This Week`s Bulletin


This Week`s Bulletin
Apr. 4
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
“I Travel First Class” -Pastor Mark Sigue
Sabbath School Classes
“I Travel First Class”-Pastor Mark Sigue
7:31 p.m.
-Communion Service
Apr. 5
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Elders Meeting
ACA Meeting
Apr. 6
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Policies & Procedures Meeting
Monday Night Bible Study– Junior Room
Apr. 7
7:00 p.m.
Lead Pastor Search Committee
Apr. 8
6:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Adventurer Meeting
Pathfinder Meeting
“Together in Prayer”– Chapel
Apr. 9
8:30 a.m.
Revelation Bible Study– Junior Room
Apr. 10
6:30 p.m.
Upper Room Collegiate Bible Study– Youth Room
Apr. 11
8:30 a.m.
“Overcoming Unbelief” -Garrett Caldwell
Sabbath School Classes
“Overcoming Unbelief”-Garrett Caldwell
Visitors Potluck (V.I.P.)
Skate night
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:15 a.m.
7:39 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Church Secretaries
Kim Barney and Lauren Martin
(301) 662-5254
Church Administrator
Gail Boyer
First Deacon
Terry Bateman
(301) 538-6641
Team Pastor
Roger Mace
(540) 435-6223
Membership Clerk
Judy Snyder
First Deaconess
Lori Pennington
(301) 524-8080
Youth Pastor
Mark Sigue
(240) 643-3119
FAA Principal
Sean Henline
(301) 663-0363
First Elder
Tom Boughner
(301) 668-4559
Church Office Hours:
Monday: 10-12, 12:30-4
Tuesday: 10-12:15, 1-5
Wednes.: 10-12, 4-5
Thurs: 10-12:15, 1-5
Friday: 10-1
Bill & Mary Cook
(301) 964-1638
6437 Jefferson Pike
Frederick, MD 21703
Church Office: (301) 662-5254
April 04, 2015
Welcome to Worship: Our church welcomes you with open arms and
hearts. Whether you are new to the area, visiting from out of state, or
looking for a new church to call home, we hope you will sense God’s awesome power and love today.
Visitors’ Potluck: We will not have a potluck this Sabbath. Please join us
next week!
“Together in Prayer”: Join us this Wednesday, in the Chapel from 6:30 7:30 pm. This is a one-hour gathering of believers purposed to share their
faith in the blessings God has promised in 2 Chronicles 7: 14. We will be
attentive to prayer in our dedicated hour of being together, and enjoy His
presence. Please plan to meet with Prayer Warrior, Kunle Ogundeyi, and
other prayer leaders.
Monday Night Bible Study: with Sharyn Joseph, How Women Reveal the
Heart of God. We will be studying women of the Bible every Monday at
7:00 pm in the Junior Sabbath School Room beginning April 6. FMI, call
Sharyn Joseph at 301-631-1221.
Skate Night: Mark your calendars for April 11. Skate Night starts at 7:45!
Moms, it’s the Women's Ministry spa night, and this is the perfect place for
Dad to take the kids while you relax!
WINGS Girl's Night Out "Revive and Refresh" Spa Night: Don't forget to
join us next Saturday night, April 11, 6:00pm, for an evening of worship,
pampering, and Christian fellowship at the home of Brenda Ferreira, 1800
Whispering Meadow Court, Frederick, MD. Please bring a salad or a platter
of healthy party food, robe & slippers, and a towel. Sponsored by: WINGS
Frederick SDA Church Women's Ministries
Vacation Bible School: And God said, “Let there be an expanse between
the waters to separate water from water…..and God called the expanse
‘sky’.” The sky is never our limit when it comes to God. Let’s show our
kids that we believe it. VBS this year is June 22-27 from 6:30-8:45pm. Sign
up online now or at the Welcome Desk.
Frederick Adventist Academy: Coming Soon to Frederick Adventist Academy: Food for Life Virtual Outlet Store! Ordering information will be on
our website soon.
Our Condolences: We are sad to announce the passing of Jerry Martin on
April 2, 2015. Please keep his family in your prayers.
Nominating Committee First Reading:
Children’s Division S.S.: Junior S.S. Leader: Emerson Nerona
It’s hard to believe, but our third marking period is behind us and we have
already begun the fourth and final quarter of the school year. Parents,
please remember that parent teacher conferences will be this Monday, April
6. There will be no classes held on this day.
FAA is exploring the possibility of creating a school garden and natural playground, and we need your input! If you have an interest in gardening, or
nature, or even construction and design, we’d love to hear your ideas!
Please join us for an information session on Thursday, April 16 at 6:30 pm
in the multi-purpose room, and help us create a natural play space for our
children. For more information, please contact Rebecca Mahrle at (571)- 309
-8488 or
Next year, our Pre-K is expanding to include 3 year olds as well as 4. If your
child will be 3 by September 1st, then you may register them for Pre-K at FAA
for the upcoming school year. Please call the school or e-mail for more information. (
Registration is now open for the 2015-2016 school year here at FAA. To apply online, go to or call
the school office for more information.
Mark your calendars! On Thursday, April 30th, all students in grades 3-10 will
be participating in the FAA social studies fair. Each student will present various social studies projects which will be on display in our gym. Stay tuned
for more information!
Get Involved
Becoming a Member: If you are a visitor, we invite you to consider joining
our church family. You may join this congregation by baptism, profession
of faith, or transfer of letter. If you would like to transfer your membership,
please pick up a form at the welcome desk. Once completed, you may drop
it off at the welcome desk or church office.
Men’s Ministry: If you would like to receive texts and encouragement each
week, please text Sean Loomis at (903) 944-9138; include your first and last
name with the statement “I am Man Enough.” The information you send will
be used to notify you of upcoming events for the men of Frederick Church.
Also, go to Facebook and like Man Enough Events. You will be able to access articles for men as well as get info about training events and more!
FMI, please contact Sean Loomis at
Women's Ministry: Women In God’s Service (WINGS) strives to minister to
the spiritual and social needs of the women in our church, and to create a
safe haven of trust through friendship with women in our community. FMI,
contact Judi Rogers at or (301) 667-8005
Children’s Ministry: We aim to develop the faith of children, ages birth to
14. While Sabbath School provides religious education once a week, Children’s Ministries looks at the whole child and seeks to provide multiple ministries that will lead children to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk
with Him. FMI, contact Nancy Potts at or (240) 288-8571
High School Ministry: H.S.M. creates a conducive environment for young
people to develop a lifestyle where God is part of their daily lives. A safe
place is provided where young people can find fun activities, answers to life,
and God. FMI, contact Kunle Ogundeyi at (240) 675-7201 or
The Upper Room: The Upper Room is a movement of collegiate Christians
seeking a constant and genuine experience with God through outreach, spiritual, and social activities. We foster the Christian faith of students through
Bible study (Friday nights 6:30 pm) and group events. FMI contact Phil Singh
at or at (301) 275-4704 or Facebook: The Upper
Room for group events.
Outreach Ministry: Are you looking for ways to serve your church and community? If you're interested in being a part of our Outreach Ministries team,
or if you have ideas of ways to serve, contact Carl Appleton at or (909) 649-5641
Infusion Experience: Infusion is a contemporary style worship experience
that is held every third Sabbath at 2PM. Through this experience, we hope
God can reinvigorate and inspire individuals to walk closer to Him and to
reach others not just in our pews, but in our communities as well. FMI or to
get involved,
please contact Ankur Singh at (301) 675-3372 or
Membership Transfer Second Reading and Vote:
Edgar Russell
From: Rockville, MD
Profession of Faith Second Reading and Vote:
Jestina Russell
Worship In Giving: Today we are highlighting our Local Church Budget,
which helps to fund all the ministries of our local church. It
helps us to fulfill our mission: “To allow God to arise in our
lives, homes, and community as we arise in worship to
Him.” If you would like to contribute, please mark your offering envelopes accordingly. You may also contribute
through our church website under online giving.
April Sermon Theme: “Growth”
Communion- “I Travel First Class”
“Overcoming Unbelief“
by Pastor Mark Sigue
by Pastor Garrett Caldwell
Adventurer Sabbath- “Armor of God”
Farewell Sermon- “God Bless You”
by Frederick Spirit
Adventurer Club
by Pastor Roger Mace
April Offering Schedule
Local Church Budget
4/11/15 Christian Record Services
4/18/15 Local Church Budget
4/25/15 Chesapeake Advance
Our Protestant Heritage: Dramatized series being shown at Waynesboro
SDA Church, every other Saturday night at 6:30. Showing reformers’ contributions in rediscovering truths of God’s Word that had been suppressed for centuries: April 4– John Huss, April 18– Martin Luther, May 2– William Tyndale,
May 16– The Anabaptists, May 30– William Miller. (William Miller session is a
documentary) FMI call 717-387-5759.
Sabbath Sundown Serenade Concert: tonight at 6:30 at the Hagerstown Adventist Church featuring Alessandra Sorace. Alessandra invites you to visit
her website FMI call 301-733-4411.
Please return to the Sanctuary immediately after the Ordinance of
Humility for the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
April 04, 2015
10:50 a.m.
Song Service
O Sacred Head Now Wounded (#156)
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (#140)
Fanfare for Easter Day
Claire Moblard &
Byron Stay
by Jack Ossewaarde
Church Life
Tom Boughner
Celebration of Community Service
Captain Jason Keckler
Pastor Mark Sigue
Welcome To the Family
Baby Dedication
*Opening Hymn
Sharon Mason
Pastor Roger Mace
Zaniyah Isoline Graham
Pastor Roger Mace
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (#166)
Pastor Mark Sigue
Worship in Giving
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
Lamb’s Offering
Claire Moblard &
Byron Stay
Linda Wilson
The Blessing
◊Intercessory Prayer
At the Foot of the Cross
Prayers of Blessing
for the Bread and Wine
Praise Team
Pastor Roger Mace
Per Houmann
The Breaking of the Bread
The Serving of the Emblems
Amazing Grace
Praise Team
Congregation Participation of the Bread
Congregation Participation of the Wine
Pastoral Benediction
*They Went Out Singing
Pastor Mark Sigue
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
Trumpet Voluntary (Andante Largo)
by John Stanley
Praise Team
Claire Moblard &
Byron Stay
Linda Wilson
by Georg Friedrich Handel
Special Music
Sharon Mason
Invitation to the Feast
Grace Boughner
Evelyn Sullivan
1 Peter 2:9-11
I Travel First Class
Daniel Vasquez
Pastor Mark Sigue
Dismissal for Ordinance of Humility
Women: Multipurpose Room
Men and Families: Gymnasium
Please maintain reverence during the postlude
Children’s Story
Ankur Singh
(During the Ordinance of Humility in the Sanctuary)
Platform Manager: Charmaine Richman Elder on Duty: Evelyn Sullivan
Organist: Claire Moblard
Deacon on Duty: David Parsons
Trumpeter: Byron Stay
Sound Technician: Gardner Bennett
*Congregation Standing
*Congregation Standing
◊Congregation Kneeling
◊Congregation Kneeling