Galaxy Macau Phase 2 likely to receive 150 new gaming tables


Galaxy Macau Phase 2 likely to receive 150 new gaming tables
29 April 2015
Galaxy Entertainment Group
27 HK
Share price (28 Apr): HKD38.40
12-mth rating: Hold (3)
Galaxy Macau
Phase 2 likely
to receive 150
new gaming
Jamie Soo
(852) 2773 8529
Adrian Chan, CFA
(852) 2848-4427
■ Highlights
According to industry sources,
Galaxy Macau Phase 2 (GM2) is
likely to be granted around 150
tables and GM2 may open with
~200 gaming tables and 600 slot
machines. All eyes are on Galaxy
Phase 2’s new gaming-table
allocations, which the market views
as a leading indicator for the other
openings during 2H15-2017.
Consensus expectations for this vary
widely, between 100-250 tables for
the property. Sources also indicated
that Broadway Macau will open with
30-40 tables which are primarily
reallocated from GM1.
Some table reconfiguration have
reportedly been taking place,
1) shifting gaming tables with more
number of gaming seats to GM1
2) shifting tables of closed junkets
from StarWorld to GM2
3) introducing new live-dealer multi
game (LMG) terminals on the
floor but the exact number of
terminals remain uncertain.
As a re-cap, in March 2010, the
Macau government introduced a cap
Target price: HKD37.00
on live dealer gaming table numbers
to a maximum of 5,500 tables by
2013. In September 2011, the Macau
Government further clarified that
the market to record a 3%
compound annual table growth rate
for the 10 years after 2013. Under
this guidance, it is now well
established that: 1) the cumulative
designed gaming-table capacities of
properties opening between 2015-17
will exceed the government cap by 4fold, and 2) operators will not get
their entire designed-table
■ Valuation
Galaxy Entertainment Group is
trading at a 23.9x PER and a 16.8x
EV/EBITDA, based on our 2015 EPS
forecasts. We have an SOTP-based
target price of HKD37. The key risk
to our call is if new supply of gaming
tables does not drive incremental
gaming demand.
In the interests of timeliness, this
document has not been edited.
The total number of tables granted
by DICJ was up to 5,750 in 2013 and
a 3% annual growth would add ~175
tables (or an average of ~90 tables
per property between Galaxy and
MPEL). With no new table
allocations granted in 2014 apart
from 35 tables to Macau Legend
would imply that a total of 5,785
tables were granted to date.
The way we look at it is that a base of
5,485 compounded 3% annually
would imply 5,994 tables by end
2015. This would mean that a
maximum number of 210 tables can
be granted in 2015 without
exceeding the cap, which translates
to an average of 105 tables for both
Galaxy and MPEL. That said, even
this pace of new-table allocation will
undoubtedly exceed the 2016 table
cap with 3 new properties opening
next year. 150 new tables for Galaxy
will not strictly adhere to the 3%
table cap but may be considered a
compromise for the government to
balance between growth and labour
considerations. Investors should
also keep in mind that the
government has said that available
tables will not be allocated equally
between the new property openings
2015-17 and would be assessed on a
case-by-case basis on the basis of the
project’s non-gaming elements and
collaboration with SMEs.
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