AHS Soccer Camp - Arlington High


AHS Soccer Camp - Arlington High
serving the needs of persons in the
August 3-6
Location: Arlington High
School Soccer Complex
Arlington High School
5475 Airline Road
Cost: $75
Includes: T-shirt
Limited Space is Available
Camp Focus
Individual teaching and/or small
group instruction
Technical ball skills for beginners
and intermediate players
Ball juggling, speed, and agility
Camp Instructors
Registration Form
Zeke Vezina
T-shirt size: YS YM AS AM AL AXL
Head Coach Arlington High School Boys
and Girls, 29 years of experience with both
club and high school soccer
Jon Knickerbocker
Assistant Coach Arlington High School
Boys, 22 years of experience with both club
and high school soccer
Player’s name: _________________________
Parent’s Name: ________________________
Home Phone: ____________________
Cell: ____________________
Email: ________________________________
School: ____________________________
Small sided games/competitions
Grade in fall 2015: __________
Players will also have a chance to
meet and be instructed by AHS
boys and girls players
Janie Bray
Assistant Coach Arlington High School Girls
11 years of experience with club, middle and
high school soccer
Rodney Bright
We/I, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of
participating in the AHS Summer Soccer
Camp, recognize and acknowledge that there
are certain risks of physical injury and I/we
agree to assume full risk of any injuries,
including death, damage, or loss which may be
sustained as a result of participating in any
and all activities connected with or associated
with this program. I/We agree to waive and
relinquish all claims I/we may have as a result
of our child’s participation in this program
against Arlington High School, Arlington
High School Soccer Boosters, the program,
and all coaches, staff, and players
Arlington Soccer Academy Speed and
Conditioning Coach, 20 years of experience
in coaching and athletic developement
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Shorts, t-shirts, socks, shin-guards,
For more information contact:
Date: ___________________
What to Bring:
Beth Daniel 901-412-7739
What to Wear:
Water, soccer ball
(Printed name of Parent/Guardian)
Please mail with payment to:
AHS Soccer Boosters
PO Box 804
Arlington, TN 38002