Golf League
Golf League
FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTHY LIVING FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FUN FRIENDSHIP GOLF Co-Ed Recreational League is held on Mondays at Lakeview Golf Course. Register individually or with a partner. Banquet will be held last week of play. Date: Mondays, June 1-August 24, 2015 13 Weeks of play! Tee time: Mondays...4:00 - 6:00 PM Fee: Y-Member... $30.00 General Public ... $55.00 $10 late fee accessed after June 1. Greens Fees: $143 must be paid in full on the first week of play; payable to Lakeview Golf & County Club. Golf Cart: $8.00 per person Registration Deadline: May 31, 2015 2015 YMCA-WEIU ADULT CO-ED GOLF LEAGUE June 1-August 24, 2015 Name Address Phone: Day Evening Handicap or level of play Playing Partner ________ E-mail address:__________________________________________ ( ) Check here if you would like to substitute (no registration fee) Auburn YMCA-WEIU, 27 William Street, Auburn NY 13021, 315-253-5304 FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTHY LIVING FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Hello Golfers! It’s that time of year again! The Auburn YMCA Co-Ed Monday Night Golf league is set to start Monday, June 1. This 13 week non-competitive league will be held at the Lakeview Golf Course. Tee-time will be 4:00-6:00pm. Registration fee is $30 for Y-Members and $55 for the General Public. Greens Fees are $143 and are to be paid in full to Lakeview Golf Course on the first week of play. Enclosed is a registration flyer. Dates to Remember: June 1……………...First Night of Play June 15…………….Hospitality Hour August 24………….Shotgun Mixed Play starting at 5:00pm, Banquet and prizes starting at 7:00pm Dates of Play: June 1,8,15,22,29 July 6,13,20,27 August 3,10,17,24 For additional information contact Jill at 253-5304 or To register fill out the registration form and mail to the Auburn YMCA-WEIU 27 William Street Auburn, NY 13021 or stop by the Member Services Desk. Hope to see you again this year! Jill Payne Health and Wellness Director Lakeview Golf Course Contact Information 6642 East Lake Road Auburn, NY 13021 315-253-3152 Jeff: 253-0359 ProShop