Annual Report 2014-15


Annual Report 2014-15
Letter from Chair of Board - Che Lue
Overview by Kim Berman
Who we are
Introduction to APS Unit reports
Special Projects
Way forward
Financial report
Letter from Chair of Board - Che Lue
On behalf of the board of Directors, I would like to congratulate the staff, students and collabora ng partners of Ar st
Proof Studio on another fantas c year for the studio. We have had a number of public engagements this year, which
involved a lot of work, effort and input from the staff, students and the support of our partners for which we record our
sincere apprecia on and thanks.
The achievements presented by each of the Unit Managers a est to excellence, hard work, me and effort put in by
everyone in con nuing to establish and entrench APS as a one of the largest vibrant ar s c community and professional
printmaking facility in Southern Africa.
The Board is also proud of the following major interven ons for 2014/2015:
The development of a new organogramme and business structure;
Deloi e process flows and audit report, for which we are grateful to Deloi e. The studio has implemented all the
recommenda ons con nue therein to assist in developing and improving our processes to keep pace with our
Revising governance policies and procedures of Ar st Proof Studio which we hope will assist the studio to
con nue to develop its good governance principles;
Constantly upda ng and developing our business strategy to adapt to our environment; and
The appointment of a dedicated Business Manager: the board is currently involved in an interview process to
iden fy dedicated permanent Business Manager and ensure that we find a suitable candidate who will assist APS
moving forward in its vision. We however would like to record our gra tude to:
Yolande Dreyer - February to October 2014
Sadhna Gopi - February to April 2015, who served in on an interim capacity basis during the current year.
I would like to record sincere gra tude of APS to all our funders, to members of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board,
as well as members of staff and students, for your support and contribu ons to date and hope that the good work will
con nue in the next financial year. We are fortunate that in our board we have access to the skills of our directors who
each put in many hours of their exper se ranging from business prac ce, legal, financial, educa onal and HR
management for the benefit of the studio.
I hope that APS will con nue to grow from strength to strength and look forward to another successful and produc ve
year for the studio and everyone involved.
OVERVIEW by Kim Berman, Executive Director
2014 was an extremely ac ve and produc ve year for APS. I would like to appreciate our dedicated Board of Directors for
their leadership, me and exper se. We have a remarkable management team at APS who have contributed to this
report: Shannin Antonopoulo who stepped in as an incredibly capable studio opera ons manager in October 2014, in
addi on to managing the expanding Educa on Department; Jeanne-Mare Du Bois, who has led the Gallery Unit to new
heights with her ambi ous sales targets and interna onal reach, Sara Aimee Verity, Pro-shop manager, who has
capacitated her team of professional printers to extend their skills and produc vity, comple ng over 200 projects this past
year; and Nathi Simelane, who has grown tremendously into his leadership of the Special projects Unit, developing
ac vi es and outreach to ensure the visibility and presence of APS on the web, on street walls and among our many
partner organisa ons. Thank you to Frans Dlamini, the APS financial controller, and Sadhna Gopi who has stepped in as a
temporary financial manager in compiling the financial report. We also extend our apprecia on to the en re APS team of
loyal and passionate staff members, ar sts and students for a great year.
Some of our highlights for 2014 include:
The APS Gallery team secured record sales to ensure that APS started 2015 having met our budget. In January 2015, I
represented APS in Los Angeles at a retrospec ve exhibi on at the Laband Gallery, at the Marymount Loyola University in
California called A Journey of Reconcilia on. It was enormously well received and included workshops, lectures and
APS par cipated in five extremely successful Art and Design Fairs in 2014 including Cape Town Art Fair, FNB Joburg Art Fair,
Turbine Hall, SARCDA, SAADA and 100% Design. We also hosted frui ul internal art exhibi ons including the launch of
works coming out the Phumani Paper Archive Mill. Stronger partnerships and agreements with various galleries have
been established. These galleries have hosted and will con nue to host exhibi ons for APS students and alumni ar sts.
The Gallery ended 2014 with range of student works on auc on at the Prime-Media/Radio 702 end of year staff party in
Gauteng. Proceeds from sales went towards student bursaries.
The Pro-shop has also had an outstanding year – with 182 print projects completed by the end of 2014. Some of these
include; publishing the new edi on of Rebus prints for William Kentridge, a new collabora on with Adrian Kohler and Basil
Jones from the Handspring Puppet Company par culary a beau ful litho of Joey and Topthorn launched at the Joburg Art
Fair, a fabulous suite of prints by Doris Bloom, Chloe Rachel Reid, Colbert Mashile, Phillemon Hlungwane, Bambo Sibiya,
Mongezi Ncaphayi, Jan Tshikhuthula, Bridget Baker and Bianca Baldi. The University of Johannesburg commissioned the
Pro-Shop to collaborate on and print the UJ Dignitas Award por olio of prints, one of which was awarded to UJ Visual Art
Department alumnus, Mary Sibande. This project alongside the APS-Handspring Puppet Company collabora on, was
featured in the Classic Feel magazine.
The Pro-shop has received a number of accolades. Bevan de Wet won the ABSA Merit Award and the ACT Impact Award
for Visual Art, and will go on a residency to Sylt in September 2015. Charles Kholobeng was accepted and received funds
from the NAC to a end the pres gious Summer School program at Tamarind Ins tute in New Mexico. Sara Aimee Verity
and Ponsho Sikhosana received Ampersand fellowships for a residency in New York in August 2015.
The Educa on Unit has had a frui ul year of exchanges and collabora ons. In March, our third year students collaborated
on a por olio exchange project with 10 students from the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts (SMFA), and 7 third year
students from the University of Johannesburg (UJ), Visual Art Department. Michelle Samour and Emily Lombardi came
from Boston to facilitate this exci ng por olio exchange in handmade paper and new print media. In November, 12 APS
second year students collaborated with 12 University of Johannesburg FADA students and 12 visi ng French Art and
Design students from Ecole Boulle, Paris. They par cipated in a week-long 'Thinking Design' workshop at Maboneng
Precinct. With the support from the French Ins tute (IFAS) and UJ; APS and Ecole Boulle students went on bus to Cape
Town. For most of our students they got to see the ocean for the first me and visited art and design centres in Cape Town.
The first year students ended the year with a powerful collabora on with UJ students to produce sculptures and artworks
for the Gauteng Department of Safety for the 16 Days of Ac vism for the No violence against women and children
campaign. All the female students and one male student collaborated on the Zazi Billboard Campaign. Students from APS
and Drama for Life were invited by Imbali to brainstorm and design images for billboards in and around Johannesburg
raising awareness of teenage pregnancy and contracep on and par cipate in a March to parliament.
In the first week of December, our Educa on team worked with Kathleen Marsh and Barrington Edwards from Boston Arts
Academy (BAA) to review APS curriculum plans, develop teaching methodologies and refine APS Habits of Mind.
A large press locally manufactured through a dona on from Friends of APS in NY, Debbie and David Rasiel was delivered to
the educa on unit in November and completed in March 2015 to extend possibili es for large student work.
The Special Projects Unit has had an excep onally busy year with mural projects, the launch of the Art Connec on SA,
supported by Boston Art Connec on and SADF, and a number of Paper Prayers workshops. Second year APS students
worked on a Human Rights mural to mark South Africa's 20 Years of Democracy. The students developed two mural from
sketches developed from the Unity Design workshops in 2013 which are located in Newtown on Car Street, across the
Nelson Mandela Bridge.
For Mandela Day students were challenged to propose projects they could implement in their communi es as part of
their 67 minutes. Groups worked with children, some painted portraits of Mandela with members of the public in
Newtown, while others went to a home for the disabled in Germiston. All APS students used the skills they had learned
from Educa on and Special Projects to teach and empower their communi es. All APS staff painted walls and planted
food gardens for the Arks in Soweto.
A launch of the Art Connec on SA was successfully hosted at Lefika Art Therapy Centre and the Impact Hub. A Paper
Prayers workshop was held at the launch to mark the beginning of the 16 Days of Ac vism for No Violence against women
and children. Other Paper Prayers workshops included working with children from Nkosi's Heaven during Child Protec on
Week. A new outreach project facilita ng design and sewing skills by Khaya Mchunu was ini ated for St James orphanage
in Alex.
APS Studio Opera ons: In September, our Corporate Partner, Deloi e & Touche conducted a Systems Audit for all the
units at APS as part of their Impact Day. This has contributed immensely in assis ng the Board in strategic planning for a
way forward for 2015. Most of the policies and procedures are being implemented and we have introduced a data base
and accoun ng system that integrates the workflows of all the units.
Staff Achievements for 2014: APS staff have also achieved important accolades and recogni on in 2014. These include
Bevan de Wet who won an ABSA Merit Award and ACT Impact Award. Lucas Nkweng was selected for a three week
residency in Boston with BAA and the Museum School as part of the exchange programme. Mongezi Ngaphayi, winner of
the ABSA Atelier Gerard Sekoto prize in 2013, went to the Cité, for his six- week Paris residency. Kim Berman was invited to
St Catherine University in Minnesota to give workshops and lectures, and was also honoured with an invita on to give the
key-note address at the Interna onal Conference of the Arts Council of African Studies Associa on (ACASA) held at the
Brooklyn Museum in New York in May where she spoke on Stories of Change. Thami Dlamini, assistant curator was
nominated and accepted as a panel member for the NAC. Solo exhibi ons were held by Robyn Nesbi and Jan Tshikuthula,
and Shannin Antonopoulo has assumed the posi on of Studio Manager since the resigna on of Landi Dreyer in October.
Shannin Antonopoulo and Mpumi Ngoma each had a baby in 2014.
Going forward into 2015: Ar st Proof Studio is very proud of the role we have assumed in the rejuvena on of Newtown
through networking opportuni es among arts and cra s individuals and organisa ons in the cultural precinct. We were
awarded a grant from The Department of Arts and Culture's (DAC) Mzanzi Golden Economy ini a ve for audience
development, and with very short no ce, as the grant had to be spent within the financial year, we pulled together a
weekend fes val called OPEN NEWTOWN over March 7 and 8 . This event, together with the produc on of a valuable
resource book of cultural users in the precinct afforded us tremendous posi ve publicity and networking opportuni es.
Through this grant, we have also finally been able to acquire our own APS vehicle: a panel-van that can also func on as a
mobile print unit! This is a very exci ng opportunity to start the new financial year. Big plans for 2015 include a significant
exhibi on planned at ABSA Gallery in November of 2015, accompanied by an auc on supported by Strauss & Co to
establish an Educa on Endowment Fund.
Thank you to all our partners, friends and colleagues and we look forward to another great year!
The Mission of Ar st Proof Studio is to provide an environment to develop ci zens with a common set of values,
expressed in the no on of Ubuntu, that have talent and passion to achieve ar s c excellence. APS focuses on printmaking
and its allied outreach programmes to build capacity of people to reach self-actualisa on and make a difference in
The Vision for Ar st Proof Studio is founded on a sense of shared humanity whereby people of talent and passion can
reach for excellence in art making to achieve self-sustainability.
Ar st Proof Studio embraces our own “Habits of Mind”: ISEE-U which have been developed through workshops with our
partners at the Boston Arts Academy (BAA). These include:
Innova on
We posi on Innova on as a key component in our development and evolving iden ty.
APS encourages its staff, ar sts, professionals, and students to reach their poten al. Self-awareness is empowering and
beneficial for APS in ensuring growth and diversity.
APS strives to promote engagement of its students, professional ar sts, and all staff, as well as foster the rela onship
between the work of the studio and the broader community.
By promo ng “Excellence through Possibility,” we encourage ar sts to push the boundaries of printmaking to find their
own vision, and inspira on through collabora on.
For APS, Ubuntu is about crea ng a safe and suppor ve space for self-expression: a space that is respec ul, empathe c,
and nourishing for the well-being of the community.
APS has an ac ve and engaged Board of Directors who mentor the APS Unit management in a diverse ways including
staff management and good governance. They also offer legal exper se, business and marke ng support, special
projects and educa onal management support. The Board of Directors meets every quarter and takes fiscal
responsibility to ensure good and risk management and provide strategic leadership. The Board of Directors 2014/5
Ché Lue (Chairperson), Kim Berman (Execu ve Director), Shaila Jivan (Director), Gillian Crawford (Director), Giovanni
Mariano (Director), Ashen Jugoo (Director), Nozizwe Vundla (Director) and Finzi Saidi (Director)
A new organogram was developed with the support of Deloi e for the revised business strategy of APS in Feb 2014.
Below is a detail with indicators of the structure
Board of
Functions: Risks, Assets, Resources, Sustainability, Measurement of Business
Success, Strategy Implementations, Goals and Objectives
Actions: Statutory and Governance, 5 year Strategy, Reputation, Innovation, Vision,
Functions: PR, Monitoring, Communications, Measure Business Operations
Funding, Implement 1 year Strategy
Actions: Statutory and Governance, Compliance, Legislation and Legal,
Sustainability, Ethos, Innovation
Studio Manager
Unit Managers
Business Manager
Functions: Risks, Reports, Achievement Measurement, Implementation, Budget
Compliance, Operations, Goals and Objectives
Actions: Financial Management, Administrative Management and Support,
Statutory and Governance, Legislation and Legal, Assets Trading, Funding, Strategy
Ar st Proof Studio has four ac ve programmes:
• The APS Gallery; which exhibits and markets outstanding work by students, alumni and professional ar sts
and generates a sustainable income for ar sts and the studio.
• The Educa on Unit; which trains aspiring ar sts to become professional printmakers and provides an
integrated work-place learning programme in community engaged arts.
• The Professional Print Studio (Pro-shop); which provides professional print technicians who collaborate with
ar sts to produce new bodies of work in every print medium including etching, lithography, screen-prin ng,
monotypes, paper-based works and relief prints.
• The Special Projects Unit; which receives mural and project commissions, manages community outreach
projects and develops mutually beneficial partnerships with Corporate Social ini a ves.
Through its many ac vi es, APS facilitates the transforma on of passion into possibility, as well as the ac ve commitment
of talented individuals to shape a be er future for themselves and their communi es. This report details the ac vi es in
each unit for the year 2014/15.
report by Jean-Marie Du Bois
Jean-Mare Du Bois
Happy Mashigo
Thamsanqan Dlamini
David Tsoka
Dzunisani Maluleke
Moloko Mabotja
Gallery Manager
Data Capturer
Gallery Assistant
APS Gallery exhibits work created by students, alumni and professional ar sts whose work is published by the Pro-Shop.
The Gallery team curate print shows and par cipate in various exhibi ons and Art Fairs both locally and interna onally.
Featured ar sts include; William Kentridge, Philemon Hlungwane, Mongezi Ncaphayi, Jan Tshikhuthula, Doris Bloom,
Themba Khumalo, Chloe Read, Bevan de Wet and Kim Berman.
The Gallery has reached new levels of excellence. A target of R6 million was set at the beginning of the year (which was
above and beyond expecta on), this target was met through various exhibi on ini a ves. Much was learned through
various exci ng experiences and new ways of approaching and engaging with the market. An on-going goal is the
promo on and marke ng of APS alumni and APS studio ar sts.
The gallery strategically approached 2014, looking at key pla orms and opportuni es for brand placement. The gallery
par cipated in three Art fairs, two Design fairs and collaborated on mul ple external exhibi ons and hosted a number of
internal exhibi ons.
Cape Town Art Fair (CTAF): 27 Feb- 3 March 2014- Sales made: R200 000
The APS a ended and par cipated in the second annual CTAF. The Art Fair was held at the same me as the Designer's
Guild and the Design Indaba in Cape Town. Cape Town was alive with art and design and the Art Fair received was well
a ended and received posi ve feedback. Ar sts presented at the fair included; Doris Bloom, William Kentridge, Mongezi
Ncaphayi, Nkosana Nhlapo, Chloe Reid, David Tsoka, Lucas Nkgweng and Richard Penn.
APS stand at Cape Town Art Fair
Turbine Art Fair, June 2014 (Sales: R420 000)
The Turbine Art Fair was hugely successful for APS in terms of sales and contacts. The Turbine Art Fair was marketed as an
'affordable fair' and only artworks below the value of R30 000 were on display. The majority of sales were of APS alumni
and post-graduate student intern works. The Turbine Fair has proven over the last two years to be a hugely successful
pla orm for Ar st Proof Studio both in terms of sales and audience development. We were fortunate to be approached by
one of our long standing and very involved corporate sponsors- Fasken Mar neau. Fasken Mar neau not only carried the
By the end of 2014, pro-shop completed in excess of 200 edi ons (print projects). A goal, was to complete all outstanding
costs of the stand but also personally invited eighty of their top clients to the VIP evening. We are proud that in just that
print edi ons. This huge sum of prints ensured that 2015 would get off to a clean start and the pro-shop would be enabled
one weekend Sizwe Khoza made a total of 22 sales, launching his new career, and Mongezi Ncaphayi and Themba Khumalo
to take on new print projects early in the following year. As a result, the gallery was stocked with new works to be
each sold over 20 works each, with an overall total of 127 works sold over a weekend.
catalogued and sold.
In 2013 the income from Turbine Art fair was R105 000, and the immense growth of APS was reflected in the 2014 sales,
With the aim of producing an outstanding por olio of work for the November 2015 ABSA exhibi on, we started end-2014
which grew to R420 000.
to add to a 'folder' of work specifically reserved for this exhibi on. It is planned that an auc on will follow this event with
Strauss and Co Auc on House. In planning for these events, a mul tude of ar sts have been booked from 2014 to copublish with the pro-shop.
The team have learned to do Purchase Orders, add and edit supplier informa on and inventory data, and to create
supplier invoices on Pastel. As a supplier to the gallery, the proshop 'stock', can be traced through the system which will
improve communica on.
By the end of the year the Pro-shop created a booking schedule. This calendar was submi ed a Nathi Simelane to be
included on our Pro shop webpage. This allows for strict monitoring and planning of all print jobs and workflows in the Pro
shop. The objec ve of crea ng the schedule was to avoid last minute print jobs which compromise the quality of and
efficiency of the prin ng. The webpage will allow the public to see the availability of space in the pro-shop and at any me
a 'request to make work' form is also available online.
The Pro Shop is extremely proud of the rela onship forged with Adrian Köhler and Basil Jones of the Handspring Puppet
Company. Adrian and Basil spent a two-week residency with the Proshop team to realize a large, ambi ous and growing
body of work. Their experience was highly sa sfying and the outcomes very successful. They booked a second residency in
June 2015. Five B.A.T's were created thereby securing five edi ons which we recently completed. Also, four pre-B.A.Ts
and six large
will beFair,
in June 2015.
Estates, August 2014
Ar st Proof Studio received a stand sponsored by the organisers of the 100% Design Fair which was held in conjunc on of
the Design Indaba at the Gallagher Conven on Centre in August 2014. At short no ce we approached the event as a
marke ng pla orm rather than a sales opportunity. We made a number of new connec ons with the interior decora ng
and design sector. The 100% Design fair is aimed at a different market to the one APS accesses. APS presence at the event
was well acknowledged by our clientele many of whom remarked that Ar st Proof Studio is everywhere these days
confirming our growing brand.
Gallery 2, Jan Tshikhuthula, July 2014
In July the APS Gallery collaborated with Gallery 2, a long-term partner to promote APS alumni Jan Tshikhuthula with his
first Solo exhibi on, tled Remembering my Grandfather. It was extremely well received with a number of sales.
Joburg Art Fair (Sales R560 000)
The Joburg Art Fair is a pla orm used to showcase the best of South African visual art to the local and interna onal
audience. APS presents emerging ar sts together with renowned South African ar sts on the APS stand which reaches
a broad buying market. A total of 94 artworks from 25 ar sts were sold. Again, this forum resulted in an outstanding
growth of approximately R200 000 above our 2013 sales.
The Joburg Art Fair has been an important pla orm for the studio to build new rela onships with leading ar sts and the
art community in general and to create a network from which our graduates can flourish. The Ar st Proof Studio stand
profiled new ar sts including a new lithograph of Joey and Topthorn, from War Horse which was a sold-out edi on by
Adrian Kohler (Handspring Puppet Company). Other ar sts included Doris Bloom, Chloe Reid, Jan Tshikhuthula, Mario
Soares, Norman Catherine, Mongezi Ncaphayi, Sizwe Khoza, Themba Khumalo and William Kentridge.
SAADA- South African Antique Dealers Association, 12-14 September 2014 (Sales R93 000)
Ar st Proof Studio (APS) was offered a stand last year at the South African An que, Art & Design Associa on (SAADA) as
part of their Corporate Sponsorship Ini a ve. The studio used the opportunity to promote students and alumni that are in
need of further sponsorship. The fair took place at The Wanderers Club in Illovo, Sandton.
Our stand included a small mobile press for demonstra ons which a racted a lot of a en on. Visitors also had a chance of
a hands-on prac cal prin ng experience a er watching demonstra ons. Every ar st represented at the stand made sales.
The fair was a great success and we are looking forward to a con nued rela onship with SAADA.
Details of Ar st Proof Studio Stand at SAADA
Cape Town Art Fair and Fringe Exhibitions, February 2015
In 2015, APS did not have its own stand but collaborated with AVA Gallery and SA Print Gallery in associa on with the
Cape Town Art Fair 2015. The AVA Gallery hosted Forming Impressions: The Ghost in the Machine from the 26
February un l 19th March showcasing APS ar sts and Warren Edi ons. Ar st Proof Studio partnered with SA Print
Gallery to host a group show of works by APS alumni. The show en tled The Beau ful North, featured Lebohang
Sithole, Themba Khumalo, Mario Soares, Xolani Malindi, Phillip Mabote. Much of the work is s ll in CT travelling to
different venues.
report by Lydia Zungu
Lydia Zungu
Mpendeme Dlamini
Fikile Mavuso
Lydia Molefe
Alinah Mphasane
Dimakatso Rabolila
Ikageng Coordinator
Ar st Proof Studio (APS) provides a weekly venue for a small women's income-genera ng ini a ve. The group called
Ikageng (Building Ourselves) was originally part of a mul -faceted outreach programme linked to the Paper Prayers
HIV/AIDS Advocacy ini a ve. Ikageng consists of five previously unemployed women who came together in 2002 when
invited to a end a basic embroidery and cra workshop hosted by the Crea ve Inner City Ini a ve. The women
developed angels as part of the product development module that were sold through the studio. Over the course of 13
years, the self-employed women par cipate in a range of ini a ves and exhibit their unique felt toys and narra ve panels
in many cra outlets around the country.
Lydia has also converted one of the offices at APS into a retail shop that stocks Ikageng's products as well as studio supplies
for students and the public. The shop provides the outlet for the wonderful range of Phumani paper products and handmade archival art papers.
ACTIVITIES 2014-2015
Ikageng's goal has always been aimed at supplying retail stores in provinces beyond the Gauteng region and to a end
trade shows to exhibit our products. Through hard work and dedica on the group has managed to do that and more.
Lydia Zungu par cipates in a mentorship programme supported by the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC). She
also a ended a CATHSSETA Skills Programme in January 2015.
Ikageng received funding to showcase their products at SARCDA, Midrand in August 2014. Ikageng also received
orders from three new retail stores through SARCDA. They have been supported by the following government
partners: Department of Trade and Industry; Department of Sport, Art Culture and Recrea on; Small Enterprise
Development (SEDA); Culture Art Tourism Hospitality Sport Sector Educa on and Training Authority; Department of
Arts and Culture.
report by Shannin Antonopoulo
Shannin Antonopoulo
Lucas Nkgwenga
Rene Mathibe
Mphumi Ngoma
Sizwe Khoza
Mellisa Roets
Academic Education Manager
Printing Manager
Visual Literacy and Drawing Facilitator and First Year Coordinator
Visual Literacy and Drawing Facilitator and Second Year Coordinator
Printmaking Assistant Facilitator
Printmaking Intern
The mission of the Educa on Unit is to develop capaci es that equip ar sts-as-ci zens to engage produc vely, and o en
profitably, with society. Our facilitated courses provide students with technical, communica on, drawing and business
skills that are valuable for a variety of career pursuits and can facilitate a wide range of partnerships across industries and
Ar st Proof Studio Educa on Unit offers a three-year specialist training programme in printmaking that takes students
through the full range of printmaking skills, drawing, visual literacy and business prac ce. The fourth year of the full- me
programme includes internships for work-placement experience across the units. In addi on, we offer a part- me course
on Saturdays for talented ar sts who are working full- me or are s ll in school. Throughout the year, APS educa on unit
runs a series of printmaking workshops for people interested in learning printmaking skills. We also host open sessions
every Friday for ar sts to explore their work through printmaking. Interested ar sts can contact APS for bookings.
Patron Programme
APS subsidizes approximately 50-60 young ar sts to a end classes and have access to prin ng their work in the studio. We
constantly seek scholarship funding through corporate social investment and personal patronage through the Patron
Programme. The Patron programme operates on an ethos of partnership where patrons receive artworks from students in
exchange for funding support.
A range of companies including Johnson & Johnson, Fasken Mar neau, Tracker and many others have been loyal and longterm partners of the APS Patron Programme, receiving artwork from each of the students they support. Over me, they
have built up a collec on of artwork that they can display throughout their offices and boardrooms. The value of these
collec ons have increased considerably over the years as APS student ar sts have established their careers and success as
professional ar sts.
2014 has been a year of exchanges, collabora ons and growth for the Educa on Unit. We created numerous
opportuni es for the students to gain workplace training through commissions, ge ng involved in outreach projects
and in-house student internships.
ACTIVITIES 2014-2015
Student Applica ons
A er an intense applica on and interview process which began in December 2013, we recruited 47 new students. In
January our total number of students was 87. There were 5 third years (a very small class), 18 second year students and 24
first years in the full- me course. There were 23 students in the Saturday class programme and 6 Saturday Third Year
We nominated staff member, Sikhumbuzo Ndlovu as the student/ patron liaison. In January 2014 our patrons included;
Diffusion designs, Hudeco Industries, Nockers Engineering products and the Mannequin Works. Other students were
subsidized through NAC bursaries, sales and APS subsidies.
A er the first term, Robyn Nesbi (previous Gallery Manager and Coming of Age Curator),was hired to coordinate and
facilitate the third year programme and develop a new course called 'Cri cal Studies' for second year students. She also
ini ated a Focus Group every Thursday with selected students. This has become known as the Wang Thola Collec ve.
Learning Programme
In first year students are introduced to the formal elements and principles of art. The learning work plan is designed
in a way that the same areas of emphasis are carried through from drawing to visual literacy to printmaking. Students
are encouraged to speak about their work and use the vocabulary learned in visual literacy to describe their work. 9
By the end of the year students are expected to apply what they have learned and describe this in both wri en and
verbal form.
In second year, students are encouraged to generate their own concepts and work within the parameters of a brief. It
is assumed that they can apply what was learned in the first year programme in terms of composi on, colour mixing
and image development. In printmaking, more advanced techniques that focus on edi oning are learned and
prac ced. Visual Literacy becomes Cri cal Studies. Cri cal Studies was introduced in term 2. In this subject, students
are encouraged to research, analyse informa on, argue a posi on and substan ate a posi on with evidence. In this
subject, gallery visits and reviews thereof form part of the learning curriculum.
Third Year: In this year, students are expected to develop their own concepts, a work plan and produce a por olio of
artwork for exhibi on by the end of the year. The 2014 group par cipated in a collabora ve project with the visi ng
students from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and the University of Johannesburg third year
students and had to complete a mixed por olio that included Hand-papermaking, screenprin ng and “pronto-plate”
lithography. They were offered the opportunity to complete their final exhibi on in the following year to achieve their
comple on cer ficate.
The Wang Thola Collective:
Wang' Thola is a Slang word for "Do you know what I mean?" "You get this?" "You get me?" "You star ng something?" (The
word is aid to be derived from isiZulu and Sotho languages).
This is a collec ve based at APS formed out of a focus group facilitated by Robyn Nesbi . The focus group was based on
APS's history, looking at the studio's archive in rela on to South Africa's poli cal history and how the current students the
'born free' to view or relate to the archive. According to Nesbi , the group iden fied a need to reinterpret and re-record
the studio's history, calling it a 'history of the present'.
Wang' Thola members include: Sifiso Gumede/ Ma hews Makgothlo/ Loyd Maluleke/ Micheal Maqungo/Lebogang
Motaung /Robyn Nesbi / Sifiso Temba/ Goolam Saber/ Lindo Zwane/ Bokang Mankoe
Current projects:
· Art week – manifestos
· Developing a meline for Ar st Proof Studio
· Developing research with a public audience – though a 'conversa on game'
· Developing videos and 'zines for an online audience
· Revolu on Room – Cosmos City
It is envisioned that many of the deliverables and ac vi es of this project will become part of our fourth year
programme which we expect to launch in 2016.
Students Prin ng
Open Day was scheduled for Saturday the 29th of November. The educa on team had the
opportunity to meet prospec ve students and their parents, interested members of the public,
and most importantly, parents of current students. This drive was supported by Sheila Levinson
who has been working with first year students, providing emo onal counselling and individual
support. Parents of current students were invited personally via phone. As many students are not
supported in their studies by their families lack of understanding about the value of arts study,
the whole staff body pulled together to inform and demonstrate to parents what one could do
with visual art and printmaking skills. APS received over 40 applica ons on Open day which were
processed for interviews in January.
Education Space
Some exci ng developments in the Educa on Print space included new glass tops installed in the student print space by
the Printmaking manager, Lucas Nkgweng. Lucas inves gated and ordered new rollers for the unit ahead of the delivery of
our new press. This would not have been made possible without the support of our Boston Friends. Sister Sheila Flynn,
Director of Kopanang, also made a generous dona on of screen prin ng equipment and a small press. New counters were
installed in the drawing space to accommodate ea ng and drawing as a recrea onal space for students. Debbie and David
Rasiel, long- me supporters of APS based in New York, sponsored the Educa on unit with a New large press,
manufactured locally by Roelof Vorster which was launched in Feb 2015.
Collaborations & Workplace Learning
Second Year students had the opportunity to work with Frieda Groffy, esteemed Belgian
poet who visits APS on a bi-annual basis to offer workshops. She assisted our first and
second years in the first term of 2014 to create meaningful poetry around the South
African Bill of Rights. A mural project was inspired by the poetry. The images were based
largely on the content of the poems. The pain ng was coordinated by the Special
Projects Unit and was completed by second year students. It is posi oned on Carr Street
and can be seen as you drive off the Mandela Bridge into Newtown.
The First Year's par cipated on a mural project at the Children's Courts for four weeks at
the beginning of the term. One of the objec ves of the project was to introduce the students to community outreach work
and build team capacity.
This year (Feb to April) Frieda is working with students to create their own illustrated
books of poetry.
The Educa on Unit is fortunate to have Sheila Levinson join us mid-year to volunteer her
me twice a week to run independent support groups with all APS students and also
provides one-on one counselling for individual students.
Third Year students completed a polymer plate por olio with UJ third years students in
March and worked with students from the Museum School in Boston to create a
collabora ve por olio based on Geography of place and cross cultural iden ty using a variety of printmaking techniques
and handmade paper.
Juan Zamora, a Spanish ar st who did a residency in May 2014 at Nirox, worked with some of APS emerging ar sts on
Friday 17th May on a collabora ve crea ve session.
In November, 12 APS second year students collaborated with 12 FADA students and 12 visi ng French Art and Design
students from Ecole Boulle, Paris. They par cipated in a week-long 'Thinking Design' workshop at Maboneng Precinct.
With the support from the French Ins tute (IFAS) and UJ, APS and Ecolle Boulle students went on bus to Cape Town. For
most of our students they got to see the ocean for the first me and visited art and design centres in Cape Town.
The first years ended the year with a powerful collabora on with UJ students for the Gauteng Department of Safety for 16
days of Ac vism for No Violence against women and children Campaign. The students had three days to complete 32
sculptures. They delivered extraordinary results within the deadline.
Education Team Projects
Impact Day: Deloi e: In September Deloi e did an assessment of all APS units to establish risks and gaps in the
systems flows in and between the units. Risks are described in each report as 'red dots'. The administra ve units
together with educa on have systema cally worked through these reports and addressed all the relevant gaps in our
systems flows. These were mostly around policies and procedures. This report is available on request.
Boston Arts Academy Workshop: In the first week of December, our Educa on team worked with Kathleen Marsh and
Barrington Edwards from Boston Arts Academy (BAA) to review APS curriculum plans, develop teaching methodologies
and refine APS Habits of Mind. The interven on was focused on developing skills in curriculum development and teaching
strategies. This will be followed by a visit from Linda Nathan in February/March 2015 to refine our submission to the
Bri sh Accredita on Cer fica on. We are planning to send two students to BAA next year to par cipate in school
ac vi es and do home-stays with American teens to strengthen the BAA/APS partnership.
Student Data Base: A student database was put into place in January 2015 to track student progress, a endance and
what modules they have completed to date. The system also tracks stock on Pastel. This will enable us to track student
demographics and general progress in the long run which will be an invaluable tool for drawing reports and
strategizing for the future.
report by Sarah-Aimee Verity
Sarah Aimee-Verity
Charles Kholobeng
Pontso Sikhosana
Bevan de Wet
Nkosinathi Ndlandla
Pro-shop Manager
Professional Print Technician
Professional Print Technician
Professional Print Technician
Professional Print Technician / Papermaker
The Pro-Shop is a professional income-genera ng unit that publishes print edi ons through collabora ons between
ar sts and a team of skilled print technicians. The Pro-Shop accommodates contract prin ng of local and interna onal
ar sts and has an ac ve interna onal exchange programme. The unit specialises in fine-art hand-prin ng mediums
including: Intaglio (etching, drypoint, engraving, mezzo nt, photo-polymer gravure), relief prin ng (linoleum and
woodcut), screenprin ng, planographic (lithography and monotype), collography and hand-made paper and pulp-based
By the end of 2014, the Pro-shop completed in excess of
200 edi ons (print projects). A goal, was to complete all
outstanding print edi ons. This extensive body of
completed edi ons ensured that 2015 would get off to a
clean start and the pro-shop would be enabled to take on
new print projects early in the following year. As a result,
the gallery was stocked with new works to be catalogued
and sold.
With the aim of producing an outstanding por olio of
work for the scheduled exhibi on at ABSA Gallery in
November 2015, we started end-2014 to add to a 'folder'
of work specifically reserved for this exhibi on. Strauss &
Co will be hos ng an Auc on alongside the exhibi on to
sell prints towards an APS Endowment Fund. In planning for these events, a number of ar sts have been invited and
booked from to co-publish with the Pro-shop.
The Pro-shop has created a por olio of prints (techniques include photopolymer gravure, relief prin ng, embossing, and
etching) for the University of Johannesburg's Diginitas Award. This por olio is housed in a hand-made box by the Phumani
Archive Mill and contains works by ar sts David Paton, Shonisani Netshia, Gordon Froud, Rosalind Cleaver and Minne e
Vari. These ar sts have gone on to develop further print projects with the pro-shop team.
A er comple ng a very successful collabora ve print suite in 2014 for the ar st Doris Bloom, the team completed another
set of prints for a book in 2015. Doris works collabora vely with the team when she visits South Africa from Denmark and
she is very open to exploring new techniques.
We also completed a highly successful produc on of a CMYK photolithograph for ar sts, Bridget Baker and Bianca Baldi
(both South African ar sts live abroad). Baldi was represented at the 2014 Berlin Biennale. These works were featured at
the Art Fairs in 2014.
The Pro Shop is extremely proud of the rela onship forged with Adrian Köhler and Basil Jones of the Handspring Puppet
Company. Adrian and Basil spent a two-week residency with the Proshop team to realize a large, ambi ous and growing
body of work. Their experience was highly sa sfying and the outcomes very successful. They booked a second residency in
June 2015. Five B.A.T's were created thereby securing five edi ons which we recently completed. Also, four pre-B.A.Ts
and six large linocuts will be realized in June 2015.
This successful partnership began through RMB, with the print edi on of Joey and Topthorn for the War Horse
produc on staged in Johannesburg and Cape Town in 2014. The edi on was presold and has led to other
opportuni es. The print is featured in RMB's promo onal catalogue that accompanied the War Horse produc on and
numerous features in Classic Feel magazine.
The list of co-published ar sts below indicates the remarkable produc vity of the team in the Proshop for 2014
Norman Catherine
Themba Khumalo
Sizwe Khoza
Mario Soares
Bevan De Wet
David Paton
Minnette Vari
Lebohang Sithole
Colbert Mashile
William Kentridge
Rosalind Cleaver
Mongezi Ncaphayi
Ramarutha Makoba
Chloe Reid
Adrian Kohler & Basil Jones
Philemon Hlungwani
Faith 47
Kim Berman
Gordon Froud
Nicola Taylor
Doris Bloom
Willem Boshoff
Senzeni Marasela
Lebogang Motaung
Bridger Baker & Bianca Baldi
report by Nathi Simelane
Nathi Simelane
Richard Ncube
Lebohang Motaung
Goolam Chavoos
Special Projects Manager
Graphic Designer
The Special Projects Unit houses outreach, income genera on and social advocacy programmes. It has developed a
holis c approach to promo ng social change through art. The approach supports the development of commi ed, skilled,
and professional ar sts who make meaningful contribu ons in our society through their engagement with communitybased projects. The Unit has established a range of corporate, government and civic partnerships that contribute to a
diverse and sustainable funding model. The Special Projects Unit works closely with the Educa on programme to involve
students in work-place training, and professional experience where their printmaking skills are effec vely incorporated in
a larger context of art-produc on and business.
The Special Projects unit has been working with many students and graduates (interns). The students have been receiving
work place training opportuni es including: murals, framing of artwork (prints and drawings) restora on, cura ng and
installa on, and website development with our new corporate partner and collaborator Pa ern Matched Technologies
who have also trained the team on Adobe Illustrator. Art Connec on Boston USA awarded APS a grant of $35 000 in 2014
to form a South African branch and develop our unique profile and of ac vi es for placing artwork in recipient
organisa ons. We worked closely with two of the recipients to coordinate launch events for the Art Connec on SA
The team has been extremely produc ve, comple ng the South African Development Fund Project that started in 2013,
developing the APS website, designing, framing and installing.
South African Development Fund (SADF) Project (2013 – 2014)
In 2013 1st and 2nd year students were part of a workshop held by Unity Design where the students openly discussed issues
concerning South African youth. These issues varied from social to poli cal. By the end of the four week workshop
students had developed imagery that was s ll in sketch form. These images were processed and further developed and
printed on saleable t-shirts, postcards and painted as a mural.
Development of Mural Design and colour planning thereof
The complete mural design with colour plan
Digi sed mural ready to be painted
Students presented outcomes of the 2013 workshop in March 2014 to SADF representa ves and explained the process
and what they learned during the project which resulted in successful images.
Mural Produc on: The mural pain ng phase on the SADF Project was completed by the second year students.
Paper Prayers Workshops
Execu-Flora - 12 June 2014
We hosted visitors from Execu-Flora for a reflec ve Paper Prayers workshop. The group came from Cape Town, Durban
and Joburg as part of their mid-year teambuilding ac vi es.
Phillips Academy + APS Students – 27 June 2014
Our first year students par cipated in a Paper Prayers workshop with a group of 11 high school students from Phillips
Academy in Andover, Massachuse s. Phillips Academy was kind enough to invite our students to par cipate as they were
in SA to visit various art, music and drama schools.
Nkosi's Haven - 30 April 2014
The Special Projects team conducted a workshop with children from Nkosi's Haven during the school Easter Holidays.
Nkosi's Haven is a NGO that offers care and support for HIV/AIDS infected mothers, children, and AIDS orphans. The
workshop took place at Nkosi's Haven Village, South of Johannesburg. Thirty children par cipated in the crea ve process.
Nkosi's Haven has been a long- me partner of Ar st Proof Studio. Children from Nkosi's Haven were able to enjoy and
learn the Paper Prayer's process to create a print for a person they appreciate and are thankful for in their life.
Art Connection SA
Art Connec on SA was established through the Fay Slover Fund and the
Boston Art Connec on and a 3 year grant awarded to APS in January
2014. 400 artworks belonging to APS Alumni students were
documented and catalogued for the Art Connec on project. Ar sts
were contacted and informed about the Art Connec on project to find
out if they were willing to donate their artworks to be framed and
installed to iden fied community organisa ons.
As part of the grant funding, the Special Projects Unit proposed a
framing unit to cut framing costs for the Art Connec on project as well
Nkosana and Dzunisani framing artworks
as to develop this as a future income genera on ac vity for the studio.
We were able to secure a two-month framing work-placement experience for two of our interns. The interns a ended
once a week to acquire as much framing experience and knowledge as possible.
A temporary Framing Unit has now been established and is opera onal. Our team framed over 100 artworks for
placement in 2014. The training we received from The Art Room ensured that the team worked efficiently, professionally
and precisely when handling donated artworks.
Design of Art Connection marketing material
A graphic designer, Richard Ncube was appointed to design the Art Connec on marke ng material and contributes the
APS design unit. Our student interns have had the opportunity to learn from Richard and apply design skills for the Art
Connec on project. With informa on sourced from The Art Connec on online 'tool kit' we have been able to develop an
eye-catching brochure and poster designs. Jazzmen Johnson, a visi ng intern from Boston, assisted in the development of
the marke ng plan and material for the project, and was enormously helpful in launching the Art Connec on in SA. She
also represented us at a Summit mee ng in November 2014 in Boston.
Art Connec on SA brochure
Ini ally we adapted an Art Connec on logo for our programme, and with the exper se of Richard Ncube, we have since
designed our own logo.
Installing Artworks
The first partner for the installa on of APS Art connec on works was Impact Hub in Johannesburg (IHJ) whose mission
is to “foster social innova on through collabora on to create sustainable impact”. Located in the crea ve edge of
the city - Braamfontein, they provide a community and space where entrepreneurs and all kinds of innovators come
together to prototype new models for a world that works for all - connec ng all sectors, industries and cultural
backgrounds'. The Impact Hub JHB (IHJ) has an open space that is divided into a workshop space, working space and a
lounge/refreshments area. There was nothing on the walls apart from informa on posters and a blank wall reserved
for projec ng. Once all the selected artwork was approved by the founders Nathi, Nkosana and Dzunisani (Gallery
Interns) set a date and installed the donated work. Lebohang captured informa on about where and when we
installed the artwork, then checked the artwork out of the Art Connec on database.
Nkosana and Dzunisani hanging artworks
Lefika La Phodisa
The second site for the installa on of work was
at Lefika Art Therapy Centre, with the possible
extension of more works to be installed for the
surrounding child-support organisa ons in
2015. 'Lefika works to be er the lives of those
individuals, families and communi es affected
by abuse, crime, poverty, xenophobia and HIV
Jan Tshikuthula doing a prin ng demonstra on
Results from the prin ng workshop to be
AIDS. This work predominantly takes place
within Johannesburg's townships and inner city where the levels of these problems are amongst the very highest in the
world'. Lebohang and Goolam volunteered to curate the workshop space at Lefika where artworks would be installed.
The Art Connec on SA Launch Held at Lefika
This event served as a great pla orm to launch the Art Connec on SA programme as well as create networking
opportuni es for organisa ons that work towards improving the lives of children through art.
A workshop based on 16 Days of Ac vism for No Violence Against Women and Children was held before the launch
and outcomes were included in the installa on for the launch.
APS Website
Willem van der Walt of Pa ern Matched Technologies has volunteered his me and skills to work with the Special
Projects team to create a new APS website. The team has been working hands-on with Willem on Saturdays to gain
valuable web building and design skills. Currently, the APS website is in the final stages of refinement and tes ng. The
site will be launched in April 2015.
Department of Arts and Culture, Mzanzi Golden Economy: Open Newtown
Regenera on Ini a ve
In June 2014, DAC put out a call for proposals for the Mnzanzi Golden Economy. This ini a ve was a great opportunity for
APS to connect with stakeholders in the Newtown Cultural District. Ini ally APS proposed to run a “Christmas Fes val” in
November 2014. It was envisioned that this event would take place in partnership with the Newtown Junc on Shopping
Mall and in Mary Fitzgerald Square.
As the funding came through in January 2015 to be spent by the end of March 2015, APS downscaled the event to include
stakeholders in Newtown for a weekend func on called Open Newtown Regenera on Ini a ve. Approximately 38
par cipants including their teams of interns and staff took part in the ini a ve over the weekend of the 14th and 15th
Overall, APS engaged with two restaurants, two professional ar st studio organisa ons, two arts educa on organisa ons,
one cra educa on organisa on, four dance educa on organisa ons, thirteen cra ers, one Instagram tour, four bands
and four suppliers from the immediate area to supply tables, chairs, lights services, security and meals. Wherever possible
we tried to use Newtown stakeholders, from the food to the photographer to the bands, some of these were emerging
ar sts from the area, many of whom were students who had completed their studies in Newtown.
Two venues were selected to target two
different audiences. Newtown Junc on
Shopping Mall is open from 9h00 – 17h00 on
weekends. The Newtown Junc on caters to
the inner city, Braamfon en, Fordsburg,
Mayfair and Newtown communi es. (The
Newtown Junc on Shopping Mall es mate
that shoppers come from a 360° 10 kilometre
radius). This venue, with an established
market of weekend shoppers provided us
with an audience of families and students.
This venue was ideal in that people with small
children could comfortably engage with
cra ers, dance performances and
demonstra ons while being in close
proximity to bathrooms and food. The
The Cra Space at Newtown Junc on
programme at this venue was run from 9h00
to 16h30. Our second venue accommodated more collabora ve and interac ve acts that were aimed at a more diverse
student and young-professional audience. The Bassline has two spaces, one, an in mate Jazz space complete with a bar
and a large concert space with a stage that could host larger dance orientated performances. A line up of four bands was
planned for the small space and five other acts were dispersed in-between for the programme in the large venue.
In addi on to these two main venues, some organisa ons including; the Market Photo Lab, the Market Theatre Lab, Ar st
Proof Studio and Niki's Oasis chose to run ac vi es at their premises for the weekend to encourage audiences to engage
with their spaces.
New audiences were sought by hiring Buzz Publicity to market the event and a booklet was developed which included
all par cipants for audience reten on.
APS Vehicle and Mobile Print Unit
As part of the grant from DAC for audience development and
outreach, Ar st Proof Studio purchased our own vehicle in March
2015. This has been a long- held dream to have our own wheels to
be able to transport students and artwork around the city. The
vehicle will also be able to be fi ed with a removable mobile print
unit, to conduct outreach print workshops.
Moving Into dance Performance in the Fountain:
Newtown Junc on Shopping Mall.
Each APS Unit has developed a set of strategic goals to enhance the growth for 2015
· The main goal for 2015 is working smarter rather than harder
· Implement business strategies, solu ons and systems that will be sustainable for the long run and that will ease
workload to free staff to a end to much needed follow ups, marke ng and curate exhibi ons
· Build stronger rela onships with the media, local and interna onal galleries/partners that uphold the APS Vision
and Mission
· Through sales and opportuni es we aim to give APS ar st's priority when it comes to exposure in order to assist
with their own financial sustainability
· Create a Gallery Handbook that details all aspects of working in the gallery
Educa on
· Accredita on for our full- me three year course with BAC
· Work with Linda Nathan, (founder of BAA) to develop an accredita on process for an envisaged postgraduate and
diploma programme for the fourth year of professional development and internships. This could bring income
into the unit as a specialized training offering in arts-based project management and printmaking
· Develop a Student Handbook for all students which contains the year's curriculum outcomes
· Maintain and implement the newly developed database
· Ini ate public educa on programmes to generate income for the Educa on Unit
· Create an online Pastel Stock system that will help us calculate how much material costs to student is per year
and per term
· Produce an exemplary por olio of work for the November ABSA exhibi on and Auc on, we started end-2014
to add to a 'folder' of work specifically reserved for this show
· A ract and co-publish new projects by invited ar sts
· Ensure that the Pro-shop con nue to work as a team sharing knowledge, skills and techniques to ensure
smooth opera ons and delivery at all mes
Special Projects
· Create more income genera ng and workplace experience opportuni es for our second and third year
students through Special Projects
· Provide input into the crea on of a Post Graduate Diploma in Art Project Management
· Provide a great website that promotes and adver ses the work created and done at APS
Financial Report
report by Sadhna Gopi & Frans Dlamini
An organiza on is defined by the people who work for it, and that those people are the members of the
Board, managers, staff, and volunteers. These key individuals demonstrate their ongoing commitment to
the core values of integrity, honesty, fairness, openness, respect, and responsibility. Our values are
supported by policies and procedures that the Ar st Proof Studio Organisa on follows.
The annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Interna onal Financial
Repor ng Standards required by the Companies Act of South Africa. Ar st Proof Studio has received an
unqualified audit report from Douglas & Velcich CA (SA) for the seventh
interest received
patron sponsors
grants & donations
special projects & education
gallery sales
print shop
paper prayer
The 2014 financial year reported that 56% of Ar st Proof Studio's revenue is derived from gallery sales and
grants and dona ons made up 33% of the total income. The Studio is very proud of the achievements from
the en re Ar st Proof Studio team, and we hope that this figure con nues to increase. The exper se of the
members of the Board have contributed to the success of Ar st Proof Studio.
GALLERY SALES -2013/2014
3 500 000
3 000 000
2 500 000
2 000 000
1 500 000
1 000 000
500 000
FEB 10
FEB 11
FEB 12
FEB 13
FEB 14
Ar st Proof Studio experienced a significant growth in sales from Feb 2013 to Feb 2014 due to a
restructuring and efficient management of the Gallery and Pro-Shop in line with our business focused
strategy. The sales value achieved for the Feb 2014 financial year was R3.2m.
6 000 000
5 000 000
4 000 000
3 000 000
2 000 000
1 000 000
FEB 10
FEB 11
FEB 12
FEB 13
FEB 14
Ar st Proof Studio had an increase in income by 16% from R5m in 2013 to R5.8m in 2014. Expenditure
increased by 9% from R5.1m in 2013 to R5.6m in 2014. An amount of R 817k was paid to ar sts in the 2014
financial year which is something that we are very proud of as this supports our mission to develop self-sustaining
ar sts.
14 000 000
12 000 000
10 000 000
8 000 000
6 000 000
4 000 000
2 000 000
As can be seen from the graph, the value of the artworks has grown substan ally over the years. This is due to the
revalua on of artworks that we have available for sale. All artworks on site and in archive has been adequately
insured by Ar nsure Managing Underwriters.
The value of the inventory shows the growth of Ar st Proof Studio art collec on over the past six years. In 2011, the
studio had a R 1.8m in artworks and we are proud to report that the 2014 audited financial statements reflect an
artwork reserve fund value of R 12.3m.
We con nue to work as a team and grow the studio from strength to strength.
A special thank you to the following funders, patrons and partners for their support during the 2014/2015
USA Patron
Special Projects
Education Programme
USA Patron
Patron programme
Mzansi Golden Economy
Open Newtown Project
Education Programme / Operational Costs
Education Programme
Patron Programme
Patron Programme
Special Projects
Patron Programme
Special Projects
USA Patron
Student Bursaries / Company Funding
Patron Programme
Patron Programme
Patron Programme
Education Programme
Patron Programme
Special Projects / Education Unit Printing Press
Patron Programme
Education Programme
Ar st Proof Studio has played a valuable part in defining the role of printmaking in our democracy for the past 24 years. We
have established a sustainable model through our ability to generate over 60% of our income through the sales of artwork.
We have evolved a collec ve iden ty shaped by the context, dreams and needs of each individual which is con nually
The studio has adopted the 'Habits of Mind' including; innova on, self-awareness, excellence and engagement linked to
Ubuntu (ISEE-U). This ethos is balanced with a rigorous strategy guided by the Board of Directors to ensure sound
governance to manage risks, assets and resources that safeguards the implementa on of business successes and the
achievement of strategic goals.
APS has ambi ous goals for 2015 which include: acquiring interna onal accredita on, implemen ng an efficient system
and online data-base using 'Pastel Partner' to manage our organisa onal process flows, and establishing an educa on
endowment fund through a planned auc on and exhibi on at ABSA Gallery in November 2015. We are also inves ga ng
the possibility of acquiring a new building site in partnership with the City of Johannesburg which will be a permanent
venue for APS in the future.
The APS management team extends our apprecia on to all our collaborators. We owe the successes that we have
achieved this past year to our strong partnerships, the strategic leadership of our Board, as well as a dedicated and
passionate team of staff and students. We look forward to another successful year.ding site in partnership with the City of
Johannesburg which will be a permanent venue for APS in the future.
Founded by the late Nhlanhla Xaba and Kim Berman in 1991, Ar st Proof Studio is an Art
Educa on Centre that specialises in printmaking through a variety of diverse partnerships with
young ar sts, established professionals, community groups, patrons, and funders. Ar st Proof
Studio (APS) is an innova ve centre of excellence that specialises in Printmaking through a
variety of diverse partnerships with young ar sts, established professionals, community
groups, patrons and funders. The studio has been ac ve in the Newtown Cultural Precinct for 23
years and was one of the pioneering community art centres in the area.
Ar st Proof Studio is now one of the largest and most vibrant community and professional
printmaking facili es in Southern Africa, training up to 80 students annually in the four- year
educa on programme. Highly skilled professional printers collaborate with invited established
and emerging local and interna onal ar sts, publishing dynamic new print releases each year,
many of which are exhibited and sold at art fairs and galleries across the world.
Compiled by Shannin Antonopoulo and Assisted by Kim Berman
Contributions by Jeanne Marè Du Bois, Sara-Aimee Verity, Nathi Simelane,
Lydia Zungu, Sadhna Gopi, Frans Dlamini, Thembelihle Dlodlo
Layout by Richard Ncube
Front cover artwork by Mario Soares
For Artist Proof Studio AGM 23 April 2015