April 28, 2015 Karin Westman, Chair School of Music, Theatre, and


April 28, 2015 Karin Westman, Chair School of Music, Theatre, and
April 28, 2015
Karin Westman, Chair
School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Interim Director Search Committee
Office of the Dean
College of Arts & Sciences
117 Eisenhower Hall
Dear Dr. Westman and Committee,
Please accept this letter of application for the position of Interim Director, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance
(SMTD). I enter this process with a great sense of respect for all of my SMTD colleagues, their accomplishments,
their aspirations, and of course, their students—the primary reason that we are all here. Also, I enter this process
with a great sense of the responsibility that accompanies this post. While our relatively new school has enjoyed
significant successes, much work remains in the continued development of our school and its programs. In this
statement, I will address my background and qualifications for the position, my thoughts regarding SMTD
development, and my philosophy of leadership.
In 1999, following ten years’ experience, I left my position as Associate Professor of Bands at Purdue University to
begin my service at Kansas State University. Although the program at Purdue boasts an international reputation and
an enrollment over 600 students in its ensembles each year, Purdue does not grant music degrees. I came to KSU
eager to place students in the field and support their ongoing professional development. Also, I was enthusiastic to
interact creatively with colleagues of and beyond the Department of Music. Since my initial appointment at KSU, I
have learned and enjoyed countless times the many rewards of collaborative efforts. These efforts have spanned
artistic, pedagogical, and administrative communities. And, I have come to appreciate a notable similarity between
KSU and Purdue—the mission of serving the entire student population—majors and non-majors alike. (The music
students at Purdue, like the non-majors here, are amateurs in the very best sense of the term.)
It was my tremendous fortune to have Alfred Cochran and Gary Mortenson as mentors at KSU. For several years,
the former was my next-door office neighbor. On several occasions, Alfred prompted me to pursue new paths of
inquiry and endeavor. Early examples included my appointment to the Provost’s Faculty Compensation Taskforce,
the Information Resource Management Council, and the Peer Review of Teaching Program (PRTP). PRTP yielded a
long-term association—first as a peer, then multiple times as a mentor, and ultimately as Program Director. I grew to
appreciate the importance and usefulness of the study of pedagogies across disciplines and teaching environments.
Additionally, Alfred encouraged me to pursue a Big 12 Faculty Fellowship. As a result of the resulting exchange
with the University of Missouri, I made valuable professional, pedagogical, and artistic connections. Another key
connection facilitated by Alfred was my appointment to serve as Special Assistant to the Provost. During this term, I
gathered information from peer institutions and produced a report regarding the structure, funding, and delivery of
distance learning programs. Also, I learned directly about the work of upper administration and its unique
Always, I have believed that my professional endeavors should serve my students as seamlessly as possible. During
my first year at KSU, I received a USRG to study music in Cuba and to conduct research on the topic of my doctoral
dissertation. Subsequently, I have returned to Cuba several times. These studies have directly impacted the quality of
the Latin Jazz Ensemble that I coach. A Tilford Fellowship afforded a powerful collaboration between our dance
and music programs. This collaboration included direct instruction from a nationally-renowned percussionist and a
Cuban choreographer, and culminated in a concert including faculty and students from both programs. I am very
grateful for many aspects of the 2025 initiative, with particular regard for undergraduate research. College of Arts
and Sciences funding supported five KSU undergraduate students, who joined me for an intensive course of study in
Cuba last summer. Additionally, I gladly serve on the Advisory Board of the Office of Undergraduate Research and
Creative Inquiry.
As stated earlier, Gary Mortenson has been an equally positive influence on my professional development. In
addition to his counsel in regard to the internal dynamics of our department, Gary also got me involved in the James
R. Coffman Leadership Institute—a wonderful learning and networking experience. Most importantly, he has given
me direct guidance in leadership as we have worked together to administer our recently-formed school. In my
capacity as Program Director for Music, I have worked extensively with colleagues throughout all three of our
school’s programs. One of my first tasks was to chair our School Committee on Planning, which was charged with
creating the document that defines processes of promotion, tenure, and annual merit salary evaluation. I am proud
that the committee—representing three disciplines, each with its own accrediting agency— produced a document of
such inclusiveness, encouragement, and brevity. In addition to work in the daily operations of our program, I have
also served as program representative and liaison with various entities on and off campus. Some examples include
NASM (accrediting agency), McCain Auditorium, the Beach Museum of Art, Hale Library, and the Manhattan Arts
Center. And, I have guided junior faculty toward professional opportunities as I was guided in the past.
The vision for any organization is best realized when it has been thoughtfully developed by its members, then
further prioritized and implemented with guidance from its leader. One of SMTD’s great strengths lies in the
existence of processes through which program visions are developed. For example, the faculty of the Theatre
Program participated in a retreat last summer. Mundane agenda items were purposely avoided in order to facilitate
more strategic, creative thought and discussion. Similarly, the Music Program has a standing Committee on
Planning, which delves into discussion of topics that are important, but not always urgent (an important distinction).
I believe that school-wide efforts to develop and realize a vision are equally important. A school-wide retreat could
be have broad and positive results, as it would yield even greater innovations and the dismantling of the walls—real
or imagined—that exist between our disciplines. While each program has opportunities to address its own vision
through committees, curriculum development, decadal review for accreditation, etc., the more thorough integration
of the school—in vision and in practice—will also come from better strategic planning among the Director and
Associate Directors. In fact, I have promised my fellow Program Directors that should I be appointed Interim
Director, I will necessarily rely upon them not only for strategic planning, but also for advice relative to the
curricula, loads, and other operational aspects of their programs.
While SMTD works toward large goals such as developing the relationships that will lead to greater endowments
and ultimately the naming of our school, I am aware that we face day-to-day challenges as well. As pointed out in
our recent Advisory Council meeting, each program faces unique challenges of space, student recruitment and
retention, faculty assignments, marketing, and a host of other issues. I intend to facilitate intentional, purposeful
dialogues among colleagues of all three disciplines in order to learn from each other and function more practically as
a school wherever possible. For example, theatre and faculty have commented on the strength of the advising system
established in music. Conversely, music faculty members have sought to learn from the positive example of theatre
and dance in terms of marketing. SMTD would be well served to identify areas in which reducing redundancies
would increase efficiency as well as public appeal, presence, and stature.
Leadership is a dynamic process of listening, deliberating, verbalizing, and executing. While no one of these actions
should overwhelm the process, I do believe that listening is a critical skill. I try to remain wary of the high-level
inference, which can lead to misunderstandings with faculty, administrators, or benefactors. And while I try to make
the most informed decisions possible, I do not try to convey that I have all of the answers. In short, I intend to be a
servant-leader who vigorously promotes his colleagues, school, and university. I look forward to the opportunity to
further discuss the future of SMTD and my potential role as its Interim Director.
Kurt Gartner, D.A.
Professor and Program Director—Music
(o) 785-532-3808 – (c) 785-410-2708 – kgartner@ksu.edu
Dr. Gary Mortenson
Director, SMTD
109 McCain Auditorium
Jennifer Vellenga
Associate Director, SMTD
131 Nichols Hall
Dr. Julia Gaines
Director, School of Music
University of Missouri
140 Fine Arts Building
Columbia, MO 65211-6120
Gartner – 1
Kurt Gartner
Professor/Associate Director
Kansas State University
130 McCain Auditorium
School of Music, Theatre, and Dance
Manhattan KS 66506
1. Educational Background
Doctor of Arts Degree, University of Northern Colorado (Major: Percussion Performance
and Pedagogy; Minor: Jazz Pedagogy) Cumulative GPA: 4.0/4.0; Graduate Dean’s
Citation for Outstanding Dissertation
Master of Music, University of Kansas (Major: Percussion Performance)
Bachelor of Music, Eastern Illinois University (Major: Percussion Performance)
2. Professional Positions
1999 -
Kansas State University
Current rank: Professor
University of Northern Colorado
Graduate Teaching Assistant in Percussion, Jazz Studies
Purdue University
Rank: Associate Professor (tenured in 1997)
3. Higher Education Experience
A. Instruction
1. Courses Taught at KSU
Music 235
Music 255/455/855
Music 280/480/840
Music 280/480
Music 280/480/840
Music 421
Music 474
Music 492
Music 501
Music 502
Music 603
Music 638
Music 639
Music 799
Percussion Techniques and Materials
Applied Percussion
Latin Jazz Ensemble
Keyboard Percussion Quartet
Percussion Ensemble
Salsa: Afro-Cuban Music of the Past and Present
Problems in Musical Style and Music Pedagogy
Methods and Materials of the Studio
Half Recital
Full Recital
Percussion Pedagogy Workshop
Concert and Ethnic Percussion Techniques
Jazz and Marching Percussion Techniques
Problems in Music
2. Major Professor/Masters Level Graduate Students
Currently serving as major professor to students who are pursuing the Bachelor of Music in Percussion
Performance and Bachelor of Music Education with an emphasis in Instrumental Music/Percussion
(over 20 students)
Served as Master's Advisor of five graduate students since 2006
3. Selected Recent Student Accomplishments
M.M. student Brian Anderson is the first-place winner of the KSU Music Program Honors
Recital competition (graduate division)
Sophomore Kirstyn Norris is the first-place winner of the KSU Music Program Honors Recital
competition (undergraduate division)
Brian Anderson performs for Robert Van Sice (Yale University) Master Class, Percussive Arts
Society Kansas Chapter Day of Percussion, University of Kansas (March 28)
Gartner – 2
Five undergraduate students study and perform in Havana, Cuba (summer intensive)
Undergraduate student Ethan Wagoner is a winner of the KSU Symphony Concerto
Competition (December performance, AY 2014-15 round)
Undergraduate student Joe Kulick has article published in Percussive Notes
M.M. graduate Ben Yancey begins D.M.A. studies and GTA position at the University of Iowa
Undergraduate student Joe Kulick is a winner of the KSU Symphony Concerto Competition
(April performance, AY 2013-14 round)
Undergraduate student Joe Kulick is second-place winner in the KSU Music Program Honors
Recital competition
Former undergraduate student Bryce Craig begins as Graduate Teaching Assistant at the
University of Central Michigan
Graduate student Ben Yancey has article published in Percussive Notes
Former Master’s Degree student Greg Coffey accepts internship with Dark Horse Recording
Studio, Nashville TN
Undergraduate student Bryce Craig is a finalist in the KSU Departmental Honors Recital
Undergraduate student Bryce Craig wins Lloyd W. Muir (departmental leadership) Award
Undergraduate students Brett Eichman, Joe Kulick, and Ethan Wagoner selected to perform
on decennial NASM accreditation recital (March 5)
Private high school student Jonathan Milke admitted to Indiana University Jacob School of
Music with significant scholarship
Undergraduate students Brett Eichman, Joe Kulick, Garrett Lloyd, and Ethan Wagoner
selected to perform on McCain Student Showcase concert (February 12)
Former Master’s Degree student David Whitman completes D.M.A. Degree at the University of
Southern Mississippi, accepted adjunct position at San Diego State University
Eight undergraduate students present recitals during the spring semester (in addition to the
studio recital, which featured eight other students); two undergraduate students present
recitals during the fall semester
Former B.M.E. student Jeff Hewitt completes M.M. Degree at the University of Missouri;
accepts Graduate Teaching Assistantship and begins D.M.A. studies at the University of
Student Dean Linton wins Departmental Honors Recital Competition
Student Jaimie Shores wins Lloyd W. Muir (departmental leadership) Award
Student Kelsie Yarbrough presents at KMEA In-Service, receives KSU "Teacher of Promise"
4. Other Activities Related to Instruction
2014 additional seminars included Craig Parker (John Cage lecture); Morgan Campbell
(musculoskeletal health)
2012 seminar series included Dorwana Edmund Tijan (African xylophonist); Cort McClaren (Director,
National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy, via Internet); cast members of STOMP; Julia Gaines
(Associate Professor of Music, University of Missouri, via Internet); Don Skoog (Chicago freelance
artist, via Internet); Ginger Zyskowski, Professional Drum School (Hutchinson); Thomas Bell, KSU
Libraries, Jerry Tachoir (vibraphone); Tatsuya Nakatani
2011 seminar series included KSU faculty - Nora Lewis (Baroque ornamentation); Neil Dunn (timpani
mallet making/repair); Craig Weston (the commissioning process)
Established KSU Solo/Ensemble Workshop (for high school students, instructed by KSU students); first
workshop was held on March 12, 2011
Set up an “electronic woodshed” practice room, complete with computer and improvisation, recording,
other software for students’ use
Served Inter-University Peer Review of Teaching Program: Program Coordinator, 2009-2011; Mentor,
2011-2012, 2006-2007, 2005-2006, 2004-2005
Guided student-led instruction, such as percussion ensembles, master classes at the KSU Concert
Band Clinic, and the Drum Line Mini-Camp
Gartner – 3
Guest Artists at KSU (Percussion)
Michael McIntosh (Percussion Designer, Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps), May 1-2
José Eladio Amát Medina (former Head of Percussion Studies, Escuela Nacionál de Artes,
Havana, Cuba), February 18-20
Bernard Woma, West African drumming and dance, February 2-4
Fall semester external jury panelists (via video conference): Steve Barnhart (U. of Wyoming);
Josh Armstrong (Delta State U.); Jeff Hewitt (University HS, Tucson AZ); Tim Corpus (Loyola
U./Chicago); Dustin Woodard (Alfred U., Houghton College); Aric Hageman (Riverton HS,
Wyoming); Jason Richins (Dodge City KS HS)
Jeff Moore (concert and marching percussion), May 2-3
Dave Roth (Broadway percussionist), April 24
Jason Treuting (composer, percussionist, ensemble coach), April 11-13
William Close (instrument design), April 4
Britain/Moore Duo (marimba and steel pan), April 2
Bryce Craig (composer), March 27
Nathan Daughtrey (composer/ensemble coach, via video conference), March 25
Joby Burgess (contemporary/electronic percussion), November 14
Chris Reichmeier, (pandeiro), October 31
Nick Petrella (orchestral cymbal technique), October 24
Hayes-Peterson Duo (percussion/flute chamber music), September 23
Brandon Draper (composite meters, drum set), August 29
Julia Gaines (marimba), April 30
Tatsuya Nakatani (gongs and percussion), November 9
Jerry and Marlene Tachoir Duo (vibraphone and piano), October 17
Nathaniel Bartlett (solo marimba + three-dimensional, high-definition, computer-generated
sound), April 9
Kansas Rhythm and Jazz Ensemble, April 3
Dorwana Edmund Tijan, (West African Drumming), April 2
Composer David Whitman and arranger Jeffrey Parthun each coached rehearsals of their
pieces via video conference, in preparation for spring Percussion Ensemble concerts
Cort McClaren (percussion pedagogy, via iChat), February 9
Don Skoog (frame drumming, via iChat), February 2
Fall semester external jury panelists (via iChat): Julia Gaines (U. of Missouri); Ricky Burkhead
(U. of Mississippi); Steve Barnhart (U. of Wyoming); Jeff Crowell (U. Wisconsin-Eau Claire);
Ward Durrett (formerly Colorado State U., U. of Northern Colorado, VanderCook College); Jeff
Parthun (Arts Academy/Jefferson High School, Lafayette, IN); Mark Botti (independent,
Chicago); Jeff Hewitt (U. of Arizona doctoral student, KSU alumnus)
Ben Worcester, Reason software, December 8
Ryan Laney, percussion ensemble score preparation and rehearsal techniques, November 3
Craig Weston, commissioning process, October 13
Neil Dunn, timpani mallet making and repair, October 6
Rubén Alvarez, Cuban percussion, April 17-20
Victor Alexander Ramirez Pages, Afro-Cuban dance, January 29
Flying Pans Steel Band, University of Central Iowa, March 17
Fall semester external jury panelists (via iChat): Norman Weinberg (U. of Arizona); Kenneth
Green (Northwestern State U./LA); Pete Zambito (Lincoln U.); Michael Schutz (McMaster
U./Hamilton, Ontario CA); Ward Durrett (formerly Colorado State U., U. of Northern Colorado,
VanderCook College)
Kevin Bobo, marimba, November 17
Keith Larson, operating a private teaching studio, November 16
Robert Wolfersberger, rudimental drumming, May 6
Bernard Woma, West African drumming and dance, February16
Gartner – 4
Student Ensemble Performances
Student ensembles typically present at least one on-campus performance per semester. Below are recent
highlights of additional performances:
Percussive Arts Society Kansas Chapter Day of Percussion, University of Kansas, March 28
(Percussion Ensemble I)
Johnny Pacheco Jazz Festival, Lehman College/CUNY (via video conference), November 19
(Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Eisenhower Circle Celebration, October 23 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Showcase Concert sponsored by Alianza, Hispanic Heritage Month, October 13 (Latin Jazz
Caribbean Service, First Christian Church, October 12 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Annika Schneider senior voice recital, October 9 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
SMTD Salon Concert, October 5 (marimba trio)
“K-State Celebrates!” Wichita, September 22 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy, University of Oklahoma, May 19
(undergraduate marimba trio)
Faculty Brass Quintet concert, May 1 (Percussion Ensemble I)
Amid the Noise (world première) with composer Jason Treuting in attendance, April 13
Western Kansas Percussion Festival, Dodge City HS, March 8 (Percussion Ensemble I and II)
New Literature Session, KMEA, February 28 (Percussion Ensemble I and II)
“Westonfest,” February 20 (Percussion Ensemble I)
McCain Student Showcase Concert, February 9 (marimba quartet)
Rotary Club of Wichita, Winter Banquet, February 7 (Latin Jazz Ensemble, cancelled due to
Wamego Middle School Fine Arts Day, January 31 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Eisenhower Circle Celebration, October 24 (Percussion Ensemble I)
“K-State Celebrates!” Wichita, September 23 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Beach Museum Gala, September 20 (Percussion Ensemble I)
Kansas State Fair, September 8 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
KSU Family Day, September 7 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Land Grant Legacy Society Luncheon, September 6 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Percussive Arts Society Kansas Chapter Days of Percussion, February 9 (Percussion
McCain Showcase Concert, February 10 (Keyboard Percussion Quartet)
“K-State Celebrates!” Wichita, September 26 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
KSU Family Day, September 15 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Summer Choral Institute, June 9 (percussion with choir)
Jazz history class performance/lecture, April 20 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Premiere performance of now-published work for marimba quartet
KSU Spring Dance concerts, March 30-31 (Percussion Ensemble)
McCain Conversations, February 28 (Percussion Ensemble)
McCain Showcase Concert, February 12 (Keyboard Percussion Quartet)
“K-State Celebrates!” Wichita, September 19 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
KSU Family Day, September 17 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Ritmos Cubanos – Percussion Ensemble, Latin Jazz Ensemble, Orquesta Típica, Dance
Ensemble, with guest artists, April 19
Spring Dance concerts, April 1-2 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Percussion Ensemble performance on graduate conducting recital of Teresa Purcell
Invited Performance, Osage City (KS) Arts Council, March 5 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
McCain Showcase Concert, February 6 (Percussion Ensemble)
Concert with guest ensemble, the Kansas City Youth Percussion Ensemble, November 16
(Percussion Ensemble)
Gartner – 5
KSU Music Symposium, June 9 (Latin Jazz Ensemble)
SCI Region VI Conference, March 24 (Percussion Ensemble, full concert)
Student Recitals
Applied percussion students are guided through the preparation and delivery of recital programs. Every
applied percussion student performs on either a solo recital or studio recital each semester. Below are some
recent highlights:
Studio recital, April 27
Undergraduate recital of Brett Butler and Kirstyn Norris, April 18
Undergraduate recital of Joe Kulick, November 15
Undergraduate recital of Kaylie Wilson and Tim O’Connor, November 15
Undergraduate recital of Brett Eichman and Ethan Wagoner, November 2
“Meet the Music” recital, Beach Museum of Art, October 2 (percussion studio)
Studio recital, April 14
Undergraduate recital of Drew Szczesny, April 5
Graduate recital of Ben Yancey, December 12
Undergraduate recital of Alex Hughes, December 12
Undergraduate recital of Craig Archer, November 12
Upper-Division studio recital, November 5
Lower-Division studio recital, November 5
Undergraduate recital of Joe Kulick and Garrett Lloyd, April 14
Undergraduate recital of Brett Eichman and Ethan Wagoner, April 14
Undergraduate recital of Craig Archer and Drew Szczesny, April 10
Undergraduate recital of Johannah Dietrich and Ryan Smallwood, April 10
Upper-Division studio recital, April 8
Lower-Division studio recital, April 8
Undergraduate recital of Bryce Craig, April 7
Upper-Division studio recital, November 14
Undergraduate recital of Brett Eichman, Joe Kulick, and Ethan Wagoner, November 11
Lower-Division studio recital, November 8
Graduate recital of Greg Coffey, April 22
Studio Recital, April 16 (7 students)
Undergraduate recital of Brett Eichman, Joe Kulick, and Ethan Wagoner, April 15
Undergraduate recital of Bryce Craig, Johannah Good, and Drew Szczesny, April 12
Undergraduate recital of Garrett Lloyd, April 12
Graduate recital of Austin Barnes, April 11
Undergraduate recital of Elliot Arpin, April 11
Undergraduate recital of Michael Sturd, April 10
Studio Recital, November 15 (20 students)
Undergraduate recital of Collin Hosek, April 6
Studio Recital, April 6 (8 students)
Undergraduate recital of Adam Watson, April 5
Undergraduate recital of Jaimie Shores, April 4
Undergraduate recital of Bryce Craig, Ryan Smallwood, and Drew Szczesny, April 4
Undergraduate recital of Brett Eichman, Joe Kulick, and Ethan Wagoner, April 3
Gartner – 6
B. Creative/Research
1. Professional Publications
“’Crystal Ballet’ by Bryce Craig” Percussive Notes, 53:2 (May)
“timeSpacePlace: Nathaniel Bartlett’s New Paradigm in Percussion Performance”
Percussive Notes, 52:6 (November)
“Understanding MIDI: Controllers and Expression” Percussive Notes, 52:4 (July)
“Libertaria: Sabrina Pena Young’s Virtual Opera and Twenty-First Century Collaborative
Production” Percussive Notes, 52:3 (May)
“Digital Insurance: What’s Your Backup Plan?” Percussive Notes, 51:6 (November)
“N. Cameron Britt: Presenting the EMvibe—An Electromagnetically Actuated Vibraphone”
Percussive Notes, 51:5 (September)
“Michael McIntosh: Percussion Design for the Digital Age” Percussive Notes, 51:4 (July)
“New Leadership: Blair Helsing and the Music Technology Committee” Percussive Notes,
51:3 (May)
“State of the Art: Scott Deal and Jordan Munson on Music Technology” Percussive Notes,
50:4 (July)
"Understanding MIDI: Tempo Mapping and Quantization Basics" Percussive Notes, 50:3
"Jeff Crowell and PercTV: Civilization in the Frontier of Social Media" Percussive Notes,
50:2 (March)
"Review: Batá Drumming: The Instruments, the Rhythms, and the People Who Play
Them" Percussive Notes, 49:6 (November)
"Norman Weinberg: Setting the Standard for Online Percussion Course Instruction"
Percussive Notes, 49:3 (May)
“What’s in Your Technology Toolbox? (compiler)” Percussive Notes, 49:2 (March)
“Composer Judd Danby on Digital Technology for Creative Musicianship” 49:1 (January)
“Powerplant: Joby Burgess in Concert at PASIC 2010” 48:5 (September)
"Affordable Audio: Setting Up a Bare-Bones Wireless Monitor System" Percussive Notes,
48:3 (May)
2. Grants Received for Creative Work
Tilford Diversity Grant for interdisciplinary study of Afro-Cuban music and dance
(February, $4,000)
3. Recent Public Performances
Recent Significant Solo and Ensemble Performances
Paul Hunt’s faculty recital, February 9
Ohio Music Educators’ Conference, Cleveland, OH, February 5 (timpanist, Blue Lake Festival
Charles Williams concert, Manhattan Arts Center, January 30 (drum set)
Sticks and Strings, November 11 (bass marimba soloist on Marubatoo)
Doug Cameron and the KSU Symphony, September 16 (drum set)
Judd Danby Quartet, Lafayette (IN) Jazz Club, August 23 (drum set)
Escuela Nacionál de Artes, Havana, Cuba, June 26 (Afro-Cuban percussion)
Faculty Jazz Combo concert, June 13 (drum set)
“Westonfest,” February 20 (marimba/chamber music)
Lehman College (CUNY) Jazz Festival, November 20-22 (timbales soloist)
Marysville (KS) Community Band, October 5 (percussion soloist, drum set soloist, conductor)
Gartner – 7
Faculty Jazz Combo concert, May 31 (drum set)
Charles Williams concert, Manhattan Arts Center, May 24 (drum set)
University of Wyoming Percussion Ensemble concert, April 18 (drum set soloist, percussion,
Amy Rosine’s faculty recital, February 28 (percussion)
*Metro Jazz Orchestra, Wichita, February 22 (timbales)
*Seaman High School Percussion Ensemble, Wichita, February 22 (drum set soloist)
Celebrating New Music concert, February 14 (marimba)
Paul Hunt’s faculty recital, January 31 (percussion)
Faculty Jazz Combo performance, Kansas State Fair, Hutchinson, KS, September 9 (drum
Album release concert, The New Dawn, Willamina, OR, August 18 (malletKAT)
Faculty Jazz Combo concert, June 15 (drum set)
Concert at Manhattan Arts Center with Wayne Goins Quintet, April 20 (drum set)
Percussive Arts Society Kansas Chapter Day of Percussion, Hutchinson, February 18
Valley City (ND) State University Jazz Festival (via Internet), February 16 (congas)
Celebrating New Music concert, February 16 (marimba)
Interplay Jazz Quartet, Lafayette, IN, September 4 (drum set)
Global Fest, Los Blancos Latin Jazz Band, Lafayette, IN, September 3 (percussion)
Faculty recital, August 28
Little Apple Jazz Festival performance with the Kelly McCarty Quartet, July 9 (drum set)
Jazz at Hale concert with Faculty Jazz Combo, June 17 (drum set)
Paul Hunt’s faculty recital, February 27 (drum set)
Steve Maxwell’s faculty recital, February 15 (MalletKAT MIDI controller)
Concert with Sandip Burman, tabla and sitar, Clay Center, September 30 (drum set)
Global Fest, Los Blancos Latin Jazz Band, West Lafayette, IN, September 4 (percussion)
Blue Lake Festival Band and Orchestra, Twin Lake, MI, July 14-25 (timpani, percussion)
Med Flory Jazz Festival, Logansport, IN, June 5 (percussion)
Baker University Percussion Ensemble Concert, Baldwin City, May 1 (soloist, conductor,
Recent Clinics/Addresses Presented
Phi Kappa Phi initiation ceremony (April 22)
Percussive Arts Society Kansas Chapter Day of Percussion, University of Kansas (March 28)
McCain Conversations lecture: “KODO,” February 22
Topeka Public Schools In-Service, December 19
“Total Percussion: Questions and Answers”
Guest lecture on Tito Puente, American Music Class, October 16
Percussion Ensemble coaching, Seaman High School, Topeka (February 7)
Directors’ Session: “What Time is it?” KSU Concert Band Clinic (January 24)
Marysville High School, October 5 (rudimental drumming technique and history)
University of Wyoming School of Music convocation, April 18 (malletKAT)
KSUPAS Solo and Ensemble Workshop, Manhattan, Dodge City (via Internet) March 2
*KMEA Annual In-Service, February 22 (Latin Jazz Ensemble techniques and styles)
Percussive Arts Society Kansas Day of Percussion, Seaman High School, Topeka, February
9 (Afro-Cuban techniques and styles, with KSU Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Percussive Arts Society Kansas Day of Percussion, Seaman High School, Topeka, February
8 (clinician for high school percussion ensembles)
Johnny Pacheco Virtual Latin Jazz Festival, Lehman College, New York, NY, November 14-15
(clinic with a band, panel discussion on jazz education, via video conference)
Lawrence Free State High School Jazz Band, November 11 (rehearsal/clinic)
Gartner – 8
KSU Music Camp, June 13 (live loop sampling performance)
National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy, Lubbock, TX, May 21 (applications/implications
of technology)
Wamego High School Band, May 2 (ragtime performance techniques)
Manhattan High School Bands, April 14 and 27 (concert percussion techniques)
KSUPAS Solo and Ensemble Workshop, Manhattan, Olathe/Dodge City (via Internet) March 3
McCain Conversations lecture: “STOMP,” February 28
Percussive Arts Society Kansas Chapter Day of Percussion, February 18 (MIDIs percussion)
McCain Conversations lecture: “Yamato,” October 14
KSU Music Symposium, June 22 (percussion pedagogy)
Directors’ Session: “Percussion 101,” KSU Concert Band Clinic (January 23)
KMEA North Central District Honor Jazz Band, Junction City, December 4 (clinician/director)
KoSA 15 International Percussion Workshop, Drum Camp and Festival, Castleton State
College, VT, July 29 (pedagogical applications of music technology)
KSU Music Symposium, June 9 (Cuban drumming techniques)
Scott City (KS) High School, February 17 (all-day percussion ensemble clinic in preparation for
KMEA In-Service performance)
Lafayette (IN) Jefferson High School, January 11-12 (world percussion, concert percussion)
Rock Creek High School, January 13 (concert percussion)
4. Recent Works Commissioned
Destiny: Eondwyr for malletKAT and digital media commissioned from Sabrina Pena
Works for malletKAT commissioned from Paul Hunt, Ben Worcester, Judd Danby (in
Hot Chai, Julie Spencer (marimba and bass clarinet)
As My Eyes Turn to Sand, Ryan Laney (percussion ensemble)
C. Professional/Public/University Service
1a. Offices and Chairmanships in Professional Associations
Society for Appreciation of Bharatiya Heritage and Arts, KSU Student Chapter
Faculty Advisor
2003 -
Percussive Arts Society
Percussive Notes Music Technology Editor
2002 -
Percussive Arts Society, KSU Student Chapter
Faculty Advisor
1995 -
Percussive Arts Society
Music Technology Committee (Chairman, 1997-2003)
1b. Participation in Other Music/Professional Organizations
National Association for Schools of Music (KSU representative, 2012 - )
James R. Coffman Leadership Institute (2010 - )
National Association of Scholars
American Association of University Professors
Kappa Kappa Psi (honorary membership)
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Tau Beta Sigma (honorary membership)
1c. Community Service
Jazz Worship Services: First Congregational Church, August 17; College Avenue United
Methodist Church, September 28; First Christian Church, November 2 (drum set)
Salon Concert, Kirmser Hall, September 29 (drum set with faculty jazz combo)
Gartner – 9
Jazz Worship Services: First Congregational Church, February 10, August 11; College
Avenue United Methodist Church, April 14; First Christian Church, June 9 (drum set)
Benefit concert for “Imagine No Malaria” project, Kurt Gartner Trio
College Avenue United Methodist Church, May 13
2008 - 2011
United Methodist Campus Ministry
Advisory Board/Executive Council (Manhattan)
2. Recent Conference Presentations
College Music Society Webinar, December 12
“Tito Puente and the Vocabulary of Popular Cuban Music”
National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy, May 21
"Pedagogical Applications and Implications of Technology"
Axio Learning Conference, KSU, September 30
"Streaming Music Around the World"
3. Educational Consulting (product endorsement, support, research)
Etymotic Research, Elk Grove, IL (hearing protection/headphone manufacturer)
Remo, Inc., Valencia, CA (drum head and percussion manufacturer)
Sabian, Ltd., Medutic, Canada (cymbal manufacturer)
Sonor, Inc. (owned by Hohner, Trossingen, Germany: drum manufacturer)
Vic Firth, Inc., Dedham, MA (stick and mallet manufacturer)
4. Budget Responsibilities
Currently responsible for budget proposals and management related to percussion instrument and music
purchases for music program
5. Recruiting
Many recruiting functions comprise clinics and presentations, listed in Section 3. Activities include an annual
drum line mini-camp, off-campus clinics and concerts, and a multi-media percussion studio web site.
6a. University Committee Service and Duties (KSU)
Coordinator, University Peer Review of Teaching Program
Special Assistant to the Provost (assisting in restructure of the KSU Division of Continuing
6b. School Committees and Duties
2014 -
Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Advisory Board
2012 -
Program Director for Music, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance (MTD)
2012 -
School (MTD) Committee on Planning (Chair, 2012-2013)
2012 -
KBOR Core Outcomes Project, KSU Music Program representative
Merit Salary Committee
Assistant Director of Bands Search Committee
Departmental Committee on Planning
2008 - 2009
Advisory Committee, Merit Salary Committee
Gartner – 10
7. Recent Adjudication
KSHSAA Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival, Olathe, April 11
Western Athletic Conference Marching Festival, Dodge City, October 21 (marching
Lehman College (CUNY) Jazz Festival, November 20-22
KSHSAA State Solo and Ensemble Festival, Emporia, April 27
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, December 11 (percussion jury panelist, via video
University of North Carolina-Fayetteville, December 3 (percussion jury panelist, via video
Western Athletic Conference Marching Festival, Garden City, October 16 (marching
KSHSAA State Solo and Ensemble Festival, Emporia, April 28
Western Athletic Conference Marching Festival, Dodge City, October 18 (marching
KSHSAA Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival, Olathe, April 9
CUNY/Lehman College Virtual Jazz Festival, November 19
KSHSAA State Solo and Ensemble Festival, Newton, April 24
KSU Department of Music Honors Recital, preliminary round, March 22