innovation and quality. d) Overall feasibility​
: The final project’s capability of being accomplished in 3D. These four criteria will be equally weighted and will represent a 25% each of the total score. th​
The name of the winners will be announced by the Jury on May 17​
, 2015 between 3:00pm and 4:30pm. The winning teams will be also announced on th,​​
web site at the latest on May 20​
2015. The Jury will choose the five best projects of the Contest so that in case of disqualifying one of the three best projects for any of the reasons stated in the present document, the projects chosen by the Jury will move its place to the immediately upper place. PRIZE AWARD The prizes of the Contest for those projects selected in first, second and third place, are the following: st​
● 1​
prize: 5,000 euros (five thousand) for the best project; nd​
● 2​ prize: 3,500 euros (three thousand five hundred) for the second best project; rd​
● 3​
prize: 1,500 euros (one thousand five thousand) for the third best project. The cash prizes will be divided and distributed between the team members of the winning team through bank transfer ​
within three (3) months ​
after the winners’ announcement made by the Jury at the end of the ​
. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Each participant warrants being the titleholder of all the project’s rights, and therefore the participants selected as winners for the three prizes of the Contest grant to the Organiser the property of their project, and all the industrial and intellectual rights concerning the same. This way, each winner grant to the Organiser all the exploitation rights of his/her project, including but not limited to the right to expose, reproduce, transform, communicate publicly, distribute and represent the project, in any format, for any media, for an indefinite period of time, worldwide and for free. Each participant grants to the Organiser all the exploitation rights, including but not limited to reproduce, communicate publicly, transform and distribute, their images (including their voice) for free, in order to use them for any media, any format, for any territory, and during an indefinite period of time. During the Contest, participants will have to use as much as possible their own work and free of rights sources. Third parties’ elements, including open source software, must be clearly identified with their version as well as the applicable terms of the license with such third party, and any other details concerning their use. In those cases where the identified third party’s right is not commercially available, the project work may not be qualified to win the Contest. The participant guarantees that the project work shall, in no event, infringe in any manner or induce infringement of any third party’s intellectual or industrial property rights, committing the participant to maintain the Organiser indemnified for any claim arising from third parties. LIABILITY The Organiser is fully entitled to shorten, to extend, to modify or to cancel the Contest if the circumstances requires doing so, without any liability; The Organiser is fully entitled to disqualify a participant or a team who does not comply with the Rules established herein or acts in any other way which is deemed to be inappropriate by the Organiser; The Organiser will not be responsible for any problems or technical malfunction related with any telephone networks, computer on­line systems, servers, providers, computer hardwares or softwares, traffic congestion, or any combination thereof, or any other technical problems related with any device or media. Participants who are employees of a corporation, government agency, or an academic institution, are responsible for ensuring that their participation complies with any policies their corporation, agency, or institution may have regarding participation in contests of this type. If the Organiser has any reason to believe that a participant violated any of those policies, the Organiser reserves the right to prohibit the participant from participating in the event or receive a prize at any time. The Organiser is not responsible for any disputes arising between a participant and his/her employer.Also, the Organiser will not be held liable in case of litigation with companies responsible for offered prizes. PENALISATION In case a participant commits a serious breach of the present Rules according to the Organiser’s opinion, this person will have to return to the Organiser all the costs of transportation, hotels, meals, etc. that the Organiser may have incurred in him/her during the event. MODIFICATIONS The Organiser is fully entitled to change the present Rules at any time and without prior notice. Modifications or additions to the Rules may be published during the Contest in any case of force majeure events. They will be considered as appendices to the present Rules. Any information submitted or provided to will be treated in accordance with BeMyApp privacy policy located at: The Rules are also available on the website under the address CONFIDENTIALITY The participants will maintain as confidential the projects created and delivered to the Organiser, as well as any data or information the participant may have access about the Organiser concerning the Contest PERSONAL DATA From the moment the participant provides its personal data to the Organiser for his/her registration to the Contest, this personal data will be stored in a file pertaining to the Organiser. This way, the participant expressly authorizes the processing of said personal data for the purposes indicated herein. Note that there have been taken all safety measures of technical and organizational nature to ensure the protection of your personal data and to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, given the sort of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Data Protection Act (LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007, dated December 21, approving the Regulation development of the Data Protection Act. The participant may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an e­mail to APPLICABLE LEGISLATION AND JURISDICTIONAL COMPETENCE All disputes or claims arising from the interpretation or execution of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Spanish legislation and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona city.