Emerging Trends and Innovation in Human Capital


Emerging Trends and Innovation in Human Capital
Under the Patronage of
HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai
‫ﻣــﺆﺗــﻤــﺮ اﻟــﻤــﻮارد‬
2015 ‫اﻟـــﺪوﻟـــﻲ‬
‫اﺑﺪاع واﻟﺮؤﻳـﺔ اﻟﻤﺴـﺘﻘﺒﻠﻴﺔ ﻟﺮأس اﻟﻤﺎل اﻟﺒﺸـﺮي‬
Emerging Trends and Innovation in Human Capital
Opening Speech By
HE Hussein Al Hammadi
Minister of Education
Chairman of Federal Authority for
Government Human Resources
Conference: 27 – 28 April 2015
Sheikh Maktoum Hall, Dubai World Trade Centre
Workshops: 26 April 2015
The Address Hotel Dubai Mall
Welcoming International Keynote Addresses
Peter Cheese
Alex Alonso
Ben Casnocha
Vice President – Research
Best-Selling Author
Technology Entrepreneur
Chief Executive Officer
Innovation and Best Practice from Top Regional and International Employers
DN Prasad
Director of People Services –
Wissam Hachem
VP – Learning and
Etihad Airways
Abdulrahman Saqr
HR Director - Automotive
Al Futtaim
Simon Lanham
Associate Partner - Talent
and Change
Julia Miller
Director Compensation
and Benefits MEA
Mona Ayyad
Director of Delivery
FranklinCovey Middle East
Robin Windley
Senior Vice President Human Capital
DP World
Suhail bin Tarraf
Chief Executive Officer
Organised By
Silver Sponsor
NEW FOR 2015!
3 Full-Day Workshops
Led by SHRM
In Collaboration With
Educational Sponsor
Knowledge Partner
see inside for details
Headline Sponsor
Celebrating 15 Years of Excellence
Knowledge Partner
Research Partner
Welcome Note from FAHR
the Chairman
Your Excellencies and Distinguished Guests of the UAE
We welcome you to the United Arab Emirates, your second home. We wish
you a pleasant stay and hope you will benefit from this year’s international
conference, brought to you by the Federal Authority for Government Human
Resources for the 5th consecutive year.
The conference is held this year under the theme of “Innovation and
Emerging Trends in Human Capital”. The theme has been chosen in
line with the vision and guidance of the UAE that has long stressed the
importance of innovation in all business sectors. Innovation that cannot be
achieved without capable world-class human capital.
Dear Guests
The UAE’s wise leadership, led by HH Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan,
President of the UAE, and HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum,
UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, and HH General
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and
Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, understand that
innovation and human capital are two sides of the same coin. It is crucial to
pay attention to the development of human capital as the centre and basis
of any development initiatives for the future.
Our conference’s agenda this year is packed with important topics as well
as specialised sessions that are brought to you by an array of international
experts. They will discuss the best practices in the field of human capital
development, and their future visions for our profession.
We welcome you once again to the United Arab Emirates, your second
 Trend-setting international keynotes from
global HR movers and shakers like CIPD UK
 A futurist look at how to manage talent in the
networked age from best-selling author Ben
 Hear from Google for the first time on how
they use metrics and technology to upskill HR
 Top employers in the region share their best
practices including PepsiCo, Al Futtaim, Hilton,
Etihad and DP World
 Three practical full-day workshops to choose
from - led and certified by SHRM
Who Should Attend
The Conference is a meeting point for leaders
from the public and private sectors including:
 Director Generals / CEOs
 VPs, Directors and Senior Managers
 Heads of Human Resources / Learning and
 Management Consultants and Business Partners
 Heads of Emiratisation / Nationalisation
 Heads of Recruitment / Talent Acquisition
Federal Authority for Government Human Resources
Pre-Conference Workshops
What Will Inspire You and 500 of Your
Colleagues This Year
 Heads of Talent Management / Training
Sunday 26 April 2015 | The Address Hotel Dubai Mall
Choose Between Three Leading Workshops
Workshop A
Workshop B
Workshop C
The HR Business Partner
HR Management Best Practices
The SHRM HR Business Partner Workshop is
aimed at equipping HR professionals with the
skill required to become successful business
partners. The full day workshop will offer
participants insight into how business operate,
how they can build and present an effective
business case and how HR can maximize its
value to the organisation.
The workshop is based on contemporary
research and best practices conducted by
SHRM globally. It is a generalist program
that focuses on the application of conceptual
knowledge in everyday work. The aim of the
workshops is for delegates to fully understand
the five main domains of HR within the context
of a value-added HR model.
Introduction to HR Metrics and
Benefits of Attending
• Identify key leadership skills for HR business
• Demonstrate effective internal consulting
• Demonstrate business acumen and an
understanding of the financial drivers of
business performance
• Learn to align your recommendations with the
organisation’s strategic direction
Benefits of Attending
• Apply a structured analysis to assess
learning needs, learning objectives and
programme designs
• Understand the conceptual framework
behind compensation, benefit structures
and their application in the overall business
• Understand employee engagement, its
framework and HR’s role in engaging
Led by:
Brad Bosyon,
Executive Director – MEA
Led by:
Giovanni Everduin
Head of Strategic HR &
Organisational Change, Tanfeeth
Learn how to drive organisational change around
human capital activities by linking evidence based
data to business strategy and performance. You
will learn to apply HR analytics to a broad spectrum
of human capital activities. From facilitating
outcome-based conversations, to interpreting and
benchmarking organisational results.
Benefits of Attending
• Use business metrics and analytics to
evaluate your organisation’s performance
• Put metrics into context, and add credibility
to HR through facts, numbers and insight
• Design a plan for gathering data and
implementing human capital measurement in
your organisation
• Develop an action plan to use and
communicate metrics to your business for
performance improvement
Led by:
Bill Robinson
Senior Trainer – MEA
Workshop delegates will receive a SHRM certification of attendance. Workshops are conducted in English. Simultaneous translation is NOT available
during workshops. Registration starts at 8.00 and workshops begin at 8.30 and end at 14.00 with lunch.
Day One
Monday 27 April 2015 | Sheikh Maktoum Hall, Dubai World Trade Centre
09.00 Registration and Networking
10.00 UAE National Anthem followed by Opening Remarks
10.15 Welcome Address
HE Hussein Al Hammadi, Minister of Education,
Chairman of Federal Authority for Government Human
10.30 Guest Speaker
A Global Context – New Thinking For A New Era
Peter Cheese, CEO of CIPD, will discuss the key trends
in the changing nature of work and the workforce in a
global and regional context. He will present new thinking
and innovation in people management and development
practices and capabilities from CIPD’s latest research.
Peter Cheese, Chief Executive Officer, CIPD, United
11.00 Keynote Speaker
The Alliance: Managing Talent In The Networked Age
If you want to recruit, train, and retain the best people
for your company, understand this: the old employeremployee compact is dead. In today’s entrepreneurial
and connectedness age, the best employees are not
pledging lifelong loyalty to your organisation — they
want to sign up for “tours of duty.” They want to be
“entrepreneurial” at work. Ben presents a revolutionary
way to make a new talent alliance work for your
organisation. Ben also presents a blueprint for how to
thrive in the new world of work where every professional
must be the entrepreneur of his or her own life.
Ben Casnocha, Best-Selling Author, Technology
Entrepreneur, USA
13.10 International Keynote
From Art To Science: How Technology Is
Transforming HR Capabilities
The technology revolution has not left HR unaffected. This
presentation will discuss how innovation in HRM systems,
big data and analytics is forcing HR leaders to make
data-backed people decisions.
DN Prasad, Director of People Services – APAC, Google,
13.30 Networking Lunch
14.30 HR And Numbers: How To Measure And Invest In Your
Human Capital
Suhail from Tanfeeth will present a case study on how
they are using models to measure their Human Capital
contribution to make smarter investments in people.
Suhail bin Tarraf, Chief Executive Officer, Tanfeeth
15.00 The Future Workplace: How Technology Is
Revolutionising How And Where People Work
This session showcases how the world of work is
changing fast and how technology innovation has been
accelerating at a very high pace having a big impact
on the way people work and collaborate. It will also
introduce how HR should not only react but lead this
Simon Lanham, Associate Partner - Talent and Change,
IBM, United Kingdom
15.30 Close of Day One
12.00 Morning Networking Break And Book Signing With Ben
12.30 Panel Discussion
The Future Of Human Capital And Its Role In Realising
National And Organisational Visions
In many organisations in the Middle East, public
or private, the potential for growth and success is
constrained by neither financial capital nor leadership
commitment but by people resources. This panel
discussion addresses the organisation – HR dynamics
and the contribution of the HR function to organisation
strategies and how the two have become true ‘partners’.
The panel of HR leaders will give their insights on the
evolving future of HR.
Robin Windley, SVP - Human Capital, DP World
Maha Al Mansouri, Director of Human Capital, Masdar
Fareda Abdullah, VP - Human Capital & Corporate
Communications, Majid Al Futtaim
Peter Holland, Associate Professor – HRM, Monash
University, Australia
Mona Ayyad, Director of Delivery Effectiveness,
FranklinCovey Middle East
Discounts Available
Headline Sponsor
Franklin Covey Co. is a global company
specializing in performance improvement.
We help organizations achieve results that
require a change in human behavior. Our expertise is in seven areas:
leadership, execution, productivity, trust, sales performance customer loyalty
and education. Franklin Covey clients have included 90 percent of the Fortune
100, more than 75 percent of the Fortune 500, thousands of small- and midsized businesses, as well as numerous government entities and educational
institutions. Franklin Covey has more than 40 direct and licensee offices
providing professional services in over 140 countries. For more information,
visit www.franklincoveyme.com.executives and business leaders.
A limited number of partnership and exhibition opportunities
are available. Contact Faariss Khalil for details on tailored
packages to meet your needs on
+971 4 407 2516 or partnerships@fahrconference.com
Two Note
2015 | Sheikh Maktoum Hall, Dubai World Trade Centre
08.30 Registration and Networking
09.30 International Keynote
Driving Business Results Through CompetencyBased Training and Assessment
Develop an understanding of the relationship between
competency-based training and assessment with job
performance. Learn about the difference between
traditional knowledge-based and competency-based
approaches for learning and testing. Alex will discuss the
application of competency-based approaches to real-life
examples with an overview of their impact on critical job
Dr Alex Alonso, Vice President of Research, SHRM, USA
10.30 The “Always Learning” Organisations: How
Accelerating Changes Are Forcing L&D To Evolve
With new opportunities to accompany recovery, more
businesses are exploring different areas for growth. To
achieve growth, talent skills and competences need
to move hand in hand with the business. This sessions
discusses what a ‘learning organisation’ really looks like
and how to make the move from reactive learning to
proactive capability building.
Wissam Hachem, Vice President – Learning and
Development, Etihad
11.00 Morning Networking Break
11.30 Human Capital – Your Ultimate Competitive Advantage
Based on the award-winning book by Dr Stephen R.
Covey, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this
session will help you discover how you can create an
‘operating system’ within your organisation and build a
culture of effectiveness to provide sustainable results for
your business. Mona will showcase how you can achieve
sustained superior results by focusing on making your
people and leaders more effective through a number of
habits that support your core competences.
Mona Ayyad, Director of Delivery Effectiveness,
FranklinCovey Middle East
12.00 The Engagement Challenge: Engaging Multi-Cultural
Workforces In Public And Private Organisations
It is no secret that engaged employees perform better,
are more productive and are more likely to stick around.
Most modern studies now show a direct link between
engagement level and business profitability and financial
performance. In a region with many culture at work
in every organisation, the engagement challenge is
amplified but so is the impact.
Abdulrahman Saqr, HR Director - Automotive Group, Al
12.30 Panel Discussion
The State And Future Of The 2020 GCC Labour
As the GCC strengthen its prominence as an economic
powerhouse in the region with the UAE hosting the
World Expo 2020 and Qatar the World Cup 2022, the
talent landscape across the region is being dramatically
transformed at a scale and pace of change that is
unprecedented in the region’s history. This panel
discussion made up of GCC experts looks at the
opportunities and challenges in the GCC labour markets
and how HR can prepare.
13.00 Networking Lunch
14.00 Managing Workforce Diversity For Competitive
Advantage In The GCC
The GCC has become a melting pot for over 100
nationalities. Women participation in the workforce is on
the rise, especially amongst GCC nationals. Median age
of new hires is also shifting towards fresh graduates and
younger generations. In a region so diverse, managing
diversity in the workplace is no easy task.
Ruth McGill, Head of HR – Middle East, North Africa and
Pakistan, Standard Chartered
14.30 Next Generation Of Total Rewards That Deliver
Maximum Value And Strengthen Retention
Organisations have been rewarding their employees
in the same way for the past few decades with heavy
reliance on fixed pay and allowances to attract talent.
This approach has given companies very little room and
flexibility to align their rewards practices to their business
Julia Miller, Director Compensation and Benefits - MEA,
15.00 Creating An Irresistible Employee Value Proposition
To Improve Employee Retention
In the fierce war for talent, employers struggle to keep a
competitive edge to not only attract but also retain key
people. The EVP approach to HR is becoming even more
popular as economies recover.
15.30 Networking Lunch and Close of Conference
‫ﻣــﺆﺗــﻤــﺮ اﻟــﻤــﻮارد‬
2015 ‫اﻟـــﺪوﻟـــﻲ‬
‫اﺑﺪاع واﻟﺮؤﻳـﺔ اﻟﻤﺴـﺘﻘﺒﻠﻴﺔ ﻟﺮأس اﻟﻤﺎل اﻟﺒﺸـﺮي‬
Emerging Trends and Innovation in Human Capital
26 – 28 April 2015
Sheikh Maktoum Hall, Dubai World Trade Centre
Conference at a Glance
26 April 2015
27 April 2015
28 April 2015
 Pre-Conference Workshop
 The FAHR International Conference
The Address Hotel Dubai Mall
Sheikh Maktoum Hall, Dubai World Trade Centre
+971 4 335 2483
Book By
1 March 2015
Book Before
22 March 2015
Book After
22 March 2015
Five Easy Ways to Register
+971 4 335 2437
The FAHR International Conference 2015
Simultaneous Translation Available
Entire Event
Conference + Full Day Workshop
AED 3,899
AED 4,199
AED 4,499
Conference Only
AED 3,099
AED 3,399
AED 3,699
Discounts for group registrations over 5 delegates are available.
Conference fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance by email.
All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at www.informa-mea.com/terms. Please read them as they
include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.
+971 4 335 2438
Informa Middle East.
P.O Box 9428, Dubai, UAE
First Name:
Job Title:
Postal Code:
Fax: Email:
A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must
be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event.
If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more
than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations
cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.
All registrations are subject to acceptance by Informa which will be confirmed to you in writing.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and Informa reserves the right to alter the
venue and/or speakers or topics.
Sheikh Maktoum Hall
Dubai World Trade Centre
Dubai, UAE
We highly recommend you secure your
room reservation at the earliest to avoid
last minute inconvenience. You can contact
the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on:
Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517
Email: hospitality@informa.com
Human Resources
Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible.
Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process.

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