Maritime Lumber Bureau and Atlantic WoodWORKS! host first Wood


Maritime Lumber Bureau and Atlantic WoodWORKS! host first Wood
bureau du bois de sciage des Maritimes
FED. Incorporated
Maritime Lumber Bureau and Atlantic WoodWORKS! host
first Wood Design Awards event in Halifax
April 16th, 2015
The 1st Annual Atlantic WoodWORKS! Wood Design Awards were celebrated
on March 25th at the Westin Nova Scotian in Halifax, NS by more than 100
contractors, federal, provincial and municipal government officials, industry,
and partnering associations.
Atlantic WoodWORKS! is a regional program of the Maritime Lumber Bureau,
as part of the national industry-led initiative of the Canadian Wood Council,
with a goal to support innovation and provide leadership on the use of wood
and wood products. Through workshops, seminars and case studies, Atlantic
WoodWORKS! provides education, training and technical expertise to
building and design professionals involved with commercial, institutional and
industrial construction projects.
The 1st annual Wood Design Awards luncheon recognized excellence in wood
construction and design, and honoured the people and organizations that
showcase and promote the use of wood in the Atlantic region. A jury of
experts reviewed the 24 nominees within six different categories and
selected winners based on several factors including: creativity, distinctive
use of wood materials, ability to satisfy client and site requirements,
innovation and overall aesthetics.
The panel of three judges included:
Marianne Berube, Executive Director of Ontario WoodWORKS! and
founder of the Wood Design Awards program.
David Bowick, P.Eng, Blackwell Structural Engineering
Ed MacAulay, Project Advisor for Atlantic WoodWORKS!
Categories, award recipients and winning descriptions are listed on page 2.
MLB / AWW Press Release
April 16th, 2015
New Brunswick Non Residential Project Winner:
University of New Brunswick (UNB) Bailey Hall Theatre Renovations
designed by Murdock & Boyd Architects.
It has been established through various studies, that there is a clear
relationship between the presence of natural wood elements in the built
environment, and stress reduction in humans. The UNB Bailey Hall theatre
renovation is an excellent example of utilizing woods biophilic relationship
with humans and it’s natural acoustic dampening, all while facilitating a
conducive learning environment within an institutional setting.
Given that this space is used primarily for lectures relating to life sciences,
one of the main visual elements is the acoustic paneling on the sidewall, to
resemble that of a DNA fingerprint. To the jury, this represented a new
creative way of using a familiar product. Eliminating the stigma of wood and
it’s poor acoustic properties. Wood is showcased in many areas throughout
the theatre, on the walls, ceiling and in furniture. The description submitted
with the application was very thorough, making it evident that the
architectural work matched well with the client’s needs functionally and
Nova Scotia Non Residential Project Winner:
Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre designed by Lydon
Architects in Joint venture with Diamond Schmitt Architects.
In the heart of a deeply forested landscape, which fuelled the boat building
industry for centuries, this Lifestyle Centre is a legacy project for Lunenburg
County that makes a profound statement about wood use and the cultural
ties to the economics of the community.
Wood use is highlighted throughout the building both structurally
aesthetically. To the Jury, this was a relativity familiar building type that
executed perfectly – advancing the use of wood in a hybrid institutional
recreational facility, helping expand the market for sustainable
residential construction.
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MLB / AWW Press Release
April 16th, 2015
Newfoundland and Labrador Non Residential Project Winner:
Southlands Community Center designed by Fougere Menchenton
Architecture Inc.
Breaking ground as the first cross laminated timber project in Atlantic
Canada, the Southlands community centre in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland
was a courageous effort.
This particular application of Cross Laminated timber (CLT) was very
appealing to the Jury. In most developed mass timber panel markets, the
use of CLT can be very complicated. In this project, the use was very
appropriate, in a way where it was not seen as precious or out of reach.
Covering the 3000ft2 multipurpose room, the 3 layered CLT roof paneling is
supported on glulam beams to create an effective clear-span structure with
an interior wood finish. This is an excellent demonstration building, which
will help boast the main stream use of CLT and push the boundaries of
Atlantic Canadian Non-residential construction.
Atlantic Residential Project winner:
Moore Studio designed by Omar Gandhi Architect Inc.
The design concept for Moore studio is an adaptation of a simple elegant
12:12 gable, a vernacular, wood-framed form of Nova Scotia. The form of
the building was subtly morphed to respond to the landscape, and the
client’s requirements for a raw open space flooded with natural light.
Functioning as a home and an art studio, the design compromises a robust
material palette of interior walls, floor and ceiling consisting of plywood and
OSB paneling and a small amount of drywall - a beautiful design with
modest materials. The jury was most impressed with the crisp detailing and
how every joint has a perfect alignment within the building. Whether in
close or from a distance the Moore studio’s contemporary design and
construction is timeless, and beautiful.
The Atlantic Engineer Award winner
Mark Gillis from Gillis & Company Timber Frames
Mark Gillis has almost two decades of experience designing, engineering and
manufacturing heavy timber construction. Mark works hard to help educate
other designers, architects, engineers and builders on the possibilities and
beauties of heavy timber construction. On his own time, he also volunteers
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MLB / AWW Press Release
April 16th, 2015
his time lecturing at the regions community colleges, universities and
professional development sessions - helping grow the wood culture in
Atlantic Canada. He was also the most active participant in the 1st annual
wood design awards, submitting 6 different applications in various award
categories and placed very high in each of them.
The Atlantic Architect Award winner
Brian Mackay-Lyons from Mackay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects Ltd.
Brian Mackay Lyons brings a global spot light to Atlantic Canadian
architecture - best known for his designs that use Atlantic Canadian
vernacular materials and construction techniques.
Mr. MacKay-Lyons has built a reputation for design excellence confirmed by
more than 100 awards, including the 2015 RAIC gold medal, the Royal
Architectural Institute of Canada Firm Award in 2014, six Governor General
Medals, two American Institute of Architects Honor Awards for Architecture,
13 Lieutenant Governor's Medals of Excellence, eight Canadian Architect
Awards, three Architectural Record Houses Awards, and seven North
American Wood Design Awards.
Brian is also part time professor in the faculty of architecture at the
University of Dalhousie and has held many other academic roles in
universities throughout North America and Europe. His innovative thought
transcends building design into the realm of education. For years, Brian
operated an architectural education centre “Ghost Lab” in rural Nova Scotia.
A ghost lab bridges the academic gap, to create a design build environment
where future practitioners help design and construct various structures
within a short time period.
The awards luncheon was a great success and the event helped to further
encourage the use of regional wood products in the Atlantic Canadian
building industry. We would like to thank all of the nominees who supported
and participated in the awards program. Future events will help to promote
innovation in wood use and support sustainable building practices.
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MLB / AWW Press Release
April 16th, 2015
Atlantic Wood Design Award Recipients:
Left to Right: Keith Tufts (Lydon Lynch), Michael Colpitts (Murdock &
Boyd), Brian MacKay-Lyons (Mackay-Lyons Sweetapple), Omar Gandhi
(Omar Gandhi), Mark Gillis (Gillis & Company Timber Frames), Rob
Menchenton (Fougere Menchenton)
For more information about the winning entries and professional photos of
the projects, please contact:
Maritime Lumber Bureau
Phone (902) 667-3889 or Fax (902) 667-0401
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