The BIG Event – Executive Team Application 2015-2016


The BIG Event – Executive Team Application 2015-2016
The BIG Event – Executive Team Application 2015-2016
Position Descriptions
Operations Staff Heads (2 people)
 These individuals will gain management experience by working with a group of around 75 students who
serve as liaisons between jobsites and group leaders. This position will provide opportunities to use
communication, scheduling, and problem-solving skills. The Operation Staff Heads will educate the
Operations Staff about The Big Event and will make sure that they are completing their assigned tasks.
Marketing Team (3 people)
 These individuals will be involved in public relations and the promotion of The Big Event. The
Marketing Team will gain experience designing a marketing campaign to specifically target a university
audience. They will also take advantage of social media to publicize and promote the event.
Recruitment Team (3 people)
These individuals will use communication and relational skills to recruit students, faculty and staff for
The Big Event. The Recruitment Team will gain experience organizing a campaign to reach out to RSOs,
residence halls, and Greek houses for volunteers. They will also use mass communication to attract
those who have not already been reached.
Sponsorship (4 people)
 These individuals will gain experience in contacting businesses to raise money and obtain food and
supplies for The Big Event. They will also apply for funding through a variety of grants on and off
campus. This position will require some work during the summer months.
Logistics Team (2 people)
 These individuals are the main liaisons between The Big Event and volunteer groups. This position will
provide leadership, management, and decision-making experience through work with over 100 groups.
The Logistics Team will hold informational meetings, match groups with jobsites, handle legal
documents, organize facilities for the day of the event, and run the post-event evaluation process.
Day Of (1 person)
This individual will be responsible for the logistical planning for the day of The Big Event. They will use
event planning skills and organization to make sure all operations run smoothly on the day of the event.
Community Organizations (2 people)
 The Community Organization Representatives are given a unique opportunity to learn about and
interact with non-profit agencies in Lincoln. These individuals will work with Student Involvement to
contact jobsites and compile jobsite requests. They will then use this information to assist both Logistics
in matching volunteer groups with jobsites and Operations Staff Heads as they prepare jobsite
documentation for the Operations Staff.
Private Residences (3 people)
 These individuals will have an opportunity to work with the city of Lincoln and to interact with its
residents. Using both new and established community connections, the Private Residence
Representatives will contact and compile jobsite requests for private residences at which The Big Event
volunteers will work.
Tools (1 person)
 This individual will take an manage an inventory of all tools utilized by volunteers on the day of The Big
Event. This individual will also allocate all tools to job sites as appropriate and assist with Day Of
procedures as well.
The BIG Event
Executive Team Application
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ NU ID: ______________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________
Year In School (2014 – 2015):
Major: ________________________________________________________________________
Preference the following committees ( 1 – Most, 9 – Least):
____ Co-Chair
____ Logistics
____ Private Residences
____ Recruitment
____ Marketing
____ Community Organizations
____ Sponsorship
____ Secretary
____ Operations Staff Head
Please answer the following questions on one to two additional pages:
1. Why do you want to be a part of The Big Event? What past experience do you have with The Big
Event and what would you like to improve for next year?
2. Explain the committee preferences you indicated above.
3. What would make you a good Big Event Executive Team member? What are your strengths?
4. In which other campus/community organizations are you involved, and what, if any, leadership
roles have you held or do you hold? What other time commitments will you have in the coming
year? How much time per week will you be able to devote to The Big Event?
Interviews: Please indicate the times you would be available for a phone interview by marking the
Thursday May
Friday May 8
Saturday May 9
Return to the ASUN office (136 Nebraska Union)
Deadline is 4:00 pm- Wednesday, May 6, 2015
If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding this application or the position,
please contact The Big Event at