Teaching with mercy - Archdiocese of St. Louis
Teaching with mercy - Archdiocese of St. Louis
VOLUME 19 NUMBER 25 MAY 27, 2015 CATHOLIC EDUCATION CENTER ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS Teaching with mercy CONTACT INFORMATION Sue Brown Director of Marketing and Community Relations E-Mail: suebrown@archstl.org Phone: 314.792.7304 Fax: 314.792.7315 Cell: 314.479.1283 Twitter: @CatholicEdSTL Pope Francis has called us to be people of mercy, and has proclaimed a Year of Mercy during which we will be practicing mercy more intentionally to those we know, and more especially, to those we do not. To show mercy is to be compassionate, sensitive, forgiving and kind. It is not limited to judgment and commutation of a prison sentence, for example. It is simply thinking about the well being of others, rather than placing ourselves first at all times. Over the years, a beautiful relationship between St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School in Ellisville and its neighbor, St. Gemma Center (Archdiocesan Department of Special Education) has developed quietly, and with no particular fanfare, until recently. Last night, KMOV featured a “News4Schools” story about St. Clare music teacher, Bridget McCormick, who volunteers her planning time once a week to teach music to the seven students at St. Gemma—clearly what Pope Francis has in mind when he speaks about mercy. To learn more about the Archdiocesan Department of Special Education and its ten schools and centers, visit archstl.org/dse. And not only that. St. Clare has literally opened its doors and hearts, and taken the St. Gemma students and teachers in for the final two weeks of school, after St. Gemma had to close its building due to a sewer problem. This is inclusion at its best! Thanks to all who have recognized this story as such! To view it yourselves, visit http://www.kmov.com/story/29159918/news-4schools-helping-special-needs-children We Christians are called to go out of ourselves to bring the mercy and tenderness of God to all. —Pope Francis, @Pontifex St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Catholic School eighth grader, Kiley B., pictured above, received third place in the St. Louis Holocaust Art and Writing Contest. Each year students from public and private schools compete for prizes and recognition with artwork or written pieces speaking to the courage and horrors of discrimination. 2015 Cardinal Burke Teacher Recognition Awardees, left to right, with Archbishop Robert Carlson and Superintendent, Dr. Kurt Nelson, (center) Julie Chase, (St. Ann) Jennifer Caton, (St. Justin Martyr) Mary Huelsing, (St. Francis of Assisi) Catherine Forder, (St. Gemma Center) Mindy House, (St. Vincent de Paul High School) and Julie Britt (Immaculate Conception—Dardenne) —Congratulations! Kiley’s poem of remembrance spoke to the importance of compassion (mercy) and strength. Three Valle Catholic School students have been awarded Raymond Sexauer Memorial Pro-Life Scholarships, sponsored by Drs. Tom and Julia Stanley in honor of Raymond Sexauer, a devout Catholic school teacher, pro-life advocate, and father of Julia Stanley. Winners include Valle Catholic HS senior, Allison D., to SLU, Valle Catholic eighth grader, Alivia B. to Valle Catholic HS, and sixth grader, Colin V., to remain at Valle Catholic. —Congratulations! Fifth through eighth graders at Holy Rosary Catholic School in Warrenton got a chance-of-a-lifetime recently to play hockey with former Blue's goaltender Bruce Racine on the school’s recent “Hockey Day.” Mr. Racine, husband of Holy Rosary Principal, Lori Racine, provided jerseys and goalie equipment for the kids (pictured above) to wear during their P.E. class, and ran them through some drills and scrimmages. Bruce played 15 years of pro-hockey, and won the Stanley Cup with the Pittsburgh Penguins. He has also played for the Toronto Maple Leafs and the San Jose Sharks in the Finnish Elite League. Congratulations to all recipients of the 2015 Sr. Mary Ann Governal and Mrs. Ellen B. Ryan Memorial Development Grants! “All projects submitted showed great merit and spiritual, educational and professional initiative,” wrote Superintendent, Dr. Kurt Nelson in his announcement memo. The grants are largely funded by the annual Ryan-Governal Memorial Golf Tournament, to be held this year on June 20, at Eagle Springs Golf Course. (For more information about the tournament, please contact Dr. David Shelton at DShelton@archstl.org. This year’s winning projects, their creator(s) and schools include: St. James the Greater Catholic School bade a Old Testament - ALIVE Ms. Mary Klevorn Marygrove wistful farewell and joyful “Happy Retirement” to beloved Principal, Miss Karen Battaglia, after 44 years! Leaders of Tomorrow Social Studies Initiative Mrs. Janet Eaton, Mr. Jason Asher, and Mr. Adam Kuebler St. Dominic High School Miss Battaglia began her career at St. James in 1971 as the secondgrade teacher, and became principal in 1996. Above, she receives hugs and tokens of appreciation from one of her students. Robotics Outreach Ms. Lauren Lester Rosati-Kain High School Operation Cooperation! Sr. Cathy Doherty, Dr. Marlise Albert, and Mr. Dave Watkins Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Christ, Prince of Peace School, Christ the King, and St. Norbert School STREAM Club Ms. Gabrielle Hearn Marian Middle School The St. John Bosco Way Mrs. Cindy Shannon and Ms. Kathrine Kyle St. Paul PSR – Fenton St. Joseph’s Academy freshmen, Sophia L. (left) and Holly S., have won the National History Day state contest, and will advance to the national competition in Washington, D.C. in June to represent the State of Missouri. The girls’ project, “Abraham Lincoln, Both the Man and the President,” addresses this year’s contest theme, “Leadership and Legacy.” In preparation, all national finalists in Missouri are invited to a full-day clinic on how to improve an already-excellent project to be held at UMSL. —Best wishes to all NHD contestants!! Mini-Monastery Day Ms. Barb Morgan Immaculate Conception School – Dardenne Prairie Design Thinking: A STREAM of Thought Mrs. Beth Bartolotta and Mrs. Judy Talleur St. Justin Martyr School A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Ms. Jane Ramos St. Joseph School - Farmington Rivers to the Ocean: Connections Between St. Louis and the World Ms. Katie Lodes St. Joseph’s Academy ***** This is the final issue of The e-Vangelizer for the 2014-15 school year. Thank you, all contributors and subscribers, for your support! Around the Archdiocese... We pray for the repose of the soul of... At right, St. Joan of Arc Catholic School Missouri Math League top scorers for sixth through eighth grade, who scored in the superior range! —Congratulations! Diane Tucci, teacher at St. Dominic High School, and formerly at Immaculate Conception-Dardenne Prairie, Notre Dame High School and St. Elizabeth Academy. Diane was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tucci, and mother of Elena and Joseph Mosblech, May her soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen. ***** “Joe” (see story at right) Saint Joan of Arc Catholic School eighth grade students visited the Pulitzer Museum in May, thanks to their membership in the Des Lee Fine Arts Collaborative. At left, students pose in front of the Serra sculpture, "Joe," a torque spiral weighing 125 tons, which students quickly calculated into pounds. See sidebar for more info on “Joe.” Valle Catholic School wrapped up their Bucket Challenge last week in support of the school’s library, and Assistant Principal, Mrs. Metzger kept her promise. This sculpture is the first in Richard Serra's series of torqued spirals. It is named for the late Joseph Pulitzer, Jr. (1913-1993), one of the earliest supporters of Serra's work. In the context of this exhibition, the sculpture can be seen as a portrait, (by associating its qualities with those of Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.) as an homage, (because the title can be taken as a dedication) and as an embodied experience (in that the work is inseparable from one's movement in and around it). As the winners of the competition, seventh graders got to duct tape Mrs. Metzger to the cafeteria wall, as she read books to the students as they ate their lunch! A really good sport, Mrs. Metzger even treated the seventh graders to snow cones! Bucket Challenge grand total—$3,153.96 to update the primary and middle school libraries! From the Editor...May the summer bring rest and renewal to all! May God bless all graduates, who will move on to the next stage of their academic studies or careers. Watch over our students, and bring them back to us safely this fall. Bless our teachers, catechists and administrators, including those who will retire or move on to their next career with renewed energy and good health, as well as those who will return renewed and energized in the fall. God bless all newly-ordained and newly-assigned priests, and those who will mentor them, all pastors, priests, deacons and consecrated religious who serve our parishes, schools and ministries. And may God bless our families and friends. May we enjoy each other to the fullest during this time of transition for all!