InTouch March 29 2015
InTouch March 29 2015
UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA – BALHANNAH CONGREGATION ABN 20 226 984 988 – PO Box 1140, Balhannah 5242 “For The Love of God” Jesus’ Heart A WORD FROM THE MINISTER …. We welcome Peter Shurley Jesus’ Hands Minister Rev Michael Duke 8 Kareda Close Balhannah Ph 8388 4636 Who is Peter Shurley ? Minister’s Day off is Tuesday Peter Shurley is recognised as one of Australia’s most popular and sought after Gospel artists. Kids’ & Youth Ministry Vacant This multi- award winning singer, songwriter and instrumentalist continues a busy international touring schedule based from his home in northern Tasmania, where he also oversees the Greenroom recording studio. Not only are his live performances and recordings highly acclaimed, he is also much sought after as a Christian communicator. This also brings an inspirational, challenging and often humorous dimension to his concerts that is quite unique. As Founding Pastor of Life Christian Church and a family of 5 children, life for Peter is full. Two of his greatest passions are to inspire the next generation of Christian leader and as an ambassador for the work of Compassion, excite people towards world mission. So we are very pleased and extremely fortunate to have him live at Balhannah this weekend to share his music and his message. Church Office 3 Bridge Street Balhannah Ph 8388 4048 admin@balhannah.uniting http:/Balhannah. Council Chair Ron Pitcher Ph 0419 332 209 Secretary & Property Bookings Kathy Bassell Ph 0419 833 039 Prayer Chain Lois 8398 0578 Johan 8388 4343 Banking Details* Bank SA BSB 105 057 A/c No 240 058 040 *do not type spaces in numbers Newsletter Editor : Sue 0417 358 973 MARCH 29, 2015 Page 2 Welcome … to our Worship today! We hope you’ll feel at home amongst us and join us for a ‘cuppa’ after the service. We welcome Peter Shurley to our church this weekend. Many of us enjoyed breakfast and fellowship together Saturday morning and were blessed to hear Peter tell his story and listen to some of his wonderful music. We also enjoyed his concert. Today he will give a message. Prepare to be encouraged and totally lifted up in Christ. Peter has released a number of CD’s. In January last year, the song ‘Fingerprints’ from the CD ‘Carry You’ was nominated as a finalist for ‘Country Ballad of the Year’ at one of Australia’s foremost music events - the Tamworth Country Music On Palm Sunday Christians celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. For many Christian churches, Palm Sunday, often referred to as "Passion Sunday," marks the beginning of Holy Week, which concludes on Easter Sunday. The Bible reveals that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds greeted him by waving palm branches and covering his path with palm branches. Immediately following this great time of celebration in the ministry of Jesus, he begins his journey to the cross The biblical account of Palm Sunday can be found in Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; and John 12:12-19. MINISTRY IN ACTION AT BALHANNAH Date/Event Preacher Worship Leader Morning Tea Door & Offering Offering Count Flowers Crèche March 29 Peter Shurley Michael Duke M Houston P Houston G Adcock S Adcock A Ballard K Bassell Lorraine Wundenberg C Kemp Easter April 5 Michael Duke Team C Kemp M Simpson L Beaumont W Beaumont B Crispe J Derks G Adcock C Hansen April 12 Ron Pitcher Brenton Adcock K Johnson N Rimmer P Crispe B Crispe R Jones C Kemp A Roberts J Lisk April 19 Michael Duke David Rowe A Rowe J Lisk J Derks E Derks R McDonald D Pearson M Bull C Kemp Page 3 HUNGRY NO MORE ROSTERS It’s roster time again. Rosters for May, June and July are being prepared early in April. If you plan to be away during this time please let Lyn Beaumont know asap. Also if you feel you would like to assist in any way in the activities of the church please let him know so that you may be included in this ministry. Pastoral Partners As an advance notice, please mark your diary for April 27 for the next meeting WOMEN’S EVENING FELLOWSHIP Tuesday April 7 at 7.30 pm Thank you to those who assisted last week whether by monetary donations, food preparation or assisting in serving at Mount Barker. It was a successful night with a tasty meal which was enjoyed by 40 local people. We will again be preparing a meal in May so there will be ample opportunity to help in this ministry for those who missed out this time. GARAGE SALE We will again be holding a garage sale on April 11. Please start collecting your unwanted items that can be sold to raise money for much needed church maintenance (the roof on the Sunday School room is in dire need of repair). We are unable to store things at present so please wait for further instructions. If you would like more information please see Alverna Ballard or Frank and Irene Bowen. A book sale will be held some time after the Garage Sale. Easter Message Homemade goods to sell In aid of YWAM (baked,grown,handmade) Communion Communion Prep Els Derks Elder Brenton Smith Display Sound Vision Camera Library Lock-up B Crispe Cleaning Kym Bassell Kym Wilhelm Bruce Kemp R Wells R Windle S Harris Kym Bassell Kym Wilhelm Bruce Kemp B Kemp B Rimmer L Beaumont K Bassell P Roberts Sue McDonald Barry Rimmer Bruce Kemp G Adcock B Smith A Ballard A Roberts Sue McDonald Ron Pitcher Bruce Kemp B Adcock F Bowen K Wilhelm C Hansen Page 4 You are invited to “Hymns & Classics” Hear the classical sounds of brass in the historic St Paul’s Lutheran Church THIS AFTERNOON at 2.00 pm More information is on the flyer on the Notice Board HELP NEEDED !!! A representative is sought from our church to serve on the World Day of Prayer (In the hills) Planning Committee. This involves attending a meeting, usually a Wednesday morning in late January or early February at the hosting church. Also finding two or three people to take part in the service which is held annually in the first Friday of March at a different church each year. It also involves organising the hosting of the World Day of Prayer Service at Balhannah Uniting Church. This takes place approximately every six years. If you feel you are able to assist, please speak to Lorraine Wundenberg. Her phone number is 8391 6843. THIS WEEK IN BRIEF Monday 10.30 am Bible Study Tuesday Wednesday 7 am Prayer Meeting 10.30 am Coffee Morning at Olive Branch 7.30 pm Music Practice Thursday 7.45 pm Home Group in recess 7.30 Maundy Thursday Service Friday 9.30 am Good Friday Service Revised Common Lectionary Readings—Year A March 29, 2015 Passion Sunday /Palm Sunday Is 50:4-9a; Psalm 118:1-2;,19-29; Phil 2:5-11; Mk 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16; Holy Week Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Day April 5, 2015 Acts 10:34-43; Ps 118:1-1,14-24; 1 Cor 15:1-11; Jn 20:1-18 or Mk 16:1-8; Lent is a season of preparation and discipline that begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes at sundown on Holy Sunday. During the forty weekdays and six Sundays in Lent, the Church remembers the life and ministry of Jesus and renews its commitment to Him in Christian discipleship. The season is the traditional time to prepare for baptism and confirmation to be celebrated at the Easter Vigil or on Easter Sunday, or during the season of Easter. The great 50 days of Easter includes eight Sundays beginning with the Easter Vigil and concluding on the Day of Pentecost. The season celebrates the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.