Newsletter - The Art Alliance of Monmouth County


Newsletter - The Art Alliance of Monmouth County
Members’ Bimonthly Newsletter
33 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701
January/February 2015 - Issue No. 1 • 732 - 842 - 9403
“The act of painting is about one heart telling another heart where he found salvation.” – Francisco Goya
Member News
Search for
The Art Alliance of Monmouth County
and Like us!
NEW MEMBERS: Gloria Becht, Patricia
Bevere, Cassandra Dimaggio, Elizabeth
Feld, Katie Kenney, Khadine Leon-Spruce,
Eileen Moon, Ellen O’Dwyer, Linda
Roemer, Aureline Rogers, Richard Salls,
Cardine White, Elizabeth White.
Angel $200 plus; Patron $150;
Gold $100; Silver $50; Bronze $30.
Special Memberships are a great way to
enhance your Art Alliance experience and
help us continue our mission.
Many companies will match donations
made to non-profit orginizations,
see if your company does this, it’s a great
way to help Art Alliance and is
also tax deductable.
News & Notes
Remember – There are ten opportunites
to show at Art Alliance between September
and June. Most shows have a theme, check
your exhibition schedule and the “Dates to
Remember” box for more information. You
may submit up to three works of art for
consideration for only $5 a piece. Artists –
On Your Honor – Artwork may be shown
only once at Art Alliance. Any piece not
shown at Art Alliance may be resubmitted
for another Art Alliance show.
New Policy: Exhibited work left in our
studio bins for more than three months will
be donated to Goodwill. If you do not wish
to have your work there, please pick it up
in a timely manner. Thank you.
Calling All Volunteers: Do you want to
help Art Alliance? Remember, we are a volunteer run organization, you can help make
Art Alliance a success. Call Elaine Shor or
Art Alliance to see what you can do to help.
You may be surprised where your talents
and enthusiasm can be used.
Studio Rentals – Need room to work?
Consider studio rental at Art Alliance, it
costs $85 for a six month period (that’s only
$14.17 a month!) and for teachers the rate
is $200. To find out more about how you
can take advantage of this amazing
opportunity email Sheilagh Casey at to get more info.
Linné Grant was in the Atlantic Highlands
Yacht Club Art Show and Sale on
November 16, 2014. She also showed
at The Oceanic Free Library Holiday
Boutique on November 20th and also the
34th Annual Granny’s Attic on November
22nd. In December, Linné participated in
Poricy Park - 27th Annual 2014 Holiday
& Craft Shop, held in Albert’s Annex.
Maxine King’s Sumi ink and wash drawing
“Monica’s Drawing Sessions” received
First Place in Professional Drawing at
the 48th Annual New Jersey Senior Art
Show, and represented Middlesex County
in that category during October. Two of
her paintings were in the 2014 Annual
WAC Members’ Juried Art Show; one was
Sumi Ink and wash, and the other a Sumi
Ink and watercolor which received an
Honorable Mention.
Tom Wilczewski; Long Branch
watercolorist has won First Place in the
Art Society of Monmouth Counties H &
E Luhrs exhibit. His watercolor entitled
“Washington Square” was on display at The
Monmouth Beach Cultural Center until
November 22, 2014.
A very special benefit art show featuring the
“Molten Heart Series” by Linnea Tober will
be held at The Monmouth Beach Cultural
Center, 128 Ocean Avenue, Monmouth
Beach, NJ 07750 from February 6 - 21st,
2015. There is an Opening Reception
on Friday, Feb. 6th from 6 - 10PM. This
show is in loving memory and dedicated
to Frank Anthony Tober, Jr.. A percentage
of sales will be donated to Deborah Heart
and Lung Center in Browns Mills, NJ.
Openings: Live music is the perfect
compliment to the Alliance Art
openings. If you know of any musicians that would like to volunteer
to perform, please contact Eileen
Kennedy at
and as always, your contributions of
food and wine are welcome to help
celebrate our art and ourselves!
Art Alliance Dates to Remember
Receiving Dates: Wednesdays, 1-4 PM and
6-8 PM.
February 7
Juried – Open (Members & Non-members)
All Media • Juror: Jill Ricci
March 7
Juried – Members Only
All Media • Juror: Terry Grewen
4 Check your schedule for additional
exhibition information.
Please make sure all work is properly wired and
ready for hanging. It is VERY important that all
paintings be dry, wet paintings damage the walls
and can get on other prople’s work.
Art Alliance
Page 2
Check our Studio Bulletin Board for other opportunities.
Studio Montclair seeks entries for the
18th Annual Open Juried Exhibition
“ViewPoints 2015” at aljira, a Center
for Contemporary Art in the heart of
Newark, NJ’s arts district from June
4 – 30, 2015. Juror: Jeffrey Wechsler.
Open to all fine artists. Entry Fee:
SMI Members: $35, Non-members:
•Artists may submit a maximum of
3 jpg images.
•All media accepted including videos
and installations.
•Work must have been completed
within the past 2 years. Work
previously shown in any SMI
exhibition will not be accepted.
•Minimum size of 1600 pixels on
the longest side. Digital images
should be cropped to show only
your artwork. If edges are irregular,
it is best to photograph against a
black background.
•Three views of 3D work will be
•Work must be available for the
duration of the exhibition. No
substitutions will be accepted after
selections are finalized.
Go to http://studiomontclair.
org/2014/11/08/viewpoints-2015-callfor-entries/ for more info.
The Peoria
Art Guild in
Peoria, IL seeks
entries for an
exhibition that will take place February
27 & 28, 2015 in a newly rennovated
5,000 sq ft space. $1,500 in awards.
This event is an exploration of the
human figure through a variety of
mediums and techniques. All platforms
of artwork welcomed. All artists
encouraged to apply. $40 entry fee.
Deadline: January 16, 2015. Go to
name&apply=yes for prospectus, or
send a SASE to: Peoria Art Guild, 203
Harrison Street, Peoria, IL 61602.
Questions? Please contact Joshua Cox
at or call
The Kinsey Institute
in Bloomington, IN
announces a call to
artists for a juried art
exhibition, May 15July 11, 2015. Four
Jurors, including:
Betsy Stirratt,
Director of the Grunwald Gallery;
Catherine Johnson-Roehr, Curator at
The Kinsey Institute. Open to artists
18 years old and over creating original
Art Alliance Website Artist Galleries
Have you been to Art Alliance’s website lately?
As an added benefit of membership in the Art Alliance, members may have a
brief bio & up to 4 images of their artwork posted.
Please call 732-842-9403 for more information.
We are also collecting links to your personal webpages, send your link to:
artworks that explore the positive
and/or negative ways sex, gender,
and reproduction affect individuals,
couples and/or society, and welcome a
broad range of submissions exploring
subjects. Original works from any
media including painting, drawing,
video art, installations, printmaking,
photography, sculpture, ceramics,
fibers, computer based art, mixed
media, installations and performance
are welcome. $30 for one artwork, $35
for two, and $40 for three. Deadline:
February 15, 2015. Go to https:// for
prospectus. Questions? Contact Garry
Milius at or call
The Bowery Gallery 24th Annual
Juried Competition - July 28 – August
15, 2015 is open to all applicants
working in two-dimensional media.
Eligible two-dimensional media
include painting, drawing, printmaking
and mixed media, not to exceed 36”
in height or width, including frame.
Sculpture, photography and digital art
not eligible. Work must be suitably
framed. Glazing on all shipped work
must be Plexiglass. Stephen Westfall,
American painter, critic, and professor
at Rutgers University will be the juror
Submissions must be received by
midnight, April 20, 2015. Go to http:// for
info and to enter.
More Reminders
Newsletter Contributions:
Next deadline, February 10th.
Send brief news of your exhibits/honors
to: Brian Bednarek, Newsletter, c/o
Art Alliance. Please type or print clearly
and include phone numbers for you
and the exhibitor space. You may also
email any news to ArtAllianceNews@ Items are edited to fit as space
• We photograph your art work
• We make large format fine art prints
Please contact us for pricing or to make an appointment • 732.842.2272
Our newsletter has space to advertise
members’ services or business ventures.
Our mailing list is over 500 strong in
New Jersey and out of state. This is a
good way to get your message out.
To post an ad and get guidelines, call
Brian Bednarek at 732-636-1680 or
Rates are: 1 issue @ $20.00
3 issues @ $50.00