April 2015, Issue 4


April 2015, Issue 4
Spring 2015 Season Newsletter
West Oahu AYSO Region 769
April 18, 2015
Coach P's 2 Sense
Players | Parents | Volunteers
How can I challenge myself
while playing AYSO?
Did you know there are
opportunities for your child to
play on competitive teams in
addition to the regular team?
Registration is happening and
you are thinking about
becoming a volunteer. What
do I need to do?
Drive: The energy and
determination to be the best
you can be
Intensity: Playing hard all the
Emerging Potential: Showing
the attitude to want to learn
and work hard to improve
Player's Corner
You love soccer and are pretty confident in your knowledge of the
game and skill level for your age. You seem to be one of the
dominating players on the pitch. You feel like you need more of a
challenge. If this sounds like you, I would encourage you to
tryout for the AYSO competitive teams in your age bracket. As
we register for Fall Season, know that there are opportunities to
play EXTRA. Players are evaluated and placed on their region's
team if they "make the cut." The benefits of playing on an
EXTRA team is that it allows players with the drive, intensity,
and emerging potential to play together and learn new things
from an Advanced Level Coach. In the Spring, U10 and above
can play on different levels of Select teams (Gold, Silver, and
Bronze). Ask your coach how you can play EXTRA! And that is
Coach P's 2 Sense this week!
Spring 2015 Season Newsletter
We need Volunteers!
Registration is in full swing and
I'd like to acknowledge those
parents who have already signed
up to volunteer as a Team Parent,
Coach, or Referee. AYSO has a
lot of resources online as well as
classes/clinics volunteers can
attend to help them learn their
vital role on the team. Coaches
are critical to the existence of a
team. To put it bluntly, "No
Coach, No team!" Major benefits
of Coaching is that the coach
determines the training days,
times, and locations. Most
importantly, the child gets to
bond and create a relationship
with that parent on another level.
Volunteers need to go to
www.eayso.org to register as a
new volunteer or if you are a
returning volunteer, you must still
go online to update and resubmit
your information yearly. Next,
take the Safe Haven course
online. Once you complete Safe
Haven, you will never have to do
that again. Go to
www.aysotraining.org , login with
your AYSO ID number and Last
name, click on the Start Now link
under Safe Haven, and begin!
West Oahu AYSO Region 769
April 18, 2015
Parents: Why we should
encourage players to tryout
for West Oahu's AYSO
competitive teams?
Is your child demonstrating the
enthusiasm, skill, and potential to
compete at a higher level? Your child's
self-motivation might be what it takes
to allow him or her to reach that higher
competitive level. It doesn't matter
how many seasons played, children will
develop at different rates. Playing on
AYSO's competitive teams like EXTRA
(Fall Season) and Select (Spring Season) allows players to grow at
an even quicker pace because of the higher level of play and
having access to an Advanced Level Coach. The best benefit of
all is that Players, Coaches, and Parents will achieve this while
building the character and integrity inherent in AYSO's
philosophy. In the end, we hope to produce not only skilled
players, but players who respect the game and can contribute to
their community. Get the dates for tryouts for these competitive
teams on West Oahu's AYSO website at www.AYSO769.org. And
that's Coach P's 2 sense for this week!
Registering is critical because it
validates that a background
check has been done to ensure
all players' safety while playing
Volunteers needed as: Coaches,
Assistant Coaches, Team Parent,
Referees, Field Maintenance
(lining fields, layout/collect goals)