UA-CSX Partnership Questions and Answers 1. What sets your


UA-CSX Partnership Questions and Answers 1. What sets your
 UA-CSX Partnership Questions and Answers
1. What sets your institution apart from other colleges/universities?
The University of Alabama was founded in 1831 as Alabama's first public college. The
quality of the University’s on-campus and online degree programs are respected around
the world. UA’s Bama By Distance undergraduate and graduate programs are taught online
by UA’s best and brightest faculty, with students earning the very same degree earned on
Through UA’s New College LifeTrack program (NCLT), working adults may receive
college credit for past learning experiences.
2. What are the top three to five undergraduate programs a CSX employee should
Undergraduate programs for consideration:
BS in Commerce and Business Administration
BS or BA in Interdisciplinary Studies (New College LifeTrack)
BS in Consumer Sciences with a concentration in Consumer Affairs •
BS in Human Environmental Sciences (General Studies)
3. What are the top three to five graduate programs a CSX employee should consider?
Graduate programs for consideration:
MS in Operations Management (Supply Chain Management)
MA in Management (Global Business Management)
MS in Marketing (Specialization in Analytics)
Graduate Certificate in Conflict Mediation
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health and Safety Management
MA in Educational Psychology (Learning & Assessment)
4. What is the tuition rate for an undergraduate degree?
Tuition for undergraduate programs is currently $333 per credit hour.
5. What is the tuition rate for a graduate degree?
Tuition for graduate programs is currently $354 per credit hour.
6. Do you offer discounts to CSX employees family members?
In appreciation of CSX’s commitment to the University of Alabama’s College of
Continuing Studies, CSX employees and their immediate family members will receive a
Welcome to Bama Grant.
Tuition for the student’s first UA online course will be covered by the Welcome to
Bama Grant
UA-CSX Partnership Questionnaire 7. What other services are available to CSX employees?
CCS’s Student Services department will provide CSX with the following:
An assigned enrollment counselor to assist CSX employees with the application
Academic Advisors for each degree program offered
Access to Technical Support, Academic Support Services, Library Services, the
Writing Center, and the Center for Academic Success (tutorial services)
Should CSX desire to utilize CCS’s services for talent developmental projects, CCS
will assign a program manager to CSX to aid in assessment and effective delivery of
New College Life Track (NCLT) Students
CSX students in the NCLT program will be assigned to a personal NCLT
advisor throughout the length of their matriculation
UA will actively seek to evaluate training programs and curricula offered by
CSX for application toward the NCLT bachelor’s degree
Military Assistance
CSX employees with military ties will be provided access to:
Ø CCS’s full-time military coordinator to assist military students and
their families with admissions and their student service needs
Ø UA’s Office of Veteran and Military Affairs
8. Do you offer scholarships to CSX employees?
The UA College of Continuing Studies has more than 40 endowed scholarships available
to students enrolled in UA’s online degree programs
Qualification – One must be an admitted student of The University of Alabama to
be able to apply.
Eligibility requirements - Each scholarship has its own set of eligibility
requirements as directed by the scholarship’s donor. These criteria are stated on the
college’s Scholarship Availability web page (see “Scholarship location” below).
Availability – Continuing Studies’ scholarship applications are available online each
year from March 1 through December 1.
Application - Qualified applicants may apply at any time during the nine month
application period. Once the application is completed, it will be considered current
through December 1 of that year.
Award Selection and Notification - Scholarship award recipients will be chosen
and notified in three “Rounds” during the year:
Round 1 - for fall and spring semesters
Ø Application Period: March 1 – June 1
Ø Notification Period: July
Round 2 – for spring and summer semesters
Ø Application Period: June 2 – September 1
Ø Notification Period: November
Round 3 – for summer and fall semesters
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UA-CSX Partnership Questionnaire Application Period: September 2 – December 1
Ø Notification Period: February
Scholarship location – To view Continuing Studies’ Scholarships Availability web
Go to:
Then select: College of Continuing Studies Scholarships 9. Describe your institution in one sentence.
The University of Alabama is a nationally recognized, top 50 public university committed
to giving all students—online and on campus, the quality educational experience expected
of our great university.
10. Who should a potential employee contact for more information?
UA has provided CSX with a website landing page which will have contact information for
Key into your browser:
You will be introduced to Academic Counselor Brandi Stacey who will be your
primary contact to guide you through the information gathering and application
process. If Brandi is unavailable there will be other counselors available to help.
For any other questions you may have about UA contact Bill Elrod, Director of
Business Development & College Relations at 205-310-3594 or
11. What are your course lengths (semester, 6 week, 8 week, etc.)
Course lengths at UA follow the traditional three-semester year, fall, spring and summer.
Note: New College Life Track courses are six months duration.
12. Any additional information that catch the ‘eye’ of a CSX employee?
UA Early College for High School students – Sophomore, Junior and Senior high
school students from across the United States who have a cumulative 3.0 or higher HS
GPA are eligible to apply and earn college credit at The University of Alabama, online (or
as part of the Summer Residential Experience on the UA campus), while still in high
Students can take classes online, 24/7, anywhere there is access to high-speed
internet. Many students earn dual credit (high school along with college credit)
Students are surrounded with a strong support network of UA faculty, academic
advisers and peer coaches.
Students complete Gateway, a freshman study skills course designed to help them
learn study skills needed at a top research university.
A broad array of courses are available in subject areas including English, math,
computer science, history, anthropology, political science, psychology, and foreign
languages such as Japanese, Chinese and Spanish.
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UA-CSX Partnership Questionnaire Students can even take classes on UA’s campus during the summer while living in a
residence hall, dining on campus, and participating in campus activities.
UA college credit transfers broadly to other colleges and universities nationwide.
Scholarships – Students who have a 3.5 cumulative HS GPA since the 9th grade will
receive a partial tuition scholarship when enrolling in UA Early College courses.
Link: - Students are accepted year-round.
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