Concurrent Sessions ()


Concurrent Sessions ()
Lead Presenter
Abstract Title
Session A (10:30-12:00 Tuesday, June 2)
A1: CH2M Showcase: Think Global, Act Local: An Integrated Approach to Delivering Flood Risk Management Solutions
Dr. Richard Crowder, MSc(Eng), CH2M
The Next Generation of Flood Risk Modeling - providing the confidence and assurance to make robust local decisions
Charles Schelpe, BSc(Eng), MICECH2M
Delivering Integrated Flood Risk Solutions: Green and Gray, Large and Small, From London to New York
Elise Ibendahl, PE, ENV SP, CFM CH2M
Modeling Urban Flood Risk: 2D Live Demonstration
A2: Stormwater Case Studies at the Street Level
Kari Ann Mackenbach, BCES, CFM
MS Consultants, Inc.
Stephen Bourne, PE
Lesley Brooks, PE, CFM
Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Moderator: Joe File, PE, CFM, Amec Foster Wheeler
Cuyahoga Falls Rain Garden Reserve Lessons Learned
BMP Designer: Empowering Residents to Control Stormwater, One House at a Time
Water Quality in Your Street Design
A3: Community Rating System: Local Perspectives
Raymond J. Wilke, PE, CFM
City of Atlanta, GA
Rob Flaner, CFM
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Maggie Olivier, CFM
Jefferson Parish, LA
Moderator: David Stroud, CFM, Amec Foster Wheeler
One City’s Journey Into The CRS Program – Highlights , Hiccups and Encouragement For Other City’s Contemplating the CRS
CDBG-DR, BW-12, CRS, and Dauphin County, PA; What do They Have in Common?
JUMP into Action: A Local’s Perspective on CRS User Groups
A4: Cost-Effectiveness of Mitigation
John E. Bourdeau Jr. CFM
FEMA Region VI
Edward Laatsch, PE
FEMA Building Science Branch
Zachary Christin
Earth Economics
Moderator: Shana Udvardy, CFM, Udvardy Consulting, ASFPM International Committee Co-Chair
A Resilience Success Story: How Significant Losses were Avoided During Hurricane Isaac
Losses Avoided as a Result of Adopting and Enforcing Flood-Resistant Building Codes
Meauring Environmental Benefits to Inform FEMA Mitigation Actions Against Wildfire and Drought
A5: FEMA-Corps Levee Session: Current & Possible Future Directions: YOU Can Help the USACE & FEMA Meet the Nation’s Levee Challenges
Moderator: Jim Murphy, PE, CFM, AECOM
Jim Murphy, PE, CFM
Suzanne Vermeer, PE, CFM
Tammy Conforti, PE, CFM
A6: Risk Communications and Risk MAP
Moderator: Alisa Sauvageot, CFM, Michael Baker International, ASFPM NAI Committee Co-Chair
Leslie A. Bryan
Western Shasta Resource ConservationEngaging
District Communities in Effective Flood Resilience Actions through Multi-Stakeholder Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Collaborati
Melissa Daigle
Louisiana Sea Grant Law & Policy Program
Engaging Communities in the Program for Public Information
C. Warren Campbell, PhD, PE, CFM
Western Kentucky University
Communicating Flood Risk: Help from a Math Nerd
A7: Changes in Coastal Analysis – A Southeast U.S. Perspective
Chris Mack, PE, PMP
Christopher J. Bender, PhD, PE, D.CE
Taylor Engineering
Tom Mihlbachler, PE, CFM
Michael Baker International
Moderator: Mark Osler, Michael Baker International
Floodplain and Coastal Feature Representation Within the South Florida Storm Surge Modeling Project
Integrating Coastal and Riverine Flood Hazards on the Southern Georgia and Northern Florida Coast
A8: CTP Case Studies
Moderator: Leslie Durham, Alabama Office of Water Resources, ASFPM Mapping & Engineering Standards Committee Co-Chair
Jason Wilson PE, CFM
Scott Ralston, PE, CFM
Onur Celik, PE, CFM
AMEC Foster Wheeler
Are Risk MAP Products Really on Our Mind?
Iowa Department of Natural Resources"It takes a village for a successful CTP program" - The Iowa CTP Experience
CDM Smith
Updating Georgia’s Coastal Maps – Collaboration on My Mind
Session B (1:45-3:15 Tuesday, June 2)
B1: Dewberry Showcase: Turning the Tide-Creating a more Flood Resilient Nation by 2060
(Presentations and Panel Discussion)
Moderator: Mike Walsh, Dewberry
Mat Mampara, PE
Jane Sibley Frantz, AICP, CFM
Michael Buckley, PE
Todd Davison
Gerry Galloway, PhD, PE
Samantha Medlock, JD, CFM
Steven L. Stockton, PE, SES
NOAA Coastal Services Center
University of Maryland
White House CEQ
B2: Sustainable Floodplain Management
Scott Blossom, PE, CFM
Sarah Murdock
The Nature Conservancy
Captain Jim Mickey, CF, CFM Somerset Reading Twp Fire Ems
Moderator: Rebecca Pfeiffer, CFM, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, ASFPM Natural and Beneficial Function Committee
Flood Studies and Nutrient Management: Case Studies from Virginia and the U.S Virgin Islands (Series 2)
Why Local Decision Makers Invest in Natural Infrastructure
NAI & NBF and Costs of Community Services: Not All Lands Suitable for All Purposes
B3: Cost Effectiveness of Floodplain Regulations
Bret Gates
Wesley E. Highfield, PhD
Texas A&M University at Galveston
Douglas Bausch, CEG, RG
Moderator: Molly O'Toole, PE, D.WRE, CFM, Molly O'Toole & Associates, Ltd.
NFIP Floodplain Management Regulations – How Much Are They Worth in Reducing Losses?
Evaluating the Flood Loss Effectiveness of the Community Rating System: A National Analysis
Measuring Regulatory Best Practices for Avoiding Flood Losses: A Study of the September 2013 Colorado Floods
B4: Mitigation Success Stories
Michelle Gonzales, CFM
Jefferson Parish, LA
Ranko S. Pudar, PMP, PE, CFM Pudar Mitigation Consulting, Inc.
Kevin Shunk, PE, CFM
City of Austin, TX
Moderator: Jessica Baker, PE, PMP, CFM, Halff Associates, ASFPM Professional Development Committee Co-Chair
Jefferson Parish - Severe Repetitive Loss Success Stories
Technical and Programmatic Challenges in Mitigation of NYU Langone Medical Center after Hurricane Sandy
Austin’s Response after the Flood of Record Recedes
B5: LAMP Pilot Lessons Learned
David Rubenstein, CFM
Ronald C. Wanhanen, PE
FEMA Region VI
Rick Nusz, PE, PHG, CFM
Moderator: Jaspreet Randhawa, CFM, CDM Smith
The Big Picture Approach: Meeting Community Objectives through Local Levee Partnership Teams
Plaquemines Parish, LA LAMP Implementation: Bumps in the road but still driving towards our goal!
Levee Analysis and Mapping Procedures in FEMA Region VII – Lessons Learned and Future Impacts
B6: Social Science and Research
Moderator: Janet Thigpen, CFM, Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board, ASFPM Chapter District 1 Director
Jacqueline Snelling
America’s PrepareAthon! Moving Millions to Prepare
Alessandra Jerolleman, PhD, CFM
JEO Consulting Group, Inc
Advancing Public Participation by Developing Accessible Hazard Mitigation Plans
Kamer Davis
Changing the Misperception of Flood Risk
B7: Advances in Data Collection and Real Time Prediction
Marie Peppler
Fernando Nardi, PhD
University for Foreigners of Perugia
Stephen Blake
DHI Water & Environment
Moderator: Michael DePue, PE, CFM, Atkins
USGS Short-Term Network: Managing Hurricane and Flood Response Data
Drones and 2D Hydraulic Modelling for Inundation Mapping
Upgrade of Flood Early Warning System in Slovenia
B8: Coastal Studies
Krista Conner
Paul Carroll, PE, PMP
Alex Sirotek, GISP, CFM
Moderator: Tim Hillier, PE, CFM, CDM Smith, ASFPM Coastal Issues Committee Co-Chair
New Maps, Now What? Updated Coastal Flood Hazard Information for Southern Georgia
Top 5 Lessons Learned for FEMA Coastal Flood Modeling
Communicating Moderate Wave Risk on Flood Insurance Rate Maps
Michael Baker International
CDM Smith
Session C (3:45-5:15 Tuesday, June 2)
C1: FEMA Risk Reduction Showcase: “Community Resiliency through Building Codes and Higher Standards”
Moderator: Kayed Lakhia, AIA, LEED AP, CFM, Deputy Division Director, Risk Reduction Division (RRD), FIMA
FEMA HMA Grants and Updates
Brian Willsey, HMA Specialist, RRD
FEMA Floodplain Management Updates
David Stearrett, CFM, Chief, Floodplain Management Branch, RRD
FEMA Building Science: "Mitigation on your Mind"
Ed Laatsch, Chief, Building Science Branch, RRD and Dan Bass, RA, CFM, Architect, Building Science Branch, RRD
C2: Floodplain Planning and Policy
John McShane, CFM
Brian Killen, CFM
Amy Bergbreiter, PE, CFM
Gwinnett County, GA
Moderator: Dave Fowler, CFM, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, ASFPM Watershed Pod Facilitator
Enhancing Efforts to Protect and Restore the Natural Functions of Floodplains With the Revised Implementing Guidelines of Executive Order 1
Urban Flooding Impacts and Solutions: Midwest Region Perspective
Clearing Permitting Roadblocks for Watershed Improvement Projects in Suburban Watersheds
C3: Lessons from a Catastrophic Flood: 2013 Colorado Flood
Penn Gildersleeve, PE
Jeff Brislawn, CFM
ICON Engineering, Inc.
Amec Foster Wheeler
Moderator: Gary Outlaw, GISP, Merrick & Company
Disaster Impact On The Psyche Of An ASFPM State Chapter –Results Of Indirect Flood Induced Stress On Colorado’s Chapter (CASFM)
Managing a Flood of Mitigation Grant Applications in Colorado
Ryan M. Carroll
Michael Baker International
In Hindsight- What Did We Need to Know Before the Flood?
C4: Innovative Mitigation Funding and Land Use
Moderator: Jamie Prochno, CFM, Colorado Water Conservation Board
Paul Huang
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal
Innovative Management
Financing Models
for Flood
Risk Mitigation
Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA)
Lynn Mayo, PE, CFM
Creative Property Acquisition and Open Space Management For Mitigation
Wayne Cobleigh, CPSM
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Connecticut’s Model for Property Assessed Financing for Affordable Flood Resilience
C5: Dam and Levee Emergency Action Plans (EAPs)
John Dorman, CFM
NC Div. Emerg. Mgmt.
Terry R. Zien, PE, CFM
Siamak Esfandiary, PhD, PE
Moderator: Siavash Beik, PE, D.WRE, CMS4S, CFM, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC, ASFPM Technical Pod Facilitator
North Carolina's Wave of Dam Inundation and EAPs
A Template for Developing Flood Emergency Action Plans at the Community and Tribal Level
Dam Risk Management And Community Resilience
C6: Coastal and Climate Change Risk Communication
Moderator: Jessica Ludy, CFM, ARCADIS U.S., Inc.
Emily Dhingra, PE, CFM
Frannie Bui, PE
Richard Wild, CFM
CDM Smith
Michael Baker International
Drought: Are Floodplain Managers Needed if there are No Floods
Engaging Communities in Resiliency Efforts Post-Hurricane Sandy
Partnering with Key State. Regional, and Local Influencers for More Effective Coastal Flood Risk Communications in Florida
C7: A Flood of Unique Geography: Challenges in Modeling Unusual Conditions
Moderator: Bo Juza, PhD, CFM, DHI, ASFPM International Committee Co-Chair
Thomas Johnson, PE, CFM
Hydrologic Adventures in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota
Alicia Williams, GISP, CFM
AMEC Foster Wheeler
Importance of Understanding Data in Floodplain Mapping
Jim O’Brien, PhD, PE
FLO-2D Software, Inc.
Modeling Disaster – Planning and Mitigation of South Florida Sea Level Rise
C8: Using Mapping to Communicate Flood Risk
Christopher Penney
Tom Ryan, PE
Michael Baker International
Jason Hochschild
Moderator: Nabil Ghalayini, PE, PMP, D.WRE, CFM, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Two Types of Coastal Flood Inundation Maps - Which Should I Use?
Using 3D-Hybrid Animation of XPSWMM Results as a Tool to Educate Stakeholders and Communities of Flood Hazards
The Flood Hazard Visualizer: An Integrated Approach to Communicating Flood Risk in Toledo, Ohio
Session D (1:30-3:00 Wednesday, June 3)
D1: FM Approvals Showcase: The National Flood Barrier Testing & Certification Program
Moderator: Brian MacDonald, FM Approvals
Alan Lulloff, PE, CFM, ASFPM
Randy Behm, PE, CFM, USACE
Brian MacDonald, FM Approvals
D2: Coastal Planning for Resilience
Bridget Faust
Doug Marcy
NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Emily Schmidt, CFM
Moderator: Brian Caufield, PE, CFM, CDM Smith
Coastal Resilience Planning in the Great Lakes - From Stories to Solutions
Mapping and Visualizing Lake Level Changes for the U.S. Great Lakes
Using Risk MAP Coastal Non-Regulatory Products to Plan for Coastal Resilience
D3: Impacts of NFIP Changes
J. Scott Pippin
Edwin Revell CFM
Mike Graham, CFM
Moderator: John Gerber, PE, CFM, North Carolina Division of Emergency Management Floodplain Mapping Program, ASFPM Flood Insurance
The Changing NFIP and CRS: A Legal Perspective from Three Coastal States
A Case Study: on Flood Insurance Affordability and Mitigation in the City of Birmingham, AL
National Flood Insurance Program Flood Loss Prevention Solutions
University of Georgia
City of Birmingham, AL
Smart Vent Products, Inc.
D4: Mitigation and Recovery Planning
Deepa Srinivasan, AICP, CFM Vision Planning and Consulting
Darrin Punchard, AICP, CFM
Hawksley Consulting
Jae G. Park, PhD, CFM
Moderator: Stacy Wright, AICP, CFM, Atkins
Turning Smart Growth into “Smart and Safe” Growth – The “Whole Community” Approach – Phase II
Living with the River in Lyons, Colorado
Integrated Disaster Housing Recovery Planning: Hazard Mitigation, Emergency Management, and Fair Housing
D5: Dam and Levee Failure
Lee Beshoner PE, CFM
Lisa M. (Stahr) Brink, PE
Moderator: Eric Loucks, PhD, PE, D.WRE, CDM Smith
Pleasant Valley Dams 1 – 4: A Case Study for Dam Breach Analysis and Inundation Mapping between 1D vs. 2D HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta
Dam Breach Analyses: Large and Small
FTN Associates, LTD
CDM Smith
Mark Britton, CPEng
DHI Water & Environment Pty Ltd
Changes in Dam Break Hydrodynamic Modeling Practice?
D6: Digital Risk Communications
Victor Hom
Russell Jackson
NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Chad Bunger, AICP, CFM
City of Manhattan, KS
Moderator: Jeff Sparrow, PE, PMP, CFM, Michael Baker International, ASFPM Training/Outreach/Education Pod Facilitator
NWS AHPS: Enhancing Flood Risk Communication with FEMA’s NFHL
Telling Stories With Maps: Using Maps to Start Discussions About Local Hazards
Using Social Media to Get the Word Out About Your City’s New Floodplain Maps
D7: The State of 2D Modeling
Pal Hegedus PE, D.WRE
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Mark E. Forest, PE, CFM
HDR, Inc.
Seth Ahrens, PE, CFM
Moderator: Richard Crowder, PhD, CEng, MICE, CIWEM, CH2M
Take it to the Limit: What We Have Learned Using 2D RAS in Hungary for Various Applications.
Application of the new HEC-RAS 5.0 for Combined 1D/2D Modeling of the Truckee River and Tributaries
Quality Assurance Reviews of Hydraulic Models Developed for the Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation Delineation Program: Techniques Appl
D8: Risk Awareness Tools
Michael DePue, PE, CFM
Shane Parson, PhD, PE, CFM
Elena Drei-Horgan, PhD, CFM
Moderator: Jennifer Marcy, CFM, STARR, ASFPM Training and Outreach Committee Co-Chair
Case Studies for FEMA’s new First Order Approximate Modeling Approach
Risk MAP and Hazus: How recent Hazus updates will impact Risk MAP Non-Regulatory Products
Why Coastal Non-Regulatory Products are a Win-Win Solution
Session E (3:30-5:00 Wednesday, June 3)
E1: AECOM Showcase: Resilience Nirvana: Tools to Help Communities Achieve a Resilient Future
Moderator: Ann Terranova, CFM, AECOM
Eric Letvin, Esq, PE, CFM
National Security Council
Rafaela Moura
Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV
Joshua Murphy
NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Jon Philipsborn
E2: Managing Streams and Risk
Lucas Babbitt, PE, CFM
Michael Baker International
Michael Hanson, PE
Brian J. Watson, PE, PH, D.WRE Tetra Tech, Inc.
Moderator: Brian Varrella, PE, CFM, Olsson Associates, ASFPM Region 8 Director
Erosion Zones vs. Flood Zones - Who Wins?
A Holistic Approach to RESTORE Promises: Escambia County, Florida - a Successful and Resilient Future
Comprehensive Ecosystem Restoration to Improve Hydrology and Water Quality in an Urban Watershed in Griffin, Georgia
E3: Community Rating System: National Perspectives
Bill Lesser, CFM
David Murphy, PE, CFM
Milone & MacBroom, Inc.
Vanessa Birrell, PG, CFM
Fayette County, GA
Moderator: Emmeline Harrigan, AICP, CFM, Shore Up CT Loan Fund
The CRS Strategic Plan - Going Forward
The Community Rating System (CRS) as a Tool for Coastal Resilience
Open Your Mind, Open Your Regs, and Maximize Your Open Space Credit!
E4: Coastal Flood Mitigation
Darryl Hatheway, CFM
Jaspreet Randhawa, CFM
J Carver Struve, CFM
Moderator: Doug Marcy, NOAA Coastal Services Center
Living Underwater – Hazard Mitigation Challenges from Sea Level Rise and Tidal Flooding
Building Resiliency in Great Lakes Communities
Mitigating Risk by Planning for Sea Level Rise
CDM Smith
Michael Baker International
E5: Levee Design
William Miller Jr., PhD, PE
Ben McMaster, RPEQ, CPEng
Navid Nekouee, PhD, PE
Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Tetra Tech
Moderator: Bob Beduhn, PE, ENV SP, HDR, Inc.
A Review of Wave-induced Overwash Resiliency Studies
Planning and Design of the South Rockhampton Flood Levee, Queensland Australia
CFD Modeling for Structure Designs of Environmental Impacts Mitigation
E6: Innovative Risk Communications
Steve Samuelson, CFM
Kansas Dept. Agriculture
Jennifer Dunn, CFM
Vincent Brown
Moderator: Jerri Daniels, CFM, Dewberry
Toy Story in the Floodplain
In Pursuit of Transferability: Three Silver Jackets Projects Examples from Nevada, Montana and Florida
Partnering Up! Promoting Flood Risk Awareness & Mitigation Action through Federal Partnerships
E7: Communicating Real Time and Future Risk
Ferrin Affleck, PE, CFM
Kaveh Zomorodi, PhD, PE, CFM Dewberry
Bin Wang, PE
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Moderator: Garrett Skinner, CFM, Atkins
Estimating the 1% Plus for Simple and Complex Hydrology
Revising Coastal Design Flood Elevations to Consider Sea Level Rise: Application of the Equivalent Rise Method to the East Coast
Mapping and Mitigating Future Flood Risks for Boston: a Changing Climate Perspective
E8: Innovations in Mapping
Andrea Jackman
Nicole Cominoli
Mark Romano
Moderator: Mark E. Forest, PE, CFM, HDR, Inc.
Using NFHL Data for Hazus Flood Hazard Analysis – An Exploratory Study
Rapid Floodplain Mapping with Innovative Tools
Commercial Geiger Mode LiDAR the Next Paradigm for Floodplain Management
Harris Aerospace
Session F (10:30-12:00 Thursday, June 4)
F1: GAFM Showcase: Multiple Agencies Combating Georgia’s Flood Risk Together: Proven Results Gained by Strong Partnerships
Moderator: Jill Bazinet, PE, CFM, GAFM Chair
Tom Shillock, CFM
Georgia DNR
Terry Lunn
Jeff Morris
Lightning Talks
F2: Stream Restoration and Flood Management
Brian Murphy, PE, PH, CFM, D. WRE,
Russell C. Manley, CFM
Gwinnett County, GA
Brad Woznak, PE, PH, CFM
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Moderator: Valerie Swick, CFM, Flood Control District of Maricopa County, AZ, ASFPM Chapter District 5 Director
There’s a Reason It’s Called Sand Creek
The Role of Public Involvement in Urban Watershed Improvement Projects: Sapelo Trail Stream Restoration
The Odd Couple: Crossing AND Restoring a Floodplain – All While Saving Millions Per Day
F3: Regulations and Compliance
Moderator: Kelli Alexander, CFM, Alabama Emergency Management Agency
Mitch Paine, CFM
Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
Pilger, Nebraska: A Lesson in Tornado Disasters and Floodplain Management
Del Schwalls, PE, CFM
Schwalls Consulting LLC
Making the EC Easy: Avoiding CRS and Other Programmatic Issues by Getting the FEMA Elevation Certificate Right the First Time
Manny Perotin, PE, CFM
CDM Smith
Can I Dry Floodproof My Building?
F4A: State Mitigation Initiatives
Brian Eber, CFM
Moderator: Karen Amrhein, STARR
Overcoming Challenges of an IDNR/OWR Mitigation Grant
Chris Sturm, CFM
Randy Mundt, AICP, CFM
Colorado Water Conservation Board Watersheds, Streams, and Highways: Resiliency in Disaster Recovery Through Partnerships and Innovation
North Carolina Division of Emergency Management
Mitigation is (NCEM)
– Floodplain
Business Mapping Program
F4B: Flood Fighting Products
Jens-Uwe Thalheim
Kevin Black
Alan George
FM Global
FM Approvals
ILC Dover LP
Moderator: George Riedel, CFM, Michael Baker International, ASFPM Nonstructural Floodproofing Committee Co-Chair
Installation of Flood Barriers
Use of FM Approved Flood Mitigation Pumps in Conjunction with Flood Mitigation Barriers
Case Studies of New, Top-down Flood Protection Using Advanced Tensioned Fabric Softgoods Technologies in New York City post Superstorm
F6: Risk Communications and Risk MAP II
Moderator: Bruce Bender, CFM, Bender Consulting Services, Inc., ASFPM Flood Insurance Committee Co-Chair
Diane Howe, CFM
FEMA Region VI
Now You’re Cooking – Recipes for Resilience
Mary Gilliland, CFM
Promoting FEMA’s Flood Risk Products in a Rural Watershed
Sonja Wood, ANFI, CFM
H2O Partners, Inc.
Satiate your Knowledge Hunger with Bite Size Learning
F7: Mitigation and Modeling
Honghai Qi, PhD, PE
Parsons Brinckerhoff
David C. Curtis, PhD
WEST Consultants
Eric D. Loucks, PhD, PE, D.WRE CDM Smith
Moderator: Tim Trautman, PE, CFM, Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, NC, ASFPM Mitigation Pod Facilitator
Optimal Sluice Gate Operations for Flood Mitigation Study of City of Rye, New York
Stress Test/Extreme Scenario Development for Floods and Droughts Considering Climate Change
Flood Mitigation Strategy for the Milwaukee 30th Street Corridor Redevelopment Program
F8: Flood Warning and Inundation Mapping
Kris Lander, PE, CFM
NOAA National Weather Service
Brenda S Gasperich, PE, CFM Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc.
John Dorman, CFM
NC Div. Emerg. Mgmt.
Moderator: Roderick Scott, CFM, L & R Resources, LLC
Design Principles for Near Real-Time Flood Forecast Inundation Mapping
A Unique Approach to City-Wide Inundation Mapping: Using Hydrodynamic Modeling to Create Non-Regulatory Products
“Connecting the Dots” – Solving the Real Time Flood Inundation Mapping Problem without Breaking the Bank!
Session G (2:00-3:30 Thursday, June 4)
G3A: State Floodplain Management Initiatives
Moderator: Joe Garceau, PE, CFM, Stantec
Steve Martin, CFM
FL Div of Emerg. Mgmt.
Building Codes & Floodplain Management: Making it Work with Florida's 465 NFIP Communities
Jennifer Luoma, CFM
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Line in the Sand:
Challenges of Protecting Dunes along Delaware’s Coastline
John D. Brubaker, PE, CFM
NC Emerg. Mgmt.
No-Rise: Guidance for the Preparation and Review of a No-Rise Certification
G2: Ecosystem Services and Natural Infrastructure
Zachary Christin
Earth Economics
Bob Carey
The Nature Conservancy
Rebecca Pfieffer, CFM
Vermont DEC
Moderator: Dave Carlton, PE, D.WRE, CFM, dkcarlton & associates, PLCC, ASFPM Region 10 Director
Advancing Ecosystem Service Inclusion in Benefit-Cost Analysis at the Local Level: FEMA Policy Impacts in Southern Wisconsin
Advancing and Demonstrating the Performance of Green Infrastructure Projects in Washington State
Vermont’s NAI Approach: Protecting our Natural Ecosystem Assets for Flood Hazard Protection
G3B: Tools for Effective Floodplain Management
Vikram Shrivastava, PE, PMP, D.WRE,
Roberto Ramirez, CFM
FEMA Region VI
Chris A. Ferrari PE, CFM
GEI Consultants
Moderator: Corey Garyotis, PE, CFM, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
Maximizing the Risk MAP Toolbox: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Floodprone Communities
Show Me the Data! (FEMA’s Region 6 Community Assistance Visit CAV Tool)
Flood Risk Coordination with City/County Local Officials using Web Based Tools in Sacramento, California
G4: Leveraging Federal Mitigation Funding Programs
Louie Greenwell, GISP, CFM
T&M Associates
Jordan Williams, CFM
CDM Smith
Lisa Bourget, PE
USACE Institute for Water Resources
Wendy Blackwell, CFM, New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
If It Walks Like Risk MAP and Quacks Like Risk MAP…
Disaster Recovery- Managing and Leveraging Multiple Funding Sources
USACE Support to Interagency Projects – What Is Funded and Why?
G5: Levee System Analysis
Moderator: Doug Plasencia, PE, CFM, Michael Baker International
Kenneth D. Hunu, PE
Jessica Ludy, CFM
Jonathan Simm
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc
HR Wallingford
G6: Motivating Mitigation Action
Michael Borengasser, CFM
Stacy Wright, AICP, CFM
Becca Fricke-Croft, CFM
Levees and Extreme Water Levels in the Mississippi River, Southern Louisiana
Living with Levees: Prioritizing State Investments in System-wide Flood Risk Reduction in California
Development of Fragility Curves for Complex Levees at Freeport TX: Relationship to UK Methods
Moderator: Heidi Carlin, CFM, AECOM, ASFPM Training & Outreach Committee
Arkansas Natural Resources Commission
Arkansas’ Statewide Pre-Discovery Initiative Pilot Project
Mitigation Matchmaking: Connecting the Right People to Champion Resilience
Reaching Resilience
G7: Design Considerations in Modeling
Brinton Swift, PE
HDR, Inc.
Mary C. Horvath, PE, CFM
Sam Crampton, PE, CFM
Moderator: Jeanne Ruefer, PMP, CFM, Tetra Tech, ASFPM Region 9 Director/Arid Regions Committee Co-Chair
Comparison and Utilization of 1D, 2D, and 3D Hydraulic Models on a Complex Diversion Structure
Building the SouthEast Connector: Designing a Regional Roadway while Mitigating Impacts to a Critical Flood Pool
Floodplain Modeling Reality Check!
G8: Considering Other Risks in Mapping
Brian Batten, PhD, CFM
Peter Onyshko, P.Eng., CFM
Government of Alberta
Josha Crowley, PE, CPESC, D.WRE,
Moderator: Bob Freitag, CFM, University of Washington, ASFPM Higher Education Policy Committee Co-Chair
Mapping the Impact of Sea Level Rise on Future Flood Hazards Across New York State
Alternate Realities – Comparing Post-flood Public Mitigation Expectations and Evolving Risk Mapping Approaches in Alberta (Canada) and the
When One Hazard Becomes Another: Modeling the Impacts of the Oso Landslide
Session H (4:00-5:30 Thursday, June 4)
H8A: Leveraging Partnerships for Mapping
Paul Rooney
Brian Rast, PE, PMP, CFM
Stephen Aichele, PhD
Moderator: David Knipe, PE, CFM, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, ASFPM Mapping & Engineering Standards Committee Co-Chair
Interagency Partnering for Flood Forecast Inundation Maps
An Overview of the USGS National Hydrography Requirements and Benefits Study
H2: Stormwater and Water Quality in Urban Watersheds
Alan Turner, P.E., CFM
Andrea Ryon, PE, CFM
Michael Baker International
Steven E. Eubanks, PE, CFM
City of Fort Worth, TX
Moderator: Carla Muscarella, PE, CFM, Woolpert
Westerly Creek, A Poster Child for Understanding the Benefit of Stormwater Investment
Integrating Storm Water Low-Impact Development Practices in Urban Environments with the Goal of Mitigation and No Adverse Impact
At-School Detention Is for Stormwater Too: Fort Worth’s Unique Public Partnership
H3: Challenges with FPM Requirements
Moderator: Keri Sigman, CFM, Idaho Department of Water Resources
Bob Pierson, PMP, CFM
State DOTs or the Locals: Who is Responsible for Map Revisions?
Maureen C. Towne, CFM
Arizona Department of Water Resources
An Unusual Situation: Floodplain Management in Arizona
Todd Harris, PMP, CFM
Georgia DNR
How to Deal with the FEMA Appeal Process WHile Being Used as a Pawn for Outside Gains
H4: Prioritizing Mitigation Actions
Moderator: Michael Grasso, GISP, CFM, CDM Smith
Lori Rafferty, PE, CFM
Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD)
Comprehensive Flood Mitigation For Over 16,000 Properties
Richelle Rose
King County, WA
Comparing Mitigation Strategies in the Snoqualmie Valley: One River Basin, Two Strategies
Jean Huang, PE, CFM
Collaboration with USACE to Inform Future Flood Mitigation - Oakwood Beach, NY
H5: Levee Challenges
Rigel L. Rucker, PE, CFM
Maria Cox Lamm, CFM
Michael Taylor, PE, CFM
Moderator: Jason Wilson, PE, CFM, Amec Foster Wheeler
Can You Certify This Levee? Levees on the Border: Working with Multi-jurisdictional Levees
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Congaree River Levee Pilot Project – Lessons Learned
Don’t Hold Anything Back: Navigating an Unaccredited Levee through a LAMP Pilot Project
H6: Digital Risk Communications II
Moderator: Mike Robinson, CFM, AECOM
Andrew McCoy, PhD, PE
Annemarie Cason
Matt Breen, PE, CFM
City of Ames, Iowa Flood Mitigation Study Maximizing Public Involvement
Utilizing ArcGIS Online for FEMA Meetings, Outreach, & Mitigation Strategies
Maryland's Data Download Tool - Now it's Your Turn
HDR, Inc.
Kentucky Division of Water
Amec Foster Wheeler
H7: Automation and Advancement in Analysis
Richard Crowder, PhD, CEng, MICE,
Al Souid, PhD, CFM
Amec Foster Wheeler
Scott Hogan, PE
Federal Highway Administration
Moderator: Chris Tagert, PE, CFM, Michael Baker International
Automated Hydrological and Hydraulic (2D and 1D-2D) Model Construction, Model Running, and Flood Map Production
Modeling Coastal Flood Risk Using GIS-Based Automated Tool
Advancements in Two-Dimensional Floodplain Modeling with SRH-2D
H8B: Mapping Program Updates
Rick Sacbibit, PE
Dan Horner, CFM
Mark Seidelmann, PE, GISP
Moderator: Thomas Schweitzer, PE, GISP, CFM, Atkins
CNMS and FOA: A Year in Review
New Enhancements to FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center (MSC) and National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) data access
What to Expect When You’re Expecting a LOMR