Detailed Profile - Bangalore University
Detailed Profile - Bangalore University
CURRICULUM VITAE Name: - Dr. N. Nagaiah Qualification:- M.Sc, Ph.D Designation:- Professor Contact details: - Department of Physics, Bangalore university, J. B. Campus, Bangalore - 56 Office: 080-22961490 Mobile: 9449976890 Email:, Educational Degrees: Degree University Year of award B. Sc. Mysore University 1990 M.Sc. Ph.D Mysore University Mysore University 1992 1997 Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Physics Physics Other Examinations Completed: Departmental Examination (KPSC): General Law and Accounts Higher Areas of Specialization:- Nuclear physics, Radiation Physics Major Fields of Research interest: a. Environmental Radioactivity b. Atmospheric Conductivity c. Radiation Protection – Polymer Composites ON GOING PROJECTS Sl. No. Title 1. Studies on radon exhalation rate and its possible dependence on geophysical and meteorological parameters in the environment of Bangalore 2. Radiation shielding characteristics of unsaturated polyester based polymer composites filled with inorganic oxides Agency Period Grant Mobilized Rs. (in lakhs) UGC 2013-16 13.75 BRNS 2013-16 19.61 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS 1. “Study of the natural background gamma radiation and gamma exposure level around Mysore”, N. Nagaiah and P. Venkataramaiah, , Indian J. of Phys., 68A (2), pp 211-217 (1994). 2. “Study of the distribution of trace elements in soils in and around Mysore city, Karnataka”, Malini, N. Nagaiah, L. Paramesh and P. Venkataramaiah, Environmental Geology, 26/2, pp107-110 (1995). 3. “Study of radon daughters activity in Mysore city”, N. Nagaiah, L. Paramesh, P. Venkataramaiah, and M. Raghavayya, Bulletin of Radiation Protection, Vol. 19, No. 3&4, July-Dec., pp8-11 (1996). 4. “Uranium in drinking waters of Mysore, Karnataka, India”, N. Nagaiah, S. Malini, L. Paramesh, P. Venkataramaiah, and M. Raghavayya, Engineering Geology and the Environment, Marinos, Koukis, Tsiambaos and Stoumaras (eds), pp2033-2037 (1997). 5. “Ra-226 and Po-210 in the soils of Mysore, Karnataka, India”, N. Nagaiah, S. Malini, L. Paramesh and P. Venkataramaiah, Indian J. Phys. 73A(2), pp 225-236 (1999). 6. “Ground water quality around Mysore, Karnataka, India”, Malini, N. Nagaiah, L. Paramesh, P. Venkataramaiah and A. Balasubramanian, Intern. J. Environ. Studies, Vol. 60, pp87-98 (2003). 7. “Radiation dose from dissolved Radon in potable waters of the Bangalore environment, South India”, N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah, G. V. Ashok, and H. M. Mahesh, Intern. J. Environ. Studies, Vol. 64, pp83-92, (2007). 8. “Gamma activity of cultivated and uncultivated soils of Mysore region”, N. Nagaiah, S. Malini, L. Paramesh and P. Venkataramaiah, Vignanabharathi, vol.18 No.1 pp112 –117, (2006). 9. “Concentrations of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 in the soils of Bangalore region, India”, N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah, G. V. Ashok and N. Karunakara, Health Physics, Vol. 94(3), pp264271, (2008). 10. “Radon daughters‟ concentration in air & exposure of joggers at the University campus of Bangalore, India”, G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, Vol. 44(3), pp325-333, (2008). 11. “Variations of radon and thoron concentrations in different types of dwellings in Mysore city, India”, T. S. Shashikumar, M. S. Chandrashekara, N. Nagaiah and L. Paramesh, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 133(1), pp 44-49, (2009). 12. “Preparation and characterization of lead monoxide filled unsaturated polyester based polymer composites for Gamma radiation shielding applications”, V. Harish, N. Nagaiah, T. Niranjana Prabhu and K. T. Varughese, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 112, pp1503-1508, (2009). 13. “Study of atmospheric electrical conductivity, SO2, NO2 aerosols SPM (>10µ) in Mysore city, India”, N. Ragini, M. S. Chandrashekara, N. Nagaiah and L. Paramesh, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 91, No. 4, pp605-609, (2009). 14. “Thermo-Mechanical analysis of lead monoxide filled unsaturated polyester based polymer composite radiation shields”, V.Harish and N. Nagaiah, T. Niranjana Prabhu and K. T. Varughese, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 117, pp3623-3629, (2010). 15. “Indoor radon concentration and its possible dependence on ventilation rate and flooring type”, G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, pp1-9, (2011). 16. “Study of Radon exhalation rate from soil, Bangalore, South India, Radiation Protection and Environment”, G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad and M. R. Ambika, Vol. 34, Issue : 4, pp 235-239 (2011). 17. “Residential radon exposure in some areas of Bangalore city, India”, G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad, M. R Ambika, L. A. Sathish and N. Karunakara, Radiation Protection and Environment, Vol. 35, Issue : 2, pp 59-63 (2012). 18. “Lead Oxides filled with Isophthalic resin polymer composites for Gamma radiation shielding applications”, Harish. V, N. Nagaiah & H. G. Harish Kumar, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol. 50, pp 847-850,(2012). 19. “Influence of Physico-chemical parameters on the distribution of Uranium in ground water of Bangalore, India”, Ningaiah Nagaiah, Gladys Mathews, Karthik Kumar Mysore Balakrishna, Ambika Madalakote Rajanna & Karunakara Naregundi, Radiation Protection and Environment, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp175-180, (2013). PAPERS PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES 1. N. Nagaiah, S. Malini, L. Paramesh and P. Venkataramaiah, “Studies on environmental radioactivity around Mysore”, Proceedings of X National Symposium on Radiation Physics, Kalpakkam and Madras, pp 319-320, Aug. 1994. 2. N. Nagaiah, S. Malini, L. Paramesh, P. Venkataramaiah, and M. Raghavayya, “Dependence of Po-210 to Ra-226 ratio on soil characteristics”, Proceedings of IV National Symposium on Environment, Madras, pp219-222, Feb.1995. 3. N. Nagaiah, L. Paramesh, P. Venkataramaiah, and M. Raghavayya, “A Study of radiation dose due to radon daughters in Mysore city”, Proceedings of XI National Symposium on Radiation Physics, Patiala, pp115-118, Oct. 1995. 4. N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah and D. N. Avadhani, “ External gamma dose rate in and around Bangalore University- A preliminary survey”, National Seminar on New Horizons in Environmental Sciences and Engineering in India, Bangalore University, Bangalore, pp111, Nov. 2004. 5. N. G. Shivaprasad, G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah, D. N. Avadhani and H. M. Mahesh, “Concentrations of 222Rn in ground water of Bangalore environment”, Proceedings of XVI National Symposium on Radiation Physics, Madras (Chennai), pp702-707, Jan. 2006. 6. N. Nagaiah, S. Malini, L. Paramesh and P. Venkataramaiah, “Gamma activity of natural radionuclides in the soils of Mysore”, Proceedings of XIV National Symposium on Radiation Physics, Amritsar, pp449-452, Nov. 2001. 7. G. V. Ashok, N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah, “Study of radon daughters activity in air at Bangalore”, Proceedings of Nuclear and Radiochemistry Symposium (NUCAR-2007), Vadodara, pp609-610, Feb. 2007. 8. N. G. Shivaprasad, G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and H. M. Mahesh, “Natural radiation level at Bangalore University campus”, Proceedings of Nuclear and Radiochemistry Symposium (NUCAR-2007), Vadodara, pp611-612, Feb. 2007. 9. N. G. Shivaprasad, G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. Karunakara, “ Natural radiation level near granite quarries of Bangalore region”, Proceedings of XV National Symposium on Environment (NSE-15), Coimbatore, pp473-476, 2007. 10. V. Harish, N. Nagaiah, T. Niranjana Prabhu and K. T. Varughese, “Gamma radiation shielding and thermal resistance of unsaturated polyester resin filled with lead monoxide”, International Conference on Polymeric Materials in Power Engineering (ICMPE 2007), Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, pp88-91, 2007. 11. G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad, “Effect of ventilation rate and flooring type on indoor radon levels and the resultant inhalation dose to the inhabitants, Bangalore India”. Proceedings of National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-17), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkota. pp 56-60, Nov 2007. 12. M. S. Chandrashekara, N. Nagaiah, L. Paramesh, T. S. Shashi Kumar and N. Ragini. “Studies on radon in soil gas and its concentration in the atmosphere around Mysore city, India”. Proceedings of National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-17), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkota. pp 46-50, Nov 2007. 13. L. Paramesh, N. Nagaiah and M. S. Chandrashekara. “Studies on radon and its progeny concentration in different types of dwellings in Mysore city, India”. Proceedings of National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-17), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkota. pp 41-45, Nov 2007. 14. V. Harish and N. Nagaiah, “Gamma radiation shielding characteristics of lead monoxide filled isophthalate resin matrix polymer composites”, proceedings of the 53rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium (2008), BARC Mumbai, pp1283-1284, Dec. 2008. 15. G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad, “Study of Indoor Radon levels and the assessment of inhalation dose to the students of a college, in Bangalore, India” Proceedings of Nuclear and Radiochemistry Symposium (NUCAR-2009), SVKM‟S Mithibai college, Vile Parle, Mumbai. pp 617-622, Jan. 2009. 16. N. G. Shiva Prasad, N. Nagaiah, C.T. Nanda Kumar, G. V. Ashok and H.M. Mahesh, “ Dissloved Rn-222 concentration in potable waters of Kanakapura region of Bangalore, India”, Proceedings of Nuclear and Radiochemistry Symposium (NUCAR-2009), SVKM‟S Mithibai college, Vile Parle, Mumbai. pp 617-622, Jan. 2009. 17. T. S. Shashikumar, M. S. Chandrashekara, N. Nagaiah and L. Paramesh, “Variations of radon and thoron concentrations in different types of dwellings in Mysore city, India”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 133(1), pp 44-49, Jan. 2009. 18. V. Harish and N. Nagaiah, T. Niranjana Prabhu and K. T. Varughese, “Preparation and characterization of lead monoxide filled unsaturated polyester based polymer composites for Gamma radiation shielding applications”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 112, pp1503-1508, Feb. 2009. 19. N. Ragini, M. S. Chandrashekara, N. Nagaiah and L. Paramesh, “Study of atmospheric electrical conductivity, SO2, NO2 aerosols SPM (>10µ) in Mysore city, India”, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 91, No. 4, pp605-609, June 2009. 20. V. Harish and N. Nagaiah, “Evaluation of theoretical and experimental attenuation coefficients of polymer composite radiation shields”, 18th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-18), Udaipur, Rajastan (India) Nov. 2009. 21. N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah, G. V. Ashok and N. Karunakara, “Comparative study on Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 concentrations near granite quarries and other regions around Bangalore”, National Conference On Accelerator And Low Level Radiation Safety (NCALLRS-09) , IUAC, New Delhi, Nov. 2009. 22. N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah, and G. V. Ashok, “Ingestion dose due to uranium in ground water for different age groups in the environment of Bangalore, Karnataka”, 18th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-18), Udaipur, Rajastan (India) Nov. 2009. 23. V. Harish , N. Nagaiah. „Kinetic Analysis of Thermal Degradation of Lead Monoxide Filled Unsaturated Polyester Based Polymer Composites‟, 54th DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium, The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara, Dec 14-18, 2009. 24. N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah, G. V. Ashok and H. M. Mahesh, “Radon levels in ground waters near granite quarries and related health issues”, International conference on water, plumbing, sanitation and health: Issues and challenges-A Transdisciplinary approach, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 4th-5th Oct. 2010. 25. V. Harish, and N. Nagaiah, “Thermal degradation of lead monoxide filled polymer composite radiation shields”, 55th DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium, Manipal Uniiversity, Manipal, Dec. 26th- 30th 2010. AIP conference proceedings, 2011, 1349, pp 89-90. 26. V. Harish, H. G. Harish Kumar and N. Nagaiah, “Dielectric properties of lead monoxide filled unsaturated polyester based polymer composites”, 55th DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium, Manipal Uniiversity, Manipal, Dec. 26th- 30th 2010. AIP conference proceedings, 2011, 1349, pp 983-984. 27. G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad, “Study of radon concentration and its influencing factors in the lower atmosphere, Bangalore, South India”, International Symposium on Accelerator and Radiation Physics Research, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, Feb. 16th -18th 2011. 28. V.Harish, N. Nagaiah and Ganesh Sanjeev, “ Radiation induced surface modifications in Lead Monoxide filled polymer composites”, Polycon 2011 – 5th National conference on plastic and rubber technology (NCPRT), Department of polymer science and technology, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore, April 22nd and 23rd 2011. 29. V. Harish , N. Nagaiah, H. G. Raj Prakash, Ganesh Sanjeev, R. Somashekar B. M. Chandrashekar,„High Energy Electron Beam Induced Effects In Polymer Composite Radiation Shields‟, Seventeenth National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors and Their Applications (SSNTD-17), M S University of Baroda, Vadodara, Oct 17-19, 2011. 30. V. Harish, N. Nagaiah, Lead oxides filled Isophthalic resin Polymer composites for Gamma radiation shielding Applications, Proceeding‟s of International Conference on Accelerator Radiation Safety (CARS2011), BARC, Mumbai, Nov 16-18, 2011. 31. G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad, M. R Ambika, L. A. Sathish and N. Karunakara, “Residential radon exposure in some areas of Bangalore city, India, 30th IARP Conference on Radiological Protection and safety in Nuclear Reactors and Radiation Installations (IARPNC-12), Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, Mar 15-17, 2012. 32. G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad and M. R. Ambika, “Study of Radon exhalation rate from soil, Bangalore, South India, 30th IARP Conference on Radiological Protection and safety in Nuclear Reactors and Radiation Installations (IARPNC-12), Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, Mar 15-17, 2012. 33. G. V. Ashok , N. Nagaiah, N. G. Shiva prasad , M. R. Ambika. Diurnal and seasonal variations in radon related radioactivity in the outdoor environment, proceedings NSRP19, Mamallapuram, Chennai, India. Dec 12-14, 2012. 34. N. G. Shivaprasad, N. Nagaiah and G.V. Ashok “210Po and 210Pb concentration in drinking water of Bangalore and its surroundings”, 2nd International conference on Po and radioactive Pb isotopes (INCO-PoPb-2013) Mangalore University, Mangalore, Feb. 10-13, 2013. 35. V. Harish, N. Nagaiah, H. G. Raj Prakash, Ganesh Sanjeev, R. Somashekar and B. M. Chandrashekar “ High Energy Electron Beam Induced Effects in Polymer Composite for Radiation Shields”, Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors and their Applications, Editor: N. L. Singh, copyright @2013, Narosa Publishing house, New Delhi. 36. Gladys Mathews, N. Nagaiah, M. B. Karthik Kumar, M. R. Ambika & N. Karunakara “Concentration of Uranium in Ground Water and the Associated Radiation dose to the population of Bangalore city, South India”, National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Physics for Ionizing Radiations, Aerosols and Material Science (ETPRAM-13), Punjabi University, Patiala, Dec 13-14, 2013. 37. Gladys Mathews, N. Nagaiah, M. B. Karthik Kumar, M. R. Ambika & N. Karunakara “Health risk assessment of natural Uranium in ground water, Bangalore, India”, 31st National Conference on Advances in radiation measurement systems and techniques – IARPNC-2014 held at BARC, Anushakthi nagar, Mumbai, during March 19-21, 2014. 38. N. Nagaiah, Gladys Mathews, M. B. Karthik Kumar, M. R. Ambika & N. Karunakara, “Study of concentration of Uranium and physicochemical parameters in Ground water and the Ingested Radiation dose to the population of Bangalore, South India”, 2014 International Conference on Environment and Sustainability (ICES-2014) held at Hong Kong during May 25-26, 2014. 39. M. R. Ambika, N. Nagaiah & V. Harish “Gamma attenuation studies of unsaturated polyester based polymer composites filled with bismuth oxide”, International Conference on Radiation Effects & Radiation Protection (RERP-2014) held at Suzhou, China, during 26th-28th Aug. 2014 (Conducted by Scientific Research Group). 40. M. R. Ambika, N. Nagaiah & V. Harish “Evaluation of attenuation coefficients of Bi2O3 filled Isophthalic resin polymer composite gamma radiation shields”, Third International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization held at Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, during 11th – 13th Oct. 2014. 41. M. R. Ambika, N. Nagaiah & R. Somashekar, “Structural Characterisation of Bi2O3 filled Unsaturated Polyester based polymer composite radiation shields by X Ray diffraction”, International Conference on Emerging materials: Characterisation & Application (ICEMCA-2014) held at NIT, Durgapur, Kolkata, during 4th – 6th Dec. 2014. 42. M. B. Karthik Kumar, N. Nagaiah, Gladys Mathews & M. R. Ambika, “ Natural radioactivity levels in surface soils of Bangalore University campus, Bangalore and their dependence on soil parameters”, National Symposium on Environment (NSE-19), MG University, Kottayam, Kerala, during 11th-13th Dec. 2014 Chapter contribution in the Books: Sl.No 1 Title of the Book Nuclear Physics, Cosmic rays and Elementary particle Physics Publisher Director of Distance Education. Year of Publication 2005 (Chapter 10 & 11) AWARDS/ FELLOWSHIP 1. Worked as JRF during 1991-1992 in an AERB project entitled “Studies on Environmental Radiations and Pollutions in and around Mysore”. 2. Our Research paper entitled “Radon daughters‟ concentration in air and exposure of joggers at the university campus of Bangalore, India”, Isotopes in environmental and health studies. (G. V. Ashok, N. Nagaiah and N. G. Shiva Prasad) Vol. 44(3), (2008) pp325-333 was placed in the First position among the top 50 Biomedical articles surveyed from 2006-2011 by MEDLINE R A Database of the US National Library of Medicine. 3. Best Presentation award, ICPPC-2014, Kottayam, Kerala, Oct 2014. 4. Best Poster Presentation award, Workshop on Crystallography-IyCr, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Oct 2014. INVITED TALKS IN INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL SEMINARS/SYMPOSIA/WORKSHOPS 1. “Nuclear safety, health, dosage and Environment” - Academic interaction Programme organised by V.V.S. First Grade College for women, Bangalore – 79 in collaboration with BRNS – Mumbai on 02. 03. 2009 2. “Radon and its progeny concentration in the environment” – NSRP 2014 held during 25-26 March 2014 at Department of Physics, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 26.03.2014. 3. Invited talks on i) “Interaction of nuclear radiation with matter” ii) „Nuclear Detectors” Refresher Course in Physics organized by Academic Staff College, Bangalore University, Bangalore on 08.04.2014. 4. “RADON-ITS PRESENCE, DETECTION, DEPENDENCE AND EFFECTS”- International Conference on Radiation Effects & Radiation Protection (RERP-2014) held at Suzhou, China, during 26th-28th Aug. 2014 (Conducted by Scientific Research Group). 5. “Gamma Radiation Shielding characteristics and thermal stability of lead oxides filled isophthalic resin polymer composites” – Third International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization held at Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, during 11th – 13th Oct. 2014. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS/AFFILIATIONS Life member of Indian Physics Association Life member of Indian society for Radiation Physics SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION 1. Incharge - M.Sc Nuclear & Particle Physics lab since 2003. 2. Having installed one online ambient gamma radiation level monitoring system (IERMON), designed and fabricated by BARC, DAE, Mumbai at free of cost. 3. Research guidance: Three students have been awarded Master of Philosophy in Physics & Three students have been awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Physics. Presently, three students are pursuing their research work. 4. Currently, handling two major research projects (UGC & BRNS)