2015 summer school - BAMBI, Baltic Sea Marine Biodiversity


2015 summer school - BAMBI, Baltic Sea Marine Biodiversity
“The Baltic Sea: a model for the global future ocean?”
The Baltic Sea is extreme by nature, with pronounced environmental gradients, strong
anthropogenic pressure and low local diversity of the species pool. In addition, it has
undergone pronounced shifts due to global and local change over the past century. Conditions
in the Baltic Sea today may reflect those in the open ocean 100 years from now, and
management lessons learned in the Baltic Sea may provide insights for other systems. Under
the overarching theme “The Baltic Sea: a model for the global future ocean?”, and using an
integrative approach, this summer school will address:
Past, current & future environmental conditions in the marginal habitats of the Baltic Sea.
Baltic biota under stress by exploitation, environmental fluctuations and global change.
Temporal and spatial trends in species invasions, community structure, biodiversity, and
Baltic fish stocks.
Stress physiology and the potential for evolutionary adaptation.
The link from new fundamental science to resource management promoting sustainability.
Time and Place
July 5– 11 2015, artefact guest house, Glücksburg, Germany (www.artefact.de), with
excursions to the facilities of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel,
Germany (www.geomar.de) and a fieldtrip to coastal habitats of outer Flensburg Fjord.
• Recommended participation for BIO-C3, BAMBI and INSPIRE PhD students and
postdocs, Master students depending on availability of spaces.
• 8 places for PhDs/Postdocs from outside BONUS interested in the summer school topic.
Registration – now open!
Please submit your application to Jan Dierking, scientific coordinator of BONUS BIO-C3,
e-mail: jdierking@geomar.de, before April 30, 2015.
More information
Experts from the BONUS projects will be joined by outside experts, forming a unique panel
with integrative expertise (oceanography, physiology, ecology, evolutionary biology,
sustainability research) covering the summer school topics. The list of lecturers will be posted
in April.
The summer school will consist of a mix of lectures, group work/short practicals, excursions,
and discussions, equivalent with 4 ECTS. A detailed program will be posted in early April.
Accommodations and food during the summer school, and local transport from Kiel to
Glücksburg will be covered by the BONUS projects; participants/projects will have to pay
their travel to and from Kiel/Glücksburg.
• You can travel to Kiel, Germany, from where we will organize a joint group transfer to
Glücksburg in the afternoon of July 5, return to Kiel on the morning of July 11.
Alternatively, join us directly at the Artefact guest house in Glücksburg on July 5.
• Nearest airport is Hamburg, with direct flights from many locations around the Baltic.
There is a convenient and affordable shuttle bus from Hamburg airport to Kiel (Kielius:
• Both Kiel and Flensburg/Glücksburg can also be reached conveniently by train.
• For participants of the BIO-C3 annual meeting in Kiel from July 1-3, special rates for hotel
rooms will be available from July 1-5.
• Detailed travel instructions will be posted in early April.
Applications (deadline April 30th 2015)
Register by e-mail to Jan Dierking (jdierking@geomar.de) with the following documents:
• A short (max. half page) summary of your research interests/project.
• A paragraph on what you hope to learn and take away from the summer school.
• Your current CV (2 pages max.).
• For applicants outside of BIO-C3/BAMBI/INSPIRE: a half page motivation letter detailing
why you are interested to participate in relation to your research goals.
• Everybody will have to prepare an A0 poster on their research projects, for an evening
poster session discussing own research and possible interactions/collaborations between
the participating young scientists (due at time of summer school only).
• BONUS BIO-C3, BAMBI, INSPIRE: PhDs and postdoc will be accepted to the summer
school after registering with the above information. MSc student can also apply,
participation will be confirmed based on availability of spaces by May 15.
• External participants: we will decide on your application based on the motivation letter and
the fit of your research interests with the summer school topics, and will confirm
participation by May 15 2015.